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The medical records of 171 dogs with traumatic hip luxations were examined. German shepherds, mixed breeds, and poodles were significantly overrepresented. The mean age of the patients at the time of diagnosis was 4.4 years (range 5 months to 14 years). Vehicular trauma caused 83% of the 133 luxations where the etiology was known; 53% had at least one other diagnosed traumatic injury. Long-term results were obtained from owner questionnaires (25 dogs) or clinical and radiographic examinations (11 hip joints). The short-term recurrence rate after closed reduction (47.3%) was higher than that after surgical reduction using any of the three surgical techniques most frequently used here (9.5, 12.5, and 14.3%), even when the operation was performed after failure of a closed reduction (11.8%). Excluding dogs that had a femoral head ostectomy, 68% (17 of 25) of the dogs had a normal gait, 16% had only a mild lameness, and 16% had more severe lameness when evaluated on an average of 31 months after repair. Of 11 hip joints radiographed on an average of 25 months following repair, five had no radio-graphic abnormalities related to the luxation and six showed one or more of the following: periosteal new bone formation, femoral head subluxation, partial resorption of the femoral head, periarticular osteophytes, and subchondral bone erosion. Closed reduction should be the initial treatment of choice in uncomplicated luxations even though the rate of reluxation is high, because it avoids the need for surgery in approximately one half of affected dogs and does not increase the recurrence rate following subsequent surgical reduction.  相似文献   

The biomechanical holding strength and histological characteristics of a laparoscopic stapled gastropexy (LG) adhesion were compared with that of an incisional gastropexy (IG) adhesion. An LG was performed in 14 dogs and an IG was performed in six dogs. During the LG procedure, the abdomen was insufflated with carbon dioxide and three cannulae were placed in the caudal aspect of the right side of the abdomen. A 35 mm laparoscopic stapler was used to staple the gastric antrum to the adjacent right lateral abdominal wall. The IG procedure was performed through a ventral midline celiotomy. A 35 mm IG was made by apposing the gastric antrum to the adjacent right lateral abdominal wall with two continuous rows of suture. Half of each group of dogs was euthanatized at 7 and 30 days after surgery. The mean tensile load to failure at 7 days was 44.86 ± 18.54 N for the LG group and 85.33 ± 23.59 N for the IG group ( P <.05). At 30 days the values were 72.93 ± 18.01 N for the LG group and 71.17 ± 12.11 N for the IG group ( P =.41). The gastropexy adhesions in the 7-day postoperative group contained variable amounts of fibrin, hemorrhage, mononuclear cell inflammation, loose fibrovascular tissue, and mature collagenous connective tissue. Adhesions in the 7-day postoperative group were divided subjectively into three histological subgroups based on the relative amounts of mature connective tissue within the adhesion. The LG and IG adhesions were randomly distributed among these subgroups ( P = 1.0). Adhesions in the 30-day postoperative group contained well-organized fibrous connective tissue. No difference in the amount of connective tissue could be detected histologically in the LG or IG adhesions. Complications with the LG procedure included stomach perforation (2 cases), splenic puncture (2 cases), and subcutaneous emphysema (4 cases).  相似文献   

A 3-year-old Darreh-Shuri stallion was presented with left forelimb open dorsal fetlock luxation immediately after being hit by a motorized vehicle. The horse was in a non–weight-bearing position on the affected limb. General physical examination revealed normal vital parameters and no special concurrent abnormality. Radiographic examination in lateromedial and dorsopalmar views of the affected limb showed complete luxation of the metacarpophalangeal joint with no fractures. Ultrasonographic evaluation revealed intact collateral ligaments. Under general anesthesia and following routine preparations, forceful manual pressure was exerted on the distal part of the metacarpus and proximal part of the first phalanx to reduce the luxation. Joint capsule and skin laceration were sutured. Intraarticular amikacin (500 mg) was administered and repeated on the third and fifth days postoperatively. A palmar polyvinyl chloride, synthetic plastic polymer (PVC) splint was placed following adequate padding from the carpus to the toe. The higher and lower third of the splint was casted and the middle part left open to manage the joint and skin lesion. Intraarticular sodium hyaluronate (20 mg) was administered 10 days later. After cast removal following 5 weeks, the stallion revealed no sign of lameness. The owner was instructed to keep the stallion confined to a stall for at least 2 more months with a restricted daily short hand walk. Special casting methods for immobilization of a limb with an open joint luxation can tremendously improve the healing process.  相似文献   

Objective— To compare the biomechanical properties of five intramedullary (IM) pin fixation techniques for Salter-Harris type I fractures of the distal femur in dogs.
Study Design— Randomized, one-way factorial design composed of five treatment groups: (1) single IM pin, (2) dynamic IM crossed pins, (3) paired convergent pins, (4) crossed pins, and (5) crossed polyglycolic acid (PGA) rods.
Sample Population— Forty pairs of cadaver canine femurs.
Materials— One femur of each pair was manually fractured and subsequently repaired; the contralateral intact femur served as its control. Each femur was loaded in torsion until failure occurred and load-deformation curves were generated.
Results— The crossed-pin technique sustained the greatest load to failure (116.8%) followed by the paired convergent pins (104.8%), dynamic IM pins (90.6%), single IM pin (72.1%), and crossed PGA rods (71.9%). Statistically significant differences in strength at failure were detected between the crossed-pin and single IM pin and the crossed-pin and crossed PGA rod techniques. All fixation techniques underwent greater deformation (1.5 times as much) and had a lower stiffness (66% to 75%) compared with the intact controls; however, there was no significant difference between techniques. Failure in the paired convergent and crossed-pin techniques occurred by fracture of the bone; failure in the other techniques occurred by distraction at the fracture site.
Conclusion— The rotational stability of any of the fixation techniques appears to be primarily determined by the ability to prevent distraction and maintain interdigitation of the physis.
Clinical Relevance— When choosing a particular fixation technique for repair of a distal femoral physeal fracture, consideration should be given to the technique's relative biomechanical merits.  相似文献   

Objective— To evaluate use of a transcondylar toggle system (TCTS) for stabilization of the cranial cruciate ligament (CrCL) deficient stifle in small dogs and cats. Study Design— Prospective clinical study. Animals— Small dogs (<7 kg; n=14) and cats (2) with CrCL‐associated lameness of <3 months duration and a tibial plateau angle <32°. Methods— Affected animals had an extracapsular CrCL repair using the TCTS. Lameness score, muscle atrophy, osteoarthritis (OA) score, and range of motion (ROM) were evaluated preoperatively, and at 6 weeks and 7–10 months postoperatively. Results— Operative time was 75 ± 16 minutes. Fifty‐six percent required >1 bone tunnel attempts. One dog required revision at 2 weeks because of suture loosening. All stifles were stable at 6 weeks postoperatively. Fifteen animals were available for follow‐up (7–10 months). Lameness improved significantly at 6 weeks (P<.0001), whereas muscle atrophy was worse at 6 weeks (P=.008) but improved at 7–10 months (P<.0001). OA scores were unchanged at 6 weeks (P=.08) but were significantly worse at 7–10 months (P<.0001). ROM remained unchanged at 6 weeks (P=1) and 7–10 months (P=.6). Conclusions— The medially placed toggle provides a reliable short‐term proximal anchor for the extracapsular suture with outcomes similar to other extracapsular techniques. The aiming device and drill bit are not recommended in their current form. Clinical Relevance— The TCTS appears to be a well‐tolerated technique for proximal suture anchoring in extracapsular CrCL repair in small dogs and cats where instrumentation and anatomic constraints preclude other techniques.  相似文献   

The causes and pathogenesis of radial head luxation and subluxation are reviewed. A surgical technique is described for repair of the condition that permits direct visualization of the joint, reestablishment of normal joint anatomy by ulnar osteotomy, and stabilization of the radioulnar articulation with a lag screw. Two clinical cases are presented.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To report the use of arthroscopy and total hip arthroplasty (THA) for management of intermediate grade fibrosarcoma of the femoral head in a dog. STUDY DESIGN: Clinical case report. ANIMAL: A 6-year-old spayed female Rottweiler presented for evaluation of acute-onset of lameness of the right pelvic limb of approximately 10 days duration. METHODS: Coxofemoral arthroscopy was performed to obtain fine needle aspiration and Jamshidi biopsy of a lytic lesion of the femoral head. A cemented THA was performed removing as much of the femoral neck and proximal femur as possible while not compromising implant or joint stability. RESULTS: Histologic evaluation of specimens from the femoral head and neck remnants confirmed an intermediate grade fibrosarcoma. Fifteen months after THA, subjectively there was normal use of the right limb with only limited decrease in range of motion and mild muscular atrophy. Radiographs demonstrated stationary positioning of the THA implants. CONCLUSIONS: Arthroscopy of the coxofemoral joint is an effective diagnostic tool for evaluation of disease of the articular structures and canine total hip replacement may be an appropriate means of limb salvage in rare cases of disease of the femoral head. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: This case provides support for the use of coxofemoral arthroscopy as a diagnostic tool as well as an aid in acquiring representative intraarticular tissue samples. Additionally, the case presented demonstrates the potential use of THA as a limb sparing technique in cases of disease affecting the femoral head of dogs.  相似文献   

A four-month-old male, entire, border collie was presented to the Queen Mother Hospital for Animals with a two day history of muscular spasms and "Risus sardonicus". Tetanus was diagnosed, and the dog was treated with tetanus antitoxin, antibiotics and supportive therapy. Coxofemoral luxation resulted as a complication of the tetanus and was successfully managed by performing a femoral head and neck excision. This is the first report of joint luxation associated with Clostridium tetani infection in a dog.  相似文献   

Objective- This study was designed to evaluate right-sided percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) as a method for creation of a permanent gastropexy.
Study Design- Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy adhesions were evaluated by gross examination and by mechanical testing and the results were compared with those obtained by conventional incisional gastropexy.
Animals or Sample Population- Fourteen mixed-breed dogs.
Methods- Incisional gastropexies were performed on the dogs of group one (N = 7) and PEG tubes were placed in the dogs of group 2 (N = 7). All skin sutures (group 1) and PEG tubes (group 2) were removed on day 14. The animals were maintained for an additional 44 days before euthanasia and immediate necropsy. Gastropexy adhesions were evaluated and collected for biomechanical evaluation using a materials testing machine.
Results- The duration of the procedure for group 2 was less (32.86 min ±7.65) than for group 1 (56.29 min ±8.28). The number of complications was not significantly different between group 1 and group 2 ( P =.103). Gastroperitoneal adhesions were present in 7 of 7 dogs in group 1 and 4 of 7 dogs in group 2. The adhesion lengths and widths were significantly larger in dogs in group 1 compared with those in group 2. The adhesions present in group 1 dogs sustained significantly greater tensile loads to failure (61.98 ±14.65 N), compared with the adhesions present in group 2 dogs (22.31 ±26.87 N).
Conclusions- Right-sided PEG inconsistently formed a weak gastropexy and the procedure was associated with a trend toward greater morbidity than incisional gastropexy.
Clinical Relevance- Right-sided PEG is not recommended as a means of prophylactic gastropexy.  相似文献   

A case of radial carpal bone luxation in the cat and its management is described. Open reduction was performed and surgically maintained, in combination with repair of rupture of the short radial collateral ligament and joint capsule. The carpus was supported for one month following surgery by application of transarticular external fixation. Four months after treatment the cat was sound, despite evidence of degenerative joint disease. The mechanism of luxation appears to be analogous to that seen in the dog.  相似文献   

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