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While suburban areas have been typically related with urban sprawl, low density, cheap land price and low‐end manufacturing industries, relatively little attention has been paid to the spatial organization of innovation in suburban areas. In some Chinese cities, development zones (kai fa qu) in their suburban areas which are generally regarded as major spaces for traditional manufacturing industries have been transforming into spaces for innovation. This paper provides a case study of Nanjing, the capital of Jiangsu province in Eastern China by investigating and explaining the learning and innovation processes in suburban development zones. Drawing upon a unique database on 733 state‐certified high‐tech firms in Nanjing from 2008 to 2012 which contains detailed information on their addresses and number of patents, we observe strong spatial disparity in the distribution of innovation. Suburban districts of Nanjing where its three national‐level development zones and many provincial‐level development zones are located have become major spaces for innovation of the city. The planning of industrial clusters in development zones, the place‐based investment in the suburbs, and the suburbanization of universities are three major mechanisms behind the learning and innovation processes in Nanjing’s suburban development zones.  相似文献   

河北省广平县土地整治增加耕地潜力研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了使土地整治规划及工业、商业等建设用地规划满足区域耕地总量动态平衡的要求,采用调查和统计方法,测算了广平县土地整治增加耕地潜力。结果表明:从潜力来源类型看,广平县土地整治增加耕地潜力从大到小依次是:耕地整理、农村居民点整理、土地开发、土地复垦;从潜力来源组合的区域分异看,广平县可分为:耕地和农村居民点综合整治区、耕地整治开发区、耕地整治为主兼顾农村居民点整治区。由此得出,优先安排广平镇城乡土地综合整治及东张孟乡沙荒地开发项目,适度推进其他乡镇耕地及农村居民点整治,制定鼓励村集体和农户自主开展土地复垦的政策,而无需安排复垦项目。  相似文献   

提高开发区土地集约利用评价结果的可靠性及可操作性,能合理地改善经营管理,挖掘土地利用潜力,不断提高开发区土地利用效率和经济效益,为开发区扩区升级提供参考依据和借鉴价值。本研究将我国南方地区按经济发达程度、交通便利及地理位置等方面分为三类不同地区,每类地区选择了两个经济开发区作为代表,采用层次分析法和改进模糊综合评价法耦合的方法,运用MATLAB7.0软件从横向角度对三类地区的经济开发区代表进行了评价。研究结果表明:区位和交通便捷,经济发达的浙江沿海地区土地集约利用水平较高,而地理位置比较特殊,经济欠发达的海南开发区的土地集约利用水平相对较低。  相似文献   

Our understanding of the socio-economic and geographical impacts of structural adjustment has not kept pace with the transformations, and this paper responds to this problem. Faced with massive foreign debt and a collapse of traditional exports, governments throughout the developing world have agreed to World Bank- and International Monetary Fund (IMF)-prescribed structural adjustment and to its component industrial free zones. The zones are designed to attract foreign manufacturers to produce for export, and thereby generate hard currency for governments and jobs for young women. Jamaica, which has experienced a greater foreign debt burden and more structural adjustment agreements than virtually any other third world country, provides a case study of free zone policy. The research employs a political economy approach (Barnes 1993, whereby conventional wisdom that free zones contribute positively to Third World development is initially scrutinized. Free zones are examined with respect to the historical, social, and spatial contexts in which they are imbedded, and social groups affected by free zones are disaggregated by class and gender to expose power relationships and differential impacts. Most evidence is drawn from internal Jamaican government records and interviews with public and private managers involved with the free zones. The findings indicate that the costs and benefits of free zone promotion are distributed very unevenly with respect to class, gender and location.  相似文献   

付华 《中国农学通报》2018,34(35):156-164
以京郊旅游专家入户诊断式培训涉及的140个行政村为对象,运用最小方差法和空间分析方法,在全面分析各村包含的业态种类的基础上,对京郊乡村旅游业态的主导类型进行研究。结果表明,京郊乡村旅游业态化大多呈组合结构,以采摘篱园化和休闲农庄化为主,其次为休闲农庄和山水人家,且表现出明显的地域分布。多业态化结构及其分布深受地理区位、自然条件和产业投入等因素的影响。水元素是京郊乡村旅游业的重要符号。近年来出现的新的经营方式应当纳入新业态范畴。  相似文献   

土地整理中土壤肥力保持价值比较研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
土地整理不可避免地会对项目区的环境要素及其生态过程产生影响,基于生态服务价值理论,对邛崃市孔明乡土地整理项目区不同整理类型土壤肥力保持价值进行了比较研究,可为该地区土地整理决策、土地整理质量与效益评价等提供定量依据。结果表明,土壤肥力保持每公顷累积价值土地开发区为1.51万元,土地复垦区1.85万元,土地整理区0.49万元。土地复垦区积累价值率达到147.2%,远大于开发区和整理区,这一结果与复垦区土壤全部通过客土改造有关。土地整理后项目区土壤肥力保持总价值增加了733.88万元,其来源一是新增耕地面积,二是农地地力的提高。土壤肥力保持效费比分别为开发区0.05,复垦区0.09,整理区0.46,效益以土地整理区最高。说明以改善农业基础设施、提高地力为主要特征的土地整理类型投资少,土壤肥力保持效益高,值得提倡。  相似文献   

商洛山区无公害绿色农业产业发展探析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
张晓虎 《中国农学通报》2006,22(10):514-514
通过对商洛山区区位状况、气候条件、土地资源、生物资源、产地环境等的分析,指出商洛具有发展无公害绿色农业产业的比较优势。针对发展现状和存在的问题,提出了促进发展的指导思想、基本原则、方向和目标等工作思路;并对建好生产基地、搞好产品开发、抓好龙头企业、完善社会服务等对策作了初步探讨。  相似文献   

北京市蔬菜专业村发展时空动态研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
蔬菜产业是关系国计民生的重要产业,产业化生产是实现蔬菜产业现代化的重要路径。本文以北京蔬菜专业村为研究对象,选取区位数据、种植规模以及发展数量三个方面进行探讨,采用对比分析法、核密度分析法,对北京市2008-2016年蔬菜专业村空间分布的动态变化特征进行分析。结果显示,北京市郊区蔬菜专业村数量呈现先增长后降低的趋势、在地理区位变化上由相对聚集向相对均匀分布变化、种植规模差异化程度逐渐降低等特点。研究建议加快培育蔬菜新品种、加强高端蔬菜产品生产;要延长蔬菜产业链,发展蔬菜全产业链服务平台建设;要抓住“互联网+”机遇,打造京郊蔬菜品牌化产品,推动蔬菜产业又快又好发展。  相似文献   

长沙市开发园区工业企业用地节约集约利用研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
构建评价指标体系综合评价长沙市开发园区工业企业用地的集约利用程度,为园区土地集约利用提供决策依据。采用AHP方法和综合指数评价方法对长沙市开发园区工业企业用地的集约利用程度进行评价。结果表明:长沙市开发园区工业企业用地的集约利用整体水平较高,行业间差异明显;容积率和建筑密度偏低是影响长沙市开发园区工业企业节约集约利用水平的最主要因素。通过健全用地批后监管,严格工业企业用地准入机制;完善土地市场机制、提高土地利用率;加强企业技术创新等措施促进开发园区工业用地节约和集约利用。  相似文献   

基于耕地保护的城市发展空间生态适宜性评价研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
关小克 《中国农学通报》2013,29(32):252-258
针对城市边缘地带建设用地快速增长与优质农用地大量减少的矛盾,以驻马店为例,在充分考虑农田的生态服务功能的基础上,构建了建设用地生态适宜性评价系统和耕地自然生产潜力评价系统组成的生态适宜城区扩展用地评价方法,评价了城市建设用地的生态适宜性和农地的自然宜耕性,基于保护优质耕地的目标,划分了适宜性发展空间分区,将城市发展空间划分为重点开发、优化开发、限制开发和禁止开发4个类型,结合宜居城市建设对不同分区内的耕地功能用地进行了分析,探讨了扩展用地时空配置的方法和途径。结果表明:驻马店市重点、优化、限制和禁止开发区面积分别占研究区总面积的37.05%、28.87%、17.75%、16.33%。该评价方法为城市边缘地带新增建设用地的时空配置提供了参考。  相似文献   

皖江城市带省级以上开发区土地集约利用的空间分异   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
开发区空间布局与土地集约利用分异研究,是土地集约利用潜力评价的重要组成部分。皖江城市带是由国务院正式批复设立的承接产业转移示范区,其开发区建设发展及土地集约利用程度分异状况具有典型研究意义。本研究拟采用空间结构分析方法,结合结构熵权法进行确权,对皖江城市带省级以上开发区的空间布局进行分析,并建立指标体系,对开发区土地集约利用程度进行评价,对其分异进行分析。在此基础上,提出皖江城市带各区域开发区土地利用建议与措施。  相似文献   

黄河三角洲土地利用时空变化及驱动力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王薇  王昕  黄乾  孙力 《中国农学通报》2014,30(32):172-177
黄河三角洲是保持山东省耕地总量动态平衡、增加耕地面积的重要区域之一,是研究土地利用变化的热点地区。以东营市为研究区,分析了该区域1992—2010 年土地利用时空变化特征,探讨了引起土地利用时空变化的驱动因素。结果表明:(1)研究区土地总体趋势是建筑用地、水体、盐田、林地的面积不断增加,而耕地、滩涂、草地、未利用地的面积减少,其中建筑用地增加了5.92%;(2)研究区耕地、盐田、建筑用地、水体之间频繁地转换关系,1992—2010 年耕地355.79 km2转为了建筑用地, 225.75 km2的滩涂转为盐田;(3)研究区8 种土地类型斑块个数51650 减少为32892,且耕地7 个景观指标均减少;(4)研究区土地利用变化宏观影响因子是政策导向,直接驱动力为人口的不断增长以及快速的城市化进程。  相似文献   

刘东  刘锐金 《中国农学通报》2022,38(32):139-147
热带作物产业是中国农业的重要组成部分,对保障国家资源安全、乡村振兴、民族团结和服务外交等方面具有重要意义。运用SWOT-PEST方法,结合中国热带作物产业发展现状,从政治、经济、社会、技术4个方面对中国热带作物产业的内部优势、劣势以及面临的外部机遇、挑战进行分析,并构建了分析矩阵,研究表明中国热带作物产业拥有政府重视程度高、自然资源丰富、区位优、较好的产业发展基础和科技力量储备等内部优势,同时也存在扶持力度相对不足、经营水平发展较为滞后、资源环境约束和生产成本的压力较大和科技进步贡献率较低等自身劣势。建议综合运用中国热带作物产业发展的增长型、扭转型、多元化和防御型4种策略,以“一带一路”倡议、乡村振兴战略和持续对外开放政策为契机,利用好国内市场需求旺盛、多元化需求不断增长、新技术应用力度加大的发展机遇,在充分挖掘和发挥内部优势的基础上,通过呼吁政府进一步加强对热带作物产业的政策支持力度、完善热带作物产业经营体系建设、推动热带作物企业“走出去”、科技创新驱动产业延链升级等方式补齐自身短板,减少或避免国际热带农产品市场对国内的冲击、供给安全的不确定性以及科技创新供给不足的威胁,全面提高中国热带作物产业的国际竞争力。  相似文献   

Land use planning often is implemented to control development on forests and farmland, but its impact on land use remains untested. Previous studies evaluating such programs have relied on anecdotal evidence rather than on data describing actual land use change. A model of land use is specified as a function of socioeconomic factors, land rent, and landowners' characteristics, to examine how well Oregon's land use planning program has protected forests and farmland from development. The empirical model describes the probability that forests and farmland in western Oregon and western Washington were developed to residential, commercial, or industrial uses, before and after Oregon's land use planning program took effect. Land use data are provided by the USDA Forest Service's Forest Inventory and Analysis program. Results suggest that Oregon's land use planning program has concentrated development within urban growth boundaries since its implementation, but its success at reducing the likelihood of development on resource lands located within forest use and exclusive farm use zones remains uncertain.  相似文献   

在关中-天水经济区"一核、一轴、三辐射"的空间发展战略基础上,对经济区县域生产要素禀赋和生产技术水平等基本特征进行综合评价,据此划分区域并进行各区产业功能定位,以期为促进产业整合与升级和优化区域经济结构提供科学依据。运用多元统计的主成分分析,对研究区65个区(县)经济发展状况进行综合评价;运用区域分工指数和区位商衡量各县之间的产业集聚趋势,采用层次聚类法和GIS空间分析将经济区划分为5个区域;最后提出促进经济区地区分工及一体化,统筹区域经济发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

Optimal allocation of land use is essential to promote regional economic and social development.However,research on such allocations in development zones is limited.This paper proposes a new land use allocation method for development zones and tests its feasibility.Based on prior research,this study predicts the developmental stage of a development zone and sets the objective functions and constraint conditions accordingly.This paper then measures the conversion relationship between the land use types in an unit according to the land use suitability results and the vital mechanism theory and uses the ant colony algorithm to construct a land use optimization model on the basis of this conversion relatonship.The model is then applied successfully to a case study of the Liangjiang New Area,Chongqing,China.The results show that the vital mechanism theory better reflects the relationship between land use types.The economic benefits increase 3.5 times and compactness improves by 46.5%between the initial year(2009)and the optimized year(2020),after the proposed model is applied.  相似文献   

This paper examines the choice of residential location in the city of Chicago versus its suburban areas. Data from the 5 percent Public Use Microdata Sample from the 1990 and 2000 Census of Population and Housing are used. Particular attention is given to the effects of educational attainment. Place of work continues to dominate the residential location decision. However, conditioning on place of work, demographics, and income, educational attainment is found to be statistically significant in residential choice of the city versus the suburbs in 2000 for non‐Hispanic whites, especially those with graduate degrees. In contrast, more educated African‐Americans and Hispanics tend to locate in suburban areas.  相似文献   

Our research evaluates and compares the effects of three land‐related policies on land development in a sprawling metropolitan area during a real estate boom and a recession. Our findings suggest that during a real estate boom 1) the urban growth boundary (UGB) serves its purpose of attracting urban development inside the given boundary during a boom while its effectiveness diminishes with increased development pressure from lower‐valued land outside of the UGB during a recession period, 2) the agricultural zone works well for restraining new development during a boom period while agriculture zoned parcels are more likely developed during a recession period, and 3) an increase in the land‐value tax bill increases the incentive for development during a recession period while higher tax bills do not affect development during a boom period. In anticipation of a re‐emergence of urban sprawl with the recovery of the real estate market, our findings imply that land planners and others concerned with sprawling development should pay more attention to development in sprawl‐prone areas during recession periods.  相似文献   

Along with development and standardization of market, and opening the building market to the outside world, the competition will more depend on the technique and strength of enterprises. The state-owned construction corporations must have correct understanding of technical advancement and pay greater attention to it. An appropriate approach for technical advancement should be chosen. On the other hand, the government should take measures, compulsive or hortative, on technical improvement of construction industry.  相似文献   

China's construction industry is confronting with the impacts and challenges with the China's entry into the WTO. With the further opening to the outside world, the competition of China's construction industry becomes more and more intensive. Under such circumstance, the only way to adapt to the post-WTO environment for China's construction industry is to promote such works as regulation integrity, industrial structure adjustment and enterprise innovation. In order to promote and speed up the development of China's construction industry, it is realistic to analyze both the advantages and disadvantages with the accession of China to WTO and take corresponding countermeasures.  相似文献   

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