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苜蓿产业发展现状及前景展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
指出了苜蓿作为一种被世界各国广泛引种栽培的优质牧草,在我国的畜牧业中具有越来越广阔的发展前景。如何推动我国苜蓿产业的加速发展,满足巨大的苜蓿产业缺口,已经成为当今急需解决的难题。阐述了苜蓿产业在全世界范围内的分布面积以及发展概况,及苜蓿所具有的多重营养价值,综合分析了我国苜蓿产业所面临的问题与挑战以及在未来发展中的前景展望。提出了从市场供求来看,我国的苜蓿产业还远远不能够满足国内市场上的需求,因而扩大苜蓿种植面积,提高苜蓿单位产量已经成为生产中迫切需要解决的问题。  相似文献   

我国农业产业结构的调整,主要是种植结构由过去的二元结构,调整为粮-经-饲三元结构;养殖结构由食粮型为主调整为食草型为主;二者与加工业有机结合起来形成两大产业链,实现集约化、规模化、商品化经营。这种调整必然要求草业走向产业化经营,以适应草食动物规模化发展的需要。这也为草业的产业化发展提供了机遇。草业产业化,主要是指苜蓿产业化。因为苜蓿和其它牧草相比有其独有的特性,这决定了它是草业产业化建设中首选的牧草品种。苜蓿产业化不应单以苜蓿生产一条产业链来界定。应涵盖与加工业紧密结合的种植、养殖两条产业链下三种企业组织模式,相互联系、相互渗透、互为因果、形成整体。这样才能真正把苜蓿产业化形成建立在科学基础之上,促进健康发展。  相似文献   

我国苜蓿产业化现状近几年来,我国形成了种植苜蓿的热潮,并呈现以下6个特点:1.以黄河流域为主线,中国北方苜蓿种植面积迅速增加。2.国内外一些大中型企业加盟苜蓿产业化开发。3.政府引导,政策扶持,公司+农户为主导的经营模式。4.苜蓿产业系统工程全面启动。5.种草促进草食畜牧业迅速发展。6.科技支撑苜蓿产业化发展。中国苜蓿产业化发展前景在未来5-10年内,按照专家提  相似文献   

朝阳大枣资源丰富,是朝阳的主要特产.苜蓿做为豆科作物,根瘤菌有很强的固氮能力,使种植苜蓿后的土壤更加肥沃,能给枣树提供更多养分,朝阳地区时有大风,在枣园里的林间空地种植苜蓿,也给苜蓿营造了防风的小树林,枣树苜蓿立体化间作,除了收枣,每亩枣园收获苜蓿干草约1000千克左右,提高枣园经意效益,达到大枣苜蓿双丰收.  相似文献   

北方泥质海岸盐碱地种植牧草肥土效果研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用工程措施为先导、生物措施为核心,在北方泥质海岸盐碱荒地上种植田菁、苜蓿两种牧草对土壤进行培肥效果研究。结果表明,种植田菁、苜蓿一个生长季结束后,土壤盐分和pH值下降;土壤有机质含量有所提高,氮、磷营养状况得到改善;与CK处理相比,两种牧草处理在10~50cm层次的肥土效果好于0~10cm层次;两种牧草相比较,田菁处理好于苜蓿处理。  相似文献   

<正>苜蓿是世界上栽培最早、分布最广的牧草之一,全球栽培面积约5亿多亩。我国苜蓿栽培也有2000多年历史,早在公元115年汉朝初期,苜蓿即已引入我国,现在东北、西北、华北等地区都有大面积种植,是我国北方各省区重要的牧草品种,全国种植面积已达1600多万亩。赤峰市从20世纪50年代初期开始引种苜蓿,目前全市保存面积80多万亩,  相似文献   

苜蓿 (MedicagoSatiua)是一种多年生豆科草本植物。其干草含粗蛋白 1 8%~ 2 6% ,矿物质、维生素含量也很丰富。它不仅是良好的牧草 ,因根系发达还是保土肥田、固土护坡的理想植物。近年来我国退耕还林、防风固沙任务量大 ,研究、发展苜蓿新品种很有必要。 2 0 0 1年国家林业局“948项目办”下达了《国外优质苜蓿新品种及栽培技术引进》课题 ,以期增加一些国外优质苜蓿品种及相关的栽培技术 ,提高我国苜蓿的整体生产水平。1 特点苜蓿寿命 1 0a左右 ,丰产期 2~ 6a。株高可达0 .8~ 1 .6m。根系发达 ,主根入土很深 ,1a生可达1m以上 ,2a后在…  相似文献   

以河北省迁安市铁尾矿为基质,通过苜蓿和紫穗槐盆栽试验,研究铁尾矿与无机肥、土壤、有机肥(猪粪)的不同基质配比在短期内对豆科植物苜蓿和紫穗槐生长的影响,旨在为铁尾矿土壤修复和植被恢复提供依据,结果表明:1%猪粪施肥处理下2种植物出苗率较高,分别为72%和52%,掺土处理效果整体好于施肥处理,当掺土25%时,苜蓿、紫穗槐出苗情况已大有改善,出苗率分别为86%、71%;掺土处理对紫穗槐、苜蓿的叶绿素和蛋白含量影响更显著,当掺土25%以上时,二者叶绿素含量显著增加,直至全土处理达到最大值(36.33mg/g、33.79mg/g);苜蓿在掺土量达到25%、紫穗槐在掺土量达到75%时,植物蛋白含量开始明显提升,分别为4.12%、4.52%;紫穗槐的平均株高(28.82cm)、生物量(9.35g)、根冠比(1.31%)等生长指标均高于苜蓿(15.70cm、8.14g、0.55%);掺土处理对2种植物各生长指标作用显著,其中25%掺土处理就开始有明显提升;1%猪粪促进植物生长;5%以上猪粪施用量抑制植物成活及生长;尾矿中添加土壤比补充肥料更有利于苜蓿、紫穗槐生长,但25%掺土和无机肥混合配比也能促进苜蓿和紫穗槐的生长。  相似文献   

苜蓿(Medicago sativa L)作为一种优质牧草,在畜牧业发展中有着举足轻重的地位;作为一种抗盐、抗旱改良土壤的先锋草种,在西北生态环境恢复中也发挥着不可替代的水土保持作用.  相似文献   

通过测定敖汉苜蓿、阿尔冈金、WL-232HQ、苜蓿王、WL-323、WL-414、猎人河和四季旺8个不同休眠级苜蓿品种的净光合速率、蒸腾速率、气孔导度、水分利用效率的日变化,结果表明:敖汉苜蓿、阿尔冈金、苜蓿王、猎人河四个品种光合日变化呈现三峰型,而WL-232HQ、WL-323、WL-414、四季旺呈现双峰型。但是峰值和波谷出现的时间及其波谷的降幅有区别,蒸腾速率日变化、气孔导度日变化同净光合速率日变化规律基本相似。8个品种净光合速率日变化均出现午休现象。当Pn出现午休低谷时,苜蓿叶片气孔关闭,此时WUE呈现低水平,Tr也处于低谷或者较低的状态。敖汉苜蓿水分利用率表现最高为8.21μmolCO2/mmolH2O,四季旺最低为4.02μmolCO2/mmolH2O。WL-232HQ、苜蓿王、WL-323的光合速率和敖汉苜蓿比较接近,表明这3种苜蓿适应呼和浩特地区的自然环境。  相似文献   

参后地重复利用,是提高林地使用效率和林地生产力,增加参农收益的有益尝试,结合实践,就参后地再利用介绍几种模式,供参农参考。  相似文献   

Increasing woodland area in the United Kingdom is strongly supported in policies, but there is evidence of low rates of new planting, infrequent uptake of farm forestry, and negative attitudes to woodland among farmers. Additionally, there is a wider context of increasing farm diversification, and a need for greater understanding of farmers' attitudes and behaviour related to afforestation. This paper uses a representative survey of Scottish farmers (survey year: 2013, respondents used in analysis: 1735) to compare farmers who intended to expand forestry in future and farmers with alternative combinations of intended and past behaviour in relation to forestry. Overall, we find that certain characteristics: already operating forestry, reporting types of non-farming activities, involvement in environmental schemes, having a high education level, having a relatively high number of employees, and being relatively recent entrants to holdings, were more frequently found among farmers intending to increase forestry in future than farmers described as ‘non-increasers’ who did not intend to increase forestry and also had not expanded it in the past. Farmers with these characteristics could be a useful focus in attempts to expand woodland at larger scales, and encouraging small-scale tree planting could be an effective policy approach.  相似文献   

This study suggests that one of the most productive (and most neglected) uses of social science research in forestry development projects is to examine foresters' beliefs regarding rural peoples. This suggestion is illustrated with data from the Forestry Planning and Development Project, Pakistan's first nation-wide social forestry project.The operational component of this project, intended to assist small farmers to cultivate trees on their farmlands, ran into immediate difficulties. Many of the foresters involved insisted that small farmers were simply not interested in tree cultivation. A comprehensive base-line study subsequently was carried out to examine the validity of this belief. The results of this study (confirmed by the subsequent experience with the project in the field) varied markedly from the foresters' beliefs.While many of the foresters believed small farmers were opposed to having trees on their farms and would not agree to plant trees under the project, most farmers already had trees on their farms and expressed interest in planting more; while many foresters believed farmers would only be interested in planting large blocks of market-oriented exotics, most farmers requested small plantings of multi-purpose native trees; while many foresters believed farmers would plant trees only for market sale, most farmers requested trees to meet household needs for fuel and timber; and while many foresters did not think that increasing supplies of fuelwood could reduce the burning of dung, all of the evidence provided by the farmers suggested that it would.The disparity between farmer reality and forester belief is attributed to failures on the part of both foresters and social scientists — failure by foresters to distinguish their non-empirical beliefs about farmers from their empirically-based knowledge of trees, and failure by social scientists to recognize the belief systems of foresters as a legitimate and important object of study. Their study comprises three parts: finding out what the foresters think the farmers want, finding out from the farmers what they actually want, and then analyzing and explaining the differences.  相似文献   

Great importance has been attached to the “Agriculture-Rural-Farmer” issue by the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and the State Council of China. In recent years, a series of agricultural supporting subsidy policies, such as direct subsidies to grain, seed, material, and machinery purchases have been enforced, and these policies have greatly promoted the agricultural production and the incremental income of farmers. However, from the perspective of increasing the farmers’ income, although the subsidy coverage is expanding from fields to hilly areas where the farmers have made major contributions to the supply of wood and ecological security, the farmers have a low income without enough aid from the forestry fiscal subsidy policy. Foresters cannot enjoy the same policy support as farmers, because the level of forestry fiscal subsidies is obviously lower than the level of agricultural subsidies. Therefore, based on investigation, this article suggests giving more support to forest workers in terms of the promotion and optimization of forestation, forest tending, seeds and insurance subsidies, and further expanding the forestry subsidies’ category and scope and improving its standards.  相似文献   

对林改后农民增收提出了一些实施途径。  相似文献   

文中基于河北省廊坊市、衡水市、邯郸市和邢台市16县567户样本农户调研数据,从林农技术培训的内容、形式、时间和地点等方面进行供给和需求对比,结果发现当前林农技术培训存在较为严重的供需失衡问题;进一步从林农技术培训管理体制、政府对林农技术培训的投入、林农参与技术培训意识、培训内容及形式与林农需求匹配度等方面探寻导致林农技术培训供需不平衡的原因;在此基础上提出相应的解决措施:建立健全林农技术培训管理机制、加大林农技术培训扶持力度、提高林农自身素质和能力、创新林农技术培训模式、激发培训主体活力。  相似文献   

雷竹笋产业是浙江临安区农村经济的第一大产业,但随着经济的发展,临安区雷竹林出现因经营规模小、成本上升而比较效益下降等问题,适度增加竹林经营规模势在必行。为确定农户经营雷竹林的合适规模,对临安区85个雷竹农户进行调查分析,调查内容包括竹林经营面积、投入的劳动力、产出效益等。结果表明,农户经营的竹林面积在1.33 hm2时,通过轮流覆盖栽培,可取得较好的经济效益,从而稳定农户的种竹积极性。研究结果可为政府制定竹林流转、农村剩余劳动力转移等相关政策提供依据。  相似文献   

对忻州市退耕还林后续产业培育的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
退耕还林后续产业的形成和培育关系到退耕农户生产、生活以至生存的问题,各级政府应积极扶持和培育。应通过退耕地上增加收益、大力发展饲草种植加工业、发展高效绿色农业、就地转化和输出劳动力等方式,实现畜牧业的转型和农民的增收。  相似文献   

Intercropping of mulberry(Morus alba L.)and alfalfa(Medicago sativa L.) is a new forestry-grass compound model in China,which can provide high forage yields with high protein.Nitrogen application is one of the important factors determining the production and quality of this system.To elucidate the advantages of intercropping and nitrogen application,we analyzed the changes of physicochemical properties,enzyme activities,and microbial communities in the rhizosphere soil.We used principal components analysis(PCA) and redundancy discriminators analysis to clarify the relationships among treatments and between treatments and environmental factors,respectively.The results showed that nitrogen application significantly increased pH value,available nitrogen content,soil water content(SWC),and urea(URE) activity in rhizosphere soil of monoculture mulberry.In contrast,intercropping and intercropping+N significantly decreased pH and SWC in mulberry treatments.Nitrogen,intercropping and intercropping+N sharply reduced soil organic matter content and SWC in alfalfa treatments.Nitrogen,intercropping,and intercropping+N increased the values of McIntosh diversity(U),Simpson diversity(D),and Shannon-Weaver diversity(H') in mulberry treatments.However,PC A scatter plots showed clustering of monoculture mulberry with nitrogen(MNE) and intercropping mulberry without nitrogen(M0).Intercropping reduced both H' and D but nitrogen application showed no effect on diversity of microbial communities in alfalfa.There were obvious differences in using the six types of carbon sources between mulberry and alfalfa treatments.Nitrogen and intercropping increased the numbers of sole carbon substrate in mulberry treatments where the relative use rate exceeded 4%.While the numbers declined in alfalfa with nitrogen and intercropping.RDA indicated that URE was positive when intercropping mulberry was treated with nitrogen,but was negative in monoculture alfalfa treated with nitrogen.Soil pH and SWC were positive with mulberry treatments but were negative with alfalfa treatments.Intercropping with alfalfa benefited mulberry in the absence of nitrogen application.Intercropping with alfalfa and nitrogen application could improve the microbial community function and diversity in rhizosphere soil of mulberry.The microbial community in rhizosphere soil of mulberry and alfalfa is strategically complementary in terms of using carbon sources.  相似文献   

Numerous land-use policies have been implemented in China in recent decades for ecological restoration and conservation to reduce environmental disasters and promote environmental sustainability.Many of these policies follow a top-down approach to implementation and as such,emphasize the hierarchical control within government structures.An understanding of local perceptions of land-use policies is important if the disconnect between policy makers and the target population is to be reduced and if program support is to improve.This study aimed to help improve local implementation,attitude toward,and engagement by examining the influence of socio-economic characteristics on the target population’s(local farmers)perception of the conversion of cropland to forestland program(CFPP)land use policy in Jiangxi,Sichuan,and Shaanxi provinces.It uses logistical regression models,with robust aspects of perception including confidence,support,transparency,prospects,fairness,and willingness to participate.Results indicate that social aspects as well as economic aspects are most important in influencing farmers’perceptions towards the CFPP.The farmers who have received technical support,rural male habitants,educated,and non-middle-aged farmers exhibit more positive perceptions of the program and are much more likely to support it,whereas farmers without any technical support or formal education,and female and middle-aged farmers are less likely to support the program.Importantly,this study also reveals the differences in responses,experiences and perceptions of the farmers living across different provinces.These empirical results provide insight into the influence of socio-economic characteristics on the perception of farmers towards land-use policies,which has important implications for designing targeted policy instruments and increasing farmer support for these policies.This knowledge can be harnessed and further evaluated in future research to improve citizen engagement,support,and understanding in order to help ecological restoration and conservation objectives be more effectively achieved.  相似文献   

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