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Study on Genetic Diversity among Soybean in Heilongjiang Province   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Genetic characters of 10 soybean breeds in Heilongjiang Province were studied using RAPD technique. We calculated the genetic similarity and genetic distance, made the cluster analysis, and also studied the genetic relationship among the 10 breeds. We found 93 amplification segments by RAPD analysis, in which there were 70 polymorphism segments, 75.26% of amplification segments, using 13 random primers, 11, 12, 5, 4, 7, 8, 3, 7, 2, 5, 10, 10, 9 amplificated bands were found. There were 7.15 bands per primer in average. The genetic similarity among the breeds ranged from 0.6848 to 0.9019, and the genetic distance ranged from 0.0981 to 0.3152. Genetic relationship between 90035 and 9674 was the closest, and between Heifeng 27 and 90035 was the farthest. Protein analysis revealed that the closest genetic relationship was between 90035 and 90024, and the farthest was between 1330 and Sui 4, and between 1330 and Heinong 39.  相似文献   

Plant pathogenic fungi produce mycotoxins which may lead host plants to produce disease symptoms and may have a significant positive role in the course of disease development. The putative Phytophthora infestans toxins were prepared by culturing in liquid medium (60 g rye and 10% tomato juice L-1) for 1 mon at 17℃, filtering through four layers of cheesecloth and being precipitated by ammonium sulfate. The resulted putative toxin solutions were used to study the effects on 3 potato varieties (both leaf and tuber tissues). The results show that potato leaves and tubers exhibit symptoms similar to the late blight resulted from P. infestans infection. Potato varieties reacting differentially to both the toxin dilutions and toxins produced by different P. infestans isolates suggested the presence of toxin-mediated specificities between potato and P. infestans. Potato leaf and tuber tissues have different and contrary reactions to the toxin. Toxin-mediated specificities are likely present between potato and P. infestans.  相似文献   

Soybean mosaic virus (SMV) could lead to adult-plant system diseases, and cause mottling of soybean seeds. Genetic analysis and molecular mapping were conducted using an F2 population and derived F3 families from two crosses of Dongnong 3C624 (susceptible)x Dongnong 8143 (resistant) and Dongnong 3C628 (susceptible)× Tie 6915 (resistant). Simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers with bulked segregation analysis (BSA) were used to conduct genetic mapping of the resistance to SMV1 in the segregating populations. The results indicated that resistance to SMV1 in adultplants and the resistance to seed coat mottling in Dongnong 8143 and Tie 6915 was separately controlled by one single dominant gene. The two dominant genes were identified to be linked on the MLG F by Mendel's genetics and SSR genetic mapping. The order and distance of markers DPRSMV1 and DSRSMV1 were Sat 229-6.9 cM-DSRSMV1-4.6 cM-Sat_317-3.6 cM-DPRSMV1-5.2 cM-Satt335. The order and distance of markers TPRSMV1 and TSRSMV1 was Satt160-16.1 cM-TPRSMV1-7.3 cM-Satt516-2.0 cM-TSRSMV1-4.5 cM-Sat_133. This research provides the useful information for breeders to select the two types of SMV resistance simultaneously in soybean breeding through molecular marker-assisted selection (MAS).  相似文献   

Cucumber powdery mildew is one of the most destructive diseases of cucumber throughout the world. In the present study, inheritance of powdery mildew resistance in three crosses, and linkage of resistance with amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers are studied to formulate efficient strategies for breeding cultivars resistant to powdery mildew. The joint analysis of multiple generations and AFLP technique has been applied in this study. The best model is the one with two major genes, additive, dominant, and epistatic effects, plus polygenes with additive, dominant, and epistatic effects (E-l-0 model). The heritabilities of the major genes varied from 64.26% to 97.82%, and susceptibility was incompletely dominant for the two major genes in the three crosses studied. The additive effects of the two major genes and the dominant effect of the second major gene were high, and the epistatic effect of the additive-dominant between the two major genes was the highest in cross I . In cross II, the absolute value of the additive effect, dominant effect, and potential ratio of the first major gene were far higher than those of the second major gene, and the epistatic effect of the additive-additive was the highest. The genetic parameters of the two major genes in cross III were similar to those in cross II. Correlation and regression analyses showed that marker E25/M63-103 was linked to a susceptible gene controlling powdery mildew resistance. The marker could account for 19.98% of the phenotypic variation. When the marker was tested on a diverse set of 29 cucumber lines, the correlation between phenotype and genotype was not significant, which suggested cultivar specialty of gene expression or different methods of resistance to powdery mildew. The target DNA fragment was 103 bp in length, and only a small part was found to be homologous to DNA in the other species evaluated, which indicated that it was unique to the cucumber genome.  相似文献   

讨论了桃树-茶树生态系统气修特征及其对林下劳动者的人体舒适度和劳动效率的影响,于1993年夏季晴天在浙江省临安市的桃-茶间作园和纯茶园(对照)进行小气候测定,用小气候资料计算在2个试验茶园中采茶工人的人体舒适度,并分别测算劳动效率,结果表明,与对照茶园比较,桃茶生态系统内的光照度和温度及风速减小,空气湿度增加,这为盛夏晴天在野外劳动的工人改善了小气候环境,减小适指数和一天中人体感到不舒适的时间,提高了人体舒适度,由于工人在较为舒适的环境中劳动,因而劳动效率可提高20%-30%。  相似文献   

In order to reduce the driving fatigue in sowing work, this paper based on heart rate (HR) as the main indicator to survey, tested and analyzed the fatigue condition of the drivers of three imported tractors and one domestic tractor in sowing work. The results showed that when driving the imported tractors in sowing work, the HR increasing rate was 10.4%-14.3%, labor intensity belonged to the light level; when driving domestic tractor in sowing work, the HR increasing rate was 23.4%-33.0%, it was remarkably bigger than that of driving imported tractors (P〈0.05), labor intensity belonged to the middle level. The main effects on driving fatigue included the control methods, tractors' cab environment, processing time, operating content, and so on. Finally, we proposed the concrete measures and suggestions to reduce driving fatigue and improve drivers' work condition.  相似文献   

In order to reduce the driving fatigue in sowing work, this paper based on heart rate (HR) as the main indicator to survey, tested and analyzed the fatigue condition of the drivers of three imported tractors and one domestic tractor in sowing work. The results showed that when driving the imported tractors in sowing work, the HR increasing rate was 10.4%-14.3%, labor intensity belonged to the light level;when driving domestic tractor in sowing work, the HR increasing rate was 23.4%-33.0%, it was remarkably bigger than that of driving imported tractors (P<0.05), labor intensity belonged to the middle level. The main effects on driving fatigue included the control methods, tractors' cab environment, processing time, operating content, and so on. Finally, we proposed the concrete measures and suggestions to reduce driving fatigue and improve drivers' work condition.  相似文献   

There are three ecotypes of soybean cultivar in Hunan Province: spring soybean, summer soybean and autumn soybean. Spring soybean has become the leading cultivar used in soybean's commercial production in Hunan these 30-40 years along with the growing improvement of the double-cropping of rice in the province which has reduced the area of the summer and autumn soybean gradually. Soybean produced in the province is almost consumed as processed food.  相似文献   

Brachytic stem is a major trait in plant type .of soybean and its yield potential may be higher under high population when compared with normal stem. In the present investigation, 152 recombinant inbred line (RIL) families derived from the cross of Bogao (normal stem) and Nannong 94-156 (brachytic stem) were used to map genes and QTLs of three plant type traits and to identify the effects of brachytic stem on agronomic traits such as yield. The primary results indicated that brachytic stem (sb) and determinate growth habit (drl) were mapped on linkage groups B2 and L, three major QTLs related to plant height were detected and mapped on linkage group L near drl, another minor QTL was mapped near sb on linkage group B2-1. Lines with brachytic stem had shorter plant height, lower biomass, yield, harvest index and pods per plant, and essentially no differences in days to maturity and 100-seed weight when compared with normal stem lines. It was obvious that the effect of brachytic stem on yield was due to the decreased height, biomass and harvest index.  相似文献   

大豆对灰斑病菌毒素的抗性及抗性遗传研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 大豆灰斑病毒素是从大豆灰斑病菌 (CerosporasojinaHara)中提取出的一种能使大豆植株产生毒害的物质。由于不同大豆品种对毒素的抗性反应存在一定的差异 ,本文利用大豆灰斑病 10个生理小种和 5 0个大豆品种及抗感杂交组合的F2 代 ,结合田间接种鉴定的结果 ,研究大豆对灰斑病毒素的抗性反应及抗性的遗传规律。结果表明 ,大豆灰斑病毒素鉴定与田间人工接种鉴定的基本符合率为 6 2 .37%,供试组合对大豆灰斑病 7号生理小种毒素的抗性受到 1对显性单基因的控制。毒素鉴定具有不受生育期、环境条件限制 ,可重复性强的特点 ,是大豆灰斑病抗性鉴定的一种有效的辅助手段。  相似文献   

扫描电镜和透射电镜对大豆抗病及感病品种的接种叶片的观察表明 ,灰斑病菌在感病品种叶表面萌发时分枝形式较多、侵入的形式和机会也较多 ,且一个菌丝可以以分枝形式连续扩展到多个细胞 ,伴随有高电子密度结的存在 ;而抗病品种抵抗病菌萌发、侵入及扩展的能力都比感病品种强 ,主要表现为病菌在抗病品种上分枝、扩展受到抑制 ,一个菌丝最多可以侵染两个细胞。  相似文献   

在大豆生长的不同时期,采用不同的杀菌剂,对药剂防治大豆灰斑病的效果与效益进行了研究。结果表明药剂防治大豆灰斑病的关键时期是在大豆开花到结荚和鼓粒初期,过迟施药防病效果下降。用YPB=Y(1-YPSi)×(1 YPTj)×(1 YPKl)模型可预测产量总防效;用SPB=Y′(1-SPSi)×(1 SPTj)×(1 SPKl)模型可预测病粒率总防效;用PEB=YPM×(1 YPB)×PWn-YPM×PW′n模型可预测药剂防治总效益。模型经在八五五农场大面积运行,获得很好的经济效益。  相似文献   

将大豆灰斑病菌 (CercosporasojinaHara)在豆秸、豆荚、豆粒、豆粉、半综合、PDA、V8蔬菜汁 7种培养基上培养 ,测定了不同培养基对菌落生长速度和产孢量的影响。结果表明 ,豆粒、半综合、PDA、V8蔬菜汁培养基上的菌落生长速度比其他 3种快 ,每天平均生长 4 5 6 0~5 0 96mm2 ,但产孢量有很大差异。PDA和豆粒培养基产孢很少 ,平均每视野 2 4~ 4 2个 ,而半综合与V8蔬菜汁培养基的产孢量较大 ,为 2 8 4~ 30 2个。进一步对产孢量大的 2种培养基从原料成本和操作程序上比较 ,V8蔬菜汁比半综合培养基成本低 ,而且操作也很简便  相似文献   

戴长春  赵奎军  迟德富  商璐 《安徽农业科学》2014,(17):5475-5476,5505
[目的]明确供试大豆品种对大豆蚜(Aphis glycines Matsmura)的抗性。[方法]6月中旬大豆蚜在大豆田出现后开始调查,至9月初大豆蚜消失止,每5d调查一次有蚜株率、大豆蚜种群数量、年龄结构和天敌昆虫数量,并进行蚜害指数统计。[结果]nf58、hobbit和冀豆17均具有一定抗蚜性,其中以冀豆17的抗蚜性最优。品种早5241经过多种筛选,未发现其具有抗蚜性,并且与对照品种黑农51相比更感虫。[结论]冀豆17具有较好的抗蚜性,为品种自身抗性,但属非高抗品种。  相似文献   

 利用高抗东北 SMV3号株系的大豆品系 95 - 5 383与 4个感病品种 (系 ) HB1、铁丰 2 1、Am soy、William s和抗病品种 PI486 35 5配制 5个杂交组合 ,对各组合的 F1 、F2 代接种 SMV鉴定抗性。结果表明 ,95 - 5 383与各感病品种杂交组合的 F1 代表现为感病 ,F2 群体分离比例为 3感 (花叶 +顶枯 )∶ 1抗 ,表明 95 - 5 383对 SMV3号株系的抗性受一对隐性基因控制。 95 - 5 383× PI486 35 5的 F2 代接种后有感病植株分离 ,表明二者对 SMV3的抗性基因不等位。利用BSA法对 95 - 5 383× HB1的 F2 代进行鉴定 ,筛选出 RAPD引物 OPN11在 95 - 5 383和抗池扩增出 OPN11980 片段 ,在HB1和感池扩增出 OPN111 0 70 片段 ,在 F1 同时扩增出 OPN11980 和 OPN111 0 70 。用该引物分析 95 - 5 383× HB1的 F2 个体 ,共显性的 RAPD标记 OPN11980 /1 0 70 与 95 - 5 383抗病基因的遗传距离为 2 .1c M。  相似文献   

One SMV resistant soybean line (95-5383) was crossed with four susceptible soybean varieties/line ( HB1, Tiefeng21, Amsoy, Williams) and one resistant introduced line PI486355. Their F1 and F2individuals were identified for SMV resistance by inoculation with SMV3. The results showed that in the four crosses of resistant × susceptible, F1 were susceptible and the ratio of F2 populations was 1 resistant : 3susceptible (mosaic and necrosis), indicating that 95-5383 carries one recessive gene that confer resistance to SMV3. There is segregation of susceptibility in F2 progenies from the cross of 95-5383 × PI486355, indicating that the SMV3 resistant gene in 95-5383 is located at different locus from PI486355. By bulked segregating analysis (BSA) in F2 populations of 95-5383 × HB1, one codominant RAPD marker OPN11980/1070 closely linked to SMV3 resistance gene amplified with RAPD primer OPN11 was identified. The DNA fragment OPN11980 was amplified in resistant parent 95-5383 and resistant bulk, and OPN111070 was amplified in susceptible parent HB1 and susceptible bulk. OPN11980/1070 was amplified in F1. Identification of the markers in F2 plants showed that the codominant marker OPN11980/1070 is closely linked to the SMV resistance locus in95-5383, with genetic distance of 2.1cM.  相似文献   

大豆花叶病毒症状反应的遗传研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 利用对SMV不同株系分别表现抗病(免疫或无症状)、坏死以及花叶的品种,配置花叶×抗病,花叶×花叶、花叶×坏死,坏死×坏死、坏死×抗病5类杂交组合。各组合的F1、F2和部分B1、F3世代在接种大豆花叶病毒Sa, SC8和N3株系的条件下,研究了大豆花叶病毒症状反应的遗传。结果表明,花叶×抗病组合接种SC8株系后,F1表现抗病,F2和B1群体分别发生3抗∶1感以及1抗∶1感的表型和基因型分离,说明一对等位基因控制大豆对SC8 的抗病和花叶症状,其中抗病表现显性,花叶表现隐性。花叶×坏死组合接种SC8和Sa后,F1表现坏死,F2群体发生3坏死∶1花叶分离,说明控制坏死和花叶症状的基因是等位的,坏死基因对花叶基因表现为显性。坏死×抗病组合的F1表现抗病,F2出现3抗∶1坏死分离,说明抗病对坏死为显性。坏死×坏死,花叶×花叶两类组合后代接种不同株系后均没有发生症状分离,说明不同品种间控制花叶的基因是等位的;控制坏死的基因也是等位的。根据以上遗传试验推断,大豆对SMV的抗病(无症状)、坏死以及花叶3类症状由1组复等位基因控制,对应的等位基因可分别表示为S R、s N和s m,其中S R对s N和s m均表现显性,s N对s m表现显性。  相似文献   

野生大豆及种间杂交后代抗灰斑病鉴定筛选   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对132份野生大豆及种间杂交创新后代进行抗灰斑病鉴定。鉴定出2级以上抗病种质70份,其中,免疫材料23份,高抗材料27份,抗病材料20份。鉴定结果表明,野生大豆的抗病性强,抗感比例明显高于种间杂交后代和栽培大豆;野生大豆与栽培大豆种间杂交后代的抗感比例低于野生大豆,而明显高于栽培大豆。经过田间生育期调查、考种分析,综合评价鉴定材料的抗病性、农艺性状、产量性状等,筛选出高产抗病品系8个,以供抗病育种利用。  相似文献   

以国内四季萝卜高代抗病自交系“北京红丁”和经济性状优良的高代感病自交系“小五樱”为材料,进行正反交、自交、回交,对所得世代P1、P2、F1、F′1、F2、BC1、BC2接菌鉴定。结果表明,“北京红丁”为高抗根肿病材料,“小五樱”为高感材料;正反交后代F1、F′1无差异,全抗;F2群体发生抗性分离,抗、感比经测验,χ为0.060,符合3∶1的分离规律;BC1群体亦分离,抗、感比经χ测验,χ<3.841,符合1∶1分离;BC2群体为全抗。F2、BC1群体感病程度略有不同,但不具偏态性。以上结果说明,四季萝卜品种“北京红丁”抗根肿病基因为核遗传,受一对显性主效基因控制,同时还受一些微效基因影响。  相似文献   

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