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Above- and belowground biomass in a Brazilian Cerrado   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cerrado is a biome that occupies about 25% of the Brazilian territory and is characterized by a gradient of grassland to savanna and forest formations and by high species richness. It has been severely affected by degradation and deforestation and has been heavily fragmented over the past 4-5 decades. Despite the recognized overall ecological importance of the Cerrado, there are only few studies focusing on the quantification of biomass in this biome. We conducted such a case study in the South-East of Brazil in a cerrado sensu stricto (cerrado s.s.) with the goal to produce estimates of above- and belowground biomass and to develop allometric equations. A number of 120 trees from 18 species were destructively sampled and partitioned into the components: leaves, branches and bole. Five models with DBH (D), height (H), D2H and wood density (WD) as independent variables were tested for the development of allometric models for individual tree aboveground biomass (leaves + branches + bole). One model based on basal area (BA) as a stand parameter was also tested as an alternative approach for predicting aboveground biomass in the stand level. Belowground biomass was estimated by subsampling on 10 sample plots. Mean aboveground tree biomass (bole, branches and leaves) was estimated to be 62,965.5 kg ha−1(SE = 14.6%) and belowground biomass accounted for 37,501.8 kg ha−1 (SE = 23%). The best-fit equation for the estimation of individual tree aboveground biomass include DBH and wood density as explanatory variables (R2 = 0.898; SEE = 0.371) and is applicable for the diameter range of this study (5.0-27.6 cm) and in environments with similar conditions of the cerrado s.s. sampled. In the stand level, the model tested presented a higher goodness of fit than the single tree models (R2 = 0.934; SEE = 0.224). Our estimates of aboveground biomass are higher than reported by other studies developed in the same physiognomy, but the estimates of belowground biomass are within the range of values reported in other studies from sites in cerrado s.s. Both biomass estimates, however, exhibit relatively large standard errors. The root-to-shoot ratio of the sample trees is in the magnitude of reported values for savanna ecosystems, but smaller than estimated from other studies in the cerrado s.s.  相似文献   

We estimated above- and belowground biomass and net primary production (NPP) of a 73-year-old Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) forest stand in the Belgian Campine region. Total biomass for the stand was 176 Mg ha(-1), of which 74.4% was found in stems. The root system contained 12.6% of total biomass, most of it in coarse roots (> 5 mm). Fine roots (< 5 mm) comprised only about 1.7% of total biomass, and more than 50% of fine root biomass was retrieved in the litter layer and the upper 15 cm of the mineral soil. The ratio of belowground biomass to aboveground biomass was 0.14, which is lower than that of other Scots pine forests and other coniferous forests. Between 1995 and 2001, mean annual NPP was 11.2 Mg ha(-1) year(-1), of which 68.7% was allocated to aboveground compartments. Stems, needles and cones made relatively high contributions to total NPP compared with branches. However, branch NPP was possibly underestimated because litterfall of big branches was neglected. The proportion of total NPP in belowground components was 31.3%. Coarse root NPP (2% of total) was low compared with its biomass. Fine root NPP was 3.3 Mg ha(-1) year(-1), representing about 29.5% of total NPP; however, the estimate of fine root NPP is much more uncertain than NPP of aboveground compartments. The ratio NPP/GPP (gross primary production) was 0.32, which was low compared with other coniferous forests.  相似文献   

Coffee (Coffea canephora var robusta) is grown in Southwestern Togo under shade of native Albizia adianthifolia as a low input cropping system. However, there is no information on carbon and nutrient cycling in these shaded coffee systems. Hence, a study was conducted in a mature coffee plantation in Southwestern Togo to determine carbon and nutrient stocks in shaded versus open-grown coffee systems. Biomass of Albizia trees was predicted by allometry, whereas biomass of coffee bushes was estimated through destructive sampling. Above- and belowground biomass estimates were respectively, 140 Mg ha−1 and 32 Mg ha−1 in the coffee–Albizia association, and 29.7 Mg ha−1 and 18.7 Mg ha−1 in the open-grown system. Albizia trees contributed 87% of total aboveground biomass and 55% of total root biomass in the shaded coffee system. Individual coffee bushes consistently had higher biomass in the open-grown than in the shaded coffee system. Total C stock was 81 Mg ha−1 in the shaded coffee system and only 22.9 Mg ha−1 for coffee grown in the open. Apart from P and Mg, considerable amounts of major nutrients were stored in the shade tree biomass in non-easily recyclable fractions. Plant tissues in the shaded coffee system had higher N concentration, suggesting possible N fixation. Given the potential for competition between the shade trees and coffee for nutrients, particularly in low soil fertility conditions, it is suggested that the shade trees be periodically pruned in order to increase organic matter addition and nutrient return to the soil. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

兴安落叶松短轮伐期原料林的营造技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用良种壮苗、火烧清林、机械带状整地、幼林抚育管理等配套技术措施,营造了0.14万hm^2兴安落叶松示范林,其各项技术指标达到了或超过省颁标准。证明了伊春林区营造落叶松短轮伐期原料林是成功的,可行的。  相似文献   

北京落叶松人工林全林分模型研建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以北京森林资源一类调查中侧柏的数据为基础,以Rechards方程为模版,通过spss统计建模工具进行拟合,建立了包括落叶松的树高模型、立地指数、林分密度、断面积指数、全林收获模型、林分生长模型在内的全林分模型。林分生长模型保持了与收获模型的相容性,在此基础上利用林分生长模型,可根据某一时期的林分收获量预知未来某一时期的林分蓄积。通过检验证明,此北京落叶松人工林全林分的林分生长模型有很强的适用性,为有关林业部门确定最优密度指数、立地指数等因子来改善落叶松的经营方式提供了依据。  相似文献   

燕山山地华北落叶松单株生物量与生产力研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据对33株华北落叶松标准木的生物量实测资料,对林木单株与器官生物量分配情况进行了探讨,建立了以胸径、树高为自变量的生物量预测模型;提出了在幼树期(树龄7-15a或胸径1.7-6.6cm)根茎比平均值为0.159,幼树期以后(当树龄超过15a或胸径大于6.6cm时)根冠比平均值为0.236,建立了以林龄、胸径为自变量的根冠比预测模型;以去皮材积一生物量模型为基础进行解析木的生产力模拟,多年平均生产力变化在211.258-4512.804g/a,16a以后进入速生期,到49a时年生产力水平仍很高,建议生产上主伐林龄应推迟到50a以后。  相似文献   

The above- and belowground biomass and nutrient content (N, P, K, Ca, S and Mg) of pure deciduous Nothofagus antarctica (Forster f.) Oersted stands grown in a marginal site and aged from 8 to 180 years were measured in Southern Patagonia. The total biomass accumulated ranged from 60.8 to 70.8 Mg ha−1 for regeneration and final growth stand, respectively. The proportions of belowground components were 51.6, 47.2, 43.9 and 46.7% for regeneration, initial growth, final growth and mature stand, respectively. Also, crown classes affected the biomass accumulation where dominant trees had 38.4 Mg ha−1 and suppressed trees 2.6 Mg ha−1 to the stand biomass in mature stand. Nutrient concentrations varied according to tree component, crown class and stand age. Total nutrient concentration graded in the fallowing order: leaves > bark > middle roots > small branches > fine roots > sapwood > coarse roots > heartwood. While N and K concentrations increased with age in leaves and fine roots, concentration of Ca increased with stand age in all components. Dominant trees had higher N, K and Ca concentrations in leaves, and higher P, K and S concentrations in roots, compared with suppressed trees. Although the stands had similar biomass at different ages, there were important differences in nutrient accumulation per hectare from 979.8 kg ha−1 at the initial growth phase to 665.5 kg ha−1 at mature stands. Nutrient storage for mature and final growth stands was in the order Ca > N > K > P > Mg > S, and for regeneration stand was Ca > N > K > Mg > P > S. Belowground biomass represented an important budget of all nutrients. At early ages, N, K, S, Ca and Mg were about 50% in the belowground components. However, P was 60% in belowground biomass and then increased to 70% in mature stands. These data can assist to quantify the impact of different silviculture practices which should aim to leave material (mainly leaves, small branches and bark) on the site to ameliorate nutrient removal and to avoid a decline of long-term yields.  相似文献   

华北落叶松人工幼林林分密度与生物量的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
华北落叶松(larix principis—rupprechtii Mayr.)是燕山山地的主要树种,生态和经济效益显著。以河北木兰林管局境内13a生华北落叶松人工幼林为研究对象,用样方调查的方法对立地条件相同密度分别为1800、2400和3000株/hm^2的3种林分生物量进行研究,结果表明:林分总生物量随密度的增大而增大,低、中、高3种密度林分总生物量分别为21180.6、26724.6和31352.4kg/hm^2;乔木层生物量最大,占总生物量的98.9%,草本层次之,占0.7%,灌木层最少,仅占0.4%;林木平均木生物量随密度的增大略微减少,密度由低到高其平均木生物量依次为11537.5、11077.3和10357.8g/株;各密度林分乔木层各器官生物量均存在W干〉W枝〉W根〉W叶〉W皮的分布规律;3种密度的林分生物量结构特征基本相同,3000株/hm^2的林分结构合理,更能达到丰产的目的。  相似文献   

文章详细阐述了落叶松菌根真菌的菌种生产、菌落培育和菌苗造林须遵循的技术要点,就落叶松菌根真菌的培育及在造林上的应用提出了自己的观点。  相似文献   

对引种在山西省吕梁山国有林管理局上庄油松种子园31年生落叶松种和种源进行调查,通过方差分析得出,不同落叶松种源间胸径、树高生长差异显著。用胸径的平方乘以树高代表不同落叶松种源综合生长因子,大于平均生长指标的种源有11个,从大到小分别为辽宁草河口日本落叶松、辽宁本溪日本落叶松、山西宁武华北落叶松、辽宁清源日本落叶松、河北宽城华北落叶松、河北丰宁华北落叶松、内蒙巴林华北落叶松、山西沁源华北落叶松、辽宁铁岭日本落叶松、山西文水华北落叶松和陕西横山华北落叶松。用胸径的平方乘以树高代表不同落叶松种综合生长因子,日本落叶松生长指标最大,为5 355.98.通过对31年生落叶松不同种的引种试验,以日本落叶松在上庄油松种子园生长表现最好,其次为华北落叶松,长白落叶松、兴安落叶松表现较差。  相似文献   

Reporting carbon (C) stocks in tree biomass (above- and belowground) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) should be transparent and verifiable. The development of nationally specific data is considered ‘good practice’ to assist in meeting these reporting requirements. From this study, biomass functions were developed for estimating above- and belowground C stock in a 19-year-old stand of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong) Carr.). Our estimates were then tested against current default values used for reporting in Ireland and literature equations. Ten trees were destructively sampled to develop aboveground and tree component biomass equations. The roots were excavated and a root:shoot (R) ratio developed to estimate belowground biomass. Application of the total aboveground biomass function yielded a C stock estimate for the stand of 74 tonnes C ha−1, with an uncertainty of 7%. The R ratio was determined to be 0.23, with an uncertainty of 10%. The C stock estimate of the belowground biomass component was then calculated to be 17 tonnes C ha−1, with an uncertainty of 12%. The equivalent C stock estimate from the biomass expansion factor (BEF) method, applying Ireland’s currently reported default values for BEF (inclusive of belowground biomass), wood density and C concentration and methods for estimating volume, was found to be 60 tonnes C ha−1, with an uncertainty of 26%. We found that volume tables, currently used for determining merchantable timber volume in Irish forestry conditions, underestimated volume since they did not extend to the yield of the forest under investigation. Mean stock values for belowground biomass compared well with that generated using published models.  相似文献   

Stand structure, height and diameter growth, above- and below-ground biomass, and nutrient concentrations and content were determined for a 35-year-old fire-origin paper birch (Betula papyrifera) and subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa) mixed-species stand in the Sub-Boreal Spruce (SBS) zone of British Columbia. Paper birch, which formed the dominant overstory following the 1961 fire, had normal distributions of height and diameter classes. Subalpine fir, which dominated the understory, had the reverse J-shaped height and diameter distributions that are expected of a shade tolerant, climax species. Paper birch grew more than three times the height of subalpine fir. Growing in the summer shade of the birch, subalpine fir had slow but steady height growth during the first 10–15 years, after which height growth declined somewhat. Allometric equations, relating dry weight of foliage, branches, stemwood, stembark, roots, and total biomass to diameter at breast height (DBH), were developed to estimate above- and below-ground biomass. Total biomass of paper birch reached 83.2 t ha−1, while subalpine fir biomass was 26.7 t ha−1. Subalpine fir allocated more biomass to foliage and branches compared to paper birch. Foliage of paper birch had higher nutrient concentrations of N, P, K, Ca, and Mg than subalpine fir foliage. Branches and stembark of subalpine fir had higher P, and Ca concentrations than paper birch. Subalpine fir branches contained more of all examined nutrients than paper birch branches. This is a significant component in nutrient cycling of the mixed-species forest.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to analyse how the growth onset and shoot elongation of seedlings differ in field conditions in Finland for 20 Russian larch provenances and five comparison entries, and if they could be explained by the geographic and climatic conditions of the provenance origins. In this work, the Dahurian larch (Larix gmelinii Rupr.) provenances had the earliest growth onset and the northern Siberian larches (Larix sibirica Ledeb.) slightly earlier bud burst. The temperature sum and latitude of the provenances explained the differences in shoot elongation. The time needed for shoot elongation and the temperature sum needed to obtain 50% of total shoot elongation were quite equal in the years 2008 and 2009 (larger difference with the 90% level). The growth cessation was affected by photoperiod regardless of provenance. However, it was affected in the southern provenances also by declining temperatures in autumn. The final height was in 2009 largest in southern Dahurian larches. Despite our findings, the use of seed sources of domesticated Raivola origin is the safest choice for regeneration in Finland. We should still study more in detail the performance of other provenances and their adaptation capacity and suitability to Finnish forestry.  相似文献   

兴安落叶松种源区划及优良种源选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对兴安落叶松17个种源的树高、胸径和材积等生长性状进行方差分析的结果表明:种源间差异显著或极显著,并通过相关分析研究了兴安落叶松地理变异规律。兴安落叶松的生长性状主要受3个因子的影响。经度和海拔为主,纬度为辅,呈现出水平和垂直双向连续渐变的特点。对生长性状和各种源的地理位置进行聚类分析,划分为3个种源区:大兴安岭南、西、北部种源区;小兴安岭北部、大兴安岭东部种源区;小兴安岭东南部种源区。对各种源的生长性状进行了多重比较,选出乌伊岭和友好种源为帽儿山及其毗邻地区的最佳种源。  相似文献   

The main aim of this study was to analyse the differences in the bud set, autumn coloration and needle shedding of seedlings in 20 Russian larch provenances and five comparison entries in field conditions in southern Finland over two growing seasons. Furthermore, it was studied if the differences could be explained by the geographic and climatic conditions of the provenance origins. We found that the provenances from cold northern climates developed both their terminal buds first and formed autumn colour as well as shed their needles much earlier than southern provenances. The timing of the bud set occurred earlier in 2008 compared to 2009, which was probably caused by lower than average temperatures in July and August of 2008. Thus, in addition to photoperiod, temperature also seemed to affect the bud set. The southern Dahurian larch provenances were able to utilise the length of the growing season the most effectively. The climatic adaptation, growth and properties of the provenances should be, however, studied over a longer time period. Therefore, currently used Raivola origin is still the safest choice for larch forestry in Finland.  相似文献   

Ecosystem-level assessments of carbon (C) stocks of agroforestry systems are scarce. We quantified the ecosystem-level C stocks of one agroforestry-based oil palm production system (AFSP) and one agroforestry-based oil palm and cacao production system (AFSP+C) in eastern Amazonia. We quantified the stocks of C in four pools: aboveground live biomass, litter, roots, and soil. We evaluated the distribution of litter, roots, and soil C stocks in the oil palm management zones and in the area planted with cacao and other agroforestry species. The ecosystem-C stock was higher in AFSP+C (116.7 ± 1.5 Mg C ha?1) than in AFSP (99.1 ± 3.1 Mg C ha?1). The total litter-C stock was higher in AFSP+C (3.27 ± 0.01 Mg C ha?1) than in AFSP (2.26 ± 0.06 Mg C ha?1). Total root and soil C stocks (0–30 cm) did not differ between agroforestry systems. Ecosystem-C stocks varied between agroforestry systems due to differences in both aboveground and belowground stocks. In general, the belowground-C stocks varied spatially in response to the management in the oil palm and non-oil palm strips; these results have important implications for the monitoring of ecosystem-level C dynamics and the refinement of soil management.  相似文献   

Mechanical mastication is increasingly prescribed for wildfire mitigation, yet little is known about the ecological impacts of this fuels treatment. Mastication shreds trees into woodchips as an alternative to tree thinning and burning the resulting slash, which can create soil disturbances that favor exotic plants. Previous research on mastication has not simultaneously considered both the responses of soil organisms and understory plant communities. We compared mastication to slash pile burning (both 6-months and 2.5-years post-treatment) and untreated controls in pinyon–juniper (Pinus edulisJuniperus osteosperma) woodland and measured soil properties, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and understory plant composition. Our results showed that slash pile burns had severely degraded soil properties and low AMF abundance and richness compared to untreated or mastication plots. Pile burns were dominated by exotic plant species and had approximately 6× less understory plant abundance and richness than untreated plots. Only two variables differed between mastication and untreated plots 6-months post-treatment: mastication had lower soil temperature and higher soil moisture. Mastication plots 2.5-years post-treatment had more plant cover and richness than untreated plots or pile burns, although non-native Bromus tectorum cover was also greater and AMF spore richness was lower than untreated plots. The structural equation model (SEM) we developed showed that plant cover strongly influenced AMF abundance (0.50) and both plant cover (0.36) and AMF (0.31) positively influenced soil stability. In the short-term, mastication is a preferable method as it creates fewer disturbances than pile burning; however long-term impacts of mastication need further study as this practice could affect native plant communities. Our results suggest that the manner in which woody debris is treated following tree thinning has an important influence on soil stability and native plant biodiversity.  相似文献   

兴安落叶松单宁含量的器官差异与季节变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
兴安落叶松是生产落叶松单宁的重要原材料,随着天保工程的实施,使得主要原料树皮供应紧张。通过2003~2004年的测定结果表明,除现用的树皮(8.8%~15.4%)生产原料外,根系(约7.8%)、树枝(1.0%~7.0%)甚至叶片(4.0%~8.0%)都可以成为生产原料,而树干木质部含量过低(0.6%~1.4%)不宜成为生产原材料。不同季节单宁含量差异结果表明,秋季(9~10月)的落叶松单宁含量都显著高于其它季节,因此,原材料的收集应该在秋季。此外,叶片单宁含量与光照强度呈现显著正相关。  相似文献   

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