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Plant breeding has developed perennial ryegrass varieties with increased concentrations of water‐soluble carbohydrates (WSCs) compared with conventional varieties. Water‐soluble carbohydrates are major metabolic and storage components in ryegrass. Therefore, if perennial ryegrass herbage is allowed to grow to greater heights it should contain higher water‐soluble carbohydrates concentrations, for example as under rotational grazing rather than continuous grazing by livestock. This study investigated this hypothesis and measured the performance of lambs grazed rotationally and continuously. Replicated plots of the variety AberDart (bred to express high WSC concentrations) or the variety Fennema were grazed by a core group of ten male Cheviot lambs for 10 weeks. Lambs were weighed and replicate forage samples were taken every 7 d. Concentrations of WSC in AberDart herbage were significantly (P < 0·05), but not substantially, higher than those in Fennema herbage. Rotational grazing did not increase the differential in WSC concentration between the AberDart and Fennema varieties. However, there was a tendency (P = 0·07) for lambs rotationally grazing the AberDart swards to have a higher final live weight than lambs grazing the Fennema swards. Overall, lamb performance was increased when either perennial ryegrass variety was rotationally rather than continuously grazed (P < 0·001).  相似文献   

Mixtures of perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne L.) and white clover ( Trifolium repens L.) sown in alternate rows or in a thoroughly mixed matrix were grazed by sheep, either continuously or during short grazing tests, and were used to investigate the influence of the vertical and horizontal components of the sward structure on defoliation by sheep.
In an experiment under continuous grazing, the defoliation intensity was greater for white clover compared with perennial ryegrass leaves (0·80 and 0·58 respectively). In spring, perennial ryegrass leaves were more defoliated than white clover leaves, whereas the reverse was observed in summer. The ratio of the proportion of white clover to perennial ryegrass leaves grazed was negatively correlated with the difference between the surface height of the perennial ryegrass and white clover rows in spring. In both spring and summer, white clover leaves of the same extended leaf length had a higher proportion of them grazed than perennial ryegrass leaves.
In another experiment, during short grazing tests with perennial ryegrass–white clover swards that were grazed at the same sward surface height and at the same white clover content as in the previous experiment, there were no significant differences in the proportion of white clover and perennial ryegrass leaves grazed between strips of the two species and thoroughly mixed structures. The proportion of white clover leaves grazed was higher than that of perennial ryegrass leaves.
These results show that the differential defoliation by sheep of perennial ryegrass and white clover leaves varies according to their vertical distribution in the mixed canopy, but is little affected by their horizontal distribution. Even small differences in sward surface height between mixed perennial ryegrass and white clover can affect diet selection by sheep to a rather large extent.  相似文献   

The objective of this study, which was part of a larger grazing‐systems experiment, was to investigate the cumulative impact of three levels of grazing intensity on sward production, utilization and structural characteristics. Pastures were grazed by rotational stocking with Holstein–Friesian dairy cows from 10 February to 18 November 2009. Target post‐grazing heights were 4·5 to 5 cm (high; H), 4 to 4·5 cm (intermediate; I) and 3·5 to 4 cm (low; L). Detailed sward measurement were undertaken on 0·08 of each farmlet area. There were no significant treatment differences in herbage accumulated or in herbage harvested [mean 11·3 and 11·2 t dry matter (DM) ha?1 respectively]. Above the 3·5 cm horizon, H, I and L swards had 0·56, 0·62 and 0·67 of DM as leaf and 0·30, 0·23 and 0·21 of DM as stem respectively. As grazing severity increased, tiller density of grass species other than perennial ryegrass (PRG) decreased (from 3,350 to 2,780 and to 1771 tillers m?2 for H, I and L paddocks respectively) and the rejected area decreased (from 0·27 to 0·20 and to 0·10 for H, I and L paddocks respectively). These results indicate the importance of grazing management practice on sward structure and quality and endorse the concept of increased grazing severity as a strategy to maintain high‐quality grass throughout the grazing season. The findings are presented in the context of the need for intensive dairy production systems to provide greater quantities of high‐quality pasture over an extended grazing season, in response to policy changes with the abolition of EU milk quotas.  相似文献   

Eight perennial ryegrass cultivars (representing the variations in ploidy, heading date and water‐soluble carbohydrates concentration) were investigated for morphology and nutritive value at three phenological stages: pre‐heading vegetative, reproductive and post‐flowering vegetative stages. Chemical compositions and digestibility of morphological components (lamina, pseudostem and reproductive stem) from each perennial ryegrass cultivar were analysed in a split‐plot design. At the vegetative stages, perennial ryegrass cultivars differed significantly in the proportions of lamina and pseudostem. Tetraploid cultivars, Base and Bealey, always had the greatest lamina proportion (51.8% and 53.2% at the pre‐heading and post‐flowering vegetative stages respectively). At the reproductive stage, the emergence of seed heads diminished the differences in morphology among cultivars. Perennial ryegrass cultivars also had distinct nutritive value throughout three phenological stages. The high‐sugar cultivar, AberMagic, had high WSC concentrations (276, 227 and 90 g/kg DM at the pre‐heading vegetative, reproductive and post‐flowering vegetative stages respectively); the intermediate‐heading cultivars, Kamo and Commando, generally had a lower organic matter digestibility in dry matter than the late‐heading cultivars at the pre‐heading vegetative (70.7% vs. 74.4%) and reproductive stage (63.9% vs. 68.2%). However, although the morphological components were different in nutritive value consistently, the differences in morphology did not account for the variation in nutritive value among perennial ryegrass cultivars.  相似文献   

Recent years have seen a decline in herbage production and tiller populations in New Zealand's perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) dairy pastures. One hypothesis is that modern genotypes are less suited to the warmer, drier weather experienced under changing climate patterns. In this study, a combination of long-term trial data (2011–2017) and a process-based pasture model (BASGRA) was used to explore the causes and possible mitigation of the observed production and population loss at three sites (dryland sites in Northland and Waikato and an irrigated site in Canterbury). Bayesian calibration was used to identify the model parameter sets that were consistent with the trial data and to identify differences in plant morphology and responses between sites. The model successfully simulated the observed differences in tiller numbers between the dryland sites, where populations and production declined rapidly after the second year and the irrigated site where populations and production were maintained. Analysis of the model calibrations along with preliminary scenario simulations suggests that increased tiller mortality associated with drought was the main cause of persistence failure at the dryland sites and that decreasing grazing pressure or breeding for tolerance to higher temperatures may not be successful in preventing this.  相似文献   

Four intermediate‐heading perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) varieties, which in previous studies had been associated with high‐ or low‐intake characteristics when swards containing them had been continuously stocked with sheep, were sown as monocultures. They were rotationally grazed, using 1‐d paddocks, with core groups of four yearling Simmental × Holstein beef heifers in 2002 and 2003 and ingestive and ruminative behaviour, and sward factors, were measured. There were two diploid (Belramo and Glen) and one tetraploid (Rosalin) perennial ryegrass varieties and one tetraploid hybrid (Lolium × boucheanum Kunth) (AberExcel) variety. Intake rate (IR) was significantly higher in August 2003 for heifers grazing Glen than those grazing Belramo [27·5 vs. 20·6 g dry matter (DM) min?1; P = 0·019], but there were no significant differences between varieties in two other measurement periods. This is in contrast to previous results with sheep when IR were significantly higher for Glen than Belramo and for AberExcel than Rosalin. Total jaw movement rates during grazing were significantly higher for heifers on the tetraploid swards than those on the diploid swards (87·7 vs. 83·6 jaw movements min?1; P = 0·023) in September 2002. Ruminating time was significantly lower for heifers on the tetraploid swards than those on the diploid swards (453 vs. 519 min 24 h?1; P = 0·012) in July 2002. Digestibility of grass snips was significantly higher on the tetraploid than the diploid swards [697 vs. 680 g digestible organic matter (DOM) kg?1 DM; P = 0·042] in September 2003 and, within diploids, was significantly higher for Glen than Belramo (696 vs. 663 g DOM kg?1 DM; P = 0·014). There were significant differences in sheath tube and leaf lengths and in the population density of tillers between and within ploidies, which might have been expected to have influenced intake characteristics, but this was not generally found under rotational grazing with cattle. In order to separate the effects of defoliation interval from those of grazing style of the different ruminant species, it is suggested that grass variety evaluations using continuously stocked cattle swards are required.  相似文献   

The study evaluated the impact of High, Moderate and Low grazing intensities throughout the grazing season, within a rotational stocking system, on the performance of high‐yielding dairy cows receiving a high level of concentrates. Sixty‐three Holstein‐Friesian dairy cows, 21 at each grazing intensity, were rotationally grazed. Average paddock size, post‐grazing sward heights and seasonal grazing stocking rates within the High, Moderate and Low grazing intensities were 0.143, 0.167 and 0.200 hectares, 5.2, 6.1 and 6.8 cm and 7.8, 6.7 and 5.6 cows ha?1 respectively. Grazing intensity had no effect on milk fat and protein content, end‐of‐study body condition score or end‐of‐study live weight although the latter tended towards significance (p = .057). Average daily milk yield per cow was higher within the Low grazing intensity (33.2 kg day?1) than High grazing intensity (30.5 kg day?1), and average daily fat‐plus‐protein yield was higher for Low and Moderate than High. Milk output per hectare was higher for the High grazing intensity than Low grazing intensity (33,544 and 26,215 kg ha?1 respectively). Grazing intensity had no effect on grazing bite number, blood metabolites or concentrations of milk fatty acids or on sward morphological components, although dead matter increased with time across all grazing intensities. Herbage utilization efficiency (above 1,600 kg DM ha?1) was 52%, 74% and 87% for Low, Moderate and High respectively. It is concluded that high‐producing dairy cows can graze at high levels of utilization when they are receiving high rates of concentrates. Although cow performance will be reduced, milk yield per ha will increase.  相似文献   

A comparison was made of the fatty acid composition and nutritive value of twelve cultivars of perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne L.) differing in heading date and ploidy level. The cultivars were sown in triplicate plots and three sequential cuts of herbage were taken at 20-d intervals during the late spring and early summer to describe the fatty acid composition and other measurements of nutritive value. Differences between cultivars were recorded for DM content ( P  <   0·01) and concentrations of gross energy, neutral-detergent fibre (NDF) and ash ( P  <   0·05). Diploid cultivars had a higher DM content and concentration of NDF ( P  <   0·01) than tetraploid cultivars whilst late-heading date cultivars had the lower NDF ( P  <   0·05), ADF and ash ( P  <   0·01) concentrations. There was variation between cultivars in fatty acid composition. Diploid cultivars had a higher concentration of C18:0 ( P  <   0·01) and C18:1 ( P  <   0·05) than tetraploid cultivars and late-heading date cultivars had the highest concentrations of total fatty acids, C16:0, C18:2 and C18:3 ( P  <   0·05). This was predominantly due to the cultivar Tyrella which is a diploid, late-heading cultivar. The study showed that some variation exists between perennial ryegrass cultivars in concentrations of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which may present opportunities to select for this trait, but further research on the developmental stages and degree of leafiness of cultivars is first required.  相似文献   

The production performance of herbage‐fed animals is affected by herbage voluntary dry‐matter intake (VDMI) and organic matter digestibility. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of herbage mass (HM) on in vivo herbage voluntary intake and digestibility in sheep. The three HM treatments were as follows: 1,100 kg dry matter (DM)/ha (low, L), 2,300 kg DM/ha (medium, M) and 3,700 kg DM/ha (high, H). The study was a Latin square design, repeated on two occasions in 2012: 24 May to 20 July (summer) and 21 July to 5 October (autumn). Twelve Texel wether sheep (individually housed) were offered fresh cut perennial ryegrass herbage for ad libitum consumption. Using the total faecal collection method, the digestibility of dry matter, organic matter, neutral detergent fibre and acid detergent fibre was determined. In summer, L had a similar VDMI to M and both had a higher VDMI than H. In autumn, L had a higher VDMI than both M and H. For dry‐matter digestibility and organic matter digestibility, there was no significant difference between L and M, which were both higher than H. For every 1% increase in neutral detergent fibre digestibility, VDMI increased by 0.03 kg. In the zero‐grazing scenario examined, offering low (1,100 kg DM/ha) HM swards enabled animals to achieve high intakes of highly digestible herbage, which should ensure high animal production performance.  相似文献   

Perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne L.) is one of the most valuable temperate pasture grasses in the world. Understanding seed germination in response to temperature can help determine its optimal seeding times. Germination tests for two cultivars of perennial ryegrass (cv. 'Turfstar' and cv. 'Transtar') were conducted by applying thirty-six constant and alternating temperature regimes, ranging from 5 to 40°C (16 h night/8 h day). Responses in germination rate to these temperature regimes were then used to construct a quadratic response surface, giving estimated germination rates with confidence intervals at P  ≤   0·05 for both cultivars. Optimum germination rate occurred over a range of regimes: 15/25, 20/25, 20/30 and 25/30°C. Furthermore, a wide range in diurnal alternating temperatures resulted in maximum seed germination rate for cv. 'Transtar', while no constant temperature regime supported maximum germination rate for cv. 'Turfstar'. A temperature-dependent germination rate function for perennial ryegrass was developed which could be used in the future to predict location-specific optimum seeding times when national or regional monthly temperature data are available.  相似文献   

Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) evaluation trials are often conducted under simulated grazing to identify the most productive cultivars. It is unclear whether simulated grazing identifies the most productive cultivar for animal‐grazed swards. Ten cultivars were established as plots and managed concurrently under simulated grazing (SG), animal grazing (AG) and conservation (CON). The experiment lasted 3 years with dry‐matter (DM) off‐take, digestibility, tiller density and ground‐cover score recorded in all years. A good relationship existed between DM off‐take under SG and CON (R2 = 0·73). The relationship between SG and AG was strongest in year 2 and 3 (R2 = 0·53 and 0·55 respectively). High DM production was observed in SG swards in year 1; this was weakly related to the DM production of the AG sward. Across the 3 years, the CON treatment had higher yields than either of the other two treatments and was poorly correlated to DM yield under AG, confirming that cultivars should be evaluated under a similar defoliation frequency to their intended use. Tiller density declined quickest under CON and slowest under AG. Some reranking of cultivars occurred between defoliation managements. The results show that simulated grazing is a useful indicator of DM yield performance of animal‐grazed swards.  相似文献   

The variation in force required to break the leaves and pseudostems of perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne ) was measured on twelve New Zealand commercial and pre-release cultivars using a punch and die apparatus which enabled up to 100 simultaneous breaks per sample. Perennial ryegrass cultivars were sampled from 2-year-old pure swards in two studies carried out in spring and autumn. In the first study, the forces required to break old and young leaves, and pseudostems, of six cultivars ranging in heading date and ploidy were compared at a designated morphological stage during spring growth. Force was measured as Newtons (N) mg−1 dry matter (DM) and the difference between the force required to break leaves and pseudostems was significant ( P  < 0·01). The youngest emerged leaf required a greater force by 0·13 than the oldest green leaf (5·60 and 4·90 N mg−1 DM for young and old leaf respectively). The force required to break leaves (average of young and old leaves) of 5·25 N mg−1 DM was 0·12 greater than the force required to break pseudostems (4·59 N mg−1 DM). This difference was consistent across most cultivars. In the second study, the force required to break leaves of ten cultivars was tested daily over three autumn periods when all cultivars were sampled at a regrowth age of 2 weeks. The cultivar Nevis was used in each period whilst the other cultivars were used in one period. When averaged across periods, cultivars could be separated into three groups of high, medium and low forces required to break leaves. The difference between the means of the high and low groups was 0·33 with a range from 3·29 to 4·91 N mg−1 DM.  相似文献   

The effect of the initial N-supplying capacity of soils (SoilN, 90–230 kg N ha–1 year–1) was tested on the dry-matter and N yields of pure or mixed white clover and perennial ryegrass swards, managed under simulated grazing over a 5-year period. The cumulated N harvested in the mixed swards was similar, both for white clover and perennial ryegrass, but the proportion of white clover showed oscillations over a 2-year period. In the first year, the SoilN effect was similar to that of fertilizer N. During the course of the experiment, the effect was always positive on the pure perennial ryegrass sward, alternately negative and nil for the white clover in the mixed sward and alternately positive and nil for the perennial ryegrass in the mixed sward; the period of these oscillations was 2 years. From the third regrowth period after sowing, the ratio between the actual N concentration and the concentration non-limiting to growth for the perennial ryegrass in the mixed sward, increased above that of the pure perennial ryegrass sward. It was in turn greater in the soils that were initially poor and then greater in those that were initially rich in soil N. The periodic oscillation of the initial SoilN effects implies that the initial SoilN gradient was alternately compensated and restored. It was concluded that N fluxes are partly responsible for the temporal oscillations in the proportion of white clover in mixed swards.  相似文献   

Four perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) cultivars were compared for differences in herbage production, nutritive value and herbage intake of dry matter (DM) during the summers of 2002 and 2003. Two paddocks were sown with pure stands of four cultivars in a randomized block design with three replicates. Each plot was subdivided into fourteen subplots (22 m × 6 m) which were grazed by one cow during 24 h. Twelve lactating dairy cows were assigned to one cultivar for a period of 2 weeks in a 4 × 4 Latin square experimental design; the experiment lasted 8 weeks in each year. Sward structure (sward surface height, DM yield, green leaf mass, bulk density and tiller density) and morphological characteristics were measured. The ash, neutral‐detergent fibre, acid‐detergent lignin, crude protein and water‐soluble carbohydrate concentrations, and in vitro digestibility of the herbage were measured. The sward was also examined for infestation by crown rust (Puccinia coronata f. sp. lolii). Herbage intake of dairy cows was estimated using the n‐alkane technique. Cultivar differences for all sward structural characteristics were found except for bulk density and tiller density in 2003. Cultivars differed for proportions of pseudostem, stem (in 2003 only) and dead material. The chemical composition of the herbage was different among cultivars, with the water‐soluble carbohydrate concentration showing large variation (>0·35). Cultivars differed in susceptibility to crown rust. Herbage intake differed among cultivars in 2002 (>2 kg DM) but not in 2003. Herbage intake was positively associated with sward height, DM yield and green leaf mass. Canopy morphology did not affect herbage intake. Crown rust affected herbage intake negatively. It was concluded that options for breeders to select for higher intake were limited. High‐yielding cultivars and cultivars highly resistant to crown rust were positively related with a high herbage intake.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to test the hypothesis that for cows with high levels of milk yield, rotational grazing produces higher milk yields than continuous grazing. The comparison of grazing systems was made at two levels of milk yield (initially 20·3 and 32·5 kg d?1), and interactions with sward height and concentrate level were also examined. The study used 48 multiparous Holstein Friesian cows over a period of 62 d. Mean milk yield, its persistency and composition, live weight, body condition score and liveweight gain were not significantly affected by grazing system at either level of milk yield. There were no significant interactions between grazing system and sward height or concentrate level for any milk production measurement. Mean estimated herbage and total dry matter (DM) intake (P < 0·01), grazing time (P < 0·05) and ruminating time (P < 0·01) were significantly greater on the continuous grazing system. The cows in the higher milk yield group and those grazed at the higher sward height had a significantly (P < 0·05) higher estimated daily herbage DM intake and rate of herbage intake on the continuous grazing system than those on the rotational grazing system. There was no evidence to support the hypothesis that rotational grazing systems support higher levels of milk production than continuous grazing for cows of high milk yield. The shorter grazing time on the rotational grazing system indicated that cows may anticipate the timing of the daily movement of the electric fence, and this reduces their time spent grazing residual herbage.  相似文献   

A rare stay‐green allele transferred from meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis L.) to perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) has improved both the colour of turf and the nutritive value of herbage. In this study its effect on shoot density and forage yield was assessed. Equivalent populations of perennial ryegrass were constructed with and without the stay‐green allele, following eight generations of backcrossing to perennial ryegrass. The stay‐green population, the normal population and the cv. AberStar were compared over two harvest years (2005 and 2006) in a field experiment with six application rates of N fertilizer (100, 200, 300, 400, 500 and 600 kg ha?1 annually). There were no significant interactions between level of N fertilizer and population in any of the traits measured. The mean annual dry‐matter (DM) yield over all populations and fertilizer levels was 6·45 t ha?1 lower in the second harvest year. Mean annual DM yields over all fertilizer levels of the normal population were higher than, or equal to, AberStar while those of the stay‐green population were significantly (proportionately 0·10–0·13) lower than the normal population. In 2005, the mean total yield of N in the herbage of the stay‐green population was 0·09 lower than that of the normal population and the mean concentration of N over all harvests was 1·5 g kg?1 DM higher. The shoot density of the stay‐green population after the last harvest in November 2006 was 0·18 lower than that of the normal population (3689 and 4478 shoots m?2 respectively).  相似文献   

The study was designed to test the hypothesis that grazing management in early season could alter sward structure to facilitate greater animal performance during critical periods. The effects of grazing a mixed perennial ryegrass/white clover sward at different sward surface heights, by cattle or sheep, in early season on sward composition and structure, and on the performance of weaned lambs when they subsequently grazed these swards in late season were determined. In two consecutive years, from mid‐May until mid‐July, replicate plots (three plots per treatment) were grazed by either suckler cows and calves or ewes and lambs at 4 or 8 cm sward surface heights (Phase 1). From mid‐August (Year 1) or early August (Year 2), weaned lambs continuously grazed, for a period of 36 d (Year 1) or 43 d (Year 2) (Phase 2), the same swards maintained at 4 cm (treatment 4–4), 8 cm (treatment 8–8) or swards which had been allowed to increase from 4 to 8 cm (treatment 4–8). Grazing by both cattle and sheep at a sward surface height of 4 cm compared with 8 cm in Phase 1 resulted in a higher (P < 0·001) number of vegetative grass tillers per m2 in Phase 2, although the effect was more pronounced after grazing by sheep. Sheep grazing at 8 cm in Phase 1 produced a higher number of reproductive tillers per m2 and a greater mass of reproductive stem (P < 0·001) than the other treatment combinations. The mass of white clover lamina was higher under cattle grazing (P < 0·05), especially on the 8‐cm treatment, and white clover accounted for a greater proportion of the herbage mass. These effects had mainly disappeared by the end of Phase 2. On the 4–4 and 8–8 sward height treatments the liveweight gain of the weaned lambs was higher (P < 0·05) on the swards previously grazed by cattle than those grazed by sheep. The proportion of white clover in the diet and the herbage intake also tended to be higher when the weaned lambs followed cattle. However, there was no difference in liveweight gain, proportion of white clover in the diet or herbage intake between swards previously grazed by cattle or sheep on the 4–8 sward height treatment. It is concluded that grazing grass/white clover swards by cattle compared with sheep for the first half of the grazing season resulted in less reproductive grass stem and a slightly higher white clover content in the sward, but these effects are transient and disappear from the sward by the end of the grazing season. They can also be eliminated by a short period of rest from grazing in mid‐season. Nevertheless these changes in sward structure can increase the performance of weaned lambs when they graze these swards in late season.  相似文献   

Abstract Two experiments were carried out to evaluate the performance of blends of three white clover (Trifolium repens L.) varieties in comparison with the component varieties and three other varieties sown individually in a mixture with perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.). The plots were grazed rotationally in Experiment 1 by cattle and sheep and in Experiment 2 by sheep alone. In both experiments, the blend was composed of three medium‐leaved varieties (AberDai, AberVantage and AberHerald), but with different relative contributions of the three varieties in the two experiments. Dry matter (DM) yields of white clover and perennial ryegrass were assessed in replicate plots for two years (1999 and 2000) after the establishment year. In Experiment 1, there was no significant difference between the DM yields of white clover or perennial ryegrass in either year. The decline in DM yield of white clover between years that was observed for some varieties was not found for the blend. In Experiment 2, significant differences were found in DM yields of white clover in both years. In 1999, AberDai had the highest DM yield. In 2000, AberHerald and AberVantage had the highest DM yields, and AberDai showed a decline in DM yield that was mirrored by the mean for all the white clover varieties. In both experiments, the blend did not show significantly higher DM yield than one or more of its components; indeed, in Experiment 2, it was significantly lower yielding than AberDai in 1999. However, where one component of the blend declined in DM yield between years, this was compensated for by an increase in the yield of another component. These preliminary findings suggest that the yield stability of blends may give them a potential role in agricultural practice.  相似文献   

Increasing the residual water‐soluble carbohydrate (WSC) concentration in silage may improve the nutritional value but impair aerobic stability. Our aim was to determine whether the residual WSC concentration and aerobic stability of low dry‐matter (<135 g kg?1) perennial ryegrass silage could be manipulated through the judicious use of additive and cultivar. Seven additive treatments, including three innovative treatments, were compared across four consecutive harvests of the cultivars AberDart (bred to accumulate high concentrations of herbage WSC) and Fennema (control). The standard of fermentation of silage ensiled without additive (untreated) ranged from very bad to excellent. Application of ammonium tetraformate, at 3 and 6 L t?1, or homofermentative lactic acid bacteria (LAB) alone had an inconsistent effect on the fermentation and aerobic stability, and negligible effect on residual WSC concentration. A mixture of Lactobacillus buchneri and homofermentative LAB was not an effective silage additive, producing generally poorly fermented silage. An antimicrobial mixture of sodium benzoate, sodium propionate, sodium nitrite and hexamethylenetetramine, applied at 2·5 and 5 L t?1, frequently improved the standard of fermentation, but the effects were subject to the application rate. The high application rate was the most effective additive evaluated at improving the fermentation and increasing residual WSC concentration and consistently produced silage of excellent standard of fermentation. However, the antimicrobial mixture was not effective at protecting against aerobic instability. The effects of additive treatment were largely inconsistent across cultivars. Overall, AberDart had a negligible effect on the silage fermentation, residual WSC concentration and aerobic stability compared with Fennema.  相似文献   

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