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中国芸豆品牌发展战略研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
芸豆是中国主要的出口农产品,也是中国优势农产品。笔者通过分析中国芸豆分布、生产、出口现状,针对芸豆生产存在的主要问题和优势,提出以市场为导向,以科技为依托,加工出口为龙头,农工贸一体化,产加销一条龙的发展思路,通过树立“品牌农业”思想,适度规模,优区优栽,不断提高芸豆产品质量,加快推进芸豆产业市场化、标准化、国际化。研究结果对发展中西部特色农业和促进主产区农民致富具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This paper provides new evidence on barriers that hamper small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) to establish international collaboration. Our analysis makes use of collected data concerning internationalization of SMEs in seven BSR countries. Our logistic multivariate regression model, which we applied after selecting relevant variables using the LASSO method, indicates a significant positive effect for the entities´ demand in support to acquire clients as well as the absence of foreign markets operations. A significant adverse effect is found for cooperation agreements as a support tool for internationalization as well as the interest to participate in an innovation and internationalization system. SMEs rather desire their internationalization capacity building than direct support in acquiring clients. Overall, our results support the hypothesis that strengthening cross-national collaborations and establishing appropriate support programs are important toward innovativeness and competitiveness among SMEs in the BSR. Smart Specialization Strategies (S3) could provide a framework for building cross-national collaborations.  相似文献   

李丹  林中 《中国农学通报》2022,38(26):158-164
中国是世界芦笋生产大国,面积和产量都位居世界第一,芦笋产业已发展成为具有竞争优势的新兴产业,在全球芦笋贸易中占有举足轻重的地位。为了研究中国芦笋的国际贸易和产业竞争力,根据FAO、WTO和中国海关(一般贸易)的芦笋贸易数据,对中国芦笋的进出口贸易现状进行了分析,选取生产者价格、国际市场占有率、贸易竞争力指数和出口价格比4个分析指标,对中国芦笋的产业竞争力给予评价。结果表明:中国芦笋贸易以出口为主,一直处于贸易顺差状态,2008年以后,进口增长很快,进出口差距显著缩小,2019年进口量是出口量的1/3,而进口额超过了出口额。芦笋价格方面,中国芦笋生产成本和生产价格较低,占据优势,但是出口单价和出口额相对也较低,出口创汇不显著,2013年以来进口单价快速上涨超过了出口单价,进口芦笋价格昂贵,未来芦笋进口不会明显增加,出口保持稳定。在国际芦笋出口大国中,秘鲁、墨西哥基本上是芦笋净出口国家,具有极强的贸易竞争力;其次是希腊,竞争力指数也较高;美国、西班牙、荷兰的优势也比较明显。中国是全球最大芦笋生产国,但芦笋的国际市场占有率不高,贸易竞争力指数为正数时接近1,出口额远大于进口额,反映出中国芦笋...  相似文献   

The article addresses the embeddedness of automotive production in Poland in terms of supply networks. A comprehensive analysis of more than 550 suppliers, supported by company interviews, shows that foreign‐owned producers become embedded in Poland in the automotive supplier networks they have largely created themselves. Numerous local suppliers gain access to export markets and become integrated in a Europe‐wide production system. This trend has been accompanied by significant upgrading of foreign affiliates and domestic firms in terms of product quality, cost efficiency, adaptability, and fast response, but far less in nonproduction competences such as R&D. It is argued that the competences of automotive suppliers in Poland are built upon the localized capabilities, which are a product of the dynamic interplay between the activity of foreign firms and the changing local environment comprising various stakeholders. The localized capabilities constitute elements of a company's sunk costs and are embedding automotive producers in Poland. At the same time, the dependence on decisions and innovations from abroad and the limited development of local design and brands may constrain the future role of suppliers from the semiperipheral economy of Poland.  相似文献   

China has taken a foreign direct investment‐based approach toward increasing its capital and knowledge base, and developing into an innovative economy. However, little quantitative evidence exists about the factors that drive innovations of foreign‐invested enterprises (FIEs) there. This paper uses survey data from high‐technology firms in Shanghai to discuss factors affecting their innovativeness. It takes the concepts of absorptive capacity, export orientation, and innovation‐related cooperation as a starting point. It highlights how the interplay of strategies and resources affects innovativeness and heterogeneity of FIEs. The most innovative FIEs are endowed with a strong human capital base and R&D activities, which at the same time target export markets and whose cooperative partners involve firms other than their parent company. The results underline the necessity to differentiate between the different types of FIEs when examining their innovativeness.  相似文献   

中国成为世界家具生产和出口大国。正确评价中国家具产业的国际竞争力,分析其影响因素,对提升中国家具产业竞争力有着重要意义。该文利用Comtrade数据并经整理,使用优势变差指数、国际市场占有率、贸易竞争指数、显性比较优势指数四个指标,对1992—2006年的中国、加拿大、德国、意大利、马来西亚和美国的家具产业竞争力进行比较,得出中国家具产业具有较强的国际竞争力这一结论。运用迈克尔·波特“钻石模型”对影响中国家具产业国际竞争力的关键因素进行深入分析,提出了开拓国外木材市场,加快森林认证,狠抓创新等提升竞争力的建议,从而实现中国家具产业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper focuses upon the ways in which characteristics of regions in regards to knowledge sources, communication opportunities, and absorptive capacity influence the development of innovation ideas among existing and potential entrepreneurs. We formulate a model where entrepreneurs or innovating firms introduce new products in a quasi‐temporal setting. Market conditions are characterised by monopolistic competition between varieties belonging to the same product group, in which there is entry and exit of varieties. A stochastic process is assumed to generate new innovation ideas as time goes by, and a firm (entrepreneur) who receives such an idea has to transform the idea to an innovation, which in the model is specified as a particular variety combined with a specific destination market. The theoretical model is used as a reference when formulating two regression models, with which we estimate how a set of regional characteristics are associated with the likelihood of innovation ideas across Swedish local labour market regions. In one model, we examine the emergence of new export varieties, and in the second model, we investigate the appearance of new export firms. Results are consistent with the assumption that knowledge and information flows have a positive influence on the frequency of arrival of innovation ideas to firms.  相似文献   

International trade in environmental goods (EG) provides a market-based solution to balance the development–environment relationship. How can developing economies gain new growth opportunities through trade liberalisation in the EGs? This study investigates the structural features of products and firms during the early development of China's EG trade. This study defines the import–export nexus as the product relatedness between imports and exports at the firm level, which may promote the technology spill overs and firm cooperation. This study combines two nationwide data sets and constructs a data panel covering 334 prefectures and 248 EGs during 2001–2012. The conditional logit model with fixed effects is used for coefficient estimation. Empirical results reveal that the import–export nexus promotes new EGs in domestic sectors and export baskets, primarily supported by domestic private firms. The import–export nexus allows state-owned firms, which only represent a small market share, to enrich export baskets. It also helps foreign firms to develop new EGs in domestic sectors. These findings suggest revisiting the role of state-owned firms in industrial policy and developing a broad list of EGs to make use of the product relatedness. These will make developing economies like China gain new growth opportunities from the EG trade.  相似文献   

Over the past decades, the automotive sector in China has been characterized by the obligation of foreign manufacturers to enter joint ventures, transfer technologies, and localize production. Still, the Chinese automotive industry has remained dependent on foreign brands, capital, and technology. The advent of markets and supply chains for electric vehicles, however, changes the framework conditions for established foreign automotive firms in terms of competitive landscape and access to core technology components. This is mainly the result of political initiatives: Established automotive manufacturers are exposed to direct and indirect restrictions that influence their production of electric vehicles, their choice of suppliers, and their potential market shares in the future. This paper outlines multilevel bargaining processes of Chinese and foreign actors as they aim to maximize value capture in a fundamentally transitioning automotive sector. In contrast to the lead firm-centric focus of recent global production networks (GPN)-discussions, this paper argues that the determinants of how production networks evolve is first and foremost a question of the institutional environment. Focusing on power balances between state and firm actors in multilevel bargaining processes offers a way of explaining GPN-evolution in institutional contexts in which power concentrates in executive bodies and decision-making processes are often informal.  相似文献   

Traditional explanations of interaction (trade) in city systems fail to capture the breadth and complexity of extraregional markets in the producer services. Building on market-process theory, which argues that markets are adaptive and rarely in equilibrium, the development of extraregional trade in the producer services was investigated as a form of firm-level entrepreneurship. While firms' entrepreneurial behaviors are influenced by a variety of internal characteristics, such as entrepreneurial spirit, size, age, and ownership, it is argued that a firm's location is an important conditioning factor on the degree of success it achieves with market expansion. The hypothesis is evaluated using spatial market extent data developed from a survey of 615 producer service firms located in 16 Midwest cities. A firm's degree of entrepreneurship is indexed by a qualitative assessment of its marketing activities, ranging from “aggressive” to “none.” Cox proportional hazards models, in a spatial-analog of survival analysis, were used to examine the influence of entrepreneurship on the spatial extents of firms' markets. The results confirm that location, more so than firm size or age, has a significant influence on the spatial extent of a firm's extraregional trade. The influence of location is generally complex: surfacing directly as a market scale effect, and indirectly as a conditioning factor on the success of a firm's entrepreneurial behavior. The results suggest that extraregional trade in producers services is predicated on more than just production cost (i.e., internal or external scale economies) or distribution cost (i.e., distance) factors, and that behavioral theories of the market can provide meaningful insight into the geography of market interaction.  相似文献   

日本“肯定列表”制度自2006年5月29日实施以来,对中国农产品出口和相关产业产生了一定影响。以出口日本的特色产品—青梗菜作为研究对象,调查了浙江省青梗菜生产中的常用农药,比较分析了日本“肯定列表”制度中青梗菜的农药最大残留限量(MRLs)与中国、CAC和发达国家标准的差异。在此基础上,结合目前青梗菜实际生产用药,提出合理建议,为青梗菜出口提供借鉴  相似文献   

郑思宁 《中国农学通报》2012,28(11):112-117
摘要:利用福建鳗鱼制品出口贸易数据和FAO渔业统计数据,分析1997-2010年福建鳗鱼制品出口贸易额、出口结构以及出口价格变动。结果表明:福建该类产品在国际市场中占据重要地位,其出口额在近十年呈现下降趋势,但2010年有较大的提升;出口市场高度集中于日本市场,但近些年集中度有所下降;福建鳗鱼制品的出口价格和该类产品的国际市场价格存在很强的相关关系,该产品国际市场供需基本平衡,不存在产品差异性。最后,本文在得出结论的基础上,提出进一步提升该类产品出口的政策建议。  相似文献   

Do exporters and foreign‐controlled establishments pay their workers higher wages than non‐exporters and domestic‐controlled establishments? This paper draws on an employer–employee data set to explore the existence of exporter and foreign‐owned wage premiums in the Canadian manufacturing sector. Results from wage regression models reveal that, on the whole, exporters and foreign‐controlled plants do pay higher wages than non‐exporters and domestic‐controlled plants. These results hold even after controlling for other plant and worker characteristics, although the wage differentials are substantially smaller. Furthermore, while the impact of foreign ownership on wages is found to be widespread across industries and regions, that of exporting is not. At the industry level, the wage effects of export‐market participation are strongest for workers in plants belonging to scale‐based industries; regionally, they are strongest in Quebec and British Columbia.  相似文献   

为了对中国和印度尼西亚罗非鱼产品在美国市场的出口竞争力进行比较分析,以1994-2014年的相关贸易数据为基础,实证分析了中印两国的产品竞争力。竞争力的评价方法主要包括国际市场占有率、显示性比较优势指数和恒定市场份额模型。结果表明:中国罗非鱼产品对美国出口总额不断增长,增长速度快于印尼,但印尼罗非鱼产品拥有自己的品牌的外销渠道,市场价格较中国高很多。中国罗非鱼逐步占领了美国大部分市场,印尼的市场占有率则相对稳定。中国罗非鱼产品在美国市场上已经逐步由比较劣势转变为比较优势,但印尼在罗非鱼产品出口上更加具有比较优势;从恒定市场份额模型的分析来看,竞争力效应对中国罗非鱼产品在美国市场出口额的增长的贡献率较高,中国罗非鱼产品的竞争力在不断增强,但罗非鱼产品结构的合理化程度以及在本国出口增长中的贡献率仍低于印尼。  相似文献   

Innovation, use of high technology, and flexibility of response to customer needs are studied in two surveys of small manufacturing firms in New York and Pennsylvania. They are shown in both surveys to be separate and unrelated concepts. None of five industry-level classifications of high-technology firms, using SIC codes predict these concepts on a firm level. Only innovation is related to a sophisticated firm marketing program. and to export from the state.  相似文献   

对中国外向型蔬菜产业现状和发展的思考与建议*   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
中国蔬菜出口有以下的特点:出口量不断提高,但平均价格有下降的趋势;以保鲜蔬菜出口为主,冷冻蔬菜、蔬菜汁、脱水蔬菜发展较快;出口市场单一,价格偏低。入世后,蔬菜出口遭遇绿色壁垒,加上产品卫生质量和包装等问题,出口量将受到一定影响。但国际蔬菜市场需求量仍在增加,应大力提高蔬菜品质,成立行业组织规范出口秩序,积极开展国际认证,扶持蔬菜龙头企业,加速蔬菜产业发展。  相似文献   

笔者通过分析比较了日本“肯定列表制”和中国无公害蔬菜规定的农业化学品的残留限量标准。得出:“肯定列表制”对莲藕等蔬菜的农业化学品的残留限量标准种类多,要求严格,对中国莲藕等蔬菜产品的对日出口增加了难度。“肯定列表制”实施3个多月来,中国的莲藕的出口量和创汇额与2005年“肯定列表制”实施前同期相比分别下降了约7.7%和6.6%。对照“肯定列表制”,中国的无公害标准简单,欠具体,农民和莲藕加工出口企业在生产和加工中对“肯定列表制”的认识和重视不够,原料基地建设不能满足加工出口的需要等是中国莲藕生产和加工中存在的主要问题。按“肯定列表制”的要求完善中国的莲藕标准化生产体系,引导农民按标准组织生产,帮助企业建立生产基地,提高莲藕产品的深加工程度,拓展日本以外的出口市场等,是促进中国莲藕出口的有效途径。  相似文献   

Knowledge Networks in an Uncompetitive Region: SME Innovation and Growth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Knowledge networks are now recognised as a crucial element underlying the economic success and competitiveness of geographic locations, in particular regions. The aim of this paper is to assess the types of knowledge networks utilised and formed by knowledge‐based small‐ and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs) in the relatively uncompetitive regional setting of Yorkshire and Humberside in the UK. It explores the relationship between knowledge networking activity and the levels of innovation and growth achieved by these SMEs. It is found that SMEs tend to utilise and value more knowledge networks with actors outside the region. However, more innovative SMEs possess a balance of inside and outside the region knowledge networks. Knowledge networking activity is sometimes negatively associated with growth, suggesting that networks with certain actors, such as public sector support agencies, may be formed by SMEs when they are facing competitive pressures. In terms of policy implications, the paper recommends a shift from the cluster policies implemented by many regional authorities to a regional innovation systems approach, focusing equally on the regional and more global dimensions of knowledge networks. It is concluded that regional public policy makers need to renew their efforts to support SMEs in creating and sustaining their knowledge networks.  相似文献   

加工黄瓜的标准化与质量控制   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
【目的】制订与国际市场接轨的加工黄瓜标准,加强加工黄瓜各加工环节的质量控制是扩大中国加工黄瓜出口的两个重要举措;【方法】笔者从产品原材料与辅料的选用、加工工艺、加工过程、加工产品及其后处理等环节综述了加工黄瓜的标准化和质量控制方面的研究;【结果】介绍了加工黄瓜专用品种的果实特征和分级标准,重点介绍了黄瓜饮料、腌制黄瓜与速冻黄瓜对原材料、加工工艺、加工过程、加工产品及后处理的不同标准和质量控制要求。  相似文献   

Science and technology parks (STPs) are established to promote the firm innovation performance via agglomeration economy and government support in China. On-site qualified firms obtain government R&D funding as a type of government support, and they are offered differential innovation service caused by the differential capabilities of sub-parks which scatter throughout a single city. It is debatable whether those government supports at firm and sub-park levels can promote firm innovation capabilities. This study takes Zhangjiang National Innovation Demonstration Zone, Shanghai as an example. It applies a Tobit regression model to analyse the databases of Zhangjiang Annual Sampling Survey of Firms 2015 and Zhangjiang Development Report 2015. We find out at the firm level, government R&D funding has a significant and positive influence on firms' innovation, but government R&D funding generates a crowing-out effect the innovation performance of on-site firms with more R&D investment themselves. At the sub-park level, innovation service agencies of sub-parks do not exert an important role in influencing firms' innovation, and they even have negative moderating effects on the relationship between firm R&D investment and firm innovation performance. It reflects the mismatch between innovation service of STPs and firms' needs in China.  相似文献   

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