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以燕麦田土壤为研究对象,探讨了聚丙烯酸盐类土壤改良剂及其复配(聚丙烯酸钾、聚丙烯酰胺、腐植酸钾、聚丙烯酸钾+腐植酸钾、聚丙烯酰胺+腐植酸钾)对燕麦田土壤微生物量氮及土壤酶活性的影响。结果表明,不同土壤改良剂均能提高土壤有机质、碱解氮、速效磷和速效钾的含量,各指标分别比对照增加了8.24%~30.22%、7.60%~19.29%、5.15%~29.45%和27.86%~68.86%;土壤改良剂能促使燕麦全生育期内0~10、10~20和20~40 cm各土层的土壤微生物量氮含量显著提高,聚丙烯酸钾+腐植酸钾和聚丙烯酰胺+腐植酸钾复配处理较其各单施效果显著,随土壤深度的增加土壤微生物量氮逐层递减;与对照相比,土壤改良剂能显著提高燕麦全生育期各土层过氧化氢酶活性,在抽穗期活性最高,且以聚丙烯酸钾+腐植酸钾较高;但对于脲酶,聚丙烯酸钾+腐植酸钾、聚丙烯酰胺+腐植酸钾和腐植酸钾3个处理在苗期显著低于对照,在抽穗期和成熟期高于对照,两种酶活性均随土壤深度的增加逐渐降低。  相似文献   

长期施肥与地膜覆盖对土壤微生物量碳氮的影响   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
通过田间定位试验研究长期施肥与地膜覆盖对土壤微生物量C、N的影响。结果表明,长期施肥与地膜覆盖提高了土壤微生物量C、N含量,长期施有机肥和有机无机肥配施,土壤微生物量C、N显著高于单施化肥和不施肥。相关分析表明,土壤微生物量C、N与土壤有机C、全N均呈极显著的正相关。土壤微生物量C、N可作为指示土壤肥力的重要指标。本试验土壤微生物量C占有机C的比例平均为9.95%,微生物量N占全N的比例平均为10.78%。  相似文献   

连年翻压绿肥对植烟土壤微生物量及酶活性的影响   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
通过3年田间定位试验,研究连年翻压绿肥对植烟土壤微生物量碳、氮及酶活性的影响。结果表明,连年翻压绿肥能提高土壤微生物量碳、氮及土壤脲酶、酸性磷酸酶、蔗糖酶、过氧化氢酶的活性,且随翻压年限的增加而增加。整个生育期,翻压3年绿肥的处理与对照相比微生物量碳、氮分别提高31.0%~67.1%、23.0%~145.1%;土壤脲酶、酸性磷酸酶、蔗糖酶、过氧化氢酶活性分别提高34.4%~51.9%、11.0%~18.6%、58.0%~172.7%、24.0%~50.0%,表明翻压绿肥后土壤生物过程活跃,利于有机物质的转化和烤烟正常生长所需的营养供应。动态变化特征表明,翻压绿肥1、2、3年的各处理微生物量碳、氮均在团棵期出现峰值,土壤脲酶、酸性磷酸酶、过氧化氢酶均在旺长期出现峰值。在出现峰值时翻压3年的处理与对照相比微生物量碳、氮分别提高67.1%、60.7%;土壤脲酶、酸性磷酸酶、过氧化氢酶活性分别提高51.9%、14.2%、30.6%。此时正值生育旺期,利于烟株生长发育,说明连年翻压绿肥后培肥土壤效果显著。土壤微生物量C、N和酶活性能灵敏反映土壤肥力的变化,可作为评价土壤质量的生物学指标。  相似文献   

为探讨节水灌溉与氮肥施用对稻田土壤微生物特性的影响,该试验采用防雨棚池栽试验,研究2个灌溉模式(常规灌溉与控制灌溉)与3个水平施氮量(90、180和270 kg/hm2))对稻基农田土壤脲酶活性、土壤过氧化氢酶活性、土壤磷酸酶活性、土壤转化酶活性、土壤微生物量碳及土壤微生物量氮的影响。研究结果表明,随着施氮水平增加,土壤脲酶活性和土壤微生物量氮增加,土壤过氧化氢酶活性、土壤磷酸酶活性、土壤转化酶活性、土壤微生物量碳、土壤微生物量碳与土壤微生物量氮的比值、土壤微生物熵均呈先增加后降低趋势;与常规灌溉相比,控制灌溉显著提高稻基农田土壤脲酶活性、土壤过氧化氢酶活性、土壤磷酸酶活性、土壤转化酶活性、土壤中微生物量碳、土壤微生物量氮、土壤微生物熵,降低土壤微生物量碳与土壤微生物量氮的比值。在该试验条件下,以控制灌溉模式下施氮量180 kg/hm2可获得最优的生物环境,土壤脲酶活性、土壤过氧化氢酶活性、土壤磷酸酶活性、土壤转化酶活性、土壤中微生物量碳、土壤微生物量氮分别达到3.02×10-2 mg/g、0.93 mL/g、5.70 mg/g、10.08 mL/g、237.58 mg/kg、52.60 m/kg。该研究对认识稻基农田水氮耦合关系、指导江淮丘陵季节性干旱区水稻优质节水高产高效栽培实践提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The potential influences of cadmium (Cd) on the biochemical processes of the soil nitrogen (N) cycle, along with the dynamics of ammonification, nitrification, and denitrification processes in the rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere (bulk soil), respectively, were investigated in a Cd-stressed system during an entire soybean growing season. In terms of Cd pollution at the seedling stage, the ammonifying bacteria proved to be the most sensitive microorganisms, whereas the effects of Cd on denitrification were not obvious. Following the growth of soybeans, the influences of Cd on ammonification in the bulk soil were: toxic impacts at the seedling stage, stimulatory effects during the early flowering stage, and adaptation to the pollutant during the podding and ripening stages. Although nitrification and den itrification in the bulk soil decreased throughout the entire growth cycle, positive adaptation to Cd stress was observed during the ripening stage. Moreover, during the ripening stage, denitrification in the bulk soil under high Cd treatment (20 mg kg^-1) was even higher than that in the control, indicating a probable change in the ecology of the denitrifying microbes in the Cd-stressed system. Changes in the activity of microbes in the rhizosphere following plant growth were similar to those in the non-rhizosphere in Cd treatments; however, the tendency of change in the rhizosphere seemed to be more moderate. This suggested that there was some mitigation of Cd stress in the rhizosphere.  相似文献   

Soil microbial biomass interactions influencing the mineralisation of N in biosolids‐amended agricultural soil were investigated under field conditions in two soil types, a silty clay and a sandy silt loam, with contrasting organic matter contents. Soil treatments included: dewatered raw sludge (DRAW); dewatered and thermally dried, mesophilic anaerobically digested biosolids (DMAD and TDMAD, respectively); lime‐treated unstabilised sludge cake (LC); and NH4Cl as a mineral salt control for measuring nitrification kinetics. Soil mineral N and microbial biomass N (MBN) concentrations were determined over 90 days following soil amendment. Despite its lower total and mineral N contents, TDMAD had a larger mineralisable pool of N than DMAD, and was an effective rapid release N source. Increased rates of mineralisation and nitrification of biosolids‐N were observed in the silty clay soil with larger organic matter content, implying increased microbial turnover of N in this soil type compared with the sandy silt loam, but no significant difference in microbial immobilisation of biosolids‐N was observed between the two soil types. Thus, despite initial differences observed in the rates of N mineralisation, the overall extent of N release for the different biosolids tested was similar in both soil types. Therefore, the results suggest that fertiliser guidelines probably do not need to consider the effect of soil type on the release of mineral N for crop uptake from different biosolids products applied to temperate agricultural soils.  相似文献   

利用位于陕西杨凌的17年长期定位试验研究了长期不施肥(CK)、单施化肥(F)、化肥配施有机肥(F+M)和化肥加秸秆还田(F+S)处理对小麦-玉米轮作体系中作物不同生长时期土壤微生物生物量碳、氮(SMBC、SMBN)和矿质态氮含量的影响。结果表明,0—10 cm土层土壤SMBC、SMBN和矿质态氮含量的变化范围分别为264.8~752.2、37.51~14.8和3.83~8.5 mg/kg。不同处理相比,F+M处理中各采样时期(小麦苗期、拔节期、灌浆期及玉米播种期、大喇叭口期、灌浆期和收获后)土壤SMBC和SMBN含量均为最高,分别为不施肥对照的1.382~.65和1.892~.50倍;F+S处理矿质态氮含量最高,SMBC和SMBN也高于F和CK处理,大部分采样时期的差异达显著水平(P0.05);与CK相比,长期单施化肥也使各时期SMBC和SMBN含量提高。在小麦拔节期到灌浆期的旺盛生长阶段各施肥处理土壤SMBN含量均下降,而矿质态氮含量变化不大,处于较低水平;在玉米大喇叭口期到灌浆期的旺盛生长阶段,F+M、F+S和F处理土壤矿质态氮含量显著下降,而SMBN含量均有所升高。表明在土壤矿质态氮含量较高时,作物首先利用矿质态氮,而在土壤矿质态氮含量处于较低水平时,微生物固持的氮素可能会释放出来供作物吸收利用。  相似文献   

无机氮和葡萄糖添加对土壤微生物生物量和活性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于跃跃  赵炳梓 《土壤学报》2012,49(1):139-146
以黄淮海平原潮土为研究对象,通过室内恒温恒湿培养方法,比较研究了土壤中纤维素是否存在时,外源无机氮和葡萄糖添加对土壤微生物生物量及其活性的影响变化。实验设8个处理,包括不加任何物质的对照(CK)、添加无机氮(N)、葡萄糖(G)、纤维素(C)处理及葡萄糖和无机氮同时添加(G+N)处理,以及在纤维素存在基础上添加无机氮(C+N)、葡萄糖(C+G)、葡萄糖和无机氮同时添加(C+G+N)处理。在33天培养时间内,分别在不同的时间间隔内测定了土壤CO2累积释放量、微生物生物量碳(Cmic)、及脱氢酶(DHD)、β-葡萄糖苷酶(GLU)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、碱性磷酸酶(APH)活性。结果表明,所有测定的微生物性质在CK与C处理间均没有显著性差异。与CK和C处理相比,其他所有处理的土壤CO2累积释放量均显著增加,其中C+G+N处理达最大值;G、G+N、C+G、C+G+N处理的土壤Cmic含量及DHD和APH活性显著提升,尤其在培养的前14天,而N和C+N处理则与CK处理相似,表示添加葡萄糖可显著增加上述处理生物活性水平,而添加无机氮则不能。添加无机氮和葡萄糖对GLU和CAT的影响不明显,大部分情况下它们在处理间没有表现出显著性差异。相关性分析表明,CO2释放速率始终与APH活性成显著正相关,但与Cmic和其他酶活性之间的相关关系则随着培养时间的不同而发生变化,这可能与不同培养时间的微生物组成或微生物利用底物的模式发生改变有关。聚类分析结果进一步表明,8个处理的土壤微生物活性水平可明显分成3组,其中活性水平最高的组只包含C+G+N处理,该结果提示在难分解纤维素存在时,无机氮和易利用有机碳的同时添加对提升土壤微生物活性的重要性。  相似文献   

Microbial biomass and activity as well as N-availability were measured in the mounds of three ant species strongly differing in foraging strategy and mound architecture: Myrmica scabrinodis, Lasius niger and L. flavus. Soil microbial biomass (Cmic) was significantly increased in the mounds of all three ant species. This positive effect was due to the accumulation of organic matter (Corg) within the mounds. Microbial activity was increased in M. scabrinodis mounds only. Available Nmin was accumulated in all mound types, independent of the feeding mode of the ants, with Lasius mounds having significantly higher Nmin content than M. scabrinodis mounds. It is hypothesised that the differences between the mound types are due to differences in nest architecture, especially the integration of grassy vegetation. Higher microbial activity in M. scabrinodis mounds may be a consequence of supplementary energy provided by root exudates. The amount of Nmin in M. scabrinodis mounds may be reduced by increased plant uptake and by immobilisation within the microbial biomass.  相似文献   

在高肥力土壤条件下,研究了施氮量对土壤无机氮分布和微生物量氮含量及小麦产量的影响。结果表明,小麦生长期间,施氮处理0100.cm土层硝态氮积累量显著大于不施氮处理;当施氮量大于150.kg/hm2时,随施氮量增加,0100.cm土层硝态氮积累量显著增加;随小麦生育进程推进,施氮处理上层土壤硝态氮下移趋势明显,至小麦成熟时,施氮1952~85.kg/hm2处理60100.cm土层硝态氮含量显著大于其它处理。小麦生长期间,0100.cm土层铵态氮积累量较为稳定,施氮处理间亦无显著差异。与不施氮肥相比,施氮提高小麦生长期间040.cm土层土壤微生物量氮含量;当施氮量小于240.kg/hm2时,随施氮量增加,土壤微生物量氮含量增加。小麦的氮肥利用率随施氮量增加而降低;施氮1051~95.kg/hm2,收获时小麦植株吸氮量、生物产量、子粒产量和子粒蛋白质含量提高;而施氮量大于240.kg/hm2时,小麦生育后期的氮素积累量降低,收获时植株吸氮量、生物产量和子粒蛋白质含量降低。说明本试验条件下,施氮1051~50.kg/hm2可满足当季小麦氮素吸收利用,获得较高的子粒产量和蛋白质含量。继续增加施氮量,土壤微生物量氮含量增加,但土壤中残留大量硝态氮,易淋溶损失。  相似文献   

以1989年建立的中国科学院封丘农田生态系统国家试验站的长期定位试验为平台,研究经18a连续不同施肥处理后玉米季土壤微生物生物量碳氮和微生物活度的动态变化及其与土壤有机碳之间的相互关系,并探讨施肥措施对土壤微生物及其活性的影响。施肥处理包括:(1)有机肥(OM);(2)1/2化肥和1/2有机肥(1/2OM+1/2NPK);(3)氮磷钾肥(NPK);(4)氮磷肥(NP);(5)磷钾肥(PK);(6)氮钾肥(NK);(7)不施肥,即对照(CK)7个处理。结果表明,微生物生物量碳氮和微生物活度在玉米生长期内均有明显的时间变异性,其中微生物生物量碳与微生物活度的动态变化比较一致,其间的极显著相关关系表明潮土微生物生物量碳的变化可以在很大程度上代表土壤微生物活度的变化。施肥制度显著影响微生物生物量碳氮和微生物活度的变化,总体趋势为OM1/2OM+1/2NPKNPKNPPKNKCK,表明OM有利于保持土壤的生物化学环境及促进土壤的生物学活性;与OM处理相比,化学肥料的长期施用有降低土壤微生物生物量和微生物活度的趋势,尤其是缺素处理的表现更为明显,其中以缺磷处理的表现最为严重。土壤微生物生物量碳氮、微生物活度与土壤有机碳变化均呈极显著正相关。  相似文献   

黄土高原典型土壤全氮和微生物氮剖面分布特征研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
为阐明黄土高原典型土壤全氮和微生物氮含量随土壤类型、土层和土地利用方式变化规律,研究了从北向南依次分布的干润砂质新成土(神木)、黄土正常新成土(延安)和土垫旱耕人为土(杨陵)等典型土壤的全氮和微生物氮含量的变化特征。结果表明,不同土壤类型、不同土层全氮和微生物氮含量存在显著差异。从南到北,全氮和微生物氮含量显著下降(P0.05)。对同一土壤类型,全氮和微生物氮含量在060.cm随土层深度增加下降很明显,60120.cm有轻微下降,120.cm以下低而稳定。微生物氮含量随土壤类型的变化趋势与全氮完全相同,其与土壤全氮、有机碳及微生物碳含量均存在极显著正相关关系(P0.01)。土壤微生物氮与全氮比值变化在0.42%9~.44%之间。虽然土地利用对土壤全氮和C/N比影响不显著,但却显著影响微生物氮含量和微生物氮与全氮的比值;与农田土壤相比,草地土壤微生物氮含量和微生物氮与全氮比值均明显增加。这一结果说明微生物氮含量和微生物氮与全氮比值更能有效、快速地反映土壤质量的变化。  相似文献   

To show the vegetation succession interaction with soil properties, microbial biomass, basal respiration, and enzyme activities in different soil layers (0--60 cm) were determined in six lands, i.e., 2-, 7-, 11-, 20-, 43-year-old abandoned lands and one native grassland, in a semiarid hilly area of the Loess Plateau. The results indicated that the successional time and soil depths affected soil microbiological parameters significantly. In 20-cm soil layer, microbial biomass carbon (MBC), microbial biomass nitrogen (MBN), MBC/MBN, MBC to soil organic carbon ratio (MBC/SOC), and soil basal respiration tended to increase with successional stages but decrease with soil depths. In contrast, metabolic quotient (qCO2) tended to decrease with successional stages but increase with soil depths. In addition, the activities of urease, catalase, neutral phosphatase, β-fructofuranosidase, and carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) enzyme increased with successional stages and soil depths. They were significantly positively correlated with microbial biomass and SOC (P < 0.05), whereas no obvious trend was observed for the polyphenoloxidase activity. The results indicated that natural vegetation succession could improve soil quality and promote ecosystem restoration, but it needed a long time under local climate conditions.  相似文献   


Available soil N can be lost through ammonia volatilization, nitrate leaching to surface and ground waters, and nitrous oxide emission under intensive systems of agricultural production. Research has shown that phenolic compounds isolated from certain plants influence N cycling in soils, which results in a decrease of N losses and represents a key issue for environmental protection worldwide. In this study, water-soluble and ethanol-soluble compounds were extracted from the leaves, bark and roots of certain tree and shrub species in the Mediterranean zone of Chile, with the aim of measuring their effects on N transformation, soil respiration, soil microbial biomass and urease activity. The studied species were Acacia caven Mol, Quillaja saponaria Mol., Bacharis linearis (Ruiz & Pav.) Pers. and Pinus radiata D. Don. Plant extracts were applied to soil (Haploxeralf) fertilized with urea. The extracts obtained from the roots of A. caven in water, bark of A. caven in ethanol, bark of P. radiata in ethanol, leaves of P. radiata in water and roots of B. linearis in water showed a reduction in the soil nitrification rate. The bark of A. caven in ethanol and bark of P. radiata in ethanol extracts showed a reduction in urease activity. In conclusion, only the bark of P. radiata in ethanol extract affected all the biological parameters considered, reducing soil nitrification, urease activity, microbial biomass and carbon dioxide emissions from the soil, these being attributed to high levels of phenolic content in the extract. However, further research is necessary to explain the mechanisms involved.  相似文献   

不同施肥模式对设施菜田土壤微生物量碳、氮的影响   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
【目的】 本文利用天津日光温室蔬菜不同施肥模式定位试验,研究了不同施肥模式对设施菜田土壤微生物量碳、氮含量的影响,为设施蔬菜高效施肥和菜田土壤可持续利用提供依据。 【方法】 调查在第 9 茬蔬菜 (秋冬茬芹菜) 和第 10 茬蔬菜 (春茬番茄) 进行。定位试验设 8 个处理,分别为:1) 不施氮;2) 全部施用化肥氮 (4/4CN);3) 3/4 化肥氮 + 1/4 猪粪氮 (3/4CN + 1/4PN);4) 2/4 化肥氮 + 2/4 猪粪氮 (2/4CN + 2/4PN);5) 1/4 化肥氮 + 3/4 猪粪氮( 1/4CN + 3/4PN);6) 2/4 化肥氮 + 1/4 猪粪氮 + 1/4 秸秆氮 (2/4CN + 1/4PN + 1/4SN);7) 2/4 化肥氮 + 2/4 秸秆氮 (2/4CN + 2/4SN);8) 农民习惯施肥 (CF),除不施氮肥和农民习惯施肥外,其余处理为等氮磷钾处理。在不同生育时期,采 0—20 cm 土壤样品,测定土壤微生物量碳、氮含量,并分析其与蔬菜产量之间的关系。 【结果】 两茬蔬菜不同施肥模式土壤微生物量碳、氮含量总体上均随生育期的推进呈先增后降的趋势。芹菜季较高土壤微生物量碳含量出现在定植后 90 d,土壤微生物量氮较高含量出现在定植后 60 d;番茄季分别出现在定植后 20~80 d 和 60 d。芹菜季 5 个有机无机肥料配施模式土壤微生物量碳、氮含量分别在 185.0~514.6 和 34.3~79.1 mg/kg 之间,较化肥(4/4CN)模式平均分别增加 15.1%~81.7% 和 24.5%~100.0%,其中以配施秸秆模式土壤微生物量碳、氮含量相对较高,平均分别增加 62.0%~81.7% 和 81.1%~100.0%;番茄季 5 个有机无机肥料配施模式土壤微生物量碳、氮含量分别在 120.7~338.0 和 25.5~68.8 mg/kg 之间,较 4/4CN 模式平均分别增加 16.9%~86.9% 和 12.2%~109.3%,又以配施秸秆模式土壤微生物量碳、氮含量最高,平均分别增加 61.4%~86.9% 和 78.2%~109.3%。两季蔬菜不同生育期土壤微生物量碳、氮含量与当季蔬菜产量和定位试验开始以来蔬菜总产量之间均呈极显著正相关关系。 【结论】 同等养分投入量下,有机无机肥料配合施用提高土壤微生物量碳、氮的效果显著好于单施化肥,又以化肥配施秸秆效果更佳;土壤微生物量碳、氮含量与设施蔬菜产量之间呈极显著正相关关系。证明有机无机肥配施,特别是配施一定量的秸秆可有效提高土壤微生物量碳、氮含量,维持较高的菜田土壤肥力,有利于设施蔬菜的可持续和高效生产。   相似文献   

盆栽和大田试验表明,作物根系显著影响土壤微生物体氮的含量。在田间试验条件下,根际土壤微生物体氮比非根际土壤平均高出N54.7μg/g;盆栽试验中,根际土壤微生物体氮平均含量为N77.1±13.6μg/g,而非根际土壤为N65.2±17.0μg/g,差异达显著水平,根际微生物体氮含量为非际根际土壤的1.10~2.04倍。施肥能明显增加土壤微生物体氮含量,但影响程度因肥料种类而不同。秸秆和富含有机物质的厩肥对土壤微生物体氮的影响远大于化学肥料,而且土壤微生物体氮含量随秸秆施用量增加而增加。在红油土上进行的20年长期田间定位试验结果表明,对不施肥和施氮磷处理,0—20cm土层的微生物体氮分别是N102.2和110.4μg/g;在施氮磷的基础上,每公顷配施新鲜玉米秸秆9375kg、18750kg、37500kg和厩肥37500kg时,相应土层微生物体氮分别是N147.5、163.2、286.4和265.3μg/g。培养条件下,当有效能源物质缺乏时,微生物对NH4+-N的同化固定能力远大于NO3--N,但在加入有效能源物质葡萄糖后,微生物对2种形态氮的固定量大幅度增加,且对2种形态氮的固定量趋于一致。  相似文献   

Our aim was to determine whether the smaller biomasses generally found in low pH compared to high pH arable soils under similar management are due principally to the decreased inputs of substrate or whether some factor(s) associated with pH are also important. This was tested in a soil incubation experiment using wheat straw as substrate and soils of different pHs (8.09, 6.61, 4.65 and 4.17). Microbial biomass ninhydrin-N, and microbial community structure evaluated by phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs), were measured at 0 (control soil only), 5, 25 and 50 days and CO2 evolution up to 100 days. Straw addition increased biomass ninhydrin-N, CO2 evolution and total PLFA concentrations at all soil pH values. The positive effect of straw addition on biomass ninhydrin-N was less in soils of pH 4.17 and 4.65. Similarly total PLFA concentrations were smallest at the lowest pH. This indicated that there is a direct pH effect as well as effects related to different substrate availabilities on microbial biomass and community structure. In the control soils, the fatty acids 16:1ω5, 16:1ω7c, 18:1ω7c&9t and i17:0 had significant and positive linear relationships with soil pH. In contrast, the fatty acids i15:0, a15:0, i16:0 and br17:0, 16:02OH, 18:2ω6,9, 17:0, 19:0, 17:0c9,10 and 19:0c9,10 were greatest in control soils at the lowest pHs. In soils given straw, the fatty acids 16:1ω5, 16:1ω7c, 15:0 and 18:0 had significant and positive linear relationships with pH, but the concentration of the monounsaturated 18:1ω9 PLFA decreased at the highest pHs. The PLFA profiles indicative of Gram-positive bacteria were more abundant than Gram-negative ones at the lowest pH in control soils, but in soils given straw these trends were reversed. In contrast, straw addition changed the microbial community structures least at pH 6.61. The ratio: [fungal PLFA 18:2w6,9]/[total PLFAs indicative of bacteria] indicated that fungal PLFAs were more dominant in the microbial communities of the lowest pH soil. In summary, this work shows that soil pH has marked effects on microbial biomass, community structure, and response to substrate addition.  相似文献   

本文通过区域调查采样和统计分析,探讨了川西平原土壤微生物生物量碳(MBC)、土壤微生物生物量氮(MBN)和土壤微生物生物量磷(MBP)含量特征及其对气候、海拔、母质和土地利用等因素的响应,揭示了其关键影响因素,以期为川西平原地区土壤质量管理提供参考。结果表明,不同土壤类型的MBC、MBN和MBP含量表现为冲积土显著高于水稻土、潮土和黄壤(P<0.05),潮土MBC/MBN显著高于水稻土。气候和海拔的影响为:MBC、MBN和MBP含量随着≥ 0℃积温、≥ 10℃积温、年均温和年均降水量的增加呈指数减少,而随干燥度和海拔增加呈线性增加。不同成土母质中,MBC、MBN和MBP含量均为灰色冲积物显著高于老冲积物。不同土地利用方式下,三者含量为草地显著高于水田和旱地,水田、旱地和林地差异不显著。皮尔森相关分析和冗余分析表明,MBC和MBN均与≥ 0℃积温、年均温呈极显著负相关(P<0.01),与海拔呈极显著正相关关系,MBP与母质呈现极显著负相关关系。逐步回归分析表明,MBC主要受年均温、干燥度、年均降水量和母质的影响;MBN主要受海拔、干燥度和年均降水量的综合影响;MBP主要受母质、年均温、≥ 10℃积温和年均降水量的调控。因此,川西平原土壤MBC、MBN、MBP能灵敏地反映不同采样点气候的变化,可为该区气候变化下土壤碳、氮、磷的响应预测提供参考。  相似文献   

The chloroform fumigation-incubation method was used to measure the soil microbial biomass C (SMBC) and N (SMBN) in 16 loessial soils sampled from Ansai, Yongshou and Yangling in Shaanxi Province. The SMBC contents in the soils ranged from 75.9 to 301.0 μg C g-1 with an average of 206.1 μg C g-1, accounting for 1.36%~6.24% of the total soil organic C with an average of 3.07%, and the SMBN contents from 0.51 to 68.40 μg N g-1 with an average of 29.4 μg N g-1, accounting for 0.20%~5.65% of the total N in the soils with an average of 3.36%. A close relationship was found between SMBC and SMBN, and they both were positively correlated with total organic C, total N, NaOH hydrolizable N and mineralizable N. These results confirmed that soil microbial biomass had a comparative role in nutrient cycles of soils.  相似文献   

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