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Fat and fatty acid digestibility of different fat sources in growing pigs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of fat source on fat and fatty acid (FA) apparent faecal (aFD) and ileal digestibility (aID) was studied in growing pigs. Faecal and ileal digestibilities were measured, using titanium dioxide as inert marker, in intact and ileo-rectally anastomosed pigs, respectively. Five different fat sources, added at 10% to a barley based diet (B), were tested: tallow (T), high oleic sunflower oil (HOSF), sunflower oil (SO), linseed oil (LO) and a fat blend (FB; 5.5% T, 3.5% SO and 1% LO of diet).

Except for B and T, fat aFD and aID were relatively similar among diets and site of measurements and the same was observed when it was obtained from the sum of FA aFD. However fat and sum of FA aID varied according to dietary FA composition and it was inversely related with the saturated FA content, due to the lowest aID of palmitic and stearic. aID of linoleic in SO and linolenic in LO were higher than the respective FA of the other diets and no differences were observed for oleic acid. The aFD of the unsaturated FA was higher than the corresponding aID values, despite similar fat aID and aFD. This together with the lower (in some cases negative) aFD of stearic acid suggest that there is biohydrogenation of unsaturated FA in the hindgut. Measurement at the end of the ileum should give a better estimation of digestibility of fat and FA than at the faecal level.  相似文献   

The effect of Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis), individually or in combination with two commercial carbohydrases, in piglet diets was assessed on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and meat quality traits. Forty post-weaned male piglets from Large White × Landrace sows crossed with Pietrain boars with an initial live weight of 12.0 ± 0.89 kg were used. Piglets were assigned to one of four dietary treatments (n = 10): cereal and soya bean meal base diet (control), base diet with 10% Spirulina (SP), SP diet supplemented with 0.005% Rovabio® Excel AP (SP + R) and SP diet supplemented with 0.01% lysozyme (SP + L). Animals were slaughtered after a 4-week experimental period. Growth performance was negatively affected by the incorporation of Spirulina in the diets, with an average decrease of 9.1% on final weight, in comparison with control animals. Total tract apparent digestibility (TTAD) of crude protein was higher (p < .05) in the control group than in other groups. In addition, lysozyme increased TTAD of crude fat and acid detergent fibre, relative to the SP and control groups, respectively. In addition, the incorporation of Spirulina, individually and supplemented with enzymes, did not impair meat quality traits. Surprisingly, no protective effect against lipid oxidation was observed with the inclusion of Spirulina in pork after 7 days of storage. This study indicates that growth performance of post-weaning piglets was impaired by the incorporation of 10% Spirulina in the diets, which is mediated by an increase in digesta viscosity and a lower protein digestibility, as a consequence of the resistance of microalga proteins to the action of endogenous peptidases. In addition, it also indicates that lysozyme, in contrast to Rovabio® Excel AP, is efficient in the degradation of Spirulina cell wall in piglet's intestine. However, the digestion of proteins liberated by Spirulina cell wall disruption is still a challenge.  相似文献   

The dietary dose responsiveness of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) addition relative to the fatty acid profile of edible lean tissue was examined in grower pigs treated with or without porcine somatotropin (pST). Gilts and barrows were fed CLA at 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, or 2.0% of diet by weight from 20 to 55 kg BW. Additional pigs were administered (pST) at 0 or 100 microg x kg BW x d(-1) and fed either 0.5 or 2.0% CLA. Animals were fed diets containing 18% CP, 1.2% lysine, and 3.5 Mcal of DE/kg at 110% of ad libitum intake. The fatty acid profile in latissimus dorsi and dorsal s.c. adipose tissue samples was determined by gas chromatography. Dietary CLA replacement of corn oil increased the percentage of total fatty acids as stearic acid, whereas the percentages as oleic and linolenic acids were reduced in lattisimus muscle. Treatment with CLA + pST increased the percentages of linoleic and arachidonic acids while reducing the percentages of palmitic and oleic acids in lattisimus muscle. Dietary CLA increased the percentages of palmitic and stearic acids in s.c. adipose tissue while reducing the percentages of oleic, linoleic, linolenic, and arachidonic acids. The percentage of palmitic acid was reduced in s.c. adipose tissue, whereas linoleic acid was increased with CLA + pST. No synergistic effect was detected between CLA and pST for reducing carcass lipid content in grower pigs. However, pST increased the percentage of polyunsaturated fatty acids in lattisimus muscle and s.c. adipose tissue while reducing the percentages of saturated fatty acids in swine fed CLA.  相似文献   

1. Two experiments were designed to study the influence of free fatty acid content and degree of saturation of free fatty acids and neutral fat on digestibility of added fats and fatty acids. Sunflower oil and tallow were used as neutral fats, and palmitic, stearic, oleic and linoleic acids as free fatty acids. Fat inclusion was 80 g/kg and mixtures of each fat and each free fatty acid were prepared in the proportions 100:0, 70:30 and 40:60.

2. Experimental diets were evaluated for fat and fatty acid digestibilities with broiler chickens at 21 d of age. The metabolisable energy of fat was calculated from the product of digestibility and gross energy. Increasing concentrations of saturated free fatty acids decreased the ME of added fat, whereas unsaturated free fatty acids did not significantly affect the ME value of added fat.

3. Digestibilities of individual fatty acids were analysed by linear regression with rate of inclusion of free fatty acid in the fat blend: palmitic and stearic acids gave a negative slope, whereas oleic and linoleic acids gave a slope not statistically different from zero. Because slopes for saturated fatty acids did not differ between the sunflower oil and tallow treatments, synergism between unsaturated and saturated fatty acids was not detected.  相似文献   

目前,人类婴儿低初生重的总肠外营养(TPN)研究表明脂肪乳剂对于新生儿的营养是合适的,但不是最佳的选择。人类和猪的脂肪酸代谢非常相似,目前的研究主要集中在脂肪乳剂如何在TPN的临床作用。不同组成脂肪酸对新生仔猪进行7d处理,对于靠母乳替代物的仔猪而言,对组织脂肪酸的组成存在影响。在脂肪乳中,不同比例脂肪酸或母乳替代物对应的血浆,骨骼肌、皮下脂肪、肝脏、心脏,胰腺,胃及小肠的总血脂或脑磷脂呈正态的线性关系,而后者相关性最低。除大脑外,组织中的油酸或α-亚麻酸的比例与对应的脂肪乳或者母乳替代物相关,而亚麻酸的比例与研完的组织密切相关。除脑磷脂外,omegaven组中仔猪组织的二十碳五烯酸和二十二碳六烯酸含量更高。结论除大脑外,血浆脂肪酸组成以及仔猪不同组织受全肠外营养乳剂中不饱和脂肪酸形态的影响极大。然而,脑磷脂脂肪酸的组成受日粮组成的影响要小,表明在生长的关键阶段有效的代谢是确保脂肪酸组成的关键。  相似文献   

To investigate the impact of dietary whole cottonseed (WCS) level on fatty acid composition, growth, and carcass traits, 45 Hereford steers were assigned to diets containing 0, 15, or 30% dietary WCS. The 15 and 30% WCS contributed an estimated 3.3 and 6.6% additional lipid, respectively, to the diets. After being fed for 54 d, all animals were weighed and slaughtered, and carcass measurements were obtained. There were no differences (P greater than .05) among dietary treatment groups in live weight or ADG for the 54-d feeding period. Control steers had larger (P less than .05) longissimus muscle areas than steers fed 30% WCS, which accounted for the advantage in yield grade (P less than .05) exhibited by the control group. Feeding of 30% WCS resulted in minor increases in linoleic and total polyunsaturated fatty acid content of perinephric fat expressed in both normalized (area percentage) and gravimetric (g/100 g of fresh tissue) formats. There were no significant differences in the monounsaturated or saturated fatty acid content of adipose tissues from animals fed the different diets. Subcutaneous adipose tissue samples were higher (P less than .01) in total unsaturates but had lower (P less than .05) proportions of C18:0 and C18:1 than perinephric samples. Feeding WCS at the levels reported herein only had minor effects on fatty acid composition of beef adipose tissues.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of modifying the n-6:n-3 fatty acid ratio (FAR) of diets using linseed, soybean, and cottonseed oils on apparent digestibility, ruminal fermentation characteristics, growth performance, key circulating hormones, and the fatty acid profile of ruminal digesta, liver, and fore-shank muscle of growing lambs fed a high concentrate diet. Forty individually housed Katadhin Dorper lambs (average of 20.0 kg of BW) were fed Bermudagrass hay in ad libitum amounts and concentrates at 3.7% of BW daily. The concentrate contained 68.9% corn, 23.8% soybean meal, 3.3% limestone, and 4.0% oil supplements (DM basis). The treatments consisted of dietary n-6:n-3 FAR of 2.3:1, 8.8:1, 12.8:1, and 15.6:1. After feeding for 35 d in metabolism crates, lambs were slaughtered 15 h after feeding, and samples of ruminal digesta, blood, liver, and foreshank tissue were collected. Increasing dietary n-6:n-3 FAR did not affect the intake of DM nor the apparent digestibility of DM, ether extract, NDF, or ADF, but did increase apparent digestibility of CP (linear, P < 0.05). Concentrations of ruminal butyrate increased linearly (P < 0.05) with increasing dietary n-6:n-3 FAR, whereas the valerate concentration decreased linearly (P < 0.001). Concentrations of plasma insulin and IGF-I were not affected by dietary n-6:n-3 FAR. Concentrations of C18:3n-3 increased linearly (P < 0.001), whereas that of C18:2n-6 decreased linearly (P < 0.001) in ruminal digesta with decreasing dietary n-6:n-3 FAR. Concentrations of transisomers of fatty acids in ruminal digesta did not change. Proportions of C18:0 in liver and foreshank muscle were unchanged by diet. The proportion of trans11 C18:1 and cis-9 trans11 CLA decreased (P < 0.05) in liver but increased (P < 0.05) in foreshank muscle as dietary n-6:n-3 FAR decreased. Proportions of all measured n-3 fatty acids were greater in liver when diets contained more C18:3n-3 from linseed oil. By decreasing the dietary n-6:n-3 FAR, the proportions of n-6 fatty acids in foreshank muscle decreased dramatically; specifically, C18:2n-6 decreased linearly (P < 0.001) from 28.0 to 16.5% and C20:4n-6 decreased linearly (P < 0.001) from 14.7 to 8.6%. Although feeding a diet that contained more n-3 fatty acids increased the n-3 fatty acid concentration of muscle, the ratio of PUFA to SFA was decreased.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the effects of benzoic acid on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, nitrogen balance and gastrointestinal microflora of piglets, we conducted a performance experiment and a separate balance study. The performance experiment involved four different dietary treatments: (1) basal diet (negative control); (2) basal diet supplemented with benzoic acid at 5 g/kg; (3) basal diet supplemented with benzoic acid at 10 g/kg; (4) basal diet supplemented with potassium diformate at 12 g/kg. Each dietary treatment was assigned to nine replicate groups, each consisting of two piglets. Live weight, daily weight gain, feed intake and feed conversion ratio were monitored as performance parameters over a 35-day period. Supplementation of the diet with benzoic acid resulted in a dose-dependent increase in feed intake and body weight gain and an improved feed conversion ratio. Piglets fed the diet supplemented with benzoic acid at 10 g/kg outperformed the control piglets in mean feed intake, body weight gain and feed conversion ratio by 9%, 15% and 6% respectively. Growth performance of the piglets fed the diet with benzoic acid at 10 g/kg was similar to that of piglets fed the diet supplemented with potassium diformate. In the balance experiment three groups of six piglets each were fed either a control diet or diets supplemented with benzoic acid at 5 or 10 g/kg respectively. Benzoic acid did not significantly affect nutrient digestibility but increased nitrogen retention. Piglets fed the diets supplemented with benzoic acid at 5 or 10 g/kg retained 5% and 6% more nitrogen, respectively, than control piglets. Supplementation of benzoic acid did not influence the pH value or the concentration of ammonia in the gastrointestinal tract but reduced the number of bacteria in the digesta. In the stomach the number of total aerobic, total anaerobic, lactic acid forming and gram-negative bacteria was reduced; in the duodenum the presence of benzoic acid reduced the number of gram-negative bacteria and in the ileum the number of total aerobic bacteria in a dose-dependent manner. Benzoic acid also considerably reduced the concentration of acetic acid in the duodenum. In conclusion, the data of this study suggest that benzoic acid exerts strong antimicrobial effects in the gastrointestinal tract of piglets and therefore enhances growth performance and nitrogen retention.  相似文献   

Rations containing 12% sunflower oil (Ration II) and 12% coconut fat (Ration III) were compared with a control ration (Ration I) in a 34 day experiment with growing boars of the German Landrace breed (12-30 kg body weight). The relationships between DP and ME were held constant for all 3 rations, and because of the higher ME contents of the two fat rations, this was achieved by reducing the feed intake, relative to that of the control ration. Parameters measured were growth, composition at slaughter, the apparent digestibility of the crude nutrients and energy, the N-balance and the concentrations of urea, insulin, glucose, triglyceride and cholesterol in the blood. In comparison to Ration I, the apparent digestibilities of crude protein in Rations II and III were 5 and 4% (p less than 0,05) higher, respectively. There was little difference in the apparent digestibility of crude fat between the Rations II and III. However, large differences in the values were determined depending upon method of extraction. There were little differences in the productive performance of the animals fed the fat diets. The control animals had, however, a 13% lower growth rate (p less than 0,05) when compared at similar ME-intakes. As the energy concentration and the growth rate were higher in groups II and III, the feed conversion efficiency and the ME required per kg growth were approximately 30 and 13% lower than that of the control animals. The efficiency of protein utilization of the animals in group III was 4% higher (p greater than 0.05) and the blood urea concentration 20% lower (p less than 0.05) than that in group II. The values for the control animals were intermediate. A similar result was obtained concerning the fat content of the animals. The fat content of the animals in group III was 15.9% and this was significantly lower (p less than 0.001) than that of 21.1% measured in group II. That of the control animals, 18.6%, was not significantly different from the above values. The differences in feeding over the relatively short period of 34 days lead to marked differences in the fatty acid pattern of the backfat. The contents of myristic acid and linoleic acid were significantly different between group II and III; for the former values of 0.8% and 16.9% were determined, respectively, with corresponding values of 48.7 and 11.3% for the latter.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Twenty-four sows (12 nulliparous, 12 multiparous) were used to determine soluble fiber (SF) and insoluble fiber (ISF) effects on energy digestibility, N balance, and SF and ISF digestibility. Experimental diets included a corn-soybean meal control (C; 1.20% SF, 9.78% ISF), a 34% oat bran diet high in SF (HS; 3.02% SF, 10.11% ISF), a 12% wheat straw diet high in ISF (HIS; 1.11% SF, 17.86% ISF), and a 16% sugar beet pulp diet (HS + HIS; 2.32% SF, 16.08% ISF). Sows were assigned randomly to diets within parity group and individually fed to meet their energy requirements according to the NRC model assuming 10 pigs per litter and 40 kg of gestation gain. Total feces and urine were collected in 5-d periods at wk 5, 10, and 14 of gestation. There were no interactions between dietary treatments and parity group for any of the response criteria evaluated. Dietary energy digestibility was greatest (P < 0.01) for females fed C (87.9%) and HS (89.3%) diets compared with females fed diets high in ISF (HIS, 82.9; HS + HIS, 86.8%). Energy digestibility was not affected by stage of gestation. Dietary N digestibility was similar between C and HS (86.1 and 86.2%) but greater (P < 0.01) than HIS and HS + HIS (82.8 and 82.8%, respectively). Nitrogen digestibility declined (P < 0.05) as gestation progressed for sows fed HS only. Nitrogen retention as a percentage of N intake was not affected by diet (C, 51.8; HS, 44.0; HIS, 42.0; HS + HIS, 48.6). Soluble fiber digestibility was different (P < 0.01) among experimental diets (C, 85.8; HS, 89.5; HIS, 77.7; HS + HIS, 80.3%). Sows fed HS + HIS (61.8%) and HS (58.4%) had greater (P < 0.05) ISF digestibility than sows fed C (53.5%), whereas sows fed HIS (38.3%) had lower (P < 0.01) ISF digestibility than sows fed the other experimental diets. Greater digestibility of dietary energy (87.1 vs. 86.2%; P < 0.05), N (85.7 vs. 83.2%; P < 0.01), and ISF (54.5 vs. 51.2%; P < 0.06) was observed in multiparous vs. nulliparous sows. In conclusion, increased intake of ISF decreased energy digestibility, whereas increasing SF intake improved energy digestibility. Diet had no effect on N retention. Insoluble fiber digestibility improved when SF intake increased, suggesting that knowledge of specific dietary fiber components is necessary to accurately predict effects of dietary fiber on digestibility. Multiparous sows demonstrated a greater ability to digest fibrous diets than nulliparous sows.  相似文献   

Holstein steers in metabolism stalls were utilized to determine apparent digestibility of N (DN), N retention (NR) expressed as a percentage of total N consumed, and Mcal/kg digestible energy (DE) when diets of seven different classes of forages were fed. The best predictive equation for digestibility of N in the 153 forages studied was DN(%) = -98.1065 + 11.4724 (%CP) + 41.4475 (DE) - .1498 (%CP)2 - 1.2541 (DE)2 - 1.9309 (CP) (DE), with R2 = .74 and Sy.x = 8.63, where %CP is the percent crude protein of the forage. The best predictive equation for DN of sorghum silages, corn silages, legume hays and temperate grass hays contained both %CP and DE as predictor variables. The best predictive equations for DN of sorghum-sudan and bermudagrass hays contained only %CP and (%CP)2 as predictor variables. The predictive equation for DN of 14 alfalfa hays involved only the linear relationship to %CP. The best scheme for predicting NR as a percentage of N consumed in 116 forages was a combination of three equations as follows: 1) NR(%) = -47.0797 + 6.4733 (%CP) - .1542 (%CP)2 for forages, where DE = less than 2.42 Mcal/kg; 2) NR(%) = -67.6306 + 10.1354 (%CP) - .2726 (%CP)2, where DE = 2.42 - 2.87 Mcal/kg; and 3) NR(%) = 28.3458 + 4.4722 (%CP) - .1263 (%CP)2, where DE = greater than 2.87 Mcal/kg; R2 = .42 and Sy.x = 14.86.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

叶帅 《饲料广角》2009,(10):21-25
目前,对初生重非常低的人类婴儿全肠外营养(TPN)研究表明.脂肪乳剂对于新生儿的营养是合适但不是最佳的选择。由于脂肪酸在人类和猪身上的代谢非常相似,因而本试验研究几种脂肪乳剂(Clinoleic(克林诺):Intralipid(英托利匹特);Lipofundin(力保肪宁);Omegaven(ω-3鱼油脂肪乳))在TPN的临床上如何发挥作用。与饲喂母乳替代物不同,在对仔猪注射不同组成的脂肪酸7d后,其组织脂肪酸结构发生变化。在脂肪乳剂中不同比例脂肪酸或母乳替代物与血浆、骨骼肌、皮下脂肪、肝脏、心脏、胰腺、胃及小肠的总血脂或者脑磷脂中所对应的脂肪酸存在着正态的线性关系.且脑磷脂表现出最低的相关性。除大脑外.各个组织中的油酸或α-亚麻酸的比例与相应的脂肪乳剂或者母乳替代物相关.而亚麻酸的比例与以上所有组织密切相关。除脑磷脂外,注射ω-3鱼油脂肪乳剂的仔猪组织里含有更高的二十碳五烯酸和二十二碳六烯酸。简言之,除大脑外,血浆脂肪酸组成以及仔猪不同组织受TPN乳剂中不饱和脂肪酸形态的极大影响。然而.脑磷脂脂肪酸的组成受日粮组成的影响要小.表明在生长的关键阶段积极和有效的代谢是确保脂肪酸组成的关键。  相似文献   

We hypothesized that the inclusion of calcium salts of fatty acid (CSFA) into the diets and the fatty acid (FA) profile of the supplements would impact performance and meat characteristics of Bos indicus bulls. Hence, the objective was to evaluate the effects of CSFA profiles on intake, body weight (BW), carcass, and meat characteristics of feedlot-finished B indicus bulls. Fifty-three Nellore bulls [initial BW 315 ± 5.9 kg and 20 ± 2 mo] were used. At the beginning, 6 bulls were randomly chosen and slaughtered for determination of their BW composition, and the remaining 47 bulls were evaluated during a 140-d experimental period. The bulls were placed in individual pens, blocked according to initial BW and randomly allocated to 1 of the 3 following treatments: (1) control diet containing sugarcane bagasse, ground corn, citrus pulp, peanut meal, and mineral–vitamin mix (CON), (2) CON with the addition of 3.3% of CSFA from soybean oil (CSO), or (3) CON with the addition of a mixture of 3.3% of CSFA from palm, soybean, and cottonseed oils (CPSCO). Diets were offered ad libitum and formulated to be isonitrogenous. Bulls supplemented with CSFA had a greater (P < 0.01) final BW, dry matter intake, average daily gain (ADG), feed efficiency (FE), and FA intake vs. CON. Among carcass parameters, CSFA-supplemented bulls had greater (P < 0.01) carcass ether extract concentration vs. CON bulls. When the CSFA profile was evaluated (CSO vs. CPSCO), CPSCO bulls had a better (P ≤ 0.03) FE, carcass ADG, and hot carcass weight (HCW) vs. CSO bulls. The FA intakes differed among CSFA treatments, as the total saturated, palmitic, and oleic FA intakes were greater for CPSCO (P < 0.01), whereas lower intakes of total unsaturated and polyunsaturated FA (P < 0.01) were observed for CPSCO vs. CSO. Samples from the Longissimus muscle contained greater palmitoleic (P = 0.01) and reduced linoleic (P = 0.02) FA concentrations in CSFA-supplemented bulls vs. CON bulls. In agreement with the FA intakes, CPSCO-supplemented bulls had a greater (P ≤ 0.05) unsaturated FA concentration vs. CSO in Longissimus muscle. In summary, CSFA supplementation improved the performance of finishing B. indicus bulls vs. CON. Moreover, the inclusion of CSFA from palm, soybean, and cottonseed oil benefited the FE, carcass ADG, and HCW compared with the inclusion of CSFA from soybean oil, demonstrating the potential of specific FA for improving the performance and meat quality of B. indicus bulls.  相似文献   

该试验旨在评价2种不同脂肪来源的饲料中添加菊粉对肉鸡行为、血清代谢物、肝脏脂质、腹脂、胸肌和腿肌中脂肪酸组成的影响。将240只1日龄雌性肉鸡随机分成6组,每组8个重复,每个重复5只肉鸡。试验采用3×2双因子试验设计,菊粉设3个水平(0、5和10g/kg),日粮中2种类型的脂肪[棕榈油(PO)组和葵花籽油(SO)组]含量均为90g/kg。试验期为1~34d。日粮中的脂肪不影响肉鸡的体重增长,但PO组肉鸡的消化率低于SO组(p〈0.001)。日粮中含棕榈油增加了肉鸡腹脂沉积和血清中脂质及葡萄糖的含量。PO组肉鸡肝脏中的三酰甘油含量高于SO组。同样,日粮中的脂肪改变了肉鸡腹脂和肌内的脂肪酸组成,导致PO组肉鸡的C16:0和C18:1n-9含量高于SO组,C18:2n-6含量却更低。日粮中添加菊粉对肉鸡体重的增长(p=0.017)有二次效应,而对消化率没有影响。与对照组相比,菊粉减少了肉鸡肝脏油脂的总含量(p=0.003)、血清中甘油三酯含量以及低密度的脂蛋白胆固醇(31%)。菊粉添加到含葵花籽油的日粮中,增加了肉鸡腹脂和肌内多不饱和脂肪酸与饱和脂肪酸的比值。该研究结果表明:日粮中添加菊粉对肉鸡血脂的有益作用,是因为减少了三酰甘油含量。该结果同样证明,菊粉增强了葵花籽油提高肉鸡肌内多不饱和脂肪酸与饱和脂肪酸比值的能力。  相似文献   

This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of different levels of tannic acid (TA) on growth performance, diarrhea rate, nutrient digestibility and intestinal health in weaned piglets. A total of 180 weaned piglets (Duroc × Landrace × Yorkshire, 24 d of age, initial average BW = 7.77 ± 0.17 kg) were allotted to 5 groups (6 pigs/pen and 6 replicates/group) in a randomized complete block design according to their gender and body weight. Piglets were fed a basal diet, or the basal diet supplemented with 0.05%, 0.1%, 0.2% or 0.4% TA for 28 d. The supplementary levels of TA in the diets were obtained by adding tannalbin containing 51% TA and 40.17% protein. The results showed that, compared with the CON group, dietary TA did not affect ADFI, ADG or F:G, and linearly reduced (P < 0.01) the diarrhea rate and diarrhea index of piglets. There were no significant effects on apparent total tract digestibility (ATTD) in the 0.05%, 0.1% and 0.2% TA groups, while negative effects (P < 0.05) on apparent digestibility of crude protein and gross energy were observed in the 0.4% TA group. In addition, the nutrient digestibility of dry matter, crude protein and gross energy linearly decreased (P < 0.01) with the increase of TA dosage. Supplementation of TA increased (P < 0.05) the villus height of the duodenum and jejunum, as well as increased (P < 0.05) catalase (CAT) activity in serum. Dietary TA improved (P < 0.05) the Bacillus counts in cecal digesta. Further, TA significantly improved (P < 0.05) Bacillus counts and reduced (P < 0.05) the Escherichia coli counts in colonic digesta. The concentration of acetic acid, propionic acid, butyric acid and isovaleric acid in cecal digesta were significantly increased (P < 0.05). The mRNA expression level of zonula occludens-1 (ZO-1), zonula occludens-2 (ZO-2), and claudin-2 (CLDN-2) in the jejunum were greater (P < 0.05) in TA supplemented groups. The study showed that, compared to the control, TA prevented post-weaning diarrhea and improved intestinal health of weaned piglets, and the appropriate level of TA supplementation would be from 0.1% to 0.2%.  相似文献   

The aim of the current study was to evaluate the impact of carnosic acid (CA), selenised yeast (YSe) and selenate (VISe) supplemented to diets, including fish oil (FO) and rapeseed oil (RO), on the content of fatty acids, total cholesterol (TCh), tocopherols and malondialdehyde in the fat located between the thigh muscles and the heart in lambs. Twenty-four male Corriedale lambs were divided into 4 groups of 6 animals. Animals were fed a diet with FO and RO (the control diet) or experimental diets containing RO, FO and CA with/without Se (as YSe or VISe). The experimental diets without/with YSe or VISe changed concentrations of fatty acids in the fat and heart compared to the control. All experimental diets increased the levels of c11c14C20:2, c5c8c11c14C20:4, c5c8c11c14c17C20:5 and the sums of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LPUFA) and conjugated linoleic acid isomers in the fat compared to the control. The experimental diet containing YSe or VISe increased the content of Se, TCh, c11c14C20:2, c8c11c14C20:3, c5c8c11c14C20:4, c5c8c11c14c17C20:5, c7c10c13c16c19C22:5, c4c7c10c13c16c19C22:6 and the concentration sum of n-3LPUFA, n-6LPUFA and tocopherols in the heart in comparison with the control diet and the diet containing only CA. Experimental diets reduced the concentration of malondialdehyde in the fat and heart in comparison with the control diet. Our dietary intervention has great potential for future practical and commercial implementations.  相似文献   

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