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在水稻收割机收获后,抽取样品稻谷,按毛湿谷、净湿谷、净燥谷分别称重、测水分,获得对比数据。结果表明,应用PM-8188New型谷物水分测量仪进行毛鲜湿谷直测比干燥处理后的净谷再测,稻谷折干率及标准水分产量明显偏高,在本试验条件下,折干率平均偏高2.8个百分点,相应的单产偏高3.3%。  相似文献   

国家质量技术监督局、国家粮食储备局、农业部对稻谷、小麦、玉米等8项国家标准的修订,主要考虑目前我国粮食质量状况和拉开质量差价、季节差价、不再划分地区,种植季节等差异情况,用统一的指标来衡量。 新增内容: ──质量要求增加“整精米率”和“谷外糙米”指标。 主要修订内容: ──将原分类修改为五类,即“早籼稻谷、晚籼稻谷、粳稻谷、粳糯稻谷、籼糯稻谷”。 ──粳稻谷、粳糯稻谷出糙米率统一为一个标准,中等质量不低于77%,不再划分一、二、三类地区。 ──将“晚籼稻谷”、“籼糯稻谷”水分修订为不超过13.5%,与…  相似文献   

2008-09-01~09-30品种东北米东北米东北米粳稻谷粳稻谷粳稻谷晚粳米晚粳米晚粳米晚籼稻谷晚籼稻谷晚籼稻谷晚籼米晚籼米籼糯稻谷籼糯稻谷籼糯米早粳米早籼稻谷早籼稻谷早籼稻谷早籼米早籼米等级特级标一标二123特等标一标二23优质标一标二3优质标一标一23优质特等标一平均价3 6  相似文献   

《稻谷》、《优质稻谷》新国家标准介绍   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:22  
林海 《中国稻米》2000,(2):14-14
《稻谷》、《优质稻谷》新国家标准已颁布并将于2000年4月1日起实施。为便于读者有所了解,现作简要介绍如下:稻谷按其品种的不同分成早籼稻谷、晚籼稻谷、籼糯稻谷、粳稻谷、粳糯稻谷五类。新标准对五类稻谷均要求色泽、气味正常,杂质含量≤1%,稻谷中混有其他品种稻谷不超过5.0%,黄粒米不超过1.0%,谷外糙米(稻谷由于机械损伤等原因形成的糙米率)不超过2.0%。其中籼稻要求水分含量≤13.5%、整精米率≥50%,并根据糙米率的不同分成5个等级(表1);粳稻则要求水分含量≤14.5%,整精米率≥60%,再根据糙米率的不同分成5个等级(表1)。各类稻谷以三等为…  相似文献   

我国是稻谷生产大国,稻谷的种植范围很广,尤其是在中国广大的南方地区,通常情况下每年能够种植二季或三季稻谷。在稻谷成熟收获之后,因为没有做到充分晾晒而直接进行收储,导致稻谷在存储当中很容易发生发热、发霉的情况,影响稻谷的食用品质,也危害到了稻谷存储与使用的安全。一旦出现稻谷真菌毒素污染的话,将会带来极大的稻谷损失。针对这一情况要选用有效的检测方法,识别稻谷的真菌毒素污染,在此基础之上要加强早期预测分析,提出针对于稻谷真菌毒素的优化管控措施。  相似文献   

全国粮油市场稻米平均价格(2007年7月-8月)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
品种08-01至08-31东北米东北米东北米粳稻谷粳稻谷晚粳米晚粳米晚粳米晚籼稻谷晚籼稻谷晚籼稻谷晚籼米籼糯稻谷籼糯稻谷籼糯米早粳米早籼稻谷早籼稻谷早籼稻谷早籼米早籼米等级特级标一标二23特等标一标二23优质标一3优质标一标一23优质特等标一平均价3 350.002 875.003 017.691 737.141 682.002 674.622 670.003 000.001 697.781 655.491 690.002 553.781 972.002 360.003 930.003 000.001 640.001 553.781 680.002 393.332 365.38比上期(%)3.490.380.720.901.430.40_0.20-0.070.650.961.13_6.09_1.25_2.230.951.55_0.15-5.901.14比上年(%)…  相似文献   

国家优质籼稻谷新标准与优质籼稻的选育   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
为了适应国家粮食流通体制的改革 ,商品稻谷收购及市场流通过程中按质论价提供依据 ,促进稻谷种植结构的调整 ,由国家粮食储备局标准质量管理办公室负责起草的国家优质稻谷新标准于 1999年 11月 1日批准 ,2 0 0 0年 4月 1日实施。该标准规定的优质稻谷是指由优质品种生产 ,符合这一标准要求的稻谷。因此 ,今后优质稻新品种选育工作就必须以国家新标准为目标 ,采取相应措施 ,使选育出新品种的稻米符合国家标准 ,才有推广应用的前景。为此 ,提出以下几点看法。1 国家优质籼稻谷新标准表 1 优质籼稻谷分级指标项  目 级  别1 2 3出糙率 (…  相似文献   

云南省粮食科学研究设计所熊洪波根据各地原粮水分情况逐渐摸索出一套行之有效的增效措施———加水。加水分3种 ,首选为润谷 ,此外还有润糙及抛光时着水。稻谷着水量的大小与原粮本身水分的高低成反比 ,即稻谷水分越低 ,着水量越大 ,稻谷的水分越高要求着水量也就越小。根据我们的实践经验 ,润谷加水量一般不超过3 % ,润谷时间24~36小时。由于有足够的时间 ,水分能透过稻壳充分渗透至米粒内部并成为有效部分 ,确能有效提高米粒结构强度 ,从而减少加工时的碎裂。润糙设在谷糙分离机后 ,头道米机前 ,设置润糙仓 ,采用喷雾着水。着水量…  相似文献   

稻米行业中稻谷总产连年增加,常规籼稻供大于求,粳稻供需仍存缺口,北方优质稻谷货源、质量稳定。稻米市场方面,常规籼稻市场平静,优质稻谷稳步上扬;消费市场出现分化,国有民营平分天下;国内需求疲软,微利时代到来。稻谷生产要适应WTO、供求关系、生态环境与可持续发展原则,根据市场需求生产。  相似文献   

2000年四川省开展了优质稻谷品质品种检验 ,共检验样品65份 ,其中籼稻谷59份、粳稻谷4份、籼糯稻谷和粳糯稻谷各1份。65个样品中 ,有5个特殊品种 (即 :盐源县红谷、南充红宝石、德昌香稻、泸县清屯502等 ) ,其余60个样品中检验指标全部符合优质稻谷质量标准的有7份 ,样品合格率为11.7% ,基本符合质量标准的样品有24份 (有直链淀粉或粒型两项参数不合格 ) ,占40%。各项检验指标合格率由高到低分别为 :异品种粒、黄粒米、色泽气味、谷外糙米及杂质5个项次的合格率均为100% ,其余指标的合格率分别为 :出糙率9…  相似文献   

Antagonistic bacteria were evaluated for their effectiveness in postharvest control of grey mould on fresh-market tomatoes. Grey mould was reduced in fresh-market tomatoes treated with antagonists and artificially inoculated with Botrytis cinerea, and stored at 20 °C for at least 7 days. One strain, 5PVB (Bacillus amyloliquefaciens) was particularly effective. This strain apparently did not produce extracellular antibiotic substances, yet was highly active against the pathogen on both mature-green and red tomatoes. Treatment with 5PVB before storage at 10 °C showed only fungistatic activity against grey mould. Chilling-injured mature-green tomatoes were more susceptible to B. cinerea. On chilled fruits the bacterial antagonist completely controlled the pathogen if the treatment was applied immediately after storage at 2 °C. In fermentation tests on four industrial waste materials, B. amyloliquefaciens grew well and maintained its antagonistic activity when grown in two of them. In pilot experiments with wounded fruits dipped in the bacterial cell and pathogen suspension, the development of decay was effectively inhibited.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted to study the effect of cultivar and grain position on rice quality under different water management treatments. Water treatments significantly affected all quality traits in the study, except alkali digestibility (AD). There were significant interactions of water treatment by grain position and genotype for brown rice rate (BRR), chalky grain rate (CGR) and amylose content (AC), and interactions of grain position by water treatment and cultivar for head milled rice rate (HMRR). The interaction of water treatment by genotype for protein content (PC) was also significant. Of all variance components, water treatment ranked the highest for PC. Similarly grain position was ranked the highest for AC, BRR, CGR and HMRR. In comparison with wet cultivation, plastic-film mulched cultivation had significantly lower BRR, HMRR, CGR and higher PC. There were marked differences in milled quality, appearance and AD among differently positioned grains within a spike. For appearance and PC, the difference between plastic-film mulched cultivation and wet cultivation was greater for upland rice than paddy rice. For milled and cooking–eating quality, the difference between plastic-film mulched cultivation and wet cultivation was greater for the good quality paddy rice than the upland rice and the poor quality paddy rice. In plastic-film mulched cultivation, top grains showed lower milled quality and PC. While in wet cultivation, the opposite result was seen. With the decrease in soil water content, BRR and appearance showed increased and decreased differences among grains within a spike, respectively. The results indicate the possibility of improving rice quality by use of better water management and suitable cultivars.  相似文献   

 通过杂交和分子标记辅助选择技术,将亲本材料18113携有的水稻白叶枯病抗病基因Xa23导入亚种间恢复系H705和优质恢复系H706。利用EST标记C189检测目的基因,在18113/H705 F3和18113/H706 F3株系中,分别获得71和52份携有Xa23纯合基因型恢复系。采用水稻白叶枯病Ⅳ型小种代表菌株浙173进行剪叶接种,分别鉴定出61和44份抗病株系,它们的分子标记辅助选择准确率分别为85.92%和84.61%。研究结果表明,C189是检测Xa23基因的有效分子标记之一,不过,其假阳性的几率高于理论交换率的现象还有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   

Field tests for biological control of bacterial wilt of potatoes, caused byPseudomonas solanacearum, were conducted in Florida in 1984 and 1985. Potato seedpieces of tolerant (Ontario) and susceptible (Pungo and/or Atlantic) cultivars were immersed in a suspension of the avirulent, non-bacteriocinogenic strain ofP. solanacearum, B82, prior to planting in naturally-infested soil. Relatively low populations ofP solanacearum (2 to 4 log cfu/g soil) and root-knot nematodes (0 to 33 larvae ofMeloidogyne incognita/100 cm3 soil) were present in the soil before planting. In 1984, there was approximately a 50% reduction in incidence of bacterial wilt and brown rot in B82-treated plants of cultivar Atlantic, as compared with controls. With cultivar Ontario, on the other hand, disease incidence was very low and differences between treatments were not significant. In 1985, the incidence of bacterial wilt was low in all plots. Treatment with strain B82 reduced incidence of tuber brown rot in all cultivars, but differences between treatments were not significant at P = 0.05. There was a significant correlation, however, between incidence of wilt and root-knot nematode populations in the soil. Therefore, the possibility that control of bacterial wilt in 1984 was indirect,i e, via an effect of B82 treatment on root infection byM incognita, was examined. Greenhouse tests were conducted to determine the potential effect of seedpiece treatment with strain B82 on nematode infection of cultivars Atlantic and Ontario. In two out of three trials, the B82 treatment significantly reduced incidence of root knot. These results suggest that interactions of the biocontrol agent with root-knot nematodes may determine the effectiveness of a treatment designed for bacterial wilt control in the field.  相似文献   

为给BNS型杂交小麦的进一步推广应用提供参考依据,以BNS低温敏感雄性不育系衍生的两个杂交小麦及常规小麦品种百农矮抗58为材料,研究了制粉系统各出粉点面粉的品质特性.结果表明,不同出粉点的面粉品质性状间存在差异,皮磨粉的灰分含量少,白度值、干湿面筋含量、稳定时间、峰值黏度、最终黏度、回生值等均最高;心磨粉的粗蛋白含量、灰分含量、破损淀粉含量、吸水率、形成时间、弱化度等随出粉点后移呈升高趋势,而白度、干湿面筋含量、稳定时间、峰值黏度、低谷黏度、稀懈值、最终黏度、回生值等随出粉点后移而降低;同一出粉点不同材料的品质特性具有明显差异.杂交小麦不同出粉点品质的变化趋势与常规小麦基本一致.  相似文献   

In the hydration process, besides influencing processing conditions, the cultivar may also influence water absorption by the grains and, consequently, yield and quality of the milled products. Therefore, the moisture absorption kinetics of the transgenic corn grain 2B587 Hx and its conventional isoline 2B587 were studied, as well as the chemical characterization of the samples in natural conditions. The water absorption kinetics of the grains was modeled using Peleg's equation at hydration temperatures of 40, 50, 60, and 67 °C. The 2B587 Hx transgenic corn, compared with the 2B587 conventional corn, had higher carbohydrate and ash contents and lower crude fiber content. The water absorption by the grains, which was satisfactorily represented by Peleg's model, occurred more quickly as the temperature increased. Peleg's constant, k1, which is inversely related to the initial hydration rate, varied from 405.2 to 141.5 min g/g for conventional corn and from 429.5 to 149.5 min g/g for transgenic corn at temperatures from 40 to 67 °C. The choice of the cultivar may depend on the specifications required by the industry for the main final products.  相似文献   

Japanese mint (Mentha arvensis) oil (JMO) can be used effectively as fumigant againstSitophilus oryzae in stored sorghum. The effect of JMO at a dose of 166 µl/l of space on nutrient composition and protein quality was studied in infested and uninfested sorghum grains stored for 3 months. The results revealed non significant effect of JMO on gran moisture, total ash, crude fibre, crude fat, crude protein and fat acidity in infested and uninfested grains at the end of 3 months storage. The JMO treatment had small but significant effect on reducing and nonreducing sugars. The values of Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER) for uninfested JMO treated grains, infested JMO treated grains and for untreated control stored for 3 months were 1.11, 1.07 and 1.09, respectively against control casein diet for which it was 2.15.  相似文献   

为了探讨不同茬口下施氮对强筋小麦籽粒产量和品质的最佳效应,以强筋小麦品种烟农19号为材料,研究了施氮量和追氮时期对不同茬口小麦籽粒产量及品质的影响。结果表明,施氮量和追氮时期对不同茬口下强筋小麦的籽粒产量和品质均有显著的影响。在0~240kg/ha施氮量范围内烟农19号单位面积穗数、每穗粒数和产量随施氮量的增加而显著提高,且旱茬麦产量极显著高于稻茬麦,主要是提高了每穗粒数和千粒重。小麦籽粒蛋白质和面筋含量、沉淀值均随施氮量的增加而显著增加,旱茬麦的品质显著优于稻茬麦。在两种茬口下,烟农19号籽粒产量、蛋白质产量与施氮量均成二次曲线关系,稻茬麦在施氮量为251.26~280.24kg/ha、旱茬麦在施氮量为281.03~303.02kg/ha范围内籽粒产量和蛋白质产量可达到同步提高。拔节期和孕穗期追施氮肥可有效提高单位面积穗数、每穗粒数和产量,且籽粒蛋白质、湿面筋含量和沉淀值显著提高。本试验条件下,旱茬麦在拔节期至孕穗期、稻茬麦在孕穗期追施氮肥可同步提高强筋小麦籽粒产量和品质.  相似文献   

不同直播方式下种子处理方式对直播稻出苗和产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了选择合理的种子处理方式,解决水稻机直播全苗问题,选择杂交稻川优6203、常规稻金农丝苗,在水直播、旱直播方式下,比较了干种子直播、浸泡48 h后直播、浸泡48h催芽至露白后直播、浸泡48 h催芽至半粒谷长后直播等方式对水稻出苗率、基本苗数、有效穗数、颖花数、结实率、千粒重以及产量的影响。结果表明,种子浸泡48 h催芽至露白时播种,有较高的出苗率,可以确保较高的基本苗数。不同种子处理方式对直播稻的有效穗数、千粒重的影响达极显著水平,对颖花数及结实率的影响不显著。在水直播方式下浸泡48 h,催芽露白或至半粒谷长时直播,不仅有利于增加群体数量,还有利于改善产量性状。无论采用水直播还是旱直播方式,宜将种子浸种48 h后催芽至露白时进行机直播,出苗率高,群体足,产量性状合理,可以获得较高产量。  相似文献   

Whole grains of different cereals have traditionally been prepared with water and heat prior to dehulling, but knowledge of the effect on nutritional properties is limited. The aim of the present study was to investigate if phytate reduction occurred during hydrothermal treatment of whole grains. Wheat, rye, hulled and dehulled barley, hulled oats and naked oats were incubated with either water or acetate buffer (pH 4·8) at 55 °C for 24 h with the exception of oats, which were incubated at 37 °C. Phytate in wheat, rye and barley was reduced by 46–77% when water was used and by 84–99% when acetate buffer was used. The phytate reduction in oats was considerably less, 8–26%, but, after grinding and soaking, phytate was reduced by 72–77% in dehulled oats and by 88–94% in naked oats. Citric acid and citrate buffer was used for pH adjustment in some experiments, and their use resulted in less phytate reduction than when acetate and lactic acid were used. Wet-steeping of naked oats and naked barley in water at 53–57 °C for 20–30 min reduced the bacterial counts by 99·97%, and the addition of acid prevented bacterial growth during the incubations. It was concluded that cereals with reduced phytate content and good hygienic quality can be developed and produced using hydrothermal treatment of whole grains.  相似文献   

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