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Abstract: An 11‐year‐old spayed‐female German Shepherd dog was presented to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital at Kansas State University with a history of weight loss, anorexia, depression, and lethargy for 2–3 weeks. Radiographic examination revealed a mass in the spleen and several round radiodense foci in the liver. CBC results included normocytic normochromic anemia, marked thrombocytopenia, and low numbers of neoplastic cells that frequently had cytoplasmic projections or blebs. A bone marrow aspirate contained about 80% neoplastic megakaryoblasts with the same microscopic features as those observed in peripheral blood. Using flow cytometry, cells of large size were identified in peripheral blood that expressed CD41/61, CD45, CD61, and CD62P (P‐selectin) and were negative for markers of T cells, B cells, monocyte/macrophages, and dendritic cells. Because of the poor prognosis, euthanasia and subsequently necropsy were performed. On histopathologic examination, neoplastic megakaryoblasts were identified in spleen, liver, mesenteric lymph node, and the pulmonary vasculature. Using immunohistochemistry, the neoplastic megakaryoblasts weakly expressed von Willebrand factor. Based on microscopic and immunophenotypic findings, a diagnosis of acute megakaryoblastic leukemia (AMegL) was made. To our knowledge, this is the first report of AMegL in a domestic animal in which immunophenotyping by flow cytometry and a panel of antibodies against CD41/61, CD61, and CD62P were used to support the diagnosis.  相似文献   

Abstract: A 6‐year‐old Bernese Mountain dog was presented with a history of lethargy and weight loss of 2 weeks duration. On physical examination the dog had pale mucous membranes and tachypnea. Ultrasound examination revealed hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, and mesenteric lymphadenomegaly. Results of a CBC included marked normocytic normochromic nonregenerative anemia, marked thrombocytopenia, and moderate leukocytosis with mild neutrophilia and a large population of unclassified round cells (6.2 × 103/μL). The unclassified cells occasionally were bi‐ or multinucleated and had variably abundant pale basophilic cytoplasm that contained multiple irregular clear vacuoles and occasionally erythrocytes. Fine needle aspirate specimens of the mesenteric lymph nodes and spleen were composed of a population of round pleomorphic cells with the same features as the circulating cells. On flow cytometric analysis of peripheral blood, the unclassified cells expressed CD18, CD45, CD11c, CD1c, and CD14; immunocytochemical analysis of blood smears also indicated the cells were positive for CD1c, CD1a, and CD11c. The dog died a few hours after referral. The histologic interpretation of samples collected from spleen, liver, and lymph nodes was malignant neoplasia of histiocytic origin. Immunohistochemical staining yielded negative results for CD11d, a marker of red‐pulp macrophages, ruling out hemophagocytic histiocytic sarcoma. Based on clinical and pathologic findings, the final diagnosis was disseminated histiocytic sarcoma (DHS) with peripheral blood involvement. To our knowledge, DHS in a dog with evidence and immunophenotyping of neoplastic cells in peripheral blood has been reported only rarely.  相似文献   

A 3-year-old, male, domestic shorthaired cat was presented with a 3-day history of anorexia and depression. The cat was moderately dehydrated, had pale, slightly icteric, mucous membranes, oral ulcerations, and mild hepatosplenomegaly. A feline leukemia virus (FeLV) antigen test was positive. CBC results obtained at initial presentation included severe normocytic, normochromic, nonregenerative anemia, severe thrombocytopenia, and marked leukocytosis (>100,000/microL) with 77% eosinophils. After 15 days of treatment with prednisone and doxycycline, the cat had persistent severe nonregenerative anemia (HCT 3.4%), thrombocytopenia (28,000/microL), and extreme eosinophilia (total eosinophils, 123.1 x 10(3)/microL; segmented 103.0 x 10(3)/microL; immature 20.1 X 10(3)/microL). Cytologic examination of aspirates from bone marrow, liver, lymph nodes, and spleen revealed a predominance of mature and immature eosinophils, many with dysplastic changes. The M:E ratio was 96.4. On histopathologic examination, multiple organs were infiltrated by eosinophilic granulocytes. Neoplastic cells in blood and bone marrow stained positive for alkaline phosphatase and were negative for myeloperoxidase, chloroacetate esterase, and alpha-naphthyl acetate esterase. On flow cytometric analysis of peripheral blood, the neoplastic cells were positive for CD11b and CD14. These findings were consistent with chronic eosinophilic leukemia. To our knowledge, this is the first report of chronic eosinophilic leukemia in a cat associated with naturally acquired FeLV infection, in which flow cytometry was used to characterize the neoplastic cells.  相似文献   

Physical examination of an asymptomatic 20-yr-old intact female spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta) revealed a midabdominal mass. A complete blood count (CBC) revealed peripheral lymphocytosis. Abdominal ultrasonography and laparoscopy confirmed severe splenomegaly. Cytologic examination of a bone-marrow core and histologic examination of spleen and liver biopsy samples revealed neoplastic small lymphocytes. Immunohistochemical staining of liver and spleen samples with the use of leukocyte-specific monoclonal antibodies showed that the neoplastic lymphocytes were immunoreactive to T-lymphocyte CD3 receptor and immunonegative to B-lymphocyte CD79a receptor. The morphology and distribution of neoplastic T-lymphocytes within the spleen, liver, peripheral blood, and bone marrow was most consistent with chronic T-lymphocytic leukemia. Treatment with chlorambucil and prednisone effectively decreased the lymphocyte count, but was associated with thrombocytopenia, which resolved after chlorambucil treatment was temporarily discontinued. Chemotherapy was resumed with a single dose of L-asparaginase, followed by a lower dosage of chlorambucil and continued prednisone. Two years after initial diagnosis, the hyena developed a hemoabdomen and was euthanized. Neoplastic T-lymphocytes were present in spleen, liver, visceral and peripheral lymph nodes, lungs, heart, kidney, adrenal glands, mesentery, intestines, pancreas, brain, and bone marrow.  相似文献   

A 6-year-old spayed Labrador Retriever Mix dog was evaluated for a 2-week history of progressive generalized weakness and reluctance to stand. Physical examination revealed severe weakness with obtunded mentation, head tilt, bilateral nystagmus, and decreased vision. CBC findings included mild nonregenerative anemia, marked thrombocytopenia, and a few atypical mononuclear cells on the blood film. The cells were 15-30 μm in diameter and had round to oval to reniform centrally placed nuclei with stippled chromatin, prominent nucleoli, and abundant basophilic cytoplasm with numerous discrete vacuoles and, occasionally, small azurophilic granules. Similar cells were found in bone marrow. On histologic examination of tissues collected at necropsy, neoplastic cells were detected in bone marrow, hepatic sinusoids, cerebral and meningeal vessels, and in capillaries of the heart, renal interstitium, small intestinal submucosa, and muscularis, and alveolar septa. A small discrete mass in the right atrium consisted of similar neoplastic cells, and the spleen was diffusely infiltrated. Tissue distribution was suggestive of intravascular lymphoma. Neoplastic cells in tissue sections were immunoreactive for vimentin, CD18, CD45, and granzyme B and lacked immunoreactivity for cytokeratin. Neoplastic cells on bone marrow aspirate smears and blood films lacked immunoreactivity for CD3, CD79a, CD1c, CD11b, CD11c, CD11d, and E-cadherin. In the absence of immunophenotypic evidence for the neoplastic cells being derived from B-cell, T-cell, or histocytic/dendritic lineages and the lack of clonal antigen receptor gene rearrangement(s), along with positive immunoreactivity for granzyme B, a tumor of NK cells was considered likely. Based on current knowledge, this is the first report of canine intravascular lymphoma, of probable NK cell origin, with peripheral blood involvement.  相似文献   

A 16-month-old female spayed Labrador Retriever was referred to the University of Edinburgh for exercise intolerance, inappetence, and severe anemia. A CBC showed severe nonregenerative anemia and moderate numbers of atypical cells with morphologic features most consistent with megakaryoblastic origin. Similar cells were identified in a bone marrow aspirate and accounted for 23% of all nucleated cells. Atypical promegakaryocytes and megakaryocytes were also noted. Myelodysplastic syndrome affecting the megakaryocytic lineage was suspected. Cytologic examination of a fine-needle aspirate of the spleen revealed rare megakaryoblasts similar to those in blood and bone marrow. At necropsy, the bone marrow consisted of atypical megakaryoblasts and megakaryocytes that were also infiltrating spleen, liver, lymph nodes, renal perihilar tissue, and visceral adipose tissue, consistent with acute megakaryoblastic leukemia. Immunohistochemical analysis of splenic sections confirmed megakaryoblastic origin (immunoreactive for CD61 and von Willebrand factor). Some leukemic cells were also immunoreactive for myeloperoxidase (MPO). This aberrant immunophenotype suggested both megakaryocytic and granulocytic/monocytic differentiation of the leukemic cells. To our knowledge, this is the first report of MPO-positive acute megakaryoblastic leukemia in a dog.  相似文献   

Abstract: A 4‐year‐old male, castrated, mixed‐breed dog was presented to the Colorado State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital with a 1‐week history of polyuria, polydipsia, lethargy, fever, inappetence, weight loss, and soft mucoid stool. The dog was depressed and had pale, icteric mucous membranes. Results of a CBC included normocytic, normochromic, nonregenerative anemia, neutropenia, and thrombocytopenia, with 43% blast cells (200/μL), many of which contained fine azurophilic granules. Cytologic evaluation of the bone marrow aspirates revealed mild granulocytic hyperplasia that appeared to be left‐shifted in an apparent maturation arrest. A large population of blast cells comprised 35% of nucleated cells; the blasts had high nuclear to cytoplasmic ratios, deeply basophilic cytoplasm with vacuoles, and prominent nucleoli. Most cells also contained many fine azurophilic granules clustered in the paranuclear region. At necropsy, neoplastic cells were abundant in the bone marrow. Immunohistochemically the cells expressed CD3?, and an oligoclonal T‐cell rearrangement was found. The diagnosis was proliferative disorder of CD3+ granular lymphocytes, with associated pancytopenia. Because the blast cells were morphologically similar to myeloblasts and immunohistochemistry was required to confirm the diagnosis, T‐cell lymphoproliferative disease should be considered in dogs with pancytopenia presenting with similar clinical features.  相似文献   

A 7-year-old, intact male Dachshund was presented to the Lyon veterinary school for lethargy and anorexia of several weeks duration. The main clinical signs were pale and icteric mucous membranes, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, and lymphadenopathy. Results of a CBC and plasma biochemistry tests revealed severe nonregenerative anemia, thrombocytopenia, and increased alanine aminotransferase and alkaline phosphatase activities. Blood smear evaluation and cytologic examination of lymph node and bone marrow aspirate specimens revealed a large population of poorly differentiated blast cells with morphologic features suggesting megakaryocytic lineage. A low number of well-differentiated but dysplastic megakaryocytes also were observed in lymph node and bone marrow smears. A few blast cells were erythrophagocytic. Blast cells were positive for glycoprotein IIIa, factor VIII-related antigen, and factor XIII using immunocytochemistry. The dog was euthanized and necropsied. Histologic findings consisted of diffuse, massive infiltration of lymph nodes, liver, and spleen by megakaryoblasts and atypical megakaryocytes, with widespread thrombosis. This case confirms the usefulness of immunochemistry, including for factor XIII, in the diagnosis of megakaryoblastic leukemia, and demonstrates the unique features of tumor cell erythrophagocytosis and marked fibrinous thrombosis, which have not been reported previously in dogs.  相似文献   

An 8-year-old intact male mongrel dog with alopecia and weight loss was referred to the Veterinary Faculty of Naples. The dog had pale mucous membranes, enlarged prescapular lymph nodes, and splenomegaly. Laboratory abnormalities included anemia, thrombocytopenia, and hyperglobulinemia. Bone marrow aspirate smears contained numerous Leishmania amastigotes and an immunofluorescent antibody titer was strongly positive (1:1280) for leishmaniasis. The dog was treated with a combination of meglumine antimoniate and allopurinol for 60 days and showed clinical improvement. Two months after the end of treatment the dog was again referred because of relapse of leishmaniasis and the presence of a firm subcutaneous mass on the medial right thigh. Based on cytologic examination of fine needle aspirates of the mass, a diagnosis of large-cell lymphoma was made. Flow cytometry of tumor cells revealed gammadelta-T-cell lymphoma with a CD5+, CD3+, TCRgammadelta+, CD4-, CD8-, CD45RA+ immunophenotype. Using nested PCR, amastigotes were not detected in the neoplastic tissue. An association between leishmaniasis and hematopoietic tumors has been described rarely. gammadelta-T cells may be involved in the host response to this parasite, and prolonged antigenic stimulation and chronic immunosuppression (typical of leishmaniasis) play a crucial role in the etiopathogenesis of T-cell lymphoma.  相似文献   

A purebred female Beagle dog that had received 2,000 R of protracted wholebody gamma-irradiation from 60Co when 14 months old had hematologic changes consistent with a myeloproliferative disorder 3 years after the termination of radiation exposure. Peripheral blood and bone marrow findings during the 7-month period before death showed progressive anemia with increased numbers of platelets; immature granulocytes, monocytes and promonocytes. A period of partial remission occurred during which time the peripheral blood was aleukemic, although there was marked thrombocytosis and abnormal erythropoiesis which was evidenced by bizarre circulating nucleated red cells, anisocytosis, poikilocytosis and Howell-Jolly bodies. The dog had a terminal crisis with marked leukocytosis, most cells in the peripheral blood being bizarre monocytes and promonocytes. Tissues obtained at necropsy showed diffuse as well as focal infiltration of the spleen, liver, lymph nodes, heart, kidney and gastrointestinal wall with immature neoplastic cells resembling monocytes and monocytic precursors. The monocytic differentiation of the invasive cell population was confirmed by morphological, cytochemical, histological, ultrastructural and in vitro cell culture studies.  相似文献   

An 18-year-old female alpaca was presented to the Colorado State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital for chronic ill thrift over a 1-year period. Six weeks previously, an infected left mandibular cheek tooth was removed by oral extraction. On physical examination the patient was cachectic, lethargic, and weak. Abnormalities on the CBC included neutropenia, thrombocytosis, and severe nonregenerative, macrocytic, hypochromic anemia. Dysplastic nucleated erythrocytes and micromegakaryocytes were observed on the peripheral blood smear. Neutrophils, bands, and metamyelocytes appeared markedly toxic. Numerous blasts containing variable numbers of fine azurophilic granules were also observed. Based on their morphology, the cells were interpreted to be progranulocytes and myeloblasts, and a presumptive diagnosis of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) was made. The blast cells accounted for 60% of the nucleated cell population on bone marrow aspirates, further supporting a diagnosis of AML with multilineage dysplasia. Post mortem examination showed infiltration of the neoplastic cells into spleen, liver, kidney, and lymph nodes. Based on histologic findings, the morphologic diagnoses were disseminated myeloid neoplasia, chronic regionally extensive tooth root abscess, and membranous glomerulonephritis. The neoplastic cells were CD172a-positive on flow cytometry, chloroacetate esterase-positive by cytochemistry, and myeloperoxidase-positive by immunohistochemistry, confirming myeloid origin. To our knowledge, this is the first case of AML with multilineage dysplasia in an alpaca, with only one other case of myelodysplasia described previously in this species.  相似文献   

Objective To diagnose and characterise thymic lymphosarcoma in a koala.
Design A pathological case.  


Seven-year-old female koala.
Procedure The neoplastic process was investigated macroscopically, haematologically, histologically and immunohistologically.
Results The koala had difficulty swallowing because of a medial swelling in the lower neck. Biopsy of this mass and blood examination revealed lymphosarcoma with a leukaemic manifestation; necropsy and histopathological examination showed the mass to be thymus. Palatine tonsils, cervical, axillary and mesenteric lymph nodes, spleen, liver, gut, bronchi, genitalia and bone marrow were infiltrated by neoplastic cells. Immunohistological staining of the thymic mass, cervical and mesenteric lymph nodes, bone marrow, spleen and gut revealed the neoplastic cells to be of T lymphocyte origin (positive for both anti-human CD3 and CD5).  


It is speculated that the neoplastic process originated in the thymus and was disseminated by bloodborne neoplastic cells: This first report of thymic lymphosarcoma in a marsupial confirms that antibodies raised originally to investigate human lymphoid neoplasia can cross-react with neoplastic lymphocytes in koalas.  相似文献   

An 8-year-old castrated male Golden Retriever was evaluated for decreased appetite, lethargy, and labored breathing of 1-week duration. Bilateral pulmonary infiltrates, hepatomegaly, and splenomegaly were present. Results of a CBC revealed marked leukocytosis (62,600/microL; reference interval 4000-15,500/microL) and large numbers of atypical cells (30,700/microL) with abundant cytoplasm. There was no concurrent anemia, neutropenia, or thrombocytopenia. Morphology of the atypical cells was most consistent with a histiocytic origin. Similar cells were identified in bone marrow aspirates, and were morphologically suggestive of the macrophage variant of disseminated histiocytic sarcoma. However, flow cytometry of the abnormal circulating cells revealed CD1c, CD11c, and major histocompatibility complex (MHC) Class II expression without expression of CD11d or lymphoid markers, consistent with myeloid dendritic antigen-presenting cells. At necropsy, the splenic architecture was effaced by neoplastic histiocytes that were also infiltrating lung, liver, an abdominal lymph node, myocardium, an bone marrow. Immunohistochemistry of the splenic neoplastic cells confirmed dendritic cell origin (CD1c+, CD11c+, MHC II+, no expression of CD11d and lymphoid markers). To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report of canine dendritic cell leukemia-in this instance accompanied by marked tissue infiltration.  相似文献   

Abstract: An 8-year-old intact male mongrel dog with alopecia and weight loss was referred to the Veterinary Faculty of Naples. The dog had pale mucous membranes, enlarged prescapular lymph nodes, and splenomegaly. Laboratory abnormalities included anemia, thrombocytopenia, and hyperglobulinemia. Bone marrow aspirate smears contained numerous Leishmania amastigotes and an immunofluorescent antibody titer was strongly positive (1:1280) for leishmaniasis. The dog was treated with a combination of meglumine antimoniate and allopurinol for 60 days and showed clinical improvement. Two months after the end of treatment the dog was again referred because of relapse of leishmaniasis and the presence of a firm subcutaneous mass on the medial right thigh. Based on cytologic examination of fine needle aspirates of the mass, a diagnosis of large-cell lymphoma was made. Flow cytometry of tumor cells revealed γδ-T-cell lymphoma with a CD5+, CD3+, TCRγδ+, CD4−, CD8−, CD45RA+ immunophenotype. Using nested PCR, amastigotes were not detected in the neoplastic tissue. An association between leishmaniasis and hematopoietic tumors has been described rarely. γδ-T cells may be involved in the host response to this parasite, and prolonged antigenic stimulation and chronic immunosuppression (typical of leishmaniasis) play a crucial role in the etiopathogenesis of T-cell lymphoma.  相似文献   

CD34是白细胞抗原,可在不同类型的细胞包括造血细胞中进行表达,抗人,鼠和犬CD34鼠白的单克隆抗体已用于对淋巴造血干细胞的鉴别,本试验克隆出编码牛CD34的cDNA,并测定其核苷酸顺序,推测其蛋白的氨基酸顺序与人,鼠和犬的CD34蛋白的氨基酸顺序的同源性分别为61.1%,56.0%,和66.1%。并以cDNA作为探针进行Northern杂交,探测CD34RNA在胎牛脑,脾,心和肺中的表达。  相似文献   

Isolation and characterization of pediatric canine bone marrow CD34+ cells   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Historically, the dog has been a valuable model for bone marrow transplantation studies, with many of the advances achieved in the dog being directly transferable to human clinical bone marrow transplantation protocols. In addition, dogs are also a source of many well-characterized homologues of human genetic diseases, making them an ideal large animal model in which to evaluate gene therapy protocols. It is generally accepted that progenitor cells for many human hematopoietic cell lineages reside in the CD34+ fraction of cells from bone marrow, cord blood, or peripheral blood. In addition, CD34+ cells are the current targets for human gene therapy of diseases involving the hematopoietic system. In this study, we have isolated and characterized highly enriched populations of canine CD34+ cells isolated from dogs 1 week to 3 months of age. Bone marrow isolated from 2- to 3-week-old dogs contained up to 18% CD34+ cells and this high percentage dropped sharply with age. In in vitro 6-day liquid suspension cultures, CD34+ cells harvested from 3-week-old dogs expanded almost two times more than those from 3-month-old dogs and the cells from younger dogs were also more responsive to human Flt-3 ligand (Flt3L). In culture, the percent and number of CD34+ cells from both ages of dogs dropped sharply between 2 and 4 days, although the number of CD34+ cells at day 6 of culture was higher for cells harvested from the younger dogs. CD34+ cells harvested from both ages of dogs had similar enrichment and depletion values in CFU-GM methylcellulose assays. Canine CD34+/Rho123lo cells expressed c-kit mRNA while the CD34+/Rhohi cells did not. When transplanted to a sub-lethally irradiated recipient, CD34+ cells from 1- to 3-week-old dogs gave rise to both myeloid and lymphoid lineages in the periphery. This study demonstrates that canine CD34+ bone marrow cells have similar in vitro and in vivo characteristics as human CD34+ cells. In addition, ontogeny-related functional differences reported for human CD34+ cells appear to exist in the dog as well, suggesting pediatric CD34+ cells may be better targets for gene transfer than adult bone marrow. The demonstration of similarities between canine and human CD34+ cells enhances the dog as a large, preclinical model to evaluate strategies for improving bone marrow transplantation protocols, for gene therapy protocols that target CD34+ cells, and to study the engraftment potential of various cell populations that may contain hematopoietic progenitor cell activity.  相似文献   

A 2-year, 3-month-old Holstein cow presented with anorexia and enlarged superficial lymph nodes. Fine needle aspiration cytology of the superficial lymph nodes revealed large blast cells. Hematological examination revealed anemia, neutropenia, and blast cells in peripheral blood. Blast cells were the predominant cell type in bone marrow aspirates. Of the non-erythroid cells, 26%, 58%, and 18% were positive for myeloperoxidase, α-naphthyl acetate esterase, and naphthol AS-D chloroacetate esterase, respectively. Pathological examination revealed the proliferation of neoplastic cells, which were positive for monocytic markers, in the affected lymph nodes. The cow was diagnosed with acute myelomonocytic leukemia based on these findings. This report highlights the importance of performing bone marrow aspiration cytology and cytochemical staining when diagnosing bovine myeloid leukemia.  相似文献   

Histiocytic disorders of dogs include histiocytoma, localized histiocytic sarcoma (HS), disseminated HS (malignant histocytosis), and the reactive histiocytoses: cutaneous and systemic. A common element to these diseases is proliferation of dendritic cells (DC) of either Langerhans cell (epithelial DC) or interstitial DC lineage. In this report, 17 dogs with hemophagocytic HS are described. Breeds affected included Bernese Mountain Dog (6), Golden Retriever (4), Rottweiler (3), Labrador Retriever (2), a mixed-breed dog, and a Schnauzer, which were from 2.5 to 13 years old. The dogs presented with Coombs negative responsive anemia in 16/17 dogs (94%), thrombocytopenia in 15/17 dogs (88%), hypoalbuminemia in 16/17 dogs (94%), and hypocholesterolemia in 11/16 dogs (69%). All dogs died or were euthanized. The clinical course ranged from 2 to 32 weeks (mean 7.1 weeks). Diffuse splenomegaly with ill-defined masses was consistently present. Microscopic lesions were prevalent in spleen, liver, lung, and bone marrow. Metastasis occurred by insidious intravascular invasion with minimal mass formation. Histiocytes were markedly erythrophagocytic and accompanied by foci of extramedullary hemopoiesis. Cytologically, the histiocytes varied from well differentiated to atypical, with atypia more prevalent in spleen than bone marrow. These tumors arose from splenic red pulp and bone marrow macrophages, which expressed major histocompatibility complex class II and the beta2 integrin, CD11d. They had low and/or inconsistent expression of CD1 and CD11c, which are dominantly expressed by canine nonhemophagocytic HS of DC origin. Canine histiocytic proliferative diseases now encompass proliferation of all members of the myeloid histiocytic lineage: Langerhans cells, interstitial DC, and macrophages.  相似文献   

A case of reticuloendotheliosis in a 7-year-old Gordon Setter is reported. Progressive weakness, debility, and diarrhea with melena were the presenting complaints. Clinical evaluation revealed splenomegaly, severe nonregenerative anemia, thrombocytopenia and leukopenia with many large blast cells in the peripheral blood. Necropsy revealed extensive involvement of bone marrow, spleen, liver, lymph nodes, kidneys, and adrenals. Gastric and duodenal ulcers were also present. The course, clinical findings and cellular characteristics of the case presented, closely resemble those reported in the syndrome of reticuloendotheliosis in cats.  相似文献   

A 2-year-old female shorthair guinea pig was presented to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, University of Wisconsin-Madison, for evaluation of a unilateral corneal opacity of 1 week duration. Physical examination revealed a markedly thickened right cornea and lymphadenopathy of the submandibular and prescapular lymph nodes. Cytology of a lymph node aspirate was highly suggestive of lymphoma. The animal was humanely euthanized. Postmortem examination revealed a disseminated lymphadenopathy involving the submandibular, anterior cervical, prescapular, bronchial, anterior mediastinal, and mesenteric nodes, and hepatomegaly with accentuation of lobular morphology. The right cornea was dark red, dry and dull, and diffusely thickened, and the globe was exophthalmic. Microscopically, pleomorphic neoplastic lymphoblasts were present in the lymph nodes, spleen, liver, lungs, heart, rhinarium, bone marrow, and kidneys. Bilateral infiltration of the eyes by neoplastic lymphoblasts was noted, which was more extensive on the right. The neoplastic cells stained immunohistochemically as T-lymphocytes using antibodies directed against CD3 antigen.  相似文献   

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