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Aural hematomas in 9 dogs were managed by manual expression through stab incisions in the pinna and placement of indwelling silicone rubber drains, without compression bandaging. The drains were well tolerated. Seromas developed in 2 ears when the drains were removed at 7 and 10 days, but the seromas resolved when the drains were replaced. Healing without deformation of the pinna was obtained when the drains were maintained 13 to 28 days.  相似文献   

Data are presented from 15 dogs with aural haematoma. The series included six Labrador retrievers and four golden retrlevers and the mean age was 8.0 ± 3.02 years. Five dogs had evidence of pruritic skin disease and five further cases had other concurrent disease. Haematoiogy and serum biochemistry were normal in 12 and 13 of the 15 dogs, respectively. Ail dogs were Coombs' negative and serum antinuclear antibody had negative or low titres in ail the 11 cases tested. Histopathological examination of biopsies from the affected ears revealed variable degrees of erosion of auricular cartilage with fibrovascular granulation tissue filling the cartilage defects. There was minimal perichondrai inflammation. The biopsies were studied by immunohistochemlstry for deposition of lmmunoglobulln G (IgG), immunogiobulln M (IgM) and complement C3. In one dog there was basement membrane zone deposition of IgG and in another there was focal interepithellai deposition of both igG and IgM. The findings of this study do not support an autoimmune pathogenesis for canine aural haematoma, but suggest that an early immunological event may underlie the observed cartilage erosion.  相似文献   

Morphologic examination of 3 ears from 2 dogs with aural hematomas revealed that the hematomas had developed within the pinnal cartilage. The cartilage had fractured from perichondrium to perichondrium and in some areas clefts had formed within the cartilage. Cartilage fracture could have resulted from wave motions set up in the pinna during head shaking. An explosive burst of head shaking exceeding a critical head velocity or a more gentle but sustained head shaking establishing a sinusoidal wave motion within the ear could have caused cartilage fracture.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine the value of inhaled corticosteroids in the management of chronic inflammatory airway disease in dogs. METHODS: Medical records of dogs that were presented for the investigation of respiratory disease were reviewed retrospectively. Criteria for inclusion were knowledge of previous medical treatment including side effects, diagnosis of the underlying disease, use of inhaled corticosteroids and at least two-months follow-up data.RESULTS: Thirteen dogs that fulfilled the criteria were identified. Ten dogs were diagnosed with chronic bronchitis and three with eosinophilic bronchopneumopathy. Four dogs had not previously received corticosteroid treatment for their respiratory disease, and all these showed a reduction or a resolution of clinical signs without obvious side effects after inhaled corticosteroid therapy. Nine dogs had previously received oral or parenteral corticosteroids for treatment of their respiratory disease, and all had exhibited side effects. Five of these dogs were treated with inhaled corticosteroids alone, and all exhibited an improvement in clinical signs without observable side effects. The remaining four dogs were treated with a combination of inhaled and oral corticosteroids, and all showed improvement in clinical signs and reduction in side effects. Inhaled medication was well tolerated in all dogs. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Inhaled corticosteroids were used for the management of chronic bronchitis and eosinophilic bronchopneumopathy in 13 dogs, and these may have the advantage of reducing side effects associated with oral corticosteroids.  相似文献   

Otitis externa in 27 toy poodles and 40 miniature dachshunds was treated using a video otoscope. A distinct concavity (external tympanic concavity) was observed at the junction between the ventral part of the external surface of the tympanum and the ear canal to which a considerable amount of hair and debris had adhered. All hair and debris adhering to the external tympanic concavity were removed, and systemic antibiotic and antifungal agents were administered, after which all of the dogs recovered. The pattern of hair growth observed in the external tympanic concavity could be characterized according to the breed of dog. All of the toy poodles presented with curly hairs, while the miniature dachshunds had upright or flat-lying hairs.  相似文献   

由于生活环境的改变和不合理的膳食习惯,尿石症成为中老年公犬的常见病。大部分患犬需要手术除去结石,而每头病犬术后都需要佩戴导尿管4~5天。临床上经常要做此类手术,使用美国生产的双腔气囊导尿管很方便,但价格昂贵,一根导尿管需70~80元人民币,是手术成本中最大的一笔支出。我们在长期门诊工作中摸索一种行之有效的方法,在确保手术安全情况下,只需5~6元人民币就可以自制导尿管,试用20例都获得了满意效果。  相似文献   

A 1‐year‐old castrated male St. Bernard dog presented to Angell Animal Medical Center with bilateral elbow hygromas which had been present for several weeks. The largest hygroma involving the left elbow was managed with a closed suction (active) drain system to continuously collapse the hygroma pocket over a 3‐week period. Soft bedding was used to protect the elbows from further impact trauma to the olecranon areas. Following drain removal, there was no evidence of hygroma recurrence based on periodic examinations over an 18‐month period. The smaller non‐operated right elbow hygroma had slightly enlarged during this period. Closed suction drain management of the hygroma proved to be a simple and economical method of collapsing the left elbow hygroma. This closed drainage system eliminated the need for the postoperative bandage care required with the use of the Penrose (passive) drain method of managing elbow hygromas. The external drain tube should be adequately secured in order to minimise the risk of its inadvertent displacement.  相似文献   

Twelve dogs with appendicular osteosarcoma were treated with 24-40 Gy of cobalt 60 radiation and two doses of intraarterial cisplatin. Improvement in limb function occurred in four dogs, and three dogs, which had only mild initial lameness, had no worsening of their lameness post-treatment. In nine dogs in which local control was evaluable, eight had local failure, with the median (95% CI) duration of local control being 5.9 (4.6, 6.7) months. Two dogs had metastatic disease before therapy, and an additional nine dogs had metastatic disease at a median time of 6.4 months. Pathologic fracture was present in four dogs; two fractures occurred before treatment and two were documented at the time of tumor recurrence. Median (95% CI) survival time for all 12 dogs was 4.9 (3.4, 6.8) months. Excluding the two dogs with preexisting metastatic disease, median survival time was 6.7 months. Three dogs survived longer than 1 year. This mode of therapy was well tolerated and may be considered an alternative to amputation or limb-sparing surgical procedures in selected dogs with appendicular osteosarcoma.  相似文献   

Treatment of canine colitis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

犬癫痫病是一种以突然发作为特征的大脑功能紊乱。目前认为发作是来源于脑部病灶的阵发性异常高频放电,并向发病周围组织扩散,导致脑组织的广泛兴奋,从而出现特有的惊厥症状。  相似文献   

犬关节炎多发于青年犬,后肢较重。多因遭雨淋,久卧湿地、水泥地或冷天夜卧圈外所致。病状:患犬病初走路不能持久,多卧少立,逐渐走路跛行、摇摆,继之跗关节肿大疼痛,不让触摸,如果体温升高还会减食或停食。检查:单纯关节炎多体温39℃以内,少数39.5℃以上,减食,散放四肢不协调,停走即卧下,跗关节增温,微显大,犬躲避检查。治疗:对体温39℃以下饮食变化不大的病犬,两后肢跗关节上5厘米浅层肌肉注射庆大霉素40万、地塞米松10毫克、30%安乃近10毫升混合,两后肢分别注射,1天1次,连用3~4次。如果犬个头大,四肢都疼,应在两前肢腕关节上5厘米,两后肢…  相似文献   

Evaluation of canine congenital heart disease presents a diagnostic challenge to many ultrasonographers. To assist clinicians attempting to examine these patients, an echocardiographic algorithm containing the six most common canine congenital heart diseases (i.e., patent ductus arteriosus, subaortic stenosis, pulmonic stenosis, ventricular septal defect, tricuspid dysplasia, and tetralogy of Fallot) is presented. The algorithm focuses on the underlying disease pathogenesis and the resultant changes in cardiac structure and function that can be readily identified during echocardiographic examination. Use of this algorithm provides a framework from which the ultrasonographer gains both experience and confidence in diagnosing congenital heart disease via echocardiography. This algorithm is supported by a number of still figures within the article as well as real-time echocardiographic images available for viewing at AAHA's website, www.aahanet.org.  相似文献   

云南某犬场饲养的犬发生一例犬钩端螺旋体感染病例,临床表现高热、血尿、赫氏反应等典型临床症状,尿液细菌学检查结果确诊为钩端螺旋体感染,血清学追溯检查表明感染病原为大型犬群钩端螺旋体。现将诊断及治疗结果报道如下。  相似文献   

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