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We investigated aspen (Populus tremuloides)regeneration in the Gros Ventre River Valley, the National Elk Refuge and a small part of Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, USA to see if elk (Cervus elaphus) browsing was as damaging as previously thought. We conducted a landscape-scale survey to assess aspen regeneration across gradients of wintering elk concentrations using 68 randomly selected aspen stands in the 1090 km2 study area. Forty-four percent of the stands sampled supported some newer regeneration that had reached the canopy. There were no significant differences of regeneration across elk winter range classification (p=0.25) or distance from feedgrounds (p=0.96). However, a multiple linear regression found that the concentration of elk was one of several important predictors of successful aspen regeneration (p=0.005, R 2=0.36). Our results suggest that stand-replacing regeneration occurs across the landscape at a variety of elk densities despite some trends of reduced regeneration under greater elk concentrations. We propose that high spatial and temporal variation and scattered patches of successful aspen regeneration characterize aspen persistence between periods of episodic regeneration and recruitment.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effects of aspen patch area and orientation (relative to North and an elevational gradient) on the early breeding season abundance and species richness of migratory and resident birds in the northern ungulate winter range of the Yellowstone ecosystem, USA. Using an information-theoretic model selection approach, we found patch area and basal area of aspen to be the most important covariates for long distance migrants, and patch orientation relative to elevational gradient the most important covariate for residents/short-distance migrants. Basal area of live aspen and aspen snags was marginally important for both migratory strategies, likely because aspen snags are an important habitat for most cavity-nesting species. Landscape ecological theory postulates passive interception of dispersing or migrating organisms by patches of suitable habitat. Our results suggest that residents/short-distance migrants are intercepted by patches that are oriented perpendicular to the elevational gradient of our study region resulting in greater abundances and species richness in those patches. However, long-distance migrants appear to use aspen patches without regard to orientation, but rather to patch area.  相似文献   

McGarigal  Kevin  Romme  William H.  Crist  Michele  Roworth  Ed 《Landscape Ecology》2001,16(4):327-349
In the southern Rocky Mountains of temperate North America, the effects of Euro-American activities on disturbance regimes and landscape patterns have been less ubiquitous and less straightforward in high-elevation landscapes than in low-elevation landscapes. Despite apparently little change in the natural disturbance regime, there is increasing concern that forest management activities related mainly to timber harvest and to the extensive network of roads constructed to support timber harvest, fire control, and recreation since the late 1800s have altered disturbance regimes and landscape structure. We investigated the magnitude of change in landscape structure resulting from roads and logging since the onset of timber harvest activities in 1950. We found limited evidence for significant impacts in our study area when all lands within the landscape were considered. The relatively minor changes we observed reflected the vast buffering capacity of the large proportion of lands managed for purposes other than timber (e.g., wilderness). Significant changes in landscape structure and fragmentation of mature forest were, however, evident on lands designated as suitable timberlands. Roughly half of the mature coniferous forest was converted to young stands; mean patch size and core area declined by 40% and 25%, respectively, and contrast-weighted edge density increased 2- to 3-fold. Overall, roads had a greater impact on landscape structure than logging in our study area. Indeed, the 3-fold increase in road density between 1950–1993 accounted for most of the changes in landscape configuration associated with mean patch size, edge density, and core area. The extent of area evaluated and the period over which change was evaluated had a large impact on the magnitude of change detected and our conclusions regarding the ecological significance of those changes. Specifically, the cumulative impact on landscape structure was negligible over a 10-year period, but was notable over a 40-year period. In addition, the magnitude of change in landscape structure between 1950–1993 varied as a function of landscape extent. At the scale of the 228000 ha landscape, change in landscape structure was trivial, suggesting that the landscape was capable of fully incorporating the disturbances with minimal impact. However, at intermediate scales of 1000–10000 ha landscapes, change in landscape structure was quite evident, suggesting that there may be an optimal range of scales for detecting changes in landscape structure within the study area.  相似文献   

Determining what factors explain the distribution of non-native invasive plants that can spread in forest-dominated landscapes could advance understanding of the invasion process and identify forest areas most susceptible to invasion. We conducted roadside surveys to determine the presence and abundance of 15 non-native plant species known to invade forests in western North Carolina, USA. Generalized linear models were used to examine how contemporary and historic land use, landscape context, and topography influenced presence and abundance of the species at local and regional scales. The most commonly encountered species were Microstegium vimineum, Rosa multiflora, Lonicera japonica, Celastrus orbiculatus, Ligustrum sinense, and Dioscorea oppositifolia. At the regional scale, distance to city center was the most important explanatory variable, with species more likely present and more abundant in watersheds closer to Asheville, NC. Many focal species were also more common in watersheds at lower elevation and with less forest cover. At the local scale, elevation was important for explaining the species’ presence, but forest cover and land-use history were more important for explaining their abundance. In general, species were more common in plots with less forest cover and more area reforested since the 1940s. Our results underscore the importance of considering both the contemporary landscape and historic land use to understand plant invasion in forest-dominated landscapes.  相似文献   

Quaternary landscape ecology: Relevant scales in space and time   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Two primary goals of landscape ecologists are to (1) evaluate changes in ecological pattern and process on natural landscapes through time and (2) determine the ecological consequences of transforming natural land-scapes to cultural ones. Paleoecological techniques can be used to reconstruct past landscapes and their changes through time; use of paleoecological methods of investigation in combination with geomorphic and paleoethnobiological data, historical records, and shorter-term ecological data sets makes it possible to integrate long-term ecological pattern and process on a nested series of temporal and spatial scales. Natural experiments of the past can be used to test alternative hypotheses about the relative influences of environmental change, biological interactions, and human activities in structuring biotic communities within landscape mosaics.On the absolute time scale of the Quaternary Period, spanning the past 1.8 million years, current distributional ranges of the biota have taken shape and modern biotic communities have assembled. Quaternary environmental changes have influenced the development of natural landscapes over time scales of centuries to hundreds of thousands of years; human cultural evolution has resulted in the transformation of much of the biosphere from natural to cultural landscapes over the past 5,000 years. The Quaternary extends to and includes the present and the immediate future. Knowledge of landscape changes on a Quaternary time scale is essential to landscape ecologists who wish to have a context for predicting future trends on local, regional, and global scales.  相似文献   

Recent economic development has altered landscape structure and function of a mediterranean region in Southwestern Spain. Intensive agricultural systems have concentrated in the more fertile areas, while marginal ones have been abandoned. As a result, landscape structure has changed. Consequences of this structural change on landscape processes are discussed.  相似文献   

Various disturbances such as disease and management practices causecanopy gaps that change patterns of forest stand structure. This study examinedthe usefulness of digital image analysis using aerial photos, FourierTranforms,and cluster analysis to investigate how different spatial statistics areaffected by spatial scale. The specific aims were to: 1) evaluate how a Fourierfilter could be used to classify canopy gap sizes objectively, 2) determinewhich statistics might be useful for detecting and measuring disturbanceimpacts, and 3) examine the potential for this method to determine spatialdomains in a pair of ponderosa pine (Pinusponderosa) stands in the Black Hills of South Dakota,USA.The eventual goal is to develop an operational method of assessing the impactsof natural disturbances such as disease. Results indicated that several spatialmetrics discriminated between harvested and unharvested stands. We hypothesizethat these metrics will be useful as spatial measures of disease impact if theanalyses are performed on specific size classes of forest gaps.This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A probabilistic spatial model was created based on empirical data to examine the influence of different fire regimes on stand structure of lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta var. latifolia) forests across a >500,000-ha landscape in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA. We asked how variation in the frequency of large fire events affects (1) the mean and annual variability of age and tree density (defined by postfire sapling density and subsequent stand density) of lodgepole pine stands and (2) the spatial pattern of stand age and density across the landscape. The model incorporates spatial and temporal variation in fire and serotiny in predicting postfire sapling densities of lodgepole pine. Empirical self-thinning and in-filling curves alter initital postfire sapling densities over decades to centuries. In response to a six-fold increase in the probability of large fires (0.003 to 0.018 year−1), mean stand age declined from 291 to 121 years. Mean stand density did not increase appreciably at high elevations (1,029 to 1,249 stems ha−1) where serotiny was low and postfire sapling density was relatively low (1,252 to 2,203 stems ha−1). At low elevations, where prefire serotiny and postfire lodgepole pine density are high, mean stand densities increased from 2,807 to 7,664 stems ha−1. Spatially, the patterns of stand age became more simplified across the landscape, yet patterns of stand density became more complex. In response to more frequent stand replacing fires, very high annual variability in postfire sapling density is expected, with higher means and greater variation in stand density across lodgepole pine landscapes, especially in the few decades following large fires.  相似文献   

介绍青浦区公园的基本资料,指出公园管理中存在的主要问题并进行原因分析,为解决公园管理难题、提升公园管理的整体水平和服务功能提出可行性措施和建议。  相似文献   

Forestry practices associated with the industrial era (since ~1900) have altered the natural disturbance regimes and greatly impacted the world’s forests. We quantified twentieth century logging patterns and regional scale consequences in three sub-boreal forest landscapes of Eastern Canada (117,000, 49,400 and 92,300 ha), comparing forestry maps depicting age and forest cover types for early industrial (1930) and present-day (2000) conditions. Results were similar for the three landscapes, indicating large-scale forest change during the twentieth century. In 1930, previous logging activities had been concentrated in the lowlands and along the main hydrographical network, as compared to a more even distribution over the landscapes in 2000, reflecting a decreasing influence of the environmental constraints on forest harvesting. In 1930, old-aged forests (>100 years) accounted for more than 75% of the unlogged areas of the three landscapes, as compared to less than 15% for the present-day conditions. Logging practices have thus inverted the stand age distribution of the landscapes that are currently dominated by young and regenerating stands. The 1930 forest cover types showed a clear relationship with elevation, with conifers located in the lowlands and mixed and deciduous stands restricted to the upper slopes. Between 1930 and 2000, 58–64% of the conifer areas transformed to mixed and deciduous forests, such that no clear altitudinal relationships remained in 2000. We conclude that twentieth century logging practices have strongly altered the preindustrial vegetation patterns in our study area, to the point that ecosystem-based management strategies should be developed to restore conifer dominance, altitudinal gradients, as well as the irregular structure inspired from old forest stands.  相似文献   

摘要:从科学、实用的角度出发,利用全面质量管理理论分析和探索高端搂盘园林景观施工管理的方法。文章通过分析“泛海国际”居住区5#地块的施工实例,展示模型具体应用办法,证明模型的实用性。其实例、方法和建议可供高端搂盘园林景观项目施工参考。  相似文献   

The literature to date has mainly explored the impact on public mental health of green spaces around residential areas, large urban parks, family gardens, blue spaces, national parks, etc., while few studies have examined the association of Small Urban Green Spaces (SUGS) with public mental health. The role, function, and service radius of SUGS in urban people’s lives are quite different from those of general green spaces, and the relationship and mechanism linking general green spaces to mental health cannot be fully applied to small parks. This work was conducted to: 1) investigate the relationship between SUGS and mental health; 2) understand what factors affect mental health; 3) determine what kind of SUGS is more conducive to improving mental health. SUGS’ designs and physical characteristics were evaluated with the Natural Environment Scoring Tool (NEST) and user information for 10 SUGS (1–5 ha) in Shanghai in 2021 was collected via a questionnaire. We developed a multilevel model for exploring the factors affecting mental health from two aspects: the individual level and the park level. This study found that SUGS and mental health were positively associated. In addition to individual–level variables like income, marital status, social cohesion, and use frequency, park–level variables such as usability, aesthetics–natural features, and civilized environment are also conducive to improving mental health, while entertainment facilities in SUGS have a negative association with mental health. There was no evidence that visit frequency, stay time, social cohesion, or physical exercise act as a mediator between park features and mental health. This study provides empirical evidence for the positive correlation between SUGS and mental health and presents a means of promoting public mental health with efficient SUGS planning and management.  相似文献   

The distribution and abundance of a species may be simultaneously influenced by both local-scale habitat features and the broader patch and landscape contexts in which these populations occur. Different factors may influence patch occupancy (presence–absence) versus local abundance (number of individuals within patches), and at different scales, and thus ideally both occupancy and abundance should be investigated, especially in studies that seek to understand the consequences of land management on species persistence. Our study evaluated the relative influences of variables associated with the local habitat patch, hillside (patch context), and landscape context on patch occupancy and abundance of the collared lizard (Crotaphytus collaris) within tallgrass prairie managed under different fire and grazing regimes in the northern Flint Hills of Kansas, USA. Using a multi-model information-theoretic approach that accounted for detection bias, we found that collared lizard abundance and occupancy was influenced by factors measured at both the local habitat and landscape scales. At a local scale, collared lizard abundance was greatest on large rock ledges that had lots of crevices, high vegetation complexity, and were located higher up on the hillslope. At the landscape scale, collared lizard abundance and occupancy were both higher in watersheds that were burned frequently (1–2 year intervals). Interestingly, grazing only had a significant effect on occupancy and abundance within less frequently burned (4-year burn interval) watersheds. Our results suggest that, in addition to the obvious habitat needs of this species (availability of suitable rock habitat), land-management practices have the potential to influence collared lizard presence and abundance in the grasslands of the Flint Hills. Thus, mapping the availability of suitable habitat is unlikely to be sufficient for evaluating species distributions and persistence in such cases without consideration of landscape management and disturbance history.  相似文献   

Large disturbances such as fires and floods are landscape processes that may alter the structure of landscapes in nature reserves. Landscape structure may in turn influence the viability of species and the functioning of ecosystems. Past reserve design and management strategies have been focussed on species and ecosystems rather than on landscape-scale processes, such as disturbance.An essential feature of a natural disturbance regime is the variation in disturbance attributes (e.g., size, timing, intensity, spatial location). Although some past reserve management policies have included natural disturbances, perpetuating disturbance variation has not been the explicit goal of either reserve design or management.To design a reserve to perpetuate the natural disturbance process requires consideration of: (1) the size of the reserve in relation to maximum expected disturbance size, (2) the location of the reserve in relation to favored disturbance initiation and export zones and in relation to spatial variation in the disturbance regime, and (3) the feasibility of disturbance control at reserve boundaries, or in reserve buffers.Disturbance management possibilities are constrained by the design of the reserve and the reserve goals. Where a natural disturbance regime is not feasible, then it is important that the managed disturbance regime mimic historical variation in disturbance sizes and other attributes as well as possible. Manipulating structure on the landscape scale to restore landscapes thought to have been altered by historical disturbance control is premature given our understanding of spatial disturbance processes in landscapes.  相似文献   

The distribution of the xerothermophilous Cinnabar moth Tyria jacobaeae was studied in a low mountain region in western Germany between 1989 and 2001. T. jacobaeae started its immigration into the study area in 1989 and first established populations in climatically favoured habitats like abandoned quarries and train stations where the larval host plant, ragwort (Senecio jacobaea), occurs. Analysis of landscape features (altitude, morphology) reveals that T. jacobaeae then dispersed along valleys with roads to higher altitudes of the study area. Elevations of occupied sites increased between 1989 and 2001. In order to investigate whether dispersal is affected by linear structures like valleys or roads with gravelled verges, hostplant exposures were placed at a distance of 600 m to the next population of T. jacobaeae. The experiments suggest that egglaying predominantly took place on exposures in valleys with roads and sparsely plant-covered verges but can also occur along valleys lacking roads and suitable habitats. However, larvae were never recorded on Senecio exposures which were placed aside from valleys and roads.This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We compared the performance of individuals and whole populations of meadow voles, Microtus pennsylvanicus, within and between experimentally created habitat fragments of three sizes (1.0, 0.25, and 0.0625 ha) and between a 20-ha fragmented and a 20-ha continuous habitat landscape. We recorded 10,020 captures of 3946 individuals over 17 censuses between June 1993 and October 1994. Five demographic parameters showed significantly different population responses between the two landscapes but no difference in tests comparing fragment size: i.e., mean and peak population densities (the latter, in each of the two growing seasons) averaged 149 to 172% higher, population growth rate averaged 219% higher, and adult recruitment 170% higher in fragmented than in the continuous control landscape. Observations at the individual level (body sizes, rates of reproduction, residence times) suggested that these landscape differences involved enhanced performance of adult females associated with edge habitats rather than differential immigration or emigration. If this turns out to be a common response to fragmentation, the detection of such responses will be greater when comparing fragmented and unfragmented landscapes with qualitatively different structure than for fragments of varied size with differing proportions of edge. That responses to habitat fragmentation may be more evident at the very small (individual) and very large (landscape) scales, but may be obscured at the intermediate spatial scale of fragments, is a proposition that clearly requires more attention.  相似文献   

The influence of landscape structure on anopheline mosquito density and diversity was studied in a comparison of agricultural and forested landscapes in northern Thailand. Agriculture locations had significantly higher landscape diversity, more patches, smaller mean patch sizes, and more complex patch shapes than forest locations. Mosquito collections were undertaken during both dry and wet seasons from October 1997 to December 1999. The density of two forest-associated species, Anopheles maculatus s.s. and Anopheles minimus s.l., both primary malaria vectors in Thailand, was significantly higher in forest locations in at least one season. The density of two paddy field-associated species, Anopheles aconitus and Anopheles hyrcanus group did not differ between locations. Anopheles aconitus is a secondary malaria vector and An. hyrcanus group is not considered as a vector in Thailand. The density of An. minimus s.l. was positively related to forest mean patch size, various water and paddy field landscape metrics and negatively related to landscape diversity. Anopheles hyrcanus group was also positively related to water metrics. Anopheline species diversity was negatively related to landscape diversity. Forest fragmentation resulting from human economic activities often increases landscape heterogeneity, which may result in a reduction in anopheline species diversity, as was the case in this study. There are indications that the effect of fruit orchards on anopheline diversity might be different in the dry season compared to the wet season. Fruit orchard landscape metrics affected species diversity negatively in the dry season and positively in the wet season. One reason for this could be that pesticides are typically applied in fruit orchards during the dry season. The conversion of forests to fruit orchards is a major land-use change in northern Thailand. These results show the complexity of vector status in northern Thailand and that vector and agriculture pest control are intricately interrelated. It is therefore important to include both the public health and agricultural sectors in controlling malaria vectors in the country. Our results also indicate that if landscape management should be used for malaria control in northern Thailand large-scale reduction and fragmentation of forest cover would be needed. Such drastic actions do not agree well with current global objectives concerning forest and biodiversity conservation This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Invasion of grasslands by woody plants has been identified as a key indicator of changes in ecosystem structure and function in arid and semi-arid rangelands throughout the world. We investigated changes in the balance between woody and herbaceous components of a semi-arid landscape in western Colorado (USA) using historical aerial photography. Aerial photographs from 1937, 1965–67, and 1994 were sampled at matched locations within overlapping photographs. We modeled change in spatial pattern and heterogeneity across the entire landscape and found a small, net decrease in woody canopy cover; however means disguised normal distributions of change that demonstrated offsetting increases and decreases. We described a region of widespread canopy decline within piñon-juniper forests between 2300 and 2600 m (7500–8500 feet) and a region of predominant increase at lower elevations, between 1800 and 2250 m (5900–7400 feet). It remains unclear whether this shift was driven by climate or by human-caused or natural disturbance. Mean conifer cover decreased within coniferous forests, which counteracted a trend of increased conifer cover in mixed forests, savanna-like woodlands, and the shrub steppe. Disturbance had a significant interaction with cover change in several communities, including forests, savanna and shrublands. Anthropogenic disturbances counteracted successional trends toward canopy closure more than wildfires, but this did not entirely explain observed canopy decline. The natural dynamics in this region also caused diverse changes rather than a simple progression towards increased forest cover. Importantly, temporal change in vegetation varied spatially across the landscape illustrating the importance of landscape level, spatially explicit analyses in characterizing temporal dynamics.  相似文献   

Zheng  Daolan  Wallin  David O.  Hao  Zhanqing 《Landscape Ecology》1997,12(4):241-254
Satellite imagery was used to quantify rates and patterns oflandscape change between 1972 and 1988 in the Changbai MountainReserve and its adjacent areas in the Peoples Republic of Chinaand North Korea. The 190,000 ha Reserve was established as anInternational Biosphere Reserve by The United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 1979. It is themost important natural landscape remaining in Chinastemperate/boreal climate. The images used in this research cover atotal area of 967,847 ha, about three-fourths of which is in China.Imagery from 1972 and 1988 was classified into 2 broad cover types(forest and non-forest). Overall, forests covered 84.4% of thestudy area in 1972 and 74.5% in 1988. Changes in forest coverwithin the Reserve were minimal. The loss of forest cover outsidethe Reserve appears to be strongly associated with timberharvesting at lower elevations. Landscape patterns in 1988 weremore complex, more irregular, and more fragmented than in 1972.This is one of the few studies to assess landscape changes acrosstwo countries. The rates and patterns of forest-cover loss weredifferent in China and North Korea. In North Korea, extensivecutting appears to have occurred prior to 1972 and this hascontinued through 1988 while in China, most cutting appears to haveoccurred since 1972.  相似文献   

Andy Millard 《Landscape Ecology》2008,23(10):1231-1241
The species composition of semi-natural vegetation in urban areas is influenced by a diversity of factors operating at a variety of spatial scales. This study investigates relationships at the landscape scale between species numbers of semi-natural plant communities and variations in the nature of designated urban green space. Species’ records were obtained from a survey of tetrads (2 km × 2 km) across a contiguous central area of built-up landscape and nearby satellite settlements in the metropolitan borough of Leeds, northern England. Plant species were categorised into natives, archaeophytes, neophytes, casuals and conservation-designated species. The type and extent of designated urban green space within a tetrad was determined using GIS. There was more built-up and designated green space area in the central urban area than in the satellite settlements. However, this difference was not reflected statistically significantly in plant category species’ numbers. Numbers of native species correlated positively with areas of green space designated for relatively high nature conservation value. Neophytes and casuals correlated positively with semi-natural green space lacking rare native species or high native species richness but designated principally for local community accessibility. The value of such spaces and the importance of their appropriate management, not only for community benefits like individual physical health and mental well-being, but also for overall urban plant biodiversity, is highlighted.  相似文献   

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