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渭北旱塬保护性耕作对春玉米产量及水分利用效率的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
【目的】研究渭北旱塬免耕和传统耕作条件下不同覆盖方式对春玉米产量和水分利用效率的影响,为渭北旱塬春玉米的高产栽培提供参考。【方法】在渭北旱塬以春玉米"沈单10号"为供试材料,以传统耕作不覆盖为对照,研究了传统耕作+秸秆覆盖、传统耕作+地膜覆盖、传统耕作+秸秆地膜双覆盖、免耕不覆盖、免耕+秸秆覆盖、免耕+地膜覆盖、免耕+秸秆地膜双覆盖时春玉米产量和水分利用效率的变化。【结果】免耕秸秆地膜双覆盖对春玉米的农艺性状有明显改善作用,与传统耕作不覆盖相比,其株高增长19.82%,穗位高增长47.55%;免耕和覆盖均可提高春玉米的产量,其中免耕秸秆地膜双覆盖的产量最高,达9 219kg/hm2,比传统耕作不覆盖增产28.89%;秸秆地膜双覆盖可以显著提高春玉米的水分利用效率,与传统耕作不覆盖相比,免耕秸秆地膜双覆盖的水分利用效率提高了40.28%,传统耕作秸秆地膜双覆盖的水分利用效率提高了46.81%。【结论】免耕秸秆地膜双覆盖可以明显提高春玉米的产量和水分利用效率,且对春玉米的农艺性状有一定改善作用。 相似文献
Differences of yield and nitrogen use efficiency under different applications of slow release fertilizer in spring maize 下载免费PDF全文
Excessive or insufficient application of fertilizer has raised broader concerns regarding soil and environmental degradation. One-time application of slow release fertilizer (SF) has been widely used to reduce yield gap with potential maize yield and improve nitrogen use efficiency (NUE). A 2-year field experiment (2018–2019) was conducted to evaluate the effects of SF rates from 0 to 405 kg N ha–1 (named F0, SF225, SF270, SF315, SF360, and SF405) and 405 kg N ha–1 of common fertilizer (CF405) on the grain yield, biomass and N accumulation, enzymatic activities related with carbon–nitrogen metabolism, NUE and economic analysis. Results indicated that the highest grain yields, NUEs and economic returns were achieved at SF360 in both varieties. The enzymatic activities related with carbon–nitrogen metabolism, pre- and post-silking accumulation of biomass and N increased with increasing SF rate, and they were the highest at SF360 and SF405. The grain yield at SF360 had no significant difference with that at SF405. However, the N partial factor productivity, N agronomic efficiency and N recovery efficiency at SF360 were 9.8, 6.6 and 8.9% higher than that at SF405. The results also indicated that the average grain yields, NUE and economic benefit at SF405 were 5.2, 12.3 and 18.1% higher than that at CF405. In conclusion, decreasing N rate from 405 kg ha–1 (CF) to 360 kg ha–1 (SF) could effectively reduce the yield gap between realized and potential maize yields. The N decreased by 11.1%, but the yield, NUE and economic benefit increased by 3.2, 22.2 and 17.5%, which created a simple, efficient and business-friendly system for spring maize production in Jiangsu Province, China. 相似文献
采用田间小区试验方法,研究了不同养分增效剂(机械活化磷、长效复合肥添加剂NAM、聚合氨基酸类肥料增效剂PAA)对玉米产量及养分吸收利用的影响,旨在为提高氮磷肥利用效率,实现玉米的高产高效生产提供科学依据。结果表明:与NPK(常规施肥)处理相比,添加20%机械活化磷的NPK1、添加30%机械活化磷的NPK2、添加NAM的NPK3以及添加PAA的NPK4,干物质累积量分别提高了7.52%,10.59%,6.78%和14.54%,产量也表现出了增加的趋势,尤以NPK3增产效应最为明显,提高了11.83%。此外,养分增效剂的添加还显著促进了玉米植株对氮、磷、钾的吸收,与没有使用增效剂的NPK处理相比,4个处理植株的氮累积量分别提高了6.94%,6.54%,2.82%和9.71%;磷累积量分别提高了10.15%,14.23%,9.18%和14.12%;钾累积量分别提高了13.08%,24.42%,20.22%和34.45%。氮肥利用率以NPK4最高,达42.4%,磷肥利用率以NPK2最高,为25.0%;氮肥和磷肥的农学效率和收获指数则均以NPK3最高。此结果说明,在生产实践中,PAA的添加更有利于促进玉米植株对氮的吸收累积;30%机械活化磷的添加更有利于磷养分的活化,提高磷肥利用效率;而NAM施用后的增产效果最为突出,更有利于养分向籽粒中转移,提高养分的生产效率。 相似文献
为探究灌溉方式、灌溉水平和品种对玉米水分利用效率及产量的定量影响,基于中国知网及Web of Science,以“玉米”、“滴灌”、“水分利用效率/产量”等为主题检索词,检索到2000-01-01—2020-12-31发表的110篇文献,并根据已定筛选标准,最终纳入21篇文献的94组相关数据进行Meta-Analysis。结果表明:1)以灌溉量为40%~60%的作物需水量(ETc)为对照,与60%~80%、100%~120%和120%~140%的ETc相比,灌溉量为80%~100%ETc时,玉米水分利用效率的效应值最高,标准均值差SMD=2.83(P<0.05),产量的效应值也较高,SMD=1.70(P>0.05);2)灌溉量在80%~100%ETc的水平下,以滴灌为对照,畦灌、沟灌和漫灌的玉米水分利用效率的合并效应值SMD=-4.55(P<0.05),产量的合并效应值SMD=-1.34(P<0.05);3)灌溉量在80%~100%ETc的水平下,以‘郑单958’为对照,与‘西蒙6号’、‘沈单10号’、‘秋乐126’和‘农华101’相比,种植‘京科958’的玉米... 相似文献
为明确近年来黑龙江省春玉米产量及肥料利用率变化,采用多年多点田间小区试验方法,结合黑龙江省统计年鉴数据,分析了2000—2019年174个春玉米田间试验中的522个玉米产量数据及近2 000个成熟期养分吸收量数据,探讨玉米产量和氮磷钾肥利用率变化及其原因。结果表明,2000—2009年玉米平均产量为7 347 kg·hm-2,2010—2019年平均产量为8 859 kg·hm-2,2010—2019年较2000—2009年玉米平均增产1 512 kg·hm-2,增产率达20.6%;黑龙江省玉米平均收获指数2000—2009年为0.45,2010—2019年为0.50。玉米产量与植株氮磷钾吸收量均呈显著的对数函数关系,玉米产量与氮素吸收量相关性最高,其次为钾素,与磷素相关性最低。根据化肥施用及肥料利用率可将研究时期进一步划分为三个阶段,即2000—2010年、2011—2015年、2016—2019年,氮磷钾肥利用率表现为先降低后增加的趋势。氮肥利用率在这三个阶段的平均值分别为38.5%、34.4%、39.4%,磷肥(P2O5)利用率分别为18.8%、15.8%、20.7%,钾肥(K2O)利用率分别为47.9%、46.4%、49.9%。研究表明,2000—2019年黑龙江省玉米单产整体呈上升趋势,氮磷钾肥料利用率则呈先降低后增加的趋势。收获指数及肥料用量的增加是玉米产量提高的主要原因,肥料用量的增加是导致肥料利用率降低的主要原因。 相似文献
Jianchang YANG 《农业科学与工程前沿(英文版)》2015,2(2):115
This article discusses approaches to simultaneously increase grain yield and resource use efficiency in rice. Breeding nitrogen efficient cultivars without sacrificing rice yield potential, improving grain fill in later-flowering inferior spikelets and enhancing harvest index are three important approaches to achieving the dual goal of high grain yield and high resource use efficiency. Deeper root distribution and higher leaf photosynthetic N use efficiency at lower N rates could be used as selection criteria to develop N-efficient cultivars. Enhancing sink activity through increasing sugar-spikelet ratio at the heading time and enhancing the conversion efficiency from sucrose to starch though increasing the ratio of abscisic acid to ethylene in grains during grain fill could effectively improve grain fill in inferior spikelets. Several practices, such as post-anthesis controlled soil drying, an alternate wetting and moderate soil drying regime during the whole growing season, and non-flooded straw mulching cultivation, could substantially increase grain yield and water use efficiency, mainly via enhanced remobilization of stored carbon from vegetative tissues to grains and improved harvest index. Further research is needed to understand synergistic interaction between water and N on crop and soil and the mechanism underlying high resource use efficiency in high-yielding rice. 相似文献
青贮玉米豌豆间作对产量和水分利用效率的影响 总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7
在不灌水和灌水60mm条件下将青贮玉米与豌豆以6种带型种植,研究了玉米、豌豆行间土壤水分变化、各群体鲜草产量及干物质水分利用效率。结果表明,豌豆生长旺盛期需水量大,在共生期对水分竞争强烈,影响了玉米的生长;玉米豌豆3:3间作具有明显的间作产量优势和较高的群体水分利用效率;不灌水和灌水60mm处理的土地当量比(LER)分别为1.29和1.33,群体水分利用效率不灌水和灌水60mm处理比玉米单作分别提高了24.86%和19.24%,比豌豆单作分别提高了14.58%和37.25%。播前灌水60mm可使玉米间作行间土壤水分状况得到改善,豌豆产量较不灌水处理增长显著。 相似文献
Optimal planting density and proper fertilization method are important factors to improve maize yield and nutrient utilization. A two-year(2016 and 2017) field experiment was conducted with three plant densities(6.0, 7.5 and 9.0 plants m~(-2)) and three fertilization modes(no fertilizer, 0 F; one-off application of slow-released fertilizer, SF; twice application of conventional fertilizer, CF). Results indicated that the grain yields and N, P and K use efficiencies under SF with the optimal planting density(7.5 plants m~(-2)) were the highest among all the treatments in 2016 and 2017. Compared with CF, SF could increase post-silking dry matter accumulation and promote N, P and K uptake at pre-and post-silking stages; this treatment increased grain N, P and K concentrations and resulted in high N, P and K use efficiencies. Nutrient(N, P and K) absorption efficiencies and partial productivity, and nutrient(N and P) recovery efficiency in SF treatment were significantly higher than those in CF treatments under the planting density of 7.5 plants m~(-2). Under both SF and CF conditions, the grain yield, total N accumulation and nutrient use efficiencies initially increased, peaked at planting density of 7.5 plants m~(-2), and then decreased with increasing plant density. Based on the yield and nutrient use efficiency in two years, plant density of 7.5 plants m~(-2) with SF can improve both the grain yield and N, P and K use efficiency of spring maize in Jiangsu Province, China. 相似文献
Jian-zhai WU Jing ZHANG Zhang-ming GE Li-wei XING Shu-qing HAN Chen SHEN Fan-tao KONG 《农业科学学报》2021,20(1):289-299
Climate change severely impacts agricultural production, which jeopardizes food security. China is the second largest maize producer in the world and also the largest consumer of maize. Analyzing the impact of climate change on maize yields can provide effective guidance to national and international economics and politics. Panel models are unable to determine the group-wise heteroscedasticity, cross-sectional correlation and autocorrelation of datasets, therefore we adopted the feasible generalized least square(FGLS) model to evaluate the impact of climate change on maize yields in China from 1979–2016 and got the following results:(1) During the 1979–2016 period, increases in temperature negatively impacted the maize yield of China. For every 1°C increase in temperature, the maize yield was reduced by 5.19 kg 667 m–2(1.7%). Precipitation increased only marginally during this time, and therefore its impact on the maize yield was negligible. For every 1 mm increase in precipitation, the maize yield increased by an insignificant amount of 0.043 kg 667 m–2(0.014%).(2) The impacts of climate change on maize yield differ spatially, with more significant impacts experienced in southern China. In this region, a 1°C increase in temperature resulted in a 7.49 kg 667 m–2 decrease in the maize yield, while the impact of temperature on the maize yield in northern China was insignificant. For every 1 mm increase in precipitation, the maize yield increased by 0.013 kg 667 m–2 in southern China and 0.066 kg 667 m–2 in northern China.(3) The resilience of the maize crop to climate change is strong. The marginal effect of temperature in both southern and northern China during the 1990–2016 period was smaller than that for the 1979–2016 period. 相似文献
Modified fertilization management of summer maize(Zea mays L.) in northern China improves grain yield and efficiency of nitrogen use 下载免费PDF全文
CHENG Yi ZHAO Jie LIU Zhen-xiang HUO Zhi-jin LIU Peng DONG Shu-ti ng ZHANG Ji-wang ZHAO Bin 《农业科学学报》2015,14(8):1644-1657
Improving the yield of maize grain per unit area is needed to meet the growing demand for it in China, where the availability of fertile land is very limited.Modified fertilization management and planting density are efficient methods for increasing crop yield.Field experiments were designed to investigate the influence of modified fertilization management and planting density on grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency of the popular maize variety Zhengdan 958, in four treatments including local farmer's practice(FP), high-yielding and high efficiency cultivation(HH), super high-yielding cultivation(SH), and the control(CK).Trials were conducted in three locations of the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain in northern China.Compared with FP, SH was clearly able to promote N absorption and dry matter accumulation in post-anthesis, and achieve high yield and N use efficiency by increasing planting density and postponing the supplementary application of fertilizers.However, with an increase in planting density, the demand of N increased along with grain yield.Due to the input of too much N fertilizer, the efficiency of N use in SH was low.Applying less total N, ameliorating cultivation and cropping management practices should be considered as priority strategies to augment production potential and finally achieve synchronization between high yield and high N efficiency in fertile soils.However, in situations where soil fertility is low, achieving high yield and high N use efficiency in maize will likely depend on increased planting density and appropriate application of supplementary fertilizers postpone to the grain-filling stage. 相似文献
The effect of solar radiation change on the maize yield gap from the perspectives of dry matter accumulation and distribution 下载免费PDF全文
Yun-shan YANG Xiao-xia GUO Hui-fang LIU Guang-zhou LIU Wan-mao LIU Bo MING Rui-zhi XIE Ke-ru WANG Peng HOU Shao-kun LI 《农业科学学报》2021,20(2):482-493
The uneven distribution of solar radiation is one of the main reasons for the variations in the yield gap between different regions in China and other countries of the world.In this study,different solar radiation levels were created by shading and the yield gaps induced by those levels were analyzed by measuring the aboveground and underground growth of maize.The experiments were conducted in Qitai,Xinjiang,China,in 2018 and 2019.The maize cultivars Xianyu 335 (XY335)and Zhengdan 958 (ZD958) were used with planting density of 12×10~4 plants ha~(–1) under either high solar radiation (HSR)or low solar radiation (LSR,70%of HSR).The results showed that variation in the solar radiation resulted in a yield gap and different cultivars behaved differently.The yield gaps of XY335 and ZD958 were 8.9 and 5.8 t ha~(–1) induced by the decreased total intercepted photosynthetically active radiation (TIPAR) of 323.1 and 403.9 MJ m~(–2) from emergence to the maturity stage,respectively.The average yield of XY335 was higher than that of ZD958 under HSR,while the average yield of ZD958 was higher than that of XY335 under LSR.The light intercepted by the canopy and the photosynthetic rates both decreased with decreasing solar radiation.The aboveground dry matter decreased by 11.1% at silking and 21% at maturity,and the dry matter of vegetative organs and reproductive organs decreased by 9.8 and 20.9%at silking and by 12.1 and 25.5% at physiological maturity,respectively.Compared to the HSR,the root weights of XY335 and ZD958 decreased by 54.6 and 45.5%,respectively,in the 0–60 cm soil layer under LSR at silking stage.The aboveground and underground growth responses to different solar radiation levels explained the difference in yield gap.Selecting suitable cultivars can increase maize yield and reduce the yield gaps induced by variation of the solar radiation levels in different regions or under climate change. 相似文献
Maize grain yield and water use efficiency in relation to climatic factors and plant population in northern China 下载免费PDF全文
LIU Yue-e HOU Peng HUANG Gui-rong ZHONG Xiu-li LI Hao-ru ZHAO Jiu-ran LI Shao-kun MEI Xu-rong 《农业科学学报》2021,20(12):3156-3169
Water scarcity has become a limiting factor for increasing crop production. Finding ways to improve water use efficiency (WUE) has become an urgent task for Chinese agriculture. To understand the response of different maize populations to changes in precipitation and the effects of changes in maize populations on WUE, this study conducted maize population experiments using maize hybrids with different plant types (compact and semi compact) and different planting densities at 25 locations across China. It was found that, as precipitation increased across different locations, maize grain yield first increased and then decreased, while WUE decreased significantly. Analyzing the relationship between WUE and the main climatic factors, this study found that WUE was significantly and negatively correlated with precipitation ($$ (daily mean precipitation) and R (accumulated precipitation)) and was positively correlated with temperature (TM (daily mean maximum temperature), TM–m (Tm, daily mean minimum temperature) and GDD (growing degree days)) and solar radiation ($$ (daily mean solar radiation) and Ra (accumulated solar radiation)) over different growth periods. Significant differences in maize grain yield, WUE and precipitation were found at different planting densities. The population densities were ranked as follows according to maize grain yield and WUE based on the multi-site experiment data: 60 000 plants ha–1 (P2)>90 000 plants ha–1 (P3)>30 000 plants ha–1 (P1). Further analysis showed that, as maize population increased, water consumption increased significantly while soil evaporation decreased significantly. Significant differences were found between the WUE of ZD958 (compact type) and that of LD981 (semi-compact type), as well as among the WUE values at different planting densities. In addition, choosing the optimum hybrid and planting density increased WUE by 21.70 and 14.92%, respectively, which showed that the hybrid played a more significant role than the planting density in improving WUE. Therefore, choosing drought-resistant hybrids could be more effective than increasing the planting density to increase maize grain yield and WUE in northern China. Comprehensive consideration of climatic impacts, drought-resistant hybrids (e.g., ZD958) and planting density (e.g., 60 000 plants ha–1) is an effective way to increase maize grain yield and WUE across different regions of China. 相似文献
华北平原夏玉米氮利用效率的遗传参数估计 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
为研究玉米品种氮利用效率相关性状的遗传参数,本试验选择20个具不同氮利用效率的单交种在华北平原的2个地点同期进行试验,氮肥处理设高氮(施氮,折合纯氮225 kg/hm2)和低氮(不施氮,其地块经过连续2年耕种使氮素耗竭)2个水平。试验结果表明,供试品种在低氮水平下的平均产量比高氮降低了22.6%,从8.45 t/hm2降低到6.45 t/hm2,穗粒数减少幅度较大为17.12%;而千粒重、出籽率、干物质含量、株穗率、籽粒含油率、籽粒蛋白质和淀粉含量在2个氮水平下的平均表现相近。2个试验点的联合方差分析表明,以上大部分籽粒性状的遗传方差在2个氮水平下均达到显著水平;所有性状的基因型×氮的互作方差都不显著。在2种氮水平下,籽粒淀粉含量与籽粒含油率及籽粒蛋白质含量间都表现出显著负相关,籽粒含油率与蛋白质含量表现出较弱的正相关。高氮和低氮水平下的产量表型相关系数为0.759,表明可以在高氮水平进行氮高效品种的筛选。 相似文献
为科学选择适于西辽河平原春玉米生产的灌溉方式,于2018—2020年在通辽市、赤峰市、兴安盟,采用3种灌溉方式——浅埋滴灌、膜下滴灌和传统畦灌开展试验,探究其对春玉米产量和水、氮利用效率的影响。结果表明,在玉米吐丝后,通辽市和赤峰市浅埋滴灌的干物质积累量显著(P<0.05)高于传统畦灌。浅埋滴灌下,玉米茎鞘干物质转运率和转运贡献率较膜下滴灌、传统畦灌分别高9.31%、15.25%和13.45%、29.07%,叶片干物质转运率和转运贡献率分别提高15.17%、32.38%和6.93%、47.82%。在3种灌溉方式下,春玉米吐丝前、吐丝后的干物质积累量均与产量呈显著(P<0.05)正相关。总的来看,浅埋滴灌下春玉米的产量较膜下滴灌和传统畦灌平均增产3.43%和7.43%,膜下滴灌较传统畦灌平均增产3.87%。在灌溉水利用效率上,浅埋滴灌和膜下滴灌均显著(P<0.05)高于传统畦灌;在氮肥偏生产力上,除2018年兴安盟试验点外,浅埋滴灌均显著(P<0.05)高于传统畦灌。综合产量、水氮高效利用等因素,浅埋滴灌的灌溉方式为西辽河平原和拟生态区适宜的灌溉方式。 相似文献
通过盆栽试验,研究了7个不同生育期亏水组合和4种施肥水平对糯玉米生长、总干物质量、干子粒产量和水分利用效率(WUE)的影响。结果表明,与正常灌水相比,中肥水平时拔节前期~孕穗期中度亏水明显降低总耗水量而不显著影响糯玉米总干物质量、干子粒产量和WUE,但是该处理WUE稍高于其它亏水处理。与不施肥相比,施肥明显增加糯玉米孕穗期和开花期叶面积、总干物质量和WUE,并缩短玉米开花至吐丝天数为0.7~1.0 d,其中中肥水平时总干物质量、干子粒产量、WUEt(以干物质为基础)和WUEs(以干子粒产量为基础)分别提高37.7%、50.0%、33.1%和45.1%。因此,中肥水平时(N、P2O5、K2O分别为0.25、0.10、0.25 g·kg-1)糯玉米拔节前期~孕穗期进行中度亏水效果较好。 相似文献
不同生育时期亏水对河西地区春玉米生长、产量和水分利用的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
【目的】研究不同生育时期亏水对河西地区春玉米生长、产量和水分利用的影响。【方法】以春玉米东单11号为试验材料,设置4个不同灌水处理(全生育时期灌水(4个生育时期均灌水,CK)、拔节期不灌水(I1)、抽雄期不灌水(I2)、灌浆成熟期不灌水(I3)),研究不同生育时期亏水对春玉米株高、叶面积、地上部干物质、产量和水分利用效率的影响。【结果】与CK相比较,任一生育时期不灌水处理都会造成春玉米株高、叶面积、地上部干物质累积量、产量降低,其中I1处理对株高和干物质累积量影响显著,最高分别较对照降低了11.59%和16.10%;I3处理对春玉米叶面积影响显著,最高降低了24.61%;与CK相比较,I3处理灌溉水利用效率最高,较CK增加幅度最大,达23.77%;不同生育时期不灌水处理对春玉米的产量及其构成因素都有显著影响,其中I2处理对产量影响最大,最大降幅为24.45%,而I3处理对产量没有显著影响。【结论】与全生育时期灌水相比较,灌浆期不灌水不仅对春玉米产量没有显著影响,还可大幅度提高水分利用效率。 相似文献
为探究不同施氮量下春玉米季土壤矿质态氮淋失特征及产量变化,以春玉米为研究对象,设置不同施氮量(0、90、180、270、360 kg·hm-2,分别用N0、N90、N180、N270、N360表示),采用地下淋溶原位监测的方法,测定了玉米生育期间的土壤氮素淋失动态、玉米产量及氮肥利用率.结果 表明:硝态氮(NO-3-N)是春玉米季旱地土壤矿质态氮淋失的主要形态,占总淋失量的90%~91%;施用基肥和苗期追肥后1~3周出现氮素淋失高峰,是防控氮素淋失的关键时期;随施氮量增加,矿质态氮淋失量呈指数上升趋势,表现为N360(70.46 kg·hm-2)>N270(39.65 kg·hm-2)>N180(26.33 kg·hm-2)>N90(18.55 kg·hm-2)>N0(6.54 kg·hm-2),各处理间差异达显著水平(P<0.05).氮肥表观淋失率随施氮量增加呈先降后升趋势,在N180处理下,淋失率最低,为10.99%,较N270、N360处理分别降低1.27、6.76个百分点;玉米籽粒产量先随施氮量增加而显著提高(P<0.05),施氮超过180 kg·hm-2后进入平台期,N180处理下氮肥表观利用率达到最高,较其他处理增加14.50~27.75个百分点.总体来看,该研究区域春玉米的最佳施氮量为180 kg·hm-2,既能稳产也能保肥,同时土壤的氮素淋失率最低. 相似文献
为探索一次性施肥(包膜尿素和普通尿素混施)对夏玉米产量、氮肥利用率、施肥经济效益和土壤硝态氮残留的影响,以夏玉米品种‘富友9’为材料进行了大田试验,试验设不施氮、常规施氮、减氮10%(30%包膜尿素)、减氮10%(50%包膜尿素)、减氮20%(30%包膜尿素)和减氮20%(50%包膜尿素)共6个处理,分析调查了夏玉米产量、氮素吸收和土壤无机氮动态变化。结果表明,包膜尿素在田间的释放曲线为抛物线形,释放期为81 d(氮素累积释放80%)。与常规分次施氮相比,采用包膜尿素和普通尿素混施处理的夏玉米产量增加2.85%~20.87%,氮肥利用率提高19.1~25.3个百分点。包膜尿素和普通尿素混施的情况下,夏玉米每公顷净收益(扣除肥料投入)比常规施氮增加1 000~4 484元。夏玉米收获后,在100~200 cm土体内残留硝态氮较常规施氮降低35.1%~56.6%,减少了硝态氮淋失风险。研究表明,减氮10%~20%的一次性基施混施肥在夏玉米上实现了增产增收,减少了硝态氮在深层土壤的残留量,降低了环境污染风险,综合夏玉米产量、氮肥利用率、施肥经济效益和土壤硝酸氮残留等因素来看,减氮10%(30%包膜尿素)施氮配方的效果最好。研究结果可为为夏玉米轻简化生产和氮肥减施增效提供技术支撑。 相似文献
Effects of deep vertical rotary tillage on the grain yield and resource use efficiency of winter wheat in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain of China 下载免费PDF全文
Fen WU Li-chao ZHAI Ping XU Zheng-bin ZHANG Elamin Hafiz BAILLO Lemessa Negasa TOLOSA Roy Njoroge KIMOTHO Xiu-ling JIA Hai-qian GUO 《农业科学学报》2021,20(2):593-605
Tillage represents an important practice that is used to dynamically regulate soil properties,and affects the grain production process and resource use efficiency of crops.The objectives of this 3-year field study carried out in the Huang-Huai-Hai(HHH) Plain of China were to compare the effects of a new deep vertical rotary tillage (DVRT) with the conventional shallow rotary tillage (CT) on soil properties,winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grain yield and water and nitrogen use efficiency at different productivity levels,and to identify a comprehensive management that optimizes both grain yield and resource use efficiency in the HHH Plain.A split-plot design was adopted in field experiments in the winter wheat growing seasons of 2016–2017 (S1),2017–2018 (S2) and 2018–2019 (S3),with DVRT (conducted once in June 2016) and CT performed in the main plots.Subplots were treated with one of four targeted productivity level treatments (SH,the super high productivity level;HH,the high productivity and high efficiency productivity level;FP,the farmer productivity level;ISP,the inherent soil productivity level).The results showed that the soil bulk density was reduced and the soil water content at the anthesis stage was increased in all three years,which were due to the significant effects of DVRT.Compared with CT,grain yields,partial factor productivity of nitrogen (PFP_N),and water use efficiency (WUE) under DVRT were increased by 22.0,14.5 and 19.0%.Path analysis and direct correlation decomposition uncovered that grain yield variation of winter wheat was mostly contributed by the spike numbers per area under different tillage modes.General line model analysis revealed that tillage mode played a significant role on grain yield,PFP_N and WUE not only as a single factor,but also along with other factors(year and productivity level) in interaction manners.In addition,PFP_N and WUE were the highest in HH under DVRT in all three growth seasons.These results provided a theoretical basis and technical support for coordinating the high yield with high resource use efficiency of winter wheat in the resource-restricted region in the HHH Plain of China. 相似文献