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《African Zoology》2013,48(2):294-296
This study presents results from stomach content analysis of 123 largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides, sampled at the mouth of the fishway leading into a 3 m high weir at the tidal limit of the Kowie River, Eastern Cape Province (33°32‘39“S, 26°46‘ 52.3“E). Stomach contents from small (120–240 mm fork length, FL) and large (250–440mm FL) fish were analysed separately. Fish were the dominant prey item in small bass, followed by terrestrial insects and Potamonautes sp. In large bass, Potamonautes sp. dominated the stomach contents, while fish were less dominant and other prey items were considered incidental. Estuarine fish species, Monodactylus falciformis, and two species of the family Mugilidae, Mugil cephalus and Myxus capensis, were the most common fish prey in both size classes of M. salmoides. These results are the first evidence of the alien M. salmoides preying on these three indigenous estuarine species during their migration into fresh water.  相似文献   

《African Zoology》2013,48(2):358-362
The suitability of scales for ageing Micropterus salmoides was determined by comparing the precision of growth zone counts on scales with those obtained from sectioned sagittal otoliths from a sample of 496 fish collected from Wriggleswade and Mankazana Impoundments in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. Otoliths (1.4% rejected) were more readable than scales (41.7% and 7.5% rejected) for Wriggleswade and Mankazana Impoundments respectively. Otolith readings were more precise (average percentage error (APE) = 13.6%; coefficient of variation (CV) = 15.8%) than scales (APE = 18.0%; CV = 21.9%) for the total sample. Growth zone counts between structures were not symmetrically distributed around the agreed ages (otolith age = scale age) of the fish from Wriggleswade Impoundment (Bowker’s test H2: χ2 = 136, d.f. = 27, P < 0.05) and graphical comparison showed that scales tended to underestimate age, particularly for fish older than five years. Scales are therefore not suitable structures for ageing South African M. salmoides which may attain ages of up to 13 years.  相似文献   

The study was carried out to evaluate the pharmacokinetic disposition of enrofloxacin (ENF) with a single dose of 20 mg/kg after oral administration in largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) at 28°C. The concentrations of ENF and of its metabolite ciprofloxacin (CIP) in plasma, liver, and muscle plus skin in natural proportions were determined using HPLC. The concentration–time data for ENF in plasma were best described by a two-compartment open model. After oral administration, the maximum ENF concentration (Cmax) of 10.99 μg/ml was obtained at 0.60 hr. The absorption half-life (T1/2Ka) of ENF was calculated to be 0.07 hr whereas the elimination half-life (T1/2β) of the drug was 90.79 hr. The estimates of area under the plasma concentration–time curve (AUC) and apparent volume of distribution (Vd/F) were 1,185.73 μg hr/ml and 2.21 L/kg, respectively. ENF residues were slowly depleted from the liver and muscle plus skin of largemouth bass with the T1/2β of 124.73 and 115.14 hr, respectively. Very low levels of ciprofloxacin were detected in the plasma and tissues. A withdrawal time of 24 days was necessary to ensure that the residues of ENF + CIP in muscle plus skin were less than the maximal residue limit (MRL) of 100 μg/kg established by the European Union.  相似文献   

《African Zoology》2013,48(1):179-184
The Wilderness Lakes System incorporates a RAMSAR listed wetland. Previous ichthyological surveys reported three invasive freshwater fishes; Oreochromis mossambicus (Mozambique tilapia), Gambusia affinis (mosquitofish) and Micropterus salmoides (largemouth bass) from this system. To assess the status of these alien fishes, the fish assemblages in the lakes system were sampled with seine nets and fyke nets in 2009 and 2010. A total of 87 893 fish comprising 16 species were caught. In addition to confirming the persistence of O. mossambicus and G. affinis in the system, the current study also reports the presence of a new invader, Cyprinus carpio (common carp). M. salmoides were absent from 2009 and 2010 samples.  相似文献   

Ingestion of man-made items by birds can reduce stomach volume and block the digestive track. In southern Africa, microtrash within the regurgitation of Cape Vulture nestlings was last documented in 1983. We present evidence of nestling microtrash ingestion after a 30-year gap. Vulture nestlings were captured at a breeding colony in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. One nestling regurgitated three microtrash fragments. Two pieces of microtrash were collected from the nest of another nestling. Neither nestling appeared to have skeletal deformities or feather stress bars. Our results highlight the persistence of microtrash ingestion by Cape Vulture nestlings, which could impact the species negatively.  相似文献   

《African Zoology》2013,48(3):259-262
This paper provides evidence for the extralimital establishment and spread of Pseudocrenilabrus philander in the Baakens River, Eastern Cape, South Africa. Since the first occurrence record at a single locality in 1994 this species has now spread throughout the river and the population contains both reproductive adults and juveniles. Gut content analysis demonstrated potential dietary overlap with native fishes and predation on fish larvae. Pseudocrenilabrus philander in the Baakens River therefore satisfies all criteria for an invasive species in this river and was categorised as invasive using a unified framework for biological invasions.  相似文献   

The length/frequency distribution, length/mass relationship, seasonal occurrence, growth and diet of Sparodon durbanensis from tidal pools in the Eastern Cape was investigated over a two-year period. The fish were predominantly small (mean length of 53 mm TL) with the smallest specimens being found in summer. Juveniles were found to be omnivorous, consuming algae, crustaceans and polychaetes, although, with the acquisition of adult dentition (ie. crushing molars), hard-shelled molluscs became important in the diet.  相似文献   

The prevalence and geographic distribution of the fowl tampan, Argas walkerae Kaiser & Hoogstraal, 1969 was determined in the eastern region of the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa by inspecting two fowl houses in the vicinity of each of 72 randomly selected communal cattle dip-tanks. Tampans were collected from 102 (70.8%) of the 144 fowl houses in the neighbourhood of 57 (79.2%) of the 72 selected dip-tanks, and the localities of the collections were mapped. Argas walkerae was present in fowl houses from the warm coastal regions of the Indian Ocean in the south to the cold and mountainous Drakensberg in the north-east of the Province. Taking into account the probable sensitivity of the sampling method, it is estimated that A. walkerae is likely to be present in fowl houses belonging to between 74 and 84% of communities making use of cattle dip-tanks in the eastern region of the Eastern Cape Province, and that when it is present, between 64 and 75% of fowl houses will be infested. The geographic distribution of A. walkerae seemed to be more strongly associated with the presence of fowls and fowl houses containing raw or processed wood in their structure than with climate.  相似文献   

The pork tapeworm, Taenia solium, causative organism of porcine cysticercosis and human neurocysticercosis is known to occur in areas of South Africa including Eastern Cape Province but, despite increasing reports of its occurrence throughout the subregion, the prevalence is yet to be clearly established. The parasite presents a potentially serious agricultural problem and public health risk in endemic areas. The human populations considered to be at highest risk of infection with this zoonotic helminth are people living in rural areas most of whom earn their livelihood wholly or partially through livestock rearing. Here we report on initial results of a community-based study of pigs owned by resource-poor, emerging pig producers from 21 villages in the Eastern Cape Province. Lingual examination (tongue palpation) in live pigs, two enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs), which detect parasite antigen (B158/B60 Ag-ELISA and HP10 Ag-ELISA) and an enzyme immunotransfer blot (EITB) assay, which detects antiparasite antibody, were used to verify endemicity and estimate apparent prevalence. In the absence of a gold standard true prevalence was obtained, using a Bayesian approach, with a model that uses both available data and prior information. Results indicate that the parasite is indeed present in the study villages and that true prevalence was 64.6%. The apparent prevalences as measured by each of the four tests were: 11.9% for lingual examination, 54.8% for B158/B60 Ag-ELISA, 40.6% for HP10 Ag-ELISA and 33.3% for EITB. This base-line knowledge of the prevalence of T. solium in pigs provides information essential to the design and monitoring of sustainable and appropriate interventions for cysticercosis prevention and control.  相似文献   

A survey to document tick control methods used by resource-limited farmers in the control of cattle ticks in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa was conducted by interviewing 59 cattle farmers using structured questionnaires and general conversation. Information collected was on external parasites of cattle, their effects and their control methods. Ticks were reported to be a major problem causing diseases like anaplasmosis (89.8%), babesiosis (55.9%) and ehrlichiosis (16.9%), as well as wounds that predispose to screwworm infestation, tick worry and teat damage to cows troubling farmers in their farming enterprises. The main tick control methods were; acaricides provided by government, however 94.9% of the farmers interviewed were of the opinion that the dip wash is not effective in killing the ticks. As a result, farmers complement the government dipping service with their own initiatives like spraying with conventional acaricides (22%), household disinfectants such as Jeyes fluid (18.6%), used engine oil (10.2%), chickens (5.1%), manual removal (5.1%), and pouricides (1.7%). In addition, some farmers also use plants (6.8%), mainly the leaf of Aloe ferox and the bark of Ptaeroxylon obliquum. The study revealed ticks to be a major problem in the study area.  相似文献   

《African Zoology》2013,48(2):239-245
The effects of timing, frequency and duration of mouth opening and marine overwash events on fish assemblages in two, adjacent temporarily open/closed estuaries were investigated. Sampling was conducted biannually over two years during summer and winter, using selective sampling gear to target estuarine-associated marine species. During this period the East Kleinemonde Estuary opened more frequently than the West Kleinemonde Estuary and it also experienced a greater number of bar overwash events when larval recruitment can occur. The timing of mouth opening and the frequency of marine overwash events did not influence species richness of marine-spawning species but had a pronounced effect on abundances (catch-per-unit-effort) of species. The species composition of both estuaries was similar, but the catch-per-unit-effort in the East Kleinemonde Estuary was more than three times greater than that of the West Kleinemonde Estuary. The East Kleinemonde also supported a greater proportion of immature individuals of Rhabdosargus holubi and Monodactylus falciformis, and the length frequency distributions of both these species differed significantly between the two estuaries. The larger fish sizes in the West Kleinemonde Estuary were attributed to the prolonged mouth closure that resulted in the trapping of larger juveniles and mature fish within the estuary.  相似文献   

Pentzia incana is one of the most important of all natural pasture plants in the dry interior (Karoo) region of South Africa. This highly aromatic shrub is thought to be responsible for the distinctive flavour of Karoo lamb (a registered geographical indication), yet the essential oil is here characterised for the first time. Leafy twigs are traditionally chewed for relief of stomach ache. Essential oil is associated with numerous small, multicellu- lar glands. Gas chromatography and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis of 17 essential oil samples from five populations showed considerable variation in both yield (0.12% to 0.88% dry weight) and composition. Of interest was the presence of one major biosynthetic group comprising yomogi alcohol (to 38.9%), artemisia alcohol (to 26.1%), artemisia ketone (to 35.0%) and artemisyl acetate (to 9.4%). High levels of fragranol (26.9%) and fragranyl acetate (27.1%) were observed only in a single specimen. Other main compounds were 1,8-cineole (to 16.7%), santolina alcohol (to 11.3%), camphor (to 47.9%), linalyl acetate (to 17.4%) and bicyclogermacrene (to 11.8%). Six of the 10 major compounds were isolated and their identities confirmed by nuclear magnetic resonance. The volatile compounds may possibly be linked to the medicinal use of P. incana, as well as the flavour profile of Karoo lamb.  相似文献   

Two freshwater shrimps, Caridina nilotica (Roux) and Macrobrachium petersi (Hilgendorf), were collected in the Gamtoos River in the eastern Cape, representing a southwestern range extension for both. This is the first known record of these species west of Port Elizabeth, and also the first record of an overlap of their distribution ranges with that of the Cape river shrimp, Palaemon capensis (de Man).  相似文献   

《African Zoology》2013,48(2):204-215
Although savanna is one of the most important biomes in southern Africa, it is, apart from the botanical component, one of the least studied. This study aimed to document the distribution patterns, richness and diversity of selected ground-dwelling, flightless arthropods (millipedes, centipedes and scorpions) within savanna habitats to improve invertebrate conservation planning. Five habitat types (white sand bushveld, brown sand bushveld, general mixed bushveld, rocky outcrops and mopane woodland) within the Greater Makalali Conservancy, Limpopo Province, South Africa, were studied using four successful sampling methods (active searching of two types of quadrats, pitfall traps and drive transects) during three sampling periods between February 1999 and March 2000. Millipedes were consistently the most species rich and abundant taxon. Species were not uniformly distributed across all habitat types; some species were unique to certain habitats. Generally, the more heterogeneous habitats supported the greatest millipede, centipede and scorpion diversity, richness and density, and in the case of the millipedes contained the highest number of regional endemics and habitat specialists. There was no significant difference in scorpion diversity among habitats.  相似文献   

Understanding the determinants of ranging patterns in species susceptible to habitat fragmentation is fundamental for assessing their long‐term adaptability to an increasingly human‐dominated landscape. The aim of this study was to determine and compare the influence of ground‐based food availability, remotely sensed plant productivity, and indigenous forest use on the ranging patterns of the endangered samango monkey (Cercopithecus albogularis schwarzi). We collected monthly ranging data on two habituated samango monkey groups, from February 2012 to December 2016, from our field site in the Soutpansberg Mountains, South Africa. We used linear mixed models to explore how food availability, plant productivity, and indigenous forest use influenced monthly ranging patterns, while controlling for group size, number of sample days and day length. We found that as more areas of high plant productivity (derived from remotely sensed EVI) were incorporated into the ranging area, both total and core monthly ranging areas decreased. In addition, both total ranging area and mean monthly daily path length decreased as more indigenous forest was incorporated into the ranging area. However, we found no effect of either ground‐based food availability or remotely sensed plant productivity on ranging patterns. Our findings demonstrate the behavioral flexibility in samango monkey ranging, as samangos can utilize matrix habitat during periods of low productivity but are ultimately dependent on access to indigenous forest patches. In addition, we highlight the potential of using remotely sensed areas of high plant productivity to predict ranging patterns in a small ranging, forest‐dwelling guenon, over ground‐based estimates of food availability.  相似文献   

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