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Abstract Twelve dogs with generalized demodicosis were treated with oral administration of ivermectin, 0.4 mg kg-1 of body weight given once every 24 h. Results of skin scrapings were used to determine whether administration of ivermectin should be continued or stopped. Dogs that were free of clinical signs of demodicosis 12 months after administration of ivermectin was discontinued were considered cured. Five dogs were cured. The medían duration of treatment was 15 weeks (range 5–21 weeks). Seven dogs were failures, with five relapsing 3–11. 5 months after treatment was stopped, and two having persistent demodicosis in spite of treatment. Mild ivermectin toxicosis developed in one dog after 5 weeks of treatment; side-effects resolved shortly after the treatment was stopped. Resumen Se trataron doce perros con demodicosis generalizada con ivermectina oral, 0.4 mg/Kg de peso corporal una vez cada 24 h. Se realizaron raspados cutáneos para déterminar si debia retirarse o continuar con la administración de ivermectina. Se consideraron curados aquellos perros sin sintomatologia de demodicosis 12 meses después de retirar la terapia con ivermectina. La duración medía del tratamiento con ivermectina fue de 15 semanas (rango de 5–21). Se fracasó en siete perros, con cinco recidivas a los 3–11, 5 meses después de parar la terapia y dos con demodicosis persistente a pesar del tratamiento. Un perro desarrolló una toxicosis leve a la ivermectina a las 5 semanas del tratamiento; los efectos secundarios desaparecieron al poco de retirar el tratamiento. [Medleau, L., Ristic, Z., McElveen, D.R. Daily ivermectin for treatment of generalized demodicosis in dogs (Administración díaria de ivermectina para el tratamiento de le demodicosis generalizada en el perro). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 209–212.] Résumé Douze chiens présentant une démodécie généralisée fürent traités par administration orale d'ivermectine à la dose de 0.4 mg/kg de poids une fois par jour. Les résultats des raclages cutanés servirent à déterminar la nécessité de continuer ou d'arrêter l'administration d'ivermectine. Les chiens ne présentant aucun symptôme de démodécie 12 mois après l'arrêt de l'ivermectine fürent considérés guéris. Cinq chiens fürent guéris. La durée moyenne du traitement fut de 15 semaines (intervalles de 5 à 21 semaines. Sept cas fürent des échecs, avec 5 chiens récidivant 3 à 11, 5 mois après l'arrêt du traitement, et 2 présentant une démodécie persistante malgré le traitement. Un chien a développé une intoxication modéree après 5 semaines de traitement; les effets secondaires disparaissant rapidement après l'arrêt du traitement. [Medleau, L., Ristic, Z., McElveen, D.R. Daily ivermectin for treatment of generalized demodicosis in dogs (Administration quotidienne d'ivermectine dans le traitement de la démodécie généralisée chez le chien). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 209–212.] Zusammenfassung Zwölf Hunde mit generalisierter Demodikose wurden mit einer oralen Verabreichung von Ivermectin in der Dosierung von 0, 4 mg/kg Körpergewicht einmal alle 24 Stunden behandelt. Die Ergebnisse der Hautgeschabsel dienten zur Bestimmung, ob die Verabreichung weiterhin erfolgen sollte oder abzubrechen sei. Hunde, die 12 Monate nach Ende der Ivermectin-Verabreichung frei von klinischen Symptomen der Demodikose waren, wurden als geheilt betrachtet. Fünf Hunde waren geheilt. Die mittlere Therapiedauer betrug 15 Wochen (Spannweite 5 bis 21 Wochen). Bei sieben Hunden versagte die Therapie, wobei fünf nach 3 bis 11, 5 Monaten nach Behandlungsende ein Rezidiv bekamen und zwei Tiere trotz der Therapie einer persistierende Demodikose zeigten. Bel einem Hund entwickelte sich 5 Wochen nach der Behandlung eine milde Ivermectin-Intoxikation; die Nebenwirkungen verschwanden kurz nach Abbruch der Therapie. [Medleau, L., Ristic, Z., McElveen, D.R. Daily ivermectin for treatment of generalized demodicosis in dogs (Tägliche Ivermectinverabreichung als Behandlung für Hunde mit generalisierter Demodikose). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 209–212.]  相似文献   

Abstract The efficacy of twice daily topical application of capsaicin (0.025%) for the management of pruritus in dogs with atopic dermatitis (AD) was evaluated in double-blinded, placebo-controlled study. Twelve dogs with AD were randomly assigned to either 0.025% capsaicin or vehicle lotion applied twice daily for 6 weeks. After a 4-week wash-out period, treatments were switched. Significant improvement was reported by owners ( P  = 0.0006), but not by investigators. Owners noted temporary worsening of pruritus after the first week of capsaicin therapy. Overall capsaicin was well tolerated. Substance P (SP) concentrations in the skin did not correlate with the severity of the pruritus and did not change significantly over time and between treatments. Lesional skin had less SP than nonlesional skin ( P  = 0.03). These observations suggest that topical capsaicin should be further evaluated as an adjunctive antipruritic agent in dogs with AD.  相似文献   

Abstract The efficacy of lufenuron for treatment of generalized demodicosis in dogs was investigated. Eleven dogs with generalized demodicosis received either low-dose lufenuron (mean 13.3 mg kg-1 once a day on the first 5 days of the month) or high-dose lufenuron (mean 15.8 mg kg-1 three times a week) orally for 2 or 3 months. None of the dogs showed a decrease in mite numbers on monthly examination of deep skin scrapings. To determine levels of orally administered lufenuron in the skin (epidermis and dermis), three adult dogs were each given lufenuron orally at a mean dose of 19.3 mg kg-1 once a day for 5 days. Lufenuron was measured in samples of blood and skin collected on days 0, 1, 6, 16, 30, 44 and 60 after administering the drug. Mean skin levels of lufenuron were 10 times the corresponding blood levels. Lufenuron was ineffective as a treatment for generalized demodicosis in these dogs despite the fact that high drug levels were achieved in the skin. Résumé— L'efficacitée du Lufénuron dans le traitement de la démodécie généralisée du chien a étéévaluée 11 chiens présentant une démodécie généralisée ont reçu soit du lufeAnuron à dose faible (en moyenne 13, 3 mg kg-1, 1 fois par jour les 5 premiers jours de chaque mois) ou à dose élevée (en moyenne 15, 8 mg kg-1 fois par semaine) par voie orale pendant 2 à 3 mois. Aucun des chiens traités ne montre une diminution du nombre de parasites determine à partir de raclages cutanés profonds mensuels. Afin de déterminer les taux de lufénuron dans la peau (épiderme et derme), trois chiens adultes ont reçu chacun du lufénuron par voie orale à une dose moyenne de 19, 3 mg kg-1, une fois par jour pendant 5 jours. Le lufénuron a été mesuré dans des échantillons sanguins et cutanés à JO, J1, J6, J16, J30, J44 et J60 après administration. Les taux moyens dans la peau sont 10 fois supérieurs aux taux sanguins correspondants. Le lufénuron est inefficace dans le traitement de la démodécie généralisée en dépit des concentrations élévées dans la peau. [Schwassmann, M., Kunkle, G. A., Hepler, D. I., Lewis, D. T. Use of lufénuron for treatment of generalized demodicosis in dogs. (Utilisation du Lufénuron pour le traitement de la démodécie généralisée du chien.) Veterinary Dermatology 1997; 8 : 11–18.] Resumen Se investigó la eficacia de lufénuron para el tratamiento de la demodicosis generalizada en perros. Once perros con demodicosis generalizada recibieron o bien una dosis baja de lufénuron (medía 13.3 mg kg-1 una vez al día en los primeros 5 meses del mes) o una dosis alta de lufénuron (medía 15.8 mg kg-1 3 veces a la semana) oralmente durante 2 o 3 meses. Ninguno de los perros mostró dismunición en el número de ácaros en los exámenes mensuales de raspados cutáneos profundos. Para detectar en la piel (epidermis y dermis) los niveles de lufénuron administrado oralmente, a tres perros adultos se les administró a cada uno lufénuron oral a una dosis medía de 19.3 mg kg-1 una vez al día durante 5 días. Se cuantificó el lufénuron en muestras de sangre y piel tomadas a días 0, 1, 6, 16, 30, 44 y 60 después de la administración del fármaco. Los valores cutáneos medios de lufénuron fueron 10 veces los valores sanguineos correspondientes. Lufénuron no tuvo efecto como tratamiento de la demodicosis generalizada en estos perros a pesar de los altos niveles farmacológicos alcanzados a nivel cutáneo. [Schwassmann, M., Kunkle, G. A., Hepler, D. I., Lewis, D. T. Use of lufénuron for treatment of generalized demodicosis in dogs. (Uso de lufénuron para el tratamiento de la demodicosis generalizada en perros.) Veterinary Dermatology 1997; 8 : 11–18.] Zusammenfassung— Die Wirksamkeit von Luferunon in der Behandlung von generalisierter Demodikose wurde untersucht. Elf Hunde mit generalisierter Demodikose erhielten entweder eine niedrige (durchschnittlich 13.3 mg kg-1 täglich an den ersten fünf Monatstagen) oder hohe Dosis Lufénuron (durchschnittlich 15.8 mg kg-1 dreimal wöchentlich) oral für 2–3 Monate. Bei keinem Hund zeigte die monatliche Untersuchung von tiefen Hautgeschabseln eine Verminderung der Milbenanzahl. Um den Hautspiegel (Epidermis und Dermis) des oral verabreichten Lufénurons zu bestimmen, erhielten drei Hunde jeweils oral Lufénuron in einer Durchschnittsdosis von 19.3 mg kg-1 täglich für 5 Tage. Lufénuron wurde in Serum-und Hautproben gemessen die vor und 1, 6, 16, 30, 44 und 60 Tage nach Beginn der Medikamenteneinnahme genommen wurden. Durchschnittliche Hautspiegel von Lufénuron waren zehn Mai so hoch wie die korrespondierenden Blutspiegel. Die Behandlung der generalisierten Demodikose mit Lufénuron war trotz der hohen Medikamentenkonzentration in der Haul unwirksam. [Schwassmann, M., Kunkle, G. A., Hepler, D. I., Lewis, D. T. Use of lufénuron for treatment of generalized demodicosis in dogs. (Die Verwendung von Lufénuron für die Behandlung der generalisierten Demodikose beim Hund.) Veterinary Dermatology 1997; 8 : 11–18.]  相似文献   

For this study 54 dogs with diabetes mellitus verified by anamnesis, clinical examinations and laboratory analyses were selected in 13 Danish and Swedish small animal clinics. After instruction the owners gave isophane insulin ("Insulin Protaphan Human") injections to the dogs morning and evening followed by a commercial or homemade meal rich in fibers. The veterinarians examined the treated dogs 5 times or more in the 90 day treatment period, preferably in the morning before injection and meal. In all 54 dogs the clinical symptoms disappeared a few days after isophane insulin injections, and 54% of the dogs were clinically healthy within 8 days. Within a month 96% of the dogs were normalized after therapy. Simultaneously the blood glucose levels were normalized in 64% of the dogs within 14 days and in further 21% within 30 days. The urine glucose levels were normalized in 64% of the dogs within 14 days and for further 19% within 30 days. At the end of the study 48 out of the 54 diabetic dogs were clinically healthy, alert and free from symptoms of diabetes. The average dose of isophane insulin was for greater dogs 0.44 units per kg bw twice a day, for small dogs 0.79. Six dogs had been destroyed in the trial period for various reasons. One owner had injection troubles. Another owner was hospitalized and had to get rid of the dog. One dog developed advanced breast cancer, 1 went fierce and 2 developed cataracts. Four dogs had by 1 or 2 occasions shown hypoglycemic symptoms, which quickly disappeared after appropriate adjustments of insulin dosing, feeding schedule and exercise programme.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Chemotherapy‐induced diarrhoea (CID) is a frequent chemotherapy adverse event in dogs. Yet, there is currently no consensus regarding its management. Smectite is a natural medical clay, widely used in the treatment of acute diarrhoea in humans. The objectives of this study were to assess the efficacy of smectite in the management of CID in dogs, and to collect epidemiological data on CID. For each episode of diarrhoea, dogs were randomized into two management groups: Smectite group, receiving smectite at 0.5 g/kg PO per day divided in two to three doses initiated at the start of CID; control group, without initial medication. In both groups, rescue metronidazole was prescribed if CID progressed or was not improved within 48 hours. Sixty dogs were recruited and received 426 chemotherapy administrations between June 2017 and March 2019. The incidence rate of CID was 110/426 (25.8%, 95% CI: 21.7%‐30.2%), and significantly differed between the chemotherapeutic drugs administered (P < .001). Metronidazole was administered in 5/54 events (9.3%, 95% CI: 3.1%‐20.3%) in the smectite group and in 40/56 events (71.4%, 95% CI: 57.5%‐82.3%) in the control group (P < .001). The time to resolution of diarrhoea was shorter (P < .001) in the smectite group (median: 19.5 hours, interquartile range [IQR]: 13.5‐32 hours) compared with the control group (median: 53 hours, IQR: 31.5‐113.5 hours). The results of this study support the administration of smectite in the first‐line management of CID in dogs.  相似文献   

Objective To determine the duration of efficacy of a 4% deltamethrin‐impregnated collar for dogs (Scalibor® ProtectorBand, MSD Animal Health) against adult female paralysis ticks (Ixodes holocyclus). Procedures A controlled pen study was conducted. Dogs were artificially infested at 14‐day intervals with unfed adult female ticks for up to 140 days following application of the collar to the dogs. Efficacy was assessed by manually counting ticks on dogs at 24, 48 and 72 h after each infestation. Results Efficacy at the 72‐h count was 96% after the day 14 tick infestation. The 72‐h efficacy remained above 94% from the day 14 to the day 98 infestations, when efficacy was still 99.5%. Efficacy at 72 h was above 90% after the day 112 infestation and was still 93% at 72 h after the day 140 infestation. Conclusions The deltamethrin‐impregnated collar gave greater than 90% control of paralysis ticks for at least 14 weeks.  相似文献   

Twelve privately owned dogs with chronic generalized demodicosis were treated topically along the dorsal midline with 1.5 mg kg−1 of 0.5% pour-on ivermectin for cattle three times per week for 3–6 months. All 12 dogs had a substantial reduction in clinical signs and in the number of Demodex canis mites found on skin scrapings. Only two dogs, however, became skin-scrapings negative after 3 and 5 months of treatment, respectively. In these two dogs treatment was prolonged for an additional 4 weeks past the negative scrapings. One dog relapsed 2 months after cessation of therapy; the other is still free of symptoms 1.5 years later. The cure rate, based on the lack of recurrence of clinical signs for 12 months after discontinuation of ivermectin administration, was 1 of 12 dogs (8%). Adverse reactions were not seen.  相似文献   

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