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A progressive wart-like syndrome in both captive and wild populations of the Western barred bandicoot (WBB) is hindering conservation efforts to prevent the extinction of this endangered marsupial. In this study, 42 WBBs exhibiting the papillomatosis and carcinomatosis syndrome were examined. The disease was characterized by multicentric proliferative lesions involving cutaneous and mucosal surfaces, which were seen clinically to increase in size with time. Grossly and histologically the smaller skin lesions resembled papillomas, whereas the larger lesions were most commonly observed to be squamous cell carcinomas. Large amphophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies were observed in hyperplastic conjunctival lesions of 8 WBBs under light microscopy. Conjunctival lesions from 2 WBBs examined using transmission electron microscopy contained a crystalline array of spherical electron-dense particles of 45-nm diameter, within the nucleus of conjunctival epithelial cells, consistent with a papillomavirus or polyomavirus. Conjunctival samples from 3 bandicoots that contained intranuclear inclusion bodies also demonstrated a positive immunohistochemical reaction after indirect immunohistochemistry for papillomavirus structural antigens. Ultrastructural and/or immunohistochemical evidence of an etiologic agent was not identified in the nonconjunctival lesions examined. Here we describe the gross, histopathologic, ultrastructural, and immunohistochemical findings of a papillomatosis and carcinomatosis syndrome recently identified in the WBB.  相似文献   

陕北土鸡蛋与芦花鸡蛋中蛋清蛋白质比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用醋酸纤维薄膜电泳的方法,用考马斯亮蓝G250(CBB G250)染色,对陕北土鸡蛋与芦花鸡蛋的蛋清蛋白进行电泳分析.结果表明,陕北土鸡蛋蛋清与芦花鸡蛋蛋清中都含有7种蛋白质,它们的种类相同,但其相对含量稍有差异,从蛋白质组成及含量比较,两种鸡蛋的营养价值无大的差异.  相似文献   

Atopic dermatitis (AD) is very common in dogs, but its pathogenesis is not yet fully understood. It has been suggested that a Th2-dominant status may be associated with the occurrence of canine AD. IL-12 is thought to be important for the differentiation of Th1 cells. The IL-12 receptor β2 (IL-12Rβ2) gene is considered to play a critical role in signal transduction and is attracting attention as one of the causative genes of AD in humans. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between IL-12Rβ2 gene expression and canine AD. The canine IL-12Rβ2 gene was cloned by RT-PCR and its nucleotide sequences were determined. Canine IL-12Rβ2 showed 76.8% homology at the amino acid level with human IL-12Rβ2, and its structural motifs were well conserved. cDNA with a 91 bp deletion including the transmembrane region was also cloned, which consequently produced a frame shift and an early stop codon. The deletion region corresponded to exon 14 of the human IL-12Rβ2 gene on chromosome 1. The expression of deleted canine IL-12Rβ2 mRNA in phytohemagglutinin-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells was examined in seven healthy dogs and 11 AD dogs. Both deleted and intact mRNAs were expressed at constant ratios in healthy and AD dogs. The results indicate that the deletion of the transmembrane region is not associated with the occurrence of AD, and that the expression of the deleted mRNA may be constitutive and produced by alternative splicing.
Funding: Self-funded.  相似文献   

For many nondomestic species, nutritional requirements and the challenges faced in their current habitats are unknown. This is the case of small semi-captive population of the critically endangered Western Derby eland held in two wildlife reserves (the Bandia and the Fathala) in Senegal. The aim of this study was to determine the mineral profile (Ca, P, Mg, Cu, Fe, Zn, Se, K, S) in blood serum and to identify potential mineral deficiencies. Serum data (11 individuals) were compared to other Tragelaphineae, where it was lower in almost all elements. Considerably low concentrations were recorded for Cu, Fe and Zn. Animals in the Bandia reserve had higher serum levels of Fe and K compared to the Fathala reserve and a higher serum level of S in the Fathala reserve compared to the Bandia reserve. Recorded mineral levels may reflect most likely the limited mineral background in the local environment. The knowledge of adequate nutritional requirements and health status of these animals is relevant for the conservation breeding programme. No other serum mineral reference values exist for Western Derby eland, neither for free-ranging nor captive animals. Therefore, the knowledge of reference intervals for minerals in serum may serve for monitoring of the population's health.  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究刚开产的汶上芦花鸡和济宁百日鸡母鸡肌肉的营养成分和挥发性风味物质.选择1日龄汶上芦花鸡和济宁百日鸡母鸡各200只,随机分为4个重复,每个重复50只鸡,在统一的营养水平和饲养管理方式下进行饲养,每个重复随机选取4只于150日龄屠宰,分析其肌肉品质、肌肉中挥发性风味物质的含量.结果表明:汶上芦花鸡和济宁百日鸡的胸肌中肌苷酸含量均显著高于腿肌(P<0.05);汶上芦花鸡和济宁百日鸡的腿肌、胸肌的氨基酸组成中EAA/TAA在40%左右,EAA/NEAA均在65%以上,必需氨基酸评分中,汶上芦花鸡和济宁百日鸡的腿肌、胸肌中的苏氨酸、缬氨酸、异亮氨酸、亮氨酸、赖氨酸和汶上芦花鸡的蛋氨酸等必需氨基酸评分均高于理想评分,说明这2个品种均具有优秀的蛋白质水平和较高的营养价值;汶上芦花鸡和济宁百日鸡的腿肌均含有20种脂肪酸,胸肌均含有17种脂肪酸,其中,济宁百日鸡的多不饱和脂肪酸总量(PUFA)显著高于汶上芦花鸡(P<0.05),而单不饱和脂肪酸总量(MUFA)显著低于汶上芦花鸡(P<0.05),表明济宁百日鸡的营养价值要高于汶上芦花鸡,但肉品质上易酸败变质;汶上芦花鸡和济宁百日鸡的腿肌、胸肌中挥发性风味物质组成差别较大,且均以烷烃类、醇类、醛类和酮类化合物为主.由此可见,汶上芦花鸡和济宁百日鸡母鸡均具有较高的营养价值和可口的风味.  相似文献   



It is clear that the early permeability response in the sheep that follows chemical and thermal injury, is mediated by histamine (Lancaster and Vegad, 1967 Lancaster, M. C. and Vegad, J. L. 1967. Suppression of the early inflammatory response in the sheep by strophanthin G. Nature, Lond., 213: 840841.  [Google Scholar]; Vegad, 1971a Vegad, J. L. 1971a. Effect of thermal injury on vascular permeability in the sheep. Indian J. exp. Biol., 9: 111112.  [Google Scholar], b Vegad, J. L. 1971b. Leucocyte emigration following intradermal injection of histamine, 5-hydroxytrypta-mine and bradykinin in the sheep. Indian J. exp Biol., 9: 113114.  [Google Scholar]). This is similar to the situation in the rat and the guinea-pig (Spector and Willoughby, 1965 Spector, W. G. and Willoughby, D. A. 1965. The Inflammatory Process, Edited by: Zwiefach, B. W., Grant, L. and Mc-Cluskey, R. T. 427427. New York: Academic Press. In [Google Scholar]). In contrast to the situation in the rat and the guinea-pig, various nucleosides (Vegad, 1970c Vegad, J. L. 1970c. Effect of hyaluronidase and nucleosides on vascular permeability in sheep and its suppression by mepyramine maleate. Indian J. exp. Biol., 8: 141142.  [Google Scholar]), hyaluronidase (Vegad, 1970c Vegad, J. L. 1970c. Effect of hyaluronidase and nucleosides on vascular permeability in sheep and its suppression by mepyramine maleate. Indian J. exp. Biol., 8: 141142.  [Google Scholar]), 5-hydroxytryptamine, turpentine-induced pleural exudates and the lymph node cell extracts also release histamine in the sheep skin (Vegad, 1967 Fischel, E. E. and Kabat, E. A. 1947. Quantitative study of Arthus phenomenon induced passively in rabbit. J. Immun., 55: 337343.  [Google Scholar]). From these results it was thought possible that cutaneous antigen-antibody reactions might also release histamine in the sheep, and this possibility has been investigated in the present experiments.  相似文献   

Worldwide, sarcoptic mange in cats is seldom reported, and then only in sporadic individual cases. We describe an epidemic in a household with a dog and 25 cats. From September 2002, the dog was repeatedly treated with ivermectin for sarcoptic mange. The diagnosis was confirmed by skin scrapings. Fifteen months later, cats from the same household were diagnosed with severe sarcoptic mange. Twenty-one of the cats were euthanized and necropsies were performed. Skin samples were taken from all cats from different body sites for histology, and skin scrapings were examined for ectoparasites. Samples for bacterial and dermatophyte culture were taken from six cats. Smears for cytology were made from lesions on four cats with severe mange. Sera from 21 cats and the dog were analysed for specific antibodies to Sarcoptes scabiei . Molecular characterizations of six individual mites were done. Large numbers of S. scabiei were isolated from the infected skin of most of the cats. Two-thirds of the cats showed skin lesions compatible with chronic sarcoptic mange. Macroscopically, internal organs exhibited no obvious pathology. Yeast organisms and coccoid bacteria were found in the smears; penicillinase-negative Staphylococcus aureus was isolated from all samples and Malassezia pachydermatis was identified from four cats. Sarcoptes scabiei was seen histologically in all cats showing chronic skin lesions. No other ectoparasites were found. All analysed cats had specific antibodies against S. scabiei . Twenty-one cats tested negatively for FeLV and FIV. The mites had DNA sequences identical to S. scabiei from naturally infected dogs and Swedish wildlife.
Funding: Self-funded.  相似文献   

Reticuloendotheliosis (RE) in captive greater prairie chickens (GPC, Tympanuchus cupido pinnatus) and Attwater's prairie chickens (APC, Tympanuchus cupido attwateri) was first reported in 1998. RE is caused by avian reticuloendotheliosis virus (REV), an oncogenic and immunosuppressive retrovirus infecting multiple species of wild and domestic birds. During August 2004 through May 2006 a captive population of prairie chickens was affected simultaneously with a neoplastic condition and also avian pox, the latter being detected in 7.4% (2 of 27) of all birds submitted for histopathology. A survey for REV was conducted in order to examine its possible role in mortality observed primarily in juvenile and adult specimens of prairie chickens. The investigative procedures included postmortem examinations, histopathology, molecular detection, and virus isolation. In total, 57 Attwater's prairie chickens and two greater prairie chickens were included in the study. REV infection was diagnosed using virus isolation or polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or both in 59.5% (28 of 47) of blood samples and/or tumors from suspect birds. Lymphosarcomas were detected in the tissues of 37% (10 of 27) of the birds submitted for histopathology. Such lymphosarcomas suggestive of RE represented the most frequent morphologic diagnosis on histopathology among 27 separate submissions of naturally dead prairie chickens. Overall, REV was detected or RE diagnosed in 34 of 59 prairie chickens (57.62%). The average death age of all birds diagnosed with lymphosarcomas on histopathology was 2.2 yr, ranging from <1 to 4 yr. Although deaths associated with neoplasia occurred in males and females in equal proportions based on submissions, overall more males were diagnosed as REV infected or RE affected (16 males vs. 7 females, and 11 birds of undetermined gender). Reticuloendotheliosis virus was confirmed as a significant cause of mortality in captive prairie chickens.  相似文献   

Oleaster ( Elaeagnus angustifolia ) is a small tree that grows throughout Iran. Using smashed tree leaves combined with olive oil is proposed in one ancient Iranian text as a good remedy for wound healing. Our objective was to evaluate this remedy experimentally. The study was carried out in two female 10-month-old Holstein calves. An area of 10 × 10 cm on each side of the thorax was surgically prepared and infiltrated with local anaesthetic. Eight uniform skin wounds were created in two rows with an 8-mm biopsy punch on each prepared area. Each side of an animal was used to evaluate one treatment (Groups 1–4). To make the mixture, fresh oleaster leaves (50 gm) were smashed with a pestle and mixed with olive oil (25 gm). The wounds were treated for 7 days. The wounds of Groups 1–3 were rinsed daily with normal saline, after which the mixture of oleaster and olive oil (Group 1) or only the olive oil (Group 2) was applied. In Group 4, no treatment was applied. All wounds were left open. On day 8, skin biopsies were taken from the wounds for histopathologic study. Group 1 wounds all showed mild granulation tissue, scab formation and complete re-epithelialization. In Group 2, there was mild granulation tissue, massive scab formation and minimal re-epithelialization. In Groups 3 and 4, mild granulation tissue, severe scab formation and very limited re-epithelialization were observed. We conclude that a fresh oleaster leaf preparation can be an effective remedy for wound healing.
Funding: Self-funded.  相似文献   

Cutaneous smooth muscle tumors may arise from arrector pili muscles and from smooth muscles of the dermal vasculature. This report describes histologic and immunohistochemical features of eight arrector pili hamartomas in 8 dogs, 15 piloleiomyomas in 10 dogs and 3 cats, 10 piloleiomyosarcomas in 9 dogs and 1 cat, 1 angioleiomyoma in 1 cat, and 9 angioleiomyosarcomas in 6 dogs and 3 cats. Hamartomas and tumors arising from arrector pili muscles preferentially originated from the dorsal trunk. 5/5 (100%) arrector pili hamartomas, 10/12 (83%) piloleiomyomas, 4/5 (80%) piloleiomyosarcomas, 1/1 (100%) angioleiomyoma, and 6/7 (86%) angioleiomyosarcomas were positive for smooth muscle actin. 5/5 (100%) arrector pili hamartomas, 10/12 (83%) piloleiomyomas, 4/5 (80%) piloleiomyosarcomas, 1/1 (100%) angioleiomyoma, and 1/7 (14%) angioleiomyosarcomas were positive for desmin. Two incompletely excised canine angioleiomyosarcomas recurred locally. Metastases were not reported.  相似文献   

Scrub-itch mite infestation in the endangered bridled nailtail wallaby   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Skin lesions on the ears and inguinal and axillary regions of a number of adult animals within a captive population of the endangered bridled nailtail wallaby ( Onychogalea fraenata ) were associated with the trombiculid mite, Eutrombicula hirsti . The local inflammatory response of these Australian marsupials is described.  相似文献   

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