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ABSTRACT:   A pelagic bacterial community structure was examined in experimental intensive shrimp culture ponds that have a shrimp–mangrove complex aquaculture system, an extensive shrimp culture pond and a mangrove area in Thailand by denaturant gradient gel electrophoresis analysis of polymerase chain reaction amplified partial 16S rRNA genes. Bacterial community structure in the intensive shrimp culture ponds was distinguishable from that of the mangrove area. In the extensive shrimp culture pond, the bacterial community structure resembled that in the mangrove area, but bacterial abundance was as great as that in the intensive shrimp culture ponds. Among the intensive shrimp culture ponds, the bacterial community structure was different between a closed culture system and a shrimp–mangrove complex culture system. Moreover, the bacterial community structure in mangrove planted ponds was close to those in the intensive shrimp culture ponds when shrimp culture was conducted, but it was close to those in the mangrove areas without shrimp culture. These results suggest that intensive shrimp culture with shrimp feed input affects the bacterial community structures in pond water.  相似文献   

A nutrient budget of some intensive marine shrimp ponds in Thailand   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Abstract. A mass balance was constructed for nutrient flow through intensive marine shrimp ponds in which budgets for nitrogen and phosphorus were determined for a series of ponds in southern Thailand over two or three culture cycles. Ninety-five per cent of the nitrogen and 71% of the phosphorus applied to the ponds was in the form of feed and fertilizers. Of the feed input (at a food conversion ratio of 2) only 24% of the nitrogen and 13% of the phosphorus was incorporated into the shrimp harvested, whilst the remainder was retained in the pond and ultimately exported to the surrounding environment. The effluent water contained 35% of the nitrogen and 10% of the phosphorus discharged. Of the N and P exported in this effluent, 63–67% occurred during routine water exchange and the remainder during drainage on harvest. A major portion of the nitrogen (31%) and most of the phosphorus (84%) was retained in the sediments, emphasizing the importance of the correct removal and disposal of sediments between crops. Pond age (between two and six production cycles) did not markedly affect nutrient flows, whilst increasing stocking density increased the quantity of nutrients, but not their relative proportions.
The results derived from the nutrient budget provide data which may help define effective management techniques for reducing potentially harmful nutrient levels within intensive shrimp ponds, and for reducing the discharge of nutrients to the local environment. The data may also assist in determining the carrying capacity of an area for shrimp farming, and the potential impact of its development on the environment.  相似文献   

对虾工厂化养殖与池塘养殖系统结构与效益比较分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从浮游植物、浮游动物、底栖生物、水质因子4个方面对工厂化对虾养殖和池塘对虾养殖生态系统的差异进行了观察和分析。结果表明,工厂化对虾养殖系统中浮游植物、浮游动物及底栖生物的丰度均低于池塘对虾养殖系统(分别为22815个/ml<31590个/ml,490.5个/L<650.0个/L,4.5个/10cm2<267.5个/10cm2),而溶解氧(DO)含量、氨态氮(NH4-N)和无机磷(PO4-P)浓度均高于池塘养殖。工厂化养殖对虾的生长量、生长速度及存活率均低于池塘养殖,但其养殖密度高,能很好的弥补生长速度之不足,更好的利用水体获得更高的单位生产量。  相似文献   

文章综述了目前对虾内陆养殖的主要品种、养殖方式和发展现状,并对其优点和存在的问题进行了分析。内陆地下咸水的离子组成比例失调是目前对虾内陆养殖遇到的最大的障碍,文章详述了地下咸水的成因和分布,介绍了有关水体离子浓度和比值对对虾生理生态学影响的研究现状。最后讨论了克服内陆对虾养殖存在的问题并使之成为可持续发展的产业的途径。  相似文献   

有效微生物群(EM)在对虾养殖中的应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
EM即“Effective microorganisms”的英文缩写,中文即是:“有效微生物群”,它是由日本琉球大学比嘉照夫教授研制发明的新型复合微生物菌剂,内含5个科10个属80多种微生物,组成非常复杂,但性质稳定、功能广泛,在种植、养殖、环保等方面都有显著作用。自80年代问世以来,已陆续在世界上几十个国家和地区推广使用,90年代进入中国大陆,得到众多专家、教授的肯定和广大农户的好评。 针对近年来对虾养殖低产病多的难题,我们用有效微生物复合菌液对对虾养殖全过程进行处理,得出的结果是,在老式自然…  相似文献   

青虾养殖技术之四早稻田轮养青虾技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
安徽省芜湖县陶幸镇濒临长江水系,水源充沛,水质清新且无污染,池塘单季或双季青虾养殖和双季两茬水稻在当地农业生产中都很具传统和特色,有“江南鱼米之乡”的美誉。近年来,在芜湖县陶幸镇兴起了一种新型的农业生产模式,即早稻田轮养青虾,生产效果显著,在当地青壮劳力不足的情况下促进了农业增产和农民增收。稻虾轮作种养模式是利用4月上旬至7月中旬生产一季早稻,8月初至春节前后养殖一季青虾,亩均增产商品青虾53kg,现将经验总结如下。  相似文献   

阳澄湖青虾是昆山市地方传统名贵水产品,深受广大消费者的青睐,随着青虾养殖时间的推移,近亲繁育后种质退化,养殖规格变小,影响青虾的养殖效益。为改变这一状况,笔者开展“大规格青虾池塘生态养殖技术研究”,取得较好的效果,现将主要养殖技术介绍如下。  相似文献   

随着对虾养殖集约化程度的提高,养殖中对虾疾病的发生越来越多,除了病原体的感染和侵害之外,还与对虾养殖群体健康状况的抵抗力、免疫力及其水环境的优劣有着密切关系。笔者认为,对虾无公害养殖技术应坚持选择无病原体虾苗,选用国家认证的无公害品牌饲料适时、适量、合理投喂,不滥用抗菌药物,在养殖全过程中坚持水质用物理方法预先处理和每个环节污染的生物治理,等等。一、无病原体虾苗的选择方法1.PCR检测 对虾对桃拉病毒、白斑病毒、传染性皮下组织及造血功能检测呈阴性。2.显微镜观察 对虾无细菌、寄生虫感染。3.检查对虾的抗应…  相似文献   

The extensive zero-water exchange shrimp farming system in the periphery of Chilka lagoon (Orissa, India) was studied. The study aimed to describe this unique farming system with special reference to dynamics of macrozoobenthos, production characteristics and economics. The study conducted was based on a general survey as well as monitoring of five individual farms over a complete production cycle. The farming practice in this area is characterized by complete absence of water exchange during rearing. Ponds in this area are generally shallow (mean 72 cm). Most of the water and soil quality characteristics of these farms are within acceptable levels. Macrozoobenthos belonging to 12 taxa were collected, amphipods (81%) and polychaetes (13%) being most numerous. Overall macrobenthic density of farms studied varied from 968 to 11,470 individuals/m2 with a gross mean of 5644 individuals/m2. There was no general pattern to the variation in abundance of various taxa in different phases of the rearing cycle, suggesting a low predatory pressure by shrimp in the farms studied. Shrimp production was highly variable (91–250 kg/ha), but generally low with a mean of 145 kg/ha. The net income of these farms was estimated to be Rs. 63,250 per crop per ha. Compared with shrimp farming system with regular water exchange in the same area, Chilka farms generated high benefit-cost ratio indicating high profitability and sustainability.  相似文献   

The extensive zero-water exchange shrimp farming system in the periphery of Chilka lagoon (Orissa, India) was studied. The study aimed to describe this unique farming system with special reference to dynamics of macrozoobenthos, production characteristics and economics. The study conducted was based on a general survey as well as monitoring of five individual farms over a complete production cycle. The farming practice in this area is characterized by complete absence of water exchange during rearing. Ponds in this area are generally shallow (mean 72 cm). Most of the water and soil quality characteristics of these farms are within acceptable levels. Macrozoobenthos belonging to 12 taxa were collected, amphipods (81%) and polychaetes (13%) being most numerous. Overall macrobenthic density of farms studied varied from 968 to 11,470 individuals/m2 with a gross mean of 5644 individuals/m2. There was no general pattern to the variation in abundance of various taxa in different phases of the rearing cycle, suggesting a low predatory pressure by shrimp in the farms studied. Shrimp production was highly variable (91–250 kg/ha), but generally low with a mean of 145 kg/ha. The net income of these farms was estimated to be Rs. 63,250 per crop per ha. Compared with shrimp farming system with regular water exchange in the same area, Chilka farms generated high benefit-cost ratio indicating high profitability and sustainability.  相似文献   

盛夏高温季节,天气热、光照强、水温高、水质差,影响对虾的觅食和蜕壳生长,很容易造成对虾发病死亡。养殖户在高温季节应做好以下管理工作:  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Water management systems and other business situations of shrimp culturists were surveyed in two districts in southern Thailand. There were three types of water management systems in southern Thailand, namely closed, semiclosed and open systems, categorized by the frequency of exchange of pond water. Shrimp culturists in those districts tended to shift their system from the open system to the closed system of their own accord, and the average net income ratio decreased due to the change of water management system in a district from more than 2 to less than 1. The reason for this shift, in spite of the decrease in the profit rate, was prevention of infectious disease caused by water exchange. In conclusion, it was proven that independent shrimp culturists, such as medium and small scale shrimp pond owners in southern Thailand, would accept short-term decreases in profit rate in order to stabilize production.  相似文献   

This paper provides baseline information on the involvement of women in small-scale coastal aquaculture such as the farming of slipper oyster, Crassostrea iredalei (Faustino 1933), and green mussel, Perna viridis (Linnaeus 1758). Data were gathered during a socio-economic survey of oyster and mussel farming in Western Visayas, Philippines conducted from July to December 1991.There were 175 respondents interviewed; 18.5% and 2.4% of oyster and mussel farmers were females. Fishing and related activities were the major source of livelihood for the majority of oyster and mussel farmers. In 1990, 79.4% and 69.8% of oyster and mussel farmers earned an annual income of less than P30 000 (1 USS P23). Based on the 1988 (latest data available) poverty threshold of P2654 (monthly) for Western Visayas, 80.4% and 71.7% of oyster and mussel farmers lived below poverty level in 1990. of 175 respondents. 79.3% and 48.2% of oyster and mussel farmers indicated that their household members participated in farming activities. More female household members were involved in oyster farming compared with mussel farming. Harvesting in mussel farming and both harvesting and marketing in oyster farming generated the widest participation among female household members.  相似文献   

Hydrology of inland brackishwater shrimp ponds in Chachoengsao, Thailand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study focuses on a new trend in shrimp aquaculture, the development of brackishwater ponds for Penaeus monodon culture in inland freshwater areas of Thailand’s Central Plain. Water balances were calculated for ponds and reservoirs at an inland shrimp farm in Chachoengsao, Thailand, between May and July 1999. Regulated inflow and outflow were the largest water fluxes, averaging 0.94 and 0.70 cm/day. Other daily average water gains were rainfall (0.52 cm/day) and runoff (1.7 cm/day), and other water losses were evaporation (0.31 cm/day) and seepage (0.52 cm/day). Over an entire crop cycle, of average length 109 days, average water inputs were: initial pond filling (84 cm); regulated inflow (103 cm); rainfall (57 cm); and runoff (3 cm). Average outputs were: regulated outflow (76 cm); seepage (57 cm); evaporation (34 cm); and draining at harvest (87 cm). The main feature of note in the water balance is the large volume of regulated outflow. All regulated outflow and most (82%) of the pondwater drained at harvest went directly to the irrigation canal system. Such large volumes of discharge could have serious environmental implications because small inland waterways have low assimilative capacity and pond effluent is saline. Consumptive water use for 14 inland shrimp ponds and reservoirs averaged 0.83±0.14 cm/day. Consumptive water use was also measured for 11 nearby rice fields, the main land use in the regions where inland shrimp farming is proliferating. Rice paddy water use averaged 0.91±0.17 cm/day. There was no significant difference in the daily consumptive water use of shrimp ponds and rice fields, suggesting that conversion from rice farming to shrimp farming would have little net impact on water availability for irrigation.  相似文献   

对虾工厂化养殖的系统结构   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对虾工厂化养殖是在人工控制条件下,利用有限水体进行对虾高密度养殖的一种生产方式,它依托一定的养殖工程和水处理设施作为技术支撑,融合无公害生产的管理模式,是一种高效的环境友好型养殖。文章就构建对虾工厂化养殖平台中的各系统环节及该种生产模式的概况作系统综述。  相似文献   


Shrimp aquaculture is the biggest source of export income in Vietnam. However, the development of the shrimp poses a serious threat to coastal mangroves by converting coastal mangroves into shrimp farms. Much effort has been made to replant mangroves and reduce the impacts of shrimp farming on the environment, and maintaining mangrove coverage at 30–50% of total farm area has provided the highest benefits in the integrated mangrove shrimp model. In this study, we re-examine the benefits of forest cover on the survival and yield of tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) in the integrated mangrove shrimp farming systems in Ca Mau province, Vietnam. The study found positive linear correlations of log transformed survival and yield of tiger shrimp with forest cover of the forms: Ln (survival)?=????1.39?+?0.038?×?forest coverage (r2?=?0.22; p value?=?0.0007); Ln (yield)?=?3.55?+?0.026?×?forest coverage (r2?=?0.16; p value?=?0.004). The households with high forest cover (i.e.,?>?45%) also had 1.07?±?0.29 and 1.39?±?0.36 (CI 95%, p value?=?0.000) kg ha?1 higher yield per night harvest than those with medium and low forest cover, respectively. As a result, households with high forest cover have higher benefits than those with lower forest cover. Our findings together with previous published studies lead to the recommendation that farmers maintain mangroves in farming systems for better economic and environmental benefits.


在虾池中养殖河豚鱼是近几年新兴起的一种养殖方式,这种方式具有产量稳定,风险性小、抗病力强,饵料系数低,产出效益大等特点,两年来,笔者从养殖过程中总结出一些技术要点,供养殖者参考。一、养殖池的清理与准备工作养殖河豚鱼的池子大小不限,最适宜的池子在100亩以下,要求底质平坦,无积淤泥,池塘水深要求12-1.5m以上,如果使用的是多年养殖的老池子,要对池底进行翻耙、曝晒,使其淤积黑化腐臭的滩泥充分氧化分解,同时每亩用生石灰100-150公斤,全地泼洒,对池底进行消毒,杀死条鱼杂虾等生物,经过一冬季平冻、风化虾池地底…  相似文献   

三疣梭子蟹是目前虾池养殖的主要对象.但是传统的养殖方式不能克服梭子蟹同类相残的生产难题,也不能防止梭子蟹残杀同池对虾、蛤类等混养品种,因而造成池养产量、效益较低.1999年我们进行了三疣梭子蟹吊漂养殖300亩,总产量达48吨,亩产160公斤,亩产值11200元,亩净收益7200元,养殖成活率80%,总结养殖经验,主要应做到以下几方面的技术措施.  相似文献   

职韶阳  杨丽萍  秦超彬  闫潇  张文蕾  刘茗宇  赵梦娟  聂国兴 《水产学报》2023,7(12):129101-1-129101-16

为进一步研究鱼类糖代谢与鸢尾素(irisin)之间的关系,亟需制备irisin抗体并检测其应用可靠性。本实验通过构建Rosetta-irisin表达载体,经蛋白纯化、透析、超滤后免疫小鼠,获得相应多克隆抗体并检测其特异性和抗体效价。建立irisin检测方法,检测口服葡萄糖耐量(OGTT)、RNAi实验后鲤血清irisinA和irisinB的含量变化。免疫荧光检测鲤脑、肠道、心脏、肝胰脏irisin的表达及OGTT后,检测上述组织irisin含量变化。检测鲤肌细胞分化前后FNDC5 mRNA表达差异及irisin含量变化。结果显示,Rosetta-irisin表达载体在IPTG诱导4 h对鲤irisinA/B蛋白表达较BL21-irisin表达载体提高2.3/1.6倍;irisinA和irisinB抗体效价分别为9.0×104和2.7×105,不存在交叉反应,可分别对鲤血清irisinA和irisinB进行测定;OGTT后,irisinA和irisinB呈现出不同的合成变化;RNAi后,irisin含量显著降低;免疫荧光结果显示,irisin在脑中表达最高,肝胰脏次之,心脏、肠道中相对较少;OGTT后,脑、肠道、心脏和肝胰脏中irisinA和irisinB荧光强度显著增加。荧光定量表达分析与免疫荧光结果显示,鲤肌细胞分化后,FNDC5和irisin含量显著降低。综上,本实验制备了高亲和力和特异性的鲤irisinA和irisinB抗体,并检测其应用可靠性。该抗体的获得为系统研究irisin对鲤糖代谢的调控机制奠定基础。同时,鲤irisin检测方法可普遍用于其他鱼类irisin蛋白质水平的定量研究。


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