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Field experiments were conducted during 1980-82 at the Agronomy Farm of the University of California, Davis, to compare fermentable carbohydrate production and cost of potential ethanol from fodderbeet, sweet sorghum, sugarbeet, and corn in relation to the requirements of these crops for fertilizer nitrogen and irrigation. The response of hexose yields of these crops to fertilizer N varied in the two experiments. When all crops responded, sweet sorghum and sugarbeet required 36 % and fodderbeet 68 % of the fertilizer N needed for corn. Twelve weeks following a mid-season irrigation cut off, hexose yield of sugarbeet was decreased by 18 % as compared to an adequately watered crop. Water stressed sweet sorghum extracted higher amounts of soil moisture, increased in hexose concentration and produced 29 % higher hexose yield than when adequately watered. Stressed sugarbeet, however, had a higher hexose yield due to its higher sugar concentration.
When fertilized and irrigated adequately, fodderbeet produced 13.4, sugarbeet 11.9, sweet sorghum 10.0, and corn 8.15 Mg hexose ha−1. Comparative on-farm ethanol production costs of these four crops were very close ($0.38 to 0.40 L−1). Thus, growing established crops like corn and sugarbeet for which processing facilities and alternative markets already exist would be preferred.  相似文献   

Four crops, corn (Zea mays L.), sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.), fodder beet (Beta vulgaris L.) and sugarbeet (Beta vulgaris L.) were grown in irrigated plots at the experimental farm of the University of California, Davis, in 1980 and 1981. Six fertilizer N levels ranging from 0 to 280 kg ha?1 were used to estimate the most efficient N input for each of the tested crop in terms of energy input and output analysis. Calculations of cultural energy input costs in relation to potential ethanol yield showed production requirements of: corn 30.9 GJ ha?1, sweet sorghum 30.4 GJ ha?1, fodder beet 49.4 GJ ha?1 and sugarbeet 41.0 GJ ha?1. Highest average energy inputs were for liquid fuels for operations 35%, irrigation 23% and fertilizer nitrogen 19%. Fodder beet had the highest fermentable carbohydrate yield at 13.05 Mg ha?1 followed by sugarbeet at 11.5 Mg ha?1. Sweet sorghum and corn yields were lower at 9.71 and 8.09 Mg ha?1, respectively. Crop production inputs of energy per liter of potential ethanol were: corn 6.42 MJL?1 sweet sorghum 5.25 MJL?1, fodder beet 6.35 MJL?1 and sugarbeet 5.95 MJL?1.  相似文献   

Sorghum, Sorghum bicolor L. Moench, is grown mostly in semi-arid climates where unpredictable drought stress constitutes a major production constraint. To investigate hybrid performance at different levels of drought stress, 12 single-cross hybrids of grain sorghum and their 24 parent lines were grown in eight site-season combinations in a semi-arid area of Kenya. In addition, a subset of 20 genotypes was evaluated at the seedling stage under polyethylene glycol (PEG)-induced drought stress. Environmental means for grain yield ranged from 47 to 584 g/m2reflecting the following situations: two non-stress, one moderate pre-flowering, four moderate terminal and one extreme drought stress. Mean hybrid superiority over mid-parent values was 54% for grain yield and 35% for above-ground biomass. Across environments, hybrids out-yielded two local varieties by 12%. Differences in yield potential contributed to grain yield differences in all stress environments. Early anthesis was most important for specific adaptation to extreme drought. Field performance was not related to growth reduction and osmotic adjustment under PEG-induced drought stress. In conclusion, exploitation of hybrid vigour could improve the productivity of sorghum in semi-arid areas.  相似文献   

Six stability statistics: (bi, s2di, , , and ) were estimated for maize, wheat and sorghum in different environments by using three statistical models. The significant linear portion of genotype × environment interaction for maize indicates different hybrids responded differently to environments, whereas the non-significant genotype × environment interaction (linear) were found for wheat and sorghum suggest that all genotypes responded similarly as the environments change. However, the highly significant pooled deviations (deviation from regression) for all three crops make yield predictions from the model less reliable. When regression coefficients (bi) were non-significant, s2di, became an important statistic in estimating stability. It appears that the regression coefficient, bi, was best used to estimate genotypic adaptability, whereas s2di, for stability. Maize and sorghum had negative correlations between the mean yield and stability statistics, s2di, , and , suggesting that high yield and stability are not mutually exclusive in the range of environments used in this study; however, such correlations did not occur in wheat. Thus, maize and sorghum hybrids with high yield potential and high stability could be identified and selected. Correlations between mean yield and bi, or , were positive and significant for maize and sorghum but were non-significant for wheat, indicating that such relationships may be species specific. Under a given set of testing environments, the stability ranking associated with each maize hybrid is correlated to and depends on other hybrids included in the analysis.  相似文献   

Teosinte comprises different Zea species (Zea mays, Zea diploperennis, Zea perennis, Zea luxurians) that can be crossed with cultivated maize (Z. mays ssp. mays). Nine microsatellites from maize were applied to different teosinte species in order to evaluate their usefulness in markerbased exploitation of these genetic resources. The same microsatellites were tested with rye, barley, and sorghum as potential molecular markers for these species. Almost all microsatellite × teosinte combinations yielded polymerase chain reaction (PCR) fragments in the range of cultivated maize. Using an F2 population of a cross between maize inbred A188 and an individual of Zea mays ssp. mexicana, amplification products for maize and teosinte originated from the same genomic location for each of nine microsatellites investigated. PCR fragments of reduced intensity were generally obtained by applying maize microsatellites to rye, barley and sorghum. Polymorphisms among accessions within teosinte (sub)species occurred frequently. In contrast, no polymorphisms were obtained within rye, barley, and sorghum. Hence, application of maize microsatellites to teosinte for fingerprinting or marker-assisted introgression of genomic regions from teosinte into cultivated maize appears promising.  相似文献   

Twenty-two sorghum genotypes were evaluated for grain mould response, 13 morphological and biochemical traits thought to contribute to resistance, and 3 agronomic traits related to utilization. Measurements of grain mould (field grade score, threshed grade score, ergosterol content, and percentage germination) were strongly correlated with one another. Highly significant correlations between measures of grain mould and seed hardness, seed phenol content in acid methanol extract, and glume colour indicated that they strongly affected grain mould response. Harder grain, higher levels of seed phenols, and darker glumes contributed to grain mould resistance. Weaker and less consistent correlations between measures of grain mould and seed colour, seed flavan-4-ol content, glume phenol and flavan-4-ol contents, and glume cover indicated relatively less effect of these traits on grain mould response. Genotype means indicated that combinations of several traits are required to achieve resistance. Germplasm lines, including coloured-seeded lines IS 14375, IS 14387, IS 18144, and IS 18528, and white-seeded lines IS 21443, IS 24495 and IS 25017, showed greatest grain mould resistance. Improved lines generally had poorer grain mould resistance than these landraces. However, the best improved lines were comparable in resistance to white-seeded landraces. B58586, IS 14375 and IS 14387 are hard-seeded guinea sorghum lines that can be used as sources of grain mould resistance for West Africa. SP 33316, SP 33349 and GM 15018 are agronomically elite lines that can be used as sources of grain mould resistance for further improvement of white-seeded sorghum for South Asia and other regions. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Y. Li    C. Liu    Y. Shi    Y. Song    T. Wang    Y. Li 《Plant Breeding》2009,128(4):342-347
Development and evaluation of introgression lines have become one of the promising approaches to understanding genetic mechanisms of important traits in crops. In this study, three sets of drought tolerance (DT) selected backcross populations in maize, including two BC2S1 populations and one BC3S1 population, from a cross of Qi319 and Huangzaosi (recurrent parent) were developed by selecting for short anthesis-silking interval (ASI) under the condition of serious water stress at flowering stage. The introgression of chromosome segments was identified using microsatellite markers. The results showed that the marker allele introgression frequencies in the three DT populations significantly increased compared with the expected value under no selection. There was a notable increase of introgression frequency for the most of these markers which were located on all chromosomes except chromosome 8, but most concentrated on some chromosomes, especially on chromosomes 4 and 5. For example, chromosome 4 harboured the largest number of introgression regions, on which five segments were detected. The ASI in the DT populations significantly shortened compared with the initial BC2 population.  相似文献   

The USDA‐ARS National Plant Germplasm System maintains a Zimbabwe sorghum collection of 1235 accessions from different provinces. This germplasm has not been extensively employed in US breeding programmes due to the lack of phenotypic and genetic characterization. Therefore, 68 accessions from Zimbabwe were phenotyped, and evaluated for their anthracnose response for two consecutive years, and genetically characterized with 21 simple sequence repeat markers. Phenotypic analysis showed significant differences among accessions with plant height and panicle length being the most variable traits. Likewise, 25 accessions were anthracnose resistant, nine showed variable responses and 34 were susceptible. Genetic analysis identified 174 alleles with an average of 8.3 alleles and 11.8 genotypes per locus and a polymorphic information content of 0.60. These results reflect a moderate genetically diverse germplasm. Neighbour‐joining clustering analysis revealed that the majority of anthracnose‐resistant accessions showed high genetic relatedness; therefore, this germplasm might represent one to six new sources of resistances. Results presented herein show that the Zimbabwe collection contains valuable germplasm for breeding programmes and is an important source of anthracnose resistance.  相似文献   

A. Anandan    H. Huliraj    P. Veerabadhiran 《Plant Breeding》2009,128(5):443-450
In sorghum, shoot fly resistance is important for grain yield and fodder value. An experiment was conducted to estimate genetic parameters of sorghum for resistance to shoot fly in 50 hybrids, by crossing 5 × 10 genotypes in line × tester manner. Plant height, number of leaves per plant, number of eggs per plant, trichomes on upper and lower surface per unit area of lamina and dead heart per cent were measured on 14 and 21 days after emergence (DAE) and glossiness of leaves was graded on 14 DAE. The correlation between midparent and hybrid performance, GCA : SCA ratio revealed predominance of non-additive gene effects for the traits studied, which could be exploited through hybrid breeding. Of the parents, SPSFPR 94004A and IS 4777 were the best general combiners for shoot fly resistance. Correlation and path analysis revealed the importance of resistance traits and phenol estimation confirms the resistances against shoot fly.  相似文献   

To estimate quantitative‐genetic parameters of sorghum for resistance to the hemi‐parasitic weed striga [Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth.] and for agronomic traits, 36 diallel F2 populations and their nine parental lines were evaluated under severe striga infestation at two locations each in Mali and Kenya. Location means for grain yield ranged from 132 to 254 g/m2. F2 populations outyielded lines on average by 18%. For striga emergence traits, F2 heterosis values ranged from ‐36% to 232% among populations. Genetic and genotype x environment interaction variances of lines and F2s were highly significant for all traits. Broad‐sense heritabilities for areas under striga severity progress curves and grain yield were 0.83 and 0.90 in lines, and 0.81 and 0.89 in F2s, respectively. General and specific combining ability, and their interaction effects with locations were significant for most traits. F2 superiority for grain yield under striga infestation demonstrates the potential merit of heterozygous cultivars in the target areas. Significant genotype x environment interaction entails multilocational testing to identify stable resistance. A combination of resistance with striga tolerance is recommended to breeders.  相似文献   

Development of maize (Zea mays L.) types that produce leaf area and mature quickly would increase production of maize in mid- to short-season areas. The leafy (Lfy1) and reduced-stature (rd1) traits both make contributions to this end. However, these two traits have not previously been combined. Our objective was to evaluate the yield and yield components of non-leafy normal-stature (NLNS), leafy reduced-stature (LRS), non-leafy reduced-stature (NLRS), and leafy normal-stature (LNS) maize inbred lines. The two genes, ‘Lfy1’ and ‘rd1’, were incorporated into a series of inbred lines resulting in a range of canopy architectures. Ten variables were recorded for each of 30 inbred lines over three years. The 10 variables were: corn heat unit requirement from planting to tasselling, corn heat unit requirement from planting to silking, days between tasselling and silking, grain moisture content, husk dry weight, cob dry weight, ear length, maximum ear circumference, grain yield and ratio of grain yield to moisture content. Reduced-stature inbred lines reached anthesis more quickly than normal-stature inbred lines. Grain moisture content was less in reduced-stature inbred lines than normal stature trait groups. Leafy-reduced stature plants had the highest ratio of grain to moisture content and the lowest grain moisture content at harvest. Inbred lines containing the rd1 trait matured more rapidly than other trait groups. The LRS trait group yielded more than the other groups, and showed great potential for use in mid- to short-season environments. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

刘丽  蔡迪花 《中国农学通报》2018,34(16):100-105
为提高武都的核桃产量与品质,分析不同气象条件下核桃不同品种的物候期、产量构成要素变化及其对气候因子的响应情况。本研究以甘肃陇南市武都山区“万亩核桃园”为试验地点,在2012—2013 年开展核桃‘温185’、‘强特勒’2 个品种的物候期及产量构成要素的连续性观测,分析不同年份2个品种物候期及产量构成要素的变化特征,并结合同期气象资料,研究核桃产量构成要素与主要气象因子的关系。结果表明:(1)不同品种、不同年份的核桃物候期存在较大的差异;(2)尽管2013 年核桃‘温185’的枝条生长量明显长于2012年,但由于2013年前期气温异常偏高,加之降水量偏少,造成后期果实生长量小于2012 年。然而,由于‘强特勒’的物候期较‘温185’晚了20 天左右,其2013 年枝条、果实生长量均较2012 年大,前期的高温并未影响其生长发育;(3)2012、2013 年核桃‘温185’枝条、果实生长量与温度、降水呈正相关,而与日照时数呈不显著负相关,其中与最低温度的相关性最显著。就温度而言,2013年的相关性明显弱于2012年,表明气温异常偏高不利于核桃产量的提高。  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted from 1989 to 1991 at Ibadan, Nigeria, to assess effects of maize streak virus (MSV) disease on growth and yield of maize varieties having different levels of disease resistance. MSV disease reduced yield and growth in all years, but varieties differed significantly in amount of loss, disease severity and incidence. MSV disease was negatively correlated with plant height and dry weight, grain weight per plot, 1000-grain weight, ear length and diameter. In 1989 MSV disease decreased yield of resistant variety TZB-SR by 1.5%, of resistant hybrid 8321-21 by 10%, and of moderately resistant hybrid 8329-15 by 17%. Yield of susceptible variety TZB Gusao was reduced significantly more, by 71%. Plant age at time of virus challenge had significant effects on yield and growth characters, with earlier infection resulting in greater disease severity and yield reduction. A significant interaction between variety × age at challenge was also detected, indicating that varieties were differentially affected by MSV in relation to the growth stage when challenged. Disease incidence after challenge was lower for the most resistant varieties. This property of lower disease incidence under equal challenge opportunities (tolremicity) is an important aspect of resistance. The resistant varieties discussed here were bred for tolerance - good yield performance when diseased -, but TZB-SR and 8321-21 also exhibited tolremicity. Tolremicity combined with tolerance constitutes the overall disease resistance of a variety to a systemic pathogen such as MSV. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

G. Seitz    A. E. Melchinger    H. H. Geiger    I. S. Singh 《Plant Breeding》1995,114(3):231-234
Eleven flint inbreds of maize were crossed with 11 dent inbreds according to a balanced incomplete factorial mating design to produce 66 single crosses (2W) in both reciprocal forms. Additionally, six three-way crosses (3W) were also produced in both reciprocal forms. These hybrids were evaluated for 11 forage yield and quality traits in 1983 and 1984 at three sites in Germany. Highly significant reciprocal differences were observed for nine traits in the 2W. The respective variance component estimates amounted to 2–33% of the variance component due to crosses. On average, flint × dent 2W had lower dry-matter content (DMC) than dent × flint 2W and a 1 % greater dry-matter yield (DMY) of forage. Three-way crosses produced on singles exhibited greater DMC (3%) and DMY (5%) of the ear, metabolizable energy content (MEC) of stover (1%), and DMC and DMY of forage (2%) than their reciprocal forms produced on lines. Based on this study, because of their minor importance, routine testing for reciprocal differences among 2W hybrids is not recommended.  相似文献   

Z. H. Liu    H. L. Xie    G. W. Tian    S. J. Chen    C. L. Wang    Y. M. Hu    J. H. Tang 《Plant Breeding》2008,127(3):279-285
A set of 213 F2:3 families were used to investigate the effects of nitrogen (N) on grain yield and the concentrations of three nutrient components in maize (Zea mays L.) kernels. A genetic linkage map was constructed using 189 SSR (simple sequence repeat) markers, spanning a total of 2003 cM, including 11 linkages, and the families were evaluated under high N and low N conditions at two farm locations. The results indicate that low N conditions may induce an increase in starch concentration, but a decrease in protein levels. Twenty‐six quantitative trait loci (QTL) were detected for four measured traits in the two N treatments at both locations, including eight QTL for grain yield, seven QTL for oil content, six QTL for protein content and five QTL for starch content. The total number of QTL detected for the four measured traits under high N levels was greater than the QTL detected under low N conditions, and several QTL were identified that specifically expressed under different N conditions. These particular QTL could help provide greater understanding of the genetic basis of N‐usage efficiency.  相似文献   

Male fertility restoration in new types of sorghum cytoplasmic male sterility‐inducing cytoplasms (A4, ‘9E’, ‘M35’), characterized by the formation of non‐dehiscent anthers, is difficult. Lines with fertility‐restorer genes for these unique cytoplasms do occur, but rarely, and when found tend to be unstable in their inheritance and expression. The aim of this research was to explore reasons for this instability. Seven lines in three unique cytoplasms, ‘9E’, A4 and ‘M35’, and six lines that restore with these cytoplasms were grown at the Agricultural Research Institute for South‐East Region in Saratov, Russia from 1993 to 2004. Levels of male fertility restoration and various environmental factors were recorded. It is reported that for sorghum hybrids in the A4, ‘9E’ and ‘M35’ male‐sterile cytoplasms, the level of plant male fertility is determined by the level of water available to plants during anther and pollen formation that which ‘switches on’ the expression of fertility‐restoring genes, and is possibly involved in an unusual type of male fertility inheritance in these cytoplasms. The creation of reliable line‐fertility restorers capable of the restoration of male fertility of F1 hybrids in ‘M35’ cytoplasm under conditions of water stress is also reported. Current research explore mechanisms involved possible in responses to water levels at various growth stages and their influence on fertility within these cytoplasms.  相似文献   

In recent years, cytoplasmic male‐sterility (CMS) has been recognized as a potential danger to the stability of crop production and resistance to insect pests in sorghum. Therefore, the influence of CMS on the expression of resistance to sorghum shoot fly was studied at the ICRISAT, Patancheru, India using the interlard fishmeal technique. The experimental material consisted of 12 restorer, 12 CMS and the maintainer lines, and their 144 F1 hybrids. Shoot fly‐resistant CMS lines were preferred for oviposition and had more damage because of deadhearts than the corresponding maintainer lines. The hybrids based on shoot fly‐resistant CMS × resistant restorer lines were significantly less preferred for oviposition than the hybrids based on other cross combinations and exhibited the highest frequency (69.1%) of shoot fly‐resistant hybrids. The hybrids based on glossy and trichomed parents had the highest frequency (>90%) of hybrids with glossy and trichome traits, emphasizing the need to transfer these traits into both parents for better expression in the F1 hybrids. The expression pattern of trichome density, leaf glossiness and leaf sheath pigmentation in the F1 hybrids and their parents suggested that the interactions between cytoplasmic and nuclear genes possibly control the expression of traits associated with resistance to sorghum shoot fly in the F1 hybrids.  相似文献   

A selection program in three tropical maize populations aimed to improve tolerance of mid-season to late season drought environments while maintaining grain yield (GY) potential. The selection process employed other attributes that included maintaining a constant anthesis date (AD) and, under drought, shortening the anthesis-silking interval (ASI) and increasing ear number per plant (EPP). Three-mode (genotypes × environments × attributes) pattern analysis, which consists of clustering and ordination, should be able to collectively interpret these changes from ten evaluation trials. Mixture maximum likelihood clustering identified four groups that indicated the populations' performance had changed with selection. Groups containing the advanced cycles of selection were higher yielding in most environments and had lower ASI and higher EPP, particularly in drought environments. Check entries with no selection for drought tolerance remained grouped with the initial cycles of selection. A 3 × 2 × 3 (genotypes by environments by attributes) principal component model explained 70% of the variation. For the first environmental component, ASI was shown to be highly negatively correlated with both GY and EPP while anthesis date (AD) was virtually uncorrelated with other traits. The second environmental component (explaining 10% of the variation) contrasted droughted and well-watered environments and showed that EPP and GY were better indicators of this contrast (in terms of changes in population performance) than were AD or ASI. Three-mode analysis demonstrated that improvements with selection occurred in both droughted and well-watered environments and clearly summarised the overall success of the breeding program. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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