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吉宁县是一个国家级贫困县,历届领导班子都想利用扶贫资金搞一个短平快的项目作为主导产业,一方面尽快脱贫致富,一方面给自己做些政绩出来。王书记来了,激情飞扬,毁了麦苗栽苹果,全县变成了大果园,可由于品质不佳,苹果烂在了地里。李书记来了,干劲十足,刨了果树搞大棚,全县变成了大菜园,可由于贮运问题,蔬菜倒在了河里。赵书记来了,信心百倍,推倒大棚建小区,全县养起了珍珠鸡,可由于技术问题,鸡仔死了个精光光……。十几年过去了,吉宁县依然在贫困的泥沼中挣扎。干部失望了,农民也绝望了。  相似文献   

张立生 《农电管理》2014,(11):71-71
<正>春天,细雨如丝。石榴树吐出了小嫩芽,春风吹来,嫩芽渐渐变成了小绿叶,在微风中沙沙作响,好像在唱歌,真好听。初夏,石榴树上开满了红色的小花,那花比大红花还艳,它们诱来了舞蹈家蝴蝶,引来了歌唱家百灵鸟,它们在花朵上尽情的飞舞着,嬉戏着,惹得大伙儿围着观看。盛夏,花儿谢了,小石榴出世了。树枝上挂满了像小灯笼似的果实。秋分,几个石榴挂在树上,熟透了,皮肉涨开得像嘴巴,不时荡起秋千。  相似文献   

联合收割机是将农作物收割、谷物脱粒在田间一次性作业的农业机械。联合收割机的应用大大降低了农民的劳动强度,提高了工作效率,节约了大量的人力、物力,减少了燃油的消耗,缩短了秋收的劳动时间,增加了农民经济收入。  相似文献   

蔬菜种子除芒机结构的设计与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简述了我国蔬菜除芒机械现状,提出了种子除芒机的设计原理,设计了5CM-135型蔬菜种子除芒机。同时,重点对该机械的主要部件进行了设计计算,确定了影响性能的主要结构,探索了新的工作原理和新的结构设计。通过田间试验验证了机械的性能良好,达到了技术标准。该机械工作可靠、生产率高,为进一步研究除芒机理与机具提供了依据。  相似文献   

阳光灿烂的一天,一对情侣上了公交车。他们找到座位坐下后,女孩觉得太阳太晒了,让男友和她换位子。刚换了没多久车拐弯了,女孩又被太阳晒着了,她推了推男友,男友于是又坐回原来的位子。可是一会儿  相似文献   

2007年3月26-27日,广东省农业机械化工作会议在江门市召开。会议总结了成绩,部署了工作,表彰了先进,交流了经验,签订了农机安全生产责任书。并在江门市新会区农机化示范基地举行了水稻育插秧机械化现场会。  相似文献   

近年来,安徽省肥西县机插秧在试验示范基础上。总结了一套经验,形成了软盘育秧简易技术,大大降低了机插育秧成本,提高了可操作性。  相似文献   

"睡醒了吗?范师傅。"6月4日,天刚一亮,村民叫喊着正在睡梦中的"麦客"范加江。"嗯、嗯……"听到有人叫他,揉了揉惺忪的睡眼,一咕噜从帐篷里爬了起来。"不好意思,睡过了。昨晚睡得太晚了,一直收到11点半,才睡觉。"麦客范加江摸出手机,看了看时间,才4时25分。  相似文献   

一进冬天,村庄便闲下来。风跑进跑出,一刻不停地收集温暖……村庄需要休息,而风正是一个不错的借口……土地也该休息了。很少有人心疼土地。人天天走过田野,心疼的是地里的庄稼。哪片庄稼长高了,哪片庄稼生病了,人一清二楚。但哪块田老了,哪片地伤了,人根本不去过问。  相似文献   

魏秀军 《农业机械》2012,(26):33-34
30年前,我国农村实行土地联产承包责任制,农民分到了土地。由于土地肥瘦不一,大块的土地被分割成条条块块,这种划分土地的方式留下了种种弊病。随着农村劳动力转移和农业机械化的快速发展,土地联产承包责任制出现的矛盾日趋突出。一方面,农业机械的快速发展,特别是国家农机购置补贴政策的实施,使大中型农业机械得到了迅猛增长,从而改善了农机装备结构,提高了农机作业水平,增强了农业进一步发展的物质基础,推动了农业现代化进程。另一方面,土地的一家一户分散经营,限制了规模化、机械化生产。条块分割、分散  相似文献   

Yield and nutritional responses to waterlogging of soybean cultivars   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Furrow irrigating soybean prior to a large, unexpected rainfall event can reduce nitrogen fixation and crop yield. The objective of this study was to evaluate the tolerance of soybean cultivars to waterlogged alluvial soils. Five cultivars were selected, which showed a range of tolerances to excessive soil water. Flood duration and flood timing experiments were conducted on clay and silt loam soils. Main plots were flooding duration and flood timing and subplots were soybean cultivars. Most cultivars were able to withstand flooding for 48–96 h without crop injury. Cultivars flooded during the V5 growth stage suffered the least amount of yield loss. The greatest yield losses from flooding occurred at the R5 growth stage. Soybean yields from cultivars flooded at R5 were reduced by 20–39% compared to non-flooded checks. Pioneer 94B73 (cv.) had no significant change in yield from flooding for 192 h at any of the three growth stages, compared to non-flooded controls.  相似文献   

不同微灌方式对成龄库尔勒香梨生长及耗水规律的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用3种微灌方式:地表滴灌、地下滴灌与微喷灌,以传统的漫灌为对照,利用负压计和石膏块监测果树根区土壤水势,观测不同生育阶段果树的生长指标,用水量平衡法计算梨树不同生育期的日均耗水量、作物系数与蒸发皿系数。研究结果表明,充分灌溉条件下,地表滴灌、地下滴灌与微喷灌生育期内的灌水量较漫灌分别减少了63.91%、68.4%、5...  相似文献   

河道现状行洪能力是河道所在地区防洪安全的核心,也是防汛主管管部门汛期指导防汛的重要依据。为分析大洋河丹东有堤段的行洪能力,采用水动力模型MIKE11计算、模拟河道及河网的一维洪水演进过程,准确判断其行洪能力,为保护沿岸居民防洪安全提供理论基础。  相似文献   

为了加强杭州市的旱涝灾害监测和评估,利用5个气象站近50年的月降水资料,比较分析了Z指数和SPI计算结果的一致性与差异。采用频率分析、趋势变化特征分析和多尺度SPI分析等方法,研究了杭州市各站及各季旱涝的变化特征。研究表明:Z指数和SPI在计算杭州市旱涝情况结果基本一致;杭州市的干旱情况自西向东逐渐加重,洪涝反之;夏季与秋季易引起梅汛、台风洪涝与夏秋干旱交替出现。本文首次使用多时间尺度SPI计算杭州市的旱涝情况,为今后杭州市旱涝预测提供了一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

对于水库的防洪调度,阐述了可控洪水与不可控洪水的概念,研究水库在防洪调度中闸门全开条件下,洪水形态对最高水位的影响。通过实例计算,分析不同洪水系列对最高水位的影响。结论表明,最高水位趋于稳定,在这基础上,可根据洪水的形态给出水库所能达到的最高水位,同时在洪水预报的基础上预先快速判断一场洪水对水库防洪安全的影响程度,在此基础上采取相适宜的调度方式,从而确保防洪调度安全。  相似文献   

通过北沙河研究区基本情况调查,识别保护区主要的洪水威胁,选择适宜的洪水风险分析方法,在洪水分析模拟结果的基础上,分析北沙河综合情况、人民生活、农业、第二产业及第三产业等相关统计指标,应用GIS及中国水科院研发的损失评估软件建立北沙河灾情统计和损失评估模型,评估各淹没方案的洪水影响及损失,为有效减轻该区域的洪涝灾害影响提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

为了探明滨海盐碱地不同灌溉方式及氮肥施用量对水肥盐迁移过程及作物生长的影响,基于大田试验,研究不同灌溉方式及灌水量(F:漫灌,360 mm;D1:滴灌,360 mm;D2:滴灌,288 mm;D3:滴灌,216 mm)、氮肥处理(N1:280 kg/hm2;N2:196 kg/hm2;N3:112 kg/hm2)对盐碱地土壤水肥盐分布含量及对春玉米各生长指标的影响.结果表明,在滴灌模式下,同一灌水量,N1的剖面平均含水量最低,D1,D2出现洗盐点,存在适合作物生长的浅盐区;灌水后D1N1的硝态氮含量增加最显著且含量最高,滴灌处理对应的低氮处理无明显硝态氮积累点,相同灌水量下,漫灌的有效氮含量均高于滴灌,但其有效氮利用率低于滴灌处理;不同施氮对春玉米干物质的差异随灌水量增加而增加.各处理水分利用效率与肥料偏生产力之间产生明显差异,高水低氮肥料偏生产力明显提高,但其水分利用效率低下,D1N1产量最高;在考虑作物产量及水肥利用效率时,采用滴灌方式,则灌水量288~360 mm、施氮量196 kg/hm2为推荐水肥措施.  相似文献   

评估生长季旱涝对作物产量的影响有助于农民采取措施增产保收.本研究基于1988—2017年气象站点数据和灾情、产量等统计数据,以中国东北三省为研究区,通过对比多时间尺度指标——标准化降水指数(SPI)和标准化降水蒸散指数(SPEI)与旱涝受灾率的关系,选择优势指数表征东北春玉米生长季干湿状况,基于HP滤波构建相对气象产量...  相似文献   

In this paper, a model that integrates various complex model components for the purposes of water balance modeling throughout crop development in arid inland region under the conventional flood irrigation practiced is presented. These components are modules for calculating dynamic soil water content based Richard's equation, potential and actual evapotranspiration, and crop root water uptake. Soil water content in the active root zone and soil evaporation simulation obtained from the model were test using field data in 2003. The low values of MARE and high values of R2 and PE in the active root zone of soil profile as well as daily soil evaporation indicated that the soil water balance simulation model presented in the paper can be used with reliable accuracy to simulate the components of water balance in cropped sandy soil under the conventional flood irrigation condition in arid inland regions. The model simulation on components of water balance using observed field data in 2004 indicated that large quantities – about 43% of irrigation water (amounting to 840 mm) – were consumed by deep percolation, only small (less than 41%) proportions of irrigation water used by the plants for transpiration. The current irrigation scheme is characterized by the unreasonable agricultural water management with the waste of water in the irrigational system in this region. The impact of irrigation scheduling on water balance presented in this paper showed that the reasonable irrigation scheme with more frequent irrigation and less amounts is more suitable for the irrigation of spring wheat in Heihe River basin, northwest China. Therefore, to establish a decision-making system for agricultural irrigation scheme and to utilize the limited water resources in this region have become an urgent problem that needs to be solved.  相似文献   

Evaluation of mulched drip irrigation for cotton in arid Northwest China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Field experiments were conducted in arid Southern Xinjiang, Northwest China, for 3 years to evaluate sustainable irrigation regimes for cotton. The experiments involved mulched drip irrigation during the growing season and flood irrigation afterward. The drip irrigation experiments included control experiments, experiments with deficit irrigation during one crop growth stage, and alternative irrigation schemes in which freshwater was used during one growth stage and relatively saline water in the others. The average cotton yield over 3 years varied between 3,575 and 5,095 kg/ha, and the irrigation water productivity between 0.91 and 1.16 kg/m3. Crop sensitivities to water stress during the different growth stages ranged from early flowering-belling (most sensitive) > seedling > budding > late flowering-belling (least sensitive), while sensitivities to salt stress ranged from late flowering-belling > budding > seedling > early flowering-belling. Although mulched drip irrigation during the growing season caused an increase in salinity in the root zone, flood irrigation after harvesting leached the accumulated salts to below background levels. Numerical simulations, based on the 3-year experiments and extended by another 20 years, suggest that mulched drip irrigation using alternatively fresh and brackish water during the growing season and flood irrigation with freshwater after harvesting is a sustainable irrigation practice that should not lead to soil salinization.  相似文献   

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