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采用现地访谈和问卷调查法,对蟒河保护区内人兽冲突问题进行了调查研究.分析了保护区内人与华北豹、猕猴、野猪等野生动物发生冲突的原因,从加强宣传教育、健全生态补偿机制、建立食物源基地等方面提出了解决人与野生动物冲突的建议.以期为有效缓解人兽冲突,推进自然区保护事业发展提供参考.  相似文献   

国内外野生动物肇事现状及其防控措施   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
人类活动范围的不断扩张导致野生动物栖息地随之缩小。野生动物肇事现象日趋严重, 造成的农作物损失和人员伤亡事件日益增多, 破坏庄稼、伤害家禽与家畜、伤人是野生动物主要的3种肇事类型。如何防控野生动物肇事以及怎样减少人兽冲突是野生动物肇事相关研究中的热点。文中概述了各肇事类型中典型性动物的肇事现状, 归纳了野生动物肇事的5类防控措施, 包括物理防控、化学防控、生物防控、基因防控以及通过管理手段进行的防控, 并提出了研究展望, 以期加深对人类与野生动物冲突的认识, 并为野生动物防控技术的研发提供参考。  相似文献   

随着社会经济发展及人类对土地资源的扩张,野生动物栖息地不断减少,生物多样性恢复性质量不断降低,人兽冲突、野生动物肇事事件频发;人与野生动物的矛盾日渐尖锐。为此,应加强保护区周边土地利用情况的调查,重视了解野生动物的生活状态,宣传国家保护区周边社区人口、产业、环境的保护政策,协调人地关系至关重要。以石首麋鹿国家级自然保护区为例,分析了成立30年人兽冲突原因,提出了缓解冲突的建议:(1)控制开发资源的程度、推动人类适度利用资源;(2)强化部门协调、兼顾土地的生产与生态功能;(3)建立国家公园体系,推进生态旅游,探索野生动物等自然资源合理利用途径,以促进保护和利用有机统一。  相似文献   

探究成渝城市群土地利用冲突问题对促进区域可持续发展具有重要意义。对成渝城市群2010—2020年土地利用变化特征进行分析,并运用景观生态风险评价方法对土地利用冲突进行测算,通过空间自相关和地统计学方法研究其分异特征。结果表明:(1)成渝城市群土地利用以耕地、林地为主,土地利用类型面积呈“三增三减”的变化趋势,建设用地、林地面积增长明显。(2)成渝城市群土地利用冲突整体以可控级别为主,但冲突强度有所上涨,并在空间分布上具有明显的空间集聚性。不同土地类型冲突强度有所不同,冲突主要集中在耕地、林地、建设用地类型上。(3)人类活动对土地利用冲突影响逐渐增强,2010—2020年成渝城市群土地利用冲突块基比由0.197上升至0.487,空间相关性减弱,自然因素对土地利用冲突的影响逐渐减弱。2010—2020年成渝城市群土地利用冲突加剧,人类活动对冲突影响加强,后续发展中应加强土地监管和完善法律保护措施。  相似文献   

《山东林业科技》创刊于1971年,是由山东省林业科学研究院与山东林学会共同主办的以林业及相关学科为主的综合性学术期刊。国内统一连续出版物号:CN37—1112/S;国际标准连续出版物号:ISSN1002—2724。双月刊,国内外公开发行。面向国内外林业及相关领域工作者组稿。  相似文献   

动物源性疫病作为一个重要的人类公共健康问题.日益受到世界各国的重视。近年来.随着人们对传染性疾病溯源的深入研究.发现野生动物疾病与人类的健康有着直接关系。野生动物不仅是宝贵的自然资源,而且是天然的“病原库”,是狂犬病、鼠疫、高致病性禽流感等诸多人兽共患病的携带者和自然宿主.严重威胁珍稀濒危野生动物的保护.甚至直接威胁家养动物、人类的生命健康。  相似文献   

李晓娟  丁艺 《森林工程》2006,22(1):41-43
阐述交通冲突的基本概念和技术方法.阐明交通冲突技术的优越性,分析国内外交通冲突技术的研究现状及存在问题,在理论和工程应用两方面,提出交通冲突技术进一步研究的一些看法或设想。  相似文献   

一、我国自然保护区面临的社区背景 (一)社区人口压力大 人类活动对自然生态环境的干扰是造成保护与发展矛盾冲突的最根本原因。人口的增加使得对自然资源的需求不断扩大,人类在拓展自身生存空间的同时,生态环境所受到的压力也与日俱增。  相似文献   

在高职学院发展初期如何合理地看待冲突、缓和与避免冲突的发生、有效地控制和引导冲突的发展,是一个应该正视的问题。该文通过对高职学院发展初期内部各种冲突现象的根源和具体表现的分析,提出应对冲突管理的相关策略,为高职学院的管理提供借鉴。  相似文献   

《山东林业科技》创刊于1971年,是由山东省林业科学研究院与山东林学会共同主办的以林业及相关学科为主的综合性学术期刊。国内统一连续出版物号:CN37~1112/S;国际标准连续出版物号:ISSN1002—2724。双月刊,国内外公开发行。面向国内外林业及相关领域工作者组稿。主要刊登林果种苗、造林、育种、森林经营、森林经理、森林生态与水土保持、林木与野生动物保护、自然保护区建设、  相似文献   

In this paper, circumstances where various human activities and interests clash with the conservation of forest biodiversity are examined, with particular focus on the drivers behind the conflicts. After identifying past and current human-related threats potentially leading to conflicts in forests, the paper will focus on conflict management and monitoring, with an emphasis on inclusionary stakeholder networks and a range of approaches towards sustainable land use. Three dimensions of conflicts are examined: substance (‘how things are’), procedure (‘how things are done’), and relationships (‘how people behave’). These relations will relate to three conflict management approaches: (1) technical, which may contribute to reduce or solve the conflict acting on the ‘substance’ dimension, (2) political, which may influence the ‘procedure’ dimension of the conflict establishing principles or rules, and (3) cultural, which may affect the ‘relationship’ dimension of the conflict. Finally, a general model of adaptive conflict management emphasising communication among the parties and a participatory approach that involves monitoring of the conflict resolution outcomes is proposed. The recognition that strong perceptions among stakeholders have the potential to aggravate conflicts is central to the concept of a inclusionary conflict management framework, improved communication between all stakeholders, and better awareness of the context of the conflicts is emphasised.  相似文献   


Forests are under increasing pressure with increasing risk of conflicts between stakeholder groups with different interests in sustainable forest management (SFM). This study investigated the different dimensions of conflict as perceived by private forest owners and other stakeholders, and the likely impact of these pressures on SFM in a southern Swedish context. Data were collected through a mixed methods approach using qualitative in-depth individual semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions and a quantitative survey (n?=?6–161), with questions on present and past conflicts, actors, drivers, acting, management and solutions. Stakeholders felt that in the past the conflicts were more about technical dimensions of forestry practice, and today more about the political and cultural dimensions of forestry issues. The most frequently mentioned reason for forest conflict was forest protection, especially woodland key habitats. In all conflicts, forest owners emphasised the importance of knowledge, responsibility and emotions. Other stakeholders did too, but with emotions less emphasised. In managing conflict, meetings, adaptation and education were stressed by stakeholders. Dialogue arenas on different levels are needed for all stakeholders. Governing bodies also need to realise the implication different approaches and strategies have on forest owners management.  相似文献   

In this paper, circumstances where various human activities and interests clash with the conservation of forest biodiversity are examined, with particular focus on the drivers behind the conflicts. After identifying past and current human-related threats potentially leading to conflicts in forests, the paper will focus on conflict management and monitoring, with an emphasis on inclusionary stakeholder networks and a range of approaches towards sustainable land use. Three dimensions of conflicts are examined: substance (‘how things are’), procedure (‘how things are done’), and relationships (‘how people behave’). These relations will relate to three conflict management approaches: (1) technical, which may contribute to reduce or solve the conflict acting on the ‘substance’ dimension, (2) political, which may influence the ‘procedure’ dimension of the conflict establishing principles or rules, and (3) cultural, which may affect the ‘relationship’ dimension of the conflict. Finally, a general model of adaptive conflict management emphasising communication among the parties and a participatory approach that involves monitoring of the conflict resolution outcomes is proposed. The recognition that strong perceptions among stakeholders have the potential to aggravate conflicts is central to the concept of a inclusionary conflict management framework, improved communication between all stakeholders, and better awareness of the context of the conflicts is emphasised.  相似文献   

Communal forests, or Montes Veciñais en Man Común (MVMC), are a specific form of communal land tenure and a singular legal category in Galicia, a region in Northwest Spain. MVMC extend over one third of the area of the region. Over the years, MVMC have undergone many changes in terms of ownership and resource management. Such changes have resulted in land tenure insecurity among current landowners, who live in rural areas. The new land uses–mainly related to energy sources–the demographic changes, the role of the Public Administration as a manager of MVMC, the presence of private companies with interests in forests, and the disagreement between forest communities or among commoners of the same community have brought about many conflicts that have gone beyond the limits of forests and have been reflected in public opinion. This paper aims to provide a deeper insight into the level and mode of management of MVMC by determining the level and cause of conflicts associated with this type of forest. To this end, local and regional newspaper articles about conflicts in forest communities were compiled from libraries. In order to find correlations between the different social, economic or environmental variables and the degree of conflict, statistical and spatial analyses were performed. Results reveal a stronger impact of environmental conflicts and conflicts between commoners and government organizations, and a very uneven spatial distribution of conflicts. In addition, this article discusses the interpretation of the higher or lower degree of conflict as a positive or negative contribution to the management of privately owned common land, thus contributing a new methodology to determine the causes and consequences of conflicts over common land management.  相似文献   

天保工程的实施对天保地区的生态、经济与社会产生了综合影响,同时与利益相关者也产生了一些矛盾和冲突,主要表现在:天然林保护与森林经营者之间,天然林保护与林业管理体制之间,天然林保护与林区干部、职工、林农观念之间等。形成这些冲突的原因是错综复杂的。但从主要层面分析,天然林保护的外部性是冲突产生的客观原因,天然林保护理念的绝对化是冲突产生的根源,国家采取的强制性制度变迁是冲突产生的制度原因。此外,林业管理体制僵化和产权交易机制不健全则分别是国有和集体天然林地区冲突产生的关键。  相似文献   

冲突行为在灵长类中普遍存在,通过对灵长类动物冲突和冲突后行为的研究,可以了解灵长类的冲突管理和解决冲突的策略,并由此加深理解人类的冲突与和解行为的演化历史和渊源.通过观察并分析动物行为,发现攻击原因有:食物、婴儿和无特殊事件,社会因素也是引起冲突的原因之一.人们早期对冲突后行为的研究主要集中于对和解行为的研究.随着研究的深入,对转向攻击、安慰及替代和解等其他冲突后行为也有涉猎.对人类冲突行为的研究不及非人灵长类冲突行为的研究深入,但这个状况正在改变.对人类冲突行为的研究发现与对非人灵长类的研究发现有惊人的相似之处.  相似文献   

Progress in implementing ecosystem approaches to conservation and restoration is slowed by legitimate concerns about the effects of such approaches on individual imperiled species. The perceived conflict between the restoration of fire-excluded forests and concomitant reduction of dense fuels and high-severity wildfire, versus the recovery of endangered species, has led to a policy ambiguity that has slowed on-the-ground action at a time when active management is urgently needed, both for ecosystem restoration and species conservation. The Mexican spotted owl (Strix occidentalis lucida) in the southwestern U.S.A. is emblematic of this perceived conflict, with numerous appeals and lawsuits focused on the species and vast acres of forest managed with habitat quality for this species in mind. We use spatial analysis across large landscapes in Arizona to examine potential conflicts between the desire to reduce the likelihood of uncharacteristically severe wildfire and restore native fire regimes, and the concurrent desire and legal mandate to manage forests for the recovery of the owl. Our spatially explicit analysis indicates that real conflicts between these management objectives exist, but that locations where conflicts might inhibit active forest management represent less than 1/3 of the 811,000 ha study region. Furthermore, within the areas where conflicts might be expected, the majority of the forest could be managed in ways that would reduce fire hazard without eliminating owl habitat. Finally, management treatments that emphasize ecosystem restoration might improve the suitability of large areas of forest habitat in the southwest that is currently unsuitable for owls. These results demonstrate that even where policy conflicts exist, their magnitude has been overstated. Active restoration of dry forests from which fire has been excluded is compatible in many areas with conservation and recovery of the owl. Identifying and prioritizing areas to meet the dual goals of ecosystem restoration and imperiled species conservation require a broad spatial approach that is analytically feasible but currently underutilized. Working together, conservation biologists, restoration ecologists, and forest managers can employ landscape-level spatial analysis to identify appropriate areas for management attention, identify suitable management practices, and explore the predicted consequences of alternative management scenarios on forests, fire ecology, and the fate of sensitive species of conservation concern.  相似文献   

Contests over scarce and shared natural resources continue to headline conflicts across the world’s geographic regions. The transfrontier conservation areas (TFCAs) concept gained widespread acceptance as one of the promising conflict management strategies. However, following the establishment of TFCAs by various countries, questions about their contribution to conflict management and resolution are emerging. Motivated by the institutional work concept, the contribution of TFCAs and their institutional framework for peace and cooperation efforts was assessed. Using field experience and the archival method, 131 journal articles, books and reports on natural resources and conflict management were reviewed between 2010 and 2016. The review process focused mainly, but not limited to TFCAs and their institutional frameworks in the Southern African Development Community (SADC). Findings indicate that TFCAs and their institutional frameworks are relevant to peace and cooperation efforts in SADC provided the stakeholders at various levels are committed to the actions agreed upon. However, making conclusive statements without further comprehensive studies on the contribution of other peace-promoting interventions within the SADC region besides TFCAs may be ill conceived. Governments and other key stakeholders are recommended to further harmonize conservation legislation, institutions and management practices to promote cooperation at the local and regional level.  相似文献   

In November 2013, Suzano Papel e Celulose, a Brazilian paper company, is projected to inaugurate the world's largest pulp mill in Imperatriz in the remote state of Maranhão, Eastern Amazon. This investment will further consolidate Brazil's position as the leading exporter of wood-pulp coming from vast, corporate-controlled industrial plantations. These inland forestry investments are a feature of the second wave of large pulp projects, extending inland from the best lands in the coastal belt via accessible rivers and railroad networks. This globally significant inland expansion has been poorly studied, if at all. No publications exist on this Suzano pulp project. Empirically, this article provides a baseline study on the political economic dynamics.The case is highly relevant for conflict theory. Generally, industrial tree plantation expansion has boosted grievances, but the resistance and conflicts have varied depending on the social actors' agency. In comparison to the high-intensity conflicts between the rural social movements such as the Brazilian Landless Movement (MST) and the pulp companies in most other new investments, there has been a rare absence of conflict in this case, as no movement has seized on local grievances. Conflicts cannot be studied in-depth by focusing only on conflict cases. Absence-cases open up an opportunity to revisit the question why conflicts arise. An analysis of this case allows an empirically rooted theoretical discussion on conflict causalities, which can answer several vexing questions in the study of conflicts. A new and generally applicable typology of different types of grievances is offered, and the grievances' causal relation to conflicts is examined. The importance of political dynamics and inter-personal relations in investment conflicts is emphasized. The way culture influences conflict dynamics is pondered upon by ethnography of the Brazilian conflict culture, where personal relations are more relevant in explaining conflict escalation than in the political systems with a stronger (impersonal) rule of law. The role of third parties such as other industries in the investment area is discussed. A qualitative comparative analysis of the major pulp project conflicts and their causes in Latin America is offered. Mobilization and thus conflict causality is explainable only when taking into account the types of grievances and the local, inter-personal, and organizational (state–business–movement) relations by which these are remediated and negotiated.  相似文献   

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