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Terminal heat stress has the potential negative impact on wheat production across the world, especially in South Asia. Under the threat of terminal heat stress, wheat genotypes with stay green trait would suffer from high temperature stress during their long grain filling duration (GFD). The genotypes with short GFD would be advantageous. To identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) for heat tolerance, a RIL population of K 7903 (heat tolerant) and RAJ 4014 (heat sensitive) wheat genotypes was investigated under timely and late‐sown conditions. Heat susceptibility index of GFD, yield components and traits under late‐sown condition were used as phenotypic data for QTL identification. Stable QTLs associated with these traits were identified on chromosomes 1B, 2B, 3B, 5A and 6B. The LOD value ranged from 2.9 to 5.0 and the corresponding phenotyping variation explained ranged from 12.0–22%. QTL for heat susceptibility index for the grain filling duration were colocalized with QTL for productive tillers under late sown and GFD under late‐sown condition on chromosomes 1B and 5A, respectively. These genomic regions could be exploited for molecular wheat breeding programmes targeting heat tolerance.  相似文献   

Wheat landraces carry abundant genetic variation in heading and flowering times. Here, we studied flowering-related traits of two Nepalese varieties, KU-4770 and KU-180 and a Japanese wheat cultivar, Shiroganekomugi (SGK). These three wheat varieties showed similar flowering time in a common garden experiment. In total, five significant quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for three examined traits, the heading, flowering and maturation times, were detected using an F2 population of SGK/KU-4770. The QTLs were found at the Ppd-1 loci on chromosomes 2B and 2D and the 2B QTL was also confirmed in another F2 population of SGK/KU-180. The Ppd-D1 allele from SGK and the Ppd-B1 alleles from the two Nepalese varieties might be causal for early-flowering phenotype. The SGK Ppd-D1 allele contained a 2-kb deletion in the 5′ upstream region, indicating a photoperiod-insensitive Ppd-D1a allele. Real-time PCR analysis estimating the Ppd-B1 copy number revealed that the two Nepalese varieties included two intact Ppd-B1 copies, putatively resulting in photoperiod insensitivity and an early-flowering phenotype. The two photoperiod-insensitive Ppd-1 homoeoalleles could independently contribute to segregation of early-flowering individuals in the two F2 populations. Therefore, wheat landraces are genetic resources for discovery of alleles useful for improving wheat heading or flowering times.  相似文献   

To examine the extent to which heat stress during grain filling impacts on the development and yield of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), a 3-year field experiment was conducted on a loess soil with high water holding capacity in the North German Plain. Thirty-two mostly European winter wheat cultivars were exposed to heat stress in a mobile foil tunnel with maximum air temperatures of 45.7, 45.4, and 47.2°C in 2015, 2016, and 2017, respectively. The 14-day post-anthesis heat stress treatment caused an average 57.3% grain yield reduction compared to a close-by non-stressed control. The proportion of green crop area after the heat stress phase varied from 7% to 98% in 2016 and from 37% to 94% in 2017. The green crop area percentage did not significantly correlate with grain yield, indicating that the delayed senescence of stay-green phenotypes offers no yield advantage under terminal heat stress. The water soluble carbohydrate (WSC) concentration of the stems at crop maturity varied between 6 and 92 g/kg dry matter, showing that the genotypes differed in their efficiency at using the stem carbohydrate reserves for grain filling under heat stress. The stem WSC concentration correlated positively with the beginning of anthesis (r = 0.704; p < .001) but negatively with the grain yield (r = −0.431; p < .05). For heat tolerance breeding, the stem reserve strategy, i. e. the rapid and full exhaustion of the temporary carbohydrate storage therefore seems more promising than the stay-green strategy.  相似文献   

Summary Grain filling rate in wheat (Triticum aestivum L. emend. Thell.) positively influences grain yield under a wide range of conditions. The effective utilization of this trait in breeding depends on an understanding of its genetic control. A study was, therefore, conducted to determine the genetic basis of grain filling rate in six crosses of wheat. Higher order genic interactions and/or linkage were important in the genetic regulation of grain filling rate (GFR) in the majority of crosses. Additive ([d]) and dominance ([h]) gene effects were important in the control of GFR in main ears (ME) and whole plant ears (WPE). Additive and additive × additive epistatic effects were the most important in the genetic control of GFR in last ears (LE). Location effects on genetic effects for GFR were significant (P < 0.05) in all ear types of some crosses except in ME. Genotype × environment interaction effects were important (P < 0.001) in LE and WPE.It was concluded that the inheritance of GFR is complex and is dependent on ear type. Breeding procedures that facilitate the exploitation of non-additive and additive gene effects were recommended for the genetic improvement of grain filling rate of wheat.  相似文献   

Heading date 1 (Hd1) is one of the major determinants of flowering time and regional adaptability in rice (Oryza sativa L.), because there is a significant correlation between Hd1 allelic diversity and phenotypic differences in rice cultivars. In this study, we isolated a novel rice mutant with a Tos17 retrotransposon insertion upstream of Hd1. The Tos17 insertion mutant of Hd1 [designated as Tos17(Hd1)] had decreased photoperiod sensitivity and mRNA expression of Hd1, as compared with wild‐type Nipponbare. Between Tos17(Hd1) and Nipponbare, expression levels of OsPRR1 and OsGI were similar, whereas those of two florigen genes Hd3a and RFT1, were significantly different under both short and long‐day conditions. Tos17(Hd1) showed photoperiod sensitivity intermediate between that of Nipponbare and a near‐isogenic line having a non‐functional allele of Hd1, indicating that Tos17(Hd1) has an attenuated but functional Hd1 allele. Our results revealed that allele mining of Hd1 may provide good opportunities to develop novel rice cultivars showing different levels of photoperiod sensitivity.  相似文献   

冠菌素对玉米籽粒灌浆特性与淀粉合成的调控效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
玉米产量与籽粒灌浆特性紧密相关,调控籽粒灌浆特性是实现玉米高产的重要途径之一。本研究采用不同浓度冠菌素对灌浆期玉米(吐丝后10 d)进行叶面喷施处理,研究冠菌素(coronatine, COR)对玉米籽粒灌浆特性、淀粉含量和淀粉合成关键酶活性及其基因表达的调控效应。2年田间试验研究结果表明, COR对玉米果穗性状、产量、籽粒灌浆和淀粉合成的调控具有明显的浓度效应,适宜浓度COR (1.0 mg L~(–1))处理显著降低玉米果穗秃尖长度,增加穗粒数和千粒重,提高籽粒灌浆速率,延长灌浆持续期,提高产量。此外,适宜浓度COR处理显著提高玉米籽粒灌浆过程中淀粉合成相关酶AGPase、SSS、GBSS和SBE的活性,上调淀粉合成关键酶基因ZmSH1、ZmSH2、ZmWX1和ZmAE1的表达量,促进籽粒支链淀粉、直链淀粉和总淀粉的积累,提高了籽粒淀粉含量。研究结果明确了COR对玉米籽粒形态建成与物质积累的调控效应,为玉米增产增效栽培提供了新的技术手段。  相似文献   

灌浆结实期低温弱光复合胁迫对稻米品质的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来,南方水稻抽穗灌浆期低温寡照天气发生频率明显增加,为探明其对稻米品质的影响,在水稻灌浆结实期不同时间段(1~7d、8~14d、15~21d、22~28d、29~35d)设置低温弱光复合胁迫(LW)、单一弱光(WN)、单一低温处理(LN)和常温常光(NN)4个处理,研究低温弱光复合胁迫对稻米加工品质、外观品质、蒸煮食味品质、RVA谱特征值等的影响。结果表明,不同处理方式间的垩白米率、垩白大小和垩白度均表现为LW>LN>WN>NN,且灌浆结实期各阶段的复合胁迫均较对照NN差异极显著或显著,除了2016年灌浆结实1~7d的垩白度外,灌浆结实21d内的复合胁迫与单一弱光、低温差异也显著或极显著,单一胁迫低温、弱光在灌浆结实21d内较对照NN差异极显著或显著,其中单一低温与弱光在部分处理下差异达显著水平,灌浆结实21d后,复合胁迫与单一弱光、低温部分差异显著,弱光与低温无显著差异。不同处理间的糙米率、精米率和整精米率均表现为NN>WN>LN>LW,其中,灌浆结实21d内,复合胁迫及单一低温、弱光较对照NN差异极显著或显著,灌浆结实21d后,部分时间段差异显著或极显著。低温弱光复合胁迫及单一胁迫对加工品质影响程度按大小依次为整精米率、精米率、糙米率,且灌浆结实21d内处理的影响大。对蒸煮食味品质,低温弱光复合胁迫极显著或显著降低了稻米的直链淀粉含量、胶稠度、外观、黏度和食味值,显著或极显著提高了蛋白质含量和硬度,单一胁迫低温、弱光表现与复合胁迫相同的影响,且灌浆结实21d内,除2016年的胶稠度,单一低温、弱光较对照NN差异显著或极显著,单一低温、弱光较复合胁迫差异也多显著或极显著。从水稻RVA谱特征值来看,低温弱光复合胁迫及单一胁迫造成稻米的峰值黏度、热浆黏度与崩解值下降,最高黏度、消减值与峰值时间上升,除灌浆结实29~35d的崩解值外,复合胁迫较对照NN差异达极显著或显著水平,部分指标的低温、弱光较对照NN差异也达显著水平。总之,灌浆结实期各时间段的低温弱光复合胁迫及单一胁迫造成稻米品质不同程度下降,且以灌浆结实21d内复合胁迫的影响较大。  相似文献   

Effect of variation at Glu-D1 on club wheat end-use quality   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Club wheats (Triticum aestivum L.), having the allele at the C locus conferring short spike rachis internodes and giving compact appearance of spikes, which have unique and highly desirable soft white wheat end-use quality characteristics are a vital submarket class of soft white wheat in the US Pacific Northwest. Two important varieties, ‘Tyee’ and ‘Albit’, are heterogeneous for high molecular weight glutenin subunits 2 + 12 and 5 + 10 encoded by the Glu-D1 locus. Replicated near-isogenic lines (NILs) of club wheats ‘Tyee’ and ‘Albit’ were grown in four field environments and used to determine the effect of Glu-D1 coded high molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMWGS) 5 + 10 and 2 + 12 on various end-use quality traits. The greatest effect of variation at this locus was observed for mixing time to peak, where there was significant variation (P < 0.01) between each 5 + 10 and 2 + 12 NIL group in each environment. Mixing time values for the 2 + 12 NILs for both ‘Albit’ and ‘Tyee’ ranged from 0.60 to 1.23 min lower than the 5 + 10 NILs. Mean values for traits mixing time to peak, cake volume, and viscosity were more favourable for the 2 + 12 NIL groups for all genotypes in all environments. No effects of these HMWGS were detected for test weight, kernel hardness, whole wheat protein, flour yield, ash, flour protein or cookie diameter. Selection for HMWGS 2 + 12 in club wheat breeding programmes should have positive effects on end-use quality.  相似文献   

The Ppd-A1 genotype of 240 Japanese wheat cultivars and 40 foreign cultivars was determined using a PCR-based method. Among Japanese cultivars, only 12 cultivars, all of which were Hokkaido winter wheat, carried the Ppd-A1a allele, while this allele was not found in Hokkaido spring wheat cultivars or Tohoku-Kyushu cultivars. Cultivars with a photoperiod-insensitive allele headed 6.9–9.8 days earlier in Kanto and 2.5 days earlier in Hokkaido than photoperiod-sensitive cultivars. The lower effect of photoperiod-insensitive alleles observed in Hokkaido could be due to the longer day-length at the spike formation stage compared with that in Kanto. Pedigree analysis showed that ‘Purple Straw’ and ‘Tohoku 118’ were donors of Ppd-A1a and Ppd-D1a in Hokkaido wheat cultivars, respectively. Wheat cultivars recently developed in Hokkaido carry photoperiod-insensitive alleles at a high frequency. For efficient utilization of Ppd-1 alleles in the Hokkaido wheat-breeding program, the effect of Ppd-1 on growth pattern and grain yield should be investigated. Ppd-A1a may be useful as a unique gene source for fine tuning the heading time in the Tohoku-Kyushu region since the effect of Ppd-A1a on photoperiod insensitivity appears to differ from the effect of Ppd-B1a and Ppd-D1a.  相似文献   

Rising atmospheric CO2 concentration ([eCO2]) increases the yield of wheat mainly by increasing grain number, but effects on single grain weight are variable. It is discussed whether single grain growth is limited by the sink or the source size under a non-stress environment. This study explores the effect of e[CO2] combined with varying N supply on the source and sink size during grain filling. Source size was defined as the amount of stem reserves per grain (SRG) and the proportion of incident radiation intercepted by the green canopy per grain (fIRG) at anthesis. Data from a 2-year free-air CO2 enrichment experiment with wheat with three N levels (on average 38 [Nd], 190 [Nad] and 320 kg N ha−1 [Nex]) and two CO2 levels (393 and 600 ppm) on SRG, fIRG and grain filling rate (GFR) and duration (GFD) were evaluated. SRG ranged from 2.5 to 12.9 mg and fIRG from 4.0 × 0.001% to 6.8 x 0.001%. Rising N supply or e[CO2] decreased SRG and fIRG via their increases in grain number. Accordingly, there was a negative linear relationship between grain number and SRG (r2 ≥ 0.84) or fIRG (r2 ≥ 0.97). Increasing N supply decreased GFR, but increased GFD, and GFR was increased by e[CO2] under Nad and Nex. For GFR and final grain weight, there was a strong positive (r2 ≥ 0.85), and for GFD, a strong negative linear relationship (r2 ≥ 0.76) with fIRG under Nad and Nex. Under these N levels, fIRG supplied the largest share (>86%) for grain growth and thus single grain growth was possibly source limited under Nad and Nex. Under high grain number such as under Nex and e[CO2], there might be a risk for low final grain weight due to the low SRG that is insufficient for buffering assimilate shortage under unfavourable environmental conditions in early grain filling.  相似文献   

在全球气候变暖背景下,利用海南省2005—2016 年气象资料、早稻产量资料、早稻农业气象观测资料,以32℃高温为早稻高温热害起始温度,计算灌浆成熟期内高温时数和热害积温,以探究高温热害导致海南早稻千粒重变化的规律及其影响程度。结果表明:海南早稻灌浆成熟期热害积温和热害时数均呈现逐年上升趋势;灌浆成熟期热害积温和热害时数对千粒重的影响规律均可由对数函数来拟合,相关系数分别为0.69和0.68,其中,千粒重随着热害积温和热害时数的增加而降低,且下降速率逐渐减慢。  相似文献   

种植密度对不同株型玉米冠层光能截获和产量的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
为了明确密植栽培中不同株型玉米的冠层光能截获、物质生产与产量的关系,以不同株型玉米陕单609 (紧凑型)、秦龙14 (中间型)和陕单8806 (平展型)为试验材料,设置4个种植密度(4.5×104、6.0×104、7.5×104和9.0×104株hm–2),于2016—2017年开展大田试验,研究密度对形态特性、冠层光分布、灌浆参数以及干物质积累等的影响。结果表明,陕单609、秦龙14和陕单8806两年平均产量依次为12,176、9624和8533 kg hm–2,分别在9.0×104、7.5×104和6.0×104株hm–2达到高产,产量较低密度分别提高了26.9%、20.4%和19.7%;随着种植密度的增加,叶面积降低,LAI和叶向值增加,在高密度下陕单609中间层由于较大的叶片和叶向值能截获更多的光能,秦龙14次之;灌浆速率达到最大时的天数(Dmax)、粒重(Wmax)、籽粒最大灌浆速率(Gmax)、平均灌浆速率(Gave)、籽粒活跃灌浆期(P)均随密度的增加而降低,高密度下陕单609的Dmax分别较秦龙14和陕单8806早1.4 d和3.0 d, Wmax和P分别高于秦龙14 (0.3g和3.3 d)和陕单8806 (1.1 g和5.4 d);吐丝后干物质积累量、干物质转运量及其对籽粒的贡献率随密度的增加呈先升高后降低的趋势。在高密度下,陕单609花后干物质积累量、花后干物质转运量和干物质转移对籽粒的贡献高于秦龙14 (5.1%、36.0%、33.5%)和陕单8806 (26.6%、46.7%、59.1%)。穗位层光能截获与产量(r=0.631)显著正相关(P0.05),与花后干物质积累量(r=0.661)和平均灌浆速率(r=0.859)极显著相关(P0.01)。可见,与秦龙14和陕单8806相比,紧凑型品种陕单609密植下调控穗上部叶片直立,改善冠层中下部光分布,维持较高的光合绿叶面积,延缓冠层叶片衰老,增加花后营养器官光合产物的积累以及籽粒灌浆速率,实现了增产。  相似文献   

不同1-MCP处理方式对元帅系苹果常温贮藏效果的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以天汪一号和套袋金冠苹果为材料,研究大帐控温1-MCP处理和纸箱式1-MCP处理对其常温贮藏效果的影响。结果表明:箱式1-MCP处理能有效抑制天汪一号果实的呼吸速率和乙烯释放速率,保持果实较高的硬度、可溶性固形物含量和可滴定酸含量,但效果不及大帐控温1-MCP处理;箱式1-MCP处理反而促进金冠苹果的乙烯释放和呼吸速率,降低其果实硬度和可溶性固形物含量。总体来看,大账控温1-MCP处理对元帅系苹果的保鲜效果优于箱式1-MCP处理。  相似文献   

为了研究低温胁迫对大豆花期产量形成的影响,以'垦丰16'(耐冷型品种)和'合丰50'(冷敏感型品种)为试验材料,采用盆栽试验,测定了叶片蔗糖含量以及代谢相关酶活性,成熟期测产.结果 表明,大豆花期低温胁迫显著降低了大豆的株高和产量,底荚高度增加,随低温胁迫时间的延长,减产损失逐渐增加,与对照相比,'合丰50'减产幅度为...  相似文献   

研究旨在探索基于日光温室条件下科学高效的种植模式,为实现日光温室蔬菜科学化种植、统一化管理、标准化生产奠定理论基础。通过监测分析温室不同种植位置的气温、地温、湿度以及光照强度,研究不同种植位置的温湿度及光照变化规律。同时,选取8个结球生菜品种,分畦测定不同品种生菜的产量,研究日光温室不同种植位置对结球生菜产量的影响。结果表明,温室不同种植位置的温度、湿度、光照强度均存在较大差异,气温、地温由南向北逐渐升高,光照强度先升高后降低。由于温光条件的差异导致结球生菜南北两边的长势都不均匀,不同品种生菜产量由南向北呈现出较为一致的规律性,即北边产量高于南边,靠近棚边最南边的位置与其他区域生菜产量存在显著差异。试验研究温室不同种植位置的温光等环境条件变化规律,为温室蔬菜科学化种植提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

L. A. Sitch  J. W. Snape 《Euphytica》1987,36(2):483-496
Summary A quantitative examination of pollen grain germination and pollen tube growth within the overy wall was made in selected wheat × tetraploid H. bulbosum hybridizations, to investigate the effect of the wheat and the H. bulbosum genotype on these characters. As expected, variation at the known crossability loci had no effect on pollen grain germination. The frequency of pollen tube penetration of the ovary wall was, however, severely reduced when the dominant alleles were present. Pollen tube penetration was nevertheless observed in 3 of the 110 ovaries examined of the non-crossable cultivar Highbury. The H. bulbosum genotype had a much smaller effect on these characters, but significant differences between the clones were observed in the numbers of pollen tubes initially penetrating the ovary wall. Although two H. bulbosum genotypes showed no significant differences in the number of ovaries with pollen tubes at the base of the ovule, significant differences in the frequency of fertilization were observed. The possible cause of this discrepancy is discussed.The frequency of fertilization in crossable wheat × H. bulbosum hybridizations was improved by the application of gibberellic acid within 10 minutes of pollination, and reduced by an increase in the ambient temperature from 20°C to 26°C. Fertilization following the pollination of non-crossable wheat genotypes was not affected by either of these factors.  相似文献   

在相温贮藏条件下,采用浓度为2.5μL/L的1-MCP处理西兰花,并将其置于聚乙烯微孔袋中,研究相温贮藏和1-MCP+相温贮藏在西兰花贮藏期间的品质差异.结果表明,与相温组比较,1-MCP+相温可有效降低西兰花的腐烂率和黄化指数,抑制呼吸强度及乙烯生成速率的升高,控制挥发性气味的变化,延缓相对电导率的升高及过氧化物酶(POD)和多酚氧化酶(PPO)活性的增强,但是对a*值与b*无明显影响.综合可得,与相温组比较,1-MCP+相温在贮藏后期可有效控制西兰花生理生化代谢速率,从而延缓其衰老.  相似文献   

保护性耕作对绿洲灌区冬小麦产量形成的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
2004—2007年采用田间定位试验比较了传统耕作(T)、传统耕作+秸秆还田(TIS)、免耕不覆盖(NT)、免耕秸秆覆盖(NTS)和免耕立茬(NTSS)5种耕作模式在甘肃河西绿洲灌区对冬小麦干物质积累、灌浆特性、产量构成因素及水分利用效率(WUE)的影响。结果表明,NTS和NTSS延缓了冬小麦的生育进程,延长了其灌浆持续期;NTS及NTSS在冬小麦整个生长期都有最高的干物质积累量及相对生长率(RGR),较高的主茎穗平均灌浆速率和小麦籽粒充实指数,穗粒数和千粒重也较高,最终表现为产量和WUE显著提高。与T相比较,2004—2007年NTS和NTSS平均产量分别提高18.6%和23.8%,2005—2007年NTS、NTSS平均WUE分别提高26.8%和16.1%。因此,在沙尘暴发生频繁、水资源日益匮乏的甘肃河西灌区,以免耕秸秆覆盖或免耕立茬的方式种植冬小麦是有利于小麦节水增产及农业可持续发展的种植方式。  相似文献   

In this study, field experiments have been conducted over three growing seasons to evaluate the effect of fungicides (triazoles and strobilurins) and a foliar fertilizer application to winter wheat at anthesis on flag leaf senescence, grain yield, bread-making quality, Fusarium head blight (FHB) disease and deoxynivalenol (DON) contamination.Flag leaf greenness was significantly influenced by the fungicide application. A delay in flag leaf senescence following triazole use did not increase grain yield. No effects of fungicide application on protein concentration were recorded. The application of strobilurin to a triazole programme did not significantly delay senescence of the flag leaf or increased yield, compared to the triazole-only application, while a consistent benefit was observed for dough strength (W). The triazole application led to significantly lower FHB symptoms and DON contamination, while the triazole-strobilurin fungicides programme led to an increase in DON contents, that were often higher than the untreated controls.Grain yield and quality were improved when a foliar feed containing macro- and micro-nutrients was added to a triazole fungicide programme, with no additional risk for DON contamination. Compared to the strobilurin fungicide application, the foliar fertilizer led to a longer delay of the flag leaf senescence and higher bread-making quality.  相似文献   

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