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The degree of variation within the species Ochetostoma caudex was determined from 32 specimens collected from the east coast of southern Africa. The shape and distribution of the dermal papillae were uniform in all the specimens. The number of longitudinal muscle bands ranged from 14 to 21 with 16 to 19 being the most common. In most specimens the anal vesicles were almost equal to or slightly longer than the trunk and were covered with numerous, unstalked ciliated funnels. A comparison of O. caudex with related species (O. australiense, O. palense, O. indosinense and O. erythrogrammon) revealed differences which justify the retention of O. caudex as a distinct species. Hence the contention by some authors that O. caudex and O. erythrogrammon are synonymous, appears unjustified. O. griffinl and O. multilineatum may prove to be conspecific with O. caudex. O. kokotoniense and O. stuhlmanni are too poorly known for a detailed comparison  相似文献   

Objective Anecdotal evidence has suggested that guinea pigs have a high prevalence of ocular lesions. Here we undertook a survey of 1000 guinea pigs from populations of animals kept as laboratory animals, breeding show cavies, animals kept as pets and those from rescue and rehoming centers. Each animal was examined to assess for ocular abnormalities. Procedures A full ophthalmic examination was performed on each animal with direct and indirect ophthalmoscopy and with slit lamp biomicroscopy. Measurement of tear production using the Schirmer tear test 1 and intraocular pressure using the Tonopen applanation tonometer after topical anesthesia was undertaken in selected animals. Results Forty‐five percent of animals examined had some ocular abnormality. The majority were lens lesions including 17% with cataract and 21% with subclinical lens abnormalities such as nuclear sclerosis. Other abnormalities included conjunctivitis in 4.7% and keratitis in 3.6%. Lipid deposition in conjunctiva was observed in 2.3% of guinea pigs and ciliary body heterotopic bone formation in 0.8% of animals. Conclusions This study shows a high proportion of eyes with some degree of abnormality in animals otherwise considered healthy. Information on diseases of the guinea pig eye is important given the use of the species as a laboratory rodent and also the number kept as pets and show animals.  相似文献   

《African Zoology》2013,48(2):314-318
The brooding sea anemone Sagartia ornata is reported from South Africa for the first time and is redescribed. The species is abundant intertidally in Langebaan Lagoon, where it attaches to stones shal lowly buried in sediment. It is probably a recent intro duction from Europe.  相似文献   

《African Zoology》2013,48(2):290-293
Notes on the synonymy of Hexapodibius beasleyi Maucci, 1988, with Haplohexapodibius seductor Pilato & Beasley 1987, are given. Ha. seductor Pilato & Beasley, 1987, is a new record for the African tardigrade fauna.  相似文献   

2012年5月21日,在中国珠穆朗玛峰地区吉隆沟发现1只雌性棕额啄木鸟(Dendrocopos auriceps)。发现地点的地理坐标为28°19′25.03″N,85°20′29.70″E,海拔为2150m。并于2012年8月8日发现1只雄性个体,地理坐标为28°20′02.49″N,85°20′46.30″E,海拔为2197m。其栖息生境为干燥的山地暖温带针阔叶混交林。  相似文献   

Cylicospirura (Cylicospirura) felineus (Chandler, 1925) Sandground, 1933 is reported from a cat in South Africa for the first time. The nematode was present in a gastric parasitic nodule in a male domestic cat, and three males were recovered as well as the anterior parts of three and the posterior parts of two gravid females. The heads of two specimens of undetermined sex were also found. Part of the removed parasitic nodule was processed for histopathological examination. The parasitic nodule was located in the submucosa and slightly expanded into the muscular layer. In its centre were small necrotic areas containing debris of inflammatory cells, adult nematodes and numerous bacterial colonies. Neutrophils, eosinophils, plasma cells and lymphocytes, as well as fibroblasts, were the predominant cell types. The serosal surface of the stomach remained unaffected. Some comparative morphological as well as ecological data concerning Cylicospirura (Cylicospirura) Vevers, 1922 in other feline hosts, mainly from Australia, India and North America, are included.  相似文献   

《African Zoology》2013,48(2):210-214
Since 1990, diploid Bulinus sp. populations have been reported from many sites in the volcanic western Bamileke and Bamoun plateau in Cameroon; starch gel electrophoresis of enzymes and chromosome analyses have revealed a single band in hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase (HBDH), isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH), and a diploid chromosome number of 2n = 36. Several samples have been tentatively identified as B. natalensis (Küster, 1841) on the basis of observations on the shell and radula. The present study is a preliminary analysis of the characteristics of the shell and the radula of the snails from Nchout Monoun Crater Lake (Monoun Koumogoum) for adequate comparisons with the widely studied B. natalensis/tropicus complex from East and South Africa. Comparison of the ratio of shell length to aperture length (L/AL), plotted against shell length (L) in a scatter diagram, showed a 47% overlap between the dimensions of the Nchout Monoun sample and those from KwaZulu-Natal. From previous observations on the diploid chromosome number, single electrophoretic bands on HBDH and IDH enzyme systems, euphallic genital system, arrowhead-shaped mesocones and the characteristic features of the shell, we conclude that Bulinus sp. from Nchout Monoun is closely related to B. natalensis.  相似文献   

《African Zoology》2013,48(1):126-128
A new spider species from Zambia belonging to the poorly-known genus Asemonea, is described. It appears to be related to Asemonea maculata from the Ivory Coast.  相似文献   

A new dendrochirotid holothuroid, Neocucumis kilbumi, is described from waters 50 meters deep, off the southern coast of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. It appears quite close to N. watasei (Ohshima) and N. sordidatus (Sluiter), both from the West Pacific and to N. atlanticus (Ludwig & Heding) from the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. It differs from the former in the nature of the calcareous ring and the disc and the spire of the body wall tables, from N. sordidatus in the completeness of its deposits and the number of polian vesicles and from N. atlanticus in the presence of handles to the quadrilocular table discs. The new species increases to ten the number of species now classified in the genus Neocucumis. A key to all the species is included.  相似文献   

Two introduced beachfleas, Orchestia gammarellus and Platorchestia platensis, have been recorded from South Africa, but have been misidentified by some earlier researchers and, prior to this study, each was also known from just a few, scattered observations, such that their true distributions remained obscure. We illustrate both species to clarify the features that identify and distinguish them and determine their true distributions by re-examining historical samples and by collecting new material from estuaries and lagoons along the west and south coasts of South Africa. Adult males of O. gammarellus have slender antennae and characteristic expanded, flattened, oar-like distal segments on pereopod 7. Adult males of P. platensis have the peduncle of antenna 2 strongly swollen and have bulbous, but not flattened, distal segments on pereopod 7. Both species occur under wrack and other debris along the banks of estuaries and sheltered lagoons. Orchestia gammarellus is found only along the south-west coast, in the Berg River Estuary, Langebaan Lagoon and the Diep River Estuary. Previous records from Knysna were misidentifications of P. platensis. Platorchestia platensis is found at one west coast site, Langebaan Lagoon, but is widely distributed from Cape Point eastwards to at least Algoa Bay. Both species share the same habitats as several other native beachfleas and competitive interactions between native and introduced species merit investigation.  相似文献   

The larval development ol the southern African endemic clupeid Gilchristella aestuaria is described and illustrated from specimens collected in the Swartvlei and Sundays estuarine systems of the Cape Province. Free embryos have no visible gut, unpigmented eyes and bodies, and are dependent on the yolk sac contents for nutrition. This stage lasts until about 4 mm body length (BL) when the eyes become pigmented and a gut becomes visible. Between 4 mm and 7 mm BL melanophores on the ventral aspect of the body form, and the dorsal and caudal lin anlagen develop. Between 7 mm and 8 mm BL the swimbladder lorms, flexion occurs and the anal fin anlage develops. By the 10 mm BL stage most of the skeletal elements have begun to differentiate, with the vertebral centra already showing signs of ossification. General ossification commences between 12 mm and 13 mm BL. All unpaired fins have the adult complement of rays by 15 mm BL. Scalation starts between 16 mm and 17 mm BL and is complete by 20 mm BL. Body depth increases gradually, from about 5% of BL in the early larval stages to >14% of BL in the juveniles. The pre-anal length decreases from about 87% of BL in the larvae to approximately 69% of BL in the juveniles. Head length increases from approximately 11% of BL in the larvae to 24-29% of BL in the juveniles. The larval snoui is initially 2% of BL, increasing to 7% of BL in the juvenile stages owing to the development of jaw elements.  相似文献   

A new species of Chonopeltis (Crustacea: Branchiura) is described from material collected from the gill chamber of the snake catfish Ciarias theodorae from the Mogalakwena River, a tributary of the Limpopo River in northern Transvaal.  相似文献   

Rhinoceros populations in Africa are under severe threat as a result of surging poaching rates and risk-mitigation strategies are continuously adapted in an attempt to ensure the survival of the species. This study compared faecal glucocorticoid metabolite (fGCM) levels of two age classes of limited free-ranging female white rhinos with fGCM levels of adult free-ranging female white rhinos. Subsequently, fGCM alterations in the limited free-ranging animals were monitored following routine dehorning as a measure of the animals’ short-term physiological stress response. Baseline fGCM levels differed significantly between tested groups, with both free-ranging and limited free-ranging adult animals showing significantly higher fGCM levels compared with limited free-ranging juvenile females. In contrast, baseline fGCM levels did not differ significantly between limited free-ranging and free-ranging adult individuals. Routine dehorning procedures resulted in a short-term stress response expressed by a significant increase in fGCM levels 48 h post-dehorning, with stress steroid levels returning to pre-dehorning concentrations 72 h after the procedure.  相似文献   

The value of the dung of game animals as a larval habitat for Culicoides species was briefly investigated in 1973/74 in the Kruger National Park, Transvaal, Republic of South Africa. A total of 4 species in the subgenus Avaritia was reared, 3 from elephant dung, 2 from zebra dung and 1 from the dung of buffalo. These early studies have recently led to more intensive rearing and a better understanding of the systematics of this subgenus in the Afrotropical region.  相似文献   

《African Zoology》2013,48(1):64-71
Polystoma channingi is described as a new species of polystomatid flatworm (Monogenea) parasitic in the urinary bladder of Cacosternum nanum in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. In a locality where C. nanum and C. boettgeri occur sympatrically the parasite has been found in both species. This finding of a Polystoma sp. in two closely related host species questions the strict host-specificity generally ascribed to the genus, but supports the hypothesis that host-specificity is determined by the oncomiracidium's ability to recognize the tadpole as a suitable host. This is the first polystome to be described from the genus Cacosternum and the ninth species of Polystoma from South Africa. The species is distinguished by its huge haptor and suckers relative to the body size. The haptor length/body length ratio of 0.38 is by far the largest for the known southern African polystomes. The prevalence of infection with P. channingi n.sp. was 25% for C. nanum and 40% for C. boettgeri, while the mean intensity of infections in adult frogs was 1.5 for C. boettgeri and 1.0 for C. nanum.  相似文献   

《African Zoology》2013,48(3):107-111
Enteromius mattozi Guimaraes, 1884, a popular eating fish among local people, were examined for monogenean parasites as part of a larger study to ascertain the feasibility of establishing aquaculture production in Limpopo, South Africa. In this study a new monogenean parasite of the genus Dactylogyrus was collected from the gills of E. mattozi, and described. It differs from known species of this group in the shape, size and structure of the heavily sclerotized vaginal prop. The proximal end of the vaginal prop has three layers similar to stacked funnels of decreasing sizes leading into a tube. The male copulatory organ is also much larger and robust than those of related species. The name Dactylogyrus mattozii is proposed for this new species.  相似文献   

A new species of Lipoptena Nitzsch, 1818 was found on springbok Antidorcas marsupialis Zimmerman, 1780 in the Cape Province and the Orange Free State, South Africa. The flies, for which the name Lipoptena annalizeae is proposed, can be differentiated from the closely related Lipoptena sepiacea Speiser, 1905 on size, palps, chaetotaxy, pulvilli, and the shape of the posterior genital plates of the males. The morphology of the puparium of the new species is also described and compared with that of the puparia of Lipoptena paradoxa Newstead, 1907 and Lipoptena binocula (Speiser, 1908). A revised key to the southern African species and a summary of host records and distributional information is also presented.  相似文献   

African swine fever virus (ASFV) causes a lethal and contagious disease of domestic pigs. In South Africa, the virus historically circulated in warthogs and ornithodorid ticks that were only found in warthog burrows in the north of the country. Regulations implemented in 1935 to prevent transfer of infected animals or products to the south initially proved effective but from 2016 there have been outbreaks of disease in the south that cannot be traced to transfer of infection from the north. From 1963 there were widespread translocations of warthogs to the south, initially from a source considered to be free of ornithodorid ticks. We undertook to determine whether sylvatic circulation of ASFV occurs in the south, including identification of potential new vectors, through testing extralimital warthogs for antibody and ticks for virus. Results of testing warthogs for antibody and other species of ticks for virus will be presented separately. Here we report finding Ornithodoros (Pavlovskyella) zumpti ticks in warthog burrows for the first time. This occurred in the Eastern Cape Province (ECP) in 2019. Since African swine fever was recognised in the ECP for the first time in 2020 and outbreaks of the disease in domestic pigs continue to occur there, priority should be given to determining the distribution range and vector potential of O. (P.) zumpti for ASFV.  相似文献   

Introduction Hume’s Pheasant (Syrmaticus humiae), including two subspecies, is distributed in northeastern India, Myanmar, northern Thailand and southwestern China (Collar et al., 2001). In China its distribution has been assumed to be restricted to Yunnan and northwestern Guangxi (Mackinnon et al., 2000; Zheng, 2011).  相似文献   

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