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海洋捕捞是我国渔业的重要组成部分。新中国成立以后,海洋捕捞业得到快速发展,1974年海洋捕捞比重达到最高,占渔业总产量的69.07%。之后,海洋捕捞比重逐年下降,2000年起低于内陆养殖比重,2006年仅占渔业总产量的27.26%。但我国渔业捕捞强度仍然过大,加上渔政管理部门对渔民捕捞采用的渔具、捕捞手段、船只大小、数量等缺乏有效管理等原因,  相似文献   

韩国的TAC制度   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
韩保平 《海洋渔业》1999,21(1):45-46
<正> 韩国为适应《联合国海洋法公约》(以下简称《公约》)批准的200海里海洋新秩序和国际海洋态势的发展与变化,于1996年8月8日正式成立了海洋水产部,藉以加强对海洋和水产开发发用和保育的统一规划和指导,并根据本国的经济实力,结合周边国家的动态,制订海洋与水产产业的长远发展战略,增强实力,提高国际竞争能力。接着韩国海洋水产部于1997年8月7日宣布,韩国单方面实行专属经济  相似文献   

日本是渔业先进国家,其渔业管理水平也处于世界先进行列.自1997年以来,日本实施TAC制度已有十余年历史.1997年确定了秋刀鱼、狭鳕、日本竹荚鱼、远东拟沙丁鱼、鲐鱼、玉蛛鳕怪蟹六个对象鱼,翌年又把太平洋柔鱼加入其中.但是,至今为止,在实施过程中也存在着TAC确定难、渔业投资过剩、渔业监测费用大等问题须待解决.  相似文献   

关于我国专属经济区内实施限额捕捞制度存在问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在分析我国海洋渔业基本状况的基础上,提出了我国要实施总可捕量制度需具备的条件,并指出:TAC制度是我国渔业管理措施的必然选择,我国新《渔业法》第二十二条明确规定实施限额捕捞制度,从而使实施TAC制度在法律上有了依据。同时提出了作者的建议和设想。  相似文献   

日本的TAC制度   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
陈思行 《海洋渔业》1998,20(4):181-186
<正> 1997年1月1日开始,日本正式开始执行以TAC(英文Total Allowable Catch,取英文字首而成,称渔获可能量、总可捕量、许可总渔获量)制度来管理渔业。传统上,日本渔业是以渔获努力量(渔船、渔具及渔期管理)作为管理渔业的基本方式,因此TAC制度对日本渔业来说,可说是一个崭新的渔业管理制度。  相似文献   

<正> 改革开放20年来,我国的渔业发展取得了巨大的成就。然而,当前渔业发展却面临着资源不断衰退的问题,其中主要原因有两个,一是渔业环境污染严重,渔业环境质量不断恶化;二是渔业捕捞强度失控,酷渔滥捕现象严重,国家下达的捕捞渔船控制指标难以实现。这与现行的渔业捕捞许可制度不完善有着直接关系。 一、渔业捕捞许可制度  相似文献   

我国海洋渔业捕捞限额制度实施试点评析与完善建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐议  赵丽华 《水产学报》2021,45(4):613-620
2017—2018年我国沿海5省开展了捕捞限额制度实施试点,在实地调查的基础上,对试点渔业的捕捞限额制度实施情况进行了回顾和比较分析.试点渔业在利用专项捕捞许可制度限制捕捞准入、加强渔捞日志管理、试行观察员制度、吸纳基层渔民组织参与监管等方面进行了有益的探索.不同试点之间在实施捕捞限额管理的渔业资源种类选择、渔场和渔船...  相似文献   

伏季休渔是控制海洋捕捞强度,保护幼鱼虾贝繁殖生长,恢复海洋渔业资源的重要举措之一。实施南海伏季休渔七年来,各级政府和海洋与渔业主管部门高度重视,渔政管理队伍也做了大量工作,保证了每年休渔工作任务的顺利完成。但在这七年中,我们可以看到,前三年休渔效果是明显的,渔民将休渔当作一项自觉行动:后四年休渔效果并不明显,休渔制度逐渐暴露出一些需要完善或改革的问题。这里作主要谈一谈休渔存在的主要问题和解决的对策,为政府和有关部门提供决策参考。  相似文献   

关于改善我国海洋渔业统计制度的建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
可靠的渔业统计制度是渔业管理决策最重要的基础支撑,也是渔业监督管理的重要依据和手段。文章扼要地介绍了《联合国海洋法公约》等国际条约和文件对渔业统计的基本要求、有关国家和我国的渔业统计制度,指出了我国层层上报的全面渔业统计方式已不能适应当前渔业经济体制和管理需求、渔业统计指标体系不完整、难以全面反映渔业实际、统计监督和数据核实制度存在不足、渔业统计数据信息化滞后等问题。建议:(1)严格执行《渔业法》明确规定的捕捞日志制度;(2)规定渔获物只能在限定港口卸载,建立渔获物上报与统计监督制度;(3)逐步实行随船观察员制度;(4)完善立法,提供法律支撑和保障。  相似文献   

我国实行渔业许可制度已经15年了。这是我国从自由捕捞渔业走向许可渔业的—个重大步骤,是我国渔业管理史上的—个重要进步,为我国渔业的稳步发展奠定了良好的基础。本文拟就我国渔业许可制度的日臻完善作一些粗浅的探讨。  相似文献   

陈静娜  俞存根 《水产学报》2015,39(8):1250-1256
沿岸渔场是我国重要的传统渔场,但是,由于近几十年来的过度捕捞以及近年来的环境污染和栖息地破坏,沿岸渔业资源已陷入了日益枯竭的境地。本文指出了我国沿岸渔场渔业管理目前所面临的困境,并在此基础上深入分析了困境产生的根源,最后,从渔业资源管理制度的创新、渔业管理手段的完善、支撑体系的完善、渔场的规划、示范区的设立等方面提出了相应的对策建议,以期为我国渔业管理部门提供决策参考。  相似文献   

  1. Many species and populations of odontocetes have modified their behaviour to take advantage of feeding opportunities provided by fishing activities, with depredation of fishing gear being the most common type of adaptation.
  2. The northern Adriatic Sea has been identified as an important marine mammal area because of a regular occurrence of common bottlenose dolphins. Boat surveys were conducted within a 3,000 km2 sector of the Adriatic Sea off the coast of Veneto, Italy, between April and October 2018–2019. Based on 76 days at sea, 10,711 km of navigation, and 81 h 26 min of dolphin tracking, this study contributes novel quantitative information on dolphin spatial distribution, and on their occurrence in the wake of beam trawlers, otter trawlers, and midwater pair trawlers.
  3. A combined generalized additive model and generalized estimation equation framework indicated that trawling—along with other physiographic, biological and anthropogenic variables—influenced dolphin distribution. In days of trawling, the chance of encountering dolphins increased by ~4.5 times (95% confidence interval 1.8–11.0) near active beam trawlers, by ~16.0 times (7.1–36.0) near otter trawlers, and by ~28.9 times (12.0–69.6) near midwater pair trawlers.
  4. Spatial modelling was used to create maps of predicted distribution, suggesting differences in habitat use between trawling and no-trawling days. Spatial modelling for all days identified a dolphin distribution hotspot of 832 km2, situated off the Po river delta.
  5. Evidence contributed by this study can be used to inform management action within one of the world's areas most heavily impacted by fishing and other human encroachment. Such management action would help enforce the European Union's Habitats Directive and Marine Strategy Framework Directive, while also informing EU's Maritime Spatial Planning.

南海北部灯光罩网渔获组成及其对渔业资源的影响   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
近年来,灯光罩网在南海区迅速发展,给南海区北部沿岸浅水域幼鱼资源增大了捕捞压力.为了查明南海区灯光罩网渔业的渔获组成及其对渔业资源的影响,2006年4月27日~5月2日在阳江沿海水域进行了灯光罩网海上渔获组成调查.研究结果表明:(1)主捕对象是趋光性鱼类和头足类,枪乌贼Loligo sp.、带鱼Trichiurus haumela、蓝圆鲹Decapterus maruadsi、康氏马鲛Scomberomorus commerson、刺鲳Psenopsis anomala、乌贼Sepia sp.、赤鼻棱鳀Thrissa kammalensis、乌鲳Formio niger、杜氏棱鳀Thryssa dussumieri和竹筴鱼Trachurus japonicus是南海北部灯光罩网的常见渔获种类;(2)幼鱼渔获比例高,损害海洋渔业资源严重;(3)网目尺寸小、灯光照度大和近岸渔场是导致幼鱼渔获比例高的主要成因.笔者建议规定最小网目尺寸和加强渔具管理.  相似文献   

Problem infections caused by species of the crustacean ectoparasite, Argulus, in UK stillwater trout fisheries appear to have increased in recent years. A cross-sectional study of 77 such fisheries was conducted to establish the perceived problem and the extent and severity of this problem, and to identify associated risk factors. An interview-based study was conducted in 2001 using a standardized questionnaire based on the management and infection status of each fishery in the previous year. Logistic regression was used to identify potential risk factors. Argulus spp. were perceived to cause economic losses in infected fisheries through a reduction in the number of anglers due to reduced aesthetic appeal and catchability of fish. Of the sites studied, 29% experienced such a problem infection in 2000. Argulus foliaceus was identified in all but one case and was found to be widely distributed throughout the UK. The remaining case was identified as Argulus coregoni. Three risk factors were associated with problem infections: the presence of an algal bloom, slow rates of stock turnover and whether water level dropped by <1 m during the summer months.  相似文献   

  • 1. Data are analysed from visual censuses of shallow‐water holothurians (sea cucumbers) in 72 shallow water transects 100 m×2 m within four atolls of Chagos. Mean holothurian abundance in Diego Garcia, where harvesting is absent, was 18.5 individuals/transect (all transects) and 55.4 individuals/transect (only those containing holothurians). In the three exploited atolls, mean abundance did not exceed 3.5 and 5.2 individuals/transect, respectively.
  • 2. Comparison with data collected during this study and an earlier investigation reveals a marked decline over four years in both mean and maximum density of commercially valuable Stichopus chloronotus and Holothuria atra in Salomon and Peros Banhos, both exploited atolls, and also for Holothuria nobilis in the latter.
  • 3. Holothurian counts were also made along an extensive transect (21 km×4 m) encircling Salomon atoll. Abundance showed highly significant negative correlation with fishing pressure, the latter estimated using an ordinal (0–3) scale (Rs=?0.605, P?0.01). Harvesting effects were not discernible using data from 200 m2 transects.
  • 4. While recent studies have shown Chagos is virtually pristine regarding contaminant levels, its holothurian resources are under increasing pressure. Results from this study, and examination of Sri Lanka's fishing activity in distant waters, point to heavy and illegal harvesting.
  • 5. Stronger measures are needed to control the illegal fishery, to prevent holothurian abundances falling to the non‐sustainable levels now prevalent across much of the Indo‐Pacific, and to ensure that Chagos remains a biodiversity hotspot and environment of international renown. Use of smaller surveillance vessels would facilitate this.Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

王伟杰  万荣  孔祥洪 《水产学报》2023,24(12):129715-1-129715-12

为提高水下集鱼灯光场分布计算精度,本实验采用集鱼灯光谱数据、光度分布数据和海水固有光学参数,基于蒙特卡罗模拟方法构建了新的光场传输数值模拟方法,将光束能量离散成大量光子,通过追踪光子路径计算水下集鱼灯形成的光场强度,并开展水槽实验对计算方法进行了验证。同时,提出了新的集鱼灯光场分布评价指标${I_{{\\rm{ds}}}}$和${A_{{\\rm{ds}}}}$。利用模型分析了海水的叶绿素a质量浓度、散射作用类型和散射相位函数HG (Henyey Greenstein)中非对称参量$g$的取值对水下光场分布的影响。结果显示,①叶绿素a质量浓度从1 mg/m3增加到5 mg/m3,LED集鱼灯${A_{5{\\rm{m}}}}$ 减少了72.73%,MH集鱼灯${A_{5{\\rm{m}}}}$减少了72.17%;LED集鱼灯${I_{5{\\rm{m}}}}$减少了66.69%,MH集鱼灯${I_{5{\\rm{m}}}}$减少了53.29%。②当海水介质引起的散射类型分别为米氏散射和瑞利散射时,MH集鱼灯${I_{5{\\rm{m}}}}$分别为1058.48和1020.5 lx, LED集鱼灯${I_{5{\\rm{m}}}}$分别为1057.96和992.42 lx。③非对称参量$g$从0.80增加到0.99,MH集鱼灯的${A_{5{\\rm{m}}}}$增加了22.05%;LED集鱼灯的${A_{5{\\rm{m}}}}$增加了23.10%;MH集鱼灯形成的${I_{5{\\rm{m}}}}$增加了16.61%;LED集鱼灯形成的${I_{5{\\rm{m}}}}$增加了14.52%。研究表明,近海水体中叶绿素a质量浓度、HG散射函数中非对称参量对集鱼灯光场分布有显著影响,散射类型对集鱼灯光场分布无显著影响。本研究提出的数值模拟方法可准确计算近海水体中集鱼灯光场分布,为渔业监管和集鱼灯合理应用提供科学依据。


陆化杰  陈子越  陈新军 《水产学报》2024,1(4):049305-1-049305-14



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