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中国居民收入差距的成因、演进与分解   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
夏龙  何伟 《中国农学通报》2013,29(17):151-155
基于1978-2009年以来的省级面板数据,本文首先利用泰尔指数估计了中国居民收入差距演进趋势,然后按地区结构和城乡结构进行了分解。结果显示,城乡收入差距占据了整体收入差距的70%以上,三大地区间的收入差距虽较为明显,但并没有地区内的收入差距显著。究其原因,中国收入差距的演进除了内在的经济规律使然外,经济政策也有较为明显的影响。因此,加快经济发展、强化农村偏向型的经济政策是缩小收入差距的必然途径。  相似文献   

收入对中国城镇居民奶类消费的影响分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
聂迎利 《中国农学通报》2009,25(16):332-337
本文在总结现阶段城镇居民奶类消费特点的基础上,研究了收入对城镇居民奶类消费的影响。研究结果表明,收入是影响城镇居民奶类消费的主要因素,随着收入的增加,城镇居民奶类消费逐步增长;同时,奶类消费支出随着人均可支配收入的增加而增加;在动物性食物中,奶类是需求收入弹性最高的食品。  相似文献   

For further optimizing the personal income tax rate in China, and making it more efficiently in adjusting income distribution and increasing its speed of international process, we provide the pattern of upended "U", the upper limit of optimized marginal tax rate and the range of paying taxes of levying the highest marginal tax rate of personal income tax according to the most suitable tax theory and the drawback of personal tax rate in China, the mathematical method. The personal income tax rate function of optimization is also given. We finally get the advancements of it in income distribution and international process through putting it into practice and comparing to the former rate.  相似文献   

杨雪晴 《中国农学通报》2018,34(19):152-158
摘要: 为解决城乡收入差距的问题,基于农村金融发展对城乡收入差距的影响研究,以宁夏地区为例,分析农村金融发展对城乡收入差距的影响。选择4种方法,对宁夏地区农村金融发展和城乡收入差距之间的关系进行实证分析。得出金融运转效能对于城乡所得差异的支撑率最大至近5%,而农村金融运转体量对于城乡所得差异的支撑率相对降低,最高达到1.29%。在其他控制变量中,大约有0~4.5%的波动可以由城市化水平解释,财政支农支出可以解释0~3.5%的波动。说明短时间内农村金融运转体量与金融运转效能的升高会减小城乡所得差异,长时间内城乡所得差异表现为波动性,而城市化指标、财政支出指标、农村特定财产投入在短期内可以缩小城乡收入差距,如果长期受到这些因素的影响,则会产生更加重要的作用。结合以上分析结果,提出完善宁夏农村金融体系、完善农村金融流动机制、加大政策性金融支农的对策建议。  相似文献   

以解决农村生态环境问题为目的,为了探明居民经济收入和家庭能源消费结构的关系,基于北京市门头沟区农民家庭收入和能源消费的调查数据,利用回归等统计方法,系统的分析了农民家庭收入与日常能源消费的关系。研究发现,随着家庭收入的增加,家庭总能源消费量呈线性增加,家庭收入每增加1000元则能源总消费量增加80.42千克标准煤(kgce)。煤炭、液化气及电能等不可再生能源的消费量随着家庭人均收入的增加显著增加,而传统生物质等可再生能源的消费量则随着家庭人均收入的增加而降低。家庭人均收入水平的高低同时影响清洁能源与非清洁能源所占的比例。随着家庭人均收入的增加,煤炭、传统生物质等非清洁型能源的消费在家庭能源消费结构中所占的比重下降;而液化气、电能等清洁型能源的消费比重则上升。这说明家庭人均收入可能会直接影响到人们对健康卫生的关注,因此如何将能源清洁化是急需研究的课题。  相似文献   

为寻求三农问题解决的政策支持,利用单位根平稳性和协整检验的理论,研究财政农业投入与江西农民收入的关系。实证分析表明,财政用于农业的支出是江西农民人均纯收入的格兰杰原因,所以应当使财政用于农业的支出稳定增长,这有利于农民增收。而对财政用于农业的支出各分项目的研究则表明,支援农村生产支出和其他费用能促进农民增收,所以应当加强对财政用于农业的支出资金的使用和管理,争取使有限的资金能发挥出最大的效益。?  相似文献   

家庭教育支出在居民日常支出中占有较大份额。近年来,受家庭人均纯收入、居住支出、通货膨胀和政府教育支出等因素的影响,广东省农村家庭教育支出增长缓慢、教育支出占总支出的比例日趋下降。为此,对家庭教育支出变动的成因进行分析。探索性的研究发现家庭教育支出变动的成因在于:当家庭人均纯收入水平达到一定量时,教育支出的增长速度低于收入的增长速度,教育支出随收入的提高反而下降,同时,随着通货膨胀的上升,家庭居住支出对教育支出的挤出效应明显,政府教育支出对家庭教育支出的收入效应相对弱化,从而导致家庭教育支出占总支出的比例减小。因此,必须妥善引导农民的消费观念,优化农村家庭的消费支出结构,继续加大政府对农村地区教育支出的力度,适当控制通货膨胀的速度,以达到农民增加教育文化支出的目的。  相似文献   

为研究新疆典型绿洲土地盐分特征及分布特征,以新疆第二师31团为例,采用GPS对研究区域进行定点采样(N=66),采样深度为100 cm,采样层数为5层,对土壤盐分离子进行化验检测,运用SPSS软件对数据进行描述性、离子间相关性及离子主成分分析。结果表明:不同土壤层中各离子处于中等以上变异程度,各土壤层的pH=8.11,各土壤层中Cl-、K++Na+与SO42-离子含量大于HCO3-、Ca2+与Mg2+离子;Cl-、K++Na+、SO42-、Ca2+、Mg2+之间的相关系数较高,呈现极显著相关性。各土壤层的第一主成分主要包含Cl-、SO42-、Ca2+、Mg2+、K++Na+离子信息,第二主成分与第三主成分主要包含HCO3-离子信息。以第一主成分、第二主成分及第三主成分所表征不同信息为基准,分析了研究区不同位置不同土壤层的盐渍化程度及碱度,该研究区域受盐碱影响较大。  相似文献   

The European com borer (ECB) Ostrinia nubilalis H. is a major pest in World maize Zea mays L. production. Objectives of this study were to (1) investigate the genotypic variance and covariance in testcrosses of European flint and dent inbreds for ECB resistance and agronomic traits, and (2) estimate the correlation between line per se and testcross performance for ECB resistance traits. A total of 16 flint and 24 dent inbreds and their testcrosses with two testers from the opposite germplasm pool were evaluated in four and three German environments, respectively. Using artificial infestation with ECB larvae, resistance was assessed by damage rating of stalks, tunnel length in dissected stalks, and relative yield of infested plots compared with protected plots. Yield losses due to ECB damage in testcross hybrids amounted to 40%. Significant genotypic variances between flint and dent lines and high heritabilities were found for damage rating of stalks for both line per se and testcross performance. Heritabilities were low or intermediate for tunnel length and relative grain yield. Correlations between line per se and testcross performance were tight for the damage rating of stalks and moderate for tunnel length and relative yield in both flint and dent germplasm. For damage rating of stalks, per se performance of lines tested in a few environments can be used to predict their testcross performance. In contrast, assessment of testcross performance for tunnel length and relative yield requires evaluating testcrosses with several testers in multi-environment trials.  相似文献   

Postharvest diseases can cause considerable damage to harvested fruit in controlled atmosphere storage. Since there is a large cost associated with opening the storage rooms, regular assessment of damage levels is not feasible, and many experts agree on the need for a reliable predictive model. Presented here is a simulation model that predicts the overall incidence of disease in a bin of stored fruit as a function of initial infection levels and the fruit's susceptibility to fungal attack. Uninfected fruit tissue, infected fruit tissue, and fungal growth are modelled by a system of three ordinary differential equations. Simulations of the growth and spread of the pathogen in storage were conducted, with disease incidence measured monthly. The model provides insight into the dynamics of postharvest fungal disease, and forms the basis of a predictive model that could be used by packinghouses to determine how long a given crop of fruit can be stored before the infection risk rises above a predetermined tolerable level.  相似文献   

地埋管地源热泵换热器的换热性能受到不同地质结构的影响。以武汉和重庆地区的典型地质构成为边界条件,建立了三维地埋管的单孔双U管换热模型,通过模型计算,获得了两种地质条件下的地埋管换热性能,以重庆地区的地源热泵热响应测试结果以及工程运行数据出发,对模型的计算结果进行了验证,结果表明,模型吻合度较好,可以应用于工程分析。以模型为条件,进行地质结构对换热性能的影响度分析,预测了两地地埋管地源热泵的换热性能并计算得到换热器的平均换热系数分别为武汉地区K1=1.65(W/m·K),重庆地区K2=1.51(W/m·K)。  相似文献   

饶旻 《中国农学通报》2009,25(24):510-514
在分析中国2003~2007年专利受理量和授权量平均增长率的基础上,采用空间自相关分析法对其全局和局部空间关联特性进行了研究。结果表明各省、直辖市、自治区的专利受理量的年均增长率在5.77~95.90%,专利授权量增长率在-3.11~81.25%,其中位于中国东部和西部部分省区的增长率较高,对全国的贡献较大。中国专利受理和授权增长率的全局Moran’s I指数值分别为在0.1535和0.0921,不具有显著的全局空间集聚现象,整体上呈随机分布特点;但在局部地区专利受理和授权增长率存在显著的空间集聚现象。其中专利受理增长率“低-低”关联的省区主要集中分布于我国东北部区域,专利受理增长率“高-高”关联的省区则分布在我国东部地区;专利授权增长率“低-低”关联的省区主要分布于我国华南地区,而专利授权增长率“高-高”关联的省区则主要分布在我国西部地区和东部局部地区。  相似文献   

Digital images of cotton canopy growth information, which was determined using the grid sampling method to obtain the parameter Hue of HIS color system in conventional light conditions, were used to examine the spatial distribution characteristics of the canopy image H value and the relationship between the digital image H value and agronomic traits. We used these data to obtain information on cotton growth on June 21, 2014, then analyzed the spatial variation characteristics of cotton growth in the field. We found that the spatial distribution of cotton canopy digital image H value was moderately correlated with space, and the semi-variogram function model was spherical. In addition, we found that there was a logarithmic relationship between the H value and Leaf Area Index(LAI) (R2 = 0.8123), which suggests that the canopy digital image H value is a potentially reliable index to describe cotton growth across a cotton field. These results can provide guidance for improved production methods, and also lay a foundation for collection of field information and rapid detection methods for precision agriculture.  相似文献   

China has no fire protection regualtion about the ancient buildings, and the research on this issue is limited in China.This paper proposes some very important issues in the setting of fire scenarios for ancient buildings, especially the spread of fire. It discusses the criterion and process of fire scenario setting. The integrity procedure of fire scenario setting includes the fire position set, the fire development curve set and the fire spread analysis. Two ways of the fire spread are proposed.  相似文献   




To study their resistance performance, totally 222 specimens of panel-to-lumber nailed joints, in different configurations and used in light wood frame construction, were manufactured and tested under monotonic load. There are five kinds of destruction produced with nailed joints,which are model M-c1, rupture of panel, shear failure of panel, wood tear-off and push-through of nail. The resistance of nailed joints with vertical nailing is higher than that with toe-nailing, while the stiffness is almost the same. The angle between the panel orientation and dimension lumber wood grain affects the resistance and the stiffness of nailed joints little, while the angle between loading and dimension lumber wood grain affects the stiffness but not the resistance. The empirical equations to calculate the stiffness of the nailed joints are derived, thus providing reference for evaluating the performance of shear walls and diaphragm (floor and roof) in design of light wood frame structures.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the efficiency of embodied spillover from North America and Japan to China. We suppose that embodied spillovers are transmitted by international trade. The efficiency of a country or an area utilizes the embodied spillovers depends on two aspects,which are AC(Absorption Capacity)and SS(Structural Similarity). The empirical analysis show that China's utilizing efficiency of the embodied spillovers from Japan(0.322 8) is larger than from American(0.187 3).  相似文献   

农村居民点布局的调整和格局的优化是新一轮土地利用总体规划的重要内容,对统筹城乡发展、增强区域经济等具有重要的作用,应用ARCGIS空间分析和统计功能技术以及景观指数的定量分析方法,以重庆市石柱县临溪镇前进村为研究区域,分析研究了在村域范围内农村居民点分布特征、居民点分布现状与该村自然、社会、经济等要素间的相互关系,并运用GIS多因素叠加模型,建立农村居民点空间格局优化。结果表明,前进村农村居民点的区位受坡度、河流、道路和耕作环境的综合影响,尤其道路指向更为紧密。前进村就居民点空间格局优化可分为优先发展区、重点发展、保留发展、搬迁区4种类型,该研究为科学指导农村居民点整理提供依据,具有一定的借鉴和扩展意义。  相似文献   




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