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Summary. Previous findings suggested that the translocation in Agropyron repens of 2,2-dichloropropionic acid (dalapon) may be considerably affected by the transpiration rate. This relationship has been studied further in the present investigation using 14C-labelled material and autoradiography.
It was found that when dalapon was applied to the leaves and the treated plants were placed in darkness a reduction in the transpiration rate of ca. 90% was associated with a marked increase in the amount of dalapon translocation into the roots and tillers. The evidence provided by the autoradiographs was confirmed by a quantitative assay of the 14C present in the roots. It was also found, however, that translocation was not appreciably affected either by a 50% reduction in the light intensity or when the transpiration rate was reduced by placing the plaints under conditions of high humidity in the light or by the application of white petroleum jelly to the leaves. An alternative hypothesis, namely that the effect of darkness on the movement of the herbicide might be due to changes induced in the normal pattern of assimilate translocation was also investigated but was not supported by the results obtained. Further experimentss, in which various parts of the treated shoot were placed in the dark, suggested that the effect of darkness on the translocation of dalapon is exerted primarily on the treated leaf itself.
Etudes sur to migration dans Agropyron repens de l'acide 2,2-dichloropropionique marqué avec 14C  相似文献   

Summary. 14CO2 together with autoradiographic techniques was used to stuy the movement of labelled carbon within wheat plants at different stages in their development. Movement of 14C about the plain was found to be extensive in the early stages, gradually bccoming more localized until at a stage after ear emergence there was little transference of labelled carbon between tillers within a 24-hour period.
In the early stages of development 14C from leaves on the main shoot was transported throughout the plant but accumulated in greatest amounts in the meristematic regions. Assimilates produced by the leaves of newly formed tillers were distributed mainly to the meristematic regions of those tillers although labelled carbon was moved in into the rest of the plant. In the later stages of development of each tiller the labelled assimilate was restricted to the tiller itself and to any very young tillers associated with it. After car emergence the pattern of distribution of the labelled carbon from the youngest and second youngest leaves was found to differ. Movement was predominantly towards the ear from the flag leaf and towards the root system from the leaf below the flag.
It was noticed that mature leaves accumulated some labelled material and the possibility that this occurred via the transpiration stream following migration from phloem to xylem, as is the case with some of the case with some of the translocated herbicides, was investigated, but no indication of xylem transference was obtained.
The possible application of these studies to investigations into the relationship between the movement natural assimilates and of translocated herbicides is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary. High concentrations of 2,4-D and picloram interfered with the downward movement of 14c-assimilates infield-grown vines. The interference in translocation was appreciably greater with picloram than it was with 2,4-D, Although basipetal translocation was retarded, translocation within the treated shoots continued from the vegetative part to the clusters. Translocation of 2,4-D appeared to follow the same route as 14c-assimilatcs for the most part. Formative effects were absent on untreated grape shoots although the adjacent shoots treated with 2,4-D or picloram on the same cordons were killed; however, formative effects were evident on some of the stump sprouts which developed after the vines were harvested. The malformed leaves on the stump sprouts were twelve or more nodes from the base of the shoots, while 14c was in the more basal leaves.
Thompson Seedless (Sultanina) rootings treated with 20 000 ppm 2,4-D or picloram transported less 14C to the roots than did the controls. Treatment with either herbicide resulted in a marked increase in the labelling of the stems.
Effet du 2,4-D et du pichlorame sur la migration de métabolites marqués au 14C dans Vitis vinifera L.  相似文献   

Summary. Plants of Potamogeton nodosus, a submersed aquatic, were treated with the di-sodium salt of 7-oxabicyclo(2,2,l)heptane-2,3-dicarboxylic acid-14C (endothal-14C). Gross radioautographs showed that the 14C label moved from mature photosynthesizing leaves and accumulated in the apices and developing secondary plants. Similar results were obtained with mid-leaf, stem (internode) and winter-bud applications. No move-ment of radioactivity occurred following root treatment. The results indicate symplastic translocation of endothal-14C when applied to the leaf, stem or winter bud. It is suggested that endothal can cause the death of plants by direct injury to root tissues subsequent to absorption.
Recherches sur la migration de l'endothal-14C dans le Potamogeton nodosus Poir.  相似文献   

Summary. Translocation of 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole-5-14C (14C-aminotriazole) was compared to that of 14C-assimilates in couch grass ( Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv.) at three different growth stages.
Assimilates of 14CO2 were translocated from the treated shoot to other shoots and rhizomes at the 2–3-leaf and 3–4-leaf stages of development. Much less labelled material was translocated into untreated shoots at the 5-leaf stage. More 14C-assimilates were translocated to the roots than to untreated shoots at all developmental stages. The translocation patterns of 14C-aminotriazole and 14C-assimilates were similar.
Two metabolites, A and B, were formed from 14C-aminotriazole, which chromatographed identically to previously described metabolites in Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. A was further metabolized into B. Labelled aminotriazole and its two metabolites were translocated throughout the plants. Metabolite A was phytotoxic when concentrated and re-applied to couch grass, but its properties were not those of Unknown II from Cirsium arvense. They were the same as those of Unknown III. Whether or not metabolite A and Unknown III are identical was not established.
Migration des substances assimilables marquées au 14 C, du 3 amino-1,2,4-triazole et de ses métabolites chez Agropyron repens  相似文献   

Summary. A method of exposing seedlings of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) to 14CO2 is described. Within the 1st hr alter 14CO2 exposure, no translocation of the 14C out of the treated branch could be observed. After a 24-hr period, however, the 14C in dormant seedlings had been translocated basipetally to part of the root system only, with no lateral diffusion of the 14C-compounds in the stem. About a week after exposure, both symplastic and apoplastic patterns of translocation had caused a more uniform distribution of 14C. In seedlings at active internode elongation, the translocation patterns were fundamentally identical to those in dormant seedlings, but the active shoot growth had led to a more uniform distribution of the 14C.
Simazine at 20 ppm had apparently stimulated both the photofixation of 14CO2 and the rate of translocation of the 14C-assimilates. At 30 ppm, however, simazine had blocked the translocation of nutrients to the roots. On the other hand, the 14CO2 uptake was not influenced. The simazine incubation had apparently no influence on the synthesis of cationic photosynthate.  相似文献   

本文对青海高原农田野燕麦的发生特点,如出苗、生长发育、繁殖和传播、种籽抗逆性等进行了初步试验。为认识野燕麦的危害性和制定防除措施提供了依据。在化学除草方面,试验了十几种除草剂和不同的应用条件,初步认为“深埋药”、“狠抓水”、“防耗损”、“促生长”是保证药效的重要环节。对旱地除草剂的应用有一定参考意义。  相似文献   

Summary. A perfusion technique was used to examine effects of selected herbicides (concentration range 50–1000 ppm) on the rate of oxidation of ammonia to nitrate in garden loam soil. Effects on the nitrification rate of soil, previously enriched with nitrifying organisms, were used to estimate direct action on the processes of ammonia oxidation. The kinetics of nitrification in fresh soil were used to estimate effects on bacterial growth and to detect possible adaptations to herbicide toxicity. The herbicides used could be ranged in the following order of increasing effectiveness as inhibitors of ammonia oxidation: dichlobenil < paraquat < picloram < 2,3,6-TBA = chlorthiamid < bromoxynil < chlorflurazole < ioxynil < propanil. Endothal only stimulated ammonia oxidation, even up to 1000 ppm. Endothal, paraquat and 2,3,6-TBA had no apparent effects on bacterial proliferation; the inhibitory effects of the remaining herbicides were in the order: picloram < dichlobenil = bromoxynil < ioxynil < chlorthiamid = chlorflurazole = propanil. With the exception of paraquat and endothal all herbicides seemed to become less toxic during perfusion of fresh soil, i.e. over the enrichment period of 26–28 days. In the case of propanil and chlorthiamid this could have been due to the destruction of the herbicide by soil micro-organisms. With picloram and 2,3,6-TBA it is probable that there was an adaptive loss of sensitivity of the nitrifying organisms to the toxic action of the herbicides. The evidence available suggests that Nitrosomonas is more sensitive than Nitrobacter to herbicide action. Recherches sur les effets des herbicides sur la nitrification Résumé. Une technique de perfusion a été utilisée pour examiner les effets d'une série d'herbicides (á des concentrations de 50 á 1000 ppm) sur le taux d'oxydation de l'ammoniac en nitrate dans un sol de jardin limoneux. Les effets sur le taux de nitrification du sol, préaiablement enrichi avec des organismea nitrifiants, ont été utilisés pour évaluer l'action directe sur les processus d'oxydation de l'ammoniac. Les données cinétiques de la nitrification dans un sol frais ont été utilisées pour évaluer les effets sur la croissance des bactéries et pour déceler les adaptations possible h la toxicité de l'herbicide. Les herbicides utilisés purent être classés comme suit dans i'ordre croissant d'activité inhibitrice de I'oxydation de I'ammoniac: dichlobénil<paraquat<piclorame<2,3,6- TBA = chlorthiamide<bromoxynil<chlorflurazole<ioxynii<propanil. Scul l'endothal provoqua une stimulation de I'oxydation de I'ammoniac jusquà 1000 ppm. L'endothal, le paraquat et le 2,3,6-TBA ne présentèrent pas d'activité apparente sur la proiifération bactérienne; les effets inhibiteurs des autres herbicides furent, dans I'ordrc: piclorame < dichlobenil = bromoxynil<ioxynil<chlorthiamide = chlorflurazole = propanil. A l'exception du paraquat et de l'endothal, tous les herbicides parurent devenir moins toxiques pendant la perfusion sur un sol frais, c'est-à-dire au deli delà période d'enrichissemenl de 26 à 28 jours. Dans le cas du dichlobénil et du chlorthiamide, ceci pourrait avoir été provoqué par la destruction de l'herbicide par lea micro-organismes. Avec le piclorame et le 2,3,6-TBA, il est probable qu'il y eut une adaptation consistanten une perte dela sensibilité des organismes nitrifiants vis-à-vis de i'action toxique des herbicides. Les résultats obtenus suggèrent que les Nitrosomonas sont plus sensibles que les JVitrobacter kà l'action des herbicides. Untersuchungen zum Einfluss von Herbiziden auf die Nitrifikation des Bodens Zusammenfassung. Mit Hilfe einer Perfusionsmethode wurde der Einfluss von bestimmten Herbiziden (Konzentration zwischen 50 und IOO ppm) auf die Oxydationsrate von Ammonium zu Nitrat in Garteniehmboden untersucht. Der Einfluss auf die Nitrifikationsrate des Bodens, der zuvor mit nitrifizierenden Organismen angereichert worden war, wurde als Mass fur die direkte Wirkung der Herbizide auf die Prozesse der Ammoniumoxydation verwendet. Die Kinetik der Nltrifikation in frischem Boden wurde als Mass für die Beeinflussung des Bakterienwaehstums und zur Feststellung einer moglicherweise auftretenden Adaptation an die Herbizidtoxizität verwendet. Für untersuehte Herbizide ergab sich, geordnet nach zunehnnender Hemmung der Ammoniumoxydation, folgende Reihenfolge: Diehlobenil<Paraquat<Pieloram<2,3,6-TBA = Chlorthiamid<Bromoxynil<Chlorflurazole<Ioxynil<Propanil. Endothal stimulierte die Ammoniumoxydation selbst in Konzentration bis zu 1000 ppm. Endothal, Paraquat und 2,3,6-TBA hatten keinen augenscheinlich Efifekt auf die bakterielle Proliferation; fur die Hemmwirkung der ubrigen Herbizide ergab sich folgende Reihenfolge: Picloram < Dichlobenil = Bromoxynil < Ioxynil < Chlorthiamid = Chlorflurazole = Propanil. Mit Ausnahme von Paraquat und Endothal wurden alle Herbizide wahrend der Perfusion dureh frisehen Boden, d.h. wahrend einer Enrichmentperiode von 26–28 Tagen, of Tensichtlich weniger toxiseh. Im Falle von Propanil und Chlorthiamid kann dies auf den Abbau der Herbizide durch die Bodenmikroorganismen zurüekzuführen sein. Bei Piclorani und 2,3,6-TBA handelte es sich wahrscheinlich um einen adaptiven Verlust der Empfindlichkeit der nitrifizierenden Organismen gegenuber der toxisehen Wirkung der Herbizide. Die Ergebnisse lassen den Sehluss zu, dass Nitrosomonas gegenüber Herbizide empfindlicher ist als Nitrobakter.  相似文献   

Summary Plants of Paspalum distichum L. with two stolons growing over water were treated separately with the sodium salt of 2,2-dichloropropionic acid-36C1 (dalapon), 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole-14C (amitrole) and 1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-dipyridylium dichloride-14C (paraquat) at four different situations on one stolon. Autoradiographs showed that both the amitrole and dalapon label accumulated in the apices of the treated stolons and in some of the young shoots growing from the base of the plant. The 14C from the paraquat label showed predominantly xylem translocating with no apical accumulation and little basal translocation. The results indicate that young basal shoots rely to some extent on assimilates from the mature stolons but that there is little transport between mature stolons.
La migration et la distribution de trois Herbicides marqués dans Paspalum distichum L.  相似文献   

三种磺酰脲类除草剂的光解和水解作用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
磺酰脲类除草剂属高效除草剂,即用量少,除草活性高。其残留期因药剂而异,据报道,它们的主要降解方式是水解、微生物降解及水溶性光分解作用,在田间土壤含水量与药剂的降解速度成正比。作者研究了氯磺隆(Chlorsulfuron)、氯嘧磺隆(Chlorimuronethyl)、吡嘧磺隆(Pyrarosulfuron-ethyl)3种磺酰脲类除草剂水溶液的水溶性光分解作用和水解作用,对了解该类除草剂的降解作用有重要意义。  相似文献   

耐草甘膦菜豆耐性机理的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用液谱测定耐性、感性菜豆叶片对草甘膦的吸收及草甘膦传导入根中的量。耐性、感性菜豆吸收、传导草甘膦无差异。耐性、感性菜豆 EPSP合成酶提取物中的蛋白质含量分别为 3.0 0 mg/ m L和 3.0 8mg/ m L ,EPSP合成酶的比活性分别为 2 .13nmol· min-1· mg-1蛋白和 1.97nmol· min-1· mg-1蛋白 ,但耐性、感性菜豆 EPSP合成酶比活性被草甘膦不同浓度抑制的差异大 ,抑制耐性菜豆 EPSP合成酶活性的草甘膦浓度 I50 为 19.2μmol/ L ,而感性的 I50 为 6 .3μmol/ L。两种菜豆对草甘膦的耐性差异在于各自的 EPSP合成酶比活性被草甘膦的抑制程度不同。  相似文献   

Summary. Studies of the influence of formulation, degree of chlorination of the benzene ring and structure of the side chain of some phenoxyalkyl acid herbicides on absorption and translocation were made in a woody plant, Acer macrophyllum Pursh. In an experiment in which the leaves were treated with 2,4-D or 2,4,5-T as the acid, triethanolamine salt or 2-ethylhexyl ester formulations, it was found that absorption increased with decreasing polarity of the molecule. The lower relative mobility of the ester formulations was offset by their greater absorption which resulted in greater accumulation in the roots when compared with the other herbicides. In treatments where dichlorprop or fenoprop formulated as the 2-ethylhexyl esters were applied, a definite effect of chemical structure was observed on both absorption and translocation. The results of these tests and their implications in the response of big leaf maple are discussed. Caractères de l'absorption et de la migration de quelques herbicides du groupe des acides phénoxyalkyles dans l'érable a grandes feuilles Acer macrophyllum Pursh.  相似文献   

The uptake and translocation of 14C-labelled 4-chloro-5-(dimethytamino)-2-(α,α,α,-trifluoro-m-lolyl)-3(2H)-pyridazinone (SAN-6706) and 4-chloro-5-(melhylamino)-2-(α,α,α,-trifluoro-m-tolyt)-3(2H)-pyridazinone (SAN-9789) were studied in cranberry plants (Vaccinium macrocarpon Ait. cv. EarlyBlack). The plants were treated in water solution and sampled at 1,3,8 and 15 days. Other plants were treated for these times, washed free from extraneous herbicide, grown for 3 weeks longer in nutrient with no herbicide and then sampled to determine the fate of the herbicide. Both compounds were readily translocated and the amount of label present in the shoot increased with time. In plants grown for 3 more weeks after treatment there was translocation of the label from the root to the shoot. No radioactive label was detected in the cranberry fruit. Absorption et migration du 14C-SAN-6706 et du 14C-SAN-9789 chezVaccinium macrocarpon cv. Early Black L'absorption et la migration de la 4-chloro-5-(dimeAthyiamino)-2-(α,α,α-trifluoro-m-tolyl)-3(2H)-pyridazinone (SAN-6706) et de la 4-chloro-5-(méthylamino)-2-(α,α,α-trifluoro-m-tolyl)-3(2H) pyridazinone (SAN 9789), marquées au 14C, ont été eAtudiées chez la canneberge (Vaccinium macrocarponAit, cv. Early Black). Les plantes ont été traitées en solution aqueuse et échantillonnfées aprés 1, 3, 8 et 15 jours. D'autres plantes ont éteA traitées pour ces mêmes durées, Iavées pour éliminer les traces externes d'herbicide, et cultivées pendant 3 semaines de plus en milieu nutritif sans herbicide, et enfin échantillonnées pour determiner le devenir de L'herbicide. Les deux composes migrerent rapldement et la quantité de produit marqué présente dans la partie adrienne augmenta avec le temps. Dans les plantes cultivées 3 semaines supplémentaires aprés le traitement, il y eut migration du produit marque des racines vers les tiges. Aucun élément radioactif n'a été décelé dans les fruits de canneberge. Die Aufnahme und Translokatlon von 14C-SAN-6706 und14CSAN-9789 bei Vaccinium macrocarpon Sorte Early Black Es wurde die Aufnahme und Translokation von 14C-markiertem 4-Chlor-5-(dlmcthylamino)-2-(α,α,α;-trifluor-m-tolyl)-3(2H)-pyridazinon (SAN-6706) und 4-Chlor-5-(methylamino)-2-(α,α,α-trifluor-m-tolyl)-3(2H)-pyridazinon (SAN-9789) bei Preiselbeerpflanzen (Vaccinium macrocarpon Ait. Sorte Early Black) untersucht. Die Pflanzen wurden in Wasserkultur behandelt und nach 1, 3, 8 und 15 Tagen Proben genommen. Bei anderen Pflanzen, die auch über diese Perioden behandelt worden waren, wurde anschliessend das äuβerlich anhaftende Herbizid abgewaschen, für 3 weitere Wochen in NaUhrlösung ohnc Herbizid gehalten und dann Proben gezogen, um die Verteilung des Herbizids zu bestimmen. Beide Verbindungen wurden rasch transloziert und der Gehait an markierter Substanz im Spross nahm mit der Zeit zu, in den Pflanzen die für 3 weitere Wochen nach der Behandlung gewachsen waren, wurde Translokation voti der Wurzel in den Spross festgestellt. In der Preiselbeerfrucht konnte keine Radioaktivität festgestellt werden.  相似文献   

 大麦黄花叶病毒的机械接种一般发病率较低,为提高其发病率,我们进行了缓冲液种类、用量,接种源种类,接种时苗龄,按种后苗培育时的温度、光照强度和时数等因素的研究。  相似文献   

沙地农业开发利用,去除原有的植被,扰动了土体。在最初几年,土壤风蚀量不仅没有降低,而且明显增加。本文就产生土壤风蚀原因进行了分析,并对新开辟沙地的风蚀季相,以及高坑旱作型,灌溉型,流沙型,低温型土壤风蚀年际变化,进行了土壤风蚀量,风沙流结构的研究,对开发早期的不同类型的土壤风蚀,提出了不同的防治措施。  相似文献   

Studies of the absorption and translocation of 14C-2,4-D in Chenopodium album L., Galinsoga parviflora Cav., Datura stramonium L. and Galium aparine L. in relation to their susceptibility gave the following results: In G aparine (resistant) there was little transport of 2,4-D applied to the leaves, and a probable relationship between resistance and the immediate binding of the 2,4-D in the treated leaf. D. stramonium (relatively resistant) transported 2,4-D in considerable amounts alter uptake through the leaf, while C. album (very susceptible) and G. parviflora (susceptible) were intermediate in respect of 2,4-D translocation. No relationship between susceptibility of these four species and 2,4-D uptake and translocation from the leaves could be established. After application to the root systems of the four species, 2,4-D was taken up and translocated in the shoot to varying extents. In G. aparine much 2,4-D was taken up and translocated. In contrast to leaf application, the herbicide was not immediately converted into a strongly-held immobile form. In C. album, G. parviflora and D. stramonium, however, no 2,4-D was translocated in the shoot. There was thus no correlation between susceptibility and shoot transport of 2,4-D in the four species studied. Distribution du 2,4-D marqué au 14C dans des espèces de mauvaises herbes présentant des sensibilités diverses  相似文献   

立枯病(Rhizoctonia solani)系人参苗期主要病害,发病率一般在8%-32%,严重者可达40%。  相似文献   

广东美洲斑潜蝇寄生性天敌初步研究   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:17  
曾玲  吴佳教 《昆虫天敌》1999,21(3):113-116
本文对广东菜区美洲斑潜蝇Lirionyza sativae寄生性天敌的种类及寄生情况进行了初步调查。结果表明,常见的美洲斑潜蝇寄生蜂有5种,其中以底比斯釉姬小蜂Chrysocharis rentheus和冈崎釉姬小蜂Chrysonotomyia okagakii为优势种。  相似文献   

 本文以14C-甲霜灵作为示踪剂,运用放射自显影及放射性强度测定技术,研究了甲霜灵在黄瓜植株体内的吸收、分布、传导以及种衣剂的缓释作用机理,结果表明:14C-甲霜灵在黄瓜体内的传导是迅速的,随药剂作用时间的延长,放射性物质在叶部的积累增加,在根、茎、子叶中却降低;种衣剂中的关键助剂——成膜剂,能将种衣剂中的有效成分固着在种子表面,具有使药剂缓释和延长持效期,提高药剂利用率的作用。  相似文献   

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