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Fascin‐1 expression was examined in 9 cutaneous melanocytomas and 47 oral melanomas. The cases were scored on the basis of extent and intensity of staining, and combined scores were calculated. Fascin‐1 expression was observed in 5/9 (56%) melanocytomas and 46/47 (98%) melanomas. The combined score for fascin‐1 was significantly greater in stage III/IV melanomas than in stage I/II melanomas (P < 0.05). In addition, strong fascin‐1 staining was associated with a significantly shortened survival time (P < 0.05). The results of this study suggest that fascin‐1 overexpression correlates with the malignancy of canine melanoma and has the potential to be a new immunohistochemical marker to predict the clinical course of canine melanoma. In addition, targeted therapy for fascin‐1 may represent a new strategy for the treatment of canine melanoma.  相似文献   

Melanocytic tumours are a well-known clinical and pathological entity in horses, but further phenotypic characterization of these tumours is lacking. Six melanocytic tumours from five horses (two metastatic and four benign) were examined by Ki67, PCNA and p53 immunostaining, DNA nick end labelling (Tunel) and Feulgen staining. The stainings were evaluated using quantitative image analysis. The resulting parameters of growth fraction (Ki67), S-phase index (PCNA), p53 index, apoptotic index, DNA index, nuclear diameter, ploidy balance, proliferation index (Feulgen) and hyperploidy were analysed. The metastatic melanomas showed overexpression of p53 in a large portion of the cells. Apoptosis was also found in the metastatic melanomas. No differences were found in growth fraction, S-phase index (PCNA) nor in DNA configuration between the metastatic and the benign tumours. No immunohistochemical evidence of mutant p53 could be found in the tumours. In conclusion, melanocytic tumours in horses seem to have different phenotypic characteristics in comparison with melanocytic tumours in dogs, cats and humans, especially with respect to proliferative activity of the benign tumours. Therefore, markers put forward in these other species for predicting the clinical behaviour of the melanomas seem to be of no value in the horse. Moreover, quantitative DNA changes or p53 mutations do not seem to be involved in tumourogenesis in these cases.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to determine the significance of tumour depth, tumour location and multiple synchronous tumour masses for the prognostic evaluation of canine cutaneous mast cell tumours (MCTs). The study population consisted of 100 formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded cutaneous MCTs that had been surgically removed from 100 dogs and submitted to the Diagnostic Center of Population and Animal Health at Michigan State University between 1998 and 2001. None of the dogs had received chemotherapy or radiation therapy. For each case the following data were obtained from the referring veterinarians: sex, breed, weight, age at diagnosis, diagnostics performed, adjunct medications given at the time of surgery, tumour location, number of tumour masses, tumour recurrence (development of MCTs at the surgical site), development of additional MCTs at distant sites (outside the surgical margins), tumour duration before removal, survival time and cause of death, if applicable. Tumour depth was determined through microscopic evaluation of 5 microm sections stained with haematoxylin and eosin. Based on univariable and multivariable survival analysis, dogs with multiple synchronous cutaneous MCTs at the time of diagnosis have a worse prognosis compared with dogs with single tumours. Additional treatment beyond surgical excision alone should be considered for these animals. Older dogs and Boxers with cutaneous MCTs were at higher risk to develop additional MCTs at distant sites (outside the surgical margins), and older and male dogs with cutaneous MCTs had significantly shorter survival times. Univariable analysis also determined that dogs with cutaneous MCTs located on the head and neck had an increased risk of additional MCT development at distant sites and that sterilized dogs with cutaneous MCTs had shorter survival times. However, these findings were not confirmed by multivariable analysis. Tumour depth was of no prognostic significance for dogs with cutaneous MCTs.  相似文献   

Seventeen cutaneous and oral tumours with light microscopic features of plasmacytomas from 16 dogs were studied. Clinically, most neoplasms were benign, although three recurred after excision and three were locally invasive. Tumours most often arose on the pinnae, digits, gingiva, and inguinal regions near areas of chronic inflammation and exhibited variable degrees of plasmacytic differentiation microscopically. Diagnosis of plasmacytoma was confirmed in paraffin-embedded tissues with a panel of leukocyte differentiation antigen markers that included cross-reactive antibodies for Mb-1 (CD79a), CD3, and vimentin and canine-specific antibodies for CD45RA and CD18. Immunoreactivity for Mb-1 and CD45RA, including staining of multinucleate cells and cells with karyomegaly, confirmed a B-cell origin of neoplasms, while staining for CD3 and CD18 revealed an extensive network of infiltrative T-cells and dendritic cells in tumours suggestive of a directed immune response. These findings (i) demonstrate the value of using a panel of antibodies for leukocyte antigens to differentiate plasmacytomas from other cutaneous and oral round cell tumours, and (ii) suggest that immune recognition and responsiveness within tumours may play a role in the behaviour of plasmacytomas in dogs by affecting tumour cell growth and differentiation.  相似文献   

The growth fraction of 68 canine cutaneous melanomas was determined by immunostaining with MIB‐1, a monoclonal antibody to a Ki‐67 epitope that recognizes all proliferating cells. Fifty tumours were classified histologically as benign and 18 as malignant. The Ki‐67 proliferative index (percentage of positive cells over 500 neoplastic cells) was low (< 15%) in 55 cases and high ( 15%) in 13 cases. High Ki‐67 proliferative index and histological malignancy were both associated with significantly poorer 2‐year survival (P < 0.0001). However, the predictive value of the Ki‐67 proliferative index (97%) was higher than the predictive value of classical histology (91%). The evaluation of the growth fraction by the Ki‐67 proliferative index is highly predictive of the biological behaviour of canine cutaneous melanoma.  相似文献   

Canine melanoma (CMM) more commonly affects the oral mucosa and the cutis. CMM shares several features with human melanomas (HMM), included resistance to a broad variety of antineoplastic chemotherapy agents. P‐glycoprotein 1 (Pgp) expression is a well‐recognized feature of multi‐drug resistance and the purpose of this study was to investigate its expression in treatment naïve CMM. We also investigated Pgp association with tumour location and histological features. Histology records of CMM were retrieved, including patients from 2012–2014. Twenty‐five cases of CMM were included in this study. Results revealed that Pgp is expressed in CMM and oral tumours were more likely to have a membranous Pgp expression (100%) than cutaneous tumours (66.6%) (P = 0.010). Cytoplasmic and nuclear Pgp expression could also be identified. Results of this study bring useful data that help in understanding one of the possible mechanisms responsible of intrinsic chemotherapy resistance in canine CMM.  相似文献   

Tissue factor (TF) expression in human cancers has been associated with a procoagulant state and facilitation of metastasis. This study was conducted in order to evaluate if TF was expressed in canine mammary tumours. Forty epithelial mammary tumours from 28 dogs were included. TF expression of the tumours was evaluated by immunohistochemistry using a polyclonal antibody against recombinant canine TF. In addition, thromboelastography, haemostatic and inflammatory parameters were evaluated in the patients. TF was recognized in 44% of benign and 58% of malignant tumours. TF localized to the cytoplasmic membrane of neoplastic luminal epithelial cells and/or diffusely in the cytoplasm. No association was found between TF expression and stage or grade of disease. A significant association between TF expression and antithrombin and plasminogen was found, and extensive TF expression was seen in a lymph node metastasis classified as anaplastic mammary carcinoma from a dog with concomitant disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC).  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate by immunohistochemical means nuclear reactivity for Mdm2 and p53 proteins in 71 canine cutaneous mast cell tumours. Detectable reactivity for Mdm2 was observed in 17 of 23 grade I tumours, 19 of 27 grade II tumours, and 14 of 21 grade III tumours, the grading method used was that by Patnaik et al. [Vet. Pathol., vol. 21, 1984, p. 469]. Increased reactivity for Mdm2 was detected in grade III tumours compared with grade I tumours. In contrast to Mdm2, detectable reactivity for p53 was observed in 17 tumours. Of 39 cases with moderate or marked Mdm2, 34 showed mild or no detectable p53, although only five showed moderate or marked p53. The results suggest that Mdm2 overexpression plays a crucial role in canine mast cell tumorigenesis and is consistent with the histologic grade, and its expression may be induced without p53 overexpression.  相似文献   

Perivascular wall tumors (PWTs) are defined as neoplasms deriving from mural cells of blood vessels, excluding the endothelial lining. The spectrum of human cutaneous PWT includes glomus tumor, hemangiopericytoma (HEP), myopericytoma, angioleiomyoma/sarcoma, angiomyofibroblastoma, and angiofibroma. The purpose of this study was to revise clinical presentation, cytology, histopathology, and immunohistology of canine cutaneous PWT with cytology typical of canine HEP. Diagnosis was established on the basis of vascular growth patterns (staghorn, placentoid, perivascular whorling, bundles from media) and immunohistology, including 7 smooth muscle markers and the cell membrane ganglioside of unknown origin recognized by the antibody 3G5 (CMG-3G5). Twenty cases were included. Ages ranged from 6 to 13 years; 12 dogs were males and 8 were females, and there was a prevalence of crossbreeds. Tumors arose from a single site with preferential acral location (10/20). Cytology revealed moderate to high cellularity in all cases, cohesive groups of cells (19/20), capillaries (18/20), and bi- to multinucleated cells (18/20). Six myopericytomas, 5 angioleiomyomas, 2 angioleiomyosarcomas, 2 HEP, 1 angiofibroma, and 1 adventitial tumor were identified. A definitive diagnosis was not possible in 3 cases. Smoothelin, heavy caldesmon, desmin, myosin, calponin, and CMG-3G5 were the most valuable markers to differentially diagnose canine PWT. Similar to reports in humans, canine HEP embodied a spectrum of neoplastic entities arising from different vascular mural cells. Before canine PWTs are assimilated into one prognostic category, a consistent classification and characterization of their biology is necessary. As proposed in humans, HEP should also be considered a diagnosis of exclusion in dogs.  相似文献   

A direct relationship has been firmly established between cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) expression and malignant behavior in human melanoma. This report examines the relationship between COX-2 expression and tumor location, mitotic and proliferative indices, degree of T CD3(+) lymphocyte infiltration, overall survival, and frequency of recurrence and metastasis of 57 melanocytic tumors (25 oral and 32 cutaneous). COX-2 was highly or moderately expressed in 88% of oral neoplasms (22 of 25), whereas for their cutaneous counterparts, COX-2 expression was low or insignificant in 75% of cases (24 of 32). High and moderate COX-2 expression levels were observed in 73% of melanocytic tumors with a mitotic index ≥ 3 per 10 high-power fields (26 of 36), whereas in 81% of tumors with a mitotic index < 3 (17 of 21), expression was mild or absent. There were 41 cases with known clinical outcomes; of those showing high, moderate, and mild COX-2 expression, 83.3% (10 of 12), 37.5% (3 of 8), and 25% (2 of 8) died, respectively, whereas 100% of animals showing no COX-2 expression (13 of 13) were still alive at the last follow-up. COX-2 expression was statistically correlated with tumor location, mitotic and percentage Ki-67 proliferative indices, and overall survival, frequency of neoplastic recurrence and metastasis. Regression analysis also showed disease-specific predictive value for COX-2 expression for subjects with melanocytic neoplasms. Additionally, only high COX-2 expression showed significant differences in overall survival, in comparison with moderate, mild, or absent expression. These results suggest that high COX-2 expression may be considered a prognostic biomarker and potentially as a target for therapeutic and preventive strategies in canine melanocytic neoplasms.  相似文献   

Three dogs were presented for clinical examination with bilateral buccal nodules which were identified as enlarged buccal lymph nodes. As little is known about this pathology, 150 dogs were examined by anatomical dissection for the presence of buccal lymph nodes. They were found in 13 dogs, occurring bilaterally in six dogs and unilaterally in seven dogs. Two buccal lymph nodes were bilobulated and one was double. The lymph nodes were always located dorsal to the zygomatic muscle and rostral to the masseter muscle in the region where the superior labial vein drains into the facial vein. Histology demonstrated a large amount of intranodal adipose tissue scattered throughout the lymphoid tissue. The canine buccal lymph node should not be confused with the accessory parotid or ventral buccal salivary gland and is clinically important as it can enlarge due to tumour metastasis or inflammation of the buccal region.  相似文献   

Cadherin-catenin complexes play a critical role in intercellular adhesion, and their altered expression has been implicated in tumour progression. In this study, the expression of E-cadherin, P-cadherin and beta-catenin was analysed in 65 canine malignant mammary tumours and correlated with clinicopathological parameters, proliferation and survival. Reduction in E-cadherin expression was significantly associated with increased tumour size, high histological and invasion grades, lymph node metastasis and high mitotic index. Reduced beta-catenin expression was associated with high histological and invasion grades. Anomalous expression of P-cadherin was only associated with invasion. In 39 cases for which follow-up data were available, reduced E-cadherin and beta-catenin expression was significantly associated with shorter overall survival and disease free survival. Abnormal expression of adhesion molecules is a common phenomenon in canine mammary malignant tumours and may play a central role in tumour progression.  相似文献   

The histological grade of 340 cutaneous mast cell tumours derived from 280 dogs was determined by an established histological grading system; 87 of the tumours (26 per cent) were well differentiated, 199 (59 per cent) were intermediately differentiated and 54 (16 per cent) were poorly differentiated. The one-year survival rates for the dogs with tumours of these three grades were significantly different (P = 0.0001), being 100 per cent, 92 per cent and 46 per cent, respectively. The median survival time for the dogs with poorly differentiated tumours was 278 days, significantly shorter than that for the dogs with either intermediately or well-differentiated tumours, which were both over 1300 days. Regrowth of the tumours was identified in 10 (19 per cent) of the dogs with poorly differentiated tumours, 12 (6 per cent) of the dogs with intermediately differentiated tumours and one of the dogs with well-differentiated tumours; only three of the tumours which regrew had initially had complete margins. The results suggest that wide surgical margins are not a prerequisite for a successful long-term outcome in dogs with well-differentiated cutaneous mast cell tumours.  相似文献   

Clinical, haematological and immunological data are presented from 14 dogs with autoimmune haemolytic anaemia (AIHA) serially monitored for up to 945 days after initial presentation. At the time of diagnosis, all dogs had severe anaemia (mean packed cell volume [PCV] 17.6±7.1 per cent) with leucocytosis in seven cases and thrombocytopenia in four dogs. The Coombs' test was positive in all cases. Immunoglobulin G (IgG) autoantibody alone was identified in eight cases, a combination of IgG and IgM autoantibodies was recognised in three cases, and in two dogs only IgM autoantibody was recorded (complement fixing in one of these dogs). All dogs were treated with immunosuppressive doses of corticosteroids and some animals also received cyclophosphamide (four cases), azathio-prine (two cases), blood transfusion (four cases) or underwent splenectomy (two cases). Two dogs died during the initial episode of AIHA. In 12 dogs, the anaemia was resolved by an average of 36.3 ±16.0 days after initial presentation, but autoantibody titre often persisted after clinical improvement and normalisation of PCV. Four dogs had a clinical relapse 67 to 170 days after initial presentation and one of these dogs subsequently died from thromboembolic disease. One dog developed lymphocytic thyroiditis and serum antinuclear antibody at day 691 after initial presentation, and two cases developed disease consistent with autoimmune thrombocytopenia (AITP) at 365 and 618 days post initial presentation. In one of these dogs, AITP was concurrent with multicentric lymphoma. No correlation was recorded between haematological and immunological parameters at presentation and subsequent response to therapy or long-term clinical behaviour.  相似文献   

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