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The radiographic features of aortic bulb/valve mineralization in 20 dogs were reviewed. Extent, shape, number, and location of mineralization were recorded. Five of the dogs had additional alternate imaging examinations, including bone scintigraphy, echocardiography, and thoracic computed tomography. A necropsy was done on one dog, and the area of mineralization was evaluated using routine histology. The median age was 10 (mean 9.7; SD +/- 2.7) years. There were five males, seven neutered males, one female, and seven neutered females. The breeds were: Irish setter (6); rottweiler (7); chow-chow (1); miniature dachshund (1); borzoi (1); English setter (1); English springer spaniel (1); great Dane (1); and greyhound (1). Dogs with both right and left lateral radiographs (n = 17) had mineralization visible on both views, more conspicuously on the right lateral radiograph (n = 12). Aortic bulb mineralization was identified on the ventrodorsal radiograph of only one dog. On lateral radiographs, the aortic bulb mineralization was localized within the 4th intercostal space and in the craniodorsal quadrant of the cardiac silhouette. In nine of the dogs, there were complex or multiple mineralizations and in 11 dogs, there was a single curvilinear mineral opacity oriented in a caudoventral to craniodorsal direction. In all radiographs, the mineralization was in the expected position of the aortic bulb, and echocardiography (n = 4), spiral computed tomography (n = 2), and necropsy (n = 1) confirmed that the mineralization was within the aortic bulb. Clinical pathologic data of the dogs suggested no reason for metastatic mineralization. Exact etiopathogenesis of the lesions were not determined in this study. Based on the histologic findings in one dog, the mineralization seen in the aortic root is similar to a form of dystrophic mineralization called Monckeberg's calcific arteriosclerosis in humans. No clinical signs attributable to the mineralization were observed.  相似文献   

A retrospective study of 39 dogs with spirocercosis is described, emphasizing radiographic and computed tomographic aspects and clinical presentation. Dogs were classified as complicated or uncomplicated, both clinically and radiographically. Besides the expected upper gastrointestinal signs, a high incidence of respiratory (77%) and locomotor (23%) complications were present. All dogs had thoracic radiographs. Esophageal masses were radiographically classified as typical or atypical according to their location. Twenty-seven dogs had a typical caudal esophageal mass. Six dogs had a mass atypically located in the hilar region. These masses were smaller and more difficult to visualize radiographically. The remaining 6 dogs did not have a radiographically detectable esophageal mass. Radiology as an initial diagnostic tool was effective in detecting and localizing the mass and to detect early respiratory abnormalities such as pleuritis, mediastinitis, pneumonia, and bronchial displacement. Endoscopy was the modality of choice to confirm antemortem esophageal masses. In dogs where the mass filled the whole esophageal lumen, endoscopy failed to give essential information necessary for surgical excision of neoplastic masses, such as the extent of esophageal wall attachment. Caudal esophageal sphincter involvement was difficult to determine endoscopically with large caudal esophageal masses. Computed tomography was performed on 3 dogs and did not address the latter problems completely, but was found to be a sensitive tool to detect focal aortic mineralization and early spondylitis, both typical for the disease, and essential in the diagnosis of non- or extramural esophageal abnormalities.  相似文献   

Diagnosis and quantification of femoral varus and femoral torsion using radiographs is technically challenging due to the difficulty in determining proper positioning. The purpose of this study is to describe a computed tomographic technique for determination of femoral varus and femoral torsion and to compare this technique, and standard radiography, to anatomic preparation, for the measurement of femoral varus and femoral torsion in normal dogs. Nine canine cadavers, visually and radiographically free of orthopedic disease of the hip and stifle joints, were utilized for analysis. Femoral varus was determined using a craniocaudal radiograph, a craniocaudal radiograph obtained after confirming accurate positioning using horizontal beam fluoroscopy, and computed tomography (CT). Femoral torsion (expressed as angle of version) was determined using an axial radiographic projection obtained from distal to proximal and CT. Each femur was dissected free of soft tissues, and direct determination of femoral varus and femoral torsion was performed using digital photographic images. All radiologic and photographic images were digitally measured to quantify the magnitude of femoral varus and femoral torsion. For femoral varus, no difference ( P =0.149) between the three different imaging techniques and the anatomic preparation was identified. For femoral torsion, no difference ( P =0.059) between the two imaging techniques and the anatomic preparation was identified. Well positioned radiographs and the described computed tomographic method are both as accurate as anatomic preparation for the measurement of both femoral varus and femoral torsion in normal dogs.  相似文献   

This paper describes coarctation of the aorta with a large fusiform post-stenotic aneurysm in a 6 year old Great Dane. No clinical signs were attributable to the lesion, which was an incidental finding. The radiological and pathological features of aortic coarctation are described.  相似文献   

A 4-year-old female Boxer was suffering from aortic valve endocarditis with perforation of the right coronary cusp resulting in a flail aortic cusp and subsequent acute aortic insufficiency. This flail aortic cusp was observed on M mode and two-dimensional endocardiograms as a free linear echostructure in the left ventricular outflow tract. Although rarely observed, a free linear echostructure seems more specific of a flail aortic valve than a shaggy echostructure, which can represent a free moving vegetation and thus be confusing. Severe acute aortic insufficiency resulted in an uncommon abnormal mitral valve motion in the absence of early mitral diastolic opening. The absence of early mitral valve opening was thought to be a consequence of coupled aortic regurgitation, reduced left ventricular compliance, and presumably delayed mitral valve opening secondary to coronary artery occlusion. An exaggerated septal diastolic dip accounted for the decreased transmitral inflow. All the usual contractility parameters were within normal range; subsequently, mitral valve motion alterations seems to be more reliable indicators of left ventricular dysfunction during acute aortic insufficiency.  相似文献   

Diagnostic imaging techniques (conventional radiography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging) are an essential tool in the diagnostic work-up of ear diseases. Conventional radiography is commonly used, but often lacks sensitivity. Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) are complementary imaging studies of the middle ear, labyrinth, internal auditory canal and their contents. CT provides excellent images of bony structures and is indicated where osseous changes are of greatest diagnostic importance. MR is superior in imaging soft tissue components including intralabyrinthine fluid. Therefore, more than one of these imaging techniques may be required in order to make a diagnosis.  相似文献   

The clinical and imaging features of four dogs with Cushing's syndrome and pulmonary mineralization are reviewed. Three dogs presented with a primary complaint of respiratory distress/dyspnea. Three dogs had pituitary dependent Cushing's syndrome, while the remaining one dog had iatrogenic Cushing's syndrome. Each dog had clinical features typical for Cushing's syndrome. Two of the dogs were euthanized due to progressive hypoxemia. In each dog, the serum calcium, phosphorous, blood urea nitrogen and creatinine were normal.
A generalized increase in unstructured interstitial pulmonary opacity with diffuse mineralization was noted on thoracic radiographs of all dogs. In one dog, an ill-defined nodular interstitial pattern of mineralization was present. Delayed bone phase scintigraphy using 99mTechnetium methylene diphosphonate documented generalized pulmonary uptake in two dogs. 99mTechnetium labeled microaggregated albumin lung perfusion scans were normal in these two dogs. 99mTc-MDP scintigraphy can provide useful information in diagnosing pulmonary mineralization in Cushingoid dogs.  相似文献   

A 4-year-old Labrador Retriever presented for urinary incontinence and constipation of 2 weeks duration. There was a tender abdomen, lumbar pain and conscious proprioceptive deficits in both pelvic limbs. Depressed pelvic limb reflexes were present consistent with a lower motor neuron lesion. In radiographs of the lumbar spine there was narrowing of the intervertebral disc space at L5-L6 with irregular, multifocal areas of mineralized opacities dorsal to the intervertebral disc space, presumably within the vertebral canal. On computed tomography, an intramedullary, partially mineralized mass was identified in the spinal cord at the level of caudal L5 through cranial L6. At necropsy there was a four-centimeter enlarged, irregular segment of spinal cord at the level of L5-L6. When sectioned, the spinal cord bad a mineralized texture. Histologically there were variable sized cells that were stellate in appearance with vacuolated cytoplasm (physaliferous cells) and mucinous background consistent with a chordoma. Chordoma is a rare, skeletal neoplasm that originates from mesoderm-derived notochord and has been reported in humans and animals. Extraskeletal development of a chordoma within the spinal cord is a rare manifestation of this neoplasm. However, based on other reports in dogs, solitary extraskeletal locations of chordomas may be the typical expression of this neoplasm in the dog. Differentiation of similar histologically appearing tumors, such as a parachordoma or myxoid chondrosarcoma, will require immunohistochemical characterization of these tumors in veterinary patients.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional echocardiography was performed on 18 unanesthetized, normal dogs (4.5 to 30 kg). Measurements of wall thickness, intracavitary dimensions, and cross-sectional area of the left atrium, left ventricle, and aorta were made. Satisfactory data were obtained from 17 dogs, and were used to determine normal values. Normal data were tested for significant correlation to body weight (kg) by linear regression. Repeatability was studied in six dogs examined, on three separate occasions, during a 5-day period. Differences between values obtained on different days were evaluated by analysis of variance.
Satisfactory qualitative echocardiograms were repeatedly obtained by using consistent sites of transducer placement and by identifying internal cardiac structures. These tomographic planes were highly reproducible, with only ventricular length, and some views of the ventricular septum, showing statistically significant (P < 0.05) differences. Almost all linear and area measurements were significantly correlated to body size, while most indices of left ventricular function were independent of body weight. Dimensions obtained from the left and right parasternal position were nearly identical. Cross-sectional echocardiography allows repeatable assessment of cardiac anatomy, and it should prove useful for identification and quantitation of heart disease in the dog.  相似文献   

Spirocerca lupi is a common cause of vomiting, regurgitation, and sudden death in dogs that live in tropical or subtropical regions. Sudden death due to aortic rupture may occur with no preceding clinical signs. The purpose of this prospective study was to compare radiographic and computed tomographic (CT) characteristics of aortic lesions in a cohort of 42 dogs with endoscopically confirmed spirocercosis. Dorsoventral and right lateral recumbent thoracic radiographic findings were compared with pre‐ and postcontrast thoracic CT findings. Aortic mineralization was detected using CT in 18/42 dogs (43%). Three dogs had faint diffuse aortic wall mineralization. Using CT as the reference standard, radiographs had a sensitivity and specificity of 6% and 96%, respectively, for detecting aortic mineralization. A total of 20 aortic aneurysms were detected using CT in 15/42 dogs (36%). Using CT as the reference standard, radiographs had a sensitivity and specificity of 86% and 56%, respectively, for detecting aortic aneurysms. Respiratory motion, aortic displacement by esophageal masses and Spirocerca nodules adjacent to the aorta mimicked aneurysm formation on radiographs. Aortic thrombi were seen in two dogs in postcontrast CT images. Findings from this study indicated that aortic mineralization and aneurysm formation are common in dogs with spirocercosis. Findings also supported the use of pre‐ and postcontrast CT as effective methods for detecting and characterizing these lesions.  相似文献   

Norio  Yamagishi  DVM  PhD  Kazutaka  Yamada  DVM  PhD  Hiroshi  Ishikawa  DVM  PhD  Haruo  Yamada  DVM  PhD 《Veterinary radiology & ultrasound》2000,41(5):422-424
A dog with a bronchocutaneous fistula is described. Contrast enhanced computed tomography was useful for diagnosis and treatment of the fistula in this dog.  相似文献   

The most common canine congenital heart anomalies include patient ductus arteriosus, ventricular septal defects, tetralogy of Fallot, pulmonic stenosis, and aortic stenosis. Survey radiography and nonselective (venous) angiography can allow the practicing veterinarian to confirm the diagnosis in many of these patients. Typical radiographic findings using these diagnostic procedures are reviewed. Nonselective angiocardiography is a relatively easy, rapid, and noninvasive procedure which can be performed using conventional equipment. The major disadvantage of this special procedure is that the superimposition of opacified structures can make the identification of some left-to-right shunts difficult. Dilution of contrast medium can occur if a rapid bolus injection is not made.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare computed tomography (CT) and radiography for diagnosing the presence and severity of middle ear disease in dogs with a history of chronic otitis externa. Thirty-one dogs undergoing a total ear canal ablation and bulla osteotomy were studied. Three normal dogs served as controls. All dogs were examined using radiography and CT. Three radiologists independently evaluated imaging studies in random order. A visual analog scale method was used for scoring certainty and severity of middle ear disease. Surgical findings were recorded intra-operatively. Bulla lining samples were submitted for histopathologic evaluation and scored by a single pathologist who also used a visual analog scale system. Findings from both imaging modalities agreed more closely with surgical findings than with histopathologic findings. With either surgical or histopathologic findings as the gold standard, CT was more sensitive than and as specific as radiographs for predicting presence and severity of middle ear disease. Observer performance with CT was more consistent than the performance with radiographs in the detection of changes that occur with middle ear disease. Both radiography and CT were more accurate for predicting the severity of the disease than its presence. Findings indicate that CT is more accurate and reliable than radiography in diagnosing middle ear disease for dogs having concurrent otitis externa, but only when severity of disease is moderate or high. With low severity of disease, diagnostic certainty for both modalities becomes more variable.  相似文献   

To determine the feasibility of transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) in dogs, biplane TEE was performed in 6 normal, anesthetized dogs, using a 10 mm × 110 cm endoscopic TEE transducer. Positioning was confirmed by fluoroscopy, and imaging planes were confirmed by necropsy examination.
A transgastric position provided only a limited view of the left ventricular apex. Three TEE positions over the base of the heart were identified. A caudal position provided excellent images in both transverse and longitudinal planes, but alignment with flow for Doppler examination was poor. A middle position provided long axis views of the left ventricular inflow region and mitral valve suitable for Doppler examination. A cranial position provided excellent views for both anatomic and Doppler examination of right and left ventricular outflow and associated great vessels.
We conclude that biplane TEE provides unique views of the heart in dogs which are complementary to, and often superior to, transthoracic views for evaluation of structures at the heart base.  相似文献   

This case history describes a fatal complication of cardiac catheterization in a dog. A 2-year-old intact female miniature Schnauzer presented with a one month history of coughing, tachypnea, and dyspnea that was unresponsive to medical therapy. On clinical examination, a 4/6 systolic murmur was auscultated over the left and right fourth intercostal spaces. Lung sounds were diffusely increased. Survey radiographs revealed cardiomegaly and pulmonary edema. Cardiac catheterization was undertaken to clarify the cause of congestive cardiac failure but was abandoned when contrast medium was seen in the pericardial sac following an attempted injection of the contrast medium into the left ventricle. During recovery from anesthesia progressive pallor, hemothorax, and respiratory distress developed. The dog died 10 hours later despite aggressive support therapy. Gross necropsy revealed hemorrhage into the pericardial sac and pleural space, thrombus formation around and perforation of the right coronary artery.  相似文献   

An 18-month-old male Dalmatian dog was presented for veterinary evaluation after the pet owner observed a sudden onset of weakness. An acquired continuous cardiac murmur was detected on physical examination. Two-dimensional echocardiographic examination revealed structural abnormalities of the proximal aorta and pulmonic valve. Doppler echocardiographic studies and cardiac catheterization demonstrated the presence of a proximal aorticopulmonary shunt. A diagnosis of left aortic sinus rupture and aorticopulmonary fistula was made. Antemortem diagnosis of aortic sinus rupture in the dog has not, to our knowledge, been reported previously. The anatomical variant of left aortic sinus rupture resulting in the development of a fistula from the aorta to the main pulmonary artery is, apparently, uncommon in all species.  相似文献   

To compare the radiographic and computed tomographic (CT) findings and to evaluate the sensitivity of radiography and CT for diagnosis of nasal aspergillosis in dogs, the radiographic and CT studies of 48 dogs with chronic nasal disease were reviewed separately. The radiographic and CT findings were recorded, and a diagnosis was made. The results obtained in the dogs with nasal aspergillosis (n = 25) were used. Based on definite aspergillosis as diagnosis, CT had a sensitivity of 88% and radiography of 72%. Considering definite and probable aspergillosis as equivalent, CT had a sensitivity of 92% and radiography of 84%. The sensitivity was higher in dogs with lesions affecting the entire nasal cavity and frontal sinus on at least one side (n = 20) with a sensitivity of 100% for CT and 90-95% for radiography than in dogs with lesions restricted to the nasal cavities (n = 5) where CT had a sensitivity of 60-80% and radiography of 0-40%. CT was superior to radiography for evaluation of the nasal cavities (mucosal thickening along the nasal bones, surrounding bone hyperostosis/lysis), frontal sinuses (mucosal thickening along the frontal bone, fluid/soft tissue, frontal bone hyperostosis/lysis), and differentiation between a cavitated-like or a mass-like process. This study suggests that CT is more sensitive than radiography for diagnosis of nasal aspergillosis in the dog because of a better demonstration of some changes suggestive of nasal aspergillosis. A diagnosis of a nasal aspergillosis restricted to the nasal cavities or associated with an FB is challenging, even with the use of CT.  相似文献   

Thirteen dogs with fractures requiring surgical repair were evaluated by standard two-view (i.e., lateral and ventrodorsal) radiography, tangential view (ventro 20 degrees cranial-dorsocaudal [inlet] and ventro 20 degrees caudal-dorsocranial [outlet]) radiography, and computed tomography (CT). Radiographic and CT examinations were reviewed independently by the three authors, and specific anatomic sites were graded for the presence or possibility of lesions. The results of radiographic interpretations were compared to CT scan interpretations. Eighty-one percent of skeletal lesions detected by CT scans were diagnosed definitively radiographically. Differences between the interpretation of CT and radiographic examinations included abnormalities associated with soft-tissue structures (P < 0.0001), the sacroiliac joints (P = 0.02), and the acetabula (P = 0.04). Interpretation of the lateral/ventrodorsal and inlet/outlet radiographic series were not statistically different, although inlet views may be complimentary to the standard radiographic examination. Its use deserves further study. Reader variation was less on evaluation of CT examinations than radiographic examinations. CT multiplaner reformations and three-dimensional reconstructions were useful for surgical planning in seven dogs. CT scanning is superior to survey radiography in assessing skeletal and soft-tissue injuries in dogs with pelvic trauma, although all clinically significant surgical lesions were described accurately radiographically. Based on this small series, the routine CT examination of dogs with pelvic trauma may not be justifiable for diagnosis but may be advantageous for surgical planning, especially if acetabular fractures are suspected on radiographs.  相似文献   

We describe patterns of acquired portal collateral circulation in dogs and in a cat using multidetector row computed tomography angiography. Large portosystemic shunts included left splenogonadal shunts in patients with portal hypertension. Small portal collaterals were termed varices; these collaterals had several patterns and were related either to portal vein or cranial vena cava obstruction. Varices were systematized on the basis of the venous drainage pathways and their anatomic location, namely left gastric vein varix, esophageal and paraesophageal varices, gastroesophageal and gastrophrenic varices, gallbladder and choledocal varices, omental varices, duodenal varices, colic varices, and abdominal wall varices. As reported in humans and in experimental dog models, esophageal and paraesophageal varices may result from portal hypertension that generates reversal of flow, which diverts venous blood in a cranial direction through the left gastric vein to the venous plexus of the esophagus. Blood enters the central venous system through the cranial vena cava. Obstructions of the cranial vena cava can lead to esophageal and paraesophageal varices formation as well. In this instance, they drain into the azygos vein, the caudal vena cava, or into the portal system, depending on the site of the obstruction. Gallbladder and choledocal varices, omental varices, duodenal varices, phrenico-abdominal varices, colic varices, abdominal wall varices drain into the caudal vena cava and result from portal hypertension. Imaging plays a pivotal role in determining the origin, course, and termination of these vessels, and the underlying causes of these collaterals as well. Knowledge about these collateral vessels is important before interventional procedures, endosurgery or conventional surgery are performed, so as to avoid uncontrollable bleeding if they are inadvertently disrupted.  相似文献   

Fifty-two of digital, metacarpal or metatarsal canine tumors and 48 pododermatitis lesions were reviewed retrospectively. The tumors were divided into 42 malignant neoplasms, 6 benign neoplasms and 4 non-neoplastic tumor-like growths. The distribution and radiographic changes of the lesions associated with the tumors and inflammation were compared. Pododermatitis and benign processes could not be radiographically differentiated from malignant neoplasms of the foot; however, lesions exhibiting osteolysis were more likely (p < 0.05) to be associated with malignant neoplasms.  相似文献   

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