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Quantity–intensity (Q/I) relationships of potassium (K) serve as a better index of K supplying power of soil. A laboratory study was carried out to study the effect of the levels of potash application to banana on Q/I relations and kinetics of potassium in soil. The activity ratio of potassium (ARk0), labile potassium (KL), potassium held at nonspecific site (ΔK0), and potassium held at specific sites (KX) tended to increase with increasing K fertilization. As per the threshold values of free energy exchange (ΔG), the soil appeared to possess optimum amount of available K (?2500 to ?3000 cal mol?1). Among the four equations used to describe the non-exchangeable K release in soils, the zero-order and Elovich models showed excellent linear and distinct differences with increasing time; however, the power function and parabolic models do not differentiate K release pattern at different time intervals.  相似文献   

This study investigates the influence of fly ash (FA) application on zinc adsorption-desorption in recommended chemical fertilizer (RDF) and farmyard manure (FYM) treatments of acidic Inceptisols of Assam. Zinc adsorption was better explained by Freundlich over the Langmuir adsorption equation. Adsorption was greatest in the treatment receiving FA only at 15 t ha?1 and least in the treatment receiving RDF 50 percent + FYM 5 t ha?1 + FA 5 t ha?1. The zinc distribution coefficient of treatment FA 15 t ha?1 was 40 to 31 times greater than treatments containing FA + RDF + FYM. The zinc supply parameter increased when FA was applied with RDF and FYM, and zinc desorption followed the order of exctractants CaCl2 > MgCl2 > DTPA > HCl. They desorbed more Zn from soils with low “b” and vice versa. Results confirm that fly ash integrated with RDF + FYM can effectively be used to maintain substantial concentrations of Zn in soil.  相似文献   


Hardsetting soil properties are undesirable in agricultural soils because they hamper moisture movement and soil aeration. The soils of the floodplain of Niger River in eastern Nigeria hardsets upon drying, following dispersion, puddling, and slaking during the waterlogged period. Ten soil samples collected from a depth of 0–20 cm were analyzed for their properties. The soils are classified as Fluvaquentic Eutropepts or Dystric Gleysol (FAO). The objective was to investigate the influence of some soil properties on water‐dispersible clay (WDC) of the soils, which is the precursor of the hardsetting process. The total clay content (TC) correlated significantly with WDC (r=0.94??), whereas the water‐dispersible silt (WDSi) was higher than its corresponding total silt content. The WDC showed a positive correlation with dithionite extractable Fe (Fed), Al (Ald), and oxalate extractable Fe (Feo) (r=0.75?, 0.89??, and 0.76? respectively). Exchangeable Mg2+ correlated significantly with WDSi (r=0.70). Principal component analysis of the soil variables indicates that 15 soil components, which influence WDC as hardsetting properties, were reduced to 5 orthogonal components. The parameters that influence hardsetting properties are exchangeable Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Fed, Alo, and Feo. Other soil properties are kaolinite, smectite, illite, and WDC, including soil organic carbon (OC), electrical conductivity (EC), and ESP. Therefore, those soil properties, which explain hardsetting characteristics most, are exchangeable Na+, Fed, OC, Mg2+, and Alo. There are negative consequences on the erodibility, runoff, infiltration and tillage of the soils at both submerged and dry conditions due to clay dispersion, low OC, and hardsetting behavior of the soil.  相似文献   

Potassium (K) exchange isotherms (quantity–intensity technique, Q/I) and K values derived from the Q/I relationship provide information about soil K availability. This investigation was conducted to study Q/I parameters of K, available K extracted by 1 N ammonium acetate (NH4AOc) (exchangeable K plus solution K), K saturation percentage (K index, %), and the properties of 10 different agricultural soils. In addition, the relationship of mustard plant yield response to the K requirement test based on K exchange isotherms was investigated. The Q/I parameters included readily exchangeable K (ΔK0), specific K sites (KX), linear potential buffering capacity (PBCK), and energy of exchange of K (EK). The results of x-ray diffraction analysis of the oriented clay fractions indicated that some mixed clay minerals, illite clay minerals, along with chlorite/hydroxy interlayered vermiculite and kaolinite were present in the soils. The soil solution K activity ratio at equilibrium (AR0) ranged from 8.0 × 10?4 to 3.1 × 10?3 (mol L?1)0.5. The readily exchangeable K (ΔK0) was between 0.105 to 0.325 cmolckg?1 soil, which represented an average of 88% of the exchangeable K (Kex). The soils showed high capacities to maintain the potential of K against depletion, as they represented high linear potential buffering capacities (PBCK) [13.8 to 50.1 cmolc kg?1/(mol L?1)0.5. The EK values for the soils ranged from ?3420 to ?4220 calories M?1. The percentage of K saturation (K index) ranged from 0.7% to 2.2%. Analysis of variance of the dry matter (DM), K concentrations, and K uptake of mustard plants indicated that there were no significant differences among the adjusted levels of K as determined by the exchange-isotherm curve.  相似文献   

粘土矿物中钾的生物活化: Ⅰ. 外生菌根   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A pot experiment was Carried out to in vestigate effect of ectomycorrhizal fungi on eucalyptus growth and K bio-mobilization from soils and clay minerals,In the experiment,sands mixed with soil,KCl-satureated vermiculate and mica,respectively,were used to nurse eucalypus seedings which were nonectomycorrhized or ectomycorrhized by an ectomycorrhizal fungus Pisolithus tinctorius strain XL1(Pt XC1) isolated from a forest soil from Xichang,Sichuan Province,China,and a worldwide well-know ectomycorrhial fungus Pioslithus tinctorius strain 2144(Pt 2144) obtained in Australia.More depletion of HCl-souluble K by mycorrhizas from the soil and minerals than nomycorrhizas suggested that mycorrhizas had a great ability to mobilize K present in the interlayer and feldspar.Mycorrhizal seedlings depressed greatly K digested with HF-HClO4 from substrates after consecutive extractions of soils and minerals by water,ammonium acetate and boiling HCl,while nonmycorrhizal seedlings reduced it little if any,shwing that the mycorrhizal seedlings could mobilize and then utilize the structureal K in mineral lattice,Ectomycorrhizal fungi played a very important role not only in promoting the growth of eucalyptus seedlings but also in mobilizing K in soils and minerals.The infection of Pt XC1 led to a better growth of eucalyptus seedlings and more K accumulation in the seedlings than that of Pt 2144.The large differeces in K accumulation by the seedlings might be due to different abilityes of the two ectomycorrhizal fungi to mobilize K in intelayer and lattice pools in the clay minerals.  相似文献   

The bases for the microbiological nature of certain soils to suppress plant diseases caused by soil pathogens are well established. However, the microbial origin of the suppressiveness does not exclude edaphic factors and soil-management strategies, which need to be studied under field conditions. With respect to abiotic factors, we investigated the importance of potassium (K) selectivity on soil conduciveness and suppressiveness to banana wilt (positive or negative disease expression) caused by soil fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense in Sorribas field plots (transported volcanic soils) from the Canary Islands that are naturally affected by Fusarium wilt. To facilitate comparison among sites, soil K variables were normalized using Z scores and tested by one-way analysis of variance within each soil sample type (soil areas where banana plants show positive or negative wilting symptoms characteristic of Panama disease), with the site as the block factor. Variations of Z scores within the same plot were explained mostly by the differences between soil K indices between areas with and without disease. In fact, soil conduciveness or suppressiveness to Fusarium wilt seemed to be substantially affected by changes in exchangeable and solution K indices. Potassium selectivity coefficients (KG) were always greater in areas without disease than in those with disease. The differences between samples can be related to allophane composition and clay mineral distribution in disease and disease-free soils. The larger selectivity of suppressive soils for K can be partly attributed to the K-fixing capacity of silicon-rich allophane. Moreover, there was a clear separation between available iron (Fe) [extracted by diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA)] and the mass of stable aggregate in water (WSA) in conducive and suppressive soil samples by KG. These results suggest that WSA and Fe-DTPA in soils of volcanic nature affected by F. oxysporum f. sp. cubense seem to depend on K selectivity characteristics associated with these soils.  相似文献   

The study was conducted to investigate the relationship between some standard measures of soil reserve potassium (K) and soil mineralogy. Eight different agricultural soils from the N temperate and S boreal regions were studied and analyzed both by standard methods (exchangeable K, 2 M HCl‐ and aqua regia–extractable K) and by quantitative mineralogical methods based on X‐ray powder diffraction analysis of spray‐dried bulk soils. Linear regression and multivariate methods were used to assess the relationships between standard measures of soil reserve K and a number of soil chemical, physical, and mineralogical properties. A mineralogical budgeting approach, to estimate total K and its speciation between different mineral phases, is shown to be accurate after validation against total K analyzed geochemically. This approach enabled us to determine that both HCl‐ and aqua regia–extractable K were highly correlated with K in dioctahedral phyllosilicates and extracted 1%–17% and 5%–45% of total K, respectively. Neither extraction showed any obvious relationship to K in feldspar, which is frequently a larger reservoir of K in the soils examined.  相似文献   

本研究采用田间小区的试验方法研究了不同氮、磷、钾用量下玉米各组分的干物质积累及其随时间的动态变化规律。结果表明,不同氮、磷、钾肥用量下玉米的各组分干物质积累随生育期的延续呈现有规律的动态变化:叶片、茎秆、营养体干物质积累自拔节期后呈直线上升,至灌浆期干物质积累达到最大值,之后便呈缓慢下降趋势;籽粒的干物质积累在灌浆期之前缓慢增加,之后呈直线上升;总生物产量在苗期缓慢增长,中期呈直线上升,到了后期由于营养体干物质的下降以及籽粒干物质的显著上升,也稳定增长。营养体、籽粒干物质和总生物产量的积累随时间的动态变化,均可用Logistic方程Y=a/(1+bexp(ct))来描述;在各个氮、磷、钾处理中,以N240、P225、K240处理各组分干物质积累最大速率较大,出现日期较早。籽粒和总生物产量之间的关系可用回归方程Y=exp(a+bx)描述。在氮、磷、钾各用量下,氮以N240、磷以P225、钾以K240处理籽粒产量最高,收获系数最大,因此比较适宜的N、P2O5、K2O用量分别为240、150、240 kg hm-2。  相似文献   


Muriate of potash (MoP) is generally applied in soil for supplementing potassium (K) in agricultural soil; though MoP has some disadvantages as K-fertilizer especially under humic agro-climatic condition. In this context, mica waste (MW) could be a potential alternative for K supplementing in soil. However, slow K-releasing nature limits its application as K source in agricultural soil. In this study, humic substrates (HS) were externally applied along with MW for hastening its rate of K release in soil. Application of HS and MW combination significantly (P < .05) increased K availability in soil. A pot study revealed that the combination of HS with even half of the recommended K in the form of MW sustained plant growth and recorded at par exchangeable K content in soil as compared to recommended MoP treatment. The scanning electron microscopy and x-ray diffraction revealed the changes in the crystal structure of HS-treated MW, and that might be attributed to the enhanced release of K from MW. Based on the observations, it could be concluded that application of HS at 7.5 kg HS ha?1 hastened K release from MW to support the plant growth even after supplementing half of the recommended amount of K through MW. This controlled experiment established the potential of HS-treated MW as an alternative K source in agricultural soil. However, it also implied that a field experiment is necessary to optimize the combination of MW and MoP as an integrated K management treatment for a specific agroclimatic condition.  相似文献   

香蕉与枯萎病互作机理研究一直是近年来研究的热点,目前对枯萎病菌的致病机理及香蕉的感、抗病机理还不清楚。本文利用前期表达谱分析结果克隆了乙烯合成及调控途径中的关键酶基因乙烯形成酶基因(MaACO)和乙烯响应因子基因(MaERF1),通过RT-PCR检测,对这两个基因在感、抗病香蕉种质中的表达水平进行研究。结果表明,MaACO和MaERF1基因对机械损伤非常敏感,尤其在损伤初期(3h)的表达水平远高于后期;对于枯萎病菌侵染处理的植株,尤其在感染初期(3h)MaACO和MaERF1的表达水平在抗性植株中的表达量均比感病植株中的低;抗性种质中乙烯途径可能受到抑制,香蕉的感病性可能与侵染初期对乙烯信号的敏感性相关。本研究为利用乙烯抑制剂进行香蕉抗枯萎病新方法的研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

不同利用方式对潮棕壤交换性钾钠及盐基总量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为深刻认识土地利用变化对土壤交换性离子的影响,本文对潮棕壤水稻田、玉米地、撂荒地和人工林地4种土地利用方式经过14年后,在0~150cm剖面中土壤交换性钾、钠、交换性盐基总量的剖面分布及交换性钾钠比值变化进行了比较研究。结果表明,林地和撂荒地各土层交换性K含量及土体中交换性K储量具有高于水稻田和玉米地的趋势;水稻田和撂荒地0~20cm各土层的交换性Na含量显著高于林地和玉米地;林地0~150cm深度土壤交换性Na储量显著高于其他三种利用方式(P<0.05);0~150cm深度内土壤交换性盐基总储量大小依次为林地、玉米地、撂荒地、水稻田;水稻田剖面土壤交换性K/Na随土层深度增加而增大,其他3种土地利用方式则是随土层深度增加而降低。土壤管理和植物自身的特性在土壤剖面中交换性离子的构成以及土壤交换性盐基库的重建等方面可能起到重要作用。  相似文献   

Evaluations of fruit quality and nitrogen, potassium, and calcium concentration of apple (Malus domestica Borkh. cvs. Gala and Golab) grown with five treatments of NO3?:NH4+ ratios were made in pot culture. The concentrations of NO3?:NH4+ ratios were 2.5:0.1, 6:1, 6:0.7, 6:0.5, 6:0.3 meq L?1. Fruit size, percent dry matter, total dissolved solids, total acidity, or juice pH was not affected by increased ammonium in the ratio. Firmness decreased as the proportion of NH4+ increased. Gala and Golab differed in some of these parameters. Concentrations of N and K increased as NH4+ increased, whereas Ca had no trend or decreased. Generally, the treatment of 2.5:0.1 produced fruits with lower N but higher K and Ca concentrations than the other treatments. This research showed that some parameters such as fruit weight, length, and diameter, juice pH, and dry matter were not affected significantly by NH4+ concentration whereas composition was affected.  相似文献   


Salt-affected soils expand around the world and become a critical handicap for high crop yield. Saline-sodic soil contributed a major portion in salt-affected soils. Such types of soils have a sizable amount of Na+ in nutrient medium and that reduce the K+ uptake in plants. A hydroponic experiment was performed to investigate the ameliorative effect of different doses of potassium fertilizer (K1 = 0.3, K2 = 0.6 and K3 = 1.2 mM L?1) on rice (Oryza sativa L.) under different ECw (6 dS m?1) and SARw [12 and 24 (mmol L?1)1/2] levels. Application of K+ at elevated levels under saline-sodic conditions improved the concentration of anti-oxidant enzymes, plant physiological, and biochemical attributes by improving the K+: Na+ ratio in plant tissues. Total phenolic content, total soluble protein, and soluble sugar content of rice plant were increased with an increase in potassium dose and saline-sodicity. Maximum K+: Na+ ratios, 4.13 and 2.0 were observed in shoot and root, respectively upon application of K+ at 1.2 mM L?1 in a solution having ECw: SARw level of 6: 12. This study suggested that application of potassium at elevated levels (1.2 mM L?1) has enhanced the rice growth by reducing the harmful effect of Na+ salts on plant physiology, biochemical attributes, and anti-oxidant enzymes under specific saline-sodic conditions.  相似文献   

在水稻土、红壤、潮土中分别加入不同浓度的硫酸钾镁肥溶液,研究3种土壤在不同浓度硫酸钾镁肥下pH值的变化及对K、Mg、S吸附的能力。结果表明:在3种土壤中加入硫酸钾镁肥都使土壤pH值下降,下降速度是红壤>水稻土>潮土。3种土壤对K的吸附能力较强,可用一元线性方程拟合,在0~354 mg kg-1的K加入量范围内,吸附率在50.4%~74.1%;对S的相对吸附率居中,可用一元二次方程拟合,在0~311 mg kg-1的S加入量范围内,吸附率在35.6%~88.1%;对Mg的吸附能力极弱。3种土壤对K、S吸附能力大小顺序为:潮土>红壤>水稻,对镁吸附能力大小顺序为:潮土>水稻土>红壤。土壤田间施用硫酸钾镁肥量应根据不同土壤对养分的吸附能力大小进行相应的调整。  相似文献   

The present study investigates the performance of recommended doses of chemical fertilizer (RDF) and locally isolated strains of Azotobacter, Azospirillum, and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) inoculated either solely or in combination with seedlings of Red Delicious and Lal Ambri cultivars. The RDF (T7) treatment recorded significantly greater vegetative growth and leaf nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) contents over multi-inoculation of Azotobacter + Azospirillum + AMF (T6) but root colonization and microbial counts decreased significantly. Inoculation of Azotobacter + Azospirillum + AMF (T6) was superior over sole and dual inoculation with respect to vegetative growth and nutrient contents in leaves and soil but had significant greater counts of Azotobacter, Azospirillum, and Pseudomonas than RDF. Greatest root colonization (34.0 and 35.1%) was recorded in Azotobacter + Azospirillum + AMF (T6) followed by AMF (T4) treatment (29.3 and 32.0%) in Red Delicious and Lal Ambri seedlings, respectively. Overall, it can be inferred that multiinoculation of synergistically interacting bioinoculants may be helpful in the establishment of healthy organic apple orchards.  相似文献   

Abstract. A model was developed to predict evapotranspiration and soil moisture changes, which could be used either for scheduling irrigation or crop water-use studies. The general form of the model is reported here, and its validation for sugarbeet and potatoes is described in a subsequent paper. The soil characteristics required are depth of topsoil, texture or available water capacity of topsoil and subsoil, and whether a significant slope exists. The plant characteristics required are species and planting date. Meteorological data used to calculate potential evapotranspiration are obtained from the Meteorological Office synoptic network, but local rainfall data are preferred.
The model estimates potential evapotranspiration of a reference crop, and uses this to model canopy and root development for all crops at each location. Available options allow for observed data on canopy or root development to be incorporated into the simulations. Estimates of potential evapotranspiration for each crop are then adjusted to allow for the effects of water stress, taking soil characteristics, root depth and evapotranspiration demand into account.
The model enables growers to reduce the risks of under- or over-watering their crops and has proved successful in irrigation management.  相似文献   

陇中黄土高原不同耕作措施下土壤磷动态研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
许艳  张仁陟 《土壤学报》2017,54(3):669-680
依托陇中黄土高原旱作农田已实施13 a的保护性耕作试验,研究传统耕作、免耕、传统耕作秸秆还田、免耕秸秆覆盖、传统耕作地膜覆盖和免耕地膜覆盖6种耕作措施下土壤全磷及磷组分动态变化特征。结果表明:试验期各处理土壤全磷和总无机磷均逐年增长;两个秸秆还田处理总有机磷逐年增长,免耕地膜覆盖和免耕处理总体增长,传统耕作和传统耕作地膜覆盖处理相对稳定;各无机磷组分均总体增长,其中氢氧化钠提取态无机磷、水溶态无机磷和碳酸氢钠提取态无机磷涨幅较大,平均涨幅分别为253.6%、128.6%和66.9%;保护性耕作可不同程度地提高水溶态无机磷、碳酸氢钠提取态无机磷和氢氧化钠提取态无机磷含量,相同覆盖条件下免耕较传统耕作效果明显,尤其免耕秸秆覆盖处理最明显;耕作方式对浓盐酸提取态无机磷和残留磷的影响不明显;保护性耕作可提高碳酸氢钠提取态有机磷和氢氧化钠提取态有机磷含量,两个秸秆还田处理最明显,两处理也可提高浓盐酸提取态有机磷含量,但免耕、传统耕作地膜覆盖和免耕地膜覆盖处理下该组分含量降低。综上,采取保护性耕作可适当减少磷肥用量,保护性耕作尤其是免耕秸秆覆盖方式值得在该区推广。  相似文献   


An experiment was carried under controlled conditions to investigate the influence of the anions, H2PO4 . and Cl on the ionic equilibria, selectivity and effective diffusion of Rb, K, Na, Ca, Mg in two Indiana soils.

Additon of anions to the soils increased the concentration of cations in soil solution. In both the soils receiving H2PO4 , lower cation concentrations were found in the soil solution than in those receiving Cl . Additon of H2PO4 and Cl reduced the ion selectivity coefficient, k, for various homovalent (Rb/K, Rb/Na, K/Na, Ca/Mg) and mono‐divalent ion pairs (Rb/Ca, Rb/Mg, K/Ca, K/Mg). In Zanesville soil treatments receiving H2PO4 had lower k values for mono‐divalent cations than treatments receiving Cl. However, no such conclusions could be drawn for Raub soil. Soils treated with H2PO4 had higher k values for homovalent cations than Cl treated soils. The differences in the selectivity of adsorption in these two soils might be attributable to the differences in the type and nature of exchange materials and cation concentrations on the exchange phase.

Addition of H2PO4 or Cl enhanced the magnitude of effective diffusion coefficient. (De) of all the cations under considerations. The magnitude of effective diffusion coefficient for cations was lower for H2PO4 treated soils than Cltreated soils. Such a reduction in De is related to the reduction in cation concentration in soil solution thereby increasing the buffer capacity for the ions under consideration.  相似文献   


Soil samples were taken at frequent intervals in 1975 and 1976 from a factorial set of lime ‐K treatments initiated in December 1970 to determine the effect time of sampling has on K soil test values. Previous work at this site had shown wide fluctuations in K soil test values due to sample time thus necessitating a more detailed study than was previously made. Such information is necessary if accurate K fertilizer recommendations are to be made. Samples from 28 unfertilized plots showed that months of sampling significantly affected K soil test values. Soil test values for K were highest in late May and declined as the growing season progressed, remaining low until the relatively higher exchangeable K was re‐established the following spring.

Disregard for this phenomenon could result in inaccurate recommendations for K fertilizer.  相似文献   

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