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Zusammenfassung An Albinoratten wurde zusätzlich zum normalen Grundfutter Preßsaftkonzentrat von Tomaten wuchsstoffbehandelter Pflanzen und unbehandelter Pflanzen verabreicht. Bei Beginn der Verfütterung und nach Beendigung derselben wurde jeweils eine Paarung durchgeführt und die Sterblichkeit des Nachwuchses registriert. Es konnte eine erhöhte Mortalität bei Zusatz von Preßsaftkonzentrat behandelter Pflanzen beobachtet werden, doch war der Unterschied nicht statistisch gesichert. Die Orgngewichte der Elterntiere nahmen unter dem Einfluß des Zusatzes ab, und zwar verstärkt, wenn er von wuchsstoffbehandelten Pflanzen stammte. Die Differenz zwischen behandelt und unbehandelt war signifikant für Milz und Nebenniere.
Summary In addition to the usual standard food, albino rats were fed with the concentrated press-juice of tomatoes, grown on plants treated with growth substance and on untreated plants. At the beginning and at the end of the feeding period, the animals were copulated and the mortality of the new generations was registrated. The mortality was higher in the new generations of animals fed with juice of tomatoes from treated plants, however the difference not being statistically significant. The weight of different organs of the parental animals decreased by the influence of the juice. The decrease was greater, when the juice was taken from tomatoes of treated plants. The difference between treated and untreated was statistically significant for spleen and suprarenal gland.

The influence of increasing dosages of nitrogen containing fertilizers (0; 7.5; 15.0; 22.5; 30.0 g N per vessel) on the different N-fractions in the fruit flesh of the variety ‘Schattenmorelle’ was studied with the following results:
  1. With increasing N-dosages the share of the different N-fractions in the fruits shows an increasing tendency.
  2. Increasing N-dosages have an influence on the sum of protein amino acids, but hardly any on the percentual distribution and consequently none on the pattern of amino acids of the proteins.
  3. The free amino acids are differently influenced by increasing N-dosages: While asparagin acid, glutamin acid, threonin, serin, prolin, alanin, tyrosin and histedin are showing an essential increase, valin, isoleucin, phenylalanin, arginin are little changed. The missing methionin and cystein are to be considered as the limiting amino acids.
  4. Regardless of the N-dosages the sulfur containing amino acids methionin and cystein are increased with increasing dosages of sulfur fertilizers.
  5. With increasing N-dosages asparagin and glutamin became especially increased. Compared to ‘without N’ the increase in ‘4N’ of the chlorid row is more than tenfold.
  6. High N-dosages in combination with sulfates and chlorides can differently influence the quantity and the quality of the N-fractions in the fruits.

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