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We studied the relationships between the planktonic food base and feeding patterns of juvenile mid-summer/early autumn Eurasian perch Perca fluviatilis L., a common predatory freshwater fish in large parts of Europe and Asia. The feeding of 0+ perch was studied during summer and autumn in littoral habitats of seven lakes with different environmental conditions – four Latvian (Auciema, Riebinu, Vārzgūnes, Laukezers) and three Estonian (Kaiavere, Prossa and Akste) lakes. Simultaneously, the abundance, biomass and structure of zooplankton communities were examined. We focused on the littoral areas because many studies in lakes suggest that littoral habitats are particularly important for 0+ fish growth and survival. We were interested in the question: can the diet and growth of 0+ perch be explained by zooplankton community structure? We also presumed that if the amount of zooplankton is low, more benthic invertebrates will be consumed by 0+ perch. Opposite to expectations, we found that zooplankton always counted for over 90% of diet biomass in perch. There were also clear correlations between the zooplankton biomass in a given lake, the zooplankton biomass in 0+ perch stomachs, and the fish growth rate. The study also suggested that nutrient enrichment can positively impact the 0+ perch feeding conditions in lakes.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Intake rate and prey size selection of 0+ perch, Perca fluviatilis , from Lake Wallersee (Austria) was studied at different illumination (day light: 400 lx, twilight: 2 lx) during 5 days of habituation to novel surroundings in aquaria. The hypothesis was tested that high illumination and novelty of surroundings (transfer from holding to test aquaria) as indirect cues of predation risk influences 0+ perch foraging behaviour. Significantly lower total intake and lower proportion of large Daphnia magna (two prey size groups, 2.9 and 1.2 mm, were used) were observed at higher illumination and under novel surroundings. Habituation to novelty caused an increase in consumption of large prey and decrease in consumption of small prey. During the whole period of habituation, more large prey was ingested at twilight than at daylight; no light-induced difference in ingestion of small prey was found. Foraging 0+ perch responded to indirect nonspecific cues of predation risk by reduction of intake of large prey, which are costly in terms of handling time. This allows fish to be more vigilant without ceasing their foraging activity even in potentially dangerous situations. In the lake, young perch are most vulnerable to abundant piscivorous fish and birds during the day; in twilight perch can afford a more time-consuming foraging activity.  相似文献   

Abstract – Larvae and juveniles of perch Perca fluviatilis and bream Abramis brama of Lake Speldrop, a highly eutrophicated gravel-pit lake in the floodplain of the Lower Rhine, were used in laboratory experiments to study predation of perch on bream. In the first series of experiments (control), 0+ perch of 30 mm total length (TL) did not prey on 0+ roach of about 24 mm TL. The perch fed only on zooplankton, resulting in low growth rates of 0.17 mm  ·  day−1. In the second series of experiments, perch (30 mm TL) were combined with 0+ bream with an average TL of 14 and 19 mm at different ratios. As in the first series, even a nine-fold higher amount of zooplankton food had no significant influence on the growth rate of perch, regardless of the perch:bream ratio. At a perch: bream ratio of 7:1 and 4:4 all bream were eaten by the perch and restocked twice daily. At the end of the experiment, the TL of perch at a perch:bream ratio of 7:1 was significantly lower compared to a perch:bream ratio of 4:4 (mean growth rates at 7:1 of 0.16 mm  ·  day−1 and at 4:4 of 0.35 mm  ·  day−1). At the perch:bream ratio of 1:7, perch fed on bream in varying amounts, averaging between 3 and 12 bream per day and per individual. After 20 days, the final length of these fish was always significantly higher than the TL of perch at other perch:bream ratios and increased in correlation to number of bream eaten per day (mean growth rate 1.13 mm  ·  day−1). The results are discussed with respect to the piscivore-dominated fish community of the eutrophied Lake Speldrop. Note  相似文献   

Abstract –  Food consumption by Eurasian perch ( Perca fluviatilis L.) and ruffe ( Gymnocephalus cernuus [L.]) was studied in single and mixed-species treatments in the laboratory, where alternative food resources, chironomids and zooplankton, were offered simultaneously. The effects of structural complexity, which was represented by substrate grain size, and of feeding level on food consumption were analysed. Across all experiments, the outcome of competition between perch and ruffe depended on food abundance and on the structural complexity of the environment. Perch and ruffe both changed their food consumption in the presence of a heterospecific competitor. With high food supply, perch consumed more benthic food than ruffe. With low food supply, the consumption of perch decreased strongly, while that of ruffe remained high on fine sediment. Under all conditions tested, the mechanism of competition appeared to be of interference rather than of exploitative nature. It is suggested that with decreasing lake productivity caused by re-oligotrophication, habitat shifts of both species will occur, which will alleviate interspecific competition. Ruffe will forage over fine sediment and perch over coarse sediment, whereby both species will achieve the highest foraging efficiency under conditions of low food supply.  相似文献   

Abstract– The population dynamics of perch, Perca fluviatilis L., in the absence of a top piscivore, pike Esox lucius L., were examined in simple fish communities in shallow lakes (mean depth < 1.5 m) in northeast Scotland. Perch in Sand and Lower Lochs were unexploited, whereas perch in Loirston were exploited. Population characteristics were fast growth rates, short life span (< 6 years) and no dominant year classes in Sand and Lower Lochs. The strong 1974 year class in Loirston may have been due to intensive exploitation of older age groups. Abundance of perch, expressed as biomass, was low for European waters, namely 30 kg. ha−1 in Loirston (comprising mainly 1 - to 2-year-old-fish), and biomass of adults (≥ 2 years) was 8.9 kg and 4.7 kg. ha−1 in Sand and Lower Lochs respectively. Recruitment in Sand and Lower Lochs appeared to be governed by water temperature, but the overall low abundance and population stability of perch in the 3 lochs was attributed to cannibalism.  相似文献   

Oxygen consumption (OC) and ammonia excretion rates (AE) of perch were measured under commercial‐like conditions (temperature 23.3 °C) in both fed (F) and feed‐deprived groups (D). Measurements were taken in triplicate in six sized batches of perch ranging from 44.8 to 336.2 g. The mean daily OC was 288.3–180.6 mg O2 kg?1 h?1 for group F fish ranging in size from 44.8 to 279.4 g body weight. The mean daily AE expressed as total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) was 13.8–5.2 mg TAN kg?1 h?1 in the same groups. Daily peaks of OC in group F perch were observed 6 h after the onset of feeding for each size group with relatively stable values up to the end of feeding. Peaks of daily AE in group F perch were observed 10 h after the onset of feeding in each size group, with a rapid decrease up to 16 h after onset. In group D, OC was 181.1–110.5 mg O2 kg?1 h?1 in the weight range 57.9–336.2 g. The daily mean AE was 1.7–0.5 TAN kg?1 h?1 in this group. No dramatic peaks of OC and AE were observed in group D perch.  相似文献   

Nine trials were carried out on the induced propagation of pike perch in out‐of‐season as well as in the natural reproduction period. From January till May, periodically, 16–20 pairs were transported to the hatchery, and acclimated to 15–16°C. The following hormonal treatments were used to induce reproduction: carp pituitary homogenate (CP) and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) alone or in combination; gonadotrop‐releasing hormone ‘Ovurelin’ (D‐Phe6‐LH‐RH) alone or with metaclopramid (MTC); and ‘Ovopel’ [containing des‐Gly10‐(D‐Ala6)‐LH‐RH‐ethylamide and MTC]. The effects of daylight regime, water temperature and the length of the pre‐spawning conditioning period on the reproduction performance were determined. From the 130 hormonally treated pairs, 122 either spawned in tanks or were stripped. There were no differences in the ovulation rate between out‐of‐season (93%) and seasonal (91%) propagation. The developmental stage of the eggs correlated with the latency period, which significantly declined from January till April. The latency period was the shortest in fish treated with hCG and, secondly, with CP. The germinal vesicle migration did not proceed without hormonal treatment, although in some trials breeders were kept at the spawning temperature for 1–2 weeks. The results demonstrate that the pike perch can be successfully induced to spawn about 3 months earlier than its natural spawning season, which allows a significantly prolonged yearly supply of fry.  相似文献   

Fish feed constitutes one of the largest costs in aquaculture, therefore inefficient feed management will have a negative impact on fish farm economics. Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) is a relatively new candidate for freshwater aquaculture, however little is known about the energy requirements of this species. The aim of this study was to develop an energy requirement model for intensive culture of Eurasian perch reared at rational temperatures. Data on growth (the thermal unit growth coefficient, TGC, 3√g · (°C · days)?1) and digestible energy need (DEN, kJ DE · g?1) of Eurasian perch at a size range of 20–180 g and at temperatures of 17–23 °C were used. Regression analysis revealed that both TGC and DEN were affected significantly by fish size (P < 0.001) but not by temperature (P > 0.05). Two models including body size of the fish were developed: (i) an inverse TGC model for evaluation of the daily theoretical weight increment (TWi, g · day?1) and (ii) a linear DEN model. The TGC model was validated by comparing theoretical data with data obtained from a commercial growth trial. By combining the TWi and the DEN, a model describing the daily theoretical energy requirement (TER, kJ · day?1) at different temperatures and for Eurasian perch of different sizes was successfully developed.  相似文献   

Using the approach of sequencing the V3-V4 region of the 16S rRNA gene, we have analysed the bacterial diversity associated with the distinct compartments of the gastrointestinal tract of perch (Perca fluviatilis) and cestodes (Proteocephalus sp.) parasitizing their digestive tract. The dominant microbiota associated with cestodes (Proteocephalus sp.) was represented by bacteria from the genera Serratia, Pseudomonas and Mycoplasma. By comparing the associated microbiota of perch and cestodes, a clear difference in bacterial composition and diversity was revealed between the community from the stomach content and other parts of the gastrointestinal tract of fish. Microbiota associated with cestodes was not significantly different in comparison with microbiota of different subcompartments of perch (mucosa and content of intestine and pyloric caeca) (ADONIS, p > .05) excluding microbiota of stomach content (ADONIS, p ≤ .05). PICRUSt-based functional assessments of the microbial communities of perch and cestodes indicated that they mainly linked in terms of metabolism and environmental information processing and could play an important role in the nutrition and health of host.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to examine whether a mixture of bacteria composed of Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus pumilus has a beneficial impact on survival, growth, lysozyme activity and total immunoglobulins (Ig) in perch larvae. In experiment 1, control fish were compared with fish receiving bacteria (4.93 × 107 CFU L−1 day−1) through tank water or both through tank water and Artemia metanauplii enriched with two bacteria doses (2 × 1010 or 4 × 1010 CFU L−1). Treatments were performed in 40 L triplicate tanks of 200 fish [initial body weight (IBW)=2.3 mg] each, placed in separated recirculating water systems. Experiment 2 evaluated the combining effects of bacteria feeding and densities (10 vs. 20 fish L−1, IBW=9.5 mg). In both experiments, the bacteria added to live food or both live food and water induced higher growth rate at the highest dietary dose and this was associated with higher Ig levels on days 14 and 28. In experiment 2, higher survival was associated to lower type‐2 cannibalism (ingestion of whole prey) at the two dietary bacteria doses, and such positive effect was observed for fish fed bacteria at high density. Bacteria administration through water had no effect on growth and survival. In conclusion, the results show that high dietary concentrations of the mixture of bacteria used have potential stimulating impact on growth, survival, lysozyme activity and total Ig. But, further investigations are needed to demonstrate the optimal doses for emphasizing immune defence status.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Predation risk allocation hypothesis predicts that a prey's response to predator depends on prey's previous experience on predator. Here we tested whether the group of three perch respond differentially to pike, predator of perch, depending on the timing of high constant (HC) and high unpredictable (HU) risk periods within low constant risk periods in short-term (10 h) experiments, and whether the response is stronger during a HU risk period than during a HC risk period. Perch clearly erected the dorsal fin in response to predation risk treatments (pike odour only, odour and visible pike). Decrease in activity and increase in shoaling behaviour were observed mainly during high risk periods. However, the perch's responses to pike did not differ statistically between periods of various levels of predation risk or depending on the timing of high risk situations within constant low risk periods, and thus, suggesting that perch respond mainly to changes in the current predation risk.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Life-history variation in perch ( Perca fluviatilis L.), with special emphasis on age and size at maturity in females, was studied in five lakes in Northern Sweden, differing in perch size distribution and relative predator abundance. Age at maturity was negatively correlated with size of young-of-the-year perch in the end of their first growth season. Length at maturity was positively correlated with L (asymptotic length when age is close to infinity) and negatively correlated with K (growth rate coefficient) from von Bertalanffy growth model. Relative predator abundance was negatively correlated with minimum size at maturity. However, predation was probably more important in its effect on growth, with a high predation leading to a decrease in population density, decreased food competition, and as a consequence, higher growth rates. Instantaneous mortality rates did not affect maturation patterns when comparing across the five lakes. Age and size at maturity in the perch populations studied here seemed to be mainly influenced by factors affecting growth.  相似文献   

The provision of fry and fingerlings, independent of the natural spawning season, can facilitate the implementation of innovative rearing strategies also in pike perch ( Sander lucioperca L.). As strict pharmaceutical acts or codes of conduct for organic aquaculture can constrain fish farmers in inducing spawning with hormonal applications, this study intended to develop protocols for advanced and postponed spawning just by simple photo-thermal treatments. After spending between 31 and 61 days at temperatures below 10 °C, different groups of pike perch spawners were treated with light and temperature programmes to advance spawning. Reproduction could be induced successfully 2 months before the natural spawning season when the mating pairs spent 43 or more days below 10 °C, followed by a maturation phase of 44–68 days at 15 °C and 16 h illumination per day. Advanced spawning could be documented for 32 out of 35 females (91%) that underwent photo-thermal treatments. Mean commercial fecundities up to 24% and average rates of developing eggs of 65% were observed in advanced spawning groups. Coldbanking of mature females allowed to postpone spawnings for 2 and 3 months. However, no egg development could be recorded in these treatment groups.  相似文献   

Abstract The effects of perch, Perca fluviatilis L., and bronze bream, Abramis brama (L.), predation on the production of insects emerging at the water surface and the autumn biomass of benthic macro-invertebrates were assessed in a series of experimental ponds. The study attempted to discover whether fish affect food availability for diving and dabbling ducks in freshwater habitats. Ten ponds (bisected by fine netting) were used for the study: one was left totally fish-free, whilst one half of each of three groups of three ponds was stocked with either perch, bream or perch plus bream. The relative abundance of emerging insects (mainly Chironomidae) was significantly reduced in two perch ponds, two perch + bream ponds and two bream ponds. The autumn standing crops of benthic macroinvertebrates were significantly reduced in one perch pond, three bream ponds and one perch plus bream pond. These results support findings of a contemporaneous large bio-manipulation experiment carried out in two adjacent lakes. During the biomanipulation studies, aquatic invertebrate standing stocks greatly increased after the removal of fish and decreased following restocking.  相似文献   

Parasitic copepods of the genus Achtheres commonly infect perch, Perca fluviatilis, and zander, Sander lucioperca, in Europe. The aim of this study was to verify the specific identity of these copepods. The parasites were examined morphologically, biometrically and genetically. Statistical processing of the biometrical data was based on both empirical measurements and transformed data related to total length and genital trunk width. Principal component analysis was applied to both sets of data. DNA of both parasite 'forms' was amplified using two sets of primers (EU5.8S+EU18S and 18SF1+28SR) and the products were subjected to restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). Morphological differences were found in the overall shape of the copepod bodies as well as in the details of the armament of some appendages. The morphometric study emphasized the importance of second maxillae and genital process as the variables most distinctly distinguishing the two 'forms'. The two 'forms' of Achtheres differed in the DNA sequence amplified by one set of primers. RFLP revealed even more extensive differences between these two copepods. We concluded that the copepods parasitizing perch should be referred to as Achtheres percarum von Nordmann, 1832, whereas a long-forgotten name, A. sandrae Gadd, 1901, should be applied to the copepods from zander.  相似文献   

Abstract –  The diet overlap between young-of-the-year (YOY) perch and burbot in the pelagic zone of Lake Constance during spring and summer was investigated in relation to gape size limitation. Because perch were larger and grew faster than burbot during their early life history, perch overcame gape size limitation for various zooplankton taxa earlier than burbot. The interspecific diet overlap between perch and burbot decreased continuously until June, but increased slightly, when burbot became able to feed on large daphnids by the beginning of July. All zooplankton taxa could be found within perch stomachs by the middle of June, when perch overcame gape size limitation for large cladocerans. However, there was an increasing tendency for individual diet specialisation of perch, as the similarity between individual perch stomach contents decreased. In contrast, the similarity between individual burbot stomach contents remained at almost 50% until the end of August, indicating that all burbot rely on cyclopoid copepods during their entire pelagic life-history stage. Because by July YOY perch are more abundant by one order of magnitude in the pelagic zone than burbot, YOY perch may be more affected by intraspecific competition than by interspecific competition with burbot. Burbot, on the other hand, may evade strong competition with YOY perch by performing diel vertical migrations, thus being restricted to feed on migrating zooplankton prey.  相似文献   

Apparent digestibility coefficients (ADCs) for four protein‐rich alternative feed ingredients, intact baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), extracted baker's yeast (S. cerevisiae), zygomycetes (Rhizopus oryzae) and blue mussel (Mytilus edulis), were determined for Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) and Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis). Diets contained 30% of test ingredients, and ADCs were compared to a reference diet containing fish meal. For Arctic charr, ADCs for dry matter (DM, 71–99%), sum of amino acids (SAA, 84–99%) and gross energy (70–99%) were significantly lower for intact S. cerevisiae than for extracted S. cerevisiae, R. oryzae and M. edulis. The ADCs for the indispensable amino acids (IAA) in Arctic charr varied between 84% and 99%. Significant differences were found in ADCs for IAA between the test ingredients for Arctic charr, with higher values for extracted S. cerevisiae and M. edulis. The ADCs in Eurasian perch varied between 83% and 95% for DM, 89% and 98% for CP, 92% and 100% for SAA, 81% and 96% for gross energy. No significant differences were found for ADCs between the test ingredients in Eurasian perch, indicating a species effect on digestibility. Furthermore, the absence of intact cell walls had a positive effect on digestibility of S. cerevisiae for Arctic charr.  相似文献   

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