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Mass mortality of Korean catfish, Silurus asotus, occurred in a culture farm situated in Jeollabukdo Province, Korea. The cumulative mortality rates reached up to 5% of the total fish in the farm per day. In clinical signs, the affected fish showed abdominal distension, vent protrusion, enteritis, liver congestion and abscess‐like lesions in enlarged spleen and kidney. Histopathologically, in the liver, hepatocytes lost fat and underwent atrophy or necrosis. The spleen showed necrotized splenocytes and a haemorrhagic pulp. In the kidney, glomerular destruction, degeneration of renal tubular epithelial cell and haemorrhage were observed. However, necrotic muscular lesions were not observed. A pure bacterial isolate was obtained from the liver, spleen and kidney lesions of affected fish. Experimental infection of normal catfish with the isolate resulted in the development of clinical signs similar to those seen on the farm. The isolates were identified as Edwardsiella tarda through biochemical tests (99.4%) and analysis of bacterial genes (16S rDNA) sequences (98%). The bacteria possessed two virulent genes: sodB and katB genes. These results suggest that E. tarda can act as a pathogen of farmed catfish. This is the first report showing that E. tarda caused mortality in cultured Korean catfish.  相似文献   

刘义新  白禄军 《河北渔业》2007,(7):39-39,56
0.4hm2池塘放养规格为5.0cm的土鲶(Silurus asotus)夏花鱼苗,密度4.5万尾/hm2。经92d饲养,平均规格405g;产量11 846.25kg/hm2;饵料系数3.50;利润8.0万元;投入产出比1∶2.47;出塘率65.0%。  相似文献   

鲇鱼淋巴样器官的发育   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
钟明超 《水产学报》1995,19(3):258-262
鲇鱼淋巴样器官的发育ONTOGENYOFLYMPHOMYELOIDORGANSINCATFISH(SILURUSASOTUSL.)¥ZhongMingchao;HuangZhe(DepartmentofBiology,ZhongshanUnivers...  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The annual reproductive cycle, including the first maturity of ovarian development and plasma levels of testosterone (T) and estradiol-17β (E2), was examined in female Japanese catfish Silurus asotus reared under natural conditions. In addition, the possible period that final oocyte maturation and ovulation can be induced by human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) injection were investigated. Results showed that female Japanese catfish matured 1 year after hatching under reared conditions. The beginning of vitellogenesis was in March and ovarian development and plasma T and E2 levels peaked in June. Thereafter, the gonadosomatic index gradually decreased to October and regression of oocytes at the tertiary yolk globule stage was observed. Female Japanese catfish could be induced to final oocyte maturation and ovulation by hCG treatment during the period from June to September. In addition, the fertilization rates were relatively high and stable during this period. These results suggest that yearling female Japanese catfish can be used as brood stock for seed production. This is the first study to investigate the annual reproductive cycle in Japanese catfish. These data will provide useful information regarding brood stock management and seed production.  相似文献   

0.13hm^3池塘放羊规格为1g的土鲶(Silurus asotus)夏花鱼苗,密度5.25万尾/hm^2。经108d饲养,平均规格275g,产量7416kg/hm^2,饵粒系2.81,利润9.56万元/hm^2,投入产出比1:2.5,出塘率51.3%。  相似文献   

鲇仔、稚鱼消化系统胚后发育的组织学观察研究   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
通过石蜡包埋切片法对鲇(SilurusasotusL.)仔、稚鱼消化系统胚后发育进行了较系统的组织切片观察。本研究描述了全长5.0~22.5mm的鲇摄食器官、消化器官胚后发育的组织学结构特征。观察发现,1~3日龄为内源性营养阶段,卵黄囊很大,2日龄消化道出现裂缝状腔隙,3日龄基本贯通但未开始摄食;4~6日龄为混合营养阶段,卵黄囊被逐步吸收,主要靠吞食轮虫、小型枝角类等为食;6日龄以后卵黄囊消失,进入外源性营养阶段,捕食能力增强。观察还发现,鲇前咽顶壁始终平直无粘膜皱褶;颌齿和咽齿为斜生尖锥状的同型齿,数量多、排列紧密,与相应的骨骼牢固地骨性固着;后咽、食道的粘膜上皮内粘液细胞极多,深层结缔组织肌肉层发达。这些构造适应于鲇的完全吞食摄食方式。胃腔小,前肠膨大、中肠粘膜上皮细胞纹状缘发达,肝脏和胰脏发育速度较快。胃的消化功能较弱,主要储存、消化场所为前肠,吸收场所在中肠。鱼苗4~6日龄下塘适宜,6~8日龄可开始诱其摄食人工饲料。  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to assess plasma lysozyme levels, leucocrit and haematocrit in juvenile sheatfish (90–140 g) under experimentally induced stress and infection. Stress was provoked by random modification of environmental light for 15 min, 16 times a day with a halogen lamp (500 W) and by holding fish in a net for 3 min twice a day. In the first trial, repeated measuring of marked sheatfish showed a progressive significant decrease in plasma lysozyme level, a significant increase in leucocrit and a significant decrease in haematocrit. After a rest period of 1 week, only the leucocrit value was back to the prestress value. In the second trial, light‐induced stress did not lead to any variation in lysozyme, leucocrit or haematocrit values. However, after intraperitoneal injection of Edwardsiella tarda (7 × 108 cfu), a strong increase in plasmatic lysozyme in both stressed and unstressed groups of sheatfish was observed. The increase was significant vs. prechallenge levels 3 and 6 days after contamination, but no significant difference was detected between stressed and unstressed fish, despite the strongest stress (light+handling stress) applied to the fish at the beginning of contamination. Decreases in haematocrit values were observed in both groups of fish. A clear increase in leucocrit appeared in unstressed fish, whereas stressed fish showed a significant decrease in leucocrit values. Condition factor was significantly decreased by all kinds of stress. There were no difference in mortality between stressed and unstressed groups.  相似文献   

以珠江和辽河流域的鲇(Silurus asotus)为研究对象,在室内进行了不同组合的激素和药物注射实验,结果表明,注射促黄体素释放激素类似物(LHRH-A)和多巴胺拮抗物地欧酮(DOM)药物组合(LHRH-A+DOM),剂量为(10ug 5mg)/kg鱼体重,能快速而大量诱导鲇血清促性腺激素(GtH)水平的升高,进而诱导产卵,产卵率为90%,显著高于其他实验组,采用LHRH-A+DOM药物组合对2926组鲇进行了人工催产,注射剂量为(7ug 5mg)/kg,鱼体重,平均催产率为70%,最高80%,获得鱼苗207万尾。  相似文献   

采用捕自黑龙江水域的怀头鲶为母本,鲶鱼为父本,应用自制催产药物DOS与LRH-A2、HCG进行人工催产,使催产率、受精率分别达到92%和88%。20-21.5℃水温条件下43h孵化出苗,孵化率75%。出膜仔鱼体长3.93mm,7.83mm下塘,池塘培育8天达到34.08mm,培育成活率50%。  相似文献   

辽河鲇种群生殖调节机制研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
研究辽河流域鲇种群生殖适应性,即个体生殖力及其调节机制、生殖过程及其适应性。结果表明:鲇个体生殖力低于鲤科鱼类而与乌鳢和胡子鲇相近,卵质优于鲤科鱼类;鲇产卵期长,有利于亲鱼充分利产卵场和仔鱼利用铒料资源;产卵后卵巢内有大量的卵母细胞残留是对不稳定生殖环境的适应。  相似文献   

利用形态学和组织连续切片技术,对怀头鲇(Silurus soldatovi)、鲇(Silurus asotus)及其杂交F1的肝、胰脏胚后发育和卵黄吸收方式进行对比观察.结果表明,3种鲇出膜后约2天在心脏后方有一肝细胞团,3天后肝细胞团逐步增大,4天后肝分叶.以后随着各种鲇生长速度不同肝、胰脏发育程度也不同.3种鲇的胰脏均为紧凑型,卵黄囊依照先卵黄球、后脂肪的顺序被吸收,3种鲇只有怀头鲇和杂交F1代卵黄吸收方式相同.出膜后4天,各鲇的卵黄均被全部吸收,腹腔上部大部分空间为肝脏占有,同时腹腔内出现结构简单的胃及肠.研究还发现肝脏的发育与卵黄囊密切有关.[中国水产科学,2006,13(3):460-465]  相似文献   

比较了黄河中上游水域中特有鱼类兰州鲇(Silurus lanzhouensis)与鲇(Silurus asotus)主要形态学特征和血清生化指标,以期对兰州鲇的资源保护和人工养殖提供参考.结果显示,兰州鲇的颌须长/全长显著大于鲇(P<0.05);眼径/全长以及口裂宽/全长两者无显著差异(P>0.05),但兰州鲇眼径显著低于鲇(P<0.05);兰州鲇血清谷丙转氨酶(ALT)显著高于鲇(P<0.05),血清钙(Ca)、磷(P)和白球比(A/G)显著低于鲇(P<0.05),血清谷草转氨酶(AST)、总蛋白(TP)、白蛋白(ALB)、球蛋白(GLO)、白球比(A/G)、尿素(BUN)、总胆固醇(Chol)、甘油三酯(TG)、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-c)、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-c)两者均无显著差异(P>0.05).研究表明,兰州鲇眼径较小,第一颌须较长,2种鲇在形态和血清生化指标上存在一定差别,在钙磷矿物营养代谢上有较大差异,而在蛋白与脂代谢强度上有相似性.  相似文献   

鲶生长激素基因cDNA的克隆和原核表达   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从脑垂体中提取总RNA,用RT-PCR扩增并克隆到鲶鱼的生长激素(GH)基因cDNA。分析其核苷酸序列和推测的氨基酸序列,结果显示:鲶鱼生长激素基因的开放阅读框(ORF)包括603个核苷酸;编码200个氨基酸;其中包括22个氨基酸的信号肽和178个氨基酸的成熟肽。把GH成熟肽的cDNA克隆入表达载体pET-28 a,用IPTG诱导重组蛋白的表达,其表达量超过细胞蛋白总量的50%,主要为不溶性的包含体。细菌裂解液沉淀溶于8 mol/L尿素后,用固定化金属配体亲和层析纯化,获得分子量为22.5 kD的单一蛋白带。  相似文献   

洞庭湖土鲶染色体核型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用PHA 和秋水仙素体内注射法,研究洞庭湖土鲶的染色体核型.试验结果表明,洞庭湖土鲶染色体组由58 条组成,按着丝粒位置可分为4组,m 组有12对染色体,sm 组有8 对染色体,st 组有7 对染色体,t 组有2对染色体,每个染色体均有相应的同源染色体.洞庭湖土鲶的2n=58,NF =98,其核型公式为:2n =24m+16sm+14st+4t.  相似文献   

温海深 《水产学报》2001,25(5):393-397
以珠江流域鲇为研究对象,分别在性腺发育早期、性腺发育晚期、性腺发育成熟与产卵前期、性腺退化期注射促黄体素释放激素类似物和多巴胺D2受体拮抗物,处理后6h、12h、24h测定血液中的促性腺激素水平变化。结果表明,在性腺发育的各个时期,促黄体素释放激素类似物和多巴胺D2受体拮抗物联合注射能显著剂激鲇促性腺激素分泌;鲇脑垂体促性腺激素的分泌受下丘脑释放的促性腺素释放激素和多巴胺的双重调节,多巴胺只能抑制促性腺素释放激素诱导的促性腺激素分泌。在建立鲇人工繁殖技术时,可采用促黄体素释放激素类似物和多巴胺D2受体拮抗物联合注射方法。  相似文献   

鲇胚胎及其仔鱼发育的连续观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乔志刚  石灵  常国亮  王武 《水产科学》2007,26(8):431-435
鲇的成熟卵为典型的多黄卵,为不完全盘状卵裂;水温(24±1)℃时,鲇胚胎发育历时35 h,总积温840~875℃.h;脱膜后第1 d,仔鱼口未形成,2日龄口基本形成,口裂宽(B)与日龄(d)的关系可表示为:B=0.0165 0.3282d(r=0.9756,n=7,P<0.01,2≤d≤8);仔鱼孵出后第3 d开口摄食,仔鱼存在混合营养期,持续时间1 d,仔鱼开口摄食的适口食物为枝角类;发育至8日龄时,仔鱼期结束,此时鲇鳍褶消失,鳍条分化,外形与成鱼相似。  相似文献   

不同光照周期下鲇幼鱼的日摄食节律   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
水温(23±1)℃,研究了鲇幼鱼自然光照、持续光照(自然光或日光灯作光源)和持续黑暗条件下的日摄食节律.试验结果表明,3种光照周期下,鲇幼鱼昼夜均有连续摄食特性,期间具有明显的摄食高峰(夜间)和低谷(白天),鲇幼鱼有明显的日摄食节律;持续黑暗与自然光照周期下的鲇幼鱼日摄食节律基本一致,持续光照与自然光照周期下的鲇幼鱼日摄食节律有所差异.研究证明,鲇幼鱼在3种光照周期下均属于典型的夜晚摄食类型;光照周期的改变对鲇幼鱼的日摄食率无显著影响(P>0.05).  相似文献   

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