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我场从一九七九年开始在水田种植油菜—西瓜—晚稻复种制。七年的实践证明,这种复种制,适合我场自然条件、社会经济条件和科学种田水平,能起到趋利避害、扬长避短的作用。达到了稳定粮食总产,提高农产品商品率和经济、社会、生态效益的目的。 一、油—瓜—稻复种制的试验推广情况 我场水田种植油—瓜—稻的过程,可分试验、示范、推广三个阶段。 1.试验:1979年开始,在水田种植80亩油—瓜—稻,平均每亩生产油菜籽50斤,西瓜4000斤,晚稻700斤,每亩产值403元,纯收入365元,比肥—稻—稻增加290.50元,提高经  相似文献   

近年,莱稻复种栽培方式正在辽宁省昌图县悄然兴起。菜稻复种就是上茬种菜,通常种植大棚黄瓜、西红柿或地膜上豆、甘兰等,下连指菜收后移栽早熟水稻。1推广菜稻复种的意义从1997年开始,我们重点在昌图县东嘎乡范家村、力家村搞菜稻复种试验、示范,通过二年的实践证明,在昌图县大面积推广菜稻复种有以下几点好处:1.显提高经济效益。大棚下茬旱移栽水稻一般产粮5250~7500kg/hm’,效益6750~9000元人m’。种植水稻的时间正是一般大棚种秋菜或空闲时间,改种水稻后比种秋菜收入增加2250~7500元人m’。上茬地膜上豆或甘兰,纯收入可达…  相似文献   

菜稻复种在不减少产粮(稻)面积的前提下,利用霜期搞棚菜生产,提高土地利用率,使其成倍增值,变冬闲为冬忙,适合我国国情,是“两高一优”农业的进一步发展.可是菜稻复种田在立壤结构和肥力、使用的品种及育苗时期、栽植密度、掐尖打杈等多方面存在着特殊性,如按以前荣稻分别单种时的栽培方式进行管理,就会使菜稻的衔接出现偏差,导致效益下降,造成复种不如单种.安排种植计划一定要根据某稻复种后的特点,切实改进技术,创造更高的复种效益.1多施有机肥稻茬土壤透气性差,不适合直接种植蔬菜,必须多施马粪、腐烂稻草、正绿肥、…  相似文献   

通过香瓜与水稻复种试验,阐述了瓜稻复种的经济效益。总结了瓜、稻的栽培技术,在提出上茬香瓜和下茬水稻的整地时间、育苗、移栽、男间管理等具体措施的同时,指出了同一块地瓜稻可连续复种的年限。  相似文献   

红黄壤区“豌豆-稻-稻”高产高效种植制度研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
 通过在红黄壤区稻田5年的研究(1995~1999年),从品种引进筛选、适播期、适播量3个方面研究了稻田冬种豌豆的高产高效栽培配套技术。由“豌豆 稻 稻”的豌豆、早稻、晚稻品种筛选得出豌豆、早稻、晚稻3季品种优化搭配方式。通过“豌豆-稻-稻”3年连作试验,得出豌豆因连作而病害日益严重,产量逐年下降的结论,并对其低产原因进行了初步讨论,提出了“豌豆-稻-稻”与“大麦-稻-稻”3年1轮作的持续高产增收实用技术。  相似文献   

近年来,我市在发展高产优质高效农业、调整种植业结构中,从提高水稻主产区资源配置的整体效益出发,大力推广菜稻复种高效种植模式。今年全市菜稻复种占地面积已发展到5200亩,获纯收入1460多万元。菜稻复种在秋季选择地势较高、土质肥沃、排灌畅通的水田建日光温室种植蔬菜,第N年*月棚菜收获后栽水稻。一亩水田可建一栋s。平方米的温室,下茬水稻收入420元左右,实行菜稻复种的水田每亩可获纯收入2820元。菜稻复种变*茬季节性生产为两茬全年生产,提高了资源的利用卒和综合效益。另外,还解决了倒茬问题,并可利用水田的清水环境减少…  相似文献   

稻菜复种可以提高土地利用率、减少蔬菜的病虫害、防止保护地内土壤的盐渍化。结合盘锦地区稻菜复种的实战,提出了日光温室冬春茬果菜类与水稻复种、大中棚春茬甘蓝或西葫芦与水稻复种及中小拱棚生叶菜类与水稻复种三种模式。  相似文献   

红壤烟区不同复合群体种植方式的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在烟草主产区的永定县进行4种复种方式研究。结果表明,选择适宜的作物和品种,采取合理的复合群体种植方式,能充分地利用农业资源,大幅度提高综合农产品的产出率和经济效益。耕地、光、热资源利用率表现随复合群体内作物种类和种收次数增加而相应提高的规律。“蚕豆/春烟—稻”3种作物三种三收和“蚕豆/菜/春烟-稻-再生稻”4种作物四种五收的复种指数达300%~500%,本田期生育时间达373~469d。活动积温利用率达98.7%~121.2%。日照时数利用率达99.1%~125.6%.土地、光、热资源利用率越高。其产值、净收益也越高。这2种种植方式在667m2耕地上的年净收益分别达到2635.18元和5270.41元,是当地长期习惯的“早春烟-稻-稻(CK1)”和“春烟-稻(QK2)”种植模式的1.8~2.1倍和4.6~5.2倍。  相似文献   

稻田年内水旱轮作的后效应研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
 在麦-稻-稻和麦-玉米-稻两种种植方式6年定位试验的基础上,对稻田年内水旱轮作的后效应进行了研究。结果表明:年内水旱轮作能显著地提高后作晚稻和大麦产量,但后效持续时间不长,到第三季后作物早稻增产已不明显。生产上两种种植方式以隔年轮换为好。增产的主要原因是年内水旱轮作改善土壤通透性,能增加土壤有效氮、磷、钾含量和提高根系活力,促进了作物生长和养分吸收,从而增加晚稻有效穗、结实率和实粒数,增加大麦有效穗和千粒重。试验也表明,增施肥料会降低轮作效果。  相似文献   

通过香瓜与水稻复种试验,阐述了瓜稻复种的经济效益。总结了瓜、稻的栽培技术,在提出上茬香瓜和下茬水稻的整地时间、育苗、移栽、田间管理等具体措施的同时,指出了同一块地瓜稻可连续复种的年限。  相似文献   

The effect of nitrogen (N) supply and weeds on grain yield of spring barley was investigated from 1997 to 2004 in an organic farming crop rotation experiment in Denmark on three different soil types varying from coarse sand to sandy loam. Two experimental factors were included in the experiment in a factorial design: (1) catch crop (with and without), and (2) manure (with and without). The crop rotation included grass-clover as a green manure crop. Animal manure was applied as slurry in rates corresponding to 40% of the N demand of the cereal crops.

Application of 50 kg NH4-N ha−1 in manure (slurry) increased average barley grain DM yield by 1.0–1.3 Mg DM ha−1, whereas the use of catch crops (primarily perennial ryegrass) increased grain DM yield by 0.2–0.4 Mg DM ha−1 with the smallest effect on the loamy sand and sandy loam soils and the greatest effect on the coarse sandy soil. Model estimations showed that the average yield reduction from weeds varied from 0.2 to 0.4 Mg DM ha−1 depending on weed species and density. The yield effects of N supply were more predictable and less variable than the effects of weed infestation. The infestation level of leaf diseases was low and not a significant source of yield variation.

The apparent recovery efficiency of N in grains (N use efficiency, NUE) from NH4-N in applied manure varied from 29 to 38%. The NUE of above-ground N in catch crops sampled in November prior to the spring barley varied from 16 to 52% with the largest value on the coarse sandy soil and the smallest value on the sandy loam soil. A comparison of grain yield levels obtained at the different locations with changes in soil organic matter indicated a NUE of 21–26% for soil N mineralisation, which is smaller than that for the mineral N applied in manure. However, this estimate is uncertain and further studies are needed to quantify differences in NUE from various sources of N.

The proportion of perennial weeds in total biomass increased during the experiment, particularly in treatments without manure application. The results show that manure application is a key factor in maintaining good crop yields in arable organic farming on sandy soils, and in securing crops that are sufficiently competitive against perennial weeds.  相似文献   

【目的】探究杂交稻头季与再生季镉积累分配特性差异,为再生稻安全生产提供科学依据。【方法】以Y两优9918和甬优4149为材料,采用随机区组设计开展大田试验,比较头季与再生季产量与镉积累分配特性。【结果】1)甬优4149再生季产量显著低于头季,而Y两优9918表现相反;两品种再生季有效穗数、结实率显著高于头季,而千粒重显著低于头季;2)两品种头季成熟期根、茎、叶、穗镉含量均显著低于再生季,再生季糙米镉含量为0.13~0.17 mg/kg,显著高于头季;3)再生季各器官镉含量、镉积累量、日均镉积累速率、镉转移系数与富集系数均大于头季,Y两优9918与甬优4149再生季镉总积累量分别是头季的4.28和2.67倍,再生季糙米镉含量分别是头季的1.63和1.42倍;4)头季穗部镉主要来自灌浆中期-成熟期,而再生季主要来自齐穗前,镉积累最快阶段存在品种间差异;5)两品种稻桩镉积累量在再生季全生育期内表现累积趋势,但各生育阶段的表现存在品种间差异,Y两优9918以灌浆中期为界先降后升,甬优4149表现先降后升再降趋势。6)本研究条件下,Y两优9918头季产量低于甬优4149,但再生季产量表现相反,两品种全年产量差异不大;甬优4149器官镉含量、积累量、日均积累速率及富集系数一般高于Y两优9918。【结论】再生季镉超标风险大于头季,在镉污染稻作区应慎重发展再生稻,同时再生季降镉措施的应用应以齐穗前为重点。  相似文献   

Rice crop growth and yield in the north Iran are affected by crop duration and phenology.The purpose of this study was to calibrate and validate the ORYZA2000 model under potential production based on experimental data for simulating and quantifying the phenological development,crop duration and yield prediction of rice crop influenced by different seedling ages.In order to calibrate and validate the crop parameters of ORYZA2000 model,a two-year field experiment was conducted under potential growth conditio...  相似文献   

The impacts of nitrogen (N) fertilization on potato ( Solanum tuberosum L.) protein yield and nutritional quality are well documented but of little benefit to growers with limited access to fertilizer or capital (e.g. in lesser developed countries). This study was conducted 1) to evaluate the extent which crude protein yield in potatoes can be influenced by crop rotation with no N fertilizer and 2) to determine if crop rotation and minimal application of N fertilizer can meet the total protein yield of potatoes achieved with recommended quantities of N fertilizer. A field study was conducted in which potatoes followed previous crops of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L. Nitro), hairy vetch ( Vicia villosa Roth), white lupin ( Lupinus albus L. Ultra), oats ( Avena sativa Astro), and potatoes. Tuber protein yield following alfalfa with no N fertilizer was about 50 kg/ha greater than when following potatoes or oats in one study year. In another year, tuber protein yield was greatest following vetch, achieving 149 kg protein/ha with no N fertilizer. These results were directly linked to the N contributions of rotation crop residues and were reflected in the plant-available N levels measured in soil. Applying one-half the recommended rate of N fertilizer resulted in protein yields comparable to a well-fertilized potato-potato rotation in a relatively dry year, but not in a year with more favorable precipitation. Particular crops grown in rotation with potatoes can make significant contributions to the total protein harvested in tubers.  相似文献   

Since the pioneering work in the 1960s, substantial progress has been made in crop growth simulation both in developing and applying models. Crop growth simulation integrates the knowledge of computer science, phytophysiology, agroecology, agrometeorology, soil science, agronomy and systems, combines the plant and environmental factors, and describes quantitatively the dynamic relation between crop growth, development, yield formation and environmental techniques [1]. WOFOST (World Food Stu…  相似文献   

安徽省大麦种植历史悠久,本文针对1988-2010年安徽省大麦生产状况及演变原因进行分析。结果表明,安徽省大麦种植面积最大值在1988年达到156 666.67 hm2,22年间累计减至现今50 000 hm2左右;单产最高为302.84 kg/667 m2,最低为87.81 kg/667 m2;品种分布上,淮河以北、沿淮及江淮之间为安徽大麦的主产区;大麦生产演变与主粮作物冲击、种植结构调整、种性退化、农民种植积极性密切相关。根据以上结果,进一步阐述了大麦栽培技术,指出当前安徽省大麦生产面临的机遇挑战和发展方向。  相似文献   


A number of crops exhibit allelopathic interactions that play a significant role in the complex environment of agroecosystems. Several studies have shown that allelopathic crops reduce growth, development and yield of other crops growing simultaneously or subsequently in the fields. Another aspect of interest regarding crop allelopathy is that allelochemicals may exhibit inhibitory effect on the same crop which is commonly called as crop autotoxicity. It is predominantly common in fields where sole cropping under reduced or no-tillage system is practiced. Though any crop part can be allelopathic, including even the pollens, but decomposing crop residues exhibit more influence on other plants. Furthermore, the extent of allelopathy by a crop plant varies with age, part and type of cultivar being used. Nowadays allelo-pathic crops are being used as an important tool in managing weeds and harmful pests under sustainable pest management programs. In this context several cover/smother and green manure crops with allelopathic nature hold a good promise as well as challenge for the future as they have a potential to suppress noxious weeds. Likewise, the decomposing residues of such crops can also be used for managing harmful weeds and pests vis-à-vis maintaining the sustainability of the system. The traditional practice of crop rotation which declined with the discovery of synthetic herbicides can also be revived, if allelopathic potential of rotational crops is well understood. Selection of cultivars with high allelopathic potential/high competitiveness is another possible way by which crop allelopathy can be better utilized for weed control and yield enhancement. Crops with less allelopathic potential can be genetically improved by incorporating desired genes encoding the synthesis of allelochemicals. Pure allelochemicals extracted and identified from some crop plants can also be used as bioherbicides.  相似文献   

光能在作物进行光合作用和籽粒产量形成中起着重要作用。随着我国种植结构和区划的调整,间套作种植模式在一些适宜地区得到广泛应用,增加了农田生产力。然而,间套作种植方式下,由于受高位作物荫蔽影响,低位作物在某一生长阶段常常处于弱光胁迫环境中。弱光胁迫不仅会引起作物生长发育不良,而且会制约作物产量潜力的提升。本文以间套作荫蔽环境下的大豆源库关系为例,综述了弱光胁迫调节作物源库器官生长发育的国内外研究现状;阐述了源库协调与作物产量之间的关系以及现有间套作作物产量研究概况与存在的不足;探讨了未来间套作种植下作物在源库关系与产量研究的发展方向。  相似文献   

Foliar pathogens such as Zymoseptoria tritici and Puccinia striiformis causing septoria leaf blotch and yellow rust respectively can cause serious yield reduction in winter wheat production, and control of the diseases often requires several fungicide applications during the growing season. Control is typically carried out using a constant fungicide dose in the entire field although there may be large differences in crop development and biomass across the field. The objective of the study reported in this paper was to test whether the fungicide dose response curve controlling septoria leaf blotch and other foliar diseases in winter wheat was dependent on crop development and biomass level. If such a biomass dependent dose response was found it was further the purpose to evaluate the potential to optimize fungicide inputs in winter wheat crops applying a site-specific crop density dependent fungicide dose. The study was carried out investigating fungicide dose response controlling foliar diseases in winter wheat at three biomass densities obtained growing the crop at three nitrogen levels and using variable seed rates. Further the field experiments included three fungicide dose rates at each biomass level, an untreated control, and 75%, 50% and 33% of the recommended fungicide dose rate and the experiments were replicated for three years. Crop biomass had a significant influence on occurrence of septoria and yellow rust with greater disease severity at increasing crop biomass. In two of three years, the interaction of crop biomass and fungicide dose rate had a significant influence on disease severity indicating a biomass-dependent dose response. The interaction occurred in the two years with high yield potential in combination with severe disease attack. If the variation in crop density and biomass level obtained in the study is representative of the variation found cultivating winter wheat in heterogeneous fields, then there seems to be scope for optimizing fungicide input against foliar diseases site-specific adapting the dose according to crop density/biomass.  相似文献   

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