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Joint explorations have been carried out in North Korea for studying and collecting cultivated plants since 1985. A checklist of the cultivated plant species of the whole Korean peninsula was developed, used and updated since the beginning of the investigations. A last additional updating is provided including new entries, a summary and indexes (families, synonyms, vernacular names). The total number of taxa considered in the checklist, including infraspecific ones, is 608. On the species level it contains 581 entries belonging to 111 families and 381 genera. The number of medicinal plants is particularly high. The data are being maintained in a database. The results demonstrate the wealth of the Korean cultivated flora which is the result of a long history and a specific Korean input.  相似文献   

Geranial is one of the potent odor compounds in fresh ginger. To clarify the generation of geranial in ginger, the alcohol dehydrogenase activity was measured in a crude enzymatic system of ginger. This enzyme solution was found to contain geraniol dehydrogenase (GeDH) specifically acting on geraniol as a substrate with NADP as a coenzyme. Geranial generation and GeDH activity were investigated for different maturity stages and storage periods of ginger. Both were at maximum levels from just after harvesting to initial storage. The GeDH activity subsequently dropped, and the generation of geranial also stopped. These results suggest that the GeDH activity in ginger is related to the generation of geranial.  相似文献   

Summary The main results of a germplasm collecting mission in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in 1989 are presented. This exploration work and additional literature studies resulted in new information for the check-list of Korean cultivated plants (Baik et al. 1986). 61 new species could be included. For 12 species collections and/or observations are reported for the first time.
Ergänzende Notizen zur Liste der koreanischen Kulturpflanzen (4)
Zusammenfassung Die wesentlichen Ergebnisse einer Reise zur Sammlung pflanzlicher genetischer Ressourcen 1989 in der Koreanischen Demokratischen Volksrepublik werden dargelegt. Diese Exploration und ergänzende Literaturstudien führten zu neuen Informationen für die Liste der koreanischen Kulturpflanzen (Baik et al. 1986). 61 Arten wurden neu aufgenommen. Für 12 Arten wird erstmalig über Sammlungen und/oder Beobachtungen berichtet.

1989 - . (Baik et al. 1986). 61 . 12 / .

Summary Recent exploration work and additional literature studies resulted in new information for the check-list of Korean cultivated plants (Baik et al. 1986). 52 new species could be included. For another 45 species collections and/or observations are presented for the first time.
Ergänzende Notizen zur Liste der koreanischen Kulturpflanzen (2)
Zusammenfassung Die weitere Exploration und ergänzende Literaturstudien führten zu neuen Informationen für die Liste der koreanischen Kulturpflanzen. 52 Arten wurden neu aufgenommen. Für weitere 45 Arten liegen erstmals Sammlungen und/oder Beobachtungen vor.

. 52 . 45 / .

Summary Recent exploration work resulted in interesting new information for the checklist of Korean cultivated plants (Baik et al. 1986). 30 species could be additionally included. For another 36 species collections and/or observations are presented for the first time.
Ergänzende Notizen zur Liste der koreanischen Kulturpflanzen (1)
Zusammenfassung Im Ergebnis der weiteren Exploration konnten interessante neue Informationen für die Liste der koreanischen Kulturpflanzen (Baik et al. 1986) gewonnen werden. 30 Arten wurden neu aufgenommen. Für weitere 36 Arten liegen erstmals Sammlungen und/oder Beobachtungen vor.

(Baik et al. 1986). 30 . 36 / .

Summary Recent exploration work and additional literature studies resulted in new information for the check-list of Korean cultivated plants (Baik et al. 1986). 55 new species could be included. For another 24 species collections and/or observations are presented for the first time. Collections are reported for 9 species which have been already observed in the past years.
Ergänzende Notizen zur Liste der koreanischen Kulturpflanzen (3)
Zusammenfassung Die weitere Exploration und ergänzende Literaturstudien führten zu neuen Informationen für die Liste der koreanischen Kulturpflanzen (Baik et al. 1986). 55 Arten wurden neu aufgenommen. Für weitere 24 Arten liegen erstmals Sammlungen und/oder Beobachtungen vor. 9 Arten, die bereits in früheren Jahren beobachtet werden konnten, wurden gesammelt.

(Baik et al. 1986). 55 . 24 / . 9 , .

The stability of soil is considered as an ability to retain its properties and structural organization within the range of natural variation. Changes in the probability distribution and statistical entropy of properties, which are considered as regular properties of open systems, were used as criteria for assessing soil stability in natural and anthropogenic processes. It was theoretically shown that the steady states of geosystems, including that of particle size composition, are characterized by minimum changes in statistical entropy. The probability distribution and statistical entropy of particle size distributions in the Kulunda Steppe chestnut soils and their changes under anthropogenic impacts were studied. Heavy deflation in the 1950s–1960s resulted in the reorganization of the probability distribution of the physical sand fraction, without significant changes in the probability distribution of physical clay; the statistical entropy of all fractions increased by 6%. The long-term plowing entailed a small shift in the probability distribution of physical clay; the statistical entropy of these fractions decreased by 12%, and that of physical sand decreased by 6%. Irrigation with low-saline water entailed a significant shift in the probability distributions of fine sand and silt; the statistical entropy changed by 50–70%. Hence, the particle size distribution showed stability during deflation and long-term use of plowland and did not show it under irrigation.  相似文献   

Surficial sediments were sampled with a light-weight gravity corer at 175 sites in 73 Ontario and Québec lakes and Zooplankton was collected with a 225 μm mesh size net in 24 lakes. Hg concentrations in surficial sediments (0–2 cm) ranged from 3 to 267 ng g?1 dry weight with a mean of 80 ng g?1 dry weight for all sites. A regression model including organic content of sediments and the ratio of the catchment area/lake surface explained 60% of the variation in sediments Hg concentrations. Hg in Zooplankton ranged from about 25 to 377 ng g?1 dw with a mean of 108 ng g?1 dw and was weakly correlated with catchment area, primary productivity and TOC. Our data indicate that an important fraction of Hg originates from the catchments, but do not show a clear west-east regional gradient for Hg concentrations in surficial sediments or in zooplankton.  相似文献   

选择克里雅河流域于田绿洲为典型样区,以绿洲土、盐渍土、棕漠土及风沙土为对象,分析了4种土壤酶活性和9种理化因子的特征,结合通径分析讨论了土壤酶活性与理化因子的关系。结果表明,绿洲土土壤酶活性和养分含量显著高于其他类型,风沙土最低;绿洲土土壤水分含量最大,盐渍土、棕漠土和风沙土次之;风沙土容重最高,盐渍土、棕漠土和绿洲土次之;各土壤类型盐渍化程度均较高,pH值差异不显著,均表现为弱碱性;地下水埋深在各土壤类型间的变化范围较大。通径分析显示,土壤水分、容重、有机质、全氮、地下水埋深与4种土壤酶活性均有显著的相关关系,有效磷对碱性磷酸酶有极显著影响。有机质是影响过氧化氢酶活性的最主要因子,同时容重对过氧化氢酶活性亦有较大的直接正效应,影响蔗糖酶活性的主要因子是有机质,全氮是影响脲酶活性的主要因子。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To report the nutritional status of children aged up to 15 years and their mothers living in a remote Amazonian area of Bolivia, and to study its main social, familial and maternal determinants.SETTING: Fifteen Beni River communities located at the foot of the Andes.DESIGN: Cross-sectional survey of riverside populations. All childbearing mothers and their children in the 15 communities were examined.METHODS: Information on household production, dietary habits and demography was collected. Individual clinical, anthropometric and parasitological examinations were carried out.SUBJECTS: A total of 631 persons were examined: 171 mothers and 460 children and adolescents aged 0 to 15 years.Results: There were no cases of severe wasting, but 41% of 0-5-year-olds and 36% of 5-10-year-olds were stunted. Among 346 stool specimens examined, 75% were positive for at least one helminth. Diversity of food and quality of diet were satisfactory in 54% of households, but 27% had low diversity scores. Mothers were lighter and shorter than those observed at the national level: 20% had height below 145 cm. Prevalence of anaemia (42%) was also higher. In pre-school children, multivariate analysis indicated a relationship between growth retardation and household factors such as dietary quality, ethnic group and clinical state, but not maternal anthropometry. In contrast, in school-age children and adolescents, growth retardation was related to maternal characteristics.CONCLUSIONS: Growth retardation appeared mainly during the weaning period and did not seem to improve thereafter. To ameliorate this situation, an effort should be made to prevent common parasitic and infectious diseases in young children. Follow-up of pregnant mothers during pregnancy and delivery also needs to be reinforced.  相似文献   

【目的】为深入了解云南主要咖啡产区的土壤养分状况及其对咖啡生豆品质的影响,本文对云南主要咖啡产区的土壤及咖啡生豆进行了采样分析。【方法】在云南咖啡种植区共采集咖啡生豆样品38份、土壤混合样品49个,土壤采样深度为0—20 cm。测定了土壤有机质、pH、碱解氮、有效磷和速效钾含量,分析了咖啡生豆中灰分、咖啡因、总糖、还原糖和脂肪含量。根据土壤样品中各项养分指标确定其隶属函数类型及阈值,采用主成分分析法求得各指标的权重,运用加乘法算出各土样的土壤肥力综合指标值(IFI),并将IFI值采用欧氏距离聚类方法进行聚类,然后根据IFI值对每个聚类等级进行定义,最后用典型相关分析的方法分析咖啡生豆品质与土壤养分之间的关系。【结果】云南各咖啡种植区的土壤综合肥力存在显著变化(P <0.05),IFI值主要位于0.43~0.67之间,均值为0.53。IFI值聚类结果可将土壤肥力分为4类,Ⅰ类为适宜(0.55~0.67)、Ⅱ类为一般(0.43~0.53)、Ⅲ类为差(0.35~0.39)、Ⅳ类为较差(0.24~0.29)。Ⅰ类和Ⅱ类占咖啡种植区域面积的98.8%,其中第Ⅰ类占54.2%,主要分布于德宏与普洱地区;第Ⅱ类占44.6%,主要分布于临沧和保山地区。各区域IFI值的大小顺序为德宏(0.64)>普洱(0.58)>临沧(0.46)>保山(0.43)。咖啡生豆品质与土壤养分指标有着显著的典型相关关系(P <0.05),影响咖啡风味的咖啡因和总糖含量随着土壤速效钾的升高呈降低趋势;而影响咖啡醇厚度的脂肪含量则随着土壤pH值和碱解氮的升高而降低。【结论】云南主要咖啡产区的土壤养分状况适宜咖啡生长,土壤综合肥力一般。土壤速效钾、碱解氮含量和pH值对咖啡生豆品质有重要影响,其含量过高或过低均可能降低咖啡生豆的品质。  相似文献   

中国农业碳排放空间格局及影响因素动态研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究农业碳排放空间格局及影响因素对中国制定农业分区碳减排政策意义重大。为弥补以往研究中静态分析法难以考察动态影响的缺陷,将动态灰色关联法和回归模型结合,应用2001—2016年统计数据,从分析农业碳排放空间格局入手,深入探讨省际农业碳排放空间格局成因和影响因素与空间差异的数量关系。研究发现:中国农业碳排放强度省际差异大,中部排放等级有所降低,西部排放等级有所升高,农业碳排放省际差异随农业经济水平、农业机械化、农业产业结构和农业人力资本等差异扩大而增加;大部分排放等级上升的省市农业碳排放的长期主导因素为农地利用和农业生产技术(机械),且种植业和畜牧业双发展;大部分排放等级下降的省市农业碳排放的长期主导因素为反刍动物饲养和农业生产技术(人力),且着重发展优势产业。因此,中国未来较长时间内仍应重点关注农地利用减排,进一步推动反刍动物饲养减排技术发展和充分发挥农业产业结构调整对减排的抑制作用等建议。  相似文献   

 台湾地区近年来因降雨造成之灾害频繁,而降雨与地形和气候条件有关,因此,运用灰关联分析方法,分析台湾地区降雨相关因子,试图找出影响降雨之因素。研究发现:风速与降雨影响因子较为相关;台湾秋、冬季主要影响降雨之因子为高程,而春、夏季主要影响因子则为风速。  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to study the suitability of the complementary use of ultrafiltration (UF) and the interaction with an anion-exchange resin (AR) to characterize of phosphate-metal-humic complexes in solution. The results indicate that a methodological approach consisting of the validation and calibration of the AR method by the UF method and the further use of the AR method is suitable for characterizing phosphate-metal complexes. Such an approach has proven to be useful for calculating the phosphate maximum binding capacity of iron-humic complexes and stability constants. It might also be used to obtain valuable purified phosphate-metal-humic complexes for further structural characterization.  相似文献   

An HPLC method has been developed for the analysis of extracts of fresh peppers containing capsaicinoids and of both capsaicinoids and piperines in pepper-containing foods produced and sold in Korea. The HPLC method was optimized by defining how composition of the mobile phase affected retention times. Both identification and quantification were based on retention times and the following criteria: linearity of the UV response at 280 nm in HPLC, recoveries from spiked samples, and observed individual molecular ions in the mass spectra of the extracts determined by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. This method, with a limit of detection of approximately 15-30 ng, was used to quantify the distribution of capsaicinoids in 11 Korean whole peppers and in 12 commercial pepper-containing foods. Total capsaicinoid levels of whole peppers ranged from 1.21 microg/g for the PR Gang ja variety to 121.1 microg/g for the Chung yang variety. The levels in food extracts, four of which also included two piperines, ranged from 11.0 microg/g for radish kimuchi to 3752 microg/g for capsaicin sauce. The results demonstrate (a) the usefulness of the HPLC method for the simultaneous analysis of capsaicinoids derived from red peppers and piperines derived from black and white peppers extracted from complex food matrices and (b) the wide-ranging spread of levels of pungent pepper compounds in fresh peppers and in pepper-containing foods consumed in Korea.  相似文献   

研究了稍为高大韧水稻籽粒灌浆期间部分生理特性的变化,探讨了其结实率较低的生理原因。结果表明:(1)稍为高大韧水稻的株高极显著高于对照的,总粒数、千粒重显著高于对照的,但结实率极显著低于对照的,单株有效穗数和穗实粒数均与对照的差异不显著;(2)在子粒灌浆前期,稍为高大韧水稻剑叶的叶绿素含量和可溶蛋白质含量比对照的高,根系活力较强,库大源足,但后期根、叶早衰。稍为高大韧水稻的茎鞘物质表观运转率(流)极显著低于对照的,后期源不足、库源不协调、流不畅是稍为高大韧水稻结实率低的主要原因。  相似文献   

 The seasonal responses of soil microbial biomass C to changes in atmospheric temperature, soil moisture and soluble organic C were studied in soils from the karst areas of southwest China. These soils are relatively weathered, leached and impoverished, and have a low input of plant residues. Over 1 year, an inverse relationship between soil microbial biomass C and atmospheric temperature was found. The highest microbial biomass C occurred in winter and the lowest in summer, and ranged from 231–723 μg g–1 dry soil. Although there was no obvious relationship between microbial biomass C and soil moisture, a negative correlation existed between microbial biomass C and soluble organic C. In the ecosystem studied, the marked changes in soil microbial biomass C at above 20  °C were ascribed to fluctuations of soil moisture, which were controlled by climatic factors and geomorphic conditions. The patterns of soluble organic C turnover were similar to those of soluble carbohydrate C, both of which were controlled by soil drying-rewetting cycles. It was concluded that the lowest amounts of soil microbial biomass C, measured in the summer, resulted in increases in soluble organic C due to higher turnover rates of the former at warmer air temperatures. Thus, there was a marked seasonal change in soil microbial biomass C. Received: 1 November 1998  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To examine if obesity status and socio-economic and lifestyle factors are associated with self-reported past food habit change, and also whether the level of obesity depends on the reason for change. DESIGN: Cross-sectional analysis within the Malmo Diet and Cancer (MDC) study using data from the baseline examination and the extensive socio-economic and lifestyle questionnaire including questions of past food habit change. The risk of having changed food habits in the past was examined using logistic regression. Mean differences in obesity status across categories of reasons for past food habit change were examined using analysis of variance. SETTING: Malm?, the third largest city in Sweden. SUBJECTS: A sub-sample (15 282 women and 9867 men) from the MDC cohort recruited from 1992 to 1996. RESULTS: Individuals with body mass index (BMI) >30 kg m(-2) had an increased risk of having reported past food habit change compared with individuals with BMI <25 kg m(-2) (odds ratio (OR) = 1.63, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.48-1.83 for women; OR = 1.53, 95% CI = 1.32-1.76 for men). The highest level of obesity was observed among individuals who had changed their diet due to reasons related to the metabolic syndrome. Changers were more likely to be highly educated and to live alone, be retired, ex-smokers and non-drinkers at baseline. CONCLUSIONS: Because past food habit change is related to obesity and other lifestyle and socio-economic factors, a complex confounding situation may exist that could seriously influence observed relationships between diet and disease. Studies need to collect information on past food habit change and take this information into account in the analysis and when interpreting study outcomes.  相似文献   

沂蒙山区桃园棕壤斥水性对理化性质的空间响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以沂蒙山区典型土地利用桃园棕壤为例,在分析降雨前后桃园棕壤斥水性与理化性质空间变异的基础上,探讨了棕壤斥水性对土壤含水量、有机质含量和土壤质地的空间响应特征。按照1 m×1 m网格等间距测定降雨前后土壤实际斥水性与含水量,同时采集表层0~3 cm土壤样品,分析其有机质含量与砂粒、粉粒、黏粒含量,并借助经典统计学、地统计学与空间自相关理论对土壤斥水性及理化性质进行空间格局与空间相关性分析。结果表明:沂蒙山区桃园棕壤的斥水程度强烈,雨后斥水性显著降低;降雨前后棕壤斥水性均具有中等变异水平和较强的空间自相关性,且呈指数模型分布,各向异性显著。受结构变异和随机变异作用,斥水性空间格局沿耕作方向呈条带状分布,在其垂直方向上最小变程为1.4 m。土壤质地是影响棕壤斥水性空间变异的主要因素,斥水性与粉粒含量呈空间正相关,与砂粒和黏粒含量呈空间负相关,相关程度粉粒砂粒黏粒;棕壤斥水性与含水量呈空间负相关,相关度雨前较弱,雨后显著。  相似文献   

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