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The helminths of 3 blue duikers, Cephalophus monticola, from 3 nature reserves in Natal were collected, counted and identified. Taenia hydatigena larvae, a race of Cooperia rotundispiculum, gongylonema angistris, Trichostrongylus falculatus and Trichostrongylus rugatus appear to be new parasite records for blue duikers in South Africa.  相似文献   

The helminths of 4 suni, Neotragus moschatus, from the Tembe National Elephant Park, KwaZulu, Natal, were collected, counted and identified. Cooperia hungi, a race of Cooperia rotundispiculum, Haemonchus vegliai, Setaria cornuta, a Skrjabinema sp., Strongyloides papillosus, Trichostrongylus anomalus and Trichostrongylus deflexus are new parasite records for suni in Africa. Megacooperia woodfordi was recovered for the first time from South African antelope.  相似文献   

The helminths of 77 nyala, Tragelaphus angasii, from 4 game reserves in Natal, were collected, counted and identified. Ten nematode species and 4 nematode genera, a trematode species and paramphistomes, and 2 cestode genera were recovered from the antelope. Of these, a Cooperia rotundispiculum race, Gaigeria pachyscelis, a Gongylonema sp., Haemonchus vegliai, Impalaia tuberculata, an Oesophagostomum sp., a Setaria sp., Trichostrongylus deflexus, Trichostrongylus falculatus, the larval stage of a Taenia sp., a Thysaniezia sp. and Schistosoma mattheei are new parasite records for this host. Individual nematode helminth burdens varied from 3 to 13 493 and the total mean nematode burden was 700. The mean burdens of nyala from Mkuzi were the largest and those from animals from the Umfolozi Game Reserve and the False Bay Park the smallest. Ostertagia harrisi was the most prevalent nematode, and it was also the most numerous in nyala from Umfolozi, Mkuzi and False Bay. A race of Cooperia rotundispiculum was the most numerous in nyala from Ndumu. No clear-cut trends in the seasonal abundance could be discerned for any of the worm species recovered in this study.  相似文献   

Twenty-six common reedbuck, Redunca arundinum, were shot in pairs at monthly intervals for 13 consecutive months in the Himeville region of Natal. Ten nematode species, 2 cestodes and 1 trematode were recovered from these animals. Cooperia yoshidai was both the most numerous and most prevalent worm and peak burdens occurred during summer. Thirty-one reedbuck, killed at different intervals in various localities within the St. Lucia Reserve, harboured between 4 and 11 nematode species, 1 cestode and 1 trematode. With the exception of 4 reedbuck shot during January 1987, in which Haemonchus contortus was the most abundant worm, C. yoshidai was again both the most abundant and most prevalent worm. Peak burdens of this nematode occurred during autumn to spring. The helminths of 5 impala, Aepyceros melampus, also shot in the St. Lucia Reserve were examined. Some of the worm species of impala were also found in the reedbuck from the same locality and the helminths of the 2 antelope species are compared. An amended list, which includes several new records of the parasites of common reedbuck in South Africa is provided.  相似文献   

A total of 23 kudu, Tragelaphus strepsiceros, were shot at 2-month intervals from June 1983 to April 1984 in the Etosha Game Reserve in the north of South West Africa/Namibia. The parasite survey conducted on these animals yielded 2 cestode and 12 nematode species. Haemonchus vegliai and Cooperia neitzi were the most prevalent nematodes and occurred in 13 animals each, followed by Cooperia acutispiculum and an Onchocerca sp. (9 animals each). The remaining nematodes were present in 4 (17%) or fewer of the antelope. C. neitzi was the most numerous nematode, a total of 3,564 being recovered from all the antelope, followed by C. acutispiculum (2,552) and H. vegliai (1,050). Individual total worm burdens varied from 4-1,326 with 2 kudu harbouring no worms. The mean burden of 399 worms was considered negligible. A single kudu was shot in the Namib-Naukluft Park in the south of the country. This animal harboured no parasites.  相似文献   

The helminths of 25 kudu, Tragelaphus strepsiceros, from 3 localities in the eastern Cape Province were collected, counted and identified. The majority of kudu harboured no worms, and the burdens of those infected were small. A race of Cooperia rotundispiculum, a Dictyocaulus sp., a Haemonchus sp., Nematodirus helvetianus and Ostertagia ostertagi were recovered. Two parasites, Nematodirus helvetianus and Ostertagia ostertagi can be added to the list of helminth parasites of kudu in South Africa.  相似文献   

During ongoing surveys of parasites of wild animals in the Kruger National Park, a total of 96 kudu. Tragelaphus strepsiceros, were culled in the southern part of the park at monthly intervals from April 1981 to March 1983. A single kudu was shot in the same area in November 1983. Two more kudu were obtained from Pafuri in the northern part of the Park during October 1981 and another from near Satara in the central part of the Park during October 1982. The helminths of all the kudu were collected and 2 trematode, 4 cestode and 18 nematode species recovered. Amongst the helminths recovered, Agriostomum gorgonis, Cooperia fuelleborni, Cooperia hungi, Cooperia yoshidai, Impalaia tuberculata, a Parabronema sp., a Setaria sp., Strongyloides papillosus, Trichostrongylus falculatus, Schistosoma mattheei, an Avitellina sp., Moniezia benedeni, and Echinococcus sp. larvae appear to be new records for kudu. Haemonchus vegliai, which has been considered a rare nematode, was present in many animals. An amended list of the parasites of kudu is included, and the seasonal abundance of the major nematode species discussed and graphically illustrated.  相似文献   

The numbers and species of helminths recovered from one black wildebeest, Connochaetes gnou, three eland, Taurotragus oryx, 18 mountain reedbuck, Redunca fulvorufula, one red hartebeest, AIcelaphus buselaphus and two springbok, Antidorcas marsupialis, in the Mountain Zebra National Park, Eastern Cape Province; two black wildebeest, two grey rhebuck, Pelea capreolus, two mountain reedbuck and four springbok in the Karoo National Park, Western Cape Province; two bontebok, Damaliscus pygargus dorcas, two eland, two gemsbok, Oryx gazella and two springbok in the West Coast National Park, Western Cape Province; and a single springbok on a farm near Bredasdorp, Western Cape Province, are recorded. Nematodes belonging to a total of 12 genera and 20 species were identified. A single cestode was also recovered. Sixteen new host associations are recorded for the nematodes and one for the cestode Moniezia benedeni. Nematodirus spathiger had the widest host spectrum and with the exception of black wildebeest, was collected from all the host species examined.  相似文献   

Two to four impala in the Nylsvley Nature Reserve were culled each month from February 1975-February 1976. Two trematode species, 1 cestode species and 13 species of nematodes were recovered from these antelope. Of these, Fasciola gigantica, Gongylonema pulchrum, Haemonchus placei and Trichostrongylus falculatus are new records for impala. In general, H. placei, Longistrongylus sabie and Impalaia tuberculata exhibited a similar pattern of seasonal occurrence. Adult worms were present during November-February, while marked inhibition in the development of large numbers of 4th stage larvae occurred from April-September or October. Cooperia hungi, Cooperioides hamiltoni and Cooperloides hepaticae followed a similar pattern, but inhibition in the 4th larval stage was not as marked and lasted from June-September. No seasonal pattern of prevalence could be determined for Trichostrongylus spp. The worm burdens of young impala increased with the age of the animals and reached a peak when the impala were 1 year old.  相似文献   

A total of 25 grey rhebuck, Pelea capreolus, and 16 bontebok, Damaliscus dorcas dorcas, were shot for parasite recovery at bi-monthly intervals in the Bontebok National Park, south-western Cape Province, from February 1983 to December 1983 and February 1983 to February 1984, respectively. The grey rhebuck and the bontebok each harboured 9 nematode species and the latter animals 1 cestode species. Ostertagia hamata was most abundant and most prevalent in the grey rhebuck and Longistrongylus curvispiculum and Nematodirus spathiger in the bontebok. Longistrongylus schrenki is recorded for the first time in grey rhebuck, and Trichostrongylus falculatus and Moniezia expansa in bontebok. The total nematode burdens of the bontebok were considerably larger than those of the grey rhebuck. No clear pattern of seasonal abundance for the helminths of either host species was evident.  相似文献   

Eighteen red duikers, Cephalophus natalensis, from the Charters Creek Nature Reserve and 2 from Fanies Island Nature Reserve were processed for arthropod parasite recovery. They harboured 8 species of ixodid ticks and 2 lice species. All were infested with Haemaphysalis parmata and the nymphs of Rhipicephalus muehlensi. Two bushpigs, Potamochoerus porcus, from the Ndumu Nature Reserve, 5 from the Eastern Shores Nature Reserve and 1 from Cape Vidal were examined for ectoparasites. They were infested with 8 ixodid tick species, of which Rhipicephalus maculatus was the most abundant, and with 1 louse species.  相似文献   

Helminth and arthropod parasites were collected from 41 warthogs, Phacochoerus aethiopicus, in the Hoedspruit Nature Reserve, eastern Transvaal. This reserve consists of a military base, which is a restricted area and is surrounded by a reserve, which is open to the public. Eleven nematode species, 1 or 2 cestode species and the larvae of 2 cestode species were recovered from the animals in the reserve, and 8 nematode species and 1 or 2 cestode species were recovered from those in the military base. Oesophagostomum spp. were generally most abundant in warthogs in the reserve during the cooler months of the year, while Probstmayria vivipara also occurred in peak numbers during the cooler months, with an additional peak in October and November 1988 in warthogs in the reserve and the base, respectively. No pattern of seasonal abundance could be determined for the other helminth species. The warthogs also harboured 8 ixodid and 1 argasid tick species, 3 flea species and 1 louse species. Adult and immature Haematopinus phacochoeri were most numerous during August and September, and the largest numbers of adult Rhipicephalus simus were present from December to April.  相似文献   

During surveys of the helminths of South African wildlife, a Cooperia sp. that closely resembles Cooperia rotundispiculum Gibbons & Khalil, 1980, was recovered from several antelope species. This nematode has spicules 0,140-0,248 mm long and has 18-20 longitudinal cuticular ridges, whereas typical C. rotundispiculum has spicules 0,179-0,226 mm long and has 14 ridges. In view of the few differences between the 2 helminths, the Cooperia sp. is described here as a race of C. rotundispiculum.  相似文献   

Trichostrongylus angistris n. sp. was found in the abomasa of 13 red duiker Cephalophus natalensis A. Smith, 1834, culled in the Charter's Creek Nature Reserve, Natal. The species is closely related to Trichostrongylus minor M?nnig, 1932 and can be differentiated from it by the shorter dorsal ray and the different shape of the gubernaculum and spicules. The shoes of the spicules of T. minor are set at an angle to the long axis, while those of T. angistris are curved. Upon re-examination, the Trichostrongylus spp., tentatively identified as Trichostrongylus capricola Ransom, 1907 and Trichostrongylus vitrinus Looss, 1905, proved to be T. angistris. In this paper, T. angistris is compared with T. capricola and T. vitrinus and T. minor is redescribed.  相似文献   

The seasonal incidence of nematode infestations in pigs raised under semi-intensive conditions was determined by the monthly slaughter of 2--4 tracer pigs exposed to infestation in an earthernfloored pen for periods of 1 or 2 months. Although worm burdens were generally small, Ascarops strongylina appeared to be more prevalent from November to March than during the other months of the year. Once Ascaris suum became established in the pen nearly all the pigs became infested. The number of worms never exceeded 88, however, and no seasonal incidence pattern could be determined. Trichuris suis favoured the warmer months from November to March, the smallest numbers being recovered during September and October. One pig only harboured Trichostrongylus colubriformis and 3 had Oesophagostomum dentatum.  相似文献   

Re-examination of Teladorsagia hamata (M?nnig, 1932) Durette-Desset, 1989 reported from grey rhebuck, Pelea capreolus (Forster, 1790) proved it to be a new species of Ostertagi Ransom, 1907. The new species, for which the name Ostertagia triquetra n. sp. is proposed, differs from Teladorsagia hamata in the configuration of the bursal rays (2-1-2 in the former, 2-2-1 in the latter), and in that the interno-dorsal branch of the spicules bears a process that is triangular and convex in the new species, but concave and shaped like an ice-cream scoop in Teladorsagia hamata. Ostertagia triquetra has so far been found only in grey rhebuck in the Eastern Cape Province while Teladorsagia hamata was recorded from springbok, Antidorcas marsupialis (Zimmerman, 1780) and gemsbok, Oryx gazella (Unnaeus, 1758) in the western part of the country.  相似文献   

A new species of Cooperia, for which the name Cooperia pigachei n. sp. is proposed, was recovered from a mountain reedbuck, Redunca fulvorufula, from the Sterkfontein Dam Nature Reserve, Free State Province, and is described and illustrated. It is close to Cooperia neitzi M?nnig, 1932 and the South African race of Cooperia rotundispiculum in having more than 14 longitudinal cuticular ridges and in that the lateral cervical synlophe is of the closed type. The new species differs from all the other species of the genus in that the lateral branches of the dorsal ray are large and T-shaped. The spicules are robust, over 0.3 mm long and have large, curved shoes on their tips.  相似文献   

A total of 52 pigs slaughtered at the Pretoria Municipal Abattoir over a period of 1 year was examined for parastitic helminths. Twenty-six of these pigs were marketed by farmers and 26 by speculators. Of the pigs marketed by farmers 73,1% were found to be infested:--30,8% with Ascaris suum, 65,4% with Ascarops strongylina, 3,8% with Metastrongylus apri, 26,9% with Oesophagostomum spp., 15,4% with Trichostrongylus colubriformis and 15,4% with Trichuris suis. All the pigs marketed by speculators were infested:--7,7% with A. suum, 92,3% with A. strongylina, 11,5% with Oesophagostomum spp., 65,4% with Physocephalus sexalatus, 7,7% with T. colubriformis and 11,5% with T. suis. The findings obtained in surveys conducted in Canada, Greece, India, the Philippines, the United Kingdom and the United States of America are quoted for comparison. Trichostrongylus colubriformis and Oesophagostomum quadrispinulatum are recorded for the first time in pigs in the Republic of South Africa.  相似文献   

Sets of tracer calves, which were exposed for 2 months on irrigated pasture and then slaughtered, provided evidence of the extent of seasonal helminth infestation. Haemonchus spp. were the most abundant nematodes, the largest numbers of which were generally recovered from May--August. Marked inhibition of development in the 4th larval stage was noted from May--November. Trichostrongylus spp. were recovered in modest numbers with the highest burdens generally present in May, June and October. In the first year of the survey Cooperia spp. were recovered in small numbers, but in the second year burdens increased from February--June.  相似文献   

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