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Severe treading damage to soils often occurs when cattle and sheep graze standing forage crops during winter. Soil recovery is a long process that may take several months if not years. Noninversion tillage can speed up the recovery process by improving drainage and air diffusion. This research assessed the ongoing benefit of noninversion tillage for improving soil structure relative to non‐tillage. This assessment was made following a land‐use transition from winter forage cropping to re‐establishment of seasonal pasture that was rotationally grazed by cattle or sheep. Prior to commencement of this study, the research site had poor soil structure due to four consecutive years of cattle and sheep grazing of winter forage crops [macroporosity (0–100 mm) <0.075 and 0.113 m3/m3 under cattle and sheep, respectively]. Tillage was effective in increasing soil macroporosity to ca. 0.175 m3/m3 under both grazing classes, which was significantly higher than nontilled soils (ca. 0.140 m3/m3, 0–100 mm depth). Improvements gained from tillage generally did not persist longer than 18 months. Average annual pasture production in tilled plots was 22.1 and 20.9 tons of dry matter per hectare (t DM/ha) for respective cattle‐ and sheep‐grazed plots, while in the nontilled plots, it was 19.1 and 18.6 t DM/ha, respectively. Results indicate noninversion tillage can provide an immediate increase in the porosity of compacted soils and improve pasture growth. However, processes involved in the formation of resilient soil aggregates are curtailed if subsequent grazing events coincide with high moisture content that causes recompaction.  相似文献   

黄土高原丘陵区人工灌草生态系统水土保持功能评估   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
人工灌草复合植被是黄土高原植被恢复与重建的主要植被类型,在该区域水土保持中发挥着重要的作用。以定西市安定区为例,基于InVEST模型对该区人工灌草生态系统的水土保持功能进行定量化评估,以期为黄土高原丘陵区生态恢复与水土资源的可持续利用提供决策支撑。评估结果为:(1)人工灌草地单位面积的水源涵养量为369.25 m~3/hm~2,是草地的90.5%、林地的134%和耕地的110%;该区的水源涵养总量为3 970.99×10~4 m~3,人工灌草地水源涵养量占该区总水源涵养量的29.9%。(2)人工灌草地单位面积的N保持量为2.4 kg/hm~2,净化率为72.21%,P保持量为0.12 kg/hm~2,净化率为71.07%。(3)人工灌草地单位面积的土壤保持量为308.76 t/hm~2,比草地、林地和耕地分别高1.88,1.44,6.01倍,该区的土壤保持总量为3 310.21×10~4 t,人工灌草地土壤保持量占总土壤保持量的54.82%。结果表明,人工灌草地的水源涵养能力仅次于草地,高于其他土地利用类型,但土壤保持能力是6种土地类型中最强的,具有较好的水土保持功能,是黄土高原丘陵区适宜的植被类型和土地利用方式。  相似文献   

Soil erosion by water is the most pressing environmental problem in Ethiopia, particularly in the Highlands where the topography is highly rugged, population pressure is high, steeplands are cultivated and rainfall is erosive. Soil conservation is critically required in these areas. The objective of this study was to assess soil erosion hazard in a typical highland watershed (the Chemoga watershed) and demonstrate that a simple erosion assessment model, the universal soil loss equation (USLE), integrated with satellite remote sensing and geographical information systems can provide useful tools for conservation decision‐making. Monthly precipitation, soil map, a 30‐m digital elevation model derived from topographic map, land‐cover map produced from supervised classification of a Land Sat image, and land use types and slope steepness were used to determine the USLE factor values. The results show that a larger part of the watershed (>58 per cent of total) suffers from a severe or very severe erosion risk (>80 t ha−1 y−1), mainly in the midstream and upstream parts where steeplands are cultivated or overgrazed. In about 25 per cent of the watershed, soil erosion was estimated to exceed 125 t ha−1 y−1. Based on the predicted soil erosion rates, the watershed was divided into six priority categories for conservation intervention and 18 micro‐watersheds were identified that may be used as planning units. Finally, the method used has yielded a fairly reliable estimation of soil loss rates and delineation of erosion‐prone areas. Hence, a similar method can be used in other watersheds to prepare conservation master plans and enable efficient use of limited resources. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Soil degradation is a serious problem in the central and northern Highlands of Ethiopia. It has been so for several decades as a result of over exploitation and mismanagement. Relocation of a portion of the population from these regions to the relatively less populated Southwestern Highlands has taken place for decades to try to address the problem. However, such mass resettlements have caused severe soil degradation problems in many destination areas in the Southwestern Highlands. The aim of this study was to assess the problem of soil degradation using the caesium‐137 isotope and to test its value for erosion study in the region. The adapted USLE was applied to compare results from the caesium‐137 isotope studies. Along a deforestation continuum, fields cultivated for various years were studied for erosion. From a reference grazing land plot, total caesium‐137 fallout of 2026 ± 176 Bq m−2 with a CV of 24·6 per cent was recorded showing the presence of sufficient fallout to apply the technique. Erosion in cultivated fields was estimated against this reference using conversion models. Results from the Proportional Model |−13·9 ± 2·7|and the adapted USLE |12·3 ± 2·6| were not significantly different (p < 0·05), meaning the technique provides reliable results. A positive relationship was observed between severity of erosion and time of cultivation after forest clearing (R2 = 0·78). The mean annual loss of soil from cultivated land, 14·9 ± 2·9 t ha−1 y−1, is already beyond the tolerable threshold and might exacerbate further clearing of forests for cultivation if the land is not properly managed. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Between 1937 and 1983 a total of 391 400 ha of woodland, representing 51% of the 768 900 ha in the Zambia Copperbelt, had been deforested for industrial and household woodfuel. This has occurred in spite of a forest reservation programme that increased the area in forest reserves from 31 707 ha in 1942 to 252 715 ha in 1965. Between 1965 and 1980 the reserved forests were reduced to 246 930 ha and since then the area has remained static. The rapidly growing demand for charcoal by the increasing urban population, and the growing problem of acid dust and rain pollution from copper smelters, pose serious threats to forest conservation in this industrial region of Zambia. Current forest conservation is restricted to the establishment of exotic forest plantations and recently deforested areas are left to regenerate naturally.Forest destruction and conservation in the Copperbelt area were studied and the structure of old-growth and coppice woodland stands at 9 and 14 sites, respectively, investigated during 1982–1984. The Copperbelt vegetation is dominated by Brachystegia-Julbernardia woodland. Mean species diversity of 24·40·1 ha−1 in coppice stands was higher than that of 18·9 found in old-growth stands. Stem density in coppice was 3·3 times that observed in old-growth woodlands. The majority of species (over 50%) in both old-growth and coppice were represented by less than 11 stems per sampling plot. Mean basal area at breast height in coppice aged 19–23 years was 14·33 m2, which was 95% of the mean basal area of 15·15 m2 found in old-growth woodlands.  相似文献   


Knowledge of relationships between variation in early plant growth and soil nutrient supply is needed for effective site‐specific management of no‐till fields. This study assessed relationships between soil test phosphorus (STP) and potassium (STK) with early plant growth and P or K content of young corn (Zea mays L.) and soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] plants in eight no‐till fields. Composite soil (0–15 cm depth) and plant (V5‐V6 growth stages) samples were collected from 400‐m2 areas at the center of 0.14‐ha cells of a 16‐cell square grid and from 2‐m2 areas spaced 3 m along each of two 150‐m intersecting transects. Correlation, regression, multivariate factor analyses were used to study the relationships between the variables. Variability was higher for samples collected from the transects. Plant dry weight (DW), P uptake (PU), and K uptake (KU) usually were correlated with STP and STK but the correlations varied markedly among fields. Relationships between soil and plant variables could not always be explained by known nutrient sufficiency levels for grain production. Plant P concentration (PC) was not always correlated with STP and sometimes it increased linearly with STP, but other times increased curvilinearly until a maximum was reached. Plant K concentration (KC) usually was correlated with STK, however, and increased linearly with increasing STK even in fields with above‐optimum STK. The results suggest greater susceptibility of early growth to STP than to STK and greater plant capacity to accumulate K compared with P over a wide range of soil nutrient supplies. Variation in STK likely is a major direct cause of variation in KC over a wide range of conditions but variation in STP is not likely a major direct cause of variation in PC when high STP predominates.  相似文献   

Here we quantitatively summarize the conservation ecology of one group of dead-wood-dependent organisms, the polyporous fungi, in boreal Europe. At the substrate scale, the decay stage is the strongest determinant of species richness, with large (>20 cm diameter) downed logs hosting more species than other dead-wood types. At the stand scale, the amount of dead wood is the strongest determinant of polypore species richness; the minimum average amount of dead wood for the occurrence of rare polypores appears to be 20–40 m3/ha. Species-area analysis shows that in mature boreal forests species accumulation levels off at around 20–30 ha. This leads us to suggest a heuristic 20/20/20 rule of thumb: a 20 ha stand, with an average of 20 m3/ha of dead wood of which many are logs >20 cm, is likely to be the minimum for the ecologically justified conservation of polypore diversity at the stand scale in boreal Europe. Equally crucial for polypore diversity, however, is the current and historic extent of suitable habitats at the landscape scale. The time lag between the isolation of a habitat patch and the new equilibrium in the number or occurrence of species seems to be around 100–150 years, indicating that an extinction debt is likely to exist in recently isolated fragments. Only a few studies have addressed the ecological efficiency of the new, biodiversity-oriented forest management tools (retention trees, woodland key habitats). Despite this it seems that the traditional large conservation areas are the most effective means of polypore conservation.  相似文献   

渭河作为黄河的最大支流,是生态保护建成区重点之一,对其生态系统服务研究有利于实现流域内高质量发展和生态保护之间的平衡关系,保持流域生态系统服务功能,促进流域生态系统恢复。基于InVEST模型分析渭河流域2000—2018年5期土地利用和干支流生态系统服务时空动态变化,采用相关性分析水源涵养、土壤保持和生物多样性之间的权衡和协同。结果表明:19年间,研究区土地利用情况主要以耕地、草地和林地为主,占总面积的95%以上。流域内水源涵养呈现"先上升后下降"趋势,平均栅格单元产水量542.9 mm,渭河流域干流水源涵养量最高,为6.88×10~8 m~3,其次为北洛河和泾河流域,分别为3.36×10~8,5.04×10~8 m~3。土壤保持呈斑块状分布,流域整体土壤侵蚀状况为微度侵蚀,且渭河流域干流实际土壤侵蚀量总量最高为6.67×10~8 t,其次为北洛河和泾河流域,分别为6.22×10~8,3.13×10~8 t。生物多样性表现为生境质量高区集中分布在生态较好的森林生态保护区,人类活动较为密集地区生境质量较差。研究期间,渭河流域水源涵养与土壤保持、生态质量之间为高度协同关系,其他生态系统服务不显著,不同的土地利用类型对生态系统服务之间权衡和协同贡献值不一致。  相似文献   

[目的] 研究土壤秸秆注孔对土壤含水量及作物生长的影响,为旱作农田增加雨水蓄集能力及提高水分利用效率提供理论依据。[方法] 开展玉米-小麦轮作田间试验,设置常规种植(CK)、土壤秸秆注孔2孔/m2(T1),4孔/m2(T2),8孔/m2(T3)4个处理。[结果] 秸秆注孔所有处理均提高了整个试验期表层土壤含水量。T2,T3处理提高了收获期深层土壤含水量,试验结束时两者底层土壤(60-80 cm)含水量较CK分别提高了29.19 %和28.18 %。秸秆注孔处理提高了作物株高、经济产量和生物量,以及降水利用效率和水分利用效率,T2,T3处理的提高效果最明显,且彼此差异不显著。[结论] 秸秆注孔具有保水性能和增产能力,根据成本和效果综合考虑,推荐秸秆注孔4孔/m2(T2)作为优选处理。  相似文献   

Crop yields and yield potentials on Danish coarse sandy soils are strongly limited due to restricted root growth and poor water and nutrient retention. We investigated if biochar amendment to subsoil can improve root development in barley and significantly increase soil water retention. Spring barley (Hordeum vulgare cv. Anakin) was grown in soil columns (diameter: 30 cm) prepared with 25 cm topsoil, 75 cm biochar‐amended subsoil, and 30 cm un‐amended subsoil lowermost placed on an impervious surface. Low‐temperature gasification straw‐biochar (at 0, 0.50, 1.0, 2.0, and 4.0 wt%) and slow pyrolysis hardwood‐biochar (at 2 wt%) were investigated. One wt% can be scaled up to 102 Mg/ha of char. After full irrigation and drainage, the in‐situ moisture content at 30‐80 cm depth increased linearly (R2 = 0.99) with straw‐biochar content at a rate corresponding to 0.029 m3/m3/%. The lab determined wilting point also increased linearly with char content (R2 = 0.99) but at a much lower rate (0.003 m3/m3/%). Biochar at concentrations up to 2% significantly increased the density of roots in the 40–80 cm depth interval. Addition of 1% straw‐biochar had the most positive effect on root penetration resulting in the highest average root density (54% coverage compared to 33% without biochar). This treatment also resulted in the greatest spring barley grain yield increase (22%). Improving the quality of sandy subsoils has global potentials, and incorporation of the right amount of correctly treated residues from bioenergy technologies such as straw‐biochar is a promising option.  相似文献   

The potential of an organically managed Cambic Arenosol to supply nitrogen (N) from either an applied commercial organic fertilizer (granulated hen manure), a compost produced on‐farm, or four different mixtures of both fertilizers was studied in a laboratory incubation and a pot experiment with lettuce. In the incubation experiment, a significant higher apparent N mineralization occurred after hen‐manure application (53.4% of the organic N applied) compared to compost (4.5%) or mixed‐fertilizer application (8.7% to 16.7%). The apparent N mineralization in a mixed treatment consisting of compost and half rate of hen manure (15.4% of the organic N applied) was significantly higher than that estimated based on the N mineralization for compost and hen‐manure treatments (7.6%), proving that a combined application of both fertilizers enhanced organic‐N mineralization when compared to separate fertilizer supply. In the pot experiment, a higher lettuce fresh‐matter yield was obtained with hen manure (1.9 kg m–2) than with compost (1.7 kg m–2) or unfertilized control treatment (1.3 kg m–2). Combined application of compost with only a half rate of hen manure led to yields (2.0 kg m–2) equal to those obtained with only hen manure. A good correlation was observed between the N‐mineralization incubation data and the N accumulated by lettuce plants in the pot experiment (r = 0.983). Hence, in the organic production of baby‐leaf lettuce, a mixture of compost and hen manure appears to be a good fertilization alternative, since it allows a reduction by half of the typical amount of commercial fertilizer usually applied (granulated hen manure), cutting fertilization costs, and providing an amount of available N that allows maintaining lettuce yields.  相似文献   

Decomposed granite roadcuts are difficult to revegetate after losing the topsoil and vegetation cover. We developed a new drilling machine, Digger, to efficiently drill six holes simultaneously on decomposed granite roadcuts to facilitate revegetation. The Digger consists of a base machine (0.7 m3‐level excavator) and a mounting body with six hydraulic motors instead of a bucket. We tested its performance on two roadcuts in southwest Korea using time‐motion studies, which showed that the Digger can drill 240 m2 of decomposed granite roadcuts daily. The unit cost of the Digger was less than a half of other roadcut stabilization and revegetation techniques in Korea, making the Digger a cost‐effective revegetation technology. Field germination and growth tests were also conducted to identify appropriate diameter and depth of drilling holes, suitable revegetation species, and mulching treatment. We drilled holes with three different diameters and depths, filled the holes with a mixture of plant seeds and cultivated soil, applied mulching treatments (coir geotextile, shade net, and no mulching), and measured the germination and growth results at two field plots after 1 month and 1 year. The results showed that drilling diameter 10 cm and depth 10 cm were large enough to result in better plant germination and growth. Erosion control species, Poa pratensis L. and Eragrostis curvula (Schrad.) Nees, survived and grew better than native woody species. Coir geotextile improved the plant germination and growth. The time‐motion and revegetation results show that the Digger can be a promising technology to restore decomposed granite roadcuts. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为了研究侧柏(Ptadtyctadus orientates)植株体积、叶面积的量测,及与株高、冠幅、叶面积指数间的定量关系,进行了相关的盆栽试验。试验结果表明,随长方体、圆柱体体积的增大,实体体积均呈线性极显著正相关。随冠幅的增大,实体体积、总叶面积分别呈线性(R=0.572)和开口向下的抛物线(R=0.450)规律变化。当冠幅73cm,圆柱体侧面积0.546m2,圆柱体横截面积0.329m2时,总叶面积对应达最大值,分别为3 581,3 639,3 523cm2。随总叶面积的增大,叶体积、枝体积、实体体积呈开口向下的抛物线规律变化,均呈极显著相关关系。随叶体积的增大,叶面积指数呈开口向下的抛物线(R=0.742)规律变化,叶体积338cm3时,达最大值6.1。  相似文献   

Man‐made and natural sediment sinks provide a practical means for reducing downstream reservoir sedimentation by decreasing soil erosion and enhancing the rate of sedimentation within a catchment. The Minizr catchment (20 km2) in the northwest Ethiopian highlands contains numerous man‐made soil and water conservation (SWC) structures such as soil bunds (Erken), fanya juu ridge (Cab) and micro‐trenches and natural sediment sinks such as wetlands, floodplains and grassed waterways. These sediment sinks reduce downstream sedimentation into the Koga reservoir, located at the catchment outlet, however, a large quantity of sediment is still reaching the reservoir. This study evaluates the function and effectiveness of both man‐made SWC structures and natural sediment sinks in reducing sediment export from the Minizr catchment. SWC structures and natural sediment sinks were digitized using Google Earth Imagery. Sediment pins and vertical sampling through the deposit were used to quantify the amount of deposited sediment. In addition, inflow and outflow of suspended sediment data were used to calculate the sediment‐trapping efficacies (STE) of man‐made SWC structures (soil bunds and fanya juu ridges) and natural sediment sinks. Results reveal that 144 km soil bunds and fanya juu ridges trapped 7,920 Mg y−1 (55 kg m−1 y−1) and micro‐trenches trapped 13·26 Mg y−1, each micro‐trench on average trapped 23 kg y−1. The 17 ha floodplain located in the centre of the catchment trapped 9,970 Mg y−1 (59 kg m−2 y−1), while a wetland with a surface area of 24 ha, located near the outlet of the catchment, trapped 8,715 Mg y−1 (36 kg m−2 y−1). The STEs of soil bunds and fanya juu ridges, wetlands and floodplains were 54%, 85% and 77%, respectively. Substantial differences were observed between the STE of grassed and un‐grassed waterways at 75% and 21%, respectively. Existing man‐made and natural sediment sinks played an important role in trapping sediment, with 38% (26,600 Mg y−1) of transported sediment being trapped, while 62% (43,000 Mg y−1) is exported from the catchment and thus enters the Koga reservoir. Therefore, additional catchment treatment measures are required as an integrated catchment scale sediment trapping approach to help reduce sediment loads entering Koga reservoir. Moreover, to maximize the effectiveness of sediment trapping measures, avoid structural failure and ensure their sustainability, regular maintenance is needed. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Production light levels [1900, 1140 and 380 μE˙m‐2 ˙s‐1 photosynthetically active radiation (PAR)] and fertilizer treatments [Osmocote (18N‐3P‐10K) 12 g/15 cm pot, soluble. (20N‐6P‐17K) 480 ppm N weekly and combination of soluble 240 ppm N weekly plus Osmocote 6 g/pot] influenced growth parameters and elemental tissue content of Brassaia actinophylla in a 3×3 factorial experiment. Growth index, chlorophyll content and plant grade were greater in plants grown under medium and low PAR intensities (1140 and 380 μE˙m‐2 ˙s‐1) and when produced with the Osmocote fertilizer treatment. Inter‐nodal length decreased as production PAR levels increased. Analysis of leaf tissue indicated that decreasing PAR intensities produced an increase in N, P and K and a decrease in Mg. Calcium was unaffected.  相似文献   

陕西建立陡坡蚕桑水保经济的前景与效益分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
丝织品销售量在国内外市场呈上升趋势,我国近年蚕丝出口创汇30亿美元,占世界贸易的40%。陕西丘陵山区以陡坡灌桑聋槽栽培新法在25°以上退耕坡地植桑,每hm^2产桑叶900-18000kg;每hm^2养蚕15-30张,产茧450-900kg,每hm^2桑年获得利3000-6000元以上;水土保持效益6000-12000。陕西省有我国《水土保持法》规定25°以上陡坡应退耕坡耕地9.22×10^5hm^  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of using the 137Cs technique to assess soil erosion rates of both sloping cultivated land and flat terraces in the Upper Yangtze River Basin, China. The study was carried out on eighteen sloping cultivated fields and four flat terrace fields in eight counties and cities over the eastern part of the basin. The 137Cs-reference inventory ranged from 620.5 to 2573.2 Bq/m2. For the 18 sloping cultivated fields, the average 137Cs inventory over a field ranged from 204.9 to 1847.7 Bq/m2, which accounts for 15–77% of the local 137Cs reference inventory, and the average water erosion rate ranged from 758 to 9854 t/km2 per year, with erosion rates of <1000 t/km2 per year in two fields; 1000–5000 t/km2 per year in eight fields; and >5000 t/km2 per year in eight fields. It is apparent that most of the sloping cultivated fields suffer severe or very severe soil erosion. For the four terrace fields under this study, the average 137Cs inventory over a field ranged between 915.8 and 2675.4 Bq/m2, which accounts for 97–104% of the local 137Cs reference inventory. However, water erosion is very slight on the terrace fields and little soil is lost from the terraces. The study also indicated that the severity of soil erosion is strongly related to soil texture and slope gradient.  相似文献   

Sediment tracers were used to quantify erosion from cultivated fields and identify major source areas of channel bottom sediment within the Wildhorse Creek drainage, an intensively cropped tributary of the Umatilla River in northeastern Oregon, USA. Available data indicated that Wildhorse Creek was one of the largest sediment yielding tributaries of the Umatilla River. Carbon, nitrogen and the nuclear bomb‐derived radionuclide 137Cs were used as tracers to fingerprint sediment sources. Sediment was collected from the stream bottom and active floodplain and compared to samples from cultivated fields and channel banks. Samples were characterized on the basis of tracer concentrations and a simple mixing model was used to estimate the relative portion of bottom sediment derived from cultivated surface and channel banks. The results indicate that the amount of bottom sediment derived from cultivated surface sources was less than 26 per cent for the 1998 winter season, although this estimate has a high margin of error. Cesium‐137 was also used to estimate surface erosion from three cultivated fields in the watershed. Annual estimates of erosion since 1963 from the three sampled fields were from 3 to 7ċ5 t ha−1 yr−1. For the 1998 season, it appears that most channel‐bottom sediment was of subsurface origin with much of it likely coming from channel and gully banks indicating that significant reductions in sediment in Wildhorse Creek might be accomplished by the stabilization of eroding riparian areas and swales on the lower slopes of agricultural fields. Published in 2004 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

坡度与种植方式对紫色土侵蚀与养分流失的影响研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在涪陵区水土保持监测分站内建立6个径流小区,对紫色土坡耕地水土流失进行试验监测,结果表明:各小区径流量、产沙量总体随降雨量的增大而增大.自然生态修复措施防治水土流失效果显著,3.66 m3的径流量仅有0.41 kg·m3的产沙量,可有效防治紫色土坡耕地的水土流失.采用顺坡耕作措施的小区径流量与降雨量达显著正相关,而产沙量与降雨量未显著相关.径流量和产沙量大小顺序均为25°坡耕地>20°坡耕地>10°坡耕地>15°坡耕地,在15°耕地上径流量与产沙量均为最小,但15°是否是涪陵区最适宜的耕地坡度,仍有待今后收集更多的降雨资料加以分析说明.对一次强降雨进行养分流失观测,养分流失量与径流量及产沙量大小顺序基本一致.开发建设项目弃土弃渣监测点径流量与产沙量均大大高于其他小区,说明开发建设水土保持项目中防治水土流失的重要性.  相似文献   

Impedance soil water probes enable frequent and non‐destructive determination of soil water status in situations where gravimetric soil sampling is too demanding of time and sampling space. The ThetaProbe is an impedance soil water probe requiring calibration for local soil conditions, because measurement accuracy can be affected by properties of the soil. Often, only a single calibration is performed for an experimental site. An experiment investigating the seedbed to 75‐mm depth across a field topography with variable soil properties was examined to determine which soil properties affected the calibration of the ThetaProbe, and if soil‐specific calibration was required to derive suitable estimates of the water status in the experiment. Experimental factors examined included hillslope aspect, hillslope position, crop residue and soil depth. Soil properties, other than volumetric water content, significantly affecting the probe measurements were bulk density, electrical conductivity and temperature. The probe underestimated soil water at very low water contents, and overestimated soil water at contents greater than 11 m3 m?3, compared with gravimetric measurements. A single calibration, not corrected for hillslope position at a water content of 20 m3 m?3, overestimated water content by 0.02 m3 m?3 in the summit hillslope position and underestimated water content by 0.04 m3 m?3 in the toeslope position. A single calibration, not corrected for soil depth at a water content of 20 m3 m?3, overestimated water content by 0.02 m3 m?3 in the 0‐ to 25‐mm soil layer and underestimated water content by 0.03 m3 m?3 in the 50‐ to 75‐mm layer. The complexity of microsites in a shallow seedbed requires soil‐specific calibration in field experiments containing heterogeneous soil properties.  相似文献   

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