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论长江经济带农业绿色发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄国勤 《中国农学通报》2021,37(30):154-164
长江经济带发展是中国正在实施的五大区域协调发展战略之一。“生态优先、绿色发展”、“共抓大保护、不搞大开发”已成为长江经济带发展的主旋律和鲜明导向。长江经济带农业在中国农业及整个经济发展战略中占有极其重要的战略地位和举足轻重的作用。推动长江经济带农业绿色发展,已成为长江经济带绿色发展的重要内容和有力抓手,是全国上下共同面临的紧迫任务。当前,长江经济带农业绿色发展面临着诸多问题与挑战,如资源浪费、生态破坏、环境污染、灾害频发和农业生态系统退化等。为实现长江经济带农业绿色发展,应针对上述问题采取以下对策与措施:(1)充分利用耕地,全年绿色覆盖;(2)减少化肥施用,扩大生物养地;(3)加强绿色防控,实施生态减灾;(4)发展循环农业,“废物”再生利用;(5)实行“九良”配套,实现综合发展,即将良田、良制、良种、良法、良物、良境、良品、良策、良才相互协调和配合,共同推动长江经济带农业综合发展、全面发展、绿色发展、高质量发展和可持续发展。  相似文献   

Coordinated development is a major concern in the construction strategy of the Yangtze River Economic Belt (YREB).However,there were few studies which have quantitatively measured the level of coordinated development in the YREB.This paper aimed to propose an comprehensive index system of coordinated development based on the theories of growth pole and complex ecosystem and new guidelines of development from the central government.The index system was composed by 18 indicators within 4 domains including economic development,technology & innovation,communication & transportation,and ecological protection.The scores of coordinated development capability of the 110 prefecture-level cities in the YREB were calculated and examined using natural break point analysis,spatial autocorrelation analysis and rank-size analysis.It was shown that Shanghai,Nanjing and Wuhan were leading the coordinated development in the YREB.Generally,the scores of coordinated development capability were higher in the eastern region of the YREB,in which the cities performed well in the domains of economic development,technology & innovation and communication & transportation yet showed poor performance in ecological protection.Most cities in the middle reaches of Yangtze river ranked in the middle in the YREB in all the domains,except the provincial capitals.The western region of the YREB got the lowest score in the coordinated development capability besides the largest cities such as Chongqing,Chengdu,Kunming and Guiyang.The correlation coefficients between ecological protection and other domains were very low,suggesting that few cities have achieved a win-win situation between environment protection and socio-economic development.We suggested 3 ways to promote coordinated development in the YREB:establish multi-level institutional designs;enhance the innovation in green industries;and strengthen the joint prevention and control of ecological risks.  相似文献   

Reducing carbon emissions is the only way to solve the global climate problem, which obviously requires the joint efforts of all regions. From the perspective of carbon emission reduction demand, this research obtains the data of low-carbon patents and CO2 emissions from 2000 to 2019, and then explores the innovation effect of low-carbon technology transfer in the Yangtze River Economic Belt (YREB). We draw the following conclusions: (1) Low-carbon technology transfer has a positive impact on low-carbon technology innovation. However, a large number of low-carbon technology transfers are concentrated between developed regions in the YREB at present. (2) No matter from the perspective of total amount or efficiency, carbon emission reduction demand can play positive moderating role in the process of exerting the innovation effect of low-carbon technology transfer, indicating that the transfer of low-carbon technologies to regions with high demand is efficient. (3) The moderating effect of carbon emission reduction demand in different regions has regional heterogeneity. Carbon emissions per unit of GDP plays a greater role in moderating the innovation effect of low-carbon technology transfer in the eastern region, while CO2 emissions plays a greater role in the central and western regions. Therefore, we propose to strengthen the transfer of low-carbon technologies between developed and less-developed regions, and adopt differentiation strategies according to the actual situation of each region. Our research has deepened the understanding of environmental economic geography on the innovation effect of low-carbon technology transfer, and has reference significance for global low-carbon technology cooperation.  相似文献   

长江经济带是中国经济社会发展水平较高的战略发展区域,现代化的农业生产方式为农业土地的可持续利用带来严重的压力,本研究旨在为长江经济带高质量、绿色发展提供科学依据、数据支撑与合理建议。本研究基于能值分析方法,通过对长江经济带2010—2018年投入产出项目计算并构建能值效率指标体系,对该地区农业投入产出的能值结构和效率进行深入研究。结果表明,长江经济带在2010—2018年间总能值投入和总能值产出均呈上升趋势,总能值产出始终低于投入,不可更新工业辅助能投入占比较高,农业土地利用结构不合理,资源利用效率较低,农业系统到2018年已发展为轻度不可持续状态,其中在这9年间对农业可持续状况影响最大的因素是投入结构。因此长江经济带需要积极调整农业投入结构,减小对外界辅助能值尤其是不可更新工业辅助能的依赖,提高资源利用效率,才能最终实现农业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

The past decade has witnessed a blossoming of megaregional plans throughout China. However, it is still unclear whether megaregions delineated in these plans are based on a functionally integrated foundation or imagined by the government. This study takes the Central Yangtze River Megaregion (CYRM)—a cross-jurisdictional megaregion planned as a leading regional integration platform in Central China—as a case to examine the mismatch between the governmentally designated regions and functionally integrated regions. Specifically, this research employs the community detection algorithm to identify functionally integrated regions within the CYRM based on producer services networks, then associate the formation of these network-based regions with territorial factors. The results show that the integration of identified first-tier functional regions is subject to the provincial administrative divisions; whereas, the locally planned regions comply with the second-tier functionally integrated regions spatially. Besides, the regression results indicate that the territorial factors are significantly associated with the above spatial patterns. Hence, the region-making practices initiated by the local governments rather than the central government, are more consistent with the conditions of regional economic development.  相似文献   

产城融合是针对城镇化推进的形势和问题提出的新理念,作为产城融合进程中产业繁荣的投入要素和城市建设的服务对象,人的发展是产城融合的出发点和根本落脚点.因此在人本视角下以产-城-人系统协同发展为导向探究区域产城融合进程和路径具有重要意义.基于城市建设、产业发展和人的发展三者的内在作用机制,利用熵权法将长三角城市群的产城融合...  相似文献   

The analysis of PAHs in sediments of 12 sampling sites from Chongqing section of the Yangtze River shows that total PAHs concentration ranges from 0.64~3.98 μg/g in dry season and 0.85~4.63 μg/g in wet season,with the maximum content of phenanthrene accounting for 11%~27% of total PAHs. The 3~5 rings PAHs are dominant in sediment samples,while the content of PAHs with 2 and 6 benzene rings is small. Moreover,the compositions of PAHs are significantly different as they are taken from different sampling periods,releasing more 6-ring PAHs in rainy season. The combustion of fossil fuels and oil spillages of ships may be dominant sources in the study area and the degree of sediment contamination by PAHs is moderate in comparison with other internal and external sediments. However,fluorene and phenanthrene exceed the probable effect level (PEL),which might certain potential damage to the ecosystem in the studied area.  相似文献   

利用2012—2021年间国家小麦区域试验长江中下游组212份参试品系的主要农艺性状区试结果,分析其近10年的演变规律。结果表明,该区域小麦产量和穗粒数先减后增、有效穗数明显减少、千粒重和株高不断增加、生育期基本保持平稳。今后,长江中下游麦区产量应当在保持现有产量结构的基础上,注意提高千粒重,适当降低穗粒数,培育早熟品种为主,更有利于该麦区产量提升。  相似文献   

Based on panel data of innovation inputs and outputs in 53 cities of the three major Chinese urban agglomerations (UAs) spanning the 2001–2015 period, this study examines the influence of the spatial spillover effect among cities on innovation efficiency in UAs using the SFA method and a spatial econometric model. Three main conclusions can be draw from the empirical results. First, the innovation efficiency in the three UAs has increased over the research period, but there is enormous potential for improvement. Second, owing to the close socioeconomic linkages and the flow of innovation resources, there is a significantly positive spatial spillover effect between cities on innovation efficiency in the three UAs. In other words, innovation efficiency in a local city was positively influenced by the other cities in the UA. Particularly, the innovation efficiency in a local city is influenced by factors related to not only the city itself but also other cities in the UA. Third, as the geographical distance increases, the spillover effect on innovation efficiency shows nonlinear variations, indicating that the excessive expansion in UAs may not be attributed to innovation development.  相似文献   

长三角城市土地集约利用度时空特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究旨在分析长三角城市土地集约利用的时空分异特征及其驱动因素,以期为城市提出因地制宜的土地集约利用对策提供借鉴,采用改进熵值法来评价2007—2013年长三角城市土地集约利用水平,用Spearman秩相关系数和变异系数反映土地集约利用随时间变化特征,并且通过空间自相关分析来揭示其空间特征。研究期以2008年为界,划分成土地集约利用缓慢增长期和快速增长期。研究期内上海、南京和杭州等城市土地集约利用水平显著上升,无锡和苏州等小幅上升,南通和泰州等小幅下降,城市间土地集约利用水平差异逐渐缩小;土地集约利用中高等和低等水平城市分别呈现半环式和条带式分布特征;土地集约利用水平较高(低)的城市在空间分布上多为高(低)值中心,但空间相关性较弱。区位因素、产业发展水平以及土地市场化水平对土地集约利用水平均有影响。各地应有的放矢地提升土地集约利用水平,同时应发挥中心城市的涓滴效应以加强城市之间的联系。  相似文献   

长江流域油菜氮磷钾肥料利用率现状研究   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:26  
邹娟  鲁剑巍  陈防  李银水 《作物学报》2011,37(4):729-734
总结近年来在长江流域冬油菜主产区进行的74个田间试验结果,分析目前条件下油菜氮磷钾肥的偏生产力、农学效率、肥料表观利用率、生理效率及肥料对油菜产量的贡献率。结果表明,油菜农学效率分别为6.2 kg kg–1 N、6.3 kg kg–1 P2O5和2.6 kg kg–1 K2O;表观利用率为N 34.0%、P2O5 17.4%和K2O 36.9%,生理利用率为18.5 kg kg–1 N、35.5 kg kg–1 P2O5和9.1 kg kg–1 K2O,氮磷钾肥对油菜籽产量的贡献率分别为41.9%、21.4%和11.5%。研究结果显示,试验条件下长江流域油菜的肥料利用率较低,生产上需同时解决油菜高产及肥料利用效率提高的问题。  相似文献   

地面环境水体中有机物数量是反映水体有机物污染程度的重要指标。为了了解长江、青弋江芜湖段水体有机物污染状况和水体质量,本文通过对长江、青弋江芜湖段水体周围环境状况现场考察,并分段采取了代表性水体样品,采用高温燃烧—非色散红外吸收法测定了水样总有机碳(TOC)含量,研究了其总有机碳含量变化及其影响因素。结果表明,长江、青弋江芜湖段水体中总TOC含量平均值分别为22.2±4.1 mg/L和22.6±2.7 mg/L,处于较高水平,青弋江个别区域TOC含量超过了40 mg/L。长江、青弋江芜湖段水体TOC的浓度均已超过国家一级标准,青弋江某些河段TOC浓度已远远超过了二级标准。  相似文献   

长江中游地区粮食生产的战略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长江中游地区(湖南、江西和湖北)是我国粮食生产主产区之一,该区的粮食安全与否直接影响到我国的粮食安全。本文首先从绝对和相对的角度分析了该区粮食生产的现状。结果表明:近10年来,一方面,区内的粮食生产总量一直在以增加种植面积而获得了稳步增长,其增长难以持续。同时区内的种植结构也在逐渐发生变化,主粮(水稻)的种植面积增幅要远大于杂粮小麦和薯类的增幅,尤其是大于豆类的增长幅度。另一方面,从全国范围来看,长江中游地区的主粮(水稻)的生产占全国比重呈下降趋势,而杂粮生产占全国比重反而有较大幅度的提高。其次,深层剖析了该区粮食生产发展所面临的困境,认为主要有农民(户)种粮积极性不高、农田水利基础设施薄弱、耕地质量退化严重、产业化水平不高、农业科技整体水平较低和粮食生产的结构性弊端初现等六大方面问题。最后,针对该区域所面临的困境依次提出了粮食生产发展的战略对策,为确保该区粮食安全提供参考。  相似文献   

A large number of regional crop trials have demonstrated the ubiquitous existence of genotype × environment interactions (G×E), which make it complicated to select superior cultivars and identify the ideal testing sites. The GGE (genotype main effect plus genotype × environment interaction) biplot is the most powerful statistical and graphical displaying tool available for regional crop trial dataset analysis. The objective of the present study was to demonstrate the effectiveness of the biplot in evaluating the high and stable yields of candidate cultivars simultaneously, and in delineating the most adaptive planting region, analyzing trial location discrimination ability and representativeness, and identifying the ideal cultivar and trial locations. The lint cotton yield dataset with nine experimental genotypes and 17 test locations (three replicates in each) was collected from the national cotton regional trial in the Yangtze River Valley (YaRV) in 2012. The results showed that: (1) the effects of genotype (G), environment (E), and genotype × environment interaction (G×E) were significant (P < 0.01) for lint cotton yield. Differences among environments accounted for 78.7% of the treatment total variation in the sum of squares, whereas the genotype main effect accounted for 8.7%, and the genotype × environment interaction accounted for 12.6%. (2) The “ideal cultivar” and “ideal location” view of the HA-GGE biplot identified Zhongcj408 (G2) and Nannon12 (G9) as the best ideal genotypes; Cixi in Zhejiang Province and Jiangling in Hubei Province were the most ideal locations.(3) The “which-won-where” view of the biplot outlined the adaptive planting region for each experimental cultivar. (4) The “similarity among locations” view clustered the trial locations into four groups, among of which the two outlier locations, Shehong (SH) and Chengdu (QBJ), located in Shichuan Basin in the upper reaches of YaRV, were clustered in one group, whereas the Nanyang (NY) of Henan Province at the northern edge of YaRV was singled out as a sole group. Such location clustering results implied an apparent association with the geographical environment.  相似文献   

试验对西伯利亚鲟、美洲鲥鱼和暗纹东方鲀3种长江珍稀鱼类的精液进行超低温冷冻保存技术研究。以解冻后精子的活力为参数,探讨了稀释液、不同种类不同体积分数的保护剂、以及不同的精液稀释比例对实验鱼类精液进行超低温冷冻保存的保护效果。结果显示,3种长江珍稀鱼类以配方2和体积分数为10%甲醇组成抗冻保护剂,西伯利亚鲟精液按1:2稀释倍数,保存10天后检查精子活力,存活率可达(45±5.00)%。暗纹东方鲀精液按1:2稀释倍数,保存20天后检查精子活力,存活率可达(60.5±2.69)%。美洲鲥鱼精液按1:3稀释倍数,保存60天后检查精子活力,存活率可达(80.3±2.58)%。3种珍稀鱼类的精子保存以美洲鲥鱼效果最好。保存方法均采用三步法,在液氮面上方6 cm处平衡10 min,接着在液氮面上平衡5 min,最后投入液氮中冷冻保存。研究结果为保护长江珍稀鱼类的种质资源提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

2008—2018年长江中下游小麦区试品系品质分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解长江中下游小麦品质育种进展,对2008—2018年本区域参试的130个品系(182份样品)的品质测试数据进行分析,并根据不同品质分类标准评价了该区域小麦品质改良现状。结果表明,2008—2018年130个小麦区试品系的容重为786±16.07 g/L,粗蛋白含量12.79%±0.93%,湿面筋含量26.14%±2.77%,沉降值为34.65±10.43 mL,吸水率为56.62%±3.83%,稳定时间为4.03±2.82 min,最大抗延阻力为289.55±123.01 E.U,延伸性为154.55±19.11 mm,此外,变异系数最高的为稳定时间69.98%、最低的为容重2.04%。年度间比较发现,容重、粗蛋白含量和吸水率起伏较大,湿面筋含量保持平稳,沉降值、稳定时间、最大抗延阻力和延伸性呈现先增加后降低趋势。根据国家品质评价体系,2008—2018年长江中下游小麦区试品系中,存在较多同一品系各项指标间强、中、弱筋相互交错的现象,达标品系中,强筋、中强筋较少,中筋、弱筋较多。总体而言,长江中下游小麦品质育种趋向中弱筋。  相似文献   

为了对长江下游江段石油烃污染进行风险评估,笔者从长江下游江段5个采样点采集的15个水样和25个鱼样的检测数据表明,水体石油烃暴露水平范围是0.02~0.21 mg/L,平均值是0.08 mg/L。基于物种敏感度曲线分布方法(species sensitivity distribution,SSD)的风险评估显示,5%的鱼类受到急性毒性影响的几率是0.72%,风险较低。捕获的鱼类内石油烃呈现不同程度的残留,范围是ND-30.07 mg/kg,均值为9.09 mg/kg。鱼体中石油烃残留量大部分没有超标,餐条的超标率为67%,食用长江下游江段捕获鱼类对人体健康风险较小。本研究风险评估可为保护长江渔业资源生态及水产品质量安全评估提供基础数据支撑。  相似文献   

A substantial amount of research has examined the collaborations within technology-based industries, but how technological intensity relates to the evolution of interregional research collaboration is less well understood. This paper investigates the dynamic changes of spatial structure and determinants of intercity research collaborations in the sectoral innovation networks of high-tech industries contrasting to low and medium technology (LMT) industries in the Greater Pearl River Delta (GPRD), China. Using the sectoral patent application data over the period 2008–2016, the social network analysis results confirm a higher level of triangles in the co-invention network of high-tech industries than within LMT industries. Moreover, the empirical results through Exponential Random Graph Model (ERGM) show that, compared to LMT industries, collaboration in the co-invention network of high-tech industries is less sensitive to geographical and linguistic distance, while more subject to economic distance, regional educational level and government support with time. In addition, cognitive proximity and regional R&D intensity are both important prerequisite in the formation of these two collaborative networks.  相似文献   

为长江中下游地区进一步开展循环农业的相关研究及制定相关政策,实现长江中下游地区循环农业的可持续发展,本研究系统阐述了长江中下游地区在我国农业发展中的重要地位及该地区循环农业具有历史悠久性、结构复杂性、模式多样性、技术先进性、功能高效性、发展可持续性等显著特征。并指出当前长江中下游地区存在着资源浪费、生态破坏、环境污染、劳力缺乏、意识淡薄、机制缺失等方面的问题,严重制约着循环农业的可持续发展。针对以上存在的问题,提出了今后在长江中下游地区推进循环农业应采取以下对策和措施:(1)提高认识;(2)制定规划;(3)完善制度;(4)增加投入;(5)培养人才;(6)扩大规模;(7)延长链条;(8)加强研发。  相似文献   

张海宏 《中国农学通报》2015,31(31):262-267
为了研究长江源区辐射变化特征,利用长江源玉树隆宝湿地的观测资料,分析该地区各季节总辐射、地表反射辐射、大气逆辐射、地表长波辐射、净辐射和光合有效辐射的变化特征。结果表明:玉树隆宝地区总辐射全年累积量为6488 MJ/(m2 · a)。晴空指数年平均值0.755。地表反射辐射冬季最高,秋季最低。地表反照率冬季高,夏季低,地表反照率年平均值0.27。大气逆辐射和地表长波辐射在夏季高于冬季。大气逆辐射全年累积量为8612 MJ/(m2 ·a),地表长波辐射全年累积量为9420 MJ/(m2 ·a)。冬季净辐射的日变化幅度小,夏季净辐射的日变化幅度大,净辐射全年累积量为2647 MJ/(m2 ·a)。光合有效辐射年总量为13281 mol/m2,光合有效辐射因子年平均值为1.92 mol/MJ。  相似文献   

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