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Lymphocystis disease, affecting snake-skin gouramis (Trichogaster peltoralis) and blue gouramis (T. tricopterus), was diagnosed histologically in 2 shipments of imported tropical fish. Typical virus particles were readily demonstrated by electron microscopy in negatively stained preparations and in sectioned tissues. Attempts at viral isolation in 2 fish cell lines (RTG-2 and FHM) were unsuccessful as were attempts to transmit the infection to pearl gouramis (T. leeri).  相似文献   

牙鲆鱼淋巴囊肿病初报   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
牙鲆鱼(Paralichthysolivaceus)淋巴囊肿病(LymphocystisDisease简称LD)是由虹彩病毒科(Iridoviridae)淋巴囊肿病毒(LymphocystisVirus简称LCV)引起的一种鱼类传染病。该病毒易感鱼类广泛,对鱼类危害严重.本次发现该病在6个牙鲆鱼养殖场呈亚急性暴发。病鱼体表可见有明显的瘤样囊肿物,囊肿细胞大的达到500μm。牙鲆鱼淋巴囊肿病暴发在我国为首次,疫源为外来。已建议采取综合防治措施控制疫源,防止扩散,尽快扑灭此病。  相似文献   

Five of eight bears died during an outbreak of Aujeszky's disease in a travelling circus in the north of Spain. The bears had been fed on a diet which included raw pigs' heads. One of three Himalayan bears and a Kodiak bear died acutely with signs of the disease. One of four polar bears died acutely without signs, another died with signs of Aujeszky's disease while it was being treated, and a third died with enteritis and disseminated intestinal coagulation some time later without showing signs of the disease. A fourth polar bear recovered from the same gastrointestinal problem without showing signs of the disease. Although one of the two surviving Himalayan bears showed some signs referrable to Aujeszky's disease, the results of tests for neutralising antibodies were negative. Two of the polar bears, the Himalayan bear and the Kodiak bear were examined postmortem and three of them were examined histologically. No lesions referable to Aujeszky's disease were found. The tissues from one female polar bear were examined and shown to be positive for Aujeszky's disease virus by virus isolation, polymerase chain reaction, electron microscopy and fluorescent antibody tests. The DNA of the isolate was shown to be similar to that of the strains of the virus circulating in pigs in northern Spain some years earlier.  相似文献   


This report documents natural infection and experimental transmission of lymphocystis in red drum Sciaenops ocellatus. Lymphocystis was a chronic problem in a commercial red drum production facility in Texas during 1993–1994. Electron microscopy of lesions and infected cell cultures revealed an icosohedral virus 220–230 nm in diameter. The virus was experimentally transmitted by intramuscular injection and oral administration, with the development of lesions restricted to fins and adjacent tissues. Cell culture of the virus yielded large numbers of incomplete particles, which might account for variations in experimental transmission of lymphocystis.  相似文献   

CASE DESCRIPTION: A 5-month-old captive female striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis) was evaluated because of lethargy, signs of depression, azotemia, and erythema of the skin around the eyes. CLINICAL FINDINGS: Antemortem diagnostic tests revealed renal disease but failed to identify an etiologic agent. A diagnosis of severe nonsuppurative interstitial nephritis was made on the basis of results of histologic examination of renal biopsy specimens. TREATMENT AND OUTCOME: The skunk was administered isotonic fluids SC daily and later every other day because of the handling-related stress. Because of the skunk's deteriorating condition, it was euthanized after 24 days of supportive care. Aleutian disease was diagnosed on the basis of positive results of a PCR assay that targeted the DNA from Aleutian disease virus (ADV); positive results for ADV were also obtained by use of plasma counterimmunoelectrophoresis and an ELISA. Genetic sequencing of the 365-base pair PCR product revealed 90% sequence identity with mink ADV. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: In the skunk of this report, infection with a skunk-specific parvovirus resulted in clinical signs and pathologic changes similar to those associated with ADV infection in mink. For skunks with signs of renal failure, differential diagnoses should include parvovirus infection. In confirmed cases of infection with this ADV-like virus, appropriate quarantine and biosecurity measures should be in place to prevent spread to other susceptible animals within a zoological collection.  相似文献   

Fatal pulmonary disease occurred in two captive American alligators. The entomopathogenic fungus, Beauveria bassiana, was isolated from pulmonary lesions in both alligators. An extended hibernation period because of a severe winter and a failure of the zoo heating system may have predisposed the alligators to infection.  相似文献   

Between April 1998 and June 1999, 8 palm vipers (Bothriechis marchi) were diagnosed with a disease similar to inclusion body disease (IBD) of boids. Six palm vipers were captive bred, and 2 were wild caught. All of the vipers were adults at the time of death. Three palm vipers were found dead with no premonitory clinical signs, and 5 had anorexia plus possibly 1 of the following clinical signs: regurgitation, paresis, and dehydration. Histologically, all snakes had intracytoplasmic, round to oval, single to multiple eosinophilic inclusion bodies in hepatocytes and renal tubular epithelial cells. Inclusion bodies were distributed among other organs with varying frequency. Common concurrent histologic lesions were urate nephrosis, septic thrombi, and hepatocellular degeneration. Ultrastructurally, inclusions had features similar to inclusions in boid snakes with IBD.  相似文献   


A study was conducted to determine if walleye dermal sarcoma could be experimentally transmitted by waterborne exposure of tumor-free walleyes Stizostedion vitreum to tumor-positive walleyes by cohabitation. Uninfected walleyes were placed in a common raceway with tumor-positive fish for either 5 or 15 d. Direct contact between the two groups of fish was prevented by two screen barriers. The exposed fish were then maintained in the laboratory for a total of 20 weeks. Walleye dermal sarcoma developed in 89% and 71% of the fish exposed for 5 and 15 d, respectively. There was no significant difference (P > 0.05) in incidence of tumors between the two groups of fish exposed for different lengths of time.  相似文献   

Chlamydia psittaci was isolated from four red-tailed hawks (Buteo jamaicensis) that died suddenly and from seven birds that survived at a raptor rehabilitation center in California in 1983. One hundred captive raptors representing 14 species in five families were subsequently tested serologically and by direct cloacal culture. C. psittaci was isolated from seven clinically normal birds. Forty-four percent of the raptors were considered positive using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and 19% were suspects. The ELISA was repeated on 54 raptors in 1986. Forty-one percent of the birds were considered positive, and 35% were suspect, indicating that C. psittaci is endemic in the population.  相似文献   

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