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Experiments were conducted to investigate the possibility of using progesterone releasing intravaginal devices (PRIDs) more than once, for the purpose of synchronising oestrus and ovulation in dairy cows. In an initial study, PRIDs were inserted into 6 ovariectomised cows for 12 days on 3 separate occasions and blood samples were collected for progresterone assay. After removal, 3 PRIDs were sterilised by autoclaving and the other 3 by gassing with ethylene oxide. After PRID insertion progesterone concentration in plasma rose rapidly. Autoclaved PRIDs which were reused once and then twice, maintained blood progesterone profiles which were comparable to the release of progesterone from a new PRID. This was not the case when PRIDs were re-used after gas sterilisation. In a second study, PRIDs were inserted into 41 dairy cows for 9 days and an injection of prostaglandin F2o was given one day before PRID removal. Onset of oestrus was determined by observation at intervals of 3 h for 30 min and time of ovulation was determined by endoscopy approximately 30 h after onset of oestrus. PRIDs were autoclaved after removal and re-used twice. In cows which received new PRIDs, 85% came into oestrus between 30 and 60 h after removal. When PRIDs were used for the second time, 100% of cows showed oestrus within 30 to 60 h. When PRIDs were used for the third time the interval between PRID removal and onset of oestrus was highly variable. Only 29% of cows showed oestrus within 30 to 60 h whereas 59% showed oestrus between 12 and 42 h after PRID removal. The distribution in estimated time between PRID removal and ovulation followed closely the distribution of onset of oestrus for each insertion of PRIDs. The synchrony of ovulation was most concentrated for the second use of PRIDs and least for the third use. A few cows did not follow the general pattern of response. Indications that the PRID may be used more than once for synchronising oestrus and ovulation in the dairy cow, and the adoption of a 9-day PRID insertion interval in any synchronisation schedule should result in a significant reduction in the cost of this technology.  相似文献   

The effects of different treatments for oestrus synchronisation on the incidence of oestrus and fertility levels in dairy cows were studied in 2 experiments. In Experiment 1, 200 lactating cows were allotted to 5 groups and the treatments imposed were either; 1: Untreated controls, 2: An injection of 0.5 mg of cloprostenol followed 13 days later by a progesterone releasing intravaginal device (PRID) inserted for 12 days, 3: A PRID, with a capsule containing 10 mg of oestradiol benzoate (ODB) attached, inserted for 12 days, 4: A PRID inserted for 12 days with 0.5 mg of cloprostenol administered 24 h before PRID removal or, 5: As for 4 but 14 days after fixed-time insemination a second PRID was inserted for 12 days. Treated cows were inseminated 56 h after PRID removal and at an observed oestrus during the subsequent 30 days. The control group was inseminated at an observed oestrus during this 30-day period. For treatments 2, 3, 4 and 5, respectively, the percentage of cows showing oestrus by 60 h after PRID removal was 70, 40, 67 and 43 and conception rates to the fixed time insemination were 34, 33, 49 and 29%. Calving rates of cows inseminated at an observed oestrus during a 30-day period were 70, 75, 70, 83 and 82% for treatments 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, respectively. In Experiment 2, 60 lactating cows were divided into 2 groups and the treatments imposed were either 1: An injection of 0.5 mg of cloprostenol followed 13 days later by a PRID inserted for 12 days or 2: As for 1 but 14 days after fixed-time insemination a second PRID was inserted for 12 days. Treated cows were inseminated 56 h after PRID removal and at an observed oestrus over a period from the first insemination to 6 days after removal of the second PRID. For treatments 1 and 2, respectively, 73 and 71% of cows showed oestrus by 60 h after removal of the first PRID and 40% and 46% conceived to the fixed time insemination. The conception rates to inseminations over the treatment period were 73 and 70% for treatments 1 and 2, respectively. None of the treatments resulted in conception rates which were lower than those of control cows provided that treated cows were reinseminated at observed oestrus. Treatment 4 provided the most practicable technique for oestrus synchronisation.  相似文献   

The ability to synchronise onset of oestrus, and hence the time of breeding and calving, offers potential economic and management benefits to dairy farmers, especially in herds with seasonally concentrated calving patterns. A trial involving 2681 cows in 11 seasonal herds was conducted to evaluate the reproductive performance of lactating dairy cows following oestrus synchronisation with a combination of progesterone, oestradiol and prostaglandin. Cows were randomly assigned within herds to synchronised and control groups, balanced for age, date of calving, body condition and breed. Cows in the synchronised group were treated with an intravaginal progesterone-releasing device containing 1.9 g of progesterone and a gelatin capsule containing 10 mg of oestradiol benzoate 10 days prior to the planned start of the breeding season (Day 0). The device was removed 8 days later on Day -2 and a luteolytic dose of prostaglandin F2alpha was administered 2 days prior to removal of the progesterone-releasing device. Returns to service for cows in the synchronised group were synchronised by inserting a previously used intravaginal device during Days 16-21 after the start of the breeding season. Cows in the control group were left untreated. The percentage of cows being inseminated during the first 5 days was 89.0% for the synchronised group compared to 29.7% for the control group. Compared to cows in the control group, those in the synchronised group had a lower conception rate to the first insemination (52.9% v. 64.3%, p<0.001), a lower conception rate to the second insemination (51.8% v. 62.5%, p<0.001), a higher percentage of empty cows at the end of the breeding season (7.3% v. 5.1%, p<0.05), and more insemination services per pregnancy to artificial insemination (2.0 v. 1.6, p<0.001). There was no difference between the synchronised and control groups in the percentage of cows pregnant to artificial insemination (81.8% v. 85.5%, p>0.10). The mean day of conception from the start of the breeding season was advanced (p>0.0 1) by 1.3 days in synchronised cows (19.9 +/- 0.7 days; mean +/- SEM) compared to control cows (21.2 +/- 0.5 days). It is concluded that the oestrus synchronisation regime used in the present study caused a reduction in fertility, which reduced the potential gains from using such a programme to increase reproductive efficiency in dairy cows.  相似文献   

In cows the timing of both ovulation and the subsequent postovulatory progesterone rise are critical to successful fertilisation and early embryo development. The aim of this study was to determine the degree of variability in the timing of ovulation relative to other follicular phase events and to determine how variations in the timing of follicular phase events contribute to the timing of the postovulatory progesterone rise. Plasma concentrations of progesterone, oestradiol and luteinising hormone (LH) and the timing of oestrus and ovulation were determined following induction of luteolysis were determined in 18 mature, non-lactating Holstein-Friesian cows. Four cows were excluded on the basis of abnormal reproductive function. In the remaining 14 cows oestrus occurred at 57.4+/-4.3h and the LH surge at 54.6+/-4.0h following luteolysis (progesterone <1ngmL(-1)) followed by a fall in circulating oestradiol concentration at 64.6+/-4.4h. Cows ovulated at 88.0+/-4.7h with the postovulatory progesterone rise (to >1ngmL(-1)) occurring 159+/-7.2h after luteolysis. There was considerable variation in the timing of ovulation following luteolysis (range 64-136h) onset of oestrus (range 24-40h) and onset of the LH surge (range 24-44h). Cows were then split on the basis of interval from progesterone fall to progesterone rise giving groups (n=7 per group) with intervals of 180.6+/-6.7 and 138.3+/-5.7h (P<0.001). Between groups, both the intervals from luteolysis to ovulation (98.3+/-6.9 vs 77.7+/-3.4h; P<0.05) and ovulation to progesterone rise (82.3+/-4.2 vs. 60.6+/-5.5h; P<0.01) were longer in late rise cows. There was no difference between groups in the interval from oestrus or LH surge to ovulation. In conclusion the results of this study further highlight the high variability that exists in the timing and interrelationships of follicular phase events in the modern dairy cow, reemphasising the challenges that exist in optimising mating strategies. However, the data do suggest that in cows with poor post ovulatory progesterone secretion, the key problem appears to be poor post ovulatory development rather than a delay in ovulation.  相似文献   

The plasma levels of progesterone and luteinising hormone (LH) were monitored in a group of cattle after pretreatment with two injections of 25 mg dinoprost. Close groupings of preovulatory LH peaks were observed and the possible significance of this is discussed. Based on the findings of this study, supporting evidence is provided for the timing of insemination after injection of cattle which have been synchronised for oestrus with dinoprost.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - This study evaluated the pregnancy rate (PR) after timed artificial insemination (TAI) in water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) during both non-breeding and...  相似文献   

Fifty-seven cycling buffalo cows of the river type were treated with two doses of 0.5 mg cloprostenol intramuscularly given 11 days apart. Each animal was inseminated twice at 72 and 96 hours after the second injection of cloprostenol. The first service conception rate diagnosed by rectal palpation at 90 days was 38.6 per cent. At the time of insemination the cervix was easily penetrable on both days in only 39 (68.4 per cent) of the animals. They were inseminated at or beyond the internal cervical os, while the others were inseminated in the cervical canal. There was a marked difference in conception rate between those receiving deep inseminations (48.7 per cent) and the others (16.7 per cent). In relation to the interval from calving to insemination the conception rates for those which had calved 60 to 90, 90 to 120 and 120 to 150 days earlier were 16.6, 36.4 and 55.5 per cent respectively. The use of cloprostenol treatment and fixed-time insemination is a useful method of overcoming the problem of oestrus detection in buffaloes. Acceptable levels of fertility can be obtained in those animals which have a sufficiently relaxed cervix to permit semen deposition at the internal os, provided the interval from calving to insemination is more than 90 days.  相似文献   

AIM: To evaluate the efficacy of a programme using oestradiol benzoate, progesterone and the prostaglandin-F2 (PG) analogue, cloprostenol, to synchronise oestrus and ovulation in dairy cows, compared with a programme using a gonadotropinreleasing hormone (GnRH) agonist, buserelin, and cloprostenol. METHODS: Twenty non-lactating dairy cows, at random stages of the oestrus cycle, were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 treatments. In Treatment 1 ( OPPG; n=10), cows were injected with 2 mg oestradiol benzoate intramuscularly (IM) plus 200 mg progesterone subcutaneously (SC) on Day 0, followed by 500 microg cloprostenol IM on Day 9 and 1 mg oestradiol benzoate on Day 10. In Treatment 2 (GPG; n=10), cows were injected with 10 microg buserelin IM on Day 0, 500 microg cloprostenol IM on Day 7 and 10 microg buserelin on Day 9. The ovaries of all cows were examined by ultrasonography, using an 8 MHz probe, from 5 days before the initial treatment until ovulation. Cows were observed for oestrus 3 times daily for 7 days after cloprostenol treatment. Blood samples were collected daily for determination of progesterone, and 6-hourly for 36 h after the second oestradiol or buserelin injection for the determination of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinising hormone (LH) concentrations. RESULTS: The percentage of cows observed in oestrus was higher in the OPPG group than in the GPG group (100% vs 55.6%, p=0.018). Treatment with either short-acting progesterone plus oestradiol benzoate or buserelin was followed by atresia or ovulation of the dominant follicle. Emergence of a new follicular wave occurred earlier (p>0.001) in the GPG group (2.2+/-0.2 days) than in the OPPG group (3.6+/-0.2 days). There was no significant difference between treatment groups in the variation of time of follicular wave emergence or size of the largest follicles at either the time of initial treatment (10.8+/-1.4 mm vs 11.1+/-0.8 mm), cloprostenol treatment (13.8+/-0.7 mm vs 14.0+/-1.3 mm) or of ovulation (15.4+/-0.7 mm vs 17.6+/-1.1 mm; p=0.10). The LH surge occurred sooner after the second injection of buserelin (4.0+/-1.0 h) than after the second injection of oestradiol benzoate (22.8+/-1.2 h; p>0.001). The interval between the second injection of oestradiol benzoate or buserelin and ovulation did not differ significantly between treatment groups (1.7+/-0.3 days vs 1.6+/-0.2 days; p=0.69). CONCLUSIONS: The use of short-term progesterone treatment, combined with oestradiol benzoate for follicular wave synchronisation, and cloprostenol to cause lysis of residual luteal tissue, is a promising alternative to established methods of oestrus synchronisation in cows.  相似文献   

Seventy-four heifers in four separate breeding groups were allocated into two treatment groups for oestrus synchronisation. Group 1 was given a combination of an initial injection of norgestomet and oestradiol valerate together with a norgestomet ear implant left in place for nine days. Group 2 was given two injections of the synthetic prostaglandin luprostiol 10 days apart. The animals in group 1 were artificially inseminated once 48 hours after the removal of the implant and those in group 2 were inseminated once 72 hours after the second injection of luprostiol. Subsequently any returns were rebred by either AI or natural service. There was no significant difference between the numbers of animals in the two treatment groups which were diagnosed pregnant 33 to 35 days after insemination, although the implant treatment gave a higher overall proportion of pregnancies (70 per cent, 51 per cent). It also gave significantly smaller numbers of 'open' days over the whole of the breeding period. A study of individual animals by progesterone assay and investigation of ovarian structures by real-time ultrasound showed that some of them had unusual progesterone profiles but nevertheless became pregnant. It would appear that a corpus luteum may be responsive to prostaglandins even though it is secreting only a low level of progesterone.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the timing of onset of oestrus and ovulation, characteristics of oestrus, and fertility in Bos indicus heifers synchronised with a progesterone releasing intravaginal insert (IVP4) and administration of oestradiol benzoate (ODB) either at the time of removal of the insert or 24 h later. Design: Cohort study. PROCEDURE: Bos indicus and Bos indicus cross heifers were treated on two farms (Farm A, n = 273; Farm B, n = 47) with an IVP4 for 8 days with 1.0 mg of ODB administered at the time of device insertion and 250 mg of cloprostenol at the time of device removal. Heifers in the ODB-0 group were administered 0.75 mg of ODB at the time of device removal while heifers in the ODB-24 group were administered the same dose of ODB 24 h after device removal. Heifers were inseminated once daily after detection of oestrus. Heifers not detected in oestrus by 72 h after removal of inserts were inseminated at that time. Oestrus was detected in heifers on Farm A using heatmount detectors while on Farm B oestrus in heifers was monitored using radiotelemetry of mounting pressure. Ovarian follicular development was monitored daily in 30 heifers on Farm B from the time of administration of inserts until ovulation to a maximum of 96 h after removal of inserts, and again 11 days after removal of inserts (Day 19). A blood sample was collected from all heifers on Farm B on Day 19 and analysed for plasma concentration of progesterone. Pregnancy was diagnosed 6 to 8 weeks after insemination. RESULTS: Administration of ODB at the time of removal of inserts shortened the time interval to oestrus and ovulation (P < 0.001), increased the number of mounts recorded during oestrus (P = 0.04) and reduced the odds of pregnancy (P = 0.03). The proportion of heifers ovulating on Farm B was 67% and was not affected by treatment group (P = 0.61). The mean diameter of the largest follicle measured in ovaries was greater at the time of removal of inserts (9.1 +/- 0.6 vs 10.7 +/- 0.4; P = 0.03) and at the expected time of the LH surge (8.1 +/- 0.4 vs 11.5 +/- 0.3 mm; P < 0.001) in heifers that ovulated compared to heifers that failed to ovulate, respectively. Emergence of a new follicular wave was not detected during the synchronisation treatment in heifers that failed to ovulate. Concentrations of progesterone in plasma on Day 19 were less in non-pregnant heifers (P = 0.05) compared to heifers subsequently diagnosed as pregnant to insemination and were affected by the diameter of the ovulatory follicle (P = 0.01). CONCLUSION: Administration of ODB at the time of removal of inserts can shorten the time interval to oestrus and ovulation and can reduce fertility when insemination is carried out once daily. Further work is needed to determine if prolonged suppression of follicular development, anovulatory oestrus and premature ovulation occuring in some heifers is associated with administration of ODB.  相似文献   

Contents: Abbovestrol® (Progesterone Releasing Intravaginal Device PRID) was administered to 5 non-pregnant cows intravaginally for 12 days (group 1). 5 other cows were left untreated as control group (group 2). Four animals in group 1 exhibited behavioural oestrus; peripheral plasma concentration of progesterone was 0.5 ng/ml and the oestradiol 17β concentration was similar to that in the control group. It is concluded that the Abbovestrol® device can induce a fertile oestrus in Zebu cross bred cattle.  相似文献   

A group of 97 spring-calving beef cows were initially oestrus synchronised with controlled internal drug release (CIDR) intravaginal progesterone implants inserted for nine days and a prostaglandin injection on day 7. Approximately half the cows were given 10 microg buserelin when the implants were inserted, and they all received a single fixed-time artificial insemination (AI) 56 hours after the withdrawal of the implants. The overall pregnancy rate to the first synchronised AI was 55 per cent, the buserelin-treated cows having a pregnancy rate of 63 per cent compared with 47 per cent in the untreated cows (P>0.05). Sixteen days after the first synchronised AI all the cows were re-implanted with used CIDR implants which were removed five days later, and the cows received a second synchronised AI on days 23 to 24. Cows which received the second AI were implanted with new CIDR devices 16 days later and these were removed after five days and the non-pregnant cows received a third synchronised AI. The pregnancy rates to the second and third synchronised services were 74 per cent and 75 per cent, respectively.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate monthly changes in oestrus and ovulatory activity of Sicilo‐Sarde sheep. Experimental animals comprised 25 adult and 10 maiden ewes at the start of the experiment. For 12 consecutive months (September–August), the females were exposed to natural photoperiod and permanently kept in presence of seven aproned rams. Oestrus was checked daily and ovarian activity was monitored by monthly endoscopies during the last week of each month. Ovulation rate for a particular month was assessed as the sum of corpora lutea or corpora albicans present on both ovaries at the time of endoscopy. Proportions of ewes observed in oestrus at least once a month were lowest in March (24.3%) and highest in June and October (100%). They tended (p < 0.06) to be different according to age, dropping during summer from a common value of 100% in June to 85.7% and 90% in July and then to 57.1% and 70% in August for, respectively, the Adults and Maiden females. Overall, the experimental period, 92.5% and 83.8% of Adult and Maiden ewes ovulated at least once per month (p < 0.01) respectively. Least proportions ovulating, attained 60% and 30% in April for, respectively, Adult and Maiden ewes before peaking up at 100% again in May (p < 0.05). Mean (±SD) ovulation rate of Sicilo‐Sarde sheep is 1.40 ± 0.503. Adult females had a higher (p < 0.001) ovulation rate than Maiden sheep with respective average values of 1.51 ± 0.516 and 1.16 ± 0.373. It varied little between months and decreased in Adults from a maximum value of 1.95 in October to a minimum value of 1.16 in April. It is concluded that benchmarking seasonal variations of reproductive activity in Sicilo‐Sarde breed would be valuable in designing improved management calendars for this breed.  相似文献   

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