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PURPOSE: To evaluate the efficacy of using a porcine small intestinal submucosa (SIS) graft for the surgical repair of deep melting ulcers in dogs and cats. METHODS: Two cats and five dogs presented with deep and large melting ulcers of the cornea. In each case, the necrotic and collagenolytic tissue of the cornea was removed by keratectomy. A SIS graft, 1 mm greater than the corneal defect, was rehydrated in sterile saline and sutured to the edges of the ulcer with a simple interrupted pattern of 9/0 polyglactin 910. A nictitating membrane flap was utilized in two cats and four dogs for 2 weeks. All cases were treated postoperatively with topical and systemic antibiotics, a systemic anti-inflammatory drug and topical atropine. All animals were re-evaluated 15 days, 4 weeks, 35-45 days, 2-3 months and 6 months postsurgery. RESULTS: At 15 days postsurgery, a superficial intense corneal neovascularization surrounded the SIS graft. No ocular discomfort was present and fluorescein staining was negative in all cases. At 4 weeks the SIS graft was thick and opaque in all cases, although in one cat the SIS graft had partially detached. Between 35 and 45 days, SIS graft integration was evident in all eyes, and corneal neovascularization had decreased progressively. All eyes healed without complications and retained corneal transparency. This occurred even in the presence of corneal perforation in two cases: one prior to and one during surgery. CONCLUSION: Results of our study suggest the SIS graft may be an effective alternative surgical treatment to the traditional conjunctival grafts commonly used to repair melting ulcers in dogs and cats. The advantages of using a SIS graft include good corneal transparency, preservation of corneal integrity and maintenance of vision.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy of using a porcine small intestinal submucosa (SIS) graft covered by a conjunctival flap for the surgical repair of full-thickness corneal wounds in dogs, cats and horses. PROCEDURE: All records dating from August 1999 to February 2003 from Purdue University Veterinary Teaching Hospital of patients that had undergone ophthalmic surgical procedures and received a SIS corneal graft for a full-thickness lesion were reviewed. Fifteen cases were identified including six dogs, two cats and seven horses. Requirements for inclusion in this study were that SIS was used as a corneal graft in a full-thickness corneal defect and that the graft was completely covered with a conjunctival flap. RESULTS: Of the 15 cases, one canine patient had received SIS following removal of an epibulbar melanocytoma. The remaining five canine patients had undergone this surgical procedure for the repair of corneal perforation. The two feline patients had been presented for corneal perforation following chronic ulceration. One equine patient had been presented for a deep melting ulcer, three for stromal corneal abscesses, and three for corneal perforations. Complications encountered postoperatively included aqueous leakage, conjunctival flap dehiscence, synechia, cataract and fibrin in the anterior chamber. Fourteen out of 15 patients were visual at the final re-evaluation. CONCLUSION: SIS is an inexpensive, easy-to-handle biomaterial that appears to be suitable for the repair of full-thickness corneal wounds in dogs, cats and horses. Results of our study support the conclusion that this relatively new product is an effective alternative to traditional implantation materials utilized in veterinary ophthalmology.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the effects of porcine small intestinal submucosa (SIS) implants on the healing of meniscal lesions in dogs. ANIMALS: 16 adult Greyhounds of both sexes. PROCEDURE: Unilateral osteotomy was performed at time 0 to disrupt the medial collateral ligament attachment, and two (1 cranial and 1 caudal) 4-mm circular defects were created in the avascular portion of the medial meniscus. One defect was filled with an SIS graft, and the other defect remained empty (control). Three months later, the identical procedure was performed on the contralateral limb. Three months after the second surgery, dogs were euthanatized, and meniscal tissue specimens from both stifle joints were collected for gross, histologic, biomechanical, and biochemical evaluations. RESULTS: Regenerative tissue was evident in 4 (2 SIS-implanted and 2 control) of 16 defects examined histologically. In 3 defects, this thin bridge of tissue was composed of immature haphazardly arranged fibrous connective tissue with a relatively uniform distribution of fibroblasts. Aggregate modulus, Poisson ratio, permeability, and shear modulus were not significantly different between control and SIS-implanted defects either 3 or 6 months after surgery. Hydroxyproline content also did not differ between SIS-implanted and control defects at 3 or 6 months. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Implantation of porcine SIS into experimentally induced meniscal lesions in dogs did not promote tissue regeneration.  相似文献   

Forty normal dogs were exposed to double freezes of a 1 cm diameter area of their central corneas using a liquid nitrogen spray. Postoperative sequelae and final histopathologic results were evaluated. All eyes suffered epithelial damage and developed corneal edema, but dogs followed for 3 weeks returned to a normal or near normal condition. Nine clinical cases of pigmentary keratitis were subsequently treated by cryosurgery. The complications following this technique were similar to those seen in the experimental dogs. Reduction in corneal pigmentation and improvement of vision occurred in all cases.  相似文献   

Porcine small intestinal submucosa (SIS) was used, in conjunction with a conjunctival graft, to repair a full thickness corneoscleral defect resulting from the excision of a limbal melanoma in a German shepherd dog. The SIS was found to provide adequate mechanical support and to act as a suitable physical barrier in place of the excised cornea and sclera. Corneal vascularisation was present distant to the graft by two weeks postoperatively but this was effectively controlled with topical cyclosporin. By six weeks postoperatively, the graft had become incorporated into the cornea and sclera, and the associated corneal neovascularisation had resolved. From this initial case, porcine SIS would appear to be a suitable material for the repair of corneoscleral defects in dogs.  相似文献   

This paper describes the use of amniotic membrane in the reconstructive surgical repair of generalized keratomalacia, ankyloblepharon, and after fibrous histiocytoma removal in two dogs and a cat. Case 1 was an 11-year-old female Yorkshire terrier with severe bullous keratomalacia in the left eye (OS). A frozen canine amniotic membrane graft and a third eyelid flap were applied. At day 80 postoperatively, only a mild scar and corneal vascularization were present. Case 2 was a 4-year-old female Siamese cat with symblepharon of both eyes after rhinotracheitis. Resection of the conjunctiva and frozen canine amniotic membrane transplant were performed. One month later, there was a little corneal scarring and corneal vascularization. Case 3 was a 6-year-old female terrier with a scleral and corneal mass at the 11-12 o'clock position (OS). Resection of the mass and amniotic membrane transplantation were performed. The mass was a fibrous histiocytoma localized to the sclera and cornea. This eye healed with mild conjunctivalization and no pigmentation. Amniotic membrane transplantation can be used as a method of reconstruction of the ocular surface with good repair of the cornea and minimal scarring in small animals.  相似文献   

CASE DESCRIPTION: A 6-year-old Australian Terrier was evaluated for surgical removal of an ossifying fibroma of the left calvarium of 7 months' duration. CLINICAL FINDINGS: Computed tomography revealed invasion of the mass through the left parietal bone and extension into the epidural space of the brain. TREATMENT AND OUTCOME: A left rostrotentorial and frontal bone craniectomy was performed, and the mass was removed, along with a 1-cm margin of grossly normal bone. Cranioplasty was performed with a combination of porcine submucosa, titanium mesh, and screws. The dog recovered from surgery without complications and was discharged 3 days later. The dog was followed up for 24 months after surgery and has remained clinically normal. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Findings suggested that rostrotentorial craniectomy is a viable option for removal of benign tumors affecting the parietal bones in dogs. Reconstruction of the resulting defect in the calvarium is possible with a combination of porcine submucosa and rigid titanium mesh.  相似文献   

Porcine small intestinal submucosa (SIS) was used as a novel graft material in the management of 10 cases of feline corneal disease. Five cases had stromal ulceration associated with trauma, ocular foreign body and/or suspected infection and required a grafting procedure. Five cases had feline sequestra that were managed by a keratectomy prior to placement of SIS as a graft material. Eight eyes healed with minimal corneal scarring with a very good cosmetic and visual result. One eye with continued aqueous leakage in the immediate postoperative period required a conjunctival pedicle graft to reinforce the SIS graft site. One eye required enucleation 48 h following grafting due to progressive keratomalacia but the SIS material remained intact.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the use of a gastrointestinal anastomosis (GIA) stapling device to perform small intestinal anastomosis in the dog. METHODS: A retrospective study to evaluate the use of a GIA stapling device to perform small intestinal anastomosis in 15 dogs. RESULTS: Reasons for intervention included dehiscence of a previous enterotomy (four of 15), intestinal neoplasia (five of 15), vascular compromise (three of 15), intussusception (two of 15) and foreign body (one of 15). The mean time taken to perform the anastomosis was 7.7 minutes (range five to 12 minutes). No operative complications were recorded and all dogs recovered from the surgery. Major (two dogs) and minor (six dogs) short-term complications of pyrexia and anorexia were recorded in six dogs. In five of these, the cause was considered to be related to a pre-existing peritonitis. One dog was euthanased five months postoperatively for a multi-centric recurrence of intestinal lymphoma. Six month follow-up confirmed an unremarkable and complete recovery in all remaining dogs. No major or minor long-term complications were recorded in any individual. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: A modified stapled functional end-to-end intestinal anastomosis holds merit and should be considered a viable alternative to other stapled and sutured anastomosis techniques.  相似文献   

Five cases of canine keratomycosis were diagnosed and treated at a private Veterinary Ophthalmology Practice in Melbourne, Australia. Clinical presentations varied between dogs. Predisposing factors were identified in 4 of 5 cases. Diagnostic modalities utilized were corneal cytology and fungal culture. Corneal cytology confirmed the presence of fungal organisms in all five cases. Aspergillus, Scedosporium, and Candida were cultured from three cases, respectively. Specific antifungal treatment included 1% voriconazole solution or 1% itraconazole ointment. Keratectomy and conjunctival grafting surgery was performed in two patients. Resolution of infection and preservation of vision were achieved in 4 of 5 patients.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the combined diode laser cycloablation procedure and adjunctive Ahmed gonioimplant use in dogs with primary glaucoma. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 48 dogs, 51 eyes with primary glaucoma. PROCEDURE: Medical records from two large private clinical ophthalmology services were reviewed. Signalment, duration of glaucoma, gonioscopic evaluation, laser power and duration settings, immediate postoperative and final intraocular pressure and visual results, short and long-term visual outcome, and surgical complications were recorded. RESULTS: The age range of affected dogs was 3.0-14.0 years, with a mean age of 7.5 +/- 2.6 years. Eleven pure breeds were represented, with the most common being the American Cocker Spaniel. The sex distribution was 22 neutered males, 1 intact male, 23 spayed females, and 2 intact female dogs. The right eye was affected in 33 cases, and the left eye in 18 cases. The average total joules, which was administered with the diode laser, was 109.6 +/- 23.6 J. Immediate surgical complications included fibrin formation in the anterior chamber (15), corneal ulcers (4), hyphema (7), and focal retinal detachment (1). Long-term complications included cataract formation (8 total, 2 of which were significant, vision-threatening), elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) (6), unstable gonioimplant (1), and glaucoma recurrence (14). Additional surgeries performed on the eyes over the course of study included: intrascleral prosthesis (4), enucleation (1), resection of fibrotic scar tissue (5), and repeat laser cycloablation (8). The dogs were examined for a mean follow-up time of 17.6 months (range: 2-83 months postoperatively). Twenty-nine cases were followed greater than one year. Vision was maintained in 42/51 eyes (82%) in the immediate short-term of this study. In all cases included in the study, good control of IOP was achieved in 39/51 (76%) of eyes, and IOP was poor or uncontrolled in 12/51 (24%) of eyes. Twenty out of 41 eyes (49%) maintained fair to excellent vision six months after surgery. Twelve months postoperative observations demonstrated that 12/29 (41%) of the eyes were still visual. CONCLUSIONS: In primary glaucoma, the combined procedure of laser diode cyclophotocoagulation and Ahmed valve implant was associated with return or maintenance of vision in 42/51 eyes (82%) in the immediate short-term of this study, and a long-term IOP control in 39/51 (76%) of the cases, with 12/29 eyes (41%) visual after 12 months.  相似文献   

CASE DESCRIPTION: A 2-year-old Siberian Husky was evaluated because of a 2-week history of coughing and gagging and decreased appetite and activity level. CLINICAL FINDINGS: Radiography, surgery, and immunohistochemical examination revealed a solitary sclerosing mesothelioma extending from the left thoracic diaphragmatic surface that was adherent to the pericardium and the caudal mediastinum. TREATMENT AND OUTCOME: The tumor was resected along with most of the left hemidiaphragm, and the left transversus abdominis muscle was used to reconstruct the diaphragm. The 13th rib formed the base of the muscle flap. The muscle flap was transposed into the defect so that the mesothelium-lined surface faced the thoracic cavity and the deep aspect of the muscle formed the abdominal surface of the diaphragm. To minimize risk of adhesions, the exposed raw aspect of the abdominal surface was covered with porcine small intestinal submucosa. Recovery was uncomplicated, and the dog's appetite and activity level soon returned to normal. Evaluation 54 days after surgery revealed 2 subcutaneous masses on the thorax and masses in the liver and both kidneys; histologic and immunohistochemical analyses revealed metastasis of the original tumor. The dog was euthanatized. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Hemidiaphragmatic reconstruction with a transversus abdominis muscle flap after resection of a diaphragmatic tumor was successful. The muscle flap was easily harvested and transposed into the diaphragmatic defect.  相似文献   

Objective To evaluate the use and complications of a penetrating keratoprosthesis implantation in the management of corneal opacification in dogs. Methods A retrospective clinical study describes the indications for the surgical technique utilized and the outcomes of this procedure in 20 eyes of 19 dogs with blindness of corneal origin. A successful surgical outcome was defined as a clear keratoprosthesis optic and improvement or restoration of functional vision over a follow‐up period ranging from at least 8 months to a maximum of 7 years. Results Eyes with total corneal opacification resulting from chronic superficial keratitis (n = 11), keratoconjunctivitis sicca (n = 5), endothelial dystrophy (n = 3) and chemical burn (n = 1) were treated by unilateral (n = 18) or bilateral (n = 1) full‐thickness implantation of a keratoprosthesis. Keratoprostheses were retained in 15 eyes (75%) which regained vision to the date of reporting. Among these eyes, six had uncomplicated postoperative course, five developed retroprosthetic membranes and four developed granulation tissue over the optic of the keratoprostheses. These complications were successfully removed surgically in the nine eyes. The five remaining eyes (25%) developed serious early postoperative complications, for which enucleation had to be performed. Conclusion In keratopathies in which the corneal opacification could not be treated by standard medical or surgical procedures, this keratoprosthesis appears to be promising to restore vision in chronic superficial keratitis and deep corneal dystrophy. It appears to have a poor prognosis in keratoconjunctivitis sicca in brachycephalic dogs. The post operative complications retro‐prosthetic membranes and granulomatous overgrowth could be treated well.  相似文献   

Frozen lamellar corneal grafts and nictitating membrane flaps were used in 18 dogs and 12 cats to repair deep corneal defects. In all dogs either melting corneal ulcers or descemetoceles were present. In the 12 cats, nine had either a melting corneal ulcer or descemetocele, two animals had acute bullous keratopathy, and one cat had corneal sequestrum. Initial vascularization with gradual clearing of the graft occurred during the first 45 days postoperatively. At 60 days postoperatively, all eyes were visual. Frequent postoperative complications included: focal dehiscence of the wound ( n  = 9); melting of part of the graft ( n  = 7); and pigmentation of the graft ( n  = 4). The frozen lamellar corneal graft was a very safe technique, and restored the tectonic and the optical function of the cornea. It provided the best results in corneas with nonperforating corneal defects. This technique provides poorer results when the cornea was perforated prior to surgery or during the surgical procedure.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate a combined cycloablative and gonioimplantation technique for treatment of glaucoma in dogs. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 18 adult dogs with glaucoma. PROCEDURE: Medical records of dogs that received a valved gonioimplant and a cyclodestructive procedure (cyclocryoablation or diode laser cyclophotocoagulation) during a 6-year period were reviewed. Retention of vision and intraocular pressure control were assessed, as well as number and nature of complications. RESULTS: 19 eyes of 18 dogs received a valved gonioimplant and either cyclocryoablation (n = 12) or diode laser cyclophotocoagulation (7). At > or = 1 year after surgery, 11 of 19 eyes had vision and 14 of 19 eyes had intraocular pressure < 25 mm Hg. Two dogs (2 eyes) were lost to follow-up 3 and 6 months after surgery. Despite the alternative route for aqueous humor flow created by the gonioimplant, 7 eyes had increased intraocular pressure (27 to 61 mm Hg) < 24 hours after surgery. Other complications included excessive intraocular fibrin, focal retinal detachment, corneal ulcer, retinal hemorrhage, cataract, and implant migration. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Combined cycloablation and gonioimplantation appears to be a promising technique for retention of vision and control of intraocular pressure in dogs with glaucoma.  相似文献   

Ultrasonographic intestinal muscularis thickening has not been described as an imaging feature of canine inflammatory bowel disease. In this retrospective case series, patients were identified by searching sonographic reports for “muscularis” and/or “muscular layer.” Patients were included if small intestinal muscularis thickening was reported, and sonographic images and histopathological samples of the small intestine were available for review. Cases with small intestines nodules, masses, or complete loss of wall layering were excluded. Sonographic images were retrospectively evaluated for jejunal muscularis layer thickness, and ratios of intestinal layer measurements were performed. Histological samples were retrospectively reviewed. Thirteen dogs met inclusion criteria: all dogs had sonographic intestinal muscularis thickening relative to the submucosa (>1.0, range of 1.3–2.5), and most dogs had muscular layer thickness above normal published ranges (11/13; all 13/13 above the weight-specific mean). More than half of the patients had overall normal wall thickness (11/13) and several had normal mucosal echogenicity (6/13). Therefore, in some dogs, the only sonographic abnormality in the small intestine was muscularis thickening. No dogs had lymphadenomegaly. Endoscopic partial-thickness (n = 11, duodenum and/or ileum) or surgical full-thickness (n = 2) samples confirmed inflammatory bowel disease. Direct comparison between jejunum sonographic characteristics and histology features was limited due to both partial thickness biopsies and lack of direct comparison between anatomical locations of ultrasonographic assessment and biopsy site. However, no cases that met the inclusion criteria had normal small intestinal histology. Comparable to cats, dogs with ultrasonographic intestinal muscularis thickening may have inflammatory bowel disease, and further workup for enteropathy is indicated.  相似文献   

In this retrospective study, the medical records of 23 dogs with the sonographic feature of small intestinal hyperechoic mucosal striations and an endoscopic or surgical intestinal biopsy were reviewed. Histopathologic lacteal dilation was present in 96% of dogs with mucosal striations. Sonographic findings associated with mucosal striations included: mild jejunal wall thickening (96%), mild duodenal wall thickening (78%), mucosal speckles (70%), and abdominal effusion (87%). The mucosal striations were diffuse (70%) or multifocal (30%) and did not cause loss of wall layering, except in one dog with a severe mural lipogranuloma. Mesenteric lymphadenopathy was identified in 9% of dogs. Thirteen dogs with endoscopic biopsies had mild to moderate villus lacteal dilation and the nine dogs with surgical biopsies had moderate to severe dilation. Inflammatory infiltrates were mild (61%) or moderate (30%) with variable numbers and combinations of cells, including eosinophils (65%), plasma cells (61%), lymphocytes (57%), and neutrophils (30%); one dog had disseminated villus histiocytic sarcoma. The biochemistry changes and clinical signs were consistent with protein-losing enteropathy in 78% of dogs. Hyperechoic mucosal striations in dogs are associated with lacteal dilation and are frequently associated with mucosal inflammation and protein losing enteropathy.  相似文献   

A carbon dioxide laser was used to incise around, dissect, and remove a 2-cm intradermal mass from the left carpus of an 8-year-old, spayed female wheaten terrier. The wound was partially closed, resulting in a 3-cm diameter circular defect with extensor tendons exposed. A swine intestinal submucosa graft was utilized to cover the remaining defect. The graft was removed 5 days later, revealing a healthy granulation tissue bed covering previously exposed tendons with minimal wound margin retraction. The remaining wound was allowed to heal by contraction and epithelialization that was complete by 5 weeks postoperatively. The mass, a pilomatricoma, had not recurred at the last follow-up contact 18 months after surgery. Pilomatricoma, laser application, swine intestinal submucosa grafting, and postoperative wound management are discussed.  相似文献   

Fifty-six cases of cataract removal in dogs by phacofragmentation and aspiration were reviewed. Improvement of vision was detected in the immediate postoperative period in 53 (94.6%) of 56 dogs. Vision was present in 25 (85.2%) of 29 dogs evaluated at 2 years after surgery, and in 5 (71.4%) of 7 dogs evaluated 4 years after surgery. Reasons for failure of visual improvement and complications in visual eyes were related primarily to development of postoperative anterior uveitis. Age of the dog at surgery was not a significant factor in the restoration of vision.  相似文献   

Survival rates and post-operative complications after equine colic surgery   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
SUMMARY A retrospective analysis of 74 cases that underwent surgery for colic was undertaken to determine short and long term survival rates and the incidence of postoperative complications. In 28 cases colic was related to small intestinal lesions and in 46 cases to large intestinal lesions. Pre-operative packed cell volume and heart rate were found to be inversely related to short-term survival. Twenty-five horses (34%) recovered from surgery and were discharged. Of 18 of these cases with available histories, 6 subsequently had one or more episodes of colic since surgery of which 5 eventually died or were euthanased due to further colic; the remaining 12 have remained free from recurrence of colic for longer than 6 months.  相似文献   

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