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根据山西省人民政府网站2020年2月28日讯,永和县达到贫困县退出相关指标,符合退出标准符合,正式退出贫困县。总结永和县脱贫经验,就业扶贫成为贫困户脱贫致富的重要措施。而农村就近就业作为就业扶贫的一种形式,既可以满足农村贫困户在本村从事农业生产种植,还可通过务工丰富收入来源,是一种适合永和县脱贫户脱贫致富的重要举措。文章以在永和县评估调查中收集的数据和观察的现象,分析永和县贫困户农村就近就业现状,总结就近就业开展过程中出现的问题,并提出相应的解决措施。  相似文献   

正Introduction Ending poverty in all its forms everywhere is the first Sustainable Development Goal(SDG) of the United Nations(2021a). Progress towards this goal has varied but also been fruitful. Between 1990 and 2015, over a billion people were lifted out of extreme poverty(World Bank 2018). From 36% of the population under extreme poverty in 1990 to 10% in 2015(United Nations 2021b).  相似文献   

户用分布式光伏对农户收入影响具有长期性,如何发挥分布式光伏在乡村振兴战略中的作用需进一步探索。本文以户用分布式光伏为例,利用中部地区Y县2014—2019年农户追踪数据,运用双重差分法,分析户用分布式光伏对农户收入的影响,探讨户用分布式光伏对农户收入影响的作用机制。结果表明,2014—2019年农户收入大幅度提升,其中建光伏农户的人均收入增长幅度大于未建光伏农户,户用分布式光伏使农户人均收入提高25.4%,其中经营性收入、财产性收入分别提高74.4%和444.5%,而工资性收入降低45.3%。户用分布式光伏是通过减少非农劳动时间和缩短非农就业空间距离降低农户工资性收入,增加经营性收入,从而影响人均收入。进一步分析发现,户用分布式光伏对非中心村农户的工资性收入和经营性收入影响大于中心村农户,劳动力能力越强的农户经营性收入上升幅度越大,工资性收入下降幅度越小。因此,建议统一维护光伏设施,促进劳动力要素有效配置;并依据劳动能力差异分层分配股份,降低劳动能力强的农户对政府补贴的依赖;另外,创新光伏产业发展模式,拓宽光伏产业增收渠道。  相似文献   

调查了解保定市农村贫困人口状况,根据《河北省经济统计年鉴》、《河北农村统计年鉴》以及《中国农村贫困监测报告》等统计资料,分析了保定市农村贫困人口变化趋势,同时对致贫原因以及面临的困难和挑战进行了思考,提出了相应的扶贫对策建议,以期为新阶段(2011—2020年)农村扶贫开发战略的制定提供参考。  相似文献   

农业农村农民问题是关系国计民生的根本性问题。十九大提出的“乡村振兴战略”为 我国的乡村建设发展谋划了美好蓝图,指明了发展路径。精准扶贫是乡村振兴战略的重要组成 部分,是帮助贫困群众脱贫致富,有效解决三农问题的重要抓手。本文基于当前农村精准扶贫 的实施现状,剖析乡村振兴战略背景下精准扶贫的关键环节,以期为建设富裕和谐秀美乡村提 供可行性建议。  相似文献   

周毕芬 《农业现代化研究》2012,33(3):295-298,308
本文分析了我国农村扶贫战略先后经历的从救济式扶贫、区域开发式扶贫,向整村推进扶贫、最低生活保障制度扶贫的转变的局限性,认为当前农村扶贫战略应朝就业援助方向调整,并提出从"上游"、"中游"、"下游"三个维度实施就业援助政策措施。  相似文献   

城乡关系是国家关注的重要经济社会关系,随着我国经济进入新常态,城市和乡村的发展都迎来了各自的机遇和挑战,为此,党的十九大提出了城乡融合发展的战略,促进城乡的融合发展是指导城乡关系合理化发展的重要途径,是解决城乡不平衡发展现状的关键,也是乡村振兴的重要原则之一。实施乡村振兴战略是新时期全面建成小康社会的重中之重,是解决好“三农”问题的新方略,而农村的“精准扶贫”是落实乡村振兴战略的重要决策,致力于解决乡村地区和乡村人口的贫困问题,不断缩小城乡的发展差距,以城乡融合发展的理念为指导,会给乡村地区的贫困问题带来新的解决方法,促进精准扶贫落到实处,推进新时期我国城市和乡村的一体化发展,改善乡村地区的发展方式,引领乡村走向富裕之路。  相似文献   

Financial support is a crucial part of China's poverty alleviation effort. Thus, it is vital to understand how formal credit impacts income growth in rural households. In 2012, 2015, and 2018, a survey was conducted to obtain a panel dataset of 592 rural households from 6 poverty-stricken counties in western China, including counties in Guizhou, Yunnan, and Shaanxi provinces. We use the data to examine the effect of formal credit on rural household income and the mechanism that underlies this effect. We find that formal credit can significantly increase rural households' income in deprived areas in western China. Furthermore, formal credit promotes the reallocation of household labor from the agricultural sector to the non-agricultural sector and changes rural households' decisions about investment-consumption behavior. These are the drivers of changes in the amount and structure of household income. Further analyses show that formal credit may widen income inequality among rural households in western China's deprived areas. The individual characteristics of rural households, such as different levels of material capital, human capital, and social capital, bring about differences in the effects of formal credit on income growth. This study emphasizes that the implementation of formal credit is an essential strategy for poverty alleviation in underdeveloped areas, but policymakers should not excessively interfere with the financial market.  相似文献   

以农业农村资源为依托,利用区域优势资源,发展优势明显、特色鲜明的乡村产业,拓宽农民增收渠道,为乡村振兴与脱贫攻坚的有效衔接带来了新的机遇。我国各地资源人文环境差异影响较大,乡村特色优势产业发展具有明显的区域特征。文章通过对陕南秦巴山区的深度贫困村罗家河村农业产业发展现状、存在问题及产业融合发展路径进行分析,以期能够从微观角度对于破题“秦巴地区乡村产业振兴”实践、因地制宜提高农村自然资源综合利用率,拓展农业多元功能,拓宽农民就业和增收渠道,保障高质量可持续脱贫具有重要参考意义。  相似文献   

乡村旅游作为产业扶贫的一种有效形式,在带动农村经济发展、推动农业转型升级和促进农民增收致富等方面具有重要作用。基于行动者网络理论,以赤峰市雷营子村乡村旅游助力脱贫致富为案例,运用实地调查和案例分析方法,探究雷营子村乡村旅游扶贫的行动者网络构成和转译过程,剖析乡村游扶贫的模式和机制。结果表明,雷营子村的乡村旅游扶贫是一个由政府、村委会、合作社、旅游公司、游客、自然环境和旅游资源等异质性行动者构成的行动者网络,其中村委会、合作社和旅游公司发挥了关键行动者的作用。在行动者网络的框架下,雷营子构建了"村委会主导、合作经营、集体收益、贫困户增收"的乡村旅游扶贫模式,形成了产业带贫、公司带贫、大户带贫和就业减贫、服务减贫"三带两减"的旅游扶贫机制,使贫困村民通过资产流转、创业、就业和分红等途径实现了脱贫致富。然而,在雷营子乡村旅游扶贫的过程中,也面临着村民话语权较弱、乡村旅游人才缺乏、对合作社和旅游公司的监督不足以及贫困村民参与度不高等诸多挑战。因此,应进一步发挥基层党组织的引领作用,引入新的行动者完善行动者网络,加强社区增权,以推动乡村旅游的可持续发展和旅游扶贫效率的提升。  相似文献   

为加快推进精准扶贫精准脱贫,以广州市新一轮扶贫开发确定的贫困帮扶村作为样本,按照抽样调查原则,实施贫困监测。调查农村居民现金和实物收支、农村住户成员及劳动力从业、农村居民家庭食品和能源消费、住房和耐用消费品拥有等情况。根据对调查样本的监测分析,总结扶贫开发取得的主要成效,指出扶贫开发存在的问题,从建立村级巩固脱贫成果长效机制,激发贫困户内生脱贫动力,大力推进产业扶贫、带动贫困户脱贫致富,强化劳动技能培训、提高劳动力素质,整合扶贫资源、建立贫困村产业示范园,发展特色产业、培育"一村一品",加强对贫困户宣传教育、推广教育扶贫等方面提出相关对策建议。  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of the New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme(NRCMS) on rural households to escape poverty. We employ the instrumental variable method, the IVProbit model, to analyze the national data from the rural-resident field survey by the China Family Panel Studies(CFPS) in 2016. Based on the large-scale data, we found that, first, the hospitalization of family members is the key factor in increasing the risk of the family falling into poverty. The NRCMS has significantly reduced the likely risk of falling into poverty. Second, the impact of the NRCMS on poverty alleviation varies among groups with different levels of income. There is no impact on the upper-middle and high-income groups; in contrast, the NRCMS has substantially improved the capacity of low-income rural families to prevent poverty due to illness, especially for the lower-middle-income group. Third, there exist significant regional differences in the impact of NRCMS on the health poverty alleviation of rural households in China. The NRCMS has successfully reduced the risk of rural households in the western region falling into poverty, simultaneously, no significant impact on those in the eastern and central regions. In order to diminish and eliminate poverty eventually and boost rural residents' capacity for income acquisition, we propose the following: raise the actual compensation ratio of the NRCMS, control the rising expense of NRCMS by promoting the payment method reform, construct the comprehensive healthcare system in the western region, strengthen the medical security for the poor in remote area, and enhance the living environment for rural residents.  相似文献   

The diffusion of e-commerce has played a significant role in recent rural economic development in China. E-commerce is also considered as an efficient channel to alleviate poverty in rural China. Voluminous studies have investigated the contribution of e-commerce to agricultural development, yet it is lacking empirical evidence as to the effects of e-commerce on rural poverty alleviation. Since the year of 2014, in order to develop rural e-commerce, Chinese government launched the National Rural E-commerce Comprehensive Demonstration Project. This gradual involvement policy offered a natural experiment for evaluation of e-commerce. Based on village-level survey data from rural China and Heckit method, our study finds that rural e-commerce has a significantly positive effect on rural income. Moreover, the effect is inverted U-shaped for the relative-poverty villages. The estimation of the propensity scores matching model confirms that the results are robust. The following policy recommendations are proposed:(1) policy support to rural e-commerce should prioritize the povertystricken villages. By doing so, the marginal income effects of e-commerce will be maximized.(2) Investment in internet infrastructure and establishment of human resources for e-commerce in rural areas will have spillover effects, increasing rural income through the "digital dividend".  相似文献   

共同富裕,消灭贫困是中国人民的共同理想,党和人民一直为此崇高目标不断奋斗,进入信息时代,中国农村走向“数字经济”时代,扶贫工作中出现了盲目学习照搬经验的问题,互联网时代对扶贫工作中的公平和透明程度也提出了更高的要求,同时也迎来了新的机遇,电子商务、远程教育和民主社会治理都为乡村振兴工作注入了新的活力。本文阐述乡村振兴背景下数字经济时代到来的必然性与必要性,具体分析机遇和挑战的内容,提出相应的建设措施。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the impact of the poverty alleviation relocation(PAR) program on rural household income and evaluates the heterogeneous income effects of various relocation modes, based on a panel dataset of relocated households from 16 counties in eight Chinese provinces. The results show that participation in the PAR increases the income of both rural and urban resettlers. More specifically, it has a significant positive effect on agricultural and wage income for rural and urban resettlers, respectively. Further analyses show that the income increase for rural resettlers was mainly due to agricultural technology training and that the income increase for town resettlers was attributed to medical security. For the village resettlers, policies should focus on strengthening the development of local industries and training of agricultural technologies. For the urban resettlers, non-agricultural employment and public services in the urban resettlement areas should be promoted.  相似文献   

闵杨  张家偶 《安徽农业科学》2014,(23):8069-8072
在摆脱贫困发展经济的过程中,资金起着十分重要的作用。与财政投资和社会捐赠等相比,信贷则是一种最为适合农村特别是贫困农户摆脱贫困、扩大生产的资金来源。在我国,小额信贷已经得到推广,但是贫困农户获取小额信贷的需求与供给不平衡现象严重。该研究基于在湖北省农村的问卷调研数据,运用离散选择模型,实证研究了贫困农户小额信贷获取的决定因素。结果表明,家庭收入、自营职业和官方地位是农户获得小额信贷的3大影响因素。偿还能力和获得小额信贷之间密切相关,说明提高农户的债务偿还能力有助于他们获得小额信贷。  相似文献   

农户生计是"三农"问题的关键之一,探究贫困地区农户脱贫后的生计可持续发展水平,引导贫困地区农户完善生计结构,提高生计可持续性,对于巩固脱贫攻坚成果,促进乡村振兴具有一定的现实意义。以黑竹沟自然保护区农户为研究对象,通过入户访谈和问卷调查,运用熵值法评估农户生计资本状况,采用空间统计学方法分析农户生计资本与生计策略、贫困之间的相关性,得到影响生计策略和贫困的主要影响因子。结果表明:农户的生计资本总值为0.242 1,生计可持续性较低;农户的金融和社会资本值相对较高,物质和自然资本值较低,生计资本整体不平衡;海拔和距中心点距离对农户贫困的发生率存在显著影响;生计策略对农户脱贫具有正向促进作用,受教育程度是影响家庭贫困的主要因素,亲友中的能人数量是影响家庭生计策略的主要因素,受教育程度越高,贫困程度越低,亲友提供帮助对生计策略的转变效果显著。在研究结果的基础上,提出了相应的政策建议,以期为贫困地区生计资本提升、生计策略调整和稳定脱贫提供参考。  相似文献   

近些年来我国一直在持续考察、研究文化扶贫的实践路线,在此过程中发现农村整体 公共文化扶贫实践效益处于较低水平,与我国基础实践以及国家实践政策目标存在较大差距。 文化扶贫属于我国基础扶贫工作的关键组成内容,可将其看作是对传统经济扶贫的进一步优 化。由精准扶贫层面落实乡村文化扶贫措施,实现振兴乡村文化的根本目的。  相似文献   

从老年农户流出农地的现象入手,基于理论推导,使用“中国农村发展调查”数据,采用面板固定效应回归和倾向得分匹配等计量方法,分析农业劳动力老龄化对农地流转的影响。结果表明:(1)缓解了样本缺失问题后,老龄化对农地流转的估计系数得到增强。(2)对于拥有足额养老金、家庭劳均农业收入较少(低于村平均水平)或家庭农业收入占比较低(<0.25)的农户家庭,其在老龄化影响下流出的农地面积更大。(3)如果村庄被新型农村合作医疗保险政策覆盖或拥有养老院,老年农户流出的农地面积趋于增加。(4)如果村庄提供灌溉设施、机械化耕地服务等改善效率的公共品,家庭劳均农业收入较少或家庭农业收入占比较低的家庭将进一步流出农地。据此,提出加大对农村地区老年人的社会保障力度、积极投资改善农业生产效率的公共品的对策建议。  相似文献   

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