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In silvopastoral (SP) systems, forage responses depend on the microenvironment in which the plants develop. Our objective was to evaluate canopy and tillering characteristics of shaded 'Marandu' palisadegrass [Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst A Rich) Stapf, syn. Urochloa brizantha] under continuous stocking in a SP system. Treatments were one full sun (FS) and three shaded systems (silvopasture, SP) corresponding to distances from tree groves: 7.5 m north (SP1), and 15 m (SP2) and 7.5 m south (SP3) studied during two rainy seasons (Year 1 and Year 2). The tree in the SP system was Eucalyptus urograndis (hybrid of Eucalyptus grandis W. Hill ex Maiden × Eucalyptus urophylla S. T. Blake). The photosynthetic active radiation was greater in FS (923 μmol m-2 s-1), followed by SP2 (811 μmol m-2 s-1), SP1 (727 μmol m-2 s-1) and SP3 (673 μmol m-2 s-1). Forage accumulation in FS was 15% greater than the mean of SP1, SP2 and SP3 (10,663 kg DM/ha). There was no difference in net accumulation of leaf, stem and dead material, averaging 3,302, 3,420 and 4,063 kg DM/ha respectively. Leaf accumulation and accumulation rate were greater in Year 2, and leaf accumulation rate was similar among treatments (19 kg DM ha−1 day−1). Leaf proportion increased 14% from Year 1 to Year 2. Specific leaf area was greater for treatments SP1 and SP3 (193 cm2/g). Tiller population density was similar across treatments in Year 1. Shaded palisadegrass maintains leaf productivity similar to FS under continuous stocking in an SP system.  相似文献   

Sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia Scop.) is a perennial legume recently reappraised for some positive characteristics leading to highly satisfactory animal performance. Sainfoin’s characteristics may be partly explained by the presence of moderate levels of condensed tannins (CTs) able to protect dietary protein from microbial degradation in the rumen. Decreased CH4 emissions have been reported for ruminants consuming CT‐containing forage. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of CT content on the in vitro fermentation characteristics and kinetics and methane production of four samples of O. viciifolia cut at different phenological stages. Sainfoin hays and one sample of alfalfa hay were incubated at 39°C in anaerobiosis using the in vitro gas production technique. The chemical composition, tannin content and fermentation characteristics and kinetics of sainfoin samples were significantly affected by phenological stage. After 48 h, the CH4 production in sainfoin hays showed a tendency to increase with the advancement of phenological stage [from 38·6 to 49·8 mL g−1 of degraded organic matter (OM)]. The best period to cut sainfoin for hay making is between early and late flowering, when the forage combines high OM digestibility, low CH4 production and more efficient microbial fermentation.  相似文献   

The chemical composition of silage consumed by cattle can influence the subsequent rumen microbial fermentation patterns and methane (CH4) emissions. The objectives of this study were to (i) evaluate the effect of ensilage on the in vitro rumen methane output of perennial ryegrass and (ii) relate the silage fermentation characteristics of grass silages with in vitro rumen methanogenesis. Three pre‐harvest herbage‐conditioning treatments and seven silage‐additive treatments were used in a laboratory‐scale silo experiment to produce a diversity of silage fermentation characteristics. Ensilage reduced (< 0·01) the in vitro rumen CH4 output (mL CHg?1 dry matter (DM) disappeared). This reflected differences in the direction of rumen fermentation (lower acetic (< 0·05) and higher propionic (< 0·001) acid proportions in volatile fatty acids) rather than major changes in the extent of in vitro rumen fermentation (i.e. mmol VFA g?1 DM). The magnitude of the decrease in CH4 output (mL g?1 DM incubated) owing to ensilage increased as the extent of silage fermentation, and in particular the lactic acid concentration, increased. In contrast, among silages with relatively similar extents of silage fermentation (i.e. total fermentation products), an increase in the proportion of lactic acid in silage fermentation products led to a more extensive in vitro rumen fermentation and thus to a greater CH4 output (mL g?1 DM).  相似文献   

A pot-culture experiment was conducted to assess the bioavailability of iron from spinach cultivated in soil fortified with graded levels of iron and zinc (FeSO4 . 7H20 and ZnSO4 . 7H20, respectively). Applications of varying levels of iron to soil increased the total iron and phosphorus contents and decreased the zinc content (P<0.05). The effect of applying varying levels of zinc was the opposite of on the minerals in spinach. The ascorbic acid content was remarkably reduced with varying levels of iron and zinc. Higher levels of zinc and lower levels of iron in the soil increased the bioavailability of iron from spinach (P<0.05). In conclusion, the interactions of 15 ppm zinc with 30 ppm iron significantly enhanced the bioavailability of iron, total iron and zinc contents.  相似文献   

In vitro iron availability was determined from a standard cereal meal (C) with and without the addition of protein isolates from bovine milk (BP), groundnut milk (GP) and soybean milk (SP). A second set of studies were done to investigate the potentially available iron from fenugreek leaves per se and the effect of their addition on the available iron from the cereal meal. The potentially available iron from the meal increased from 4.91% to 6.73% on the addition of BP. The next best enhancer was GP (4.91% to 6.17%). Although the addition of SP increased the total iron content of the cereal meal significantly, the percent available iron decreased compared to the other milk proteins. The addition of fenugreek leaves (100 g/meal) to the meal increased the total iron content of the meal significantly (3.24 mg to 9.12 mg) (p<.001), however, the available iron was observed to decrease (4.91% vs 4.34%).  相似文献   

In silvopastoral systems, tree growth and the composition and productivity of pasture can be modified by management practices such as initial fertilization when tree seedlings are more sensitive to understorey competition. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of fertilization with different types of sewage sludge (anaerobic sludge, composted sludge and pelletized sludge), using different rates of incorporation and mineralization with traditional treatments (with and without mineral fertilizers) on the growth of newly established ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.) and on pasture development, to obtain sustainable management practices that enhance the growth of both components. Soil characteristics, tree growth, sward composition and pasture development were modified differently according to the type of sewage sludge used, and for similar total nitrogen inputs. Anaerobic sludge had a higher initial effect on both tree and pasture productivity. Pelletized sludge sustained better tree and pasture production. Composted sludge was found to be the most appropriate treatment for improving soil characteristics over the long term on sandy soils. It was concluded that pelletized sludge should be promoted because it enhances productivity, allows for better nutrient recovery and is less costly to store and apply compared with anaerobic sludge and composted sludge. No toxic concentrations of Zn or Cu were found in plants or in the soil despite higher concentrations being present in the applied sludge than in soil.  相似文献   

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