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增温对微生物残体积累的影响对土壤碳库收支平衡具有重要意义。目前关于增温背景下微生物残体的响应规律和主要影响因素尚未明确。为此,以土壤氨基糖为微生物残体标识物,筛选国内外已发表的12篇文献,收集总氨基糖数据29组,氨基葡萄糖35组,胞壁酸39组,氨基半乳糖25组,利用Meta分析方法,探讨了增温对土壤微生物残体积累的影响及主控因素。结果表明:整体上,增温背景下微生物残体积累有所增加,但响应规律具有生态系统特异性,其中,农田生态系统中微生物残体对增温的响应更为敏感。增温对不同来源氨基糖的影响程度不同,表现为增温显著增加了土壤中氨基半乳糖和胞壁酸的含量,增幅分别为10.3%和5.0%。相应地,增温显著降低了氨基葡萄糖与胞壁酸的比值,说明增温有利于细菌残体的积累。增温背景下,细菌残体占土壤有机碳(SOC)比例显著增加,微生物残体和真菌残体对SOC的贡献比例无显著改变,暗示增温后真菌残体对有机碳库的贡献有所削弱。Meta分析发现,增温幅度是影响微生物残体积累的主要因子,增温幅度小于或等于2 ℃时,微生物残体的积累数量会增加,增加比例为2.7%~14.6%,而增温幅度大于2 ℃则会降低微生物残体在土壤中的积累,降低比例为8.0%~14.3%。此外,增温的时间尺度不同(短期、中期、长期)也会对微生物残体产生不同的影响效应。综上,增温会显著影响微生物残体在土壤中的积累动态及其对有机碳库的贡献比例,影响强度和方向又与生态系统类型和土壤深度有关,而增温幅度、增温时间和年均降水量是影响微生物残体积累的重要因素。 相似文献
连年秸秆覆盖对玉米产量及土壤微生物残体碳积累的影响 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
为明确连年秸秆覆盖对玉米产量及土壤微生物残体碳的影响,从而揭示秸秆覆盖条件下土壤有机碳积累的微生物学机制,该研究基于田间8 a长期定位小区试验,比较了不覆盖秸秆(CK)和覆盖秸秆(SM)两处理中玉米产量,同时利用一阶动力学模型对土壤(0~10 cm和>10~20 cm)中有机碳、微生物残体碳及两者比例的年际变化进行了拟合。结果表明:1)秸秆覆盖在前5 a内没有显著提高玉米产量,第6年开始产量显著增加;在前2~3 a没有显著提高土壤有机碳和微生物残体碳含量;2)利用一阶动力学模型参数得到,SM处理显著提高了表层土壤有机碳、微生物残体碳以及两者比例的最大值,较CK处理分别高12%、39%、6%;3)SM处理显著延长了表层土壤有机碳、微生物残体碳以及两者比例达到最大值的时间,较CK处理分别多13、12和2.5 a,然而SM处理并没有显著影响下层土壤有机碳、微生物残体碳及两者比例的变化。因此,秸秆覆盖能够通过显著提高表层微生物残体碳及其对土壤有机碳的贡献,进而有利于对整个耕层土壤有机碳的固持。 相似文献
土壤微生物残体是当前的热点研究领域,本研究在系统描述1991~2022年期间土壤微生物残体领域的研究现状及研究热点的基础上,分析了该领域尚存的一些有待解决的问题,有助于相关学者加深对该研究领域的理解,对进一步聚焦土壤微生物残体领域的研究方向具有重要参考价值。采用文献计量方法,对1991~2022年期间WOS(Web of Science)核心合集数据库收录的该研究领域论文的数量、被引频次、作者、国家(地区)、研究机构、期刊以及关键词进行统计。基于VOSviewer可视化软件分析贡献居前的作者、国家(地区)、研究机构、期刊以及重要关键词。(1)在1991~2022年间,中国学者在本研究领域共发表论文179篇,排名世界第一,占该领域全部文章总数的54.41%。(2)根据年度发文量,该领域的研究历程大体可分为三个阶段,分别为萌芽期(1991~2003年)、波动发展期(2004~2015年)和指数增长期(2016~2022年)。(3)何红波、梁超、张旭东以及丁雪丽是本研究领域的核心作者。(4)中国科学院是核心研究机构。(5)Soil Biology&Biochemistry为WOS数据... 相似文献
【目的】温带森林土壤氨基糖的转化特征对外源氮素和凋落物加入的响应研究,对于温带森林土壤氮素管理和缓解氮沉降所带来的负面影响具有重要的意义。【方法】采用室内恒温恒湿模拟培养的方法,研究了外源氮素和凋落物添加条件下温带森林土壤有机层中3种微生物来源的氨基糖含量的变化特征,并利用真菌和细菌来源氨基糖的比值(氨基葡萄糖/胞壁酸),分析了外源物质添加条件下真菌和细菌残留物对土壤氮素转化和积累的相对贡献。【结果】温带森林有机层土壤中不同微生物来源氨基糖对外源物质加入的响应不同。单施氮素以及氮素与凋落物同时添加均有利于细菌残留物胞壁酸的积累,但是单施氮素添加对真菌残留物氨基葡萄糖含量的积累没有影响,且氮素与凋落物同时添加不利于氨基葡萄糖含量的积累。氨基半乳糖对外源物质添加的响应较小。真菌残留物的稳定性高于细菌残留物,氮素与凋落同时加入时不利于土壤微生物残留物的稳定性。此外,土壤中真菌和细菌来源氨基糖的比值受到外源物质加入的影响,单施氮素以及氮素与凋落物添加降低了氨基葡萄糖/胞壁酸比值(分别降低28.3%和30.5%),两种外源物质加入时细菌残留物对氮素转化的相对贡献大于真菌残留物。【结论】外源氮素和... 相似文献
接种蚯蚓对加入不同植物残体土壤微生物特性的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过室内试验,研究不同类型土壤和植物残体施用下接种蚯蚓对土壤微生物群落组成及活性的影响,为将蚯蚓引入农田及水土流失区提供理论依据。供试土壤为黏粒含量较低的灰潮土和黏粒含量较高的典型红壤,供试植物残体为高碳氮比的玉米秸秆和低碳氮比的三叶草,供试蚯蚓为体型较大的威廉腔环蚓(Metaphire guillelmi)。结果表明:接种蚯蚓对微生物量碳(MBC)无显著影响;不同土壤无论是否施用植物残体,接种蚯蚓均使土壤基础呼吸(BR)显著增大,尤其是不施用植物残体时;两种土壤中不施用植物残体和施用三叶草时,接种蚯蚓均使代谢熵(qCO2)增大,而施用玉米秸秆接种蚯蚓使qCO2有下降趋势。Biolog孔平均颜色变化(AWCD)在接种蚯蚓时均增大,基质利用丰富度(S)和多样性指数(H)也增大,且未施用秸秆时的变化较为明显;主成分分析(PCA)表明接种蚯蚓后土壤微生物群落组成与结构发生了明显变化。土壤微生物群落特性变化受蚯蚓、土壤及植物残体间交互作用的影响。 相似文献
免耕对土壤微生物量碳影响的Meta分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
为综合分析免耕(NT)对土壤微生物碳含量的影响程度,以常规耕作(CT)为对照,收集国内外关于免耕对土壤微生物碳研究已公开发表的41篇文献的田间试验数据162组,采用Meta数据整合分析方法,定量分析中国不同区域、气候类型和试验年限下,免耕对于中国农田土壤微生物碳含量的影响。结果表明,与常规耕作相比,免耕能显著提高土壤微生物碳的含量,免耕-常规耕作(NT-CT)的加权均数差值(WMD)为49.29 mg·kg-1;免耕对土壤中微生物碳含量的影响存在区域差异性,西南地区WMD最大,湿润区(年降雨量>800 mm)免耕对土壤微生物碳含量的正效应最显著;年均温度10~15℃和年均温度>15℃时,免耕土壤中微生物碳含量显著高于常规耕作,且随着温度的升高而增加;免耕年限能够显著影响土壤微生物碳含量,以长期免耕(免耕年限≥8 a)效果最佳。综上,免耕对土壤微生物碳的增加效应存在区域特征,以西南地区最高,随着区域水热条件、免耕年限的不同有所差异,免耕措施的采用应该根据区域特点因地制宜。本研究结果为免耕的区域性合理利用提供了参考依据。 相似文献
微生物残体在土壤中的积累转化过程与稳定机理研究进展 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
近年来,关于微生物残体在土壤有机质积累和转化过程中的作用越来越受到研究者的关注。土壤有机质中微生物残体的数量和组成比例变化与土壤有机质的形成、容量大小及周转特征密切相关。对目前土壤微生物残体研究方面的相关进展进行了梳理和总结,在明确土壤微生物残体的来源及其重要性的基础上,介绍了土壤微生物残体定量和转化的表征方法,阐述了微生物残体在土壤有机质积累转化过程中的作用及其主要影响因素,探讨了微生物残体在土壤中的稳定机制,提出了微生物通过同化代谢作用驱动细胞残体积累进而促进土壤有机质积累和稳定过程中亟待探讨的科学问题。期望为进一步探究陆地生态系统土壤有机质周转与微生物过程的相互作用机理提供一定的思考。 相似文献
[目的]秸秆残体还田能引起土壤微生物残留物氨基糖的变化,然而不同部位秸秆残体因含碳氮化学组分差异,还田到不同肥力土壤后对氨基糖在团聚体中分配的影响尚不明析.因此,研究添加玉米不同残体对不同肥力棕壤团聚体中氨基糖分配的影响,并利用微生物标识物氨基葡萄糖与胞壁酸比值变化指示棕壤团聚体真菌和细菌群落组成动态变化,对深入阐明秸... 相似文献
为搞清湿地土壤驱动N2O排放的关键氮源类型,有效减少湿地N2O的排放,本文通过室内控制温湿度,用气相色谱法分析不同外源氮素对湿地N2O排放的影响。结果表明:外加氮源组总是高于对照组N2O排放量(4.4 mg·m-3)。在设定的剂量范围内,单独添加尿素或尿素与硝酸铵1∶1配合时N2O排放量呈现先增后减的单峰分布趋势,峰值分别为10.6 mg·m-3和229.0 mg·m-3;单独添加硝酸铵时N2O排放量(32.6~111.0 mg·m-3)随着氮素添加量增加呈现持续上升趋势。单独添加尿素或硝酸铵、尿素与硝酸铵1∶1配合均促进N2O的排放,但硝酸铵尿素混合添加对N2O排放量的贡献单独添加硝酸铵单独添加尿素。这为预测内蒙古高原区农牧交错带湿地氮素输入可能带来的温室效应和有效减排提供科学依据。 相似文献
Peng Su Jun Lou Philip C. Brookes Yu Luo Yan He Jianming Xu 《Journal of Soils and Sediments》2017,17(3):674-684
This work investigated changes in priming effects and the taxonomy of soil microbial communities after being amended with plant feedstock and its corresponding biochar.Materials and methods
A soil incubation was conducted for 180 days to monitor the mineralization and evolution of soil-primed C after addition of maize and its biochar pyrolysed at 450 °C. Responses of individual microbial taxa were identified and compared using the next-generation sequencing method.Results and discussion
Cumulative CO2 showed similar trends but different magnitudes in soil supplied with feedstock and its biochar. Feedstock addition resulted in a positive priming effect of 1999 mg C kg?1 soil (+253.7 %) while biochar gave negative primed C of ?872.1 mg C kg?1 soil (?254.3 %). Linear relationships between mineralized material and mineralized soil C were detected. Most priming occurred in the first 15 days, indicating co-metabolism. Differences in priming may be explained by differences in properties of plant material, especially the water-extractable organic C. Predominant phyla were affiliated to Acidobacteria, Actinobacteria, Chloroflexi, Gemmatimonadetes, Firmicutes, Planctomycetes, Proteobacteria, Verrucomicrobia, Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, Blastocladiomycota, Chytridiomycota, Zygomycota, Euryarchaeota, and Thaumarchaeota during decomposition. Cluster analysis resulted in separate phylogenetic grouping of feedstock and biochar. Bacteria (Acidobacteria, Firmicutes, Gemmatimonadetes, Planctomycetes), fungi (Ascomycota), and archaea (Euryarchaeota) were closely correlated to primed soil C (R 2?=??0.98, ?0.99, 0.84, 0.81, 0.91, and 0.91, respectively).Conclusions
Quality of plant materials (especially labile C) shifted microbial community (specific microbial taxa) responses, resulting in a distinctive priming intensity, giving a better understanding of the functional role of soil microbial community as an important driver of priming effect.12.
土壤微生物生物量氮研究综述 总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19
简述了土壤微生物生物量N的含量及其影响因素、土壤微生物量N的生物有效性、影响土壤无机氮生物固定的因素及土壤微生物量N的测定,明确了土壤微生物量N在土壤N素循环转化过程中的重要作用。土壤微生物量N是土壤N素转化的重要环节,也是土壤有效氮活性库的主要部分。土壤微生物量N对作物N素的供应起着重要调节作用。土壤无机氮的生物固定对减少N素损失,提高N肥利用效率和保护环境具有积极的作用。 相似文献
中国北方温带草原土壤微生物对气温变暖与添加氮素的响应特征 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
The responses of soil microbes to global warming and nitrogen enrichment can profoundly affect terrestrial ecosystem functions and the ecosystem feedbacks to climate change. However, the interactive effect of warming and nitrogen enrichment on soil microbial community is unclear. In this study, individual and interactive effects of experimental warming and nitrogen addition on the soil microbial community were investigated in a long-term field experiment in a temperate steppe of northern China. The field experiment started in 2006 and soils were sampled in 2010 and analyzed for phospholipid fatty acids to characterize the soil microbial communities. Some soil chemical properties were also determined. Five-year experimental warming significantly increased soil total microbial biomass and the proportion of Gram-negative bacteria in the soils. Long-term nitrogen addition decreased soil microbial biomass at the 0-10 cm soil depth and the relative abundance of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the soils. Little interactive effect on soil microbes was detected when experimental warming and nitrogen addition were combined. Soil microbial biomass positively correlated with soil total C and N, but basically did not relate to the soil C/N ratio and pH. Our results suggest that future global warming or nitrogen enrichment may significantly change the soil microbial communities in the temperate steppes in northern China. 相似文献
We investigated whether enhanced nitrogen (N) and water inputs would redistribute the microbial community within different soil aggregate size classes in a field manipulation experiment initiated in 2005. Distribution of microbial groups was monitored in large macroaggregates (>2000 μm), small macroaggregates (250–2000 μm), and microaggregates (<250 μm) in a semiarid grassland. Both arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi and saprophytic fungi were the most abundant in soil macroaggregates. The gram-negative bacteria were more abundant in soil microaggregates. Total phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) concentration in general and actinomycetes in particular decreased with N addition under ambient precipitation but was unaffected by combined additions of N and water within the three soil aggregate fractions as compared to control plots. In contrast, the abundance of saprophytic fungi decreased with combined N and water addition, but it was not affected by N addition under ambient precipitation. The abundance of gram-positive bacteria increased with N addition under both ambient and elevated water conditions for all soil aggregate fractions. In summary, the higher short-term nutrient and water availabilities provoked a shift in soil microbial community composition and increased total PLFA abundance irrespectively of the level of soil aggregation. In the long term, this could destabilize soil carbon pools and influence the nutrient limitation of soil biota within different soil aggregate size classes under future global change scenarios. 相似文献
P.C. Brookes Andrea Landman G. Pruden D.S. Jenkinson 《Soil biology & biochemistry》1985,17(6):837-842
A new “direct extraction” method for measuring soil microbial biomass nitrogen (biomass N) is described. The new method (fumigation-extraction) is based on CHC13 fumigation, followed by immediate extraction with 0.5 M K2SO4 and measurement of total N released by CHC13 in the soil extracts. The amounts of NH4-N and total N extracted by K2SO4 immediately after fumigation increased with fumigation time up to 5 days. Total N released by CHC13 after 1 day fumigation (1 day CHC13-N) and after 5 days fumigation (5 day CHC13-N) were positively correlated with the flush of mineral N (FN) in 37 soils that had been fumigated, the fumigant removed and the soils incubated for 10 days (fumigation-incubation). The regression equations were 1 day CHC13-N = (0.79 ± 0.022) FN and 5 day CHC13-N = (1.01 ± 0.027) FN, both regressions accounting for 92% of the variance in the data.In field soils previously treated with 15N-labelled fertilizer, the amounts of labelled N, measured after fumigation-extraction, were very similar to the amounts of labelled N mineralized during fumigation-incubation; both were about 4 times as heavily labelled as the soil N as a whole. These results suggest that fumigation-extraction and fumigation-incubation both measure the same fraction of the soil organic N (probably the cytoplasmic component of the soil microbial biomass) and that measurement of the total N released by CHC13 fumigation for 24 h provides a rapid method for measuring biomass N. 相似文献
Yao Shi Lianxi Sheng Zhongqiang Wang Xinyu Zhang Nianpeng He Qiang Yu 《Eurasian Soil Science》2016,49(10):1149-1160
In order to explore the responses of soil enzyme activities and microbial community compositions to long-term nitrogen (N) addition in both bulk soil and microaggregate of chestnut soil, we conducted a 7-year urea addition experiment with N treatments at 6 levels (0, 56, 112, 224, 392 and 560 kg N ha–1 yr–1) in a temperate steppe of Inner Mongolia in China. Soil properties and the activities of four enzymes involved in carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) cycling were measured in both bulk soil and microaggregate, and phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) were measured in bulk soil. The results indicated that: 1) in bulk soil, N addition significantly decreased β-1,4-glucosidase (BG) and leucine aminopeptidase (LAP) activities at the treatment amounts of 224, 392 and 560 kg N ha–1 yr–1, and obviously suppressed β-1,4-N-acetylglucosaminidase (NAG) activity at the treatment amount of 560 kg N ha–1 yr–1. N addition enhanced total PLFAs (totPLFAs) and bacterial PLFAs (bacPLFAs) at the treatment amounts of 392 and 560 kg N ha–1 yr–1, respectively, but fungal PLFAs showed no response to N addition. The activities of BG, NAG and LAP were positively correlated with soil pH, but negatively correlated with the concentration of NH 4+-N; 2) in microaggregate (53–250 μm), the activities of BG, NAG and AP showed no response to increased addition of N, but the significantly decreased LAP activity was observed at the treatment amount of 392 kg N ha–1 yr–1. These results suggested that enzyme activities were more sensitive to N addition than PLFA biomarkers in soil, and LAP activity in microaggregate may be a good indicator for evaluating N cycle response to long-term N addition. 相似文献
Terrestrial ecosystems experience simultaneous shifts in multiple drivers of global change, which can interactively affect various resources. The concept that different resources co-limit plant productivity has been well studied. However, co-limitation of soil microbial communities by multiple resources has not been as thoroughly investigated. Specifically, it is not clearly understood how microbial communities respond to shifts in multiple interacting resources such as water, temperature, and nitrogen (N), in the context of global change. To test the effects of these various resources on soil microorganisms, we established a field experiment with temperature and N manipulation in three grasslands of northern China, where there is a decrease in precipitation from east to west across the region. We found that microbial responses to temperature depended upon seasonal water regimes in these temperate steppes. When there was sufficient water present, warming had positive effects on soil microorganisms, suggesting an interaction between water and increases in temperature enhanced local microbial communities. When drought or alternating wet–dry stress occurred, warming had detrimental effects on soil microbial communities. Our results also provide clear evidence for serial co-limitation of microorganisms by water and N at the functional group and community levels, where water is a primary limiting factor and N addition positively affects soil microorganisms only when water is sufficient. We predict that future microbial responses to changes in temperature and N availability could be seasonal or exist only in non-drought years, and will strongly rely on future precipitation regimes. 相似文献
Ruyi LUO Jiafa LUO Jianling FAN Deyan LIU Jin-Sheng HE Nazia PERVEEN Weixin DING 《土壤圈》2020,30(2):214-225
Alpine grasslands with a high soil organic carbon(SOC) storage on the Tibetan Plateau are experiencing rapid climate warming and anthropogenic nitrogen(N) deposition; this is expected to substantially increase the soil N availability, which may impact carbon(C) cycling. However, little is known regarding how N enrichment influences soil microbial communities and functions relative to C cycling in this region. We conducted a 4-year field experiment on an alpine grassland to evaluate the effects o... 相似文献