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Artificial regeneration of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) has been applied to a variety of forest site in Lapland. Occasional failures in regeneration have been observed on sites with high soil moisture contents and originally dominated by Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst). Understorey vegetation was studied on four naturally pine-dominated and eight spruce-dominated sites to determine suitable indicator plants for assessing soil moisture regimes. Soil moisture contents were estimated using the in situ dielectric measurements with radar surface arrival detection targeted to a depth of 0-50 cm. The abundance and frequence of plant species were analysed using logistic regression. The most reliable indicators were found to be Stereocaulon and Cladonia lichens for the dry regime (θv<25%), and Polytrichum commune Hedw. and Carex globularis L. for the wet regime (θv>25%). It was concluded that the indicator plants found in this study provide an alternative to the traditional Finnish forest site type approach in recognizing high soil moisture regimes.  相似文献   

We studied the seasonal patterns of water use in three woody species co-occurring in a holm oak forest in northeastern Spain. The three species studied, Quercus ilex L., Phillyrea latifolia L. and Arbutus unedo L., constitute more than 99% of the total basal area of the forest. The study period included the dry seasons of 1999 and 2000. Water use was estimated with Granier-type sap flux sensors. Standard meteorological variables, soil water content and leaf water potentials were also monitored. All monitored individuals reduced leaf-related sap flow (Q(l)) during the summer, concurrent with an increase in soil moisture deficit (SMD). Despite similar maximum Q(l) between species, the decline in Q(l) with increasing SMD was species-dependent. The average reduction in Q(l) between early summer and the peak of the drought was 74% for A. unedo (n = 3), 58% for P. latifolia (n = 3) and 87% for Q. ilex (n = 1). The relationship between canopy stomatal conductance (G(s)) and vapor pressure deficit (D) changed during the course of the drought, with progressively lower G(s) for any given D. Summertime reductions of Q(l) and G(s) were associated with between-species differences in vulnerability to xylem embolism, and with the corresponding degree of native embolism (lowest in P. latifolia and highest in Q. ilex). Our results, combined with previous studies in the same area, outlined differences among the species studied in manner of responding to water shortage, with P. latifolia able to maintain water transport at much lower water potentials than the other two species. In an accompanying experiment, A. unedo responded to an experimental reduction in water availability by reducing Q(l) during the summer. This species also modified its water use between years according to the different seasonal patterns of precipitation. These results are discussed in relation to the possible impacts that climate change will have on Q. ilex-dominated forests.  相似文献   

Whole-tree water use of nine Pinus cembra trees was estimated in the treeline ecotone of the Central Austrian Alps. Sap flow density using Granier-type thermal dissipation probes and environmental parameters was monitored along an elevational gradient from the forest limit up to treeline and finally mediating the krummholz limit throughout two growing seasons. Normalized sap flow density (Q s) was significantly correlated with solar radiation (R s) and vapor pressure deficit (D) throughout the treeline ecotone. Multiple regression analysis indicated that at the forest limit and at treeline, D had a similar effect on Q s than R s. At the krummholz limit by contrast, D had a greater effect on Q s than R s due to partially stomatal closure and wind-induced clustering of the needles, which impaired their response to available irradiance. Whole-tree water use scaled to crown surface area estimated for an entire growing (172 days) declined from 449 mm at the forest limit to 274 mm at treeline and was 251 mm at the krummholz limit, which is within the values estimated for other European forest ecosystems. Nevertheless, the observation above the forest limit in the central Tyrolean Alps tree transpiration scaled to crown surface area is comparable to the water use of adjacent low-stature vegetation, which should also be taken into account when forecasting potential effects of global change on the water balance of the treeline ecotone.  相似文献   

We examined water use by maturing Eucalyptus regnans, growing with or without an mid-storey stratum of Acacia spp. (Acacia dealbata or A. melanoxylon), for >180 consecutive days. Study sites were located in the Upper Yarra catchment area in south-eastern Australia. Depending on their contribution to stand basal area, mid-storey Acacia spp. increased total stand water use by up to 30%. Monthly water use in such stands reached more than 640,000 L ha−1 (compared to 545,000 L ha−1 in stands where acacias were absent) in early spring. Water use was curvilinearly related to sapwood area of Acacia spp. and logistically related to sapwood area of E. regnans. Water use of all three species showed a strong relation to daily maximum air temperatures. Distinct and simple relationships provide clear guides to the likely impacts of climate change and forest management on water yield. We compared a traditional up-scaling approach, from individual tree water use to stand water use, to a new approach that incorporates variation in temperature. Development of this approach can lead to greater precision of stand water use estimates – and in turn catchment water yield – under current climate change scenarios, which predict a rise in air temperatures of 0.6–2.5 °C by 2050 for the study area. Our temperature-dependent approach suggests that under conditions of non-limiting water availability, stand water use will rise by 2% for every 0.25 °C increase in maximum air temperatures during winter, and possibly more than that during summer.  相似文献   

Tinus RW 《Tree physiology》1996,16(9):795-799
Container-grown quiescent Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca (Beissn.) Franco) seedlings were air dried to plant water potentials of -0.2, -2.2 or -3.8 MPa (unstressed, moderate, and severe stress treatments, respectively). Trees from each treatment were either placed in root mist chambers held at 10, 20, or 28 degrees C for 28 days and root growth potential (RGP) and plant water potential (PWP) measured weekly, or potted in a 1/1 mix of peat and vermiculite, watered only once, and height growth and survival recorded after 10 weeks in an unheated greenhouse. Root growth potential of unstressed trees was greater than that of moderately stressed trees at all temperatures. Root growth potential of severely stressed trees was zero. Predawn plant water potentials of unstressed and moderately stressed trees were initially high, fell to -0.5 to -0.8 MPa, and then increased. Predawn plant water potential of severely stressed trees declined continuously over the 28-day experiment. Survival and height growth of the severely stressed trees were reduced compared to the unstressed and moderately stressed trees. Among the root growth potential measurements, RGP measured after 7 days at 10 degrees C was most sensitive to drought stress history and revealed differences in vigor that were not apparent from the survival and height growth data.  相似文献   

Effects of flooding on water transport in mangroves have previously been investigated in a few studies, most of which were conducted on seedlings in controlled settings. In this study, we used heat-dissipation sap probes to determine if sap flow (J(s)) attenuates with radial depth into the xylem of mature trees of three south Florida mangrove species growing in Rookery Bay. This was accomplished by inserting sap probes at multiple depths and monitoring diurnal flow. For most species and diameter size class combinations tested, J(s) decreased dramatically beyond a radial depth of 2 or 4 cm, with little sap flow beyond a depth of 6 cm. Mean J(s) was reduced on average by 20% in Avicennia germinans (L.) Stearn, Laguncularia racemosa (L.) Gaertn. f. and Rhizophora mangle L. trees when soils were flooded. Species differences were highly significant, with L. racemosa having the greatest midday J(s) of about 26 g H(2)O m(-2) s(-1) at a radial depth of 2 cm compared with a mean for the other two species of about 15 g H(2)O m(-2) s(-1). Sap flow at a depth of 2 cm in mangroves was commensurate with rates reported for other forested wetland tree species. We conclude that: (1) early spring flooding of basin mangrove forests causes reductions in sap flow in mature mangrove trees; (2) the sharp attenuations in J(s) along the radial profile have implications for understanding whole-tree water use strategies by mangrove forests; and (3) regardless of flood state, individual mangrove tree water use follows leaf-level mechanisms in being conservative.  相似文献   

We compared seasonal changes in maximum diurnal trunk shrinkage (MDS) with seasonal changes in midday stem water potential (Psi(s)) over three years in plum trees grown in differing drip-irrigated regimes. In well-irrigated trees, day-to-day variations in Psi(s) and MDS were related to evaporative demand. Reference equations were obtained to predict MDS and Psi(s) values for well-irrigated trees as functions of environmental conditions. A decrease in plant water status toward the end of the growing season occurred even in the well-irrigated trees, probably reflecting a reduced volume of soil wetted by the drip irrigation system. Thus, for the prediction of Psi(s), different reference equations are required for the fruit-growth and after-harvest phenological periods. A seasonal change in the relationship between MDS and Psi(s) was observed, which compensated for the decrease in plant water status such that well-irrigated trees had similar MDS values during both the fruit-growth and after-harvest periods. The influence of tree size on the relationship between MDS and Psi(s) was also investigated. For tree trunk diameters ranging between 8 and 13 cm, MDS increased 13% for each cm of increase in trunk diameter, as a result of the thicker phloem tissues of the larger trees. This finding may allow extrapolation of Psi(s) predictions based on empirical relationships with MDS to plum trees of different sizes.  相似文献   

The Humus Index, based on the visual assessment of topsoil horizons and a classification of humus forms, is a numerical score which can be used as a correlate of stand and soil properties. In oak stands from the Montargis forest (Loiret, France) we observed a good linear relationship of the Humus Index with most parameters describing stand development (age, basal area (BA), height and diameter at breast height of dominants) and soil type (depth of clay horizon). The relationship with parameters describing nutrient availability (exchangeable bases, base saturation) was similarly good but nonlinear. In the studied forest the Humus Index was affected first by stand age and second by soil type. When corrected for age and soil type, data (96 pooled estimates) indicated a slight decrease in the Humus Index (shift towards more active humus forms) in stands converted from old coppices-with-standards when compared with even-aged high forest.  相似文献   

以文献调研为主,结合野外踏查,对深圳市野生植物和常见栽培植物、建成区内本地植物和外来植物进行了统计分析,得出深圳市"植物物种指数"为0.789,"本地植物指数"为0.701;还分析了深圳植物的区系特点和外来植物的应用现状。    相似文献   

Increased climatic variability, including extended periods of drought stress, may compromise on the health of forest ecosystems. The effects of defoliating pests on plantations may also impact on forest productivity. Interactions between climate signals and pest activity are poorly understood. In this study, we examined the combined effects of reduced water availability and defoliation on maximum photosynthetic rate (A(sat)), stomatal conductance (g(s)), plant water status and growth of Eucalyptus globulus Labill. Field-grown plants were subjected to two water-availability regimes, rain-fed (W-) and irrigated (W+). In the summer of the second year of growth, leaves from 75% of crown length removed from trees in both watering treatments and physiological responses within the canopies were examined. We hypothesized that defoliation would result in improved plant water status providing a mechanistic insight into leaf- and canopy-scale gas-exchange responses. Defoliated trees in the W+ treatment exhibited higher A(sat) and g(s) compared with non-defoliated trees, but these responses were not observed in the W- treatment. In contrast, at the whole-plant scale, maximum rates of transpiration (E(max)) and canopy conductance (G(Cmax)) and soil-to-leaf hydraulic conductance (K(P)) increased in both treatments following defoliation. As a result, plant water status was unaffected by defoliation and trees in the defoliated treatments exhibited homeostasis in this respect. Whole-plant soil-to-leaf hydraulic conductance was strongly correlated with leaf scale g(s) and A(sat) following the defoliation, providing a mechanistic insight into compensatory up-regulation of photosynthesis. Above-ground height and diameter growth were unaffected by defoliation in both water availability treatments, suggesting that plants use a range of responses to compensate for the impacts of defoliation.  相似文献   

Arid and semi-arid regions are characterized by low rainfall and high potential evaporative demand. Here, water is the major limiting factor for plant growth and productivity. Soil and surface hydrology properties (e.g. field capacity, infikration rates) effectively control the water re-distribution in the ecosystem, a fact that is aggravated in arid environments. Information of the spatial and temporal accessibility of soil water in desert ecosystems is limited. The purpose of the studies is the application of plant water potential to estimate the spatial and temporal variations of soil water availability in different arid ecosystems of the Negev (Israel) and southern Morocco. As model plants the evergreen shrubs Retama raetam, Thymelaea hirsuta and trees (Acacia tortilis) were chosen. Seasonal and spatial variations of the pre-dawn water potential (ψpd) were examined as diagnostic tool to determine water availability on the landscape level. The seasonal differences in the pre-dawn water potential were less pronounced on the dune compared to the interdune. This showed a better water availability on the dune slope. Also in the investigated wadis systems spatial differences of the water potential could be detected and related to the vegetation pattern.  相似文献   

This study is based on Quercus mongolica, Fraxinus mandshurica, Phellodendron amurense, Juglans mandshurica, Tilia amurensis, and Pinus koraiensis trees of the same age (12 years) and seedling origin under the same site conditions. The sap flow density, water consumption, and related environmental factors were also measured using thermal dissipation method and ICT-2000TE (Transpiration-Environment) automatic measuring system for tree transpiration and environmental factors. On clear days during the growing season, the sap flow density exhibited mono-peak diurnal patterns, mostly between 10:00 and 14:00, except for Phellodendron amurense, whose sap flow showed two peaks during the daytime three times. The photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and vapour pressure deficit (VPD) were the major factors influencing diurnal changes in sap flow, which explained 60%–74% variations in sap flow density for all species except Phellodendron amurense. Maximum sap flow densities for F. mandshurica, Phellodendron amurense, Q. mongolica, J. mandshurica, T. amurensis, and Pinus koraiensis were 516.36, 234.00, 625.93, 945.83, 507.93, and 286.21 cm3/(cm2·h), in July, June, September, August, August, and July, respectively. Water consumption during the whole growing season for J. mandshurica, T. amurensis, F. mandshurica, Pinus koraiensis, Phellodendron amurense, and Q. mongolica was 3,840, 2,820, 2,710, 2,120, 1,470, and 1,390 kg/sapling, respectively. __________ Translated from Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 2005, 41(3): 36–42 [译自: 林业科学, 2005, 41(3): 36–42]  相似文献   

We seek the minimum harvest age and threshold price for sustaining forest management by constructing a stochastic dynamic programming model using a geometric mean-reverting process for log price dynamics. Three decisions—“Wait for harvest”, “Harvest & Plant”, and “Harvest & Abandon”—are assumed. The applied growth simulator is deterministic. Using the monthly time series data of sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) log price from 1975 to 2006, our analyses show that when the reverted mean is lower than the cost, the minimum harvest age increases as the current price approaches the threshold price, then declines. In other cases with a higher reverted mean, the minimum harvest age increases as the current or initial log price decreases. When the initial log price approaches the threshold price, the minimum harvest age tends to increase. These phenomena can be used to evaluate the possibility of management abandonment under a stochastic situation of log price dynamics.  相似文献   

This study examined the utility of variable chlorophyll fluorescence (Fvar) to detect freezing damage in white spruce seedlings of four seedlots. Logistic regression analysis done for freezing tests in September showed that visible needle damage from freezing could be estimated by the Fvar attributes Fo/IABS(r2=0.94), Fp(r2=0.98), Fv/Fm (r2=0.99), and F1(r2=0.86). The regression curves indicated that for all four fluorescence attributes, inflection points occurred between 10 and 20% visible needle damage. The lack of a relationship between fluorescence attributes and visible seedling needle damage in October through December is because the minimum temperature (–18 and –24°C respectively) applied was insufficient to cause needle damage. Freezing-induced changes to Fvar attributes can be detected which also result in photosynthetic rate decreases when no visible needle damage, and even electrolyte conductivity changes are evident. Fvar attribute differences due to freezing can be resolved to the seedlot level. The Fvar curve feature manifested 5 seconds after dark-adapted seedlings have been exposed to light (F5s) will estimate (r2=0.76) photosynthetic rate after freezing.  相似文献   

In this study the hydrological regime of Norway spruce (Picea abies) and birch (Betula pendula) growing on heavy soils in the south east of Austria was analysed. Results from the year 2003 characterised by an extremely hot and dry summer are presented in this paper. Due to the extreme weather conditions the soil water content in August 2003 was very low (0.10–0.25 m3 m−3) in the topsoil (0–50 cm) with no explicit difference between both tree species.  相似文献   

Climate simulations anticipate an increase in mean summer temperature with synchronous decrease in summer precipitation during the course of the current century in Central Europe. As a consequence, transpiration of forest trees and stands may be altered along with soil water availability. In this study, the effect of reduced plant water availability to conifers was investigated into an open Pinus sylvestris forest (Erico-Pinetum typicum; P. sylvestris 60 %, Picea abies 20 %; and Larix decidua 20 %) within the inner alpine dry valley of the Inn River in Tyrol, Austria. For reducing plant water availability, we installed a transparent roof construction above the forest floor to prevent precipitation to reach the soil. The roofed area covered 240 m² and included 10 trees. A respective number of 11 trees served as controls in the absence of any manipulation. Roofing significantly reduced plant water availability as indicated in lower predawn needle water potentials. Sap flow density (Q s) was 63, 47, and 24 % lower in roofed P. sylvestris, P. abies, and L. decidua trees, respectively, as compared to control trees. Our findings suggest that P. sylvestris and P. abies behaves “isohydric” as they close their stomata relatively early under conditions of reduced plant water availability and thus stabilize their water relations, whereas L. decidua behaves “anisohydric” and maintains high transpiration rates.  相似文献   

To derive optimal benefits from intercropping timber, farmers should make important initial decisions on tree species and planting density with a good understanding of their tradeoffs. Complex and data-intensive models used by researchers should be supplemented with simpler models based on easily measured parameters and easily understood competition functions. In experiments in the Philippine uplands, growth parameters of three popular farm-forestry species (Eucalyptus deglupta, E. torelliana, and Paraserianthes falcataria) were measured, along with intercropped and non-intercropped yields of maize and vegetables. The commonly used forestry parameter of stand basal area had a significant negative correlation with intercrop yields (as a percentage of non-intercropped yields). The slope of the regression line differed between species; in this study, percent yield loss per unit stem basal area growth was in the order E. deglupta > E. torelliana > P. falcataria. The relationship between stand basal area and intercrop-yield decline was tested on an independent data set from China. Intercrop yields had significant negative correlations with stand basal area of Paulownia elongata. We propose that adaptive tree-screening trials evaluate competitiveness in addition to evaluating growth and mortality. Stand basal area may be better suited to this task than more mechanistic indices such as leaf-area index as it is easy to measure, calculate, and understand, and it may serve as a better index of total (aboveground + belowground) competition. Basal area is also directly related to tree volume, and allows farmers to more easily evaluate the economic tradeoffs between tree growth and intercrop-yield declines. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Sun SJ  Meng P  Zhang JS  Wan X 《Tree physiology》2011,31(12):1378-1389
Temporal and spatial variations in the water status of walnut trees (Juglans regia L.) and the soil in which they were growing were traced by analyzing the differences in hydrogen isotopes during spring and summer in a 7-year-old walnut stand. Walnut root dynamics were measured in both dry and wet seasons. Walnut roots were mainly distributed in the upper soil (0-30 cm depth), with around 60% of the total root mass in upper soil layers and 40% in deep soil layers (30-80 cm depth). The upper soil layers contributed 68% of the total tree water requirement in the wet season, but only 47% in the dry season. In the wet season, total roots, living roots and new roots were all significantly more abundant than in the dry season. There were significant differences in pre-dawn branch percentage loss of hydraulic conductance (PLC), pre-dawn leaf water potential and transpiration between the dry and wet seasons. Water content in the upper soil layers remarkably influenced xylem water stable-hydrogen isotope (δD) values. Furthermore, there were linear relationships between the xylem water δD value and pre-dawn branch PLC, pre-dawn leaf water potential, transpiration rate and photosynthetic rate. In summary, J. regia was compelled to take a larger amount of water from the deep soil layers in the dry season, but this shift could not prevent water stress in the plant. The xylem water δD values could be used as an indicator to investigate the water stress of plants, besides probing profiles of soil water use.  相似文献   

Using thermal dissipation and the ICT-2000TE equipment made in Australia, the sap flow of Castanopsis jianfengensis and various environmental factors were measured simultaneously in a mixed tropical montane rainforest at Jianfengling Nature Forest Reserve (18°369′N, 108°52′E, 860 m elevation) during the dry and rainy seasons of 2002. The results show that sap flow velocity of C. jianfengensis exhibited a monopeak pattern on clear days and a multi-peak pattern on cloudy or rainy days. Sap flow velocity had significant positive correlations with solar radiation, air temperature, vapor pressure deficit and wind speed and a negative correlation with air relative humidity. In the dry season, sap flow velocity had a significant positive correlation with soil temperature and poor correlation with soil moisture; it was the opposite in the rainy season, indicating that precipitation clearly affected sap flow. Linear regression models between sap flow and environmental factors were established and were significant at the 0.005 level of probability. The mean transpiration rates of C. jianfengensis were 103.5 and 41.3 kg/d in our single tree and 1.94 and 0.77 mm/d in stand level in the dry and rainy season, respectively. __________ Translated from the Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 2007, 18(4): 742–748 [译自:应用生态学报]  相似文献   

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