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Potassium (K) uptake is greatest among essential nutrients for rice. Data related to yield, yield components, and K-use efficiency by upland rice genotypes are limited. A greenhouse experiment was conducted to evaluate influence of K on growth, yield and yield components, and K-use efficiency by upland rice genotypes. Potassium levels applied to an Oxisol were zero (natural K level) and 200 mg K kg1 of soil and 20 upland rice genotypes were evaluated. Plant height, shoot dry weight, grain yield, 1000-grain weight, and spikelet sterility were significantly affected by K and genotype treatments. Genotypes Primavera and BRA 1600 were the most efficient and genotype BRAMG Curinga was most inefficient in producing grain yield. Plant growth (plant height and shoot dry weight) and yield components (panicle number, grain harvest index, 1000-grain weight, and panicle length) were significantly and positively associated with grain yield. However, spikelet sterility was significantly and negatively correlated with grain yield.  相似文献   

Zinc (Zn) deficiency is very common in annual crops grown on Brazilian Oxisols. A greenhouse experiment was conducted to evaluate Zn-use efficiency of 20 upland rice genotypes. The Zn levels used were 0 mg kg?1 (natural level of the soil) and 20 mg kg?1 of soil applied with zinc sulfate (ZnSO4). Zinc × genotype interactions were significant for grain yield, panicle number, panicle length, root dry weight, and specific root length, indicating different responses of genotypes with the variation of Zn levels and that selection for Zn-use efficiency is necessary at low as well as at high Zn rates. Based on Zn-use efficiency index, 11 genotypes were classified as efficient and nine were classified as moderately efficient. The most Zn-efficient genotypes were BRA 01596, BRA 042156, BRA 052053, BRA Primavera, and BRA 01506. The most inefficient genotypes in Zn-use efficiency were BRA 042094, BRA 052045, BRA 052034, and BRA 052023. Grain yield and most of the yield attributing characteristics have significant Zn × genotype interactions, which indicate that genotypes respond differently under different Zn levels. Thus, genotype selection is an important strategy for upland rice production in Brazilian Oxisols.  相似文献   

Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is a staple food for more than 50% of the world’s population, and phosphorus (P) is one of the most yield-limiting nutrients for rice production in tropical acidic soils worldwide. A greenhouse experiment was conducted to evaluate efficiency of six P sources for upland rice production. The P sources used were simple superphosphate (SSP), polymer-coated SSP (PSSP), triple superphosphate (TSP), polymer-coated TSP (PTSP), monoammonium phosphate (MAP), and polymer-coated MAP (PMAP). There were four P rates [50, 100 200, and 400 mg phosphorus (P) kg?1] applied with four sources plus one control treatment [0 mg phosphorus (P) kg?1]. Plant height, straw yield, grain yield, panicle density, root dry weight, maximum root length, and 1000-grain weight were significantly increased with increasing P rates in the range of 0 to 400 mg P kg?1. However, P-use efficiency (mg grain produced per mg P applied) was decreased with increasing P rate. Based on regression equation, overall maximum plant height was obtained with the application of 235 mg P kg?1, maximum straw yield with the application of 265 mg P kg?1, and maximum grain yield at 227 mg P kg?1. Based on maximum grain yield, the P source were classified as PMAP > SSP = MAP > PSSP > TSP > PTSP in the upland rice production efficiency. Overall, maximum panicle density was obtained with the addition of 231 mg P kg?1 and maximum 1000-weight was obtained with the addition of 226 mg P kg?1. Similarly, overall root dry weight and maximum root length were achieved with the application of 261 and 298 mg P kg?1 of soil. Most of the growth and yield components had a significant positive association with grain yield. Optimum soil acidity indices such as pH; exchangeable calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and potassium (K); Ca, Mg, and K saturation; base saturation; and acidity saturation were established for maximum upland rice grain yield.  相似文献   

Dry bean is an important legume and nitrogen (N) deficiency is one of the most yield-limiting factors in most of the bean-growing regions. A greenhouse experiment was conducted with the objective to determine influence of N on growth, yield, and yield components and N uptake and use efficiency of 23 dry bean genotypes. Straw yield, grain yield, yield components, maximum root length, and root dry weight were significantly increased with the addition of N but varied with genotypes. The N × genotype interactions were also significant for most of these traits, indicating variation in responses of genotypes with the variation in N levels. There was significant difference in N uptake and use efficiency among genotypes. Most of growth and yield components were significantly and positively associated with grain yield. Based on grain yield efficiency index (GYEI), genotypes were classified into efficient, moderately efficient, or inefficient group in N-use efficiency. Nitrogen concentration was greater in grain compared to straw, indicating greater N requirement of dry bean genotypes.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) is one of the most yield-limiting nutrients for upland rice production in Brazilian Oxisol soils. A field experiment was conducted for two consecutive years at the National Rice and Bean Research Centers Experimental Station Capivara with the objective to evaluate 10 promising genotypes of upland rice for N-use efficiency. The N rates used were 0 kg ha?1 (low) and 100 kg ha?1 (high). Plant height, shoot dry weight, grain yield, panicle number, and 1000-grain weight were significantly influenced by N and genotype treatments. Nitrogen × genotype interactions were not significant for most of the growth, yield, and yield components, indicating that differences among genotypes were consistent across N rates. Based on grain yield efficiency index (GYEI), genotypes were classified as N efficient or inefficient. Among 10 genotypes, four genotypes were efficient and six were moderately efficient in N use in the first year. In the second year, three genotypes were efficient and seven were moderately efficient in N use. Genotype BRA 052015 was classified as efficient in N use in both the years. Grain harvest index and GYEI had significant linear relationships with grain yield.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) deficiency is one of the most yield-limiting factors in lowland rice production on Brazilian Inceptisol. The objective of this study was to evaluate eight P sources for lowland rice production. The P sources were simple superphosphate (SSP), polymer-coated simple superphosphate (PSSP), ammoniated simple superphosphate (ASSP), polymer-coated ammoniated simple superphosphate (PASSP), triple superphosphate (TSP), polymer-coated triple superphosphate (PTSP), monoammonium phosphate (MAP), and polymer-coated monoammonium phosphate (PMAP). These P sources were applied in four rates (i.e., 50, 100 200, and 400 mg P kg?1) + one control treatment (0 mg P kg?1). Plant height, straw yield, grain yield, panicle number, and root dry weight were significantly increased in a quadratic fashion with increasing P levels from 0 to 400 mg kg?1 of all the P sources evaluated. However, overall maximum root length and P-use efficiency were significantly less at greater P levels. Based on regression equation, maximum plant height was obtained with 262 mg P kg, maximum straw yield was obtained with 263 mg P kg?1, maximum grain yield was obtained with 273 mg P kg?1, and maximum panicle density was obtained with 273 mg P kg?1. Plant growth and yield components had significant positive association with grain yield, except maximum root length. Based on grain yield and average P rate of maximum grain yield, which is 273 mg kg?1, P sources were classified for P-use efficiency in the order of PSSP = TSP > PTSP > PASSP > SSP > MAP > ASSP. Soil chemical properties [pH; P; potassium (K); calcium (Ca); magnesium (Mg); hydrogen (H) + aluminum (Al); cation exchange capacity (CEC); base saturation; Ca, Mg, and K saturation; acidity saturation; Ca/Mg, Ca/K, and Mg/K ratios] changed significantly with the addition of different P treatments.  相似文献   


Rice is a staple food for more than 50% of the world's population and nitrogen (N) is one of the most yield limiting nutrients in lowland rice ecosystems. A field experiment was conducted for two consecutive years to evaluate dry matter production and grain yield of 12 lowland rice genotypes (BRS Jaçanã, CNAi 8860, BRS Fronteira, CNAi 8879, CNAi 8880, CNAi 8886, CNAi 8885, CNAi 8569, BRSGO Guará, BRS Alvorada, BRS Jaburu, and BRS Biguá) at five N rates (0, 50, 100, 150, and 200 kg ha? 1). Genotypes showed significant variation in grain yield and shoot dry weight. Genotype BRSGO Guará was highest yielding, whereas genotype BRS Jaburu was lowest yielding and the remaining genotypes were intermediate in grain yielding potential. Grain yield and shoot dry weight were having significant quadratic increase with increasing N rates in the range of 0 to 200 kg ha? 1. However, 90% of the maximum yield is often considered as an economical rate, which was 120 kg for shoot dry weight and 136 kg N ha? 1 for grain yield. Shoot dry matter was having significant positive quadratic association with grain yield across 12 genotypes.  相似文献   

Wheat genotypes display differential tolerance to manganese (Mn) deficiency. Growing Mn-efficient cultivars in Mn deficient soil could be effective in improving yields. A pot experiment was conducted with eight genotypes grown in Mn deficient soil treated with 0 (no Mn fertilizer) and 50 ppm (50 mg Mn kg?1soil applied as mangansese sulfate monohydrate (MnSO4.H2O) Mn. The genotypes were classified on the basis of grain yield and grain physiological efficiency as efficient and responsive (SAMNYT 410, GLUPRO 200, PBW 621, and BW 9178), efficient and nonresponsive, inefficient and responsive (HD 2967), and inefficient and nonresponsive (PDW 314, PDW 291, and PBW 636). The genotypes in different groups differed in morphophysiological characteristics; efficient and responsive genotypes recorded more leaf area, higher SPAD index, higher Fv/Fm ratio, and longer roots than inefficient and nonresponsive. Efficient and responsive genotypes are desirable by farmers, whereas inefficient and responsive genotypes in a breeding program for their Mn-responsive characteristics.  相似文献   

不同灌溉处理对旱稻根系生长及水分利用效率的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
通过对不同灌溉处理下旱稻根系生长及水分利用效率的试验研究,结果表明:早稻根系大部分根干重都集中在地表以下30cm内;不同灌水处理对根量及其分布有着显著不同的影响,灌水量越少,水分胁迫处理下的根系系统在30cm以下分布相对越多,中下层土壤中根系占的百分率越高;其中限量灌溉Ⅱ产量较充分灌溉处理减幅最小,穗粒数减幅也最小,农业水分利用效率最高,根冠比次高,增加了对土壤深层水的利用,减少了灌溉水的投入。在水资源缺乏的北京地区,是一种较为合理的灌溉方式。  相似文献   

利用田间小区试验,系统研究了基于缓释肥料的侧条施肥技术对水稻产量和氮素利用效率的影响。试验结果表明:与农民常规施肥处理(FP)比较,侧条施肥技术高缓释肥处理(HF)水稻氮素投入比农民常规施肥处理(FP)降低约40%,水稻产量没有显著降低,穗粒数比农民常规施肥处理增加了8.36%。侧条施肥技术显著提高了水稻地上部吸氮量和氮肥偏生产力,降低了氮素的表观损失量。侧条施肥各处理氮肥偏生产力在39.1~67.8之间,显著高于FP处理的23.7。FP处理氮素表观损失量高达174.2 kg·hm-2,侧条施肥各处理表观损失量在23.2~61.9 kg·hm-2之间。综合考虑水稻产量和环境因素,基于缓释肥料的侧条施肥技术是一种资源节约和环境友好的施肥技术。  相似文献   

Many researchers have reported beneficial effects of silicon (Si) on plant growth when available phosphorus (P) is low, but the reasons for this are poorly understood. Factorial application of three levels of Si and four levels of P to rice plants grown in Red Ferrosol interacted to increase rice growth and Si and P uptake (P < 0.01). Application of Si with P increased P uptake by <120%. Although Si application affected P uptake, yield increases were more likely associated with reduced manganese (Mn) toxicity, particularly as the P/Mn and P/iron ratios increased with increasing Si application. Further research is necessary to determine if the beneficial effects of Si application on P nutrition occur where adequate P is supplied or is limited to situations where alternate nutritional or disease limitations affect growth.  相似文献   

硫包衣尿素对水稻的增产效应及氮素利用率的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用盆栽试验比较研究了等施用量及等氮量的硫包衣尿素(SCU)和普通尿素对水稻的增产效应以及氮肥利用效率的影响.结果表明:(1)在水稻生育前期,施用等氮量的SCU处理水稻生物量低于普通尿素处理;成熟期等氮量和等施肥量下,施SCU处理的水稻籽粒产量比普通尿素处理分别高出35.7%,19.3%,等氮量SCU处理水稻的千粒重较大而有效穗数较小;(2)SCU处理较普通尿素处理较大幅度地提高了水稻的氮肥利用率和水稻氮肥偏生产力,相同肥料施用量下,SCU氮肥利用率为47.35%~57.48%,平均比普通尿素氮肥利用率高出12.5%;氮肥偏生产力也比常规尿素处理平均提高了10%;相同施氮量下,SCU处理比普通尿素处理下的水稻氮肥利用率提高了17.12%,达到51.11%.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) deficiency in the soil is one of the major factors limiting common bean production in Ethiopia. A pot experiment was conducted in a glasshouse at Hawassa University in southern Ethiopia to evaluate twelve common bean cultivars for P use efficiency at three phosphorus rates (0, 120, and 240 kg P2O5 ha?1). The results of the study revealed that the interaction effect of cultivar and P rates significantly (P < 0.01) influenced grain yield efficiency index (GYEI), grain yield and yield attributing traits, leaf P concentration, root length, diameter and surface area. Grain yield efficiency index at low and medium phosphorus rates indicated that Red-Wolaita, Dinkinesh, Tabour, Nasir and Haramaya are P-efficient, whereas Chore was found to be P-inefficient. These genotypic variations could be exploited for sustainable production of the crop by fitting suitable varieties to soils with variable P availability. Thus, the P-efficient cultivars indicated above could be recommended for cultivation by smallholder farmers in soil with low P availability that is dominant in the study area.  相似文献   

为研究晒田强度和穗期氮素运筹对不同氮效率水稻生育中后期根系、叶片生长与产量形成的关系,以德香4103(氮高效品种)和宜香3724(氮低效品种)为材料,设置3种晒田强度:W_1,0—20cm土壤体积含水量为(53.60±5.00)%;W_2,0—20cm土壤体积含水量为(40.20±5.00)%;W_3,0—20cm土壤体积含水量为(26.80±5.00)%和3种穗期氮素运筹:N_1,晒田复水后第1天施用穗肥;N_2,晒田复水后第8天施用穗肥;N_3,晒田复水后第15天施用穗肥。测定水稻抽穗期和齐穗后15天的根系形态特征、根系干重、叶面积指数、剑叶光合速率、叶片干重、产量及产量构成。结果表明:(1)德香4103稻谷产量比宜香3724平均高11.57%。(2)两类品种的产量均与抽穗期LAI和叶片干重呈显著正相关,其中德香4103产量与抽穗期和齐穗后15天单株根重和根冠比呈显著正相关,宜香3724产量与抽穗期和齐穗后15天的单株根重呈显著正相关。(3)德香4103氮肥生理利用率与抽穗期单株根重和叶面积指数、齐穗后15天单株根长呈显著正相关,宜香3724氮肥生理利用率与齐穗后15天单株根重呈显著正相关。(4)W_1和W_2处理中,施氮处理N_2和N_3氮高效品种和氮低效品种抽穗期总根长和根表面积无显著差异,氮高效品种齐穗后15天的总根长小于氮低效品种;W_3处理中,N_1和N_2中抽穗期氮低效品种单株总根长和单株根表面积大于氮高效品种,氮高效品种和氮低效品种齐穗后15天根重和根冠比无显著差异。(5)氮低效品种成熟期的叶片干重和LAI均高于氮高效品种,抽穗期至成熟期氮高效品种的叶面积衰减率大于氮低效品种。(6)氮高效品种德香4103采用W_1N_3处理,能增加抽穗至成熟期总根长,降低叶面积衰减速率,提高抽穗后叶片光合速率,提高稻谷产量;而氮低效品种宜香3724以W_2N_2为最佳处理。综上所述,晒田程度和穗期氮素运筹能够显著影响不同氮效率水稻品种生育中后期的根系和叶片特征。通过优化晒田程度和穗期氮素运筹组合,为两类品种构建合理的根系指标和叶片体系,促进根系对氮素养分的吸收,提高灌浆结实期叶片物质生产和转运能力,最终提高稻谷产量。  相似文献   

Manganese (Mn) deficiency has become a serious nutritional problem for wheat grown in alkaline coarse textured soil. The study aimed to investigate post-anthesis Mn partitioning in different wheat species. Cultivars of bread wheat (‘PBW509’, ‘DBW17’, ‘PBW550’ and ‘PBW636’); durum wheat (‘PDW291’) and triticale (‘TL2908’) were grown in 6.5 L pots with two treatments of Mn (0 and 50 mg Mn kg?1 soil) in screen house and harvested at anthesis, 18- days post-anthesis, and maturity to record Mn uptake. Durum cv. ‘PDW291’ retained highest proportion of Mn in its vegetative parts under Mn deficiency resulting into lowest partitioning to the grain and had the lowest grain yield. All bread wheat cv. facilitated superior Mn partitioning to the grain, lesser retention in vegetative organs and higher Mn utilization efficiency, than triticale and durum wheat species. Cultivars producing higher yield on Mn deficit soils are viable alternative to foliar application of Mn.  相似文献   

为探究不同产量水平下减量施氮对杂交中稻产量和氮肥利用率的影响,以杂交中稻蓉优1015为试验材料,于2016-2017年在四川泸州和德阳进行大田试验,研究不同产量水平下减量施氮[常规施氮量(195 kg·hm-2,NCK)、减量23%(N-23%)、减量46%(N-46%)、不施氮(N0)]对杂交中稻产量、吸氮量、氮素收获指数、氮肥利用率的影响。结果表明,不同地点间杂交中稻产量差异显著,泸州点平均产量为8.54 t·hm-2(中产点),德阳点平均产量为11.60 t·hm-2(高产点)。杂交中稻产量和氮肥利用率对减量施氮的响应随产量水平的变化而变化。中产点:N-46%处理杂交中稻产量与NCK相当,但N-46%处理氮肥农学利用率、氮肥偏生产力、氮肥生理利用率、氮收获指数较NCK平均分别增加了93.4%、87.5%、123.4%、6.8个百分点;稻草吸氮...  相似文献   

Exudation of organic acids by the roots of three rice cultivars grown in three soils of different phosphorus (P) statuses, and their impacts on the rhizospheric P dynamics and P uptake by the rice plants, were investigated. Quantum root exudates from all the rice cultivars were significantly greater at 21 days after transplantation than at panicle initiation or flowering stages. Malic acid was the most predominant organic acid present in the rice root exudates (10.3 to 89.5 μmol plant?1 d?1), followed by tartaric, citric, and acetic acids. Greater exudation of organic acids from rice grown in P-deficient soil by all the rice cultivars suggested response of rice plant to P stress. Results indicate that the release of organic acids in the root exudates of rice plants can extract P from strongly adsorbed soil P fraction, thereby increasing native soil P utilization efficiency and ensuring adequate P nutrition for the growing rice plants.  相似文献   

To elucidate physiological mechanisms of zinc (Zn) efficiency in rice (Oryza sativa L.), comparative studies on root morphology, ultrastructure, and oxidative enzyme activities were investigated using Zn-efficient rice genotype (‘IR8192’) and Zn-inefficient rice genotype (‘Erjiufeng’). The results showed that moderate Zn-deficient conditions increased root length, root surface, and root tips in both genotypes, but a greater extent occurred in ‘IR8192’. Under moderate Zn deficient conditions, many swollen mitochondria were observed in the root tip cells of ‘Erjiufeng’, whereas most root cells in ‘IR8192’ remained intact. Disturbances in the ultrastructure of these organelles were accompanied with elevated oxidative stress in both genotypes and the increases were less in ‘IR8192’ than in ‘Erjiufeng’. This may result from the differences that existed in the activities of antioxidative enzymes between these two genotypes. These results suggest that Zn efficiency in ‘IR8192’ is closely associated with its high root tolerance to Zn-deficiency by maintaining a relatively higher efficient antioxidative system and intact root tip cell and functions.  相似文献   

合理氮肥运筹提高双季机插稻产量及氮肥利用率   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为明确双季机插稻合理氮肥运筹,2013—2014年在长江中游双季稻地区(江西上高)研究了氮肥施用量、施用比例及施用时期对双季机插稻产量与氮素吸收利用效率的影响。结果表明,适量施氮可同步增加有效穗数和每穗粒数,从而扩大群体库容量,机插早、晚稻分别在施氮量为180,195kg/hm2时即可达到较高产量,同时保持较高的氮素吸收利用率。在适宜施氮量下,施氮比例及追氮时期对双季机插稻产量及氮素吸收利用具有显著影响,基蘖肥与穗肥比例早稻8∶2至7∶3、晚稻7∶3,移栽后7天+倒2叶抽出期追施氮肥有利于分蘖成穗,中后期维持较高的叶面积指数(LAI)和干物质积累量,粒叶比协调,穗数充足,穗型较大,总颖花量高,并同步提高产量及氮素吸收利用率。  相似文献   

通过大田试验,设计3个不同氮肥水平(0、150、240kgN·hm-2)和两种不同施肥比例(基肥:分蘖肥:穗粒肥=40%:30%:30%、基肥:分蘖肥:穗粒肥=30%:20%:50%),研究了氮肥运筹对稻田田面水氮素动态变化特征和氮素吸收利用效率的影响。结果表明,稻田田面水NH4+-N和总N浓度在施肥后第1d达到最大值,随后降低,在施肥后的第7d,分别降为峰值的7.88%~17.84%和29.71%~45.55%。施氮水平介于0~240Nkg·hm-2时,水稻产量随着氮素水平的提高而显著增加,氮素的吸收利用率和偏生产力却随之降低。在高氮水平(240kgN·hm-2)下,与氮肥前移相比(基肥:分蘖肥:穗粒肥=40%:30%:30%),采用氮肥后移(基肥:分蘖肥:穗粒肥=30%:20%:50%)的施肥比例,水稻产量增加了6.2%、氮素吸收利用率和农学利用率分别提高了30.49%和23.72%,而氮素生理利用率和偏生产力差异不显著,说明适宜的氮肥运筹可以增加水稻的产量,提高氮素的吸收利用率和农学利用率,减少氮素损失。  相似文献   

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