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为明确生育后期水分胁迫下施氮对花生产量、氮素吸收及氮肥利用效率的影响,以花育25号为材料,采用双因素试验设计,通过防雨棚土柱试验研究了不同水氮处理对花生氮素吸收、分配、产量及氮肥利用率的影响。在荚果充实期设置水分条件分别为充足灌水(W 0)、轻度干旱胁迫(W 1)和中度干旱胁迫(W 2),设置5个施氮(N)水平,即0kg·hm^-2(N0)、45kg·hm^-2(N1)、90kg·hm^-2(N2)、135kg·hm^-2(N3)和180kg·hm^-2(N4)。结果表明,W1N2处理下花生经济产量、全株生物量、籽仁和全株氮素积累量均达最大值。与其它氮肥处理相比,同一水分条件下适量施氮(N 2)处理增加花生产量,提高收获指数。花生各器官中来自于15N原子标记的肥料中的15N原子百分比随施氮量的增加而显著增加,但增加幅度不同。正常供水和轻度干旱胁迫条件下花生植株氮肥利用率随施氮量的增加先增加后降低,而中度干旱胁迫下氮肥利用率随施氮量的增加而降低。本试验条件下,W1N2处理(轻度干旱胁迫和施氮90 kg·hm^-2)处理下花生干物质与氮素积累量适宜,氮素向生殖器官分配比例和氮肥利用率较高。  相似文献   

为确定华北平原饲用油菜高产优质的适宜播期,选用甘蓝型油菜品种4个,设置4个播期,研究不同播期下温度对饲用油菜鲜草产量和饲用品质的调控效应。结果表明,随播期推迟,饲用油菜生育期内日均温与有效积温升高,花前生育期天数缩短但花后生育期延长,总生育期天数缩短2~7 d。饲用油菜鲜草产量随播期推迟呈降低趋势,3月28日前播种超过35 t/hm2;品种间华油杂62鲜草产量显著高于其它品种(P<0.01)。饲用油菜鲜草产量和饲用品质与纤维含量显著负相关,中性洗涤纤维含量与苗期的有效积温量极显著负相关,与营养生长和花后有效积温量显著正相关。因此,在华北平原春播饲用油菜可选用华油杂62,播期以3月8日-3月18日为最佳,鲜草产量稳定在50 t/hm2以上,具有较高的粗蛋白、淀粉、水溶性碳水化合物和总可消化养分含量,可实现华北平原饲用油菜的高产优质生产。  相似文献   

播期对花生农艺性状、产量和品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以普通花生品种(冀花9号、冀花10号、冀花12号)、高油酸花生品种(冀花11号、冀花13号、冀花16号)为材料,通过田间小区试验,设置7个播种时期(4/25、5/6、5/16、5/26、6/6、6/15、6/26),研究不同播期对花生生长发育、产量指标和品质的影响,以期确定花生最佳播种时期,为集成优质高效栽培技术奠定基础。结果表明,冀花10号、冀花12号、冀花13号、冀花16号的农艺性状表现为主茎高、侧枝长、分枝数多;而冀花9号和冀花11号则表现为主茎矮、侧枝短、分枝少。6个花生品种荚果平均产量为4716.22 kg/hm2,籽仁平均产量为3469.52 kg/hm2。以籽仁产量最高的冀花12号(3541.99 kg/hm2)为对照,普通花生品种冀花9号、冀花10号减产0.35%~1.91%;高油酸花生品种冀花11号、冀花13号、冀花16号减产2.11%~5.54%。随播期的延后,各个播期的花生农艺性状及产量指标基本遵循5/6-5/16 > 4/25 > 5/26-6/26的变化趋势。5/6-5/16播期的平均荚果产量和籽仁产量分别5547.16 kg/hm2、4204.24 kg/hm2,油酸/亚油酸比值平均12.90。4/25播种,荚果和籽仁减产约5.16%,油亚比为14.61;5/26日播种,荚果和籽仁减产约9.05%,油亚比降低35.56%。晚于5/26播种,主茎高变矮7.40%~22.89%、侧枝长变短7.07%~24.89%、单株分枝数减少3.74%~9.70%、单株结果数降低4.59%~21.78%、百果重减少6.59%~27.94%、百仁重减少10.35%~32.33%、荚果减产17.97%~45.78%、籽仁减产21.80%~52.50%、油亚比降低50.57%~73.30%。综合考虑农艺性状、产量指标及品质优劣,河北省中南部地区露地平播花生的最适播期为5/6至5/16之间,最晚不应晚于5/26。  相似文献   

The sowing method of spring‐type canola (Brassica napus L. var. oleifera) for forage has a major influence on its productivity and agronomic management. A field experiment was conducted in Matamoros, Coahuila, Mexico, during two growing seasons (2008–2009 and 2009–2010) to determine dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP) and net energy for lactation (NEL) yields, as well as canola forage chemical composition as a function of six sowing methods. The treatments assessed were broadcast sowing and five different row spacings: 0·19, 0·38, 0·57, 0·76 and 0·95 m (double row, 0·20 m apart). In the first year, with a mean growing season temperature of 17·2°C, sowing methods did not affect DM yield, but CP and NEL content and yield were higher in 0·19‐m row spacing. The mean temperature in the second year (13·5°C) was slightly lower than the long‐term mean (14·8°C) in the region, resulting in the highest DM (8840 kg ha?1), CP (2486 kg ha?1) and NEL yields (51 103 MJ ha?1) with 0·19‐m row spacing. In row‐sowing methods with over 0·19‐m row spacing, DM, CP and NEL yields decreased by 19·3–39·7, 20·4–42·1 and 21·2–42·7% respectively. Results indicate that sowing methods significantly affected canola forage productivity.  相似文献   

Atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), global mean temperature and interannual variability in temperature and rainfall are expected to increase significantly by the end of the 21st century. To review the effects of these factors on forage quality, we carried out a meta-analysis of climate manipulation experiments. The first notable result was a lack of effect of elevated CO2 on structural carbohydrates and digestibility. Elevated CO2 increased the total non-structural carbohydrates of forage tissues by an average of 25% and decreased forage nitrogen (N) content by 8%. Increased legume abundance in multispecies swards can, however, maintain N concentration in the harvested biomass. There were no consistent effects of warming on contents of N, water-soluble and structural carbohydrates, or on digestibility. We highlight the continuum in the effect of water availability, from drought to irrigation, with a curvilinear increase of forage N as water availability decreased. Digestibility increased, on average, by 7% with drought, but with strong experimental variations. The review places special emphasis on discussion of the specificities of mountain and Mediterranean grasslands, the former being limited by low temperature, the latter by drought and heat. Elevated CO2 decreased forage N content in mountain areas and in temperate plains alike. It increased N content by an average of 3% in Mediterranean areas; this could be due to shifts in vegetation communities under elevated CO2 or to a greater concentration of N in plant tissues under drought conditions. Further experiments are needed to investigate the effects of combined factors, including extreme climatic events.  相似文献   

本研究以农花5号为试材,在施氮肥总量一致的条件下,设3个不同施用时期处理:基施氮肥135 kg·hm-2(T1)、基施氮肥67.5 kg·hm-2+苗期追肥67.5 kg·hm-2(T2)、基施氮肥45 kg·hm-2+苗期和开花下针期分别追肥45 kg·hm-2(T3)、以不施氮肥CK为对照,研究氮肥后移对花生叶片氮代谢相关酶活性、氮素积累量与利用效率、产量及其构成因素的影响。试验结果表明,不同施氮时期处理下,氮代谢相关酶活性和氮素积累量的变化趋势大致相同,但活性和含量的高低因施氮时期的不同发生变化。T3处理能显著提高花生生育后期叶片的硝酸还原酶、谷氨酰胺合成酶和谷氨酸脱氢酶的活性;花生生育后期植株总氮素积累量、根系和荚果氮素积累量以T3处理最高,但各施肥处理间差异不显著;氮肥农学利用率和氮肥偏生产力亦以T3处理最高,且差异达到显著水平(P<0.05);T3处理产量最高,为5361.11 kg·hm-2,比CK、T1和T2处理分别增产20.79%、...  相似文献   

Utilisation of nitrogen (N) has been closely related to increases in crop productivity. However, not all crops respond similarly and the objective of this study is to identify physiological processes that determine responses to N supply for maize and sunflower. Grain yield in maize (range: 210–1255 g m−2) was greater and more responsive to N supply than in sunflower (106–555 g m−2 in carbohydrate equivalents) over a wide range of total N uptake (3–>20 g N m−2). In maize, differences in grain yield among levels of N supply were associated more with variation in biomass than in harvest index. In sunflower, differences in grain yield (in carbohydrate equivalents) among levels of N supply were related similarly to variation in both biomass and harvest index. The decrease in biomass production with decreasing N supply was associated with decreases in both radiation interception and radiation use efficiency (RUE). Decreased interception was due to effects of N supply on reducing canopy leaf area, whereas the reduced RUE was associated with decreased SLN. Total biomass production in maize was more responsive to N supply than in sunflower. The major determinants of the differences in response of biomass accumulation to N supply found between maize and sunflower are: (i) sunflower tends to maintain SLN with increase in partitioning of N to leaves under N limitation whereas maize tends to maintain leaf area with increase in partitioning of biomass to leaves and (ii) the ability of maize to maintain N uptake following cessation of leaf production.  相似文献   

氮肥施用比例对油菜芝麻复种模式产量和品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探索长江中下游地区旱地油菜芝麻复种模式的高效施肥技术,以华油杂9号和赣芝5号为材料,研究6个氮肥施用比例[P0(油菜:芝麻)=0;P1=157.5:67.5;P2=180.0:45.0;P3=202.5:22.5;P4=225.0:0;P5=180.0:45.0(含油菜枯饼1 500)kg/hm2]对油菜和芝麻产量、品质、氮肥利用率的影响。结果显示,施氮处理的油菜和芝麻总产量都显著高于对照(P0),但是5个施氮处理间的总产量和氮肥利用率都无显著差异;P3处理总产量(3 053.9kg/hm2)、总效益(25 335.4元/hm2)、氮肥农学利用率(4.1kg/kg)、偏生产力(13.6kg/kg)均最高,其中总产量和总效益较对照(P0)分别显著增加了42.79%和55.08%。油菜主茎籽粒的含油量高于分枝;而籽粒蛋白质含量表现刚好相反,其中主茎的蛋白质含量受氮肥用量影响明显。虽然P3处理的芝麻种子中芝麻素、芝麻林素、芝麻酚含量都较其他处理明显降低,但是油菜和芝麻的含油量与蛋白质含量都保持较高水平。综上所述,当氮肥分配比例为202.5:22.5(kg/hm2)(P3)时,既能够保持较高的油菜和芝麻总产量和氮肥利用率,又具有较优的品质,是减氮条件下油菜芝麻复种模式的适宜氮肥分配比例。  相似文献   

Two field experiments were conducted at Teagasc, Moorepark, Ireland, to determine the effect of sowing date and nitrogen application on the dry‐matter (DM) yield and crude protein (CP) content of forage rape and stubble turnips. The first experiment consisted of three sowing dates (1 August, 15 August and 31 August) with four rates of fertilizer N (0, 40, 80 and 120 kg N ha?1) on forage rape DM yields. The second experiment consisted of three sowing dates (1 August, 15 August and 31 August) with four rates of fertilizer N (0, 40, 80 and 120 kg N ha?1) over two soil sites (fertile or nitrogen depleted) on forage rape and stubble turnip DM yields. A delay in sowing from 1 to 31 August characterized a 74·5% decrease in forage rape DM yield, while stubble turnip DM yield decreased by 55·5%. Forage rape DM yields increased positively up to 120 kg N ha?1 at the first two sowing dates over both sites. In contrast, stubble turnips showed less response beyond 40 kg N ha?1 on site 1 in the first two sowing dates, while DM yield increased positively up to 120 kg N ha?1 on the less fertile site. The results indicate that the optimal sowing time for forage rape and a stubble turnip in Ireland was early August.  相似文献   

不同播期对夏大豆产量和品质的影响很大,结果表明,夏大豆晚熟类型品种南豆12六月上旬为高产播期,产量达181.5kg/667m^2,6月上旬至6月下旬为适宜播种期;5月23日为优质播期,蛋白质含量最高,达51.78%;总品质最好,达69.58%。夏大豆在适宜的播种期范围内适当早播有利于获得高产优质。  相似文献   

The aim of the work was to study changes in the yield and nutritional characteristics of whole crop semi-leafless field pea over two growing seasons in the Po plain, Italy. Samples of two cultivars (Baccara and Sidney) were collected from flowering to grain maturity. The developmental stage, yield, dry matter (DM) content, crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fibre (NDF), acid detergent fibre (ADF), acid detergent lignin (ADL), starch, water soluble carbohydrates (WSC), gross energy (GE), organic matter digestibility (OMD) and the net energy for lactation (NEL) were determined at each harvest. The forage characteristics were regressed on the growing degree days (GDD) with 4.4 °C as the base temperature. The DM yield increased with advancing maturity from 0.5 to 8.91 Mg ha−1, while the CP decreased from 261 to 159 g kg−1 DM. During the whole growth cycle the GE, OMD, NEL and milk forage units (milk FU) were almost steady. No differences were observed between the cultivars for any of the measured parameters. At grain maturity, the crop produced over 4.0 Mg ha−1 DM of grain. The CP, starch and WSC of the grain did not show any differences between the cultivars or years. The data showed that the nutritive quality of the forage of the semi-leafless grain pea harvested as a whole crop for ensiling purposes did not diminish with maturity and could help improve the self-sufficiency of dairy farms, in terms of home-grown protein forages.  相似文献   

H2O2浸种能够促进低温胁迫下油菜种子的物质代谢,为适应直播油菜不同播期生产需求,研究H2O2浸种对不同播期油菜生长发育的影响,提高晚直播油菜产量。2017年以南农油4号为材料,设置播期(早播10月5日,晚播10月25日)和0.05%的H2O2浸种两个因素,采用露天盆栽试验观察油菜在越冬期的光合特性及全生育期生长发育动态。结果表明:(1)晚播使油菜苗期延长而蕾薹期缩短,初花前可利用积温从1349.5℃·d减少至1095.5℃·d,导致油菜营养生长期干物质积累减少,而生殖生长期活动积温升高,相比早播的1042.5℃·d升高为1119.5℃·d。由于晚播生育期缩短,活动积温减少,干物质积累降低,最终显著减产8.3%。(2) H2O2浸种处理对早播油菜萌发出苗及地上部生物量无显著影响,但显著抑制了地下部生物量及光合能力,降低了越冬期干物质积累,继而影响后期产量形成,最终造成油菜显著减产,降幅为10.9%。(3) H2O2浸种处理促进了晚播油菜萌发出苗,增大叶面积,促进了油菜干物质积累使产量显著升高,增幅为15.7%。因此在油菜晚直播条件下,可通过H2O2浸种处理以提高产量。  相似文献   

对不同施氮条件下甜菜RuBP羧化酶活性进行了研究,结果表明:各施氮处理RuBP羧化酶活性都是苗期最低,随生育进程逐渐升高,到糖分积累期又呈羧化酶活性高峰出现时间不同,N180处理在块根增长期,其它处理均在叶丛形成期;苗期施氮量与RuBP羧化酶活性呈显著正相关,其它各处理相关不显著。  相似文献   

播种方式对费乌瑞它马铃薯生长与产量品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验通过改变马铃薯种薯播种方式(芽眼朝向),研究其对南方冬作区费乌瑞它马铃薯生长、产量与品质的影响。结果表明,播种深度10 cm,以芽眼朝下方式播种马铃薯,收获的马铃薯产量与商品薯率(667 m22150.66 kg,90.59%)均比芽眼朝上(667 m2 2 001.95 kg,80.44%)播种方式高,并且植株长势健壮,青薯率低。南方地区适合运用种薯芽眼朝下播种方式进行马铃薯种植。  相似文献   

D. Levy 《Potato Research》1986,29(1):95-107
Summary The effects of high temperatures and water deficit on potatoes were investigated under field conditions. Nine cultivars and one un-named seedling were grown in the spring and in the summer under high temperatures. In both seasons the cultivars were grown under 3 water regimes: adequate water supply, moderate water deficit, and severe water deficit that were achieved by a modification of the single line source sprinkler irrigation system. Severe drought reduced tuber yields in both seasons. Moderate tolerance to a moderate water deficit in the spring season was exhibited by Draga, Désirée, and Monalisa. Late and intermediate cultivars produced high tuber yields in the spring season, and early cultivars had relatively smaller yield losses in the summer. The extent of tuber disorders, sprouting, rotting and malformation, varied considerably. High temperatures enhanced sprouting, rotting and malformation and drought may enhance sprouting and malformation. This investigation was supported by a grant from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Technical Assistance Department, Netherlands.  相似文献   

The objectives of these studies were to examine the effects of sowing date and plastic film on the yield and quality of forage maize ( Zea mays L.) in Ireland, a marginal maize-growing area. In 1989–95, comparisons were made of maize sown through clear plastic film (PP treatment), and maize sown in the conventional manner without plastic (NP treatment), in terms of dry-matter (DM) yield and quality (cob, grain and starch contents). The PP treatment significantly increased DM yields in five years, with a mean yield increase of 3·10 t ha−1. Whole-plant DM content increased (significant in four years) by a mean of 0·15; cob content increased (significant in five years) by a mean of 0·32; grain content increased (significant in all of the three years examined) by 0·75; and starch content increased from 236 to 318 g kg−1 DM ( P  < 0·01) in 1995 where the plastic film treatment was used. Organic matter digestibility values were similar for both treatments in 1995. Sowing date in the April-May period had no consistent effect on DM yields, but early sowings did increase cob (significant, except in 1994), grain (significant in one (1995) of the two years tested) and starch ( P  < 0·05) contents (only tested in 1995). Sowing on 11 April 1995 through perforated plastic gave lower yields than the NP treatment sown on the same date, due to severe frost damage in early May.  相似文献   

The object of this study was to determine the effect of closing date and date of harvest for conservation (accumulation period), on dry‐matter (DM) yield and forage quality of annual pasture in Western Australia. The field study comprised 48 plots, 2 m × 2 m, sown with either annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum Gaud.) or Italian ryegrass (L. multiflorum Lam.), and mixed with subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.). Defoliation of swards until the end of winter was at the three leaves tiller–1 stage. In spring, once stem nodal development had commenced, swards were defoliated every 3–4 weeks. Swards were defoliated either twice with three leaves tiller–1 (accumulation period 1 commenced on 15 August); twice with three leaves tiller–1 and then once after 4 weeks (accumulation period 2 commenced on 11 September); twice with three leaves tiller–1 and then twice after 4‐week intervals (accumulation period 3 commenced on 9 October) or; twice with 3 leaves tiller–1 and then twice after 4‐week intervals and then once after 3 weeks (accumulation period 4 commenced on 30 October). From the commencement of the accumulation period, tiller density, DM yield and forage quality were determined weekly for up to 10 weeks. There was a positive quadratic association between DM yield and days after the commencement of the accumulation period. Yields were maximized from accumulation period 1 with 5·3, 6·6 and 9·5 t DM ha–1, and growth rates were 140, 128 and 145 kg DM ha–1 d–1, for Wimmera annual ryegrass and Richmond and Concord cultivars of Italian ryegrass respectively. In contrast, in vitro dry‐matter digestibility (IVDMD) and crude protein (CP) content were negatively associated with days after the commencement of the accumulation period, and initial values were greater than 0·80 and 180 g kg DM–1 for IVDMD and CP content respectively. The rate of decline in IVDMD d–1 for Wimmera annual ryegrass was 0·005, 0·019 and 0·012 d–1 for accumulation periods 1, 2 and 3, respectively, while for Italian ryegrass cultivars Richmond was 0·015, 0·011, 0·02 and 0·012 d–1 and Concord was 0·014, 0·009, 0·013 and 0·01 d–1, for the 4 accumulation periods respectively. It is recommended that annual and Italian ryegrass pastures be harvested between 10% and 20% inflorescence emergence when IVDMD will exceed 0·70 regardless of cultivar and/or defoliation practice prior to the commencement of the accumulation period.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of defoliation frequency (either at two‐ or three‐leaf stage) and nitrogen (N) application rate (0, 75, 150, 300, 450 kg N ha?1 year?1) on herbage carbohydrate and crude protein (CP) fractions, and the water‐soluble carbohydrate‐to‐protein ratio (WSC:CP) in perennial ryegrass swards. Crude protein fractions were analysed according to the Cornell carbohydrate and protein system. Carbohydrate fractions were analysed by ultra‐high‐performance liquid chromatography. Sward defoliation at two‐leaf stage increased the total CP, reduced the buffer‐soluble CP fractions and decreased carbohydrate fractions of herbage (P < 0·001). The effect of defoliation frequency was less marked during early spring and autumn (P < 0·001) than for the rest of the seasons. An increase in N application rate was negatively associated with WSC, fructans and neutral detergent fibre (P < 0·001), and positively associated with CP and nitrate (N‐NO3) contents of herbage. Nitrogen application rate did not affect CP fractions of herbage (P > 0·05). The fluctuations in CP and WSC contents of herbage resulted in lower WSC:CP ratios during early spring and autumn (0·45:1 and 0·75:1 respectively) than in late spring (1·11:1). The herbage WSC:CP ratio was greater (P < 0·001) at the three‐leaf than the two‐leaf defoliation stage and declined as the N application increased in all seasons (P < 0·001). The results of this study indicate that CP and carbohydrate fractions of herbage can be manipulated by sward defoliation frequency and N application rate. The magnitude of these effects, however, may vary with the season.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted from 1998 to 2001 to measure the performance and environmental effects of a maize crop (Zea mais L.) in a continuous production system with and without a grass understorey (Lolium perenne L.), with varied N inputs. The experiment was located on a sandy soil in northern Germany and comprised all combinations of slurry application rate (0, 20, 40 m3 ha?1) and mineral N fertilizer (0, 50, 100, 150 kg N ha?1). Understorey treatments included maize with and without perennial ryegrass. Net energy (NEL) yield of maize increased with mineral N application rate but reached a plateau at high rates. Increase in yield of dry matter because of mineral N fertilizer was lower with increased slurry application rate. Neither slurry and mineral N application nor a grass understorey affected NEL concentration of maize, whereas crude protein (CP) concentration increased with increase in application of slurry and mineral N fertilizer. Nitrogen supply by slurry or mineral fertilizer had no effect on the amount of N in the grass understorey after the harvest of maize. The average amount of N bound annually in the understorey was 60 kg N ha?1. The reduced biomass of the understorey because of enhanced maize competition was compensated for by an increased CP concentration in the grass. The grass understorey affected the NEL yield of maize negatively only at very low levels of N input but increased the N surplus at all levels.  相似文献   

在轻简化施肥背景下,为减少渍害损失,解决长江流域冬油菜产区生产面临的重要问题,开展氮肥施用 对油菜渍害的缓解作用研究。设置三因素田间试验,分别为不同氮肥用量(0、60、120、180、240和300 kg N/hm2)、氮 肥类型(油菜专用控释尿素和普通尿素)和水分处理(苗期渍水和正常排水),测定各处理产量和氮肥农学利用率, 明确苗期渍水对不同氮素供应水平油菜的影响,并比较油菜专用控释尿素一次性施用和普通尿素分次施用下油菜 对苗期渍水的响应。结果表明,直播冬油菜产量随氮肥施用量增加而提高,至240 kg N/hm2时不再增加。油菜专用 控释尿素一次性施用,在氮肥用量为60~180 kg N/hm2时产量高于普通尿素分次施用;在氮肥用量为240~300 kg N/hm2时,两种氮肥类型产量基本相当。氮肥施用通过增加收获密度、单株角果数和每角粒数提高产量。苗期渍水 导致直播冬油菜产量损失1.1%~41.9%,随氮肥用量增加,渍水引起的产量损失率呈先增加后降低趋势。0~60 kg N/hm2处理时,渍水使收获密度显著降低(降幅达29.4%~45.0%),单株角果数增加;施氮量为120~180 kg N/hm2时, 渍水导致收获密度和单株角果数分别降低19.5%~33.7%和1.4%~17.7%;施氮高于180 kg N/hm2时,收获密度和单 株角果数降幅减小(降幅分别为5%~30.9%和3.6%~9.5%)。普通尿素分次施用和油菜专用控释尿素一次性施用, 分别在施氮量为120和180 kg N/hm2时产量损失率最高,分别达29.8%和41.9%。相同氮肥用量下油菜专用控释尿 素一次性施用的产量损失率大于普通尿素分次施用。渍水显著降低氮肥农学利用率,降幅为8.4%~51.9%,施氮充 足(240~300 kg N/hm2)时氮肥农学利用率降幅低于氮素用量较低处理(120~180 kg N/hm2),油菜专用控释尿素一 次施用处理的农学利用率平均降幅(36.5%)高于普通尿素分次施用(17.3%)。综上可知,苗期渍水时,油菜专用控 释尿素一次施用,会加重油菜受渍影响;土壤氮素供应能力较低时,渍害逆境解除后,适量追施速效氮肥可有效缓 解产量损失,实现油菜稳产。  相似文献   

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