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Four clones of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) from two provenances, at 53.2 degrees N (Skidegate a and Skidegate b) and at 41.3 degrees N (North Bend a and North Bend b), were grown near Edinburgh (55.5 degrees N), U.K., for three growing seasons in ambient (~350 micromol per mol) and elevated (~700 micromol per mol) CO2 concentrations under conditions of non-limiting water and nutrient supply. Bud phenology was not affected by elevated [CO2] in the second growing season, but in the third year, the duration of shoot extension growth in three of the four clones (North Bend clones and Skidegate a) was significantly shortened, because of the suppression of lammas growth. Saplings in elevated [CO2] had significantly greater dry masses of all components than saplings in ambient [CO2]. However, comparison of relative component dry masses between plants of similar size showed no effect of [CO2] treatment on plant allometric relationships. This finding, and the observed suppression of lammas growth by high [CO2] during the third growing season suggests that the main effect of increasing [CO2] is to accelerate sapling development. Clonal provenance did not affect dry mass production in ambient [CO2]. However, in elevated [CO2] the more southerly clones significantly out-performed the more northerly clones when grown at a latitude close to the latitudinal provenance of the Skidegate clones. As atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration rises, such changes in the relative performance of genotypes may be exploited for economic gain through appropriate selection of provenances for forest plantings.  相似文献   

Townend J 《Tree physiology》1993,13(4):389-399
Two-year-old Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) plants from four clones were grown in naturally lit growth chambers for 6 months at either ambient (350 ppm) or ambient + 250 ppm (600 ppm) CO(2) concentration. Plants were grown in large boxes filled with peat, in a system that allowed the roots of individual plants to be harvested easily at the end of the growing season. Half of the boxes were kept well watered and half were allowed to dry out slowly over the summer. Plants growing in elevated CO(2) showed a 6.9% increase in mean relative growth rate compared to controls in the drought treatment and a 9.8% increase compared to controls in the well-watered treatment, though there was considerable variation in response among the different clones and water treatments. Rates of net CO(2) assimilation were higher and stomatal conductances were lower in plants grown in elevated CO(2) than in ambient CO(2) in both the well-watered and drought treatments. Both of these factors contributed to the doubling of instantaneous water use efficiency. The partitioning of biomass to roots was unaffected by elevated CO(2), but the ratio of needle mass/stems + branches mass decreased. Together with reduced stomatal conductance, this probably caused the observed increases in xylem pressure potentials with elevated CO(2).  相似文献   

Budget studies have shown that internal cycling may contribute a large proportion of the annual nutrient supply required to support new growth in trees. Use of budgets to quantify internal cycling only quantifies the net transfer of nutrients within the plant. Differential partitioning of remobilized nutrients and current nutrient uptake could lead to errors in the interpretation of results from these studies. We have quantified the dynamic relationships among tree growth, nutrient uptake and internal cycling by labeling the current uptake of N in trees that received contrasting amounts of nutrient. Two-year-old seedlings of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) were grown in sand culture in a greenhouse for one year. The trees received nutrients in a balanced solution at either a high (high-RAR) or a low (low-RAR) relative addition rate throughout the experiment. Current N uptake was labeled with (15)N from April 13 to July 25. Thereafter, trees were re-potted in clean sand and unlabeled N applied until November 13. Overall growth was sustained for approximately 10 weeks before treatment effects were observed. Initially, no differences in the partition of growth or remobilized N occurred, although partition of current uptake favored the roots of plants in the low-RAR treatment. After 6 weeks, the partition of both growth and remobilized N altered in favor of roots of plants in the low-RAR treatment. Nutrient supply had no effect on the amount or rate of N remobilization. No evidence was found to suggest that N taken up in the current season and partitioned to preexisting shoots or roots is remobilized late in the season to support growth of new shoots. However, some trees in the high-RAR treatment exhibited a second flush of growth later in the season that was partially sustained by remobilization of (15)N from current shoots formed earlier in the season. Use of (15)N demonstrated differential partitioning of current uptake and remobilized N. The results highlight the limitations of simple budget studies for quantifying internal cycling.  相似文献   

Needle development and shoot growth were studied in 14- and 20-year-old Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) planted on an oligotrophic peat and fertilized with N, P and K (control), N and P (-K), N and K (-P) or unfertilized (-NPK). Shoot extension, needle number, and the size and number of needle cells were observed throughout the season. Beginning with bud burst in early May, needle growth continued for nine weeks in the control treatment. Needle growth in the mineral deficiency treatments terminated at the same time as in the controls, although it did not begin until up to three weeks later than in the control trees. Needles developed acropetally along the shoot, with basal needles completing their development first. Cell division in needles of control trees lasted about 3 weeks, with cell expansion continuing for a further 3 weeks. Initial mean cell cycle times were shortest for proximal needles following bud burst, but lengthened as the season progressed. Cell number increased from 6600 in the primordia to 200 000 in mature needles. Final needle dimensions and cell number varied according to the position of the needle on the shoot. The largest needles with the most cells were near the middle of the shoot. Relative to the controls, all mineral deficiency treatments reduced shoot length, bud and needle dimensions, and needle cell number, particularly the -P treatment. Potassium and P deficiency treatments reduced primordial cell number by up to 42%, whereas final mean cell size was 30% greater in the -P treatment, 17% greater in the -NPK treatment, but 14% smaller in the -K treatment. Mean cell size was constant for needles at all positions in any particular treatment at any time, so that final needle size was determined by cell number alone. Needle dry weight/fresh weight ratio continued to increase until early August, with significantly higher ratios in the -K and -P treatments than in the controls.  相似文献   

Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) seedlings were supplied with solutions containing nitrogen (N) at 0.1 x or 2 x the optimum rate (low-N and high-N supply, respectively) and grown either outside in a control plot or inside open-top chambers and exposed to ambient (355 &mgr;mol mol(-1)) or elevated (700 &mgr;mol mol(-1)) CO(2) concentration ([CO(2)]). Gas exchange measurements, chlorophyll determinations and nutrient analysis were made on current-year (< 1-year-old) shoots of the upper whorl after the seedlings had been growing in the [CO(2)] treatments for 17 months and the nutrient treatments for 6 months. Total seedling biomass and biomass allocation were assessed at the end of the experiment. Nutrient treatment had a significant effect on the light response curves, irrespective of [CO(2)] or chamber treatment; seedlings supplied with high-N rates had higher net photosynthetic rates than seedlings supplied with low-N rates. The degree of photosynthetic stimulation in response to elevated [CO(2)] was larger in seedlings receiving high-N rates than in seedlings receiving low-N rates. Light-saturated net photosynthesis of seedlings grown and measured in elevated [CO(2)] was 26% higher than that of seedlings grown and measured in ambient [CO(2)]. There was no significant effect of [CO(2)] or chamber treatment on the CO(2) response curves of seedlings receiving High-N supply rates. In contrast, analysis of the CO(2) response curves of seedlings receiving Low-N supply rates showed acclimation to elevated [CO(2)]. Both maximum rate of carboxylation (V(cmax)) and maximum electron transport capacity (J(max)) were lower and J(max)/V(cmax) higher in seedlings in the elevated [CO(2)] treatment. There was no effect of elevated [CO(2)] on stomatal conductance, although it was highly dependent on foliar [N], ranging from ~60 mmol m(-2) s(-1) at ~1.5 g N m(-2) to 200 mmol m(-2) s(-1) at ~5 g N m(-2). In the high-N and low-N treatments, foliar N concentration was 10 and 28% lower in seedlings grown in elevated [CO(2)] than in seedlings grown in ambient [CO(2)], respectively. There was no [CO(2)] effect on foliar phosphorus concentration ([P]). Chlorophyll concentration increased with increasing N supply in all treatments. There was no significant effect of elevated [CO(2)] on specific leaf area. Chlorophyll concentration expressed either on an area or dry mass basis for a given foliar [N] was higher in seedlings grown in elevated [CO(2)] than in seedings grown in ambient [CO(2)]. Elevated [CO(2)] increased total biomass accumulation by 37% in seedlings in the high-N treatment but had no effect in seedlings in the low-N treatment. There was a proportionally bigger allocation of biomass to roots of seedlings in the elevated [CO(2)] + low-N supply rate treatment compared with seedlings in other treatments. This resulted in a reduction in aboveground biomass compared with corresponding seedlings grown in ambient [CO(2)].  相似文献   

BURLEY  JEFFERY 《Forestry》1966,39(1):68-94
The development of the terminal bud in one-year seedlings ofSitka spruce, Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr., is illustratedand described as a continuous process. The same sequence ofmorphological events occurred in forty-seven provenances examinedbut the timing was different. Buds formed in response to decreasingdaylength, and an essentially continuous relationship was demonstratedbetween time of bud formation and latitude of seed origin. Flushingwas controlled largely by temperature, and time of flushingreflected the nature of the temperature r?gime in the nativehabitat. The height attained at the end of the growing season was demonstratedto be related to date of bud formation and latitude of seedorigin, but the relationship was modified by temperature andphotoperiod. There was little genetic variation in rate of heightgrowth, and variability in time of bud formation was consideredto be the major factor causing provenance variation in totalheight growth. Bud size was correlated with the number of needle primordia,but the effect of bud size on height growth was secondary, aswas the effect of the number of lateral branches. The reactions of two provenances suggested that ecotypic differentiationhas occurred in response to specific, local, environmental selectionpressures. The results supplement the conclusions of earlier reports, namelythat there is a broad interaction of genotype with environmentthat should be evaluated before planting the species at anygiven site.  相似文献   

Forty-one 2-year-old clones of Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr. from three full-sib families (14 clones from each of two families and 13 clones from a third family) were either wounded and inoculated with an isolate of Heterobasidion annosum (Fr.) Bref. or wounded without inoculation. Lesion lengths on the inner bark from the point of inoculation varied among clones 35 days after treatment. There was no relationship between lesion length and relatedness within families. Two clones (21342 and 25202) with the shortest lesions, tentatively designated as less susceptible to H. annosum, and two clones (21176 and 27166) with the longest lesions, designated more susceptible, were selected for comparison of host anatomical and chemical responses to infection. The position and structure of the ligno-suberized boundary zone (LSZ) in the bark of the clones suggested that the less susceptible clones formed thicker layers of suberized cells in the LSZ following wounding plus inoculation. No LSZ was observed in two ramets of the more susceptible Clone 27166 following wounding and inoculation with H. annosum. Compared with more susceptible genotypes, clones of P. sitchensis with low susceptibility to H. annosum had high relative proportions of (+)-alpha-pinene, (-)-beta-pinene and one unidentified terpene constituent (Unknown-15) in cortical resin sampled 25 cm from the lesions. In contrast, more susceptible clones had higher relative proportions of (-)-limonene, Unknown-16, Unknown-18 and Unknown-19. In the secondary resin produced in bark tissues surrounding the lesions, proportions of several monoterpene constituents varied; these changes included a decrease in the relative amount of beta-phellandrene and corresponding small increases in some minor constituents. The concentrations of the monoterpenes, except a few minor constituents, increased in the infected tissues. Wounding plus inoculation with H. annosum resulted in varied monoterpene responses, with distinct differences between less susceptible and more susceptible clones. In less susceptible clones, Unknown-19 increased following wounding plus inoculation, whereas in more susceptible clones, concentrations of delta-3-carene and Unknown-13 and Unknown-16 increased. Differences in both constitutive and induced resin monoterpene profiles may provide useful markers for resistance to H. annosum in selection and breeding programs.  相似文献   

Sefcik LT  Zak DR  Ellsworth DS 《Tree physiology》2006,26(12):1589-1599
Seedling responses to elevated atmospheric CO(2) concentration ([CO(2)]) and solar irradiance were measured over two growing seasons in shade-tolerant Acer saccharum Marsh. and Fagus grandifolia J.F. Ehrh. and shade-intolerant Prunus serotina, a J.F. Ehrh. and Betula papyrifera Marsh. Seedlings were exposed to a factorial combination of [CO2] (ambient and elevated (658 micromol mol-1)) and understory shade (deep and moderate) in open-top chambers placed in a forest understory. The elevated [CO(2)] treatment increased mean light-saturated net photosynthetic rate by 63% in the shade-tolerant species and 67% in the shade-intolerant species. However, when measured at the elevated [CO(2)], long-term enhancement of photosynthesis was 10% lower than the instantaneous enhancement seen in ambient-[CO(2)]-grown plants (P < 0.021). Overall, growth light environment affected long-term photosynthetic enhancement by elevated [CO(2)]: as the growth irradiance increased, proportional enhancement due to elevated [CO(2)] decreased from 97% for plants grown in deep shade to 47% for plants grown in moderate shade. Results suggest that in N-limited northern temperate forests, trees grown in deep shade may display greater photosynthetic gains from a CO(2)-enriched atmosphere than trees growing in more moderate shade, because of greater downregulation in the latter environment. If photosynthetic gains by deep-shade-grown plants in response to elevated [CO(2)] translate into improved growth and survival of shade-intolerant species, it could alter the future composition and dynamics of successional forest communities.  相似文献   


The objective of this study was to examine the potential of acoustic measurement as a rapid and nondestructive method to predict the dimensional stability of young-growth Sitka spruce and western hemlock. Ultrasonic velocity, peak energy, specific gravity, and radial and tangential shrinkages were measured on twenty-four 25-×102-×y 25-mm specimens obtained from a 58-year-old stand in Southeast Alaska. We found that specific gravity and peak energy of ultrasonic signals were not good predictors of transverse shrinkage, as indicated by poor correlations. Ultrasonic velocity, on the other hand, was found to be a significant predictor of transverse shrinkage and therefore has good potential to be used as a field method to evaluate dimensional stability. The single-parameter prediction model explained 86% of transverse shrinkages in western hemlock and 71% of transverse shrinkages in Sitka spruce. Further study is needed to test the capability and feasibility of using acoustic velocity to predict both longitudinal and transverse shrinkages of wood in standing trees.  相似文献   

Roberntz P 《Tree physiology》2001,21(12-13):931-940
Branches of field-grown Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) trees were exposed to either long-term ambient or to elevated CO2 concentrations ([CO2]) using the branch bag technique. The light-saturated photosynthetic rates (A(max)) of current-year shoots differing in nitrogen (N) status were measured at various temperatures and at either ambient (360 micromol mol(-1), AMB) or elevated (ambient + 350 micromol mol(-1), EL) [CO2]. The value of A(max) was determined at various intercellular [CO2]s (A/Ci curves) and used to normalize photosynthetic rates to the mean treatment C(i) values, which were 200 micromol mol(-1) (AMB) and 450 micromol mol(-1) (EL), respectively. Needle N status and temperature strongly affected A(max). The response to N increased with temperature, and the photosynthetic temperature optimum increased with N status. This was assumed to be a result of reduced mesophyll CO2 conductance. The relative increase of Amax in the EL treatment compared to the AMB treatment varied from 15 to 90%, and increased with temperature, but decreased with N status. Nevertheless, the absolute photosynthetic response to EL increased with shoot N status. The relative increase in the instantaneous response of A(max) to elevated [CO2] was about 20% higher than the long-term response, i.e., there was downward acclimation in Amax in response to elevated [CO2]. The photosynthetic temperature optimum increased 4 degrees C with either a short- or a long-term increase in [CO2]. The bag treatment itself increased A(max) by approximately 16% and the temperature optimum of A(max) by approximately 3 degrees C.  相似文献   

PINDER  P. S.; HAYES  A. J. 《Forestry》1986,59(1):97-106
Highly significant differences were observed in the intensityof defoliation on Sitka spruce of different heights at CarronValley Forest, Central Region. Most severe defoliation occurredon the smallest trees. Significant differences also occurredbetween degree of defoliation and foliar potassium and phosphorusconcentrations. Winter and summer rainfall patterns immediatelyprior to the outbreak showed higher than average winter andlower than average summer rainfall compared with the 30-yearmean. Experience with this pest suggests that it will continueto have local nuisance value.  相似文献   

Nieuwenhuis  M.A.  Wills  J.M. 《New Forests》2002,24(3):195-213
The research on the impact of soil cultivation/drainage practices upon root architecture of young Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) trees reported in this article was carried out in the period from 1995 to 1997. A total of 279 trees between five and eight years of age were excavated on three sites in the mid-west of Ireland. The general soil type was surface water gley. Horizontal and vertical root spread was found to be related to the size of the tree. Larger trees in the machine mound and mole and mound treated plots tended to have greater root spread compared to the smaller trees in the moled and uncultivated plots. Between the two sampling periods in 1995 (at the age of 5 years) and 1997 (at the age of 7 or 8 years) the percentage root distribution decreased close to the root stock and increased further out. However, at all three sites very little of the root cross sectional area was found beyond 60 cm from the root stock in either the vertical or the horizontal directions, even after 7 growing seasons. Generally the location of the centre of gravity of the tree root systems was not affected by cultivation treatment, nor was it found to differ significantly from the ideal co-ordinates of (0,0). Therefore, most of the root systems appeared to be symmetrical.  相似文献   

Alternative methods of protection are required against feeding by the large pine weevil (Hylobius abietis) on the bark of conifer seedlings. Silicon (Si) has been shown to enhance the resistance of plants to insect herbivores. This study investigated the effects of low doses of Si-rich soil amendments on growth, mortality and bark feeding damage of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) seedlings. Two-year old seedlings were grown, individually, in soil taken from a tree nursery treated with coal ash, peat ash, rice husk ash, slag, sodium metasilicate or a commercially available Si fertiliser (Pro-Tekt) and planted out on two reforestation sites in Ireland. Seedlings grew well (about 20% growth in terms of height, 66% in root collar diameter, after two growing seasons), and Si-rich amendments did not have a significant effect on growth or mortality. Bark feeding damage on Si-treated seedlings did not vary significantly from control seedlings. Bark Si concentrations were not significantly larger in treated seedlings than in control seedlings, but control seedlings already had comparatively high bark Si concentrations (560?mg?kg?1 dry tissue). In conclusion, Sitka spruce seedlings grown in the presence of Si-rich soil amendments prior to planting did not show greater resistance to weevil feeding under the present conditions.  相似文献   

JINKS  R. L.; JONES  S. K. 《Forestry》1996,69(4):335-345
Sitka spruce seeds which had been: (1) untreated (U), (2) prechilled(P), or (3) prechilled and then redried and stored for 16 months(R), were sown into progressively warmer seed beds on four datesat monthly intervals from March to June. At each sowing date,samples of seed were germinated in the laboratory at optimum(20°C) and sub-optimum (10°C) temperatures. Prechillingand prechilling + redrying both increased the rate and totalamount of germination compared with untreated seed at each testtemperature. However in the nursery, the beneficial effectsof pretreating Sitka spruce seed were restricted to sowing inMarch and April when soil temperatures were sub-optimal forthe germination of untreated seeds. Pretreatment resulted inrapid seedling emergence at soil temperatures between 10°Cand 15°C, whereas untreated seed germinated slowly and seedlingemergence continued until high soil temperatures in June killedungerminated seeds. The pattern of seedling emergence from theredried seed was similar to that from the prechilled seed, exceptfor a lag in the start of seedling emergence probably due tothe extra time needed for redried seed to imbibe water in theseed beds. Thus redrying caused insignificant loss of seed performanceon the nursery. Seed sown in May and June experienced average temperatures closeto the optimum for germination of 20°C, however daily maximaregularly exceeded 35°C resulting in the cessation of seedlingemergence in all three seed treatments, and the loss of newlyemerged seedlings. Periods of warm weather from June onwardswere the main factors limiting the final number and size ofseedlings.  相似文献   

Effects of genotype, collection date, auxin treatment, crown position and artificial chilling on rooting and subsequent vegetative growth of Cupressus sempervirens L. softwood cuttings taken from 13-year-old plants were evaluated. Three different clones (318, 296 and 22) previously selected for resistance to cypress cortical cancer caused by Seiridium cardinale were used. In all these clones, both the IBA treated and the untreated cuttings showed seasonal periodicity of rooting. Untreated cuttings rooted best when collected in April (up to 49% for the best clone, i.e. 296) and rooted very poorly in July and October. Auxin treatments appeared unable to overcome this periodicity, as the cuttings taken in July and October did not respond to IBA stimulation. However, in January and April, IBA treatments enhanced adventitious root formation of poorly rooting clones (318 and 22), as well as of clone 296, which performed best (89%) when cuttings were treated in April with 1.5% IBA. Cuttings of each clone collected in the lower third of the crown of the donor trees showed a significantly higher rooting percentage, when compared with those from the upper third. A 4-week post-severance chilling treatment (4°C) significantly enhanced the rooting capacity of cuttings taken in January, while a longer chilling treatment (8 weeks) had a negative effect. The subsequent growth of the rooted cuttings was not affected by either the crown position of the severed cuttings, or the genotype.  相似文献   

The concentrations of the constitutive antifungal stilbene glucosides astringin and isorhapontin were measured in the bark of a number of Sitka spruce [Picea sitcbensis (Bong.) Carr.] genotypes. These included trees of different provenances, trees grown at different sites, and young clonal plants. The stilbene contents of individual trees or clones varied widely. In general this was attributable to variation between individual genotypes, and was not related to provenance or site.  相似文献   

Effects of elevated temperature and atmospheric CO2 concentration ([CO2]) on spring phenology of mature field-grown Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) trees were followed for three years. Twelve whole-tree chambers (WTC) were installed around individual trees and used to expose the trees to a predicted future climate. The predicted climate scenario for the site, in the year 2100, was 700 micromol mol-1 [CO2], and an air temperature 3 degrees C higher in summer and 5 degrees C higher in winter, compared with current conditions. Four WTC treatments were imposed using combinations of ambient and elevated [CO2] and temperature. Control trees outside the WTCs were also studied. Bud development and shoot extension were monitored from early spring until the termination of elongation growth. Elevated air temperature hastened both bud development and the initiation and termination of shoot growth by two to three weeks in each study year. Elevated [CO2] had no significant effect on bud development patterns or the length of the shoot growth period. There was a good correlation between temperature sum (day degrees>or=0 degrees C) and shoot elongation, but a precise timing of bud burst could not be derived by using an accumulation of temperature sums.  相似文献   

Groups of related experiments, of more than 300 plots, withseedlings and transplants of Picea sitchensis, tested inorganicfertilizer and bracken-hopwaste compost, and compared continuousconifer cropping with a rotation in which one conifer crop inthree was replaced by fallow or a green manure crop. The experiments,lasting 15 years, were done in a nursery on moderately acidagricultural land at Kennington and in a heathland nursery onan acid sandy podsol at Wareham. At Kennington, seedlings given fertilizer grew better throughoutthan those given compost, with no additional benefit when bothwere given, despite considerable increases in soil organic matterand nutrients on compost-treated plots. On plots with fertilizer,growth was maintained during the experimental period. At Wareham,fertilizer lost its initial advantage; neither of the manunaltreatments supplied adequate amounts of major nutrients butfertilizer and compost together was better than either alone. With transplants, at both nurseries, fertilizer was slightlymore effective during the early years, but compost later. Interrupting continuous conifer cropping by fallow or greencrops had no advantage at either nursery.  相似文献   

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