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Two hundred and twenty two isolates ofPhytophthora infestans from infected potato foliage or tubers, obtained in 1981 from different potato fields in various regions of the Netherlands, were tested for their ability to infect potato leaf discs floating on solutions of metalaxyl of various concentrations. Isolates were designated as resistant to metalaxyl when sporulation occurred at a concentration of 1 g ml–1 or higher.Forty-one isolates appeared to be resistant. Thirty-five of the resistant isolates and 29 sensitive ones originated from three areas involving circa 15% of the total Dutch potato acreage. In these areas 28% of the fields sampled were metalaxyl-treated and 78% of these fields yielded resistant isolates. Only one of the three areas had a history of metalaxyl resistance in 1980. Six metalaxyl-resistant and 152 sensitive isolates were found in potato fields in other areas including those with major problems of resistance in 1980. All of four old potato cull piles sampled in the latter areas yielded metalaxyl-resistant isolates and two of these sites had possibly been inoculum sources for nearby potato fields. Only 9% of the fields sampled in these areas were metalaxyl-treated and none of these yielded a metalaxyl-resistant isolate.The data are compatible with the idea that infected seed potatoes were the major source of the incoculum that initiated the early and severe late blight epidemic in 1981 in the Netherlands. The severity has been enhanced by late-blight-conducive weather conditions during the emergence of the crop and its early stages of development, when fungicides had not yet been applied. Old potato cull piles are assumed to have been less important in starting the 1981 epidemic.Apparently, infected seed potatoes carried predominantly metalaxyl-sensitive strains, which explains the prevalence of metalaxyl-sensitive strains in most of the fields. In 1980, the seed potato crop had been harvested before the problem of metalaxyl-resistance surfaced. Hence, it might be assumed that infection of seed potatoes, favoured by late-blight-conducive weather in 1980, had been caused by metalaxyl-sensitive strains. Evidence that seed potatoes could also carry metalaxyl-resistant strains was obtained in two cases. It might explain their early occurrence in fields located in areas without a history of metalaxyl resistance in 1980 and the rapid build-up of a resistant population in a number of metalaxyl-treated fields.Development of resistance in potato fields, which were under heavy disease pressure after spraying with a mixture of metalaxyl and mancozeb, could not be proven definitely. In one experimental field the seed tubers very likely carried metalaxyl-resistant strains, which initiated an epidemic, and in a second field the influx of resistant strains from elsewhere could not be completely ruled out. In the latter field spraying the mixture at a two-week interval could not effectively control the disease. In this field a considerable degree of tuber infection by metalaxyl-resistant strains was noticed.No correlation existed between the behaviour of a particular strain towards metalaxyl and the genes for virulence present. Among a total of 79 isolates, the race of which has been identified, 23 different races were found. Race was most frequently found, followed by race Among 37 resistant isolates 10 different races could be identified.Samenvatting Gedurende de zomer en najaar van 1981 werden 222 veldisolaten vanPhytophthora infestans met behulp van een drijftoets getoetst op resistentie tegen metalaxyl. Per perceel werd meestal één isolaat, hetzij afkomstig van een door de aardappelziekte aangetast blad, hetzij van een zieke knol, getoetst.Eén en veertig isolaten bleken resistent te zijn. Van deze 41 waren er 35 afkomstig uit West Brabant, de Hoekse Waard en Oost Brabant/Noord Limburg, waar ongeveer 15% van het totale aardappelareaal in Nederland is gelegen. Daarnaast werden uit deze gebieden 29 gevoelige isolaten verkregen. Van de bemonsterde percelen uit de drie genoemde gebieden was 29% één- of tweemaal met metalaxyl behandeld, meestal in combinatie met andere middelen. Uit 78% van de aldus behandelde percelen werd een resistant isolaat verkregen. In de genoemde gebieden werden in 1980 alleen in Oost-Brabant/Noord Limburg problemen ondervonden van metalaxylresistentie.In percelen in overige gedeelten van Nederland, waar in 1980 algemeen metalaxylresistentie werd waargenomen, werden in totaal slechts zes metalaxyl-resistente en 152 gevoelige isolaten aangetroffen. Geen enkel van de met metalaxyl bespoten percelen (9% van het aantal bemonsterde percelen) leverde hier een resistent isolaat op. Uit een viertal aardappelafvalhopen in deze gebieden waarop de aardappelziekte voorkwam, werden metalaxyl-resistente stammen verkregen en twee ervan hadden waarschijnlijk een naburig perceel besmet.De resultaten van het onderzoek en de waarnemingen in de percelen wijzen erop dat de vroege en hevige epidemie van de aardappelziekte in 1981 is veroorzaakt door besmet pootgoed waaruit secundair zieke planten zijn ontstaan. Daarnaast werd het uitbreken van de epidemie vooral begunstig door de voorPhytophthora gunstige weersomstandigheden gedurende de periode eind mei tot half juni en het feit dat de eerste bespuiting te laat werd uitgevoerd, hetzij door overmacht, hetzij door het te traag reageren op de waarschuwingen via de radio.In 1980 hebben voornamelijk metalaxyl-gevoelige stammen het pootgoed kunnen besmetten, hetgeen verklaarbaar is uit het feit dat in dat jaar de problemen met metalaxylresistentie pas werden waargenomen nadat het loof van het pootgoed was vernietigd. In een tweetal gevallen zijn evenwel aanwijzingen verkregen dat pootgoed ook besmet kon zijn met resistente stammen. Een dergelijke besmetting is waarschijnlijk ook de verklaring voor het op grote schaal voorkomen van resistente stammen in West Brabant en de Hoekse Waard na een eenmalige toepassing van metalaxyl.In een tweetal proefvelden, waarvan er één was gelegen in Zuid-Flevoland en het andere te Heelsum, is het ontstaan van een resistante populatie bestudeerd bij een twee-wekelijkse toepassing van een mengsel van metalaxyl en mancozeb. Pootgoed, gebruikt in het op praktijkschaal uitgevoerde experiment in Zuid-Flevoland, bleek waarschijnlijk besmet te zijn met metalaxyl-resistente stammen, zoals op 1 juli werd vastgesteld in een onbehandeld gedeelte van het perceel. Op het behandelde gedeelte bleek het mengsel de ontwikkeling van de ziekte aanzienlijk te vertragen; evenwel werd na 16 juli een wekelijkse bespuiting met een maneb/fentin acetaat-bevattend produkt uitgevoerd voor een zo goed mogelijk ziektebestrijding.Op het in Heelsum gelegen proefveld werd op 5 augustus de ziekte het eerst waargenomen in het behandelde gedeelte, nadat de planten in het onbehandelde gedeelte, ten gevolgen van een doelbewuste inoculatie met gevoelige stammen op een naast gelegen aardappel-selectieveld, reeds voor meer dan 50% waren aangetast. Uit aangetaste bladeren van het behandelde gedeelte konden metalaxyl-resistente stammen worden geïsoleerd. In de loop van augustus bleek het metalaxyl/mancozeb-mengsel niet in staat verdere uitbreiding van de ziekte tegen te gaan en trad knolinfectie op. Begin september werden uitsluitend resistente stammen aangetroffen.Geen enkel verband kon worden vastgesteld tussen het optreden van metalaxyl-resistentie en het voorkomen van een bepaald fysio van de schimmel. Op een totaal van 79 isolaten konden 23 verschillende fysio's worden geïdentificeerd. Het fysio werd de meeste keren gevonden, gevolgd door fysio Tien verschillende fysio's werden aangetroffen onder de 37 getoetste metalaxyl-resistente isolaten.  相似文献   

In The Netherlands in 1980 a severe late-blight epidemic involving metalaxyl-resistant strains of Phytophthora infestans did considerable damage to the potato crop. As a consequence metalaxyl or metalaxyl-containing products were withdrawn from the Dutch fungicide market for the control of potato late blight. In 1981 the majority of the P. infestans isolates obtained from various parts of the country were sensitive to metalaxyl. In three areas where metalaxyl mixtures were used on a relatively large scale metalaxyl-resistant strains dominated the population. Incidental use of metalaxyl mixtures in 1982 and 1983 showed adequate late-blight control and, when in 1984 an early and in some areas severe epidemic developed, a metalaxyl/mancozeb mixture was reintroduced for curative application in combination with conventional fungicides. Although disease control was adequate, resistant strains were present in a small number of fields. Whether resistant strains will increase in frequency and threaten the usefulness of mixtures of acylalanines will heavily depend on how well potato farmers adopt strategies involving a limited use of mixtures of acylalanines in a spray schedule with conventional late-blight fungicides.  相似文献   

Thirty-six isolates of Phytophthora infestans originating from three different potato growing regions in the Netherlands were tested for their aggressiveness to leaves of potato cultivar Bintje under controlled conditions. Measurements of latent period, maximal growth rate, infection efficiency and sporulation intensity were made and a composite aggressiveness index was calculated. Large variation in aggressiveness was present among isolates for each regional P. infestans population studied. The three populations differed significantly in latent period, but not for maximal growth rate and infection efficiency. Phenotypic variation existed for all components of aggressiveness and the aggressiveness index in P. infestans from each regional source. No association was found between mating type and aggressiveness. It is concluded that high levels of variation for aggressiveness are being generated and maintained through sexual reproduction in P. infestans strains from regional potato growing practices.  相似文献   

Single-oospore progeny from matings between field isolates of Phytophthora infestans either highly resistant or sensitive to metalaxyl were analysed for fungicide sensitivity in vitro, mating type and, in some cases, allozyme variation at the locus for glucosephosphate isomerase ( GPI-1. ) In each cross the majority of first-generation (F1) progeny showed intermediate sensitivity to metalaxyl. Frequency distributions were skewed towards sensitivity and a few progeny were either wholly sensitive or resistant phenotypes. Allozyme analysis of F1 progeny from a cross between parents of Dutch and Mexican origin showed that c. 10% were selfs of both parents and of parental phenotype for metalaxyl sensitivity. The selfs of the A2 but not the Al parent segregated for mating type. Two backcross generations to the metalaxyl-resistant Dutch parent gave unexpected phenotypic frequency distributions and aberrant ratios for genotypes at the GPI-I locus.
Progeny of another backcross between an F1 isolate of intermediate sensitivity and its sensitive Egyptian parent gave a 1:1 ratio for sensitive: intermediate phenotypes. F2 progeny from a related sibmating between intermediate phenotypes segregated in a ratio close to 1:2:1 for sensitive: intermediate: resistant phenotypes. Segregation was also observed among sexual progeny of an intermediate self-fertile isolate from the backcross generation but not among progeny of a resistant self-fertile phenotype. Mating type segregated in both cases.
These data are consistent with resistance to metalaxyl in P. infestans being governed by a single nuclear locus exhibiting incomplete dominance. This hypothesis is discussed in relation to the incidence of resistance to metalaxyl in natural populations of P. infestans.  相似文献   

In winter/spring 1984 resistance to metalaxyl developed in Phytophthora infestans within tomato greenhouses in Preveza, Greece. The appearance of resistant isolates followed continuous applications of metalaxyl and prevalence of weather conditions favourable for late blight. The majority of resistant isolates grew on tomato leaf discs floated on solutions containing 100 μg/ml metalaxyl whereas sensitive isolates were inhibited at concentrations of 0.1 μg/ml.
In trials within polyethylene tunnels metalaxyl had no effect on the development of the late blight induced by resistant strains but both a mixture of this fungicide with mancozeb and mancozeb alone, gave satisfactory control of the disease when applied in a 7-day schedule.  相似文献   

马铃薯晚疫病菌对甲霜灵抗性机制的初步研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
 选取对甲霜灵敏感、中抗和高抗的马铃薯晚疫病菌(Phytophthora infestans)菌株各2株,采用电导率法和同位素掺入法,研究了甲霜灵对马铃薯晚疫病菌不同抗药性水平菌株细胞膜通透性和RNA聚合酶活性的影响,借助液相色谱分析方法检测了不同抗药性水平菌株对甲霜灵的降解作用。结果表明:甲霜灵对马铃薯晚疫病菌不同抗药性水平菌株的细胞膜通透性没有明显影响;随着甲霜灵浓度提高,敏感菌株的RNA聚合酶活性受到显著抑制,10μg/mL甲霜灵对敏感菌株RNA聚合酶活性的抑制率达到40%以上,而10和100μg/mL甲霜灵对高抗菌株的RNA聚合酶活性只表现轻微的抑制作用,抑制作用分别小于8%和21%,甲霜灵对中抗菌株RNA聚合酶活性的抑制作用介于对敏感菌株和高抗菌株的抑制作用之间。抗性菌株对甲霜灵有一定的降解作用,培养30d后高抗菌株HL105和SC1的降解率分别达到13.46%和16.14%。  相似文献   

In recent years, late blight, caused by Phytophthora infestans (Mont) De Bary, has increased in severity in many parts of the world, and this has been associated with migrations which have introduced new, arguably more aggressive, populations of the pathogen. In Taiwan, late blight has been endemic on outdoor tomato crops grown in the highlands since the early 1900s, but recent epidemics have been more damaging. To ascertain the present status of the Taiwanese population of P infestans, 139 isolates of the pathogen collected and maintained by the Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center (AVRDC) were characterized using mating type, metalaxyl sensitivity, allozyme genotype, mitochondrial haplotype and RFLP fingerprinting. Up to 1997, all isolates were found to belong to the old clonal lineage of P infestans (US-1 and variants), but in isolates from 1998 a new genotype appeared, and by 2000 this had apparently completely displaced the old population. This new genotype was an A1 mating type and has the dilocus allozyme genotype 100/100/111, 100/100 for the loci coding for glucose-6-phosphate isomerase and peptidase, respectively. These characters, together with RG57 fingerprinting, indicated that these isolates belonged to the US-11 clonal lineage, a minority (11%) being a previously unreported variant of US-11. Whereas metalaxyl-resistant isolates were not detected in the old population, 96% of the new genotypes proved resistant, with the remainder being intermediate in sensitivity. It may be inferred from this sudden, marked change in the characteristics of the Taiwanese P infestans that a new population of the pathogen was introduced around 1997-98 and that this may well have already been metalaxyl-resistant when it arrived, although a role for in situ selection cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

Genotypic changes in populations of Phytophthora infestans in Southern Flevoland (150km2) were analysed by characterising isolates from potato refuse piles, conventional and organic potato fields, and potatoes and tomatoes in allotment gardens for mating type (1712 isolates) and DNA fingerprint pattern using probe RG57 (1048 isolates). The overall percentages of genotypes (and of isolates) that were A2 varied from 32 (4) in 1994 to 45 (56) in 1996. Among the 1048 isolates 170 different genotypes were identified, of which 138 (81%) were rare (i.e., detected in only one sampling site in the research area during 1993–1996). Many rare genotypes were encountered in organic potato fields and in allotment gardens. In 1994 and 1995, four genotypes were abundant. The highest percentages of isolates with these common genotypes were encountered in refuse piles and conventional potato fields. The common genotypes were nearly absent in 1996, suggesting that the population may have passed through a bottleneck at the transition from 1995 to 1996. The Shannon index of genotypic diversity was high in allotment gardens and in organic potato fields. For the total populations the normalised Shannon index of genotypic diversity increased from 0.34 in 1994, with weather favourable to late blight, to 0.61 in 1996, with unfavourable weather. The high numbers of rare genotypes detected every year indicate that oospores may act as an infection source in commercial potato fields. However, refuse piles were identified as the most important infection sources for commercial fields in 1994 and 1995. In 1996 disease in commercial organic fields was probably initiated by a few genotypes originating from seed tubers. In allotment gardens oospores were probably the most important infection source.  相似文献   

Ten institutions in nine countries joined together to test the stability of resistance of 14 potato genotypes to the oomycete pathogen Phytophthora infestans in three separate trials. Seven of the genotypes were tested in one trial involving seven locations, and all 14 were tested in two subsequent trials, each involving eight locations. Stability of resistance was tested with nonparametric tests and with an additive main effects and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) model. Overall, resistance to P. infestans was robust; resistant genotypes were consistently resistant in all locations and trials. The nonparametric analysis indicated that specific genotypes were basically stable across sites for resistance. In trial 3, the Z statistic for overall stability was significant at 0·05%, indicating a significant level of interaction across the trial, but there were no significant interactions for specific genotypes in this trial. The genotype by environment (G × E) effect of the AMMI model was highly significant in both trials, but the mean square of G × E was less than 10% of the genotype effect in each trial. The first two principal components (PCA1 and PCA2) of the AMMI analyses together explained 75 and 80% of the interaction effects in trials 2 and 3, respectively. Based on both nonparametric and AMMI analyses, Ecuador and Argentina were locations of relatively high interaction effects for both trials 2 and 3, although in Ecuador this interaction was not associated with any particular potato genotype. Other locations also had high interaction effects, but these occurred in only one trial. The genotypes Chata Blanca and, to a lesser extent, Torridon were relatively unstable in trials 2 and 3, but in the case of Torridon, resistant, this did not represent a significant loss of resistance.  相似文献   

Samenvatting Uit combinaties van A1- en A2-paringstypen vanPhytophthora infestans werden zowel bij tomaat als bij aardappel oösporen verkregen in de plant. Oösporen werden niet in de bladeren gevormd, maar werden veelvuldig aangetroffen in de epidermis van de stengels. De proeven werden uitgevoerd in de klimaatkamer; de veldsituatie moet nog onderzocht worden.  相似文献   

During the period 1978–1992, phenylamide fungicides in co-formulation with the dithiocarbamate fungicide mancozeb were tested for the control of potato late-blight in 51 separate field experiments in England and Wales. Whilst there was a general trend over all the experiments which indicated that foliage blight was less severe where the phenylamide + dithiocarbamate mixture had been used, the benefit was more marked in some than in others. Despite the detection of phenylamide resistance, at some sites the mixture gave better control of foliage blight than the dithiocarbamate alone. At one site where continuous data were available, the additional benefit of the phenylamide compound for control of foliage infection was lost after 1986 coinciding with a rise in phenylamide resistance from 31.7% in 1986 to 81% in 1987. Where foliar blight epidemics occurred, yield responses to fungicide programmes compared with unsprayed controls ranged from 0 to +118.5% with a mean response of +30.2%. This is equivalent to 30.8 and 12.92 t/ha respectively. Standardized yield differences were calculated to allow inter-trial and inter-year comparisons and showed no benefit from the phenylamide fungicide applied at 14-day intervals in 33 out of 38 experiments where foliar blight epidemics occurred. At one site, Cusum analysis of standardized yield differences following treatment with the phenylamide + dithiocarbamate mixture and the dithiocarbamate alone showed a mean benefit from the phenylamide mixture of 2.23 t/ha during the period 1978 to 1986. From 1987 to 1992, the yield benefit dropped to a mean level of 0.68 t/ha a decrease of 69.5%. In experiments where blight was not recorded, fungicide treatments had no deleterious effect on yields. Over all the trials, there was no effect of fungicide treatment on the incidence of tuber blight at harvest.  相似文献   

Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary, the causal agent of potato late blight, was first discovered in Europe in 1845. Until 1980, only A1 mating type isolates were known to occur in Europe. The absence of A2 mating type isolates restrained the fungus from sexual reproduction. In the early 1980s, A2 mating type isolates were discovered in Europe. Presumably, a new introduction ofP. infestans isolates originating from Mexico had taken place. In this paper, the significance of the presence of A1 and A2 mating type isolates in the Netherlands is reviewed. Now that both mating types are present, sexual reproduction can occur and its consequences for the control of potato late blight are discussed.  相似文献   

Potato cultivars were evaluated for their resistance responses to aggressive strains of Phytophthora infestans in field and laboratory experiments. Analysis of variance revealed differential cultivar-by-isolate interactions for both foliar and tuber blight resistance. Differential responses occur as revealed by specific susceptibilities of cultivars to certain pathogen genotypes and changing rank order. In general, severity of late blight epidemics as observed in the haulms did not correlate well with foliar blight resistance ratings as presented in the National List of Recommended Potato Varieties. No significant correlation was found between tuber blight incidence under field conditions and the tuber blight rating in the National List. Also, there was no relation between the field and laboratory tuber blight resistance assessments. A significant association was demonstrated between late blight infection in the foliage and tuber blight incidence under field conditions. The presence of differential interaction, independent of R-gene-based resistance, indicates some adaptation of P. infestans to partial resistance and consequently adverse effects on the stability and durability of partial resistance to potato late blight.  相似文献   

Differential interactions in tuber blight attack between potato cultivars and Phytophthora infestans isolates were studied using whole tuber and tuber slice assays. Tuber blight incidence and severity were studied in a whole tuber assay, whilst necrosis and mycelium coverage were evaluated in a tuber slice assay. The overall defence reaction of the potato cultivars tested varied considerably. Cultivars like Kartel and Producent showed resistant reactions, whilst Bintje and, to a lesser extent, Astarte reacted more susceptibly after inoculation with aggressive strains of P. infestans . A highly significant cultivar by year interaction was observed when tuber blight incidence was evaluated in two successive years. Differential responses were revealed by changing ranked order of cultivars after exposure to aggressive isolates of P. infestans . The results show that cultivar by isolate interactions existed for all components of tuber blight resistance studied. The quantitative nature of the observed resistance responses suggests the presence of quantitative trait loci governing resistance to tuber blight. The consequences of differential interactions in relation to the stability of tuber resistance are discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Coverless petri dishes with water suspensions of sporangia and zoospores of Phytophthora infestans were embedded in sandy soil in eastern Washington in July and October 2001 and July 2002 to quantify longevity of spores in water under natural conditions. Effects of solar radiation intensity, presence of soil in petri dishes (15 g per dish), and a 2-h chill period on survival of isolates of clonal lineages US-8 and US-11 were investigated. Spores in water suspensions survived 0 to 16 days under nonshaded conditions and 2 to 20 days under shaded conditions. Mean spore survival significantly increased from 1.7 to 5.8 days when soil was added to the water. Maximum survival time of spores in water without soil exposed to direct sunlight was 2 to 3 days in July and 6 to 8 days in October. Mean duration of survival did not differ significantly between chilled and nonchilled sporangia, but significantly fewer chilled spores survived for extended periods than that of nonchilled spores. Spores of US-11 and US-8 isolates did not differ in mean duration of survival, but significantly greater numbers of sporangia of US-8 survived than did sporangia of US-11 in one of three trials.  相似文献   

The aggressiveness of four Phytophthora infestans isolates collected from wild and cultivated potato species (sect. Petota ) and the level of resistance of nine Petota species were assessed in the highland tropics of Ecuador. For this, isolates of P. infestans were inoculated on whole plants of Petota species in the field and net house and six epidemiological components – infection frequency (IF), incubation period (IP), latent period (LP), lesion size (LS), lesion growth rate (LGR), and relative area under the lesion expansion curve (RAULEC) – were measured during a single infection cycle. Additionally, host specificity was determined by testing for a significant host by pathogen interaction using the same components. The results showed significant differences among isolates of the EC-1 clonal lineage for IP, IF, and RAULEC. Significant differences among isolates were not found for the other components measured. There were significant differences in resistance among the accessions of Petota hosts tested. RAULEC, LGR, LP, and LS were in general more adequate in differentiating among the more resistant and more susceptible accessions but the importance of each component varied with host species. There was slight and inconsistent evidence for the existence of host specificity in some isolates of Petota hosts. IP was the only component for which a significant host by isolate interaction was observed and in most cases the isolates had the greatest aggressiveness on their hosts of origin.  相似文献   

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