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我国农作物育种科研面临的机遇与挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了我国农作物育种科研发展现状与机遇。对比国际种业育种技术发展现状,针对我国种业研发存在的问题,从政策扶持、科技支撑和知识产权3个方面提出了相关建议及实施路径。  相似文献   

The breeding of crop ideotypes   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
C. M. Donald 《Euphytica》1968,17(3):385-403

Summary In recent years, the rapid development of somatic cell genetics has made possible the transfer of alien genes over wide taxonomic distances by somatic hybridization. In this review, the potential of somatic hybridization in the breeding of crops within the Brassicaceae, Fabaceae, Poaceae and Solanaceae is discussed. It is evident from these studies that many hybrids, either symmetric or asymmetric, which are fertile have the potential to be used as a bridge between the alien species and the crop. Progeny analysis of some hybrid combinations also reveals intergenomic translocations which may lead to the introgression of the alien genes. Furthermore, fusion techniques enable the resynthesis of allopolyploid crops to increase their genetic variability and to restore ploidy level and heterozygosity after breeding at reduced ploidy level in polyploid crops.  相似文献   

This paper describes the current state of international plant breeding research and explains why the centralized global approach to germplasm improvement that was so successful in the past is today being transformed by the incorporation of decentralized local breeding methods designed to better incorporate the perspective of end users into the varietal development process. It describes international breeding efforts for major crops and identifies factors that have contributed to the success of the international breeding system; discusses shortcomings of the global approach to plant breeding and explains why future successes will depend critically on researchers' ability to incorporate the knowledge and preferences of technology users; reviews a number of farmer participatory research methods that are currently being tested by plant breeding programs throughout the developing world; describes synergies that can potentially be achieved by linking centralized global and decentralized local breeding models; and discusses technical, economic, and institutional challenges that will have to be overcome to integrate end user-based participatory approaches into the international plant breeding system. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Apple is a fruit crop of significant economic importance, and breeders world wide continue to develop novel cultivars with improved characteristics. The lengthy juvenile period and the large field space required to grow apple populations have imposed major limitations on breeding. Various molecular biological techniques have been employed to make apple breeding easier. Transgenic technology has facilitated the development of apples with resistance to fungal or bacterial diseases, improved fruit quality, or root stocks with better rooting or dwarfing ability. DNA markers for disease resistance (scab, powdery mildew, fire-blight, Alternaria blotch) and fruit skin color have also been developed, and marker-assisted selection (MAS) has been employed in breeding programs. In the last decade, genomic sequences and chromosome maps of various cultivars have become available, allowing the development of large SNP arrays, enabling efficient QTL mapping and genomic selection (GS). In recent years, new technologies for genetic improvement, such as trans-grafting, virus vectors, and genome-editing, have emerged. Using these techniques, no foreign genes are present in the final product, and some of them show considerable promise for application to apple breeding.  相似文献   

花生是河南省的主要油料作物和经济作物,种植面积达100万hm2,其面积、单产、总产、出口创汇额均居各种油料作物(包括大豆)之首,成为仅次于小麦、玉米的第三农作物,第二大秋作物.近20年来,河南省花生科技事业取得了较大进展,特别是花生育种工作取得了丰硕成果,先后为生产提供40多个优良品种,进行了六次全省范围大规模的品种更新,使花生生产区的良种覆盖率达90%以上,促进了全省花生产量的大幅度提高.  相似文献   

Summary An attempt is made to arrange the basic information needed for using primary trisomics in localizing single and complementary dominant and recessive genes, accounting for random complete chromatid and random chromosome association, for heterozygosity of the trisomics and for female and male transmission rates. The expected ratios are given separately for the di-, tri- and tetrasomic group in each population. Also the ratios in the total populations have been calculated for different rates of female and male transmission of the extra chromosome. Both the backcross procedure and that of selfing trisomic F1 plants are considered. Finally the use of trisomics for studying quantitative characters is discussed in connection with the breeding and incompatibility system of the crops and in relation to the frequent morphological differences among trisomics as well as between trisomics and their disomic counterpart.  相似文献   

In Japan, few grape cultivars related to Vitis vinifera existed 200 years ago, on account of Japan’s high rainfall. Many V. labruscana and vinifera cultivars were introduced to Japan in the 19th century. Labruscana was grown instead of vinifera, mainly because of severe disease problems and a high incidence of berry cracking. Grape breeding for table use started in the 20th century, with the goal of combining the berry quality of vinifera with the ease of cultivation of labruscana. By 1945, three strategies were used: 1) crossing among introduced diploid vinifera and vinifera-related cultivars of Japanese origin, 2) interspecific crossing in tetraploid cultivars, and 3) interspecific crossing in diploid cultivars, resulting in ‘Neo Muscat’, ‘Kyoho’, and ‘Muscat Bailey A’. Later, tetraploid interspecific crossing over generations developed many ‘Kyoho’-related cultivars, including ‘Pione’, many of which have large berries, intermediate flesh texture between the two species, a labruscan or neutral flavor, and moderate disease resistance. Interspecific diploid crossing over generations developed ‘Shine Muscat’ in 2006, with large berries, crispy flesh, a muscat flavor, no cracking, seedless fruit by gibberellin application, and moderate resistance to downy mildew and ripe rot.  相似文献   

The Japanese pear (Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai) is one of the most widely grown fruit trees in Japan, and it has been used throughout Japan’s history. The commercial production of pears increased rapidly with the successive discoveries of the chance seedling cultivars ‘Chojuro’ and ‘Nijisseiki’ around 1890, and the development of new cultivars has continued since 1915. The late-maturing, leading cultivars ‘Niitaka’ and ‘Shinko’ were released during the initial breeding stage. Furthermore, systematic breeding by the Horticultural Research Station (currently, NARO Institute of Fruit Tree Science, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NIFTS)) began in 1935, which mainly aimed to improve fruit quality by focusing on flesh texture and black spot disease resistance. To date, 22 cultivars have been released, including ‘Kosui’, ‘Hosui’, and ‘Akizuki’, which are current leading cultivars from the breeding program. Four induced mutant cultivars induced by gamma irradiation, which exhibit some resistance to black spot disease, were released from the Institute of Radiation Breeding. Among these cultivars, ‘Gold Nijisseiki’ has become a leading cultivar. Moreover, ‘Nansui’ from the Nagano prefectural institute breeding program was released, and it has also become a leading cultivar. Current breeding objectives at NIFTS mainly combine superior fruit quality with traits related to labor and cost reduction, multiple disease resistance, or self-compatibility. Regarding future breeding, marker-assisted selection for each trait, QTL analyses, genome-wide association studies, and genomic selection analyses are currently in progress.  相似文献   

南瓜属作物育种研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从南瓜属作物种质资源、遗传规律、各种育种技术的应用、单性结实、品质育种、抗性育种方面的研究情况对南瓜属作物育种研究进展进行了综述,并提出了育种方向。  相似文献   

Horst Gaul 《Euphytica》1958,7(3):275-289
The present status of the utilization of induced mutations in plant breeding is briefly reviewed. It is concluded that with induced mutations in principle successes can be expected similar to those with the conventional breeding methods. Owing to the relatively small yield of progressive mutations the efficiency of mutation breeding, however, is rather poor at present. Greater efficiency may be expected with increased knowledge of both control of original mutation production and of selection.Control of mutation production seems to be possible in at least three ways, (a) by raising the total mutation frequency (b) by changing the relative frequency of chromosome versus point mutations and (c) by altering the spectrum of point mutations. The possibilities of such control through the diverse action of different radiations given with or without modifying agents is reviewed and various mutagenic chemicals are mentioned.Control of mutation selection may be achieved in two ways, (a) by a better understanding of diplontic selection (intrasomatic selection) of mutated cells and (b) by developing appropriate screening methods. A working hypothesis concerning the diplontic selection is briefly outlined. The one initial cell theory means that the greatest efficiency of mutation production can be expected after radiation of primordia or young buds with only one or a few initial cells which will form the tissue of interest. It is hoped that by this the intercellular competition is restricted and a reduced elimination of mutated cells will result.Procedures for selection of mutants, at least in barley, can already start with M1-spikes. It was shown that completely fertile M1-spikes possess the same frequency of point mutations (chlorophyll mutations) as those with disturbed fertility. Selection of fertile M1-spikes should, therefore, eliminate to a large extent the undesirable chromosome mutations and in this way increase the efficiency of screening for progressive mutations. Maximum mutation frequencies of fertile M1-spikes can, however, only be achieved if the tillering is reduced.It is suggested that more emphasis be put on screening of small mutations, which may generally be expected to have a greater importance for practical purposes than drastic deviations. Usually screening of micro vital-mutations will be advisable in the M3-generation. Indicator characters may be found through mass selection methods which by their pleiotropic gene action also effect properties eventually of breeding value.Samenvatting Na een kort overzicht van de perspectieven voor toepassing van kunstmatige mutatie bij de plantenveredeling wordt nader ingegaan op enige problemen die thans de aandacht hebben. Voor het beheersen van de kunstmatige mutaties is het van veel belang de frequentie van mutatie te kunnen vergroten en te kunnen bevorderen dat relatief minder chromosoom- en meer gen-mutaties tot stand komen. Vooral van de micromutaties verwacht schrijver vooruitzichten voor de plantenveredeling. Het is echter thans nog zeer moeilijk daarop te selecteren.(Lecture delivered at the organizational meeting of the section Mutation and Polyploidy of EUCARPIA in Lund and Svalöf, July 9–11, 1958).  相似文献   

在计划经济时代,作物育种以国家科研单位为主,但随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的建立,特别是<中华人民共和国种子法>和<中华人民共和国植物新品种保护条例>的实施,种业市场全面开放.国营种子公司和日益增多的股份制公司和私营公司,在极力开拓市场、扩大营销的同时,开始涉猎育种,致使从事农作物育种的单位和人员成倍增加.育种单位增多,育出品种自然也多.新育品种参加区域试验,通过审定或备案,特别是在生产上推广应用的难度都大大增加.在品种竞争空前激烈的背景下,长期困扰基层农作物育种存在的一些问题更加凸显出来.正视和突破这些瓶颈因素,就成了基层农作物育种单位实现育种突破,进而在竞争中立于不败之地的关键.  相似文献   

Teodoro Cardi 《Plant Breeding》2016,135(2):139-147
Plant genetic resources (PGR) represent valuable sources of genetic variability for crop breeding. The development of novel biotechnologies is necessary for increasing the efficiency of their use in pre‐breeding and breeding work. The genome sequencing of hundreds of genotypes and the mining of allele diversity in major crops and populations of landraces and wild relatives allow the isolation of genes underlying characters of interest and their precise modification or transfer into targeted varieties. The technological developments and applications of new plant breeding techniques (NPBT) that maximize the similarity with gene transfer by crossing (cisgenesis/intragenesis) or the accuracy of biotechnological approaches (genome editing) are reviewed. Their potentialities and current limitations as well as the possible advantages of using them separately or combined for the exploitation of PGR in crop breeding are also discussed. Above‐mentioned NPBT tackle some objections to the application of biotechnologies in agriculture and are under review worldwide to assess the possible exclusion from the current regulation systems for genetically modified plants.  相似文献   

分子标记及其在作物遗传育种研究中的应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
王平荣  邓晓建 《种子》2001,(3):38-41
本文介绍了分子标记的概念和主要类型,以及RFLP、FAPD、SSR和AFLP等4种常用分子标记的基本原理与特点,讨论分子标记在锻造物遗传育种研究中的主要应用。  相似文献   

在计划经济体制下孕育的中国种业,先天不足,种子公司只卖种子,不搞科研;科研单位只管育种,不问市场.育种研究、种子繁育、技术推广自成体系.迈步市场经济之后,种子公司缺乏以品种进入市场的通道,愈来愈深感严重的生存危机.要重新塑造一个育、繁、推一体化的种子产业,这需要动大手术!作者走访了位于山西省长治地区的潞玉种业公司和省农科院谷子研究所,希望寻找一个种子企业与科研单位合作或联合共同发展的模式.以下是中国农业科学院佟屏亚研究员和潞玉种业有限责任公司武志兴董事长的访谈纪要.  相似文献   

Citrus is one of the most cultivated fruits in the world, and satsuma mandarin (Citrus unshiu Marc.) is a major cultivated citrus in Japan. Many excellent cultivars derived from satsuma mandarin have been released through the improvement of mandarins using a conventional breeding method. The citrus breeding program is a lengthy process owing to the long juvenility, and it is predicted that marker-assisted selection (MAS) will overcome the obstacle and improve the efficiency of conventional breeding methods. To promote citrus molecular breeding in Japan, a genetic mapping was initiated in 1987, and the experimental tools and resources necessary for citrus functional genomics have been developed in relation to the physiological analysis of satsuma mandarin. In this paper, we review the progress of citrus breeding and genome researches in Japan and report the studies on genetic mapping, expression sequence tag cataloguing, and molecular characterization of breeding characteristics, mainly in terms of the metabolism of bio-functional substances as well as factors relating to, for example, fruit quality, disease resistance, polyembryony, and flowering.  相似文献   

作物氮素诊断技术的研究综述   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
氮素是作物生长发育和产量品质形成所必需的营养元素。本文在简述研究背景和作物氮素营养监测与诊断技术需求的基础上,介绍了作物氮素营养监测技术的发展历程及发展趋势,综述了作物氮素营养诊断技术的国内外研究进展,指出快速、无损、准确地监测作物氮素状况,对于农业生产可持续发展和生态环境保护具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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