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Potato Solanum tuberosum is one of the world’s four most important crops. Its cultivation is steadily increasing in response to the need to feed a growing world population. The yield of potato is influenced inter alia by both climate and pests. The main defoliator pest of potato is Colorado potato beetle Leptinotarsa decemlineata. Using data from a long-term experiment (1958–2013) in western Poland, we show that increasing temperature has affected the trophic relationship between potato and Colorado potato beetle. The planting, leafing, flowering and harvest dates for potato were advanced, after controlling for different cultivars, by 2.00 days, 3.04 days, 3.80 days and 3.42 days respectively for every 1 °C increase in temperature. In contrast, first treatment against Colorado potato beetle advanced by 4.66 days for every 1 °C increase in temperature, and, furthermore, the number of treatments against the beetle increased by 0.204 per 1 °C increase in temperature. This suggests that the beetle responds faster to increasing temperature than the plant does, but both parts of the system are probably greatly modified by farming practices.  相似文献   

A cryV gene,specifically toxic to Lepidoptera and Coleoptera,was incorporated into binary vectors with different promoters and the presence or absence of the β-glucuronidase(gus) reporter gene.These constructs were integrated into potato cv.Spunta by Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation.Highest expression of cryV gene,determined by mRNA levels and insect mortality,was obtained using the CaMV 35S promoter without the gus gene configuration.Detached leaf and tuber bioassays showed a mortality rate of up to 83% and 100%,respectively,for potato tuber moth(Phthorimaea operculella Zeller) in the transgenic lines.Our results demonstrated that the presence of the gus gene negatively affects the expression level of the cryV gene.Bt expression was also facilitated by using the(ocs)3 mas super promoter,whereas the Bt expression regulated by the patatin promoter(tuber-specific) was too low to have any effect upon the mortality of potato tuber moth.These results represent significant improvement in the level of host plant resistance for the control of potato tuber moth via Bt transgenes.  相似文献   

The exploration of nature as a source of sustainable, novel bioactive substances continues to grow as natural products play a significant role in the search for new therapeutic and agricultural agents. In this context, plants of the genus Pereskia (Cactaceae) have been studied for their biological activities, and are evolving as an interesting subject in the search for new, bioactive compounds. These species are commonly used as human foodstuffs and in traditional medicine to treat a variety of diseases. This review focuses on the bioactivity and chemical composition of the genus Pereskia, and aims to stimulate further studies on the chemistry and biological potential of the genus.  相似文献   

A. Sonnino 《Potato Research》2000,43(4):395-445


Report of the joint meeting of the Potato Section of EUCARPIA and the Section Breeding and varietal assessment of the EAPR, 3–7 July, 2000, Warsaw (Poland)  相似文献   

Peru has 103 taxa of wild potatoes (species, subspecies, varieties, and forms) according to Hawkes (1990; modified by us by a reduction of species in theSolanum brevicaule complex) and including taxa described by C. Ochoa since 1989. Sixty-nine of these 103 taxa (67% ) were unavailable from any of the world’s genebanks and 85 of them (83%) had less than three germplasm accessions. We conducted a collaborative Peru (INIA), United States (NRSP-6), and International Potato Center (CIP) wild potato (Solanum sect.Petota) collecting expedition in Peru to collect germplasm and gather taxonomic data. This is the first of a series of planned expeditions from 1998–2002. We collected from February 18 to April 18, 1998, in the southern departments of Apurímac, Arequipa, Cusco, Moquegua, Puno, and Tacna. We made 57 germplasm collections, including 14 taxa that are the first available as germplasm for any country (Solanum aymaraesense, S. chillonanum, S. incasicum, S. megistacrolobum subsp.megistacrolobum f. purpureum, S. longiusculus, S. multiflorum,S. pillahuatense, S. sawyeri, S. sandemanii, S. tacnaense, S. tarapatanum, S. urubambae, S. velardei, S. villuspetalum), and two additional taxa that are the first available for Peru but with germplasm from Bolivia (S. megistacrolobum subsp.toralapanum, S. yungasense). Collections also were made for the rare taxaS. acroscopicum, S. buesii, S. limbaniense, andS. santolallae. Our collections suggest the following minimum synonymy may be needed for Peruvian potatoes:S. sawyeri as a synonym ofS. tuberosum;S. hawkesii andS. incasicum as synonyms ofS. raphanifolium;S. multiflorum andS. villuspetalum as synonyms ofS. urubambae.  相似文献   

Ingestion of broad bean seeds will precipitate an acute haemolytic anaemia (favism) in certain sensitive subjects. Aqueous extracts from both fresh and dried mature broad bean seeds, obtained from a favism-endemic area in Iran, were incubated with blood from favism-sensitive and control subjects. Changes in the reduced glutathione content of red blood cells were determined as an index of toxicity. The results showed that:
  1. The toxic principles in broad beans were at least partially water soluble.
  2. The seed coats of dry mature seeds and the flesh from fresh seeds had low toxicity.
  3. The immature whole seeds and the seed coats of fresh mature seeds were toxic.

The toxicity of Cnidaria is a subject of concern due to its influence on humans. In particular, jellyfish blooms can highly affect human economical activities, such as bathing, fishery, tourism, etc., as well as the public health. Stinging structures of Cnidaria (nematocysts) produce remarkable effects on human skin, such as erythema, swelling, burning and vesicles, and at times further severe dermonecrotic, cardio- and neurotoxic effects, which are particularly dangerous in sensitive subjects. In several zones the toxicity of jellyfish is a very important health problem, thus it has stimulated the research on these organisms; to date toxicological research on Cnidarian venoms in the Mediterranean region is not well developed due to the weak poisonousness of venoms of jellyfish and anemones living in this area. In spite of this, during last decades several problems were also caused in the Mediterranean by stinging consequent to Cnidarian blooms mainly caused by Pelagia noctiluca (Forsskål, 1775) which is known to be the most venomous Mediterranean jellyfish. This paper reviews the knowledge on this jellyfish species, particularly considering its occurrence and toxicity.  相似文献   

Electrically conductive substrates with chromic behavior are prepared using conductive polymer coating of the substrate. Poly (3-methylthiophene) (P3MT) — coated polyester fabric with specific electrical and chromic properties, for instance electrochromic and piezochromic behavior, was successfully obtained by chemical polymerization with the help of continuous and speed stirring technique. The effect of polymerization time, temperature and oxidant concentration on conductivity of the P3MT-coated fabric was studied. The presence of P3MT particles on the surface of the coated substrate was confirmed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and UV-Vis spectroscopy, electrical surface resistivity, pressure and applied voltage dependence visible reflectance spectrophotometer measurements, and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis. The blue shift of c95 nm in wavelength of maximum absorption observed in the reflectance spectra of coated polyester fabric. Under high pressure, the P3MT-coated polyester fabric demonstrated piezochromism. The coated substrate also showed electrochromic behavior under an electrical applied voltage of 12 V.  相似文献   

Plant Foods for Human Nutrition - Açai (Euterpe oleracea) is a palm plant that is native to South America and produces deep purple berry fruits. Despite açai’s popularity as a...  相似文献   

Anthonomus signatus, the strawberry bud weevil, is active in early spring coinciding with the bloom period of host plants and when managed and unmanaged pollinators are active. Female A. signatus cause injury to the host plant during egg laying when they deposit a single egg inside an unopened flower bud and then girdle or “clip” the bud at the pedicel. Past efforts to control A. signatus populations have relied on the use of broad spectrum insecticides. Fields are either treated at the first signs of damage, or precautionary treatments may be applied prophylactically in fields with a history of damage. Because A. signatus damage occurs during bloom, there is concern about the potential harm to pollinators caused by these treatments. In order to identify materials more compatible for use during bloom, the efficacy of reduced risk pesticides against A. signatus was tested in semi-field bioassays over two years. Beauveria bassiana, cyantraniliprole, novaluron, and pyrethrins were assessed in the first year, and none caused significant A. signatus mortality. Acetamiprid, flonicamid, and spinosad were compared in the second year, acetamiprid and spinosad had higher A. signatus mortality than an untreated control, and exposure to spinosad resulted in similar mortality to bifenthrin, an industry standard material.  相似文献   

This study aimed at surveying the local calliphorid and sarcophagid species in Maranhão State (Brazil) to determine their distribution and abundance, as well as the distribution of exotic Chrysomya species. In total, 18,128 calliphorid specimens were collected, distributed in 7 genera and 14 species. The species Hemilucilia semidiaphana (Rondani, 1850) and Paralucilia paraensis (Mello, 1969) were new state records. Chrysomya albiceps (Wiedemann, 1819) and Cochliomyia macellaria (F., 1775) were the most abundant species, and the exotic species of Chrysomya together contributed more than 50% of total blow fly abundance. The abundance distribution of the calliphorid community conformed to a log series model, characterized by a steep curve that reflects an assemblage with a high degree of dominance. For the Sarcophagidae, a total of 14,810 specimens were collected and distributed in 15 genera, 11 subgenera, and 52 species. Tricharaea (Sarcophagula) occidua (F., 1794) and Peckia (Sarcodexia) lambens (Wiedemann, 1830) were the most abundant species. The abundance distribution of the species followed a log normal model, with a gentler slope, consistent with a more uniform community. The cumulative species curve for the sarcophagids did not reach the asymptote. Forty-three sarcophagid species were new state records and 22 were new records for the Brazilian northeast, which emphasizes the need for a continued survey in this region.  相似文献   

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